CS :: Volume #2 山水郎

#107: Fishing net

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Has strolled on view Shuijie, this thing of buying has purchased appropriately, Chen Ping'an prepares to go home, unexpectedly A'Liang proposed that must ride the boat nightwalking to the peaceful river, responder few, only then the Lin Shouyi nod complies. 逛过了观水街,该买的物件都已购置妥当,陈平安准备打道回府,不料阿良提议要乘舟夜游冲澹江,响应者寥寥,只有林守一点头答应。 Chen Ping'an did not mind actually after putting the thing, experiences that rapids, but Li Baoping twitched his sleeve, Chen Ping'an understands, thought over some purses, the scattered copper coin enough buys tanghulu. 陈平安倒是不介意放完东西后,去见识见识那段险滩,但是李宝瓶扯了扯他的袖子,陈平安心领神会,掂量了一些钱袋,零散的铜钱足够买下糖葫芦 Zhu Lu draws father Zhu He to stroll the weapon shop, Li Huai shouts the belly to be hungry, A'Liang makes the post assist lead him to return to the pillow post to have a night-time snack. 朱鹿拉着父亲朱河去逛兵器铺子,李槐嚷着肚子饿,阿良就让驿丞带他返回枕头驿吃宵夜。 The group go separate ways. 一行人就此分道扬镳。 Lin Shouyi and bamboo hat man walks side-by-side, asked in a soft voice: Senior said that Li Huai most has the lucky reason, that seemingly carves on brand-new «Cutting off the water supply Big Cliff», is is or isn't most valuable?” 林守一与斗笠汉子并肩而行,轻声问道:“前辈说李槐最有福缘,那本貌似崭新刻就的《断水大崖》,是不是最值钱?” A'Liang nods gently, leaks the secret saying: Looks newly, the thing that some years, in the book wrote was not valuable, at sixes and sevens water law cultivated, was used to mislead the youth intentionally, but the books material quality was quite precious, depositing several hundred years, will not be destroyed by insects.” 阿良轻轻点头,泄露天机道:“只是看着新而已,有些年头了,书上写的东西不值钱,乱七八糟的水法修行,故意用来误人子弟的,但是书籍材质比较珍贵,存放个几百年,都不会有虫蛀。” A'Liang takes off small bottle gourd, filled a liquor, if, moreover I have not misread, in this book already gave birth to several bookworms, naturally your naked eyes are could not see that this thing is one of the world fine demons, is extremely slight, roaming drag between the lines, is just like the rivers and streams live fish, the bookworm takes the fish food by essence, spirit and qi of books writing implication, after growing into, greatest sends the silk to be thick or thin, world bookworm comes in many different varieties, variety ordinary in that book, but if with intending to sell to the high official who likes to seek novelty to be high-ranking, how should have 3200 money, therefore is that bookstore most valuable several this book. One.” 阿良摘下小葫芦,灌了口酒,“而且如果我没有看错的话,这本书里已经生出了几只蠹鱼,当然你们肉眼是见不到的,此物属于世间精魅之一,极其细微,游曳于字里行间,恰似江河活鱼,蠹鱼以书本文字蕴含的精神气作为饵料,长成之后,最大不过发丝粗细,世间蠹鱼种类繁多,那本书里的品种普通,可若是拿出手卖给喜好猎奇的达官显贵,怎么都该有个三千两银子吧,所以是那家书铺最值钱的几本书之一。” The youngster are flabbergasted. 少年乍舌不已。 Looks at the bookworm that cannot find continually, hands over can gain to 3200 silver, the way of the world outside could it be that small town, is money is not most valuable? 连瞧都瞧不见的蠹鱼,转手就能赚到三千两白银,难道小镇以外的世道,钱才是最不值钱的? A'Liang sees through the idea of youngster probably, said with a smile: „After you, visits cultivated truly, will understand yellow gold and silver in town common people eyes, no matter what you are piled up, the expenses get up, but the matter between being in a flash, suddenly went away. On the other hand, since must spend like the running water, explained that unbearably vulgar yellowish white thing, instead is withstand/top valuable.” 