Thatgreen bamboostretchessuddenlystraight, originallyis the A'Liangjumping downground, puts out a handto pull up the bodythatchesspillarmountainland god, said with a smile: „Mygambler's characteris not good, butyourgamblingtransports/fortunesis very good.”
那棵绿竹猛然绷直,原来是阿良跳落地面,伸手将那位棋墩山土地爷拉起身,啧啧笑道:“我的赌品不好,可是你的赌运很好。”younglandcomplexionsnow white, with a worried look, althoughis survivor of disaster, preserveshalfbamboo grove that onlyremainedfinally, but when hesawwhiteMang who distant placethatheadwas collapsed, the younglandcannot help buthas mixed emotions, for several hundredyears are neighbors, althoughare the wickedneighbors, the frictionis unceasing, butalsocalculatesto live in peace with each otheron the whole, leasthas never hadlife and deathpreying, today the snakepythonshouldsoonstepcultivatedbright future, whenthistype, by the swift and fierceSword Qiscraphead, was taken tohisbig of impact, it can be imagined.年轻土地脸色雪白,愁眉不展,虽说劫后余生,总算保住了仅剩的半片竹林,可当他看到远处那条头颅被崩掉的白蟒,年轻土地不由得百感交集,数百年来毗邻为居,虽是恶邻,摩擦不断,但大体上还算相安无事,最少从未有过生死搏杀,今天蛇蟒本该即将踏上修行的阳关大道,偏偏在这种的时候,被人以凌厉剑气炸碎头颅,带给他的震撼力之大,可想而知。
The younglandsighed, bowed in salutedejected, saidin a soft voice: „On, mysobrokerlittle person that such as the seniorthinks, isthreedaysdoes not hit the humbletemper that the best roomstrips off roof tiles, but was really onepunchesnowwas full, but alsolooked atA'Liangseniorpitifulpitifullittle person, was really scared out of one's wits, did not have the least bitframe of mindagain, then the A'Liangseniorspokeby all means that little personacted certainly accordingly.”年轻土地叹息一声,颓然作揖,轻声道:“就如前辈所认为的,我这般市侩小人,是三天不打上房揭瓦的低贱性子,不过如今委实是一顿揍就饱了,还望阿良前辈可怜可怜小人,实在是吓破胆子了,再无半点心气,接下来阿良前辈只管发话,小人一定照办。”A'Liangnotmysterious, looked down the eyedesertedgreenbamboo bladesheath, the nodsaid: „Youselect a goodpointoldbamboo, Imusttradebamboo blade, consideredyourfriendgift. Isso manyinexplicablefallsagainin the bamboo of ground, eldest childonepile, wastingwas not after all good.”阿良没有故弄玄虚,低头看了眼空落落的绿竹刀鞘,点头道:“你拣选一根好点的老竹,我要换一把竹刀,就当是你的朋友赠礼了。再就是这么多莫名其妙掉在地上的竹子,老大一堆,浪费了总归不好。”
The land godWei Bocorners of the mouthtwitch, onlydares the unstated criticismin the heart, the A'Liangsenior your to callheartlessly, good of A'LiangyourSir.
土地爷魏檗嘴角抽搐,只敢在心中腹诽,阿良前辈你这叫丧尽天良啊,阿良你大爷的良。A'Liangrubbed the chin, „my friendmade the pento lose moneyto buy and sell, helpedyouwin the second halfplacebamboo groveindirectly, cultivating the behaviorwas sincere, has the graciousnessto repay a debt of gratitude, yourwhat do you think?”阿良揉了揉下巴,“我那朋友做了笔亏本买卖,间接帮你赢下半座竹林,做人要厚道,有恩就报恩,你意下如何?”
