The postassistinforms the peoplered candletown/subduesnot to suppose the nightto ban, has the downtown streetswest side the small town, the sparrow, althoughslightlyis fully equipped, all kinds ofgrocery, has everything expected to find. Knew that Chen Ping'anonegroup of mustpurchaseto study away from hometo need the goods, postassistjourneyShengproposesholds the post of the guide, said that canexempttroublesome, leastthesebusinessdoes not dareto ask an outrageous price, Chen Ping'anlooksA'Liang of timealwayscrossesred candletown/subdues, the bamboo hatmannods, said that he is quite only ripeto the riverboth banksscenery, has not gone to the downtown streets.
The postassistlookstoA'Liang, twooldmen, smile.
驿丞望向阿良,两个老男人,会心一笑。Spreads the gulfabouthundredbig and smallgorgeous boats, every nightwill drive out of the gulf, enters the red candletown/subduesalongthatriver water, after capturingone, returnsspreads the gulf, in this periodwill have the manto boardthesegorgeous boatsunceasingly, buys winealsoto buyto smile.
敷水湾近百艘大小画舫,每晚都会驶出水湾,沿着那条河水进入红烛镇,兜一圈后返回敷水湾,期间会不断有男子登上那些画舫,既买醉也买笑。In the red candletown/subdues, spreads the gulfboatmenfemaleandhisherbrothelfemale, although is Great Liinexpensiverecord/native place, but the former is always the Capital Cityinstruction officedivisiondirectlyis responsible for a household of official documentmanaging, as a county magistrate of sidebenevolent official, does not have the qualifications the status of gorgeous boatfemale, is been goodby the inexpensiverevolutions. Therefore the red candletown/subdueshas had the hearsay, ancestor who spreadsgulfthatfivesurnames, oncewas the imperial familyjuniors and meritoriousold families of godwaterdynasty.
在红烛镇,敷水湾船家女和其她青楼女,虽然皆为大骊贱籍,但前者一向是京城教坊司直接负责户牒管理,就连身为一方父母官的县令,都没有资格将画舫女子的身份,由贱转良。所以红烛镇一直有传闻,敷水湾那五姓的祖先,曾是神水王朝的皇室子弟和功勋世族。Underlocal bullypostassistjourneyShengguiding, Chen Ping'antheywest side the rural fairtosmall town, moretoward the west, the streetmorea babel of voices, knew that the red candletown/subduesgoes by boatto go south more than 200li (0.5 km), has the townrelay stationto supplyalong the way, Chen Ping'angave upsomethoughts, does not have too much purchaserice, salt meatand otherfood, howeverin a medicine shop, acquiredmanymedicinal ointmentmedicinal herbs, deals with the coldheat-strokeand a fall woundkind of slight illnesssmalldisaster. Arrivedtook out moneyto spend, Chen Ping'anknows that is similarto the hometownsmall town, an entiresilver ingotis the rarity, thereforeconverted the Great Ligeneralcopper cointhattwospindlesnowflakesilver bars, daymagnificentYuan Bao/ingots, becausein the handwas the physical appearancebestmoney, was only the premiumreaches as high astwohundredcoins, thislet that Xiuxiumiss in Chen Ping'anverygratefulblacksmithshop.
在地头蛇驿丞程昇的带路下,陈平安他们去往小镇西边的集市,越往西去,街道越是人声鼎沸,得知红烛镇乘船南下两百余里,沿途都有城镇驿站可以补给,陈平安就放弃了一些念头,没有过多购买大米、腌肉等食物,但是在一家药铺,添置了诸多药膏药材,应付风寒中暑、跌伤一类的小病小灾。到了掏钱花钱的时候,陈平安才知道与家乡小镇差不多,一整颗银锭是稀罕物,所以将那两锭雪花纹银折算成了大骊通用铜钱,天华元宝,因为手上是品相最好的银子,仅是溢价就高达两百文钱,这让陈平安很是感激铁匠铺子的那位秀秀姑娘。Becausethere ispostassistjourneyShenginside, allsmooth, inprefectures and countiessmall town, but alsodo not really be an official the petty official, particularlyjourneyShengthistypedeals with the tyrannical gentrygreat merchant and living abroadofficialall year roundfrequently, in the small towncommon peopleeyes, thatwas the handeyeexceedingly highgreat person. Eachshop that thereforeChen Ping'antheywalk into, kept on proclaiming is completely shoutingattentivelySirjourney, wished one couldthispostassistSir, when the Bodhisattvaconsecrated.