阿良像是看穿少年的想法,笑道:“等你以后真正踏足修行,就会明白市井百姓眼中的黄金白银,任你堆积成山,开销起来,不过弹指一挥间的事情,说没就没了。话说回来,既然必须花钱如流水,就说明俗不可耐的黄白之物,反而是顶值钱的。” Lin Shouyi nods. 林守一点点头。 A'Liang said with a smile: Said these to Chen Ping'an, he not necessarily understands.” 阿良笑道:“跟陈平安说这些,他就未必懂。” Lin Shouyi shakes the head saying: „Related to the wealth, he definitely understands.” 林守一摇头道:“事关钱财,他肯定懂。” A'Liang laughs heartily, leading the youngster to arrive at the red candle town/subdues river bank, a babel of voices, the youngster was used to hometown small town night lonely, some do not adapt, particularly the breath, as if can smell the effeminacy each time, from the beginning will feel smell sharp aroma, may hear, feels somewhat greasy. 阿良哈哈大笑,带着少年来到红烛镇河畔,人声鼎沸,少年习惯了家乡小镇夜间的冷清,有些不适应,尤其是每次呼吸,仿佛都能嗅到脂粉气,一开始会觉得香气扑鼻,可闻多了,就觉得有些腻人。 When two people arrives at the river bank across the alley, the field of vision suddenly sees the light, river water both banks all are the heavy/thick green slat road, a gaggle of women chattering, the happy talks and laughters, many beautiful females lean against the tall building rail, reveals white Ousi the fresh-faced arm, the women's women's clothing multi- loud colors, the tall building is hanging a series of lanterns, shines upon these female face glowing with health, even more beautiful and bewitching moving. 两人穿过小巷来到河畔,视野豁然开朗,河水两岸全是厚重的青石板路,莺莺燕燕,欢声笑语,许多美艳女子斜倚高楼栏干,露出白藕似的粉嫩胳膊,女子衣裙多大红大绿,高楼悬挂一连串的灯笼,映照得那些女子容光焕发,愈发妖冶动人。 The gorgeous boat that in the river the size varies goes slowly along both banks, the hanging down bamboo curtain, many are two female minutes/shares sits in the boat head and tail, the in addition person rows a boat, 河中大小不一的画舫沿两岸缓行,垂挂竹帘,多是两位女子分坐于小船首尾,外加一人划船, Is willful compared with the stance of tall building female, solicited the business loudly, although these boatmen females put on are also the spring scenery release for the first time, but among the manners were many several points of quiet and refined, 比起高楼女子的姿态恣意,大声招徕生意,那些船家女虽然穿着也是春光乍泄,只是神态之间多了几分娴静, Some young years of youth and beauty females, probably the family treasure of neighbor, old woman, just like lady. Sword Once for a while some tall building females, will also ridicule rails these boatmen females of struggle business, throws the fruits and vegetables, the latter becomes accustomed, many does not haggle over, only if were pounded at the scene, otherwise little sets out to abuse each other with it angry glare extremely. 年轻一些的妙龄女子,像是邻家的小家碧玉,年纪稍长的妇人,宛如大家闺秀。【剑来】时不时一些高楼女子,还会讥讽谩骂那些争生意的船家女,丢掷蔬果,后者习以为常,多不计较,除非被当场砸中,否则极少起身与之怒目对骂。 Once the boatmen female and brothel female had the conflict, annoys man applauding of loudly with one voice inevitably, anxious to stir up trouble. 一旦船家女与青楼女子起了冲突,必然惹来一阵男子齐声的轰然叫好,唯恐天下不乱。 Some Lin Shouyi scalp tingles, 林守一有些头皮发麻, „The A'Liang senior, we do not flush peaceful river Shangjing?” 