The Wei Boforced smilesaid: „By rights ought toso, heaven's law and earth's principle.”魏檗苦笑道:“理当如此,天经地义。”Chen Ping'antakes the halfhatchetto runthat side the whitepythoncorpse, cut the remainingfins, glittering and translucent carving, was longwith the personarm, touchesin the hand, under like the snow, the sunlightshoneicy coldly, flashed beforeintermittentshiningunceasingly. Before A'Liang, chatted, onthiswhitepython the most valuablething, except for the snakeguts was a fin, priceless, anddid not have the cityvaluably, otherpythonskinJinguand otherthing, althoughalsocherishedvaluable, butcompared with the firstboth'spreciousdegree, huge difference.陈平安拿着半截柴刀跑去白蟒尸体那边,砍下了剩下一只飞翅,晶莹剔透,与人手臂等长,摸在手里,冰凉如雪,日光照耀下,不断闪现出一阵阵流光溢彩。阿良之前闲聊说过,这头白蟒身上最值钱的物件,除了蛇胆便是飞翅,价值连城,且有价无市,其余蟒皮筋骨等物,虽然也稀罕值钱,但比起前两者的珍贵程度,天壤之别。Chen Ping'anishangs the hatchetin the waist, runsto the bamboo grove, finallysaw that the younglandis bending the waistpartlysquats, both handspull out, under the blueazurebamboo rhizomepacking a green bamboointerlock, a slight move in one part that may affect the whole situation, as the green bamboodrew out the muddy land, the nearbysoilwas pulledto have the sputteringby the bamboo rhizome.陈平安将柴刀系挂在腰间,一路小跑向竹林,结果看到年轻土地正在弯腰半蹲,双手将一棵绿竹倒拔而出,地底下碧青色的竹鞭盘根交错,牵一发而动全身,随着绿竹被拔出泥地,附近土壤纷纷被竹鞭牵带着溅射而起。Sees„killing a person and taking his possessionsgold belt” after straw sandalyoungster, the youngland of being sweating profusely, the subconsciousnessswallows the saliva, thenhewill embrace the green bambooto returnwithin the earthgently, lowers the headlooks aroundeverywhere, finallyselectedonethicklysuch as the quietgreenbamboo rhizome of youngvirginarm, sighed, looked uptoChen Ping'an, the smileasksforced: „Does can or cannotusetaking advantage ofme the hatchet?”
看到“杀人越货金腰带”的草鞋少年后,满头大汗的年轻土地,下意识咽了咽口水,然后他将怀抱绿竹轻轻放回土中,低头四处张望,最后选中了一段粗如稚童手臂的幽绿竹鞭,叹了口气,抬起头望向陈平安,笑容牵强问道:“能不能把柴刀借我一用?”Chen Ping'anapproaches, gives the youngland the halfhatchet, the latterhandgrasps the hatchet, the deep breathone breath, after cuttingthatsection of bamboo rhizome, givesA'Liang, A'Liangshakes the headto say with a smile: „Before youilluminateme , the bamboo bladestyledoes, thenleaves the chesspillarmountainboundarytime, together withthatwhiteLv, givesmetogetherand that's the end.”陈平安走近,将半截柴刀递给年轻土地,后者手握柴刀,深呼吸一口气,砍下那截竹鞭后,递给阿良,阿良摇头笑道:“你照我之前竹刀的样式做一把,回头离开棋墩山边界的时候,连同那头白驴,一起给我就是了。”Wei Bonaturallydoes not darenot to comply, later the hatchetgives back toChen Ping'an the time, heartfeltdeeply movedsaid: „Goodsharpblade.”魏檗自然不敢不答应,之后把柴刀还给陈平安的时候,由衷感慨道:“好锋利的刀刃。”Chen Ping'anreceived the hatchet, thinks,said: „Words that youwant, Icandeliveryou, thishalfhatchetis not in any case suitableto quarry a mountainto guide, Itakealsonobiguse.”陈平安接过柴刀,想了想,说道:“你想要的话,我可以送你,反正这半截柴刀不适合开山带路,我拿着也没什么大用处。”Wei Bosaid with a smiledry/does: „Noblemandoes not seize the personwell.”魏檗干笑道:“君子不夺人所好。”A'Liangsaidwith a laugh: „To take something for freeembarrassed, thatcanbuy, treats both the young and old honestly, fairbusiness, is right?”阿良笑呵呵道:“想要又不好意思白要,那可以买嘛,童叟无欺,公平买卖,对不对?”