因为有驿丞程昇在旁,一切顺风顺水,在郡县小镇,还真别把胥吏不当官,尤其是程昇这种一年到头经常跟豪绅巨贾、羁旅官员打交道的,在小镇百姓眼中,那就是手眼通天的大人物了。所以陈平安他们走入的每间铺子,全部口口声声殷勤喊着程大人,恨不得将这位驿丞大人当菩萨供奉起来。All the way, Li Huaiis cautious, almostonlydaresto hidebehindA'Liang, looking around, A'Liangteasedheistimid, will only be nasty at home. Li Huaijuststrained the voice to with the A'Liangbattle of words300rounds, all around mayafterthrows the curiousline of sight, Li Huaiimmediatelyis drooping the head, followslistlesslyinA'Liangbehind, is happyA'Liang, patson a palm of the handonce for a whileon the Li Huaihead, the childfeels indignant but not daring to speak out, is very aggrieved.
一路上,李槐拘谨得很,差不多就是只敢躲在阿良背后,探头探脑,阿良打趣他是胆子小,只会窝里横。李槐刚扯开嗓门要跟阿良骂战三百回合,可当四周投来好奇的视线后,李槐立即耷拉着脑袋,病恹恹跟在阿良身后,把阿良乐得不行,时不时就一巴掌拍在李槐脑袋上,孩子敢怒不敢言,憋屈得很。Lin Shouyias beforeis the desolateappearance of standing and remaining aloof from the thing of no immediate concern to oneself, it is estimated that the youngsterwalksnowon the Capital Cityimperial road, isthiswelldoing.林守一依旧是事不关己高高挂起的冷淡模样,估计少年现在就是走在京城御道上,也是这个德行。OnlyLi Baopingat the back ofherbluegreen bamboobox, the crabruns amuck, is supine the headto stick out chest, wishes one could the roadsideto draw in a personto tellhimcasually, ownsmallbook boxisLittle Master-Uncledoespersonally.
唯独李宝瓶背着她那只碧绿竹箱,螃蟹横行似的,仰着脑袋挺起胸膛,恨不得路边随便拉上一个人就告诉他,自己的小书箱是小师叔亲手做的。Downtown streetsbytwonorth and southto the avenueconstitution, strolled on the Guanshanstreet, Chen Ping'antheymustpass through the lane, tonextviewShuijie, passed by the lanefinally a businesslonelybookstore, guidedpostassistjourneyShengforwardeddirectly, Chen Ping'anactuallystopped the footsteps, greetsafter the postassist, said with a smileto the Li Baopingthreepeople: „A personcanbuy a book. Expensivedoes not have the issueagain, so long aswecan afford.”
The shopis very small, the doorwidthis abouttwozhang (3.33 m), after walking into, Zuo You/aboutistworows of highbookwalls, innermost the shop, sitsyoungster that wears the blackcheongsam, sitson the smallbamboochair, is curling upwardsone leg on the other, is sitting in repose with eyes closed, the handwith the fan that onefolds, strikes the palmgently, snort/humsong.
The youngshop ownerhas a handsomesupplelosing face/showing offface, without the copperozone of beforehandtheseshopbusinessmen.年轻店主有一张英俊阴柔的出彩脸庞,没有之前那些店铺商贾的铜臭气。
After girlZhu Lufirstsees, gawkedstaring, has not thoughtprobablyin the townwork places in red candletown/subdues, runs intoso the makingsrefineddistinguished and accomplishedcharacter.少女朱鹿第一眼看到后,愣了愣,大概是没想到会在红烛镇的市井坊间,遇到如此气质脱俗的风流人物。
The after land god of thatchesspillarmountainbreaks out of the fetter, restores the godsstatus, fromwhite clothingshort and smallold manchange shape in a single shake, becamelike a jade tree facing the windexpensive/nobleYoung Master, mayin the girlheart, regardingWei Bo, morethatsloppyimagesextremely. Butat presentYoung Master, to the firstimpression of person, was really bright.
那位棋墩山的土地爷摆脱束缚后,恢复神祇身份,从白衣矮小老翁摇身一变,成了玉树临风的贵公子,可在少女心中,对于魏檗,更多还是那个邋里邋遢的不堪形象。可是眼前公子,给人的第一印象,实在是太鲜明了。Zhu Hea lot ofdoubt, should thispersonnot be the great familiesjuniors who the family fortunedeclines? Compared to oneselfthattwoYoung Master, the least bitis not bad.
