In additionin the chesspillarmountainlocally bornmagical thingstortoise, the naturefamiliarshortcutmountain road, the strength of legsby farhinny that goes over hill and dale, conducts the backonegroup, quickis arriving at the chesspillarmountainboundaryregion, takes20severalli (0.5 km)descending the mountainpost roadstowardsouthagain, canenter the red candletown/subdues, althoughnowthisgoing northpost road, becauseBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-Heavensuddenlyfallsto blockto cut off, but in order to the Chen Ping'angangwas the choicewas still careful, does not hope that threegianttortoisealarmedto the woodcutterhunting householdor the groupfootbusinessman.
在棋墩山土生土长的灵物山龟,自然熟悉捷径山道,加上翻山越岭的脚力远胜驴骡,驮着一行人,很快就来到棋墩山边界地带,再往南走上二十数里下山的驿路,就能够进入红烛镇,虽说如今这条北上的驿路,因为骊珠洞天的突然下坠而阻塞断绝,但是陈平安一伙人仍是选择小心起见,不希望三只巨大山龟惊扰到樵夫猎户或是行脚商贾。Chen Ping'antheysit for a whilein the summit of hillrest, Li Huaiwaits, hetothatyounglanddislike, butA'Liangsaid that inthathorizontalvaluablepavilionis hiding the treasure, Li Huaianticipatedeveryvery much,was thinking, seeselder sisterLi Liu, mustis greedyshe.陈平安他们在小山之巅小坐休憩,李槐翘首以盼,他对那年轻土地厌恶至极,但是阿良说那横宝阁里藏着宝贝,人手一份,李槐对此很是期待,心想着以后见到姐姐李柳,一定要眼馋死她。Thatchesspillarmountainland godcomesquickly, thistimewithnot shrinkingto becomeCunDivine Ability, climbs mountainswith stride, the white clothingsways, the bigsleevelooks liketwowhite cloudsexcursionson, is servant girlZhu Luseesthis, has toacknowledge, ifonlylooks at the leather bag, the younglandcan handlein the books„abundantgodis handsome”description.
The delicate and prettymanalsofollowsbehindA'LiangwhiteLvandLi Familyhorses, does not know that thisland godcausedwhatmagic arts, not onlyfollowed the bigteam, the donkeyhorsescannot see the least bitto be exhaustedunexpectedly.
俊美男子身后还跟着阿良的白驴和李家马匹,也不知道这位土地爷使了什么法术,不但跟上了大队伍,驴子马匹竟然看不出半点疲惫。Does not know that several hundredyears of Wei Boheldsliver of wood boxexactlyhorizontally, firstbows in saluteto saluteto the bamboo hatman, the latternodsto return salute.
A citymansiondeepplaceSpiritual God, the strangeswordsman of looking down on the world, feelsinthis moment, is exactly the sameunexpectedly.
城府深沉的一地神灵,玩世不恭的奇怪剑客,在这一刻给人的感觉,竟然如出一辙。Great Daopeer.大道同行。Wei Bodoes not knowwhatmaterial qualitybright redwood boxsubmittedtoA'Liang, Li Huaiwithout delaytouchedin the past, the palmfullwas the warm feeling, touched, probably a Riding Dragon Lanecloth shoptook the goodsilk fabrics of treasure of market town, last year the end of the yearhefollowed mother elder sisterto buy the cotton materialtogether, cut out the newclothes, hejusttouchedonethatto embroider the flower-and-birdattractivebrocadesecretly, was rumbledby the breathlessshop owner.魏檗将不知什么材质的鲜红木匣递交给阿良,李槐赶紧过去摸了一下,手心满是暖意,触摸上去,像是骑龙巷一家布店作为镇店之宝的上好绸缎,去年年关他跟随娘亲姐姐一起去买布料,裁剪新衣,他只不过是偷偷摸了一下那块绣有花鸟的漂亮锦缎,就被气急败坏的店家轰了出去。Li Huairaised the headto ask: „A'Liang, discussed a matterwithyou, has divided the treasure in box, finallythisbox did can or cannotgive tome?”李槐抬头问道:“阿良,跟你商量个事,分过了盒子里的宝贝,最后这盒子能不能送给我?”A'Liangasked back: „Whichscallion do youcalculate?”阿良反问道:“你算哪根葱?”Li Huaisaidearnestly: „Youmarriedmyelder sister, Iamyourbrother-in-law.”李槐认真道:“你娶了我姐,我是你姐夫啊。”
A A'Liangpalm of the handfalls, „thatcalled the wife's younger brother!”阿良一巴掌摔过去,“那叫小舅子!”
The childsaidsuddenly: „I should not be the wife's younger brother, Ilikebecoming the brother-in-law, in the worldworstpersonis a wife's younger brother.”