A Wei Boface„being suddenly enlighted”, after standing up, rubsto switch hands the soil, saidtoChen Ping'anwith a smile: „The mountain personwoodcutter who ifwalks into the mountainfrequently, knows, if a bamboo grovecover, insteaddoes not help the growth of bamboo, the densityis appropriate, the bamboo grovecanexpand, must therefore reduce, moreoverthispiece of bamboo grovetrulyvaluablepart, inundergroundwith the mountain rootconnectedbamboo rhizome, butin the bamboo pole of ground, just nowthento avail of this opportunity, did not borrowbamboo bladeto use, to cutsomeextrabamboo poleswith the A'Liangsenior, is thinkingbuilds a smallbamboo house, enjoyedsceneryasresting of leisure.”魏檗一脸“恍然大悟”,站起身后搓掉手上泥土,对陈平安笑着说道:“若是经常进山的山民樵夫,就会知道如果一座竹林过于茂密,反而不利于竹子的生长,疏密得当,竹林才能壮大,所以必须砍掉一些,而且这片竹林真正值钱的部分,在地下与山根相连的竹鞭,而不在地上的竹竿,方才便趁此机会,跟阿良前辈借了竹刀一用,砍下一些多余竹竿,原本想着是搭建一座小竹楼,作为闲暇时分的休憩赏景之用。”
The younglandmoresaidis smoother, „bamboo blade of presentA'Liangseniorwas cutbymebadly, embarrassed saying that Iseefromfirst, droolsinyourhand the halfhatchet, otherwisemybamboo bladealsodoes, the bamboo housebuildsas before, thenbamboo bladecangiveA'Liangearly, is only the smallbamboo house, perhapswill be latercanbe completed, when the time comes the blacksnakegoes toDragon Springs CountyAbjection Mountaintime, Icanoneandaccompany, sinceavoidsitnorth, annoysanythingto trouble, simultaneouslycanmakeit conduct the backthesebamboos, after Iarrived atAbjection Mountain, thenfinds a beautiful sceneryandscenic and comfortableplace, foryou. Buildbamboo house.”年轻土地越说越顺畅,“现在阿良前辈的竹刀被我砍坏了,说来惭愧,我从第一眼看到起,就垂涎你手中半截柴刀,要不然我竹刀也做,竹楼依旧搭建,回头竹刀可以早早交给阿良,只是小竹楼,恐怕会晚一些才能落成,到时候黑蛇前往龙泉县落魄山的时候,我会一并随行,既是避免它一路北去,惹出什么麻烦,同时可以让它驮着这些竹子,我到了落魄山后,便找一处山清水秀、风景宜人的地方,为你搭建竹楼。”Chen Ping'anlookstoA'Liang, the bamboo hatmanexplainswith a smile: „bamboo seaGrotto-Heavenhastenmost importantimmortalbamboos, the bamboohastenvirtue, the immortalbamboocorrespondswithit, the ancestor of thispiece of bamboois‚courageouslybamboo’ the heir, thesedisciples and followers here bamboo grove, profits at someone's expense, ifbuilds a bamboo house, year to yearplaces, cultivatedsits in meditation, regardingpurelyMartial ArtistorSchool of Militarycultivator, advantage.”陈平安望向阿良,斗笠汉子笑着解释道:“竹海洞天有十棵最重要的仙竹,竹有十德,仙竹与之对应,这片竹子的老祖宗是其中‘奋勇竹’的子嗣,此处竹林里的这些徒子徒孙,也沾了光,若是搭建成一栋竹楼,常年身处其中,修行打坐,对于纯粹武夫或是兵家修士,都大有益处。”Wei Boechoesto sayhastily: „Right, herebamboo groveis the heir of thatimmortalbamboo, history bookrecordmilitary prestigehas all inspiredcourageously‚, for examplebrokenbamboo, after several, is easily solved’, agrees without consultationthisintent. Thereforecultivatedin the bamboo house, nourishes the soulinevitablyextremely.”魏檗连忙附和道:“对,此处竹林皆是那棵奋勇仙竹的子嗣,史书记载‘兵威已振,譬如破竹,数节之后,迎刃而解’,暗合此意。故而在竹楼之内修行,必然极其滋养魂魄。”Chen Ping'anis just aboutto speak, the A'Lianghalf stepgoes forward, holds in the arms the youngstershoulderto walktoward the bamboo groveoutside, „difficult to turn down an offer make with such warmth, the guest does as the host pleases, walks.”陈平安正要说话,阿良快步上前,搂住少年肩膀就往竹林外走去,“盛情难却,客随主便,走了走了。”Chen Ping'ansmallsound said: „Hatchethas not givenothers.”陈平安小声道:“柴刀还没给人家。”A'Liangsaidcarelessly: „Theninthathalfbladeoneincludingback-basketandgiveshim.”阿良大大咧咧道:“回头连背篓里的那半截刀刃一并给他。”Laterthisbamboo hatmandoes not forgetthento remind: „The guts of whitepythonthathas not formed, does not want, the dripping with blood, is too scary, oneandgives the blacksnaketo swallowtogether with the pythonmeat is, then, without a pair of fin, can still makeitgrow200-300years of cultivation base, consideredoursincerity, remembers that after wantingittoAbjection Mountainstopped over, honestcultivated.”