就连朱河都一肚子狐疑,此人该不会是家道中落的豪阀子弟吧?比起自家那两位公子,半点不差。youngsterhas not opened eyes, is languid: „Inshop the books, the non-counter-offer, was buysto gaintotallyboughtto owe, alldepending on the eyesight of fellowguests.”年轻人没有睁眼,懒洋洋道:“店内书籍,一概不还价,回头是买赚了还是买亏了,全凭各位客人的眼力。”PostassistjourneyShengsaidwithZhu Hein a soft voice: „Thisshopis knowninourred candletown/subdues, via the scholar of thisplace, mostlylikescoming tohereto strollonetime, is onlythisshop ownertemperamentis strange, sells the booksto be much higher than the marketpricecompletely, moreoverwhodares the opening the mouthcounter-offer, hedaresto expel the personat the scene, is aloof from worldly affairs, does not know by heart the general affairs, once the doing surveys in a quiet wayhouseholdsectionmaster, stayedin the little personpillowpost, thatmasterthenpickedwhatrare books of marked price320money, butiscounter-offer52money, gaveto expel the shop, the least bitface countenancedid not remain, the air/Qi a thatmasterreturned to the relay stationnot. The disappearingfire, almostmade the county administrationsealthissmall shop, it is estimated thatwasfeels that passed on the reputation is not of pleasant to hear, madethisshopavoid a tribulation.”
驿丞程昇跟朱河轻声说道:“这家铺子在咱们红烛镇小有名气,途经此地的读书人,大多喜欢来这里逛一次,只是这位店主脾气古怪,所售书籍全部远远高于市面价格,而且谁敢开口还价,他就敢当场撵人,性情清高,不谙庶务,曾经有一位微服私访的户部官老爷,就下榻在小人的枕头驿,那位老爷便相中了一本标价三百两银子的什么孤本,不过是还价五十两银子,就给赶出了铺子,半点颜面也不留,气得那位官老爷回到驿站也没消火,差点让县衙封了这间小铺子,估计是觉着传出去名声不好听,才让这铺子躲过一劫。”In the Zhu Heheartunderstands clearly, many is a being ignorant of affairpedantic scholar, istwoYoung Masterthatperson who likesridiculing, calls itusuallyhas nothing to do withheart-to-heart talk, on the point of death a dead telegramking. TwoYoung Mastercould not have saidwith a smile for 200years, ourGreat Li can also so.朱河心中了然,多是个不谙世事的腐儒,是自家二公子最喜欢讥讽的那种人,将其称为平时袖手谈心性,临危一死报君王。二公子还笑着说不出两百年,咱们大骊也会如此。ThereforeZhu Heregarding the outsidescholar, the impressionis always unsatisfactory.
所以朱河对于外边的读书人,一向观感不佳。After the post road in red candletown/subdues, one of the Great LisouthernBian Jing/frontierthreemainpost roadstoCapital City, the youngrichyoungexpensive/noblebusinessmanis a public official, ifgoes north the Great LiCapital Citystrategic placebigcity, choosesthisroad, becauseothertwopost roads, althoughis broader, butalmosteveryrelay stationis along the way jam-packed, without the government authorities of sufficientweight/quantitycomparesabout, the School of Militaryration certificate for imperial messengers when traveling on official business, let alonestays, is the front doordo not wantto go, every yearhasdoes not know by heart the officialtyrannical gentry of this field of endeavor, thereforeloses face.
经过红烛镇的这条驿路,大骊南方边境通往京城的三条主要驿路之一,小富小贵的商贾仕宦,若是北上大骊京城在内的重镇大城,多选此路,因为其余两条驿路虽然更为宽阔,但是几乎每一座沿途驿站都拥挤不堪,没有足够分量的官府勘合、兵家火牌,别说下榻,就是大门都别想进去,每年都有很多不谙此道的官员豪绅,因此丢尽脸面。SouthernScholar that goes to the capitalto take the civil service exam, becausehas not had the person in office, likesselectingthispost road, oftenisthreetwo or threetwogoes hand in hand, maytake care ofmutually, the sceneryis along the way elegant, canresearchtogethervisits the immortal.
进京赶考的南方士子,由于尚未有官身,多喜欢拣选这条驿路,往往是三三两两结伴而行,既可相互照应,沿途风景秀美,也能一同探幽访仙。But the relegationsouthernofficial, despondentis unsuccessful, likesinscribing a poem the wall of inYizhan, hotel, likesthisgoing southroad. In the course of contacts, on the pillowpostwall of red candletown/subdues, writes all over the living abroadpoetry that the writerpoetgrumbled.