孩子突然说道:“我不要做小舅子,我喜欢当姐夫,天底下最坏的人就是小舅子。”A'LianglookstoWei Bo, asked: „Is boxvaluable?”阿良望向魏檗,问道:“盒子值钱吗?”Wei Bosaid with a smileembarrasedly: „Fortunately, is the thing that the light yellowYindead-woodbuilds, buriedsomeyearsinearth, not spoiledcounter-fragrant, the lusteris been also redby the yellow stain, the thingis not valuable, isuncommon.”魏檗讪讪笑道:“还好,是娇黄阴沉木打造的物件,在土里埋了有些年头,不腐反香,色泽也由黄变红,东西不算值钱,就是不常见而已。”A'Lianglowers the head the child who looks at the whole facehopelook, „, since the thingis not valuable, deliveredyou.”阿良低头看着满脸希冀神色的孩子,“既然东西不值钱,就送你了。”Li Huaimusttake awaywood boxurgently, was hitby a A'Liangpalm of the handis completely muddled, „wantsto have sole possession of?”李槐火急火燎就要拿走木匣,又被阿良一巴掌打得晕头转向,“想独吞?”A'Lianglook around, put out a handto incur, thensquattedon the ground, openednamed„light yellow”sliver of wood box, called loudly: „Chen Ping'an, smallBaoping, Lin Shouyi, Zhu He, Zhu Lu, cameto come, sitsdivides the booty, sitsdivides the booty! Firsttofirst, obsoletedoes not wait, withoutothercustoms, one, everyone can only take awayonefromhundredvaluablepavilions, whichtypeattainingiswhichtype, cannotrenege on a promise.”阿良环顾四周,伸手招了招,然后蹲在地上,打开名为“娇黄”的长条木匣,高声喊道:“陈平安,小宝瓶,林守一,朱河,朱鹿,都过来都过来,坐地分赃,坐地分赃了!先到者先得,过时不候,没其它规矩,就一条,每人只能从百宝阁拿走一件,拿到哪样是哪样,不许反悔。”Chen Ping'anlooksto the youngland, the latterdetected that the line of sight of youngster, somedoubts, warm voiceasked: „Don't youcompete fordestiny?”陈平安望向年轻土地,后者察觉到少年的视线,有些疑惑,温声问道:“你不去争夺机缘吗?”Chen Ping'ansaid with a smile: „Makesthemfirsttakeand that's the end.”陈平安笑道:“让他们先拿就是了。”Chen Ping'an happen to have the matterto want and younglanddiscussed,about the blacksnakein the Abjection Mountainsettling downmatters concerned, as well asWei Boleaveshereboundaryto go to the Dragon Springs Countydistrict of jurisdiction the situation, oncome backroad, A'Lianghad roughly said the artaboutsceneryRighteous God, cannoteasilyleaveimperial edict of Imperial Courtin the mountains and riversgenealogyin the domain that seals, thisis a bit like„amongseigniors who the dynastyworks outnot being possibleto meet”, oncewhoviolated the taboo, theseSpiritual Godare light, thenbyImperial CourtShenChi, was reducedburning incenseto consecrate, heavywas reduced the god position, completelycuts offfolkburning incenseinmanyyears, historicalonalsohasmanymountains and rivers gods that oversteps the customonly, fate. More miserable, the golden bodyidolwas drawn the lost in thoughtnichebyImperial Court, entrains the spirit table, the yamen runnerbeatswith the military mightstick, warns others against following a bad example, or the local officialwhipspersonally, evensends the peoplehusbandto brandish the thumpto beatdirectly, invarious countries'historyhappens.陈平安正好有事情要跟年轻土地商量,关于黑蛇在落魄山的定居事宜,以及魏檗离开此处地界前往龙泉县辖境的情况,回来的路上,阿良大致说过关于山水正神的讲究,不可轻易离开朝廷在山河谱牒上敕封的版图,这有点类似许多王朝订立下来的“藩王之间不可相见”,一旦有谁犯了忌讳,那些神灵轻则被朝廷申饬,减少香火供奉,重则被降低神位,在多少年间彻底断绝民间香火,历史上还有许多逾越规矩的山水神祇,下场更加凄凉,金身神像被朝廷拉出神龛,拽下神台,衙役以威武棒棒打,以儆效尤,或是地方官员亲自鞭打,甚至是直接派遣民夫抡捶打烂,各国历史上都有发生。ThereforeWei Bosaid that mustbring the blacksnakepersonallytoAbjection Mountain, will also build a bamboo housebythesebambooinmountain topcourageously, Chen Ping'anwill certainly not reject the good intention, butdoes not hope that Wei Bothereforesuffers the heavy fine. Actually the youngsterregardingGod Pathburning incense and mountainsgeomancy and dynastydestinyincident, is unable deeplyto understandbefore,thishas not studiedwithA'Liangalsohas the relations, thisfellowsteps onwatermelonspeaking ofwhereis beingwhere, saidverycloudy, someintentionallytoshow offalsolikekeeping guessing, originallyhas no shallowmatter of strangeprofound and abstruse principles, canbe saidextremely mysterious and abstrusebyhim.