之后这位斗笠汉子不忘回头提醒道:“那颗尚未成形的白蟒之胆,就不要了,鲜血淋漓的,太吓人,连同蟒肉一并交给黑蛇吞食便是,如此一来,哪怕没了一对飞翅,依然能够让它增长200-300年修为,就当是我们的诚意了,记得要它到了落魄山落脚后,老老实实修行。”FinallyA'Liangputs out a hand the flying highimaginary point, referred to the scaredyoungland, „fend for yourself.”
The younglandstandsin the bamboo groveedge, is looking at the two peopleback, in the forests the mountain breeze, acrossgreeneryclumps of safflowers, brings the refreshingflowers and treesdelicate fragrance, prettysuch as the youngman of outstanding person, Mountain Monarchgreenwhanghee that grasps the symbolicstatus, the white clothingis floating, the bigsleevesways, previousshocksanddreads, anxiousandpaces back and forth, as the cool breezesweeps away, displacingtallieswith a placeSpiritual Godstatusgravesolemn and respectful.年轻土地站在竹林边缘,望着两人的背影,林间山风,穿过一棵棵绿树一丛丛红花,带着沁人心脾的花木清香,貌美如尤物的年轻男子,手持象征身份的山君绿竹杖,白衣飘飘,大袖飘摇,先前的震惊、畏惧、焦躁和仿徨,随着清风一扫而空,取而代之是与一地神灵身份相符的庄重肃穆。Hislook around, deeply movedsaidin a soft voice: „Weal and woerelies on one another, was mediocre. Thankhaving no interest of A'Liangseniorto raise, helpingmeuntie the heartknot, broke the demonbarrier.”
The younglandcloses the eye, the corners of the mouthholdswarmsmilling expression, twitteringsaid: „Since old timesfamous mountains, whenSaint, Saintdoes not comewhy not, Ifrommaybecome the Saintwith concentration.”年轻土地闭上眼睛,嘴角含着温煦笑意,呢喃道:“自古名山待圣人,圣人不来又何妨,我自可潜心成圣。”
When wait untilopens eyes, the delicate and prettymaleearbankhad/left a palegoldenearring, the fineringswayswith the mountain breezeslightly, serves as contrast the younglandjust likemountainRighteous God.等到睁眼之时,俊美男子耳畔多出了一枚淡金色耳环,精致圆环随着山风微微摇晃,衬托得年轻土地恍如山岳正神。
The two peopleold routereturns to the puddle, when is differentfromcomingrunningfast, two peoplechoosesto take a walkto chatat this timetacitly.两人原路返回水潭,不同于来时的飞快奔走,此时两人默契地选择散步闲聊。„A'Liang, will the blacksnakereally eat the whitepythonremainingcorpse? Aren't they a depend on each other for survivalseveral hundredyears of partner?”
“阿良,黑蛇真的会吃掉白蟒残余尸体?它们不是相依为命几百年的伙伴吗?”„Thataimsbecomes the flood dragontransform into a dragonblacksnake, naturallynextresulted in the mouth, is not only Flood Dragonis, actuallyallmountain spiritghostevil spirits, alltake the foodas the day, butdwellsin the mountains and forestsDaisawa'sFlood Dragonsnakepython, especiallysimilarremnant, thisdoes not accommodatetwotigerswith a mountainis the similartruth, the blacksnakekeepswhiteMang, straightens out, the spiritwisdomgrows, has not waited foritto tie the idea that pilleats until fillagain. Right, ifyouwantto look at the blacksnaketo gobble upwhiteMang the scene, wecanturn head.”