阿良前辈,我们不是要去冲澹江赏景吗?” A'Liang acts perversely saying: Since is the Sanjiang afflux, then here also calculates certainly to the peaceful river.” 阿良耍无赖道:“既然是三江汇流,那么这里当然也算冲澹江。” Lin Shouyi had nothing to say in reply. 林守一无言以对。 A'Liang squats in the riverside, looks close beside is going slowly, but gorgeous boats, have the boatmen female to make eyes at each time, or greeted in the soft glutinous spoken language, the A'Liang drink a mouthful liquor, selfish mutter will read silently, the Lin Shouyi squatting lower part of the body, raised up the ear to listen secretly, what heard to maintain one's moral integrity off and on, person Nobleman and in S a blade, Lin Shouyi cannot help smiling , A'Liang senior were no better indeed? 阿良蹲在河边,望着咫尺之外缓缓行驶而过的一艘艘画舫,每次有船家女暗送秋波,或是用软软糯糯的言语打招呼,阿良都会默默喝一口酒,自顾自碎碎念念,林守一蹲下身,竖起耳朵偷听,断断续续听到什么守身如玉、正人君子、s字头上一把刀等,林守一忍俊不禁,得嘞,敢情阿良前辈比自己好不到哪里去? A'Liang turns the head slightly, looks to the small gorgeous boat of not far away, a pose S average woman sits in the bow, natural look around, like not being the female of body business, instead probably the rich and powerful family woman of quality of nightwalking, two eight girl that the woman rows a boat actually behind, the appearance is tender and beautiful. 阿良稍稍转头,望向不远处的一艘小画舫,一位姿s平平的妇人坐在船头,大大方方环顾四周,不像做皮肉生意的女子,反而像是夜游的豪门贵妇,倒是妇人身后划船的二八少女,容颜娇艳。 A'Liang stands up, wait until this gorgeous boat approaches, pulls out a garish gold ingot suddenly, enough?” 阿良站起身,等到这艘画舫临近,猛然掏出一枚扎眼的金锭,“够不够?” Woman smilling expression is gentle, does not nod does not shake the head, rowing a boat girl, then the look straightens, wishes one could to receive this business for the woman. 妇人笑意柔和,不点头不摇头,划船的少女,则眼神发直,恨不得替妇人接下这桩买卖。 The woman look bypasses the bamboo hat man, stretches out the finger, selected youngster Lin Shouyi, this little young master, you can go on board alone.” 妇人眼神绕过斗笠汉子,伸出手指,点了点少年林守一,“这位小少爷,你可以独自登船。” A'Liang receives the gold ingot rapidly, this boy is a poor wretch, without money! Stony broke!” 阿良迅速收起金锭,“这小子是穷光蛋,没钱!身无分文!” Woman supple sound said: I can not receive his money.” 妇人柔声道:“我可以不收他银子。” girl following the direction that the woman points, saw young man that a whole face becomes flushed, handsome, the elegant bearing, the seed, she also blushes bashfully smiles. 少女顺着妇人手指的方向,看到了一个满脸涨红的少年郎,唇红齿白,风度翩翩,种子,她亦是羞赧一笑。 The bamboo hat man who the pity rich cannot spend dried in the sun in one side, the whole face is unthinkable, thought that this young married woman is blind, is the appetite is cunning, such as so handsome confident and at ease, moreover the year of hitting man, actually cannot settle on, instead picked thin bamboo pole Lin Shouyi? If according to this argument, carries thinner Chen Ping'an, she may not give instead of taking money? 可怜有钱也花不出去的斗笠汉子被晾在一边,满脸匪夷所思,心想这婆娘是眼瞎啊,还是胃口刁钻啊,如自己这般英俊潇洒而且当打之年的汉子,竟然看不中,反而相中了瘦竹竿似的林守一?要是按照这个调调,把更瘦的陈平安拎过来,那她还不得倒贴银子? A'Liang muttered: sad sentiment.” 阿良喃喃道:“伤感情了啊。” The women smile to look to the youngster, why does not know, the average posture S woman, somewhat beguiles meaning unexpectedly, doesn't embark?” 妇人笑望向少年,不知为何,平平姿s的妇人,竟有几分狐媚意味,“不上船吗?” Lin Shouyi shakes the head. 林守一摇摇头。 