The Chen Ping'anshouldersinks, the auraalsostagnates, thatwispwill soon leaveQi PalaceSword Qi, ispoint of no return, has tosend, mayafter the shouldertoweringracket, such as the bigpythonleave the mountain, actually met with to block the riverflood dragon of way, previously the irresistiblearrogance, the naturestopped, temporarilychoseholding troops.陈平安肩头一沉,气息随之凝滞,原本那缕即将离开气府的剑气,已是箭在弦上,不得不发,可被人在肩头突兀一拍后,如大蟒出山,却遭逢挡住去路的河蛟,先前势不可挡的气焰,自然为之停顿,暂时选择了按兵不动。„Stops.” A bamboo hatmanstandssideChen Ping'an, holds in the arms the youngstershoulder, the laughtersaid: „The family of loving for one another, kills, highly improper.”
“打住打住。”一位斗笠汉子站在陈平安身旁,搂住少年肩头,嬉笑道:“相亲相爱的一大家子,打打杀杀,成何体统。”Chen Ping'anraised the head, the bamboo hatman of mysteriously appearing and disappearing, smilestohim, „believesme, IamA'Liang.”陈平安抬起头,神出鬼没的斗笠汉子,对他笑了笑,“相信我,我是阿良唉。”Chen Ping'ansighed, „temporarilylistenedyour.”陈平安叹了口气,“暂时听你的。”A'Lianglooked atZhu He, evenis disinclinedto shoot a look atgirlZhu Lu, is languid: „SuchpreciousSword Qi, is usedto killZhu He, toocareless and wasteful use of nature's products, youloved dearly, Iloved dearlyforyou. Let alone...... considers as finished, did not say that thesea blot in the landscapewords, in brief, myA'Liangconsciencewill unable to pass. Thistype‚18 Stops’ the luckway, youconsider the compensation.”阿良只是看了眼朱河,甚至懒得去瞥一眼少女朱鹿,懒洋洋道:“这么珍贵的剑气,用来杀一个朱河,太暴殄天物了,你心疼,我都替你心疼。何况……算了算了,不说这些大煞风景的话,总之,我阿良的良心会过不去。这一式‘十八停’的运气方式,你就当是补偿吧。”Chen Ping'anwas preparing the posture that receivestwo fingersto gather, in the meantime, A'Liangloosens the hand of youngstershoulder, retrocedesonestep, shakes the headto say with a smile: „Thisposturealsotoonon-person of high skillstyle, Itaughtyoufiercelyone.”陈平安原本正准备收起双指并拢的姿势,就在此时,阿良松开少年肩头的手,后退一步,摇头笑道:“这姿势也太不高人风范了,我教你一个厉害的。”„Came to a stop!” After the bamboo hatmandrinksonelightly, the curvingfinger, firstknocks on the Chen Ping'anshoulder, latermakes a movesuch asto fly, selected78in the youngsterchest, at the same time, puts forthcompared withthatgathers the soundto becomelinemore excellentImmortalDivine Ability, arouses the ripplesabove the youngsterheartlakedirectly, resoundsa series ofaspirations, „remembers the outset in within the bodyair/Qi, remembersallQi Palacenames and revolutionroutes, if the air/Qidragon veinis continuous, results from the ancestors of ten thousandmountaincoldto clash, thisisworldraisesprimeQi Palace of sword, heretostop, fastthree mountainssixpasses/tests, hence the planchette writingholeistwostops, plundersanxiously. Sixholeninegovernment offices, the Pure Yangmansion, makesthird...... this to stophencefinally, amounts to18 Stops. TheseacupointQi Palace and presentviewis different, wasantiquityinnumerablesword cultivatorrises to challenges, makes the preciouseffort that the hugepriceobtained, youremembered!”
