The red candletown/subduesencircled the tall wall, Chen Ping'anonegroup of needsto enter the small townfrom the north gate, the resulthas the accident/surprisequickly, the wallgatehadto wear armorholds the sharpguardingsoldiers, neededthemto submithousehold of official documentpass/testwriting, was enterable, thislet the Chen Ping'andelayat the scene, hishouseholdofficial documentpass/testwritinganythingdid not know.
红烛镇围有高墙,陈平安一行人需要从北门进入小镇,结果很快就发生了意外,墙门有披甲持锐的戍守士卒,需要他们递交户牒关文,才可进入,这让陈平安呆滞当场,他连户牒关文到底什么都不晓得。TakesA'Liang of gold ingotearly, pulls outwrinkledofficial documentsfrom the bosomgrinningly, finallyafterconducting an inquest, thisfellowdonkeydoes not want, enters the cityswaggeringalone, to the wallentrythat side, had not forgottento wave goodbyewith the people of looking at each other in blank dismay, annoysshouting abuse of Li Huai, threatened that mustwhiteLvzai, A'Lianglaughsto go.
早早拿到手一颗金锭的阿良,笑嘻嘻从怀里掏出一张皱巴巴的公文,结果通过勘验后,这家伙连毛驴也不要了,大摇大摆独自入城,到了墙门洞那边,还不忘跟面面相觑的众人挥手告别,惹来李槐的破口大骂,扬言要将白驴宰了,阿良大笑而去。Zhu Heis also at a loss, before leaving the small town, the ancestorspeciallyhas not confessedthis matter, actuallyexcept for the age, Zhu Heregarding the outsideworld, does not knowtotally,is not better than Chen Ping'anmany, as forclimbing mountains and crossing rivers the living outdoorsincident, the pooryoungster who was well below the kiln workerfamily background. Zhu Hegets a sudden inspiration, is thinkingcanmake the ghostturn a millstonerichly, definitelyis the universally applicabletruth, mustguard the soldierssecretlystoppermoneytoone, was resisted the chestbythatyoungsoldierswith the spearheadunexpectedlydirectly, reprovedsternly, the bonuswasgood naturesomeZhu Healsoanger, fiveboundaryMartial Artist, ifthrew the armyto enlist, could not say that even the handgraspedseveral thousandelitemiddle-levelmilitary commandersalsoto do, butZhu Hewas just aboutwiththatperson of theorytime, Zhu Luheld onhisarmgently, remindedin a soft voice: „Father, ourGreat Limilitary lawis impartial in administering rewards and punishments, moreoverthere ischaracteristics, is extremely either light, is extremely either heavy, the fellow who thereforedo not become a soldierwiththesehas the conflict, ourordinary peoplecannot profit.”朱河同样束手无策,离开小镇之前,老祖宗并没有专门交代此事,其实除了岁数,朱河对于外边的天地,一概不知,丝毫不比陈平安好多少,至于跋山涉水风餐露宿一事,更是远远不如窑工出身的贫寒少年。朱河灵机一动,想着有钱能使鬼推磨,肯定是放之四海而皆准的道理,就要给一名戍守士卒偷偷塞银子,竟然被那青壮士卒直接拿矛头抵住胸口,厉声训斥,饶是好脾气的朱河也有些火气,五境武夫,若是投军入伍,说不得连手握数千精锐的中层武将也做了,不过朱河正要跟那人理论的时候,朱鹿轻轻拉住他的胳膊,轻声提醒道:“爹,咱们大骊军法赏罚分明,而且有个特点,要么极轻,要么极重,所以不要跟这些当兵的家伙起冲突,咱们老百姓占不到便宜的。”Zhu Heknitting the browshead, coldly snorted, eventuallychoice- peoplenotwithstandard dou-measure.朱河皱了皱眉头,冷哼一声,终究还是选择-民不与官斗。
The Zhu Lulow voicecomfortsaid: „Father, latermakes the ancestorhelpyouseek the government authoritiesstatus, after having the charm amulet, in additionyourskill, believes that quickcanshow talent for the first time, wherealsoneedsto receivethisair/Qi.”朱鹿小声安慰道:“爹,以后让老祖宗帮你寻个官家身份,有了护身符后,再加上你的身手,相信很快就可以崭露头角,哪里还需要受这气。”
The Zhu Hestrideleaves, nods, thenshot a look ateyethatguarding a gatesoldiers, scoffsto say with a smile: „Reallycomplied withthatproverb, the 's easy to get to see the king of hell, the little rascalis hard to deal with.”朱河大步离开,点点头,回头瞥了眼那守门士卒,嗤笑道:“真是应了那句老话,阎王好见,小鬼难缠。”EveryonelookssubconsciouslytoChen Ping'an.