A'Liang sits on the stair, drank an alcohol to drown one's sorrows, boy, without delay goes on board, at the worst later has not resulted in drinks the bottle gourd liquor. In the world has the taste of what liquor, compared with resulting in drinking party. You may not miss.” 阿良坐在台阶上,喝了口闷酒,“小子,赶紧登船吧,大不了以后就是没得喝葫芦酒而已。天底下有什么酒的滋味,比得过花酒。你可千万别错过啊。” Lin Shouyi is entirely still, but toward the back of bamboo hat man, the youngster shows the whites of the eyes. 林守一纹丝不动,不过朝斗笠汉子的背影,少年翻了个白眼。 The gorgeous boat has continues to walk forward, back peer already starts to urge. 画舫只得继续前行,后边的同行已经开始催促。 Woman still turns the head, charmings eyes beaming with smiles to the youngster. 妇人犹然转头,对少年回眸一笑。 The youngster are aloof, coldly look at each other with her. 少年无动于衷,冷冷与她对视。 Unceasingly some gorgeous boats before the two people body roaming drag, the boatmen female of each attractive in their own right, such as Court Lady picture have spread out all over. 不断有画舫从两人身前游曳而过,环肥燕瘦的船家女,如一幅幅仕女图铺展开来。 Lin Shouyi asked in a soft voice: A'Liang are you specially in she?” 林守一轻声问道:“阿良你是专程在等她?” A'Liang held the bamboo hat, shakes the head to say with a smile: For a while emerges, but wants to know this fishing net, big.” 阿良扶了扶斗笠,摇摇头笑道:“一时兴起而已,只是想知道这张渔网,到底有多大。” The youngster studying court attendant sits side him, is looking at these powder females naturally. 少年读书郎坐在他身边,大大方方望着那些脂粉女子。 On the river bank water front flagging, there is to pull the young child of basket to be upon the jump, the clear voice that hawk the apricot blossom, east side makes a sound, the west side has one. 河畔沿岸地石板路上,有挽着篮子的稚童跑来跑去,一声声叫卖杏花的清脆嗓音,东边响一下,西边起一声。 - -- Zhu Lu wants to select a dagger of approaching body to oneself, blade sharp at the same time, the hope outward appearance can be more attractive. Has not thought that the weapon shop has closed, girl being depressed stands in the entrance, wordlessly. 朱鹿想给自己挑一把傍身的匕首,刀刃锋利的同时,希望外观能够好看一些。不曾想兵器铺子已然关门,少女闷闷站在门口,一言不发 The Zhu He comfort said: Tomorrow will come again is.” 朱河安慰道:“明天再来便是。” girl backs on outside a shop tethering a horse column, looks up to the nighttime sky. 少女背靠铺子外边的一根拴马柱,抬头望向夜空。 Zhu He asked in a soft voice: Has the concern?” 朱河轻声问道:“有心事?” Zhu Lu shakes the head. 朱鹿摇了摇头。 Zhu He asked carefully: Leaves the chess pillar mountain the last distance, the young lady voluntarily requests to ride the same only tortoise with you, was what asks you to say?” 朱河小心问道:“离开棋墩山的最后一段路程,小姐主动要求跟你乘坐同一只山龟,是找你说了什么吗?” Zhu Lu un, said listlessly: Young lady wants me politely more polite to everyone.” 朱鹿嗯了一声,无精打采道:“小姐要我对所有人都客气礼貌一些。” Zhu He relaxes, says with a smile: Young lady also has not spoken incorrectly, is away from home, must friendly disposition leads to wealth.” 朱河松了口气,笑道:“小姐又没有说错,出门在外,是应当和气生财的。” Zhu Lu said in a low voice: That A'Liang even if, after all from Wind and Snow Temple, although not before me daoist immortal in imagination, but daoist immortal is daoist immortal, is loathful, I can still endure. What that Lin Shouyi and Li Huai are, how many year of schoolfellows but depends with the young lady is, does not work as itself the bystander, does the illegitimate child who an inexpensive maid lives, a son of good-for-nothing, why treat as an equal to our young ladies? Especially that......” 