“这就算了吧。”„On the other hand, do not blamemeto make a decision without authorizationforyou, complying withthatblacksnaketo eatthatpythonguts, sinceitreceivesround tripAbjection Mountainto helpyouassume the destiny, then a pythongutssells outbyyou, the pricesellsagainhigh, was inferior that the blacksnakebecomes the black inkflood dragonto comeearliercost-effective.”
“话说回来,别怪我替你擅作主张,答应那黑蛇吃掉那颗蟒胆,既然它接下来去落魄山帮你坐镇气运,那么一颗蟒胆由你卖掉,价格卖得再高,也不如黑蛇早点成为墨蛟来得划算。”„WhyI am actually very curiousyou to massacrewhiteMang, whydoesn't wait formeto intendto stop? TamedwhiteMang, makesitgo to the valuablelumountainor the colorcloud peakcasuallyis the goodbusiness. could it be thatyouarefeared that myA'Liangdoes see somebody in danger and do nothing?”
“我其实很好奇你为何要杀掉白蟒,为何不等我出手阻拦?驯服了白蟒,随便让它去宝箓山或是彩云峰都是不错的买卖。难道你是怕我阿良见死不救?”„Howpossibly, A'Liang, Itrustyou.”
“那你?”„A'Liang, replied before yourissue, Ialsowantto know, youris or isn'twhenIandZhu Hecompare notes, saw that Idid find...... thatthreeacupointat that time? And the truth in acupoint?”
“阿良,回答你的问题之前,我也想知道,你是不是在我和朱河切磋的时候,就看出我当时找到了……那三座窍穴?以及窍穴之内的真相?”„To be honest, Iknow from the beginningthatthreeacupointhas the strangeness, has the mysterygreatly, butsaidquiteloses face, Idid not lookclearly, can only guess correctlyisreserved and refinedhasthreesilk threadSword Qi of say/wayintent, whichthreetypesmade concrete, cannotdetermine, naturally, I, ifwantedto watchinside the Qi Palacesceneforcefully, did not hesitateto injureyourbody and spiritinternal qi, was not difficult, was only such a, was very underhanded, myA'Liangwas the peerlessexpert, had the stylebearing of expert.”
“说实话,我一开始就知道那三座窍穴内有古怪,大有玄机,但说出来比较丢人,就连我也看不真切,只能猜出是蕴藉有三种道意的丝缕剑气,具体为哪三种,则不敢确定,当然,我如果想要强行观看气府里边的景象,不惜伤害你的体魄气机,丝毫不难,只是那么一来,就很下作了,我阿良身为绝世高手,自有高手的风范气度。”„Got it. A'Liang, do youknow that oursmall townhasmemorial arch, does abovehavefourinscribed horizontal tablets?”
“明白了。阿良,你知不知道我们小镇有座牌坊,上边有四块匾额?”„Knows that hadthismatter, Qi Jingchunhad mentionedwithmein the past, butIhave not remembered the content, forgotearly.”
“知道有这回事,齐静春当年跟我提起过,但是我没记住内容,早忘了。”„Hasinscribed horizontal tablettogether, writesfourcharacters, do not seek outward. Mynext doorhascontemporaries, studies, hesaid that thisis the Buddhismallegorical words, meantwarnseveryone, mustspecialize in the Buddhist doctrine, do not go tobeyond the side dooroutletswiththeseBuddhist doctrinesto askanything. Ithoughtfrom the beginningis very reasonable, butafterwardIin the mountain topcharking, all right, was a personboredpondered overin any caseblindly, feltto me, burnt joss sticks and worship buddhaalsowell, the ritualrespected the Bodhisattva is also good, wantedfirstto achievematterin one's power, ifcannot achieve the wish, reallywithout the means that thenstrove , the Bodhisattvawill nodto comply, whyotherwise the Bodhisattvashelpedyou, right, A'Liang?”
“其中有一块匾额,写着四个字,莫向外求。我隔壁有个同龄人,读书很多,他说这是佛家的禅机,意思是说告诫所有人,要专修佛法,不要去跟那些佛法之外的旁门外道去求什么。我一开始觉得很有道理,但是后来我在山上烧炭,没事的时候,反正就是一个人无聊了瞎琢磨,觉得对我来说,烧香拜佛也好,礼敬菩萨也好,都要自己先做到力所能及的事情,如果仍是达成不了心愿,实在没办法了,再去求,菩萨才会点头答应,要不然人家菩萨凭啥帮你啊,对吧,阿良?”„AskedBuddhafirstto askoneself.”