“站稳了!”斗笠汉子轻喝一声后,弯曲手指,先是在陈平安肩头一叩,之后出手如飞,在少年心口点了七八下,与此同时,使出比那聚音成线更上乘的仙家神通,直接在少年心湖之上激起涟漪,响起一连串心声,“记住体内这股气的起始,记住所有气府名称和运转路线,气若龙脉绵延,起于万山之祖凛冲,此乃世间养剑的头等气府,此处为一停,快速过三山六关,至此扶乩穴为二停,又急掠六洞九府,至此纯阳府,做第三顿……此为最后一停,总计十八停。这些窍穴气府与如今说法迥异,乃是上古无数剑修披荆斩棘,付出巨大代价得出的珍贵心血,你记牢了!”A'Liangaskedfinally: „Being clear?”阿良最后问道:“记清楚没有?”
The Chen Ping'anforeheadseeps out the sweat, „remembered7788.”陈平安额头渗出汗水,“记住了七七八八。”A'Liangsaid with a smile: „ Was almost OK, iflaterhitsbadly beaten, does not needto fear,thisis the path that eachsword cultivatormusttake. After waiting, was familiar with the route, youcanattemptto lose headwayinternal qi, thisis the 18 Stopsmost interestingplace, un, thisis the knowledge that A'LiangIponder over, somepeopleadmire, makes an effortto praiseme,阿良笑道:“差不多可以了,之后如果撞得头破血流,不用怕,这是每一名剑修必须要走的道路。等以后熟悉了路线,你可以尝试着慢行气机,这才是十八停最有意思的地方,嗯,这是阿良我琢磨出来的学问,有人佩服得不行,使劲夸我,Said that is only this point, raisedSword Daohighly, haha, is a little embarrassed. ”
说光是这一点,就将剑道高度拔高了很多,哈哈,有点难为情啊。”Chen Ping'ansuddenlythought that thisso-called18 Stops, was no bettermostlycompared withShaking Mountainsfist chart.陈平安突然觉得这个所谓的十八停,多半是比撼山拳谱好不到哪里去了。A'Liangas ifsees through the thoughts of youngster, saidseriously: „Do Iseem like an irresponsibleswindler? MyA'Liangthis whole lifedoes not know that boastedis anything!”阿良仿佛看穿少年的心思,一本正经道:“我像是个信口开河的骗子吗?我阿良这辈子就不知道吹牛是什么事情!”Zhu Hemindalreadydraws outfrom the mudreluctantly, but the four limbswere stiffer than previously, movesdies, thisisin the Zhu Hemind the only thought that thisis the invisibleshock and awe that bamboo hatmanbrings.朱河心神已经从泥泞当中勉强拔出,但是四肢比先前更加僵硬,一动即死,这是朱河脑海中唯一的念头,这就是那名斗笠汉子带来的无形震慑。Whenthatwaistwears the fellow of othergreenbladebottle gourd, with you are a friendtime, youwill think how heseeshownotlike the expert.
But when thisfellowbecame the enemy of opposite, the Zhu Hewhole personfrightensstreaming with sweat, wantssoul flies away and scattersseriously.
可当这个家伙成了对立面的敌人,朱河整个人吓得汗流浃背,当真是要魂飞魄散。Distant placeZhu Heis the mindfalls into enemy hands, Zhu Lu of vicinityonlyhearsChen Ping'anto speak one's mind.
远处朱河已是心神失守,近处的朱鹿只听到陈平安在自说自话。A'LianginformsChen Ping'anwith the aspiration, „light vesselhas crossedMt. Wanzhong, the internal qicirculationflickershundredli (0.5 km)thousand li (500 km)ten thousandli (0.5 km), isverygood, but if canachieveto go slowly, if a mountainhundredyears of tiredearth, does not seeadvancesslightly, the seaSichuanmillenniumwater, the water surfacedoes not seeleast bitrisen, is better! Later the luck, canpracticethispathwith single-hearted devotion, achievesto sleep can also revolve.”阿良又以心声告知陈平安,“轻舟已过万重山,气机流转一瞬百里千里万里,是很好,可若是能够做到缓行,如山岳百年累土,不见丝毫增高,海川千年积水,水面不见半点抬升,则更好!以后运气,可以专心练习这条道路,做到睡觉的时候也能自行运转。”
The Chen Ping'andoubtssaid: „How after Iknowrested, revolvesthis18 Stops?”陈平安疑惑道:“我怎么知道睡了后,有没有运转这十八停?”