朱鹿低声道:“那个阿良也就算了,毕竟来自风雪庙,虽然一点不像我之前想象中的神仙,但神仙就是神仙,再惹人厌,我也能忍。可那林守一李槐算什么,不过仗着跟小姐是几年同窗,就一点不把自己当外人,一个贱婢所生的私生子,一个窝囊废的儿子,凭什么跟我们小姐平起平坐?尤其是那个……” Saw her not to continue, Zhu He says, Chen Ping'an?” 见她不愿继续说下去,朱河接过话,“陈平安?” girl pursing the lips lip. 少女抿起嘴唇。 Zhu He sighed, here did not have the bystander, the father received the words, possibly a little not pleasant to the ear......” 朱河叹了口气,“这里没外人,爹接下来说的话,可能有点不中听……” girl the appearance glows suddenly, breaks the spoken language of man, father, Young Master in sending to young lady's that letter, back wrote the informal essays of many lengths to me specially, the Young Master running script and Kaishu reached a high degree of proficiency, in the letter/believes told me he chases down unconstrained circumstances of one group of mounted bandits personally, said that knew a Chen Clan country pillar eldest son of legal wife grandson, added the scene of that peaceful fire, said Great Li Capital City nothing is too bizarre, on the avenue some unexpectedly people ride the snake python and Manchurian crane to blatantly seek publicity, but the Capital City common people have been unalarmed by strange sights, Young Master added that the Great Li Capital City imperial city north gate, Zuo You/about has one respectively. Reveres living golden armor Gate God, it is said is Daoism Sect Gate bestows to Great Li the ritual of founding a country, 45 ten feets in height, the father, you said that is fun?” 少女蓦然神采焕发,打断男人的言语,“爹,公子在寄给小姐的那封家书里,后边专门给我写了好些篇幅的随笔,公子的行书和楷书越来越炉火纯青了,信上跟我说了他亲自随人追杀一伙马贼的跌宕境遇,说认识了一位陈氏柱国的嫡长孙,还说了那太平火的景象,说大骊京城无奇不有,大街上竟然有人骑乘着蛇蟒、仙鹤招摇过市,而京城百姓早就见怪不怪了,公子还说大骊京城的皇城北门,左右各有一尊活着的金甲门神,据说是一座道家宗门赠送给大骊的开国之礼,身高有45丈呢,爹,你说好玩不好玩?” Helpless Zhu He said: Called two Young Master, was safer.” girl beams from ear to ear, Eldest Young Master is not also, let alone Eldest Young Master is so simple and honest, even if he will hear will not be angry.” 朱河无奈道:“称呼二公子,稳妥一些。”少女笑逐颜开,“大公子又不在,何况大公子那么憨厚,就算他听到了也不会生气。” Zhu He shouted lightly: „Do not be impolite!” 朱河轻喝道:“不得无礼!” The Zhu Lu facial features collect lowly, the eyelash moves slightly. 朱鹿眉眼低敛,睫毛微动。 Zhu Lu small sound said: Young Master, un, was two Young Master had said to our these servants, the life good person, lay down can also enjoy happiness, the life not good person, coming in this world to walk one time, endured hardships. Li Huai assigns/life, the Lin Shouyi life is also good, becomes the Mountain Cliff Academy student, later will praise to set up ten thousand mostly, to say the least, is an affluent wealthy man, has more than enough to spare.” 朱鹿小声道:“公子,嗯,是二公子曾经对我们这些下人说过,命好的人,躺着也能享福,命不好的人,来这世上走一遭,就是遭罪的。李槐命好,林守一命也好,成为了山崖书院的学生,以后多半会扬名立万,退一步说,做个腰缠万贯的富家翁,绰绰有余。” girl raised the head slowly, that Chen Ping'an life is actually not bad, are least he not to need to shout others the young lady and Young Master.” 少女缓缓抬起头,“那个陈平安命其实不差的,最少他不用喊别人小姐、公子。” Zhu He some do not dare to face up to daughter's line of sight. 朱河有些不敢正视女儿的视线。 