所以魏檗说要亲自带着黑蛇去往落魄山,还会以那些奋勇竹在山上搭建出一栋竹楼,陈平安当然不会拒绝好意,但也不希望魏檗因此而遭受重罚。其实少年对于神道香火、山川风水和王朝气运一事,之前始终无法深刻理解,这跟阿良没读过书也有关系,这家伙踩着西瓜皮说到哪里是哪里,说得十分云遮雾绕,有些故意为了显摆还喜欢卖关子,本来没什么古怪玄机的粗浅事情,也能被他说得玄之又玄。AfterwardwasLi Baopinggives an example, the Chen Ping'anthoughtsuddenly saw the light, theseburning incensedestinyanything, looked like the dragon whiskerstream outside small town, water sourcesuch, the common peoplefor the crop of respectivecropland, will struggle the water, almostwill appearevery yearfightsmassively.
后来是李宝瓶举了个例子,陈平安的念头才豁然开朗,那些香火气数什么的,就像是小镇外的龙须溪,水源就这么一条,百姓为了各自庄稼地的收成,就会争水,几乎每年都会出现大规模斗殴。Li Baopingruns up tosideChen Ping'an, worries saying: „Little Master-Uncle, don't youtake the treasure? Youlooked that even the person of Lin Shouyithattemperrunsfast, Li Huaiwished one couldto force in hundredvaluablepavilions the head.”李宝瓶跑到陈平安身边,着急道:“小师叔,你怎么不去拿宝贝?你看连林守一那种性子的人都跑得飞快,李槐更是恨不得把脑袋塞进百宝阁里去了。”Chen Ping'anspoke thoughtlessly saying: „All right, mylastelected.”陈平安随口说道:“没事,我最后一个选好了。”Li Baopingturns aroundto run, „doesn't matter, Little Master-UncleIhelpyouchooseone.”李宝瓶转身就跑,“没关系,小师叔我帮你选一件。”Chen Ping'anis just aboutto speak, redcotton-wadded jacketlittle missalreadykillssideA'Liang, holds down the Li Huaiheadto push outsingle-handedly, shoves open the Lin Shouyishouldersingle-handedly.陈平安正要说话,红棉袄小姑娘已经杀到阿良身边,一手按住李槐脑袋向外一推,一手推开林守一肩膀。
The Li Huaigrievancesaid: „Li Baoping, youbully the person!”李槐委屈道:“李宝瓶,你欺负人!”Li Baopingturns the headto sayrighteously: „Iselect the thingtoLittle Master-Uncle!”李宝瓶转头理直气壮道:“我给小师叔挑东西!”Li Huaiis thinking the smallbamboobox that has not succeeded in obtaining, sighed: „Youselect.”李槐想着尚未到手的小竹箱,叹了口气道:“那你挑吧。”Lin Shouyiwas shoved open is not angry, puts out a handto refer to hundredvaluablepavilions a yellowingold book of roll-up, itby a goldensilk threadbundle, was just revealedcloudZhuanxieto selectthisDaoismbooks, called, Iwantedit, did not snatchotherthingswithyou. ”林守一被推开也不恼,伸手指了指百宝阁内一本卷起的泛黄古籍,它被一根金黄色丝线捆绑,刚好露出云篆写就挑中了这本道家书籍,叫,我只要它,不跟你们抢其它的东西。”
The Li Huaibodyleans forwardelongationneck, bypassesLi Baopingslightly, asked: „Defendsone, howyoudo not selectthat the blade, is attractive, ifIchooseit.”李槐身体前倾伸长脖子,微微绕过李宝瓶,问道:“守一,你怎么不挑那把刀,多漂亮,要是我就选它。”Lin Shouyiused very bigeffort, the lookwith great difficultyfromoccupying the slenderblade of hundredvaluablepaviliongreatestdomainsmoves out of the way, saidin a soft voice: „Iam not the material of practicing martial art, oneselfdo not likepracticing the bladestudysword.”林守一费了很大的劲,眼神才好不容易从占据百宝阁最大地盘的一把狭刀上挪开,轻声道:“我又不是习武的料,自己也不喜欢练刀学剑。”Li HuaiseesLin Shouyi not to change the original intention, startsto persuadeLi Baoping, „this blade, looks is the divine weaponsharp weapon of unparalleled in the world, whatis easyto breaksendsis, Iestimated that itsevenoursmall townIron Lock Welliron chain can also a bladecut off, Li Baoping, such goodthing, don't youreallywant? Also, yourLittle Master-Unclenowis notweaponwhile convenient, Ithought that thisbladeusesvery welltohim, to say the least, walks into the mountainto lead the waywithit, is imposing, does the totalratiotake a brokenhatchetto be better?”李槐见林守一不愿意更改初衷,就开始劝说李宝瓶,“这把刀,一看就是天下无双的神兵利器,吹毛断发算什么,我估计它连咱们小镇铁锁井的铁链也能一刀砍断,李宝瓶,这么好的东西,你真不要?再说了,你的小师叔如今不是趁手的兵器吗,我看这刀给他用挺好,退一步说,拿它来进山开路,多威风,总比拿着一把破柴刀更好吧?”Thenslenderblade, ifeven ifladyhidesembroidering floor, itlies downinwhiteblade sheathpeacefully, curveattractivetoshockingsituation.