所有人下意识望向陈平安。Chen Ping'anthinks,saidslowly: „Reallywithout the means that can only bypass the red candletown/subdues, tonightsleeps outside outside, wecanhire the personto helpuspurchaseallneed the goods, the realbigtrouble, waswecannot go to the river cargo port in small town, the establishedtraveling schedulemustrevise, the original more than 200li (0.5 km)waterway, alongembroideringHuajiangwent by boatto go south, will walk to be more relaxed than us, has not neededto detour.”陈平安想了想,缓缓道:“实在没办法,只能绕过红烛镇了,今夜在外边露宿,我们可以雇人帮我们购置一切所需物品,真正的大麻烦,是我们去不了小镇内的水运码头,既定的行程就要修改,原先两百多里水路,沿着绣花江乘船南下,会比我们步行要轻松很多,还不用绕路。”In the meantime, the middle-aged manhalf step that wears the azureofficial's costumegoes out ofcity gate, is taking a look atChen Ping'anonegroup of carefully, finallylookstoZhu He, holds the fist in the other handto ask: „Risesin the farewell gift of food, now the shamefor the postassist of red candletown/subduespillowpost, may I ask, but came from Zhu HevermilionMister of Dragon Springs Countycity?”
就在此时,一位身穿青色官服的中年男子快步走出城门,仔细打量着陈平安一行人,最后望向朱河,抱拳问道:“在下程昇,如今忝为红烛镇枕头驿的驿丞,敢问可是来自龙泉县城的朱河朱先生?”Zhu Hekeeps silent, lookalert.朱河默不作声,神色戒备。Said the man who postassistsaid with a smilefrank: „YourPatriarchoncecorrespondence, mailed to ourcounty magistratebigmanpowerdirectly, had slightly saidgreatlyyouritinerary, makingourcounty magistrateSirsperform the duties of a host, in addition, youhad the correspondenceletterrespectively, alreadytoourpillowpost, Ithenset aside the roombefore a ten-day periodforeveryonespecially, can only say that alsocalculatedcleanlypure, does not dareto saywell, but alsolooked atfellowhonored gueststo forgive, mustcomplainthat side the county magistrateSirnot, otherwisecounty magistrateSirwas not happy,Ifear to lose one's jobtomorrow.”
This pillowpostposition in a hierarchyrecalls the incidentsuddenly, „, ifvermilionMisterdoes not believe that Icango to the post houseto shout that immediately a person, thisperson came from Good Luck and Fortune Street of Dragon Springs Countycity, said that heoversees the manufacture of the senioryamen runner of yamunbureau, includinglettersfromGreat LiCapital City, hehelps the yamenbossesbringpersonally, said that mustgiveYoung MasternamedLin Shouyipersonally.”
这位枕头驿一把交椅猛然记起一事,“若是朱先生不信,我可以马上去驿馆喊来一人,此人就来自龙泉县城的福禄街,说他还是督造官衙署的老衙役,其中有一封来自大骊京城的家书,正是他亲自帮衙署上司带来,说是要亲手交给一位叫林守一的公子。”Lin Shouyigoes outforwardseveralsteps, on the facefillstake responsibility of aristocratic familyjuniorsto be arrogant, asks: „IthenamDragon Springs CountyLin Shouyi, may I askjourneyYicheng, thatperson of namedwhat?”林守一向前走出数步,脸上充满世家子弟的自负倨傲,问道:“我便是龙泉县林守一,敢问程驿丞,那人名叫什么?”servant girlZhu Luis somewhat in a daze, this timeLin Shouyi, andin the impressionthatquietsolemnyoungster, is not quite same.婢女朱鹿有些发愣,此时的林守一,与印象中那个沉默寡言的冷峻少年,不太一样。Li Baoping and Li Huailine of sightconnected, each onenodsgently.李宝瓶和李槐视线交汇了一下,各自轻轻点头。PostassistjourneyShengsaid a wordhas not stagnated, „, ifIhave not remembered incorrectly, shouldnamedTangstump, 40 -year-old, ourGreat LiMandarin/bureaucratic languagesay is notsmooth, un, thispersonlikeddrinkingespecially, wasliquor......”