“求佛先求己。”„Right, Iamsuchmeaning!”
“对对对,我就是这么个意思!”„Un, the words that explained that could convincereluctantly. HoweverImustexplain a matterwithyou, myA'Liangdigs out a pointfrom the nailseam, is thicker than yourfamily property. Thereforeyouthought that is very troublesomeI, thenratherlosstogetherSword Qi? In facttomyA'Liang, onetimeisdrew a swordcasually the smallmatter of sheath. Thisaccount, youmustcalculate.”
“嗯?”„Teachesmeto burn the porcelainOld Man Yao, rarelyis willingto speaktome, butthere isparticularlysaystwiceheavilywords, Irememberedveryclearly. The firsttimeisI, whenkiln workerapprentice, hesaid that learnsto burn the porcelainfromme, Ok, butyou, so long asdaresto steallaziness a time, tumbles outdragon kilntome. The secondtimeisIreturnswithhiswalks into the mountain, hesaid that walks into the mountainto look for the earthwithme, Ok, no matter how butbroke the leg, so long asyoudareto be in front ofmyto cryonetime, laterdo not walk into the mountainagain.”
“教我烧瓷的姚老头,很少愿意跟我说话,但是有两次把话说得特别重,我记得很清楚。第一次是我当窑工学徒,他说跟我学烧瓷,可以,但你只要敢偷一次懒,就给我滚出龙窑。第二次是我跟他头回进山,他说跟我进山找土,可以,但不管是摔断腿了还是怎么,你只要敢当着我的面哭一次,以后就别再进山。”„Whichthisiswith, Chen Ping'anyourwhatmeaning?”
“这是哪跟哪啊,陈平安你啥意思?”„Ichange a view, A'Liang, do youlikehaving a long lazy sleep?”
“那我换个说法,阿良,你喜不喜欢睡懒觉?”„Nonsense, don't youlike?”
“废话,你不喜欢?”„Ialsolike, butsaidyoupossiblynot to believe that I, whenkiln workerapprenticesincefirstday, untiltoday, I have not rested a lie-, whenshouldget out of bed, Iopened eyesget out of bed, therefore a lie-indid not have.”
“我也喜欢啊,但是说出来你可能不信,我在当窑工学徒的第一天起,直到今天,我没有睡过一次懒觉,该什么时候起床,我睁眼就起床,所以一次懒觉也没有。”„Circles such bigcircle, what do youactuallywantto say? BullyingmyA'Liangisn't a scholar?”
“绕这么大圈子,你到底想说啥?欺负我阿良不是读书人?”„Mymeaning, isanythought that not the goodmatter, simplydo not have the firsttime, do not doonetime, a half stepcannotwalk, otherwisethen, suffers a lossbear hardships. Likeme, if loafonetime, definitelycannot make the kiln workerapprentice, cannot enter the mountain, thenwherecanhavetoday'sscene? PerhapsInowwiththatseveral thousandsmall townsyoungalmost, walks into the mountainto lead the way, the loggingbridging, leadssomecopper coinevery day, this. Possiblyhowto havefivemountain tops? Fivemountain tops, how manyvaluable, A'Liang do youknow? A'Liang, laterhas the opportunityyourmustto go tomymountain topto have a look......”
“我的意思,就是任何自己觉得不好的事情,就干脆不要有第一次,一次也不要做,一小步也不能走出去,要不然回头来看,吃亏吃苦的还是自己。就像我,如果偷懒一次,肯定就做不成窑工学徒,更进不了大山,那么哪里能有今天的光景?说不定我现在跟那几千小镇青壮差不多,进山开路,伐木搭桥,每天领一些铜钱,就这样了。怎么可能有五座山头?五座山头,有多少值钱,阿良你知道吗?阿良,以后有机会你一定要去我山头看看……”„Stops! Chen Ping'an, youcapture such bigcirclewithme, toshow offoneselfextravagantlyrich?”