那把狭刀,哪怕如大家闺秀藏身绣楼,它安安静静躺在白色刀鞘内,弧度漂亮到惊艳的地步。A'Liangbends the waistwith a smile the take outslenderblade.阿良笑着弯腰抽出狭刀。Makes a great show of one's talents, the knifelikewipeswhiterainbow who is detained the world.
The knifenotengraved inscription, has a continuouslynaturaltrace, such asauspicious cloudstalisman of DaoismImmortalattentiveseal cutting.
刀身并无铭文,却有一缕缕天然纹路,如道家仙人用心篆刻的祥云符箓。A'Liangis astonishedslightly, counts on the fingers a ball, is notbuzzing of turbid, instead the vibratois clear and melodious, A'Liangcocks the earsto listen respectfully to the moment, the nodsaid: „Good, mustbeXiangfu of thatsetting the base.”阿良微微讶异,屈指一弹,并非浑浊的嗡嗡作响,反而颤音清越悠扬,阿良侧耳聆听片刻,点头道:“不错,应当是那把垫底的‘祥符’。”A'Liangreceives the bladeto sheathe, gives the little missit, said with a smile: „Accepts, thissuits you blade, laterseeks a Sword Nurturing Bottle-gourdreed, withthisXiangfublade, is hanging the waistone on the left and other on the right, looks for a big tall horse, wears a red clothes, progressesaloneline of travel through the rivers and lakes, the verticalhorsedrinks wine, whoseeswholikes.”阿良收刀入鞘,把它递给小姑娘,笑道:“收下吧,这把刀适合你,以后再寻一只养剑葫芦,与这祥符刀,一左一右悬挂腰间,找一匹高头大马,穿一袭红衣,独自策马行走江湖,纵马饮酒,谁见到谁喜欢。”A'Lianglaughs, „whocannot likesuchmiss?”阿良开怀大笑,“谁会不喜欢这样的姑娘呢?”Li Baopingtakesis starting the heavyslenderblade.李宝瓶怔怔拿着入手沉重的狭刀。Zhu Healsosquatsin the , Zhu Ludoes not wantto come, but alsoputs downoneto bet the angry words, said that shedoes not cherishthischarity food, butwas staredby a fatherseverelook, laterwas then drawnforcefullybyhim, this is the first time that girlsawher fathervitality/angry, sheis somewhat afraid, butsheneverhopes the Zhu Hesamesquattinglower part of the body, standstherestubbornly, the complexionis chilly.朱河也蹲在附近,朱鹿原本不想过来,还撂下一句赌气话,说她不稀罕这份嗟来之食,但是被父亲一个严厉眼神瞪住,之后便被他强行拉来,这是少女第一次见到她爹生气,她有些害怕,可她始终不愿朱河一样蹲下身,倔强地站在那里,脸色清冷。Li Huaidoes not pay attentionwhileLi Baoping, colored drawing on potterypuppet that grasps the only one handpalmlength, the excellent workmanshipis peerless, lifelike.李槐趁着李宝瓶不注意,一把抓起一只手掌长短的彩绘木偶,做工精美绝伦,栩栩如生。Thisis the thing that hefalls in love.