驿丞程昇言语没有丝毫凝滞,“如果我没有记错的话,应该名叫唐树头,四十来岁,咱们大骊官话说得不是很顺畅,嗯,此人尤其喜欢喝酒,就是酒品……”Lin Shouyinods, speaks thoughtlesslyto ask: „Has postassistthese dayswaitedinthisnorth gatewe?”林守一点了点头,随口问道:“驿丞这些日子就一直候在这北门等我们?”
The mansaid with a smile: „Althoughwantsto nod, butreallydoes not havethisfacial skin, in fact the pillowpostnorth the red candletown/subdues, is not farfromthis, and mountain tophigh place near small town, constructs the beacon-fire, Iam goodwith the flintlongrelations, thenmakeshimhelpstare at the northdescending the mountainpost road, so long assees the forestYoung MastervermilionMisterform, makesunderhishandsentinelenter the cityto informme.”
那男人笑道:“虽然很想点头,但委实是没这脸皮,事实上枕头驿在红烛镇北边,离这不远,二来小镇附近的山头高处,建有烽燧,我与燧长关系不错,便让他帮着盯着北边的下山驿路,只要一看到林公子朱先生的身影,就让他手底下的烽子入城通知我。”Lin Shouyisuddenly, no longerspoke, turns the headto looktoChen Ping'an, the latternods.林守一恍然,不再说话,转头望向陈平安,后者点点头。Zhu Hethankedwith a smile: „Sirjourneytook the trouble.”朱河笑着感谢道:“程大人费心了。”Thatpostassistbeckons with the handto sayhastily: „May unable to handleSir'sname, butislittle person after donkeylead horse, all dayis doingmanual labor that serves the honored person, is really vulgar. Firstdid not chat, Iwentwithguarding the soldiersofficially informone, believes that quickcanenteroursmall town.”
The postassistsubordinatesinGreat LiImperial Court, cannot only overpraise the Imperial Courtimperially appointed official, thiskind of petty officialis not popular, is not the official, the division of pure running watermuddygovernment official, is a hugegap.
驿丞隶属于大骊朝廷,只不过称不上朝廷命官,这类胥吏不入流,不属于品官,清流浊吏之分,是一条巨大鸿沟。Quickthispostassistleadsthemto move toward the city wallway, the defensesoldiers, althoughallows to pass, but the complexion is not quite still attractive.
The postassisttakes the leadto pass throughespeciallycoolcity wallentry, turns the headto lower the voiceto explainwithZhu He: „Is the oldarmy riffraff who in the Bian Jing/frontierbattlefielddraw back, the skillis not big, the temperamentdiesactuallystubborn, sometimestakesthemnot to have ideaourcounty magistrateSirs, vermilionMisterdo not lower oneself to the same levelwiththem.”
驿丞率先走过格外荫凉的城墙门洞,转头跟朱河压低嗓音解释道:“都是边境战场上退下来的老兵痞,本事不大,脾气倒是死犟,有些时候连咱们县尊大人都拿他们没辙,朱先生不要跟他们一般见识。”Zhu Heagainwithoutrivers and lakesexperience, but the truth of talk intimately with relative acquaintanceunderstands, there would be noto reply.朱河再没有江湖经验,可交浅言深的道理还是懂的,就没有答话。Theypassed by a cold airdenseshop, has the youngmanto come and go outunceasingly, in the shopshinesto wipe the white lightonce for a while.
他们路过一间寒气森森的铺子,不断有青壮男子出入,铺子内时不时亮起一抹白光。Li Huailooked unable to move the footsteps, Zhu Hecannot bearlooks attwo, quicklost the interest.李槐看得挪不开脚步,朱河忍不住多看了两眼,很快就失去兴趣。
The postassistsaid: „A naturallyswordshop, otherweaponsalsopeddleoccasionally.”
驿丞说道:“那是一间刀剑铺子,其余兵器也偶有兜售。”Lin Shouyiaskedcuriously: „Don't government authoritiesmanage? Did not fear that the towncommon peopleare armedto fight?”林守一好奇问道:“官府不管吗?就不怕市井百姓持械斗殴?”