Children of domestic slaves, reason that is children of domestic slaves, lies in getting up since mother 's womb and that's the end. 家生子,之所以是家生子,在于打从娘胎起就是了。 Zhu He starts to speak but hesitates. 朱河欲言又止。 The girl look is firm and resolute, said resolutely: Father, doesn't matter, two Young Master said that to Great Li Capital City, some are the method is separated from inexpensive record/native place . Moreover the Great Li Bian Jing/frontier army five is willing to recruit female martial artist, if the military exploit saves enough, perhaps can also become informs assigns/life the madame.” 少女眼神坚毅,语气坚定道:“爹,没有关系,二公子说了,到了大骊京城,有的是法子脱离贱籍,况且大骊边境军伍愿意招收女子武人,若是军功积攒足够,说不定还能成为诰命夫人呢。” Zhu He looks at present girl of this different kind appearance, is somewhat strange, is somewhat gratified, the nod said: When the time comes our father and daughter throw the army together are, but can also have to take care. Two Young Master stand firm in Capital City now, striving makes him help us elect good point side army, the hard fight to be insufficient too, the meritorious military service should not be difficult to obtain, in brief before being separated from inexpensive record/native place, cannot bring disgrace on our Dragon Spring Li Family family tradition, even if later really started own party, must feel grateful to the Li Family intention......” 朱河看着眼前这个别样神采的少女,有些陌生,又有些欣慰,点头道:“到时候我们父女二人一起投军便是,还能有个照应。二公子如今在京城站稳脚跟,争取让他帮我们选一支好一点的边军,恶仗不至于太多,战功别太难获得,总之在脱离贱籍之前,不可辱没我们龙泉李家的家风,以后哪怕真的自立门户了,也要对李家心怀感恩……” girl smiled, goes forward quickly, pulls the arm of Zhu He, draws him to return to the pillow post together, teased: Knows that knows, father your when words so many.” 少女笑了起来,快步上前,挽住朱河的胳膊,拉着他一起返回枕头驿,调侃道:“知道啦,知道啦,爹你什么时候话这么多了。” Zhu He rubbed daughter's head, the hesitant moment, was still decided saying that had the opportunity, said the sound to sorry to Chen Ping'an, a chess pillar mountain summit war, no matter the original intention were anything, a matter, made the mistake made the mistake, then this/should apology must apologize, should make up must make up.” 朱河揉了揉女儿的脑袋,犹豫片刻,仍是决定说出口,“有机会,跟陈平安说声对不起,棋墩山山巅一战,不管初衷是什么,一件事情,做错了就是做错了,那么该道歉就要道歉,该弥补就得弥补。” The Zhu Lu silent moment, perhaps is the tonight's mood extremely good reason, the smile bright say/way: Good!” 朱鹿沉默片刻,兴许是今晚心情极佳的缘故,笑容灿烂道:“好的!” - -- The red candle town/subdues relies on the Great Li rituals of state, there is the civil and military two temples, large Prosperous Culture Pavilion and Martial Saint Temple, consecrate a hand to hold the jade tablet held by officials during imperial audience civil official idol respectively, wears armor the dangerous sword and foot to step on the military commander idol of leopard cat. 红烛镇依循大骊礼制,设有文武两庙,规模不小的文昌阁武圣庙,分别供奉着一尊手捧玉笏的文官神像,一尊披甲悬剑、脚踩狸猫的武将神像。 The red candle town/subdues two temples construct in the city south, both sides are separated by not far, roughly 500-600. 红烛镇两庙建在城南,双方相隔不远,约莫500-600步而已。 Night S is deep, two idols almost sway simultaneously, the body dust rustle falls, intermittent pale gold/metal S ripples swing in the idol surface. 夜s深沉,两尊神像几乎同时摇晃起来,身上灰尘簌簌落下,一阵阵淡金s涟漪在神像表面荡起。 