这才是他一见钟情的物件。Lin Shouyitakes up the Daoismold book of thatroll-upgently, graspsafter the palm, the reservedyoungster, for the first timerevealsfullyis the happylook.林守一轻轻拿起那本卷起的道家古籍,握在手心后,性情内敛的少年,破天荒流露出满是欢喜的神色。Zhu Heselects a bookandballing upcompounded drug, then the whole faceshockslooks upto the bamboo hatman, the lattersaidwith a laugh: „What's wrong, is just the thing that youandyour familydaughterhas a need for? Do not thankme, mustthankisWei Boandthatsnakepython, the family property that for a lot ofyears, saveslaboriouslyis abundantenough, withobtaining a militarystudyrare book that stems fromImmortals residence, withspecial skillcompounded drug that stems fromTrue Martial Mountain.”朱河挑中一本书和一颗泥封丹药,然后满脸震撼地抬头望向斗笠汉子,后者笑呵呵道:“怎么,刚好是你和你家闺女用得着的东西?别谢我,要谢就是魏檗和那蛇蟒,千百年来,辛苦积攒下来的家底够雄厚,拿得出一部出自仙家府邸的武学秘籍,和一颗出自真武山的独门丹药。”
The Zhu Hepalmholdsthatgrain of compounded drug, the tremblingsound said: „The A'Liangsenior, is really in the legend‚heroicguts’?”朱河掌心托着那粒丹药,颤声道:“阿良前辈,真是传说中的‘英雄胆’?”A'Liangno longerpays attention toZhu He that is wild with joy, looks up, Chen Ping'anandWei Bowalkshoulder to shoulder, the lattersaw a palegoldenseed that inhundredvaluablepavilionsonlyremains, and slenderblade in Li Baopinghand, the youngEarth Godcoloris tranquil, whenthenhesees the bookscompounded drugs in otherperson of hands, gawkedstaring, cannot help butlooksto the bamboo hatman, latterturns a blind eye to, said with a smiletoChen Ping'an: „Onremainingsuchgrain of gadget, butestimated that yourboyarrivesearlyarrives late is the same, will only attainsuchlotus seed.”阿良不再理会欣喜若狂的朱河,抬头望去,陈平安和魏檗并肩走来,后者看到百宝阁内仅剩的一粒淡金色种子,以及李宝瓶手中的狭刀,年轻土地神色平静,然后当他看到其余人手中的书籍丹药,愣了愣,不由得望向斗笠汉子,后者视而不见,对陈平安笑道:“就剩下这么一粒玩意儿了,不过估计你小子早到晚到都一样,只会拿到这么颗莲子。”Seesthatalonepalegoldenlotus seed, the Chen Ping'ansquattinglower part of the body, with a smileinpocketwithincomesleeve.
看到那颗孤零零的淡金色莲子,陈平安蹲下身,笑着拿起来收入袖中口袋。Li Baopingsaidin a soft voice: „Little Master-Uncle, Itradewithyou. A'Liangsaidthisto be possible the bladegood......”李宝瓶轻声道:“小师叔,我跟你换。阿良说这把刀可好了……”At this point, little misswithout delaycloses the mouth, the whole faceregretted, clear and easy to see, after her, half a wordwordsshould notsay that sure enough, Chen Ping'antouchesherhead, „goodto accept, Little Master-Uncledoes not practice the blade, walking into the mountainto lead the wayto use the hatchet is very enough.”
说到这里,小姑娘赶紧闭上嘴巴,满脸后悔,显而易见,她后半句话不该说的,果不其然,陈平安摸了摸她的脑袋,“好就收下啊,小师叔又不练刀,进山开路用柴刀就很足够了。”A'Liangteased: „Right, Chen Ping'anis a swordsman, does not wear a swordappropriately.”阿良打趣道:“对嘛,陈平安是一名剑客,佩刀不合适。”Chen Ping'ansaidill-humoredly: „Do youalsousebamboo blade?”陈平安没好气道:“那你还用竹刀?”A'Liangacts perversely: „Do youmanageme?”阿良耍无赖:“你管我?”Li Huaisaidin a soft voice: „A'Liang, thisbox caseturned over tome, right?”李槐轻声道:“阿良,这匣子归我了,对吧?”A'Liangasked: „Do youwantthisboxto do? Do youhaveso manytreasurefamily belongingsto put?”阿良问道:“你要这盒子干啥?你有那么多宝贝家当放吗?”Li Huaireturns the favor, „do youmanageme?”李槐还以颜色,“你管我?”
The grouphaveobtainedrespectively, younglandWei Bo and blacksnake are also so, was explodedbodyeatenwhiteMangexcept forthathead, it may be said thatto everyone's delight and satisfaction.