The postassistsaid with a smile: „Government authoritiesnottoomanagesthese, so long ashad/left the matter, canmanageverystrictly, if the county administrationmanpoweris insufficient, the county magistrateSircantransferin the district of jurisdictionallschools, is helping the solutiondispute.”
驿丞笑道:“官府不太管这些,但只要出了事情,会管得很严,若是县衙人手不够,县尊大人能够调动辖境内所有江湖门派,帮着解决纠纷。”Great Liesteems martial artsto become common practice, there aremanyholds a swordto wear a swordtravellingfour directionsknight-errant, there is a townrascal who has grand plans but little skill, there are air/QiRenXia the aristocratic familyjuniors, althoughGreat LiImperial Courtbanned that allweaponssell, butregarding the founding processaveragecommonsword, mostlyturns a blind eye, mainlylooks at the attitude of local official, if the purestudyingseedfamily background, mustprohibit strictlymostly, if the battlefieldmartial artistfamily background, will leave a loopholemost likely, naturallystrongbowhardcrossbow, excellentmail-armor and helmetand othertreasure of country, definitelyanyplacecannottrade.大骊尚武成风,有很多仗剑佩刀游历四方的游侠儿,既有眼高手低的市井无赖,也有为气任侠的世家子弟,大骊朝廷虽然禁制一切兵器售卖,但是对于铸造工艺平平的寻常刀剑,大多睁一只眼闭一只眼,主要看地方官的态度,若是纯正读书种子出身,多半要严令禁止,如果是沙场武人出身,十之八九会网开一面,当然强弓硬弩、精良甲胄等国之重器,肯定任何地方都不许贩卖。
The beacon-fire, the relay station, the rural fair, the wineshop, the brothelbanister, wait/etc, the red candletown/subdueshas everything expected to find, extremely busy, onavenuepedestrian, ifweaves, compared withChen Ping'antheirhometownsmall town, mustvividlymake noiseare too many, streettwo sidesassortedshops, dazzling, sound of voices and noisecontinuously.
烽燧,驿站,集市,酒肆,青楼勾栏,等等,红烛镇应有尽有,热闹非凡,大街上行人如织,比起陈平安他们家乡小镇,要繁华喧嚣太多,街道两边各色铺子,眼花缭乱,吆喝声此起彼伏。Chatted, after burning a joss stick, arrived at the pillowpost, quickhas the post housejanitorto pullwhiteLv and horses, postassistjourneyShengreallytothemarranges the posthouse, armorBtwo to have, hehas not made a decision without authorization, butthrewfiveposthousestoZhu He, makingthemarrange.
一路闲聊,一炷香后就来到枕头驿,很快就有驿馆杂役牵走白驴和马匹,驿丞程昇果然给他们安排了驿舍,甲乙两等皆有,他没有擅作主张,而是把五间驿舍丢给朱河,让他们自己安排。Under the arrangement of Chen Ping'an, Li BaopingandZhu Lulive in a first-classposthouse, Zhu Helive in a first-class, heandLi HuaiLin Shouyilives in a class Bposthouserespectively, ifA'Liangcomes back, canchoose a posthouseto gathercasually, naturallywith the A'Liangtemperament, will definitely ask that can or cannotchoosesZhu Lu that it is estimated when the time comesmust have a Zhu Lusupercilious lookhack.
在陈平安的安排下,李宝瓶和朱鹿住一间甲等驿舍,朱河住一间甲等,他和李槐林守一各住一间乙等驿舍,如果阿良回来,可以随便选一间驿舍合住,当然以阿良的脾气,肯定会问能不能选朱鹿那间,估计到时候少不了朱鹿一顿白眼剐。In the twilight, after everyoneputs awayrespectively the travel bagwraps, gathersatZhu Hethatspaciousfirst-classposthouse, postassistjourneyShengquicklysendsonepack of correspondenceletters, after delivering, thensaid goodbyewith a smile, said that had the matter, so long asshoutedone, added that the night market of red candletown/subdues, southGreat Liknown, hadopportunitymustto experience.