Meanwhile, embroiders Huajiang and river shrine in fine wine river both banks, two clay sculpture golden body idols are also the similar scenes. 与此同时,绣花江和玉液江两岸的江神祠,两尊泥塑金身神像亦是差不多的光景。 North red candle town/subdues chess pillar mountain lineage/vein, a man of baring the chest reveal abdomen, in the hand carries the wine pot, the waist is also being hanging three wine pots, although the whole body liquor air/Qi is drunken, the footsteps stagger, but every steps forward one time, a distance is 56 ten feets, the walk mountain road, goes easily and freely, he arrives at the chess pillar mountain quickly summit Shiping, hit the liquor belch, stamps the feet layer on layer/heavily. 红烛镇北方的棋墩山一脉,一个袒胸露腹的男子,手里拎酒壶,腰间还悬挂着三只酒壶,虽然满身酒气醉醺醺,脚步踉跄,但是每一次跨出,一步距离长达56丈,行走山路,如履平地,他很快来到棋墩山的山巅石坪,打了个酒嗝,重重一跺脚。 Chess pillar mountain land god Wei Bo appears in not far away. The men shot a look at the eye to grasp the delicate and pretty youth of green stick, said with a smile: May celebrate encouraging, broke that to say magecraft to imprison finally, restores the land true body not saying that but also is expected to become Mountain God, it seems like recently obtained huge destiny.” 棋墩山土地爷魏檗出现在不远处。汉子瞥了眼手持绿杖的俊美青年,笑道:“可喜可贺,总算打破了身上的那道术法禁锢,恢复土地真身不说,还有望自成山神,看来最近得到了天大的机缘。” Wei Bo face syn sinks, has the words to speak frankly.” 魏檗脸syn沉,“有话直说。” The men wiped the mouth, direct and plainspoken asked: That blade master named A'Liang, strong?” 汉子抹了抹嘴,直截了当问道:“那个叫阿良刀客,有多强?” Wei Bo is silent. 魏檗沉默不语。 The men said indifferently: Is important, I am not in no mood not to have the time to consume with you, you do not open the mouth, I beat your golden body, making the opportunity that you resurge not have.” 汉子淡然道:“事关重大,我没心情更没有时间跟你耗,你不开口,我就打烂你的金身,让你死灰复燃的机会都没有。” Wei Bo asked: Before reply, I whether to know the reason?” 魏檗问道:“在回答之前,我能否知道缘由?” The men nod saying: That person killed our Great Li two top people ready dead, Li Hou of martial artist seventh boundary, eight building Qi Refiner reckless Yinglin, is under that empress the armor character expert in bamboo leaves pavilion, after your majesty learns of the news, was not very happy, thought this person breaks the rule in first, therefore Great Li must beg a view with him.” 汉子点头道:“那人杀了我们大骊两名顶尖死士,武人第七境的李侯,八楼练气士的胡英麟,皆是那位娘娘麾下竹叶亭的甲字高手,陛下得知消息后,很不高兴,觉得此人破坏规矩在先,因此大骊要跟他讨要一个说法。” Wei Bo has a heavy heart. 魏檗心情沉重。 The man tone is dense, sneers saying: Urged you not to mix, can pick cleanly oneself is best, picked the unclean words, must clash the peaceful river to take the bath again. But I can determine, this time some people are not willing to put together soul flies away and scatters, must help you fragment from river Dilao, since pieces together the golden body one after another, finally brings back to the chess pillar mountain to you secretly. Right, North Mountain Righteous God of god water dynasty?” 汉子语气森森,冷笑道:“劝你别掺和,能把自己摘干净是最好,摘不干净的话,说不定就要再去冲澹江洗回澡了。可是我敢确定,这次再不会有人愿意拼着魂飞魄散,仍要帮你从江底捞起碎片,一块一块拼凑起金身,最后偷偷给你带回棋墩山。对吧,神水王朝的北岳正神?” Wei Bo smiles grieved. 魏檗惨然一笑。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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