而贬谪南方的官员,抑郁不得志,喜欢题诗于驿站、旅舍的墙壁,也喜欢走这条南下之路。一来二去,红烛镇的枕头驿墙壁上,写满了文人骚客发牢骚的羁旅诗词。Li Baopingis supine the headto startto look for the book, herelooks there to shoot a look atone, alllooks at the mood, occasionally a take outbook, opensseveralpagescasually, is not interestedto put, the little missfoundmountains and rivers travel notesfinally, price-marksthreehundredcoins, somewhatloves dearly, butreallylikes, thenturns the headto looktoLittle Master-Uncle, Chen Ping'annodswith a smile.李宝瓶仰着脑袋开始找书,这里瞄一眼那里瞥一眼,全看心情,偶尔抽出一本书,随便翻开几页,不感兴趣就放回去,小姑娘最后找到一本山水游记,标价三百文钱,有些心疼,可又实在喜欢,便转头望向小师叔,陈平安笑着点点头。
The line of sight of Lin Shouyipassed over gently and swiftlyon the bookwallslowly, systematic, from right to left, from top to bottom, pulls out the bookto glance througheach timeisalreadystartsfrom the flyleafinevitably. The youngstersettle on one notbureauto write the geomancybook of personfinally, price-marksfourhundredcoins. Lin ShouyilookstoChen Ping'an, the latterstillnods.林守一的视线在书墙上缓缓掠过,井然有序,从右到左,从上到下,每次抽书翻阅必然是一本已经从扉页开始。少年最后看中一本不署撰人的风水书,标价四百文钱。林守一望向陈平安,后者依然点头。
After Li Huaitoshop, without the streetonthatnoisewas finally noisy, immediatelyrestores the stubbornly disobedientnatural disposition, without of control wild horsealmost, hisagemostsmall fellowis shortest, mustsiton the A'Liangshoulderselects the book, A'Liangcomplied, butthreatenedLi Huai , if not select a itself/Ben, waited for the shop, losthisoneon the avenue. FinallyLi Huaibraced oneselfto selectbrand-newbooks of highest place, price-marked922money, looked at the price, frightenedLi Huai to the bookslosestealthily, butwas thrown into confusion, thatbookhad not been returned to the bookshelfby the successstopper, insteadfellon the ground.李槐到了店铺后,总算没了街上那份喧嚣吵闹,立即恢复顽劣本性,就跟脱缰野马差不多,他年纪最小个子最矮,死活要坐在阿良肩膀上挑书,阿良答应了,但是扬言李槐如果不选中一本,等下出了铺子,就把他一个丢在大街上。结果李槐硬着头皮挑了一本最高处的崭新书籍,标价九两二钱,一看价格,吓得李槐鬼鬼祟祟就要将书籍丢过去,只是手忙脚乱,那本书没被成功塞回书架,反而掉在了地上。Taps the youngshop owner of folding fanto open the eye, looks that fallsfalls the books of ground, saidill-humoredly: „Decides to buyto the hand, the most update, 922money.”
轻敲折扇的年轻店家睁开眼睛,看着那本摔落地面的书籍,没好气道:“买定离手,一本最新版的,九两二钱。”Li Huaidoes not dareto answer backwith the stranger, mustput on a long face, lookscautiouslytoChen Ping'an, the latterasked: „Boughtcanlook?”李槐根本不敢跟陌生人还嘴,只得哭丧着脸,小心翼翼望向陈平安,后者问道:“买了会不会看?”Li Huaimakes an effortto nod.李槐使劲点头。Chen Ping'annodsto saywith a smile: „Thatbought.”陈平安笑着点头道:“那就买了。”A'Liangasked: „Chen Ping'an, don't yourselfbuy a itself/Ben?”阿良问道:“陈平安,你自己不买一本?”Taking out moneyChen Ping'anshakes the headto sayhastily: „Mycharacterhas not recognizedentire, buys the bookto makeanything.”
正在掏钱的陈平安连忙摇头道:“我字还没认全,买书做什么。”Zhu Heturns the headto ask does owndaughter, „have the book of wish?”朱河转头问自己女儿,“有想要的书吗?”Zhu Luconsistentlystandsin the shopentrancedoes not move the step, shoots a look at a bookwallslantingly, shakes the head.朱鹿始终站在店门口不挪步,斜瞥一眼书墙,摇了摇头。
The youngshop owner who the preparationreceives moneystands up, an ebonyhairpinbunchsends, grasps the fanbonesnow whitefolding fan, the line of sightpassed over gently and swiftly the redcotton-wadded jacketlittle miss and solemnyoungster, finallylookstothatshyholds the child, smilling expressionponders.