暮色里,所有人各自放好行囊包裹后,聚集在朱河那间宽敞的甲等驿舍,驿丞程昇很快送来一叠书信家书,送完之后便笑着告辞,说有事只要喊一声就可以,还说红烛镇的夜市,在大骊南边小有名气,有机会一定要见识见识。Lin Shouyihasone, Li Baopingare most, three, Chen Ping'an, Li Huaiis also penniless, finallyfound the similarsceneZhu Lu, the childsays with a smile: „Wehave same problemfortunately.”林守一有一封,李宝瓶最多,有三封,就连陈平安也有一封,李槐两手空空,最后找到差不多光景的朱鹿,孩子笑道:“还好咱俩同病相怜。”Zhu Luignores, arrives around the window, the smallpillowpost house, the winding pathis profound, buildsseveralpoints of gardendeeparistocratic familybotanical gardento meanunexpectedly,looksfromhere, isonefelt that the small lake of palm of the handsize, is raisingextremely fatobeseredyellowkois.朱鹿置若罔闻,走到窗口附近,小小枕头驿馆,曲径幽深,竟然营造出几分庭院深深的世家园林意味,从这边望去,是一座给人感觉不过巴掌大小的小湖,养着一条条臃肿肥胖的红黄锦鲤。
The Lin Shouyiletteronly then a letter paper, fewcharacters, the youngsterdeep breathone breath, after the so-calledletterwill return the envelope, the complexionleaves the posthousegloomy, the five fingersgripsstubbornlytightensthatenvelope, besides the running script that more than 30sloppy handwritingare perfunctory, in the envelopealsohas a Great Ligreatestmoney shoppaper money of Zhang San120money.林守一的家书只有一张信纸,没有几个字,少年深呼吸一口气,将所谓的家书放回信封后,脸色阴沉地离开驿舍,五指死死攥紧那信封,除了三十余个字迹潦草敷衍的行书,信封内还有一张三百两银子的大骊最大钱庄银票。
The youngsterturn back the posthousein big strides, closes the doorgently, placeson the envelope the table, the complexionis pale, chestfluctuatingis uncertain.
少年大踏步走回驿舍,轻轻关上门,将信封放在桌上,脸色铁青,胸膛起伏不定。Chen Ping'anselected a secludedpositionto sit down, Li Baopingran over, the appearance of starting to speak but hesitating, hesaid with a smile: „I , if there is character that does not know, will askyour.”陈平安挑了个僻静位置坐下,李宝瓶跑过来,欲言又止的模样,他笑道:“我如果有不认识的字,会问你的。”Li Baopingthenreturns tothat side the table, startsto open mail, threeletters, respectivelyfromfather, big brotherandSecond Brother.李宝瓶这才返回桌子那边,开始拆信,三封家书,分别来自父亲、大哥和二哥。Li Baopingopen, That sidefatherLi Hongwas sayingin the letter/believes the spoken language of inquiring after the well being, as always, nofather'srack, urgessomepettyminor matters, for example the dayputs on clothescoldlymuch, is away from homedo not fearto spend, after the relay station, mustmails the letterto the parentsagaineach time, verbose, 56letter paperturneddo not have. Li Baopingsighed, lookedtosittingintableoppositedrinking teaZhu He, was sad: „Whenparents, cannot work as the childme.”李宝瓶一封封拆过去,父亲李虹那边在信上说着嘘寒问暖的言语,一如既往,毫无严父的架子,都是叮嘱一些鸡毛蒜皮的小事,比如天冷多穿衣,出门在外别怕花钱,再就是每次经过驿站,一定要给爹娘寄家书,絮絮叨叨,五六张信纸就这么翻没了。李宝瓶叹息一声,望向坐在桌对面喝茶的朱河,忧愁道:“爹娘什么时候,才能不把我当小孩子啊。”Zhu Hecannot help smiling, drinks tea.朱河忍俊不禁,喝茶喝茶。Li Baopingglances over the secondletter/believes, istheirLi Familyeldest son of legal wifegrandson, letter/believes that herbig brotherwrites, nowis readingafterrecord/native placeat home, the preparationwill attend the imperial civil service examinationnext year. In the letter/believes the contentis brief and to the point, the straightregular scriptcharacter, as iffills the flavor that MasterMistersat respectfully, eachradicaldisclosed that strongovercautious, fullarticlesaidis the saints and sagesGreat Daoprinciples, wantedher is not possibleto neglectZhu HeZhu Luthisto the father and daughter, cannot the children of domestic slavesregardit, wantedherto listen to the Mud Vase LaneChen Ping'anspoken language, mustbe ablebear hardshipsto endure, littleput to troubletoothers, was onlyinfinal of letter/believes, the big brother who since childhoodscrupulously followed the etiquettecustom, toldher, her onlycaught the crab that went homefrom the streamin childhood, nowhisalreadyraised the attainment, mustshefeel relievedby all means.