一行人各有所得,就连年轻土地魏檗和黑蛇亦是如此,除了那条头颅被炸身躯被吃的白蟒,可谓皆大欢喜。Chen Ping'anis a grain of slightlywitheredpalegoldenlotus seed, the thumbsize. Li Baopingobtainedthatbeing called the slenderblade of Xiangfu, somewhatwas depressed, somewhatshut outslantinglyit by the smallbook box, butaccording to the suggestion of Little Master-Uncle, using a cotton fabricto wrap the slenderbladefrom beginning to end, solid, did not appear externally.陈平安是一粒略显干瘪的淡金色莲子,拇指大小。李宝瓶得到了那把名叫祥符的狭刀,却有些闷闷不乐,有些嫌弃地将它斜靠在小书箱内,不过按照小师叔的建议,用了一块棉布从头到尾包裹住狭刀,严严实实,并不外露。Li Huaiattained the colored drawing on potterypuppetandlight yellowwood box, the formertemporarily„temporary lodging”in the Li Baopingbook box, before putting in the box, the childis very reluctant to part, kept on proclaimingtothatpuppetstrikes one's chest the guarantee, wait untilalsohad the book box, madeitmove, the guaranteewas spacious. Lin Shouyicollectedthatpersonal, the nameis strange, ancientintentis full.李槐拿到了彩绘木偶和娇黄木匣,前者暂时“借住”在李宝瓶的书箱内,放入箱子之前,孩子很是恋恋不舍,对那个木偶口口声声拍胸脯保证,等到自己也有了书箱,就让它搬家,保证宽敞。林守一贴身收藏了那本,名字奇怪,古意十足。AlthoughZhu Luis reluctant, stillacceptedthatImmortalrare book.朱鹿虽然不情不愿,仍是收下了那本仙家秘籍,。
The lucky fellow who Zhu Hesuch as the prolonged droughtmeets the timely rain, a verysteadyman, smilesgrins with ear to ear, is notZhu He, butisheis extremely lucky, nowgiveshimgold and silver mountains, was inferior the True Martial Mountainheroguts that richcannot buy, thismedicinecanhelp the person of taking medicinecondensescatters in all directionsin the acupointQi Palacesoul, finallyhasone„house that”facilitates the Yingodto perchheroicguts, Zhu Heis notQi Refiner, is notSchool of Militarycultivator, butheroicgutsexpensiverare and precious, exactlylies initsimilarlyforpurelymartial artist, Martial Artist that particularly the fifthboundarypeakbogs down, obtains a heroicguts., Is equal tobeing manysimplyhalflife.朱河则如久旱逢甘霖的幸运儿,一个十分稳重的汉子,笑得怎么也合不拢嘴,并非朱河,而是他太过幸运,现在给他一座金山银山,也不如一颗有钱也买不到的真武山英雄胆,此药能够帮助服药之人凝聚四散于窍穴气府的魂魄,最后结出一颗方便阴神栖息的“宅子”英雄胆,朱河不是练气士,更不是兵家修士,但是英雄胆的昂贵珍稀,恰恰在于它同样适用于纯粹武人,尤其是第五境巅峰停滞不前的武夫,取得一颗英雄胆,简直等于多出半条命。A'Liangaskedin a soft voice: „Howwith the land godto chat?”阿良轻声问道:“跟土地爷聊得如何?”Chen Ping'ansaid with a smile: „Good, thatbagthingalsodelivered.”陈平安笑道:“挺好,那袋子东西也送出去了。”A'Liangsaid: „Youwere actually unambiguous, said that delivereddelivers. Iwasto speak thoughtlesslybefore a saying, iffurthermorebusiness is business, youactuallyshoulddeserve a businessto do, believes that bythatblacksnakewhiteMangfamily property, itagainparsimoniousmean-spirited, will be willingto deliveryoutruegood thing.”阿良啧啧道:“你倒是不含糊,说送就送。我之前不过是随口一说,再者如果在商言商的话,你其实应该当一笔生意来做的,相信以那黑蛇白蟒的家底,它再吝啬小气,都会心甘情愿送你一件真正的好东西。”Chen Ping'ansaid: „Fei Shuidoes not flow the bystanderfield, truth that as well asspringZhong Qiureceives, Iunderstand.”陈平安道:“肥水不流外人田,以及春种秋收的道理,我还是懂的。”A'Liangnods, held the bamboo hat, „quickmustarrive at the red candletown/subdues.”阿良点了点头,扶了扶斗笠,“很快就要到红烛镇了。”Thenthismanwiped the saliva, „ferments the apricot blossomnewlyspring, the rougesmallgorgeous boat, myA'Liangcomes back!”
然后这个男人抹了抹口水,“新酿杏花春,胭脂小画舫,我阿良又回来啦!”Regarding the red candletown/subdues that A'Liangalways thinks aboutclearheadedly, Chen Ping'ansuddenlyhas an ominouspremonition.
对于阿良惺惺念念的红烛镇,陈平安突然有种不祥的预感。Wei Bois looking atthatgroup of descending the mountainback, sighed, a tip of the toepoint, plunderedto a carapace of tortoise, sat cross-leggedto sit, after linedozensli (0.5 km), the blacksnake of abdomendrumdrumwent hand in handdistantlywithit, although the physiquecould not withstandextremely fat, but the imposing mannerrose suddenly, aggressiveexceptionally.魏檗望着那一行人的下山背影,叹了口气,脚尖一点,掠向一只山龟的背甲顶部,盘腿而坐,行出数十里后,腹部鼓鼓的黑蛇与它遥遥结伴而行,虽然体态臃肿不堪,可是气势暴涨,凶悍异常。Wei Bosmilessuddenly, throws a bagtowardit, fallsinitsline of marchfortunately, the blacksnakecautiousdanglinghead, smelledsmelling, is not unusual, ittransfers the headto look the persontothatdaoist immortal on tortoise.魏檗忽然一笑,朝它丢出一只袋子,凑巧落在它行进路线上,黑蛇小心翼翼垂下头颅,嗅了嗅,并无异样,它转过头颅望向山龟上的那位神仙中人。
The appearancejust likeexiling the Immortaldelicate and prettylandsaid with a smile: „Isthatyoungstergives your present of moving on to better things.”