The A'Liangboth handslinkchest, said with a smile: „When lineto the waterpoorplace, sitsto lookto say. When the time comesyouwill know the answernaturally.”阿良双手环胸,笑道:“行到水穷处,坐看云起时。到时候你自然而然会知道答案。”A'Liangsitson the bench, butjustsat down, the complexion is a little not right.阿良一屁股坐在长椅上,只是刚坐下,脸色就有点不对劲。Chen Ping'ancovers the forehead.陈平安捂住额头。A'Lianglifts the buttockscoolly, patstheseto standicetanghuluonbuttockswith the hand, moved a positionto sit down, both handsboothplacedon the parapet, exhaled the one breathlayer on layer/heavily, finallyfaced up toZhu Lu for the first time, „youandyour fatherexcept formustTrue Martial Mountainthatheroguts, oneandgive back tomewith«Auspicious signBook», but alsoneedsto put outtalisman that pack of Li Familyinherited, butthesetalisman can only saveamongyou a person, Zhu Lu, Imakeyouchoosenow, wasyoulivesis leaving the pillowpost, was your father?”阿良不露声色地抬起屁股,用手拍掉那些站在屁股上的冰糖葫芦,挪了个位置坐下,双手摊放在栏杆上,重重呼出一口气,终于第一次正视朱鹿,“你和你爹除了要把真武山那颗英雄胆,和《紫气书》一并还给我,还需要拿出那叠李家传承下来的符箓,但是这些符箓只能救下你们当中的一个人,朱鹿,我现在让你来选择,是你活着离开枕头驿,还是你爹?”Does not wait forZhu Luto speak, Zhu Healreadysinkingsound said: „Requested earnestly the A'Liangseniorto makeZhu Luleave, Iam willingto commit suicideto apologize, evendid not usedirtybamboo blade of senior.”
不等朱鹿说话,朱河已经沉声道:“恳请阿良前辈让朱鹿离开,我愿意自尽谢罪,甚至不用脏了前辈的竹刀。”A'Liangsmilesto look atZhu Lu, does not pay attention toalreadyto pull out the compounded drugandyellow papertalismanZhu He, „Zhu Lu, youhope that whocanlive?”阿良只是笑眯眯看着朱鹿,根本不理睬已经掏出丹药和黄纸符箓的朱河,“朱鹿啊,你希望谁能活下来?”girlalreadycriestearsperson, butmakes an effortto cover the mouthwith the hand, does not dareto cry aloud.少女已经哭成一个泪人儿,只是用手使劲捂住嘴巴,不敢哭出声。Moreoveronly one hand, gripsbehindtightlyinher, the nailpunctures the palm, fullhandblood.
另外一只手,在她身后攥紧,指甲刺破手心,满手鲜血。Zhu Hekneels downin the distant placecorridorlayer on layer/heavily, kowtows the tremblingsound said: „A'Liangsenior!”朱河在远处廊道重重跪下,磕头颤声道:“阿良前辈!”A'LianglookstoChen Ping'an, asked: „Do youfeel? Otherwiseputtogether? Ifyoufear the Zhu Heretaliation, IcandiscardhisMartial Daocultivation base, feared that accident/surprise, Icanbreak the Zhu Helong lifebridgecasually, un, Zhu Lualsogood.”阿良望向陈平安,问道:“你觉得呢?要不然一起放了?你要是怕朱河报复,我可以废掉他武道修为,怕意外的话,我可以随便打断朱河的长生桥,嗯,朱鹿的也行。”
The youngsterdo not look atZhu He, butlooks atZhu Lu, „Ihave said that youmustdie.”
少年不去看朱河,只是看着朱鹿,“我说过,你必须死。”Zhu Heraised the headsuddenly, the angerexclaimed: „Chen Ping'an, Zhu Luis a child!”朱河猛然抬头,怒吼道:“陈平安,朱鹿还是个孩子!”
The mentalityrelativelytranquilyoungster, after having heardthese words, inexplicableair/Qiis pale.