李宝瓶浏览第二封信,是他们李家的嫡长孙,她的大哥写的信,如今正在家里研读经籍,准备明年参加科举。信上内容简明扼要,端端正正的楷体字,仿佛充满了先生夫子正襟危坐的韵味,每个笔画都透露出浓重的谨小慎微,满篇说的都是圣贤大道理,要她不可怠慢了朱河朱鹿这对父女,不可以家生子视之,要她多听泥瓶巷陈平安的言语,要能吃苦耐劳,少给别人添麻烦,只是在信的最后,自幼恪守礼仪规矩的大哥,告诉她,她那只小时候从溪里抓回家的螃蟹,如今他已经养出了心得,要她只管放心。Li Baopingraises the letter paper in hand, complainedwithZhu He: „Big brothermostdoes not love dearlyme.”李宝瓶扬起手中的信纸,跟朱河告状道:“大哥最不心疼我。”Zhu Hebearssmilling expression, thought that young ladyyou, whodoes not knowLi Family, isEldest Young Mastermostto love dearlyyou. Thenmentioned the truth the bookworm who cameeven the ancestorsto have a headache about, firstdrinking, was the teais changed intoby the younger sisterunexpectedlysecretlyfrom the home-brewpeach blossomspring the fever, being madalmostcollapsedEldest Young Master, the parentssaw, felt timid, does not dareto persuadeanything, onlydaresto followto runto look for the son who the younger sistersent a punitive expeditionbehind, thisslightlystodgysonangrily, will for fear that beginto teachsmallBaoping.朱河忍住笑意,心想小姐你就得了吧,谁不知道李家上上下下,就属大公子最心疼你。那么一个说起道理来连老祖宗都头疼的书呆子,第一次喝酒,竟然是茶水被妹妹偷偷换成了自家酿的桃花春烧,把大公子给气得差点崩溃,爹娘见到之后都犯怵,根本不敢劝说什么,只敢跟在跑去找妹妹兴师问罪的儿子身后,生怕这个略显迂腐的儿子一气之下,会动手教训小宝瓶。Has not thought that whenheis seeingthatgirl, standsoutsidecourtyard door, both handsforkwaist, is unafraid of death, heowndoes not hateto scoldher, was madsolid, was madturns the headto walk, livedseveraldays of sulks. Afterwardinhiscourtyard, thenlaid down a altar/jarpeach blossomthat yearspring the fever, younger sisterwait until asked that said that mustmarryher, frightens the little girlsecretlyto leave home, a personloiteredonethat side the dragon whiskerstreamall day, shealsoalmosthidinside the mountain.
不曾想当他见着了那个丫头,站在院门外,双手叉腰,视死如归,他又给自己的不舍得骂她一声,给结结实实气到了,气得转头就走,生了好几天的闷气。后来他的院子里,那年便埋下了一坛桃花春烧,等到妹妹问起,就说要把她嫁出去,吓得小女孩偷偷离家出走,一个人在龙须溪那边逛荡了一整天,她还差点躲山里头去了。Li Familywait untildetected that Li Baopingdisappears, the ancestorflies into a rage, setting outeveryoneto look forthissilly thing, finallythisEldest Young Master, makes up for one's faults by good deeds, a smalltempleinstreamopposite shore, foundrested the pitifulchildonlongwooden stool, goes homeat the back ofher.李家等到察觉到李宝瓶不见了,老祖宗勃然大怒,出动所有人找寻这个傻丫头,最后还是这位大公子,将功补过,在溪对岸的一座小庙,找到了睡在长木凳上的可怜孩子,背着她回到了家。
The redcotton-wadded jacketlittle misssaid with a smilesuddenly: „Imostlike the big brother.”
Last letter/believes, thickonebigpiles, isLi FamilytwoYoung Mastermailsto the younger sister, toldheto the experience of Great LiCapital City, personallyseesor the fantastic storyanecdote of hearsay, expressesexquisitelylike the prose, extremelyrichfoundation of basic skills, just likepoetryeveryone of literary talentgiven by heaven. ThistwoYoung MasterinGood Luck and Fortune StreetLi Family, are more popular than the big brother, the handsomescholarly, the conversationis charming, read the book on military strategyhappily, since childhoodletyour family placemaidservantservantonliking, tied„close quarters fighting”, comparedold-fashioneddepressedlongYoung Master, your family placeservantlikeshaving to dowithopentwoYoung Master, at holidays, twoYoung Masterwill see the personto throwmonetary reward of smallembroiderybagconveniently, heavy, ifwhoseauspicious speechsaidwell, hemanywill embroider the bag.