神采宛如谪仙人的俊美土地笑道:“算是那少年送你的乔迁之礼。”abdomengives birth to the blacksnakes of fourclawfourfeet, slightlydoeshesitant, finallytears up the bagwith the tooth, tumbles outtenseveralyoungster the snakebluestone that collectsfrom the dragon whiskerstream, the lusterinsmall streamhas all removed, at first sight, in the middle ofcobblestonewithordinarymountain streamriver water, not different, but after the blacksnakeshort distancestares atone, the lookis scalding hot, simultaneouslyfillednervous, for fear that the nextquartermustwelcomedisappointedly, itputs out the snakeletter/believesslowly, the exploratory naturecurls uppebbleto enter the mouth.腹部生出四爪四趾的黑蛇,略作犹豫,最终用牙齿扯破袋子,滚出十数颗少年从龙须溪中拾取的蛇胆石,在小溪之中的色泽皆已褪去,乍一看,与普通溪涧河水当中的鹅卵石,没什么两样,但是黑蛇近距离凝视一番后,眼神灼热,同时充满了忐忑,生怕自己下一刻就要迎来失望,它缓缓吐出蛇信,试探性卷起一颗石子入嘴。
The younglandseesthissecretly, is controllingtortoisecontinues to walk forward, thought aloud: „A goodreasongoodbeginning, does not know whether to die a natural death.”年轻土地看到这一幕后,驾驭着山龟继续前行,自言自语道:“一桩善缘善始,就是不知道能否善终。”
The blacksnakea moment later, fourclawsgrasp, raises headto look at the day, spreadsoneto shout, resounds through the mountain peak, is startledbird that fluttersto go far awayinnumerably.
身后黑蛇片刻之后,四爪抓地,仰头望天,传出一声嘶吼,响彻山峰,惊起无数振翅远去的飞鸟。Even if the younglandsomewhatenvies, „heard that nowexcept forBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-Heaven, thisthingvanishesineasternTreasure Bottle Continentalmostalready, Flood Dragonis, the foodmaygive birth to the physique of True Dragon to the scale.”
哪怕是年轻土地都有些羡慕,“听说如今除了骊珠洞天,此物在东宝瓶洲几乎已经绝迹,蛟龙之属,食之可生出真龙之筋骨须鳞。”Close to the red candletown/subdues, the whitedonkeyon the green slatpost road, steps ontick-tock the clearsound, A'Lianghas not been pulling the reins of donkey, itwill followafter that after A'Lianghearsthatto howlvaguely, said with a smile: „It seems like is really useful.”
临近红烛镇,白色毛驴在青石板驿路上,踩踏出滴滴答答的清脆声响,阿良没有牵着驴子的缰绳,它自己就会跟随其后,阿良依稀听到那声吼叫后,笑道:“看来还真有用。”Chen Ping'ansmallsound said: „Ileft behindmost valuablesnakebluestone, has not hatedto deliver.”陈平安小声道:“我留下了最值钱的一颗蛇胆石,没舍得送出去。”A'Lianglaughs heartily, „actuallychickenthief.”阿良哈哈大笑,“倒是鸡贼。”Rear the team, afterLi HuaiLin Shouyispreads out, Zhu Heleads a horse, whilesaidwith the daughterin a low voice: „Mustreceivethatten million/countlessten million/countless, if smooth, thisbookcanmakeyouarrive at the fifthboundary! When the time comescoordinatesthatheroicgutsagain, youadvanced into the sixthboundarysteadily!”
队伍最后边,与李槐林守一拉开距离后,朱河一边牵马,一边与女儿低声说道:“千万千万要收好那本,如果顺利的话,这本书能够让你一路走到第五境!到时候再配合那颗英雄胆,你就稳稳跻身第六境了!”girlis stunned, „father, the compounded druggaveme, youwhat to do?”少女愕然,“爹,丹药给了我,那你怎么办?”Zhu Hesaid with a smilein a soft voice: „Fatherreturnsyoung, now the frame of mindcame back, can perhaps the brokenboundary, go out of a strideforward, is the high placescenery of seventhboundary, now the father can also think.”朱河轻声笑道:“爹还年轻,如今心气回来了,说不定就能够自己破境,向前走出一大步,便是第七境的高处风光,如今爹也敢想一想了。”Moodelegantgirl, has beamed from ear to ear, said: „Returnsyoung? The father do youwantinthatred candletown/subdues, to look for the young wifebeautifulpretty little girl? The father, youcould rest assured that Iam not blocking.”