The straw sandalyoungsterseveralstepsforwardsswiftly and violently, takes a fistto beat the chest of Zhu Lu, at this timeherinternal qicotton woolis chaotic, is no bettercompared with the commongirlemaciatedbody and spirit, but why does not know, after knocking out the fist, cannot help butturned into the palm of the hand, the routeinclineis upward, fallsruthlesslyon the cheeks of Zhu Lu.
The shoulder of A'Liangholding downyoungster, „was OKagain.”阿良再次按住少年的肩头,“可以了。”A'Liangsaid with a smilein a soft voice: „Somepenalties, diedhundred more brutal.”阿良轻声笑道:“有些惩罚,比一死百了残酷多了。”Chen Ping'ansits the bench, lost in thought. HowlaterA'Lianghandles the father and daughter, pillowpost how theyleave, wherelater to see , the youngsterdoes not knowtotally.陈平安坐回长椅,怔怔出神。之后阿良如何处置父女二人,他们如何离开的枕头驿,以后去往何方见何人,少年一概不知。
The youngsterraise the headto asksuddenly: „Does A'Liang, have the liquorto drink?”
少年突然抬头问道:“阿良,有没有酒喝?”A'Liangsmiled, „liquorsomeare, my onlysmall bottle gourdcaninstall the nextthousandjin (0.5 kg)liquor, butImusttellyou a matter, a personinsad, do not drink, is easyto change the rottendrunkard. The pleasedmatter, candrink, perhapsdrinksis drinking, became the heavy drinker.”阿良笑了,“酒有的是,我那只小葫芦能装下千斤酒,可是我必须告诉你一件事,一个人在伤心的时候,千万不要喝酒,容易变烂酒鬼。快意的事情,可以喝酒,说不定喝着喝着,就成了酒仙。”
--Outsidepillowpostfront door.
枕头驿大门外。Lin Shouyistandson the streetalone, the youngsterdoes not know why was remained outside byA'Liang, said that letshimand other appearance of person, byhe himselfwas decided that is or isn'tmustbridge overdoorstep of relay station.林守一独自站在街道上,少年不知为何被阿良留在外头,说让他等一个人的出现,由他自己决定是不是要跨过驿站的门槛。Even if bored to death, the youngster was still stoodsuch as the summitthis solitary oneloosen, the backwas stiff.
哪怕百无聊赖,少年仍是站如山巅孤松,腰杆挺直。Taking advantage of the bigred lantern that the pillowpostentranceis hanging, the youngsterfrom the bosompulls outthatDaoismancient book«Tinkling Jade above Clouds Book», startingto glance overtheseincoherently the writing that is difficultto understand, robustbendsis it may be said that obstinate, strong windastringentrain.
借着枕头驿门口悬挂的大红灯笼,少年从怀中掏出那本道家典籍《云上琅琅书》,开始浏览那些拗口难懂的文字,可谓佶屈聱牙,盲风涩雨。Wheneverread the understandingplace, or after understandingsometrue intent, after just like the rainclear sky, parted the fogto see the blue sky, let the youngsterjoyfully. Thisheartfeltjoyful, the youngster who the life experienceaccomplishes the indifferentpersonalityroughly, is not willingto share.
The youngsterfromnot fearingbymaliciously the person and matter that greatestguessesthisway of the world.
The distant placewalks a beautyaveragewoman, is looking at the youngster, the womanrevealis shocking, deeply movedsaid: „Reallyis the cultivating Daogoodembryo.”
The womenarrive at the place outside distanceyoungsterseven-eight steps, the smilesaid: „Hello, Lin Shouyi. Beforeouralreadyhad metin the water's edge, Iingorgeous boatyouonshore, myrealstatus, is the Great LiForever Spring Palaceremote antiquityelder, non-boasted,Ireally ammountain topdaoist immortal in towncommon peopleeyes, real, maywield the sleeveto control the forces of nature, a stamping the feeteverything may become vulnerable, was good atfivethunderexecutingespecially, the duplicatepalmtown/subdueskilled the evil spiritevil spirits......”