最后一封信,厚厚一大摞,是李家二公子寄给妹妹的,讲述了他去往大骊京城的经历,都是亲眼所见或是道听途说的奇闻轶事,措辞优美如散文,极富功底,宛如文采天授的诗词大家。这位二公子在福禄街李家,远比大哥更受欢迎,英俊儒雅,却言谈风趣,喜读兵书,自幼就喜欢让府上丫鬟仆役,结阵“厮杀”,相比古板沉闷的长公子,府上下人更喜欢与性情开朗的二公子打交道,逢年过节,二公子见人就会随手丢出一只小绣袋的赏钱,沉甸甸的,若是谁的吉利话说得好,他就会多给一绣袋。Li Baopingturnsfast, sees the secondletter paper from the bottom time, looks uptoZhu Lu: „MySecond Brotherspeaking ofyou, said before , had told you peacefulfire of Great Libeacon-fire, hehas the timeto sleep in the summit, sawwith own eyesthisBian Jing/frontierreported the Ping'an(safe and sound)beacon-firesignaltoCapital City, looked out into the distance, probably a flamelong line, was very magnificent.”李宝瓶翻得飞快,看到倒数第二张信纸的时候,抬头望向朱鹿:“我二哥说到你了,说之前跟你说过的大骊烽燧的太平火,他有次在夜宿山巅,亲眼见到了这种边境向京城报平安的烽燧信号,极目远眺,像是一条火焰长龙,很壮观。”
Under the Zhu Luhalf stepturns back the tableto be implicated, asked: „Young lady, whatadded?”朱鹿快步走回桌旁坐下,问道:“小姐,还说了什么?”Li BaopinggivesZhu Luthispile of letter papersimplycompletely, instead the brothersare speakinglocal conditions and social customs and mountainghostto record strange or supernatural events, nosecretivematter.李宝瓶干脆就将这摞信纸全部递给朱鹿,反而二哥都是在讲风土人情、山鬼志怪,没什么不可告人的事情。Zhu Lureceived the letter/believes, asked: „Cantaketo lookslowly?”朱鹿接过了信,问道:“可以拿回去慢慢看吗?”
The Li Baopingnodsaid: „Do not loseon the line.”李宝瓶点头道:“别丢了就行。”
The Zhu Luwhole faceis joyful, departswith a smile.朱鹿满脸喜悦,笑着离去。PostassistjourneyShengknocks on a doorto enter, carriesbasinfreshfruits and melons.
驿丞程昇敲门而入,端来一盆新鲜瓜果。Follows a bamboo hatman.
身后跟着一位斗笠汉子。Li Huaiis infuriated, runs, mustthisbastard who does not have the consciencepromotes the room.李槐火冒三丈,跑过去,就要把这个没良心的王八蛋推出屋子。On the side ofA'LiangcompeteswithLi Huai, sitsnear the tableon the stool, facebadasked with a smile: „Zhu Luwhat's the matter, the prettyappearance of whole facespring breeze, compared withusuallyalsowants the attractiveseveralpointsprobably.”阿良一边跟李槐较劲,一屁股坐在桌边凳子上,一脸坏笑问道:“朱鹿咋回事,满脸春风的娇俏模样,好像比平时还要漂亮几分。”Zhu Hegets angrydoes not speak.朱河黑着脸不说话。Lin Shouyireturns, sitsnearChen Ping'an, A'Liangthrows toLin Shouyisilversmall bottle gourd, the youngsterdraws out the liquorstopper, drankliquor.林守一重新返回,坐在陈平安附近,阿良将银色小葫芦抛给林守一,少年拔出酒塞,喝了一口酒。A'Liangturns the headto askto the postassist: „Red candletown/subdues does is or isn'thaveto spread the gulf? Notis farfrom the river cargo porttoo?”阿良转头对驿丞问道:“红烛镇是不是有个敷水湾?离着水运码头不算太远?”
The postassistcomplexionis strange, the nodsaid: „Has.”