准备收钱的年轻店主站起身,一支乌木簪子束发,手持扇骨雪白的折扇,视线掠过了红棉袄小姑娘和冷峻少年,最终望向那个怯生生捧着的孩子,笑意玩味。A'Liangcracks into a smile.阿良咧嘴一笑。Leaves the bookstore, moves towardviewShuijie, the Zhu Hemindmoves, thenlooks, discovered that lookgoodyoungsterslantingbypost, is gazing afterthemto depart, after seeingZhu He, thatpersonalsowith a smilenods.
离开书铺,走向观水街,朱河心神一动,回头望去,发现那名相貌不俗的年轻人斜靠门柱,正在目送他们离去,看到朱河后,那人还笑着点头致意。Zhu Hehas turned the head, knits the brows, after having the alley, quicklyarrives atside the bamboo hatman, „the A'Liangsenior, thatbookstoremaster does is or isn'thave the strangeness?”朱河转过头,皱了皱眉,出了小巷后,快步走到斗笠汉子身边,“阿良前辈,那书铺主人是不是有古怪?”A'Liangheld the bamboo hat, saidsentencerealancientcynical remark, „comparesthisfellow, realtroublealsoinbehind, but are not related withyou.”阿良扶了扶斗笠,说了句货真价实的古怪话,“相比这个家伙,真正的麻烦还在后头,不过跟你们没关系。”
--Is most rapidto the peacefulriver waterclass/flow, the multi-hidden rockrapids, have the marvelous sightto become famous the government and people, rivers, the big and smallstone columnprominentwater surface, is honored asmushroom growth, only then a small boatcan the shuttleinstone forestgap, the bigshipwreckcross, even ifgrows upandis familiar in the river bank the river characterboatmanboatman, does not dareeasilyto ride the boatto launch, only if the elegant scholars of coming with admiration, spending the large sum of moneyto hire, will go on a journey. Thereforesomewhite papersmall boatironboatmansaying, will have the boatman and outsiderevery year, was killedinflushing the peacefulriversegmentstone forestwaterway.
冲澹江水流最为湍急,多暗礁险滩,有奇景蜚声朝野,其中一段河流,大小石柱多突出水面,被誉为雨后春笋,只有一叶扁舟能够穿梭于石林间隙,大船难渡,哪怕是在河畔长大、熟悉水性的舟子船夫,也不敢轻易乘舟下水,除非是慕名而来的文人雅士,花重金雇佣,才会出行。所以又有白纸小舟铁艄公一说,每年都会有船夫和外乡人,丧命于冲澹江这段石林水路。Tonightintwilightto/clashes the peacefulriver, the touristare many.
The turbulentriver wateris attackingwater leakagestone columns, has the man of baring the chestrevealabdomento sitin a stone columnpeak, throwsinto the river water an emptywine potgently, wine pot that sidethreehave not turned on.
The distant place, the grain of red lightis getting more and more near, originallyhas the ricketsold manhand heldbigred lantern, takes the stone columnas the step of fording, just scratches the surface, longplunders.
远处,有一粒红光愈来愈近,原来是有佝偻老人手提一盏大红灯笼,以石柱为涉水之阶,蜻蜓点水,长掠而来。Suddenly, the majesticformdrops from the cloudstogether, steps on a stone columnpeak, the under footsolid rockis unable to withstand the load, changes to the fragmentpowderinstantaneously, hesuchstandsin the river water.
骤然之间,一道雄壮身影从天而降,踩在一根石柱顶端,脚下坚石不堪重负,瞬间化作齑粉,他就那样站在江水之中。In the river water, in the woman of posture of personswims against the stream, strolls, hertop of the headthreechi (0.33 m), float the snow whitebead of fistsize, blossoms in radiant splendor, shines uponriverDilianglike the daytime.
江水之中,有一位中人之姿的妇人逆流而上,闲庭信步,她头顶三尺,悬浮着拳头大小的雪白珠子,大放光明,映照得江底亮如白昼。Womanlazyboredsay/way: „Took more than 100li (0.5 km)waterway, halftreasurecannot pick, whometold that has the skillto cometo the peacefulriverunder?”
The drinkingman who the stone columnpeaksitslooked under the eye, saidindifferently: „Siralreadyinred candletown/subdues.”
石柱顶端坐着的喝酒男人看了眼水底,淡然道:“大人已经在红烛镇了。”old manshakes the bright redlantern, the voiceis saying with a smilehoarsely: „Did Sirgo into actionunexpectedlypersonally? What does thatalsoneedourfourto make? Carries the backless stoolto see a play?”老人晃着鲜红灯笼,嗓音沙哑笑道:“大人竟然亲自出马了?那还需要我们四个做什么?端板凳看戏啊?”
The mendrank a liquor, the sinkingsound said: „Hopeso.”
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