妇人走到距离少年七八步外的地方,微笑道:“你好,林守一。之前在水边我们已经见过面了,我在画舫你在岸,我的真实身份,是大骊长春宫的太上长老,非是自夸,我确是市井百姓眼中的山上神仙,货真价实,可一挥袖呼风唤雨,一跺脚地动山摇,尤其擅长一手五雷正法,覆掌镇杀妖魔邪祟……”Speaking offinally, the womansmiles, waving, „is not good, thisset of expression was too really embarrassed, next timemustto tradesomeelementsto be pale.”
The youngsteractuallynod saying: „Ibelieveyou.”
The womensaid with a smile: „Althoughdoes not know that your fatherinthatletter, howyouto tell that is not clear about the idea of thatA'Liang, buthe, sinceclearlyknows that Itag along afteryou, keepsoutside you relay station, thenIthought that cangive a try, could convinceyou, along withmereturned toGreat LiCapital Citytogether, afteryourparentssaid goodbye, againwithmegoesForever Spring PalacecultivatedDao Method.”
妇人笑道:“虽然不知你爹在那封家书上,如何跟你说的,更不清楚那个阿良的想法,但是他既然明知道我尾随你们,又把你留在驿站之外,那么我觉得可以试试看,能否说服你,随我一起返回大骊京城,与你父母道别之后,再跟我去长春宫修行道法。”Lin Shouyicomplexionfaintsay/way: „My fatherwantsmylittle darlingto stay in the red candletown/subdues, will then have the person of high skillto takemeto go toGreat LiCapital City. OtherwiseIdie outside inexplicably, hewill not helpmegather up dead bodies. Because of a deceased person, is unworthythesetravel expenses, my fatherproposedone, now the Great LiCapital Citypriceis very high, in the family/home the expensesare very big.”林守一脸色淡漠道:“我爹要我乖乖留在红烛镇,然后会有高人接我去大骊京城。要不然我不明不白死在外头,他不会帮我收尸。因为一个死人,是不值那些路费的,我爹提了一句,如今大骊京城物价很高,家里开销很大。”
The womensighed, „your fatherspeechwas coarse, butthis wasn't could it be that the frank talk?”
The youngstercorners of the mouthfullare the meaning of ridicule.
少年嘴角满是讥讽之意。Womenhesitant, reaches out the youngster, the lookis grave, „, althoughyouwill feelextremely the child's play, insufficientextremely mysterious and abstruse, was short of many wisdom and tests of changing, butIwantto tellyou, Lin Shouyi, goes outforwardonestep, youstepped onto the long lifebridge.”
The youngsterreceivethatbook, returnsin the bosom, shakes the head saying: „Thank the Immortal Eldergood intention. Livesinwhatgateway, surnameanything, is beyond controlI. Butshouldtakewhatroad, Iknow in heart.”
“可惜了。”Womanonlysighed, has not forced someone to do something against his will, „Lin Shouyi, thatwas predestined friendsmeets again, hopes when the time comesyouwill not regret.”
The youngsterbow in saluteto salute, follow a prescribed pattern, „Lin Shouyisees offImmortal Elder.”
The womendodgeto pass.
--Post housecorridor.
驿馆廊道。Chen Ping'anandon the side ofA'Liangthis momentperson, tosittingon the porchdaoist priestchair.陈平安和阿良此刻一人一边,对坐在廊道长椅上。Chen Ping'anaskedin a soft voice: „A'Liang, your can is or isn'twalk?”陈平安轻声问道:“阿良,你是不是要走了?”A'Liangnods.阿良点点头。Mentionedsmall bottle gourdto drink a liquor.
提起小葫芦喝了口酒。Sawthought ofwhatpainful event, thereforekept on proclaiming before was saddid not drink, purelywas the pleasantries of bamboo hatman.