驿丞脸色古怪,点头道:“有的。”A'Liangsaid: „Money dissolver, money dissolver.”阿良啧啧道:“销金窟,销金窟啊。”
The red candletown/subdueshas a crescent moonshaperiver bend, floatsfinegorgeous boat that a red candletown/subduesis in sole possession , the extravagantdegree that is liangsan ten feets, all aroundhanging downpreciousblack bambooor the commongreen bamboo, insidedecorate, decidesby the financial resource of gorgeous boatowner, eachgorgeous boathastwotothreefemalesgenerally, the beautifulwomanandyounggirl, four artstealiquor, will at least be skilled in1-2 types, besides the viewingprivate room, a bedroom, itsfunctionis self-evident.
红烛镇有一座月牙状河湾,漂着一种红烛镇独有的精致画舫,长不过两三丈,四周垂挂名贵紫竹或是寻常绿竹,里边装饰的豪奢程度,以画舫主人的财力而定,每艘画舫一般有两到三名女子,多美艳妇人、妙龄少女,琴棋书画茶酒,至少会精通1-2,除了观景雅座,还有一座卧室,其功用不言而喻。Theseboatmenfemaleswere for generationsGreat Liinexpensivehouseholds, handing downoncewas the previous dynastySpirit River Countryperishingcountrylost the people, EmperorGreat Lihas gotten down an imperial decree, theyalways can not come ashore, wanttheirgeneration after generationsgeneration after generationto makethatnorootduckweed.
那些船家女是世世代代的大骊贱户,相传曾是前朝神水国的亡国遗民,大骊皇帝下过一道圣旨,他们永世不得上岸,要他们生生世世子子孙孙做那无根浮萍。Common peoplepassed on from generation to generation of red candletown/subdues, that chesspillarmountainland god of not far away, fealtyunparalleled, tothesesurnames the escapejourneys of ancestor, secretlyasylum, thereforeannoysEmperorGreat Li the emperor's countenanceto be angry, reduces to the landfromMountain God, ordered the descendant of thatseveralsurname, destroyed the golden bodypersonally, sank toriverbottom.
The postassistcarefulfermentation expressed that chosesomeharmlesssmall townliterary references, said that listenedtothesehonored guests.
The red candletown/subduesis far from the Great Linorth-southhub, actually is also the boatshipsuch as the busyriver cargo port of shuttle, each regionproductcollection. Itis the places of threeriver waterconvergence, to the peacefulriver, embroidersHuajiang and fine wineriverrespectively, but onlytworiverGod, the river bankallconstructs the rivershrine, the clay sculpturegolden bodyidol, died in battlein the Great Limeritorious servicesailors of thatwater battlecommands.
红烛镇谈不上大骊的南北枢纽,却也是舟船如梭的一座繁忙水运码头,各地物产汇集。它是三条江水汇合之地,分别是冲澹江,绣花江和玉液江,但是只有两位江神,河畔皆建有江神祠,泥塑金身神像,都是战死于那场水战的大骊功勋水军统领。Does not set upriverGodnot to suppose the templeto the peacefulriveronly, laterhas presentedburning incenseprosperousGoddess of Fertility Temple, consecratesone, to throw the small townwoman of integrity who the rivercommits suicidefor the cardpurely, the resultbyGreat LiImperial Courtis decided as the evil cultsquickly, now is only left overonepile of ruins, the remnantbroken brickstile, the onlysnakemousescurries about.
唯独冲澹江不立江神不设祠庙,之后出现过一座香火鼎盛的娘娘庙,供奉一位为证清白、投江自尽的小镇烈女,结果很快就被大骊朝廷定为淫祠,如今只剩下一堆废墟,残砖碎瓦,唯有蛇鼠乱窜。Whenhears the chesspillarmountainland god the deeds, Li Huaisobbedlow voice: „Has not thought that such a bigbastard, is so goodbecause of the reputation of red candletown/subdues.”
The Lin Shouyicomplexionis faint, „each familyhave the problem.”林守一脸色淡漠,“家家有本难念的经。”Chen Ping'anreceives the correspondence that Ruan Xiumails.陈平安收起那封阮秀寄来的书信。In the letter/believessaidAbjection Mountain that hebuys, succeededto sealGreat LinewpromoteMountain God, helpedassume the mountain topto gatherSpirit Qi, is next toScattering Clouds Mountain that did not participate inselling, withpointDengshan that her fatherhandgrasped.
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