“打住打住!陈平安,你跟我兜这么大圈子,就为了显摆自己阔绰有钱啊?”„A'Liang, youhave not really studied.”
“……”„A'Liang, latermyAbjection Mountain, if are really many a bamboo house, youdo give a nameto the help?”
“阿良,以后我的落魄山,如果真的多出一栋竹楼,你给帮忙取个名字吧?”„‚A'Liangveryfiercebuilding’, how? Imposing mannerenough? What's wrong, shuts outto compete, has pressed the crest of wave of your Weishanking? Ok, Itradeone more implicit, called‚fiercecharacterbuilding’, myA'Liangsacrificewas very big, was unsatisfied?”
“‘阿良很猛楼’,如何?气势够不够?怎么,嫌弃喧宾夺主,压过你这位山大王的风头?行吧,那我换一个含蓄些的,就叫‘猛字楼’,我阿良牺牲很大的,还不满意?”„A'Liang, Isuddenlythought that the bamboo housedoes not have the name is also good.”
The bamboo hatmanshows the whites of the eyes.
斗笠汉子翻了个白眼。Chen Ping'anlaughs heartily, „felt relieved,called the fiercecharacterbuildingto be good.”陈平安哈哈大笑,“放心,就叫猛字楼好了。”A'Liangturns the headto asksuddenly: „Do youwantto study the sword?”阿良突然转头问道:“你想不想学剑?”Chen Ping'anshakes the head saying: „Temporarilydoes not think.”陈平安摇头道:“暂时不想。”A'Liangsaid with a smileunderstandingly: „Isfearsto divert attention? Delayedpracticing boxing?”阿良会心笑道:“是怕分心?耽误了练拳?”Chen Ping'ansighed, nods.陈平安叹了口气,点点头。A'Liangknows why the youngstersighed, initiallyinchesspillarmountainsummit, youngstertostopwhiteMangkilledLi Familyservant girlZhu Lu, will walk the qualification that the pilepracticed boxingto savelaboriously, spent freelycompletely, ifseemed likeon handa little doorsmall family of extra money, the resultoneby the striking backoriginal form, was been again utterly destitute, from the front doorto the windowwas the drearyscene of ruinedleaking out.阿良知道少年为何叹息,当初在棋墩山山巅,少年为了阻拦白蟒扑杀李家婢女朱鹿,将原本一路走桩练拳辛苦积攒下来的本钱,全部挥霍一空了,如果说原本像是手头有点余钱的小门小户了,结果一下被打回原形,再度家徒四壁,从屋门到窗户都是破败漏风的惨淡光景。Fortunatelywalks the pileis the vigorous and healthybodybody and spirit, is the action of imminentlife, butsets up the swordfurnace, thencannourish the soul, has broken throughin a thatShipingservice, forlaterwithZhu Hecompares notesmartiallearn/study the time, the youngstercantake advantage of opportunityfoundacupoint that threeSword Qihideaccurate, prepared the ground.
所幸走桩是健壮身躯体魄,是迫在眉睫的活命之举,而立桩剑炉,则能够滋养魂魄,在那石坪一役当中有所突破,为之后跟朱河切磋武学的时候,少年能够顺势精准找到三座剑气所藏的窍穴,做了铺垫。A'Liangteased: „Was short ofwisp of suchfiercemaintaining lifeSword Qi, loves dearly?”阿良打趣道:“少了一缕这么厉害的保命剑气,心疼不心疼?”Chen Ping'ansaidwithout hesitation: „Does not love dearly, Isaved in one breathat heart, leftfinally. Now is very happy.”陈平安毫不犹豫道:“不心疼,我之前积攒在心里头的一口气,总算出了。现在痛快得很。”A'Liangsaid with a smile: „Said that looks.”阿良笑道:“说说看。”Chen Ping'anlooksto the front, „Iam willingto be reasonable, canmakeotherslisten tometo be reasonable, thisfeeling, verygood! BeforeIpracticed martial artstostrong and healthy body, ortomaintain a livelihood, butthinks that now the goalcanagain, was high!”陈平安望向前方,“我愿意跟人讲道理,又能够让别人听我讲道理,这感觉,很好!以前我练武是为了强身健体,或者说就是为了活命,但现在觉得目标可以再远一点,再高一点!”
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