一眼就看出是想到了什么伤心事,所以之前口口声声说伤心之时不喝酒,纯粹是斗笠汉子的客套话。A'Liangis looking atoppositeyoungster, looks at presentthatpair of cleaneyepupil of youngsterChen Ping'an, probablyare manymanyyears ago, seenthatpair of eyespupils.阿良怔怔望着对面的少年,看着眼前少年陈平安的那双干净眼眸,就好像很多很多年前,看到的那双眼眸。A'Liang, I thought that studieduselessly, was tired ofvery much! MyQi Jingchunmustmake a living as a wandering fortune-tellerwithyou, Iwant the pleasedlove and hate, drinks the fiercestliquor, with the quickestsword, rides the besthorse. Un, mymoneyarranged, more than tentwomoney! The insufficientwords, Icango backto borrowwithMisteragain. Misteris reasonable, metoldwords that reallydoes not wantto study, cango out for a walk, ten million/countlessinbeautiful country, is the knowledge.阿良,我想好了,读书没用,烦得很!我齐静春要跟你去闯荡江湖,我要快意恩仇,喝最烈的酒,用最快的剑,骑最好的马。嗯,我钱都备好了,十几两银子呢!不够的话,我可以回去跟先生再借一些。先生通情达理得很,跟我说真不想读书的话,也可以出去走走,千万里的大好河山,都是学问。Was punched the black and blueazure garmentsstudyingcourt attendant, the lookis limpidandfirm.
被人揍得鼻青脸肿的青衫读书郎,眼神清澈而坚定。That side the Institutefront door, there is a seniorscholarto hidedoes not dareto see the person, onlyreveals a head, makes an effortto signal with the eyestowardA'Liang, seesA'Liangnot to respond itself, shiftssimplyseveralsteps, arrives atthat sidedoorstep, curls up the sleeve, exhibitsyouto dareto abductmystudent, Ito fight the short remaining life you stance.学院大门那边,有个老秀才躲躲藏藏不敢见人,只露出一颗脑袋,朝阿良使劲使眼色,见阿良不搭理自己,就干脆横移几步,走到门槛那边,卷起袖管,摆出你敢拐骗我学生、我就跟你拼老命的架势。Urges to go faster, the wooldoes not havelongsimultaneous/uniform, performedto speaksomeboasts. Whenwhichday of woollongwas uneven, Ileadyouto go to the experienceoutsidemortal worldagain.
去去去,毛也没长齐,尽说些大话。等哪天毛长齐了,我再带你去见识外边的花花世界。A'Liang, said it and meant it, Iand othersyou.阿良,一言为定啊,我等你。Finally, A'Liangis turning away from the youngster, grips the sword hiltsingle-handedly, strikes the shouldercarelessly, raises the armsingle-handedly, gets hold of the fist, said goodbyewiththatyoungster.
最后,阿良背对着少年,一手握住剑柄,吊儿郎当地敲打肩头,一手扬臂,握紧拳头,与那少年告别。Knight-errantA'Liang, withlooking forward torivers and lakesyoung manwaves goodbye.
游侠儿阿良,与憧憬江湖的少年郎挥手告别。Oneleavesafterthis, does not have the reunionagain.
经此一别,再无重逢。Finally, the manhas turned the head, saw that old manalreadyholds the hand of youngster, two peopleis turning backacademytogether.
最后,男人转过头,看到那个老头子已经牵着少年的手,两人一起走回书院。one young and one old, is chatting.一老一小,聊着天。Jingchun, previouslyforgotto ask,whoishitsyour?
静春,先前忘了问,到底是谁打你的啊?Thatsurnamed Zuo.
? He, starting is so tactless, Ithensaidhim, Noblemantalkeddoes not begin. Whyhowevermustfight. is or isn'thespoke the truthto speakyou, became angry out of shame?
It is not.
After hedebatedlost, poursis also willingto admit defeat, buthesaidintentionallyIstudiedagainmany, this whole lifeknowledgedid not have to exceedMisteryou, Ithought that thiswas how possible, Misteryourknowledge, althoughwas big, butflips through the bookto get sleepynow, oftenlooksnapped, Iwas young, alwaysonecompared withMistermore...... mayhestilltalk over there, has the skill the knowledgeto be bigger thanMistertomorrow, thereforeIwas unbearably angry, took the leadto begin. Cannot be victorioushe, Ialsorecognized, before thisnot, foundMister, has not complained, right, scholarstrength of spiritnaturallymusthave, Misteryou, are not quite in this regard