原本一直心情郁郁的少女,笑逐颜开,道:“还年轻?那爹你要不要在那红烛镇,找个小媳妇美娇娘啊?爹,你放心,我可不拦着。”Zhu Hecomplexionembarrassed, stareddaughtertogether: „Nonsense!”朱河脸色尴尬,瞪了闺女一道:“胡说八道!”girlthinks,„father, thatcompounded drugyouremain, Inowtwoboundarypeaks, from the fifthboundary also early.”少女想了想,“爹,那颗丹药你还是留着吧,我如今才二境巅峰,距离第五境都还还早呢。”Zhu Hesaid with a smilefrank: „Remainsalsogood, consideredyourfuturepressurebottomdowry.”朱河爽朗笑道:“留着也行,就当是你将来的压箱底嫁妆了。”Delicategirlas ifrememberedsomebody, the whole facebecomes flushed, the Zhu Hemoodis excellent, the heroic spiritsaidvertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered: „Laterarrived atourGreat LiCapital City, having a look atwhichto have the aristocratic familyperson of extraordinary ability of good fortune, canmarrymy daughter.”
清秀少女似乎想起了某人,满脸涨红,朱河心情大好,豪气纵横道:“以后到了咱们大骊京城,看看哪位有福气的世家俊彦,能够娶到我女儿。”girlstamps the feetsaidcharmingly: „Father!”少女跺脚娇羞道:“爹!”Zhu Hewithout delaybeckons with the hand saying: „Did not say that the fatherdoes not say.”朱河赶紧摆手道:“不说了,爹不说了。”Dusk on post road, A'Liangstands on tiptoesto startwith, is rubbing handsunceasingly, is looking at the gentleoutline of thatred candletown/subdues, inbamboo hatmaneyes, a beautifulwomanlikesprawling drunkwineshop.
黄昏里的驿路上,阿良踮起脚跟,不断搓着手,望着那座红烛镇的柔和轮廓,在斗笠汉子眼中,就像一位醉卧酒肆的美妇。Hesaidhurriedly: „Chen Ping'an, reached an agreementbeforehand, youmustborrowme a gold ingot.”
他急匆匆道:“陈平安,事先说好了,你要借我一颗金锭的。”Chen Ping'annods, butsomedoubts, „A'Liang will yoube short of money?”陈平安点了点头,不过有些疑惑,“阿良你会缺钱?”A'Lianggrinsto say with a smile: „Youdo not understand, line of travel through the rivers and lakes, whatlending moneyis a grandson, whatmoney backis an ancestor, my, was been too miserably shabbybyLi HuaiZhu Luthesekids, mustancestor'saddiction, compensationoneself.”阿良咧嘴笑道:“你不懂了吧,行走江湖,借钱的是孙子,还钱的是祖宗,我这一路,被李槐朱鹿这些小屁孩给寒碜得太惨了,一定要过过祖宗的瘾,补偿补偿自己。”HelplessChen Ping'ansaid: „Ideliveryou a gold ingot, Ido not borrow, onlydelivers.”陈平安无奈道:“那我送你一颗金锭,我不借,只送。”
A A'Liangpalm of the handclapsin the youngstershoulder, laughs saying: „Reached an agreement! The gold ingotgives in vainme.”阿良一巴掌拍在少年肩头,大笑道:“就这么说好了!金锭白送我。”
The A'Liangvisualfront, lifted the armto graspmaking a fist, „canattain a gold ingotfrom your miserin vain, myA'Liangwas really fierce!”阿良目视前方,抬臂握了握拳,“能够从你这财迷手里白白拿到一颗金锭,我阿良果然猛啊!”Chen Ping'anhas not reneged on a promise, butlookspeacefullytothatmore and morenearred candletown/subdues, the familiartownauraheads on, is notthatriver wateris torrential, remote mountains and ancient forests.陈平安对此没有反悔,只是安静望向那座越来越近的红烛镇,熟悉的市井气息扑面而来,再也不是那河水滔滔、深山老林了。Chen Ping'anturns the headto say with a smiletoredcotton-wadded jacketlittle miss: „Arrived the town/subdues, wait untilpurchasedon the roadallliving expenses, welookto look that tanghulusells.”陈平安转头对身边的红棉袄小姑娘笑道:“到了镇上,等到购置完路上一切吃用,我们就去找找看有没有糖葫芦卖。”Li Baopinghappilyjumpingvanguard, the little missjoltsbehindthatonlyto be deep greengently the smallbook box, „Little Master-Uncle! Webuytwoskewers of smalltanghuluon the line! Smalldelicious!”李宝瓶高兴地蹦蹦跳跳前行,小姑娘轻轻颠着背后那只碧绿小书箱,“小师叔!咱们买两串小糖葫芦就行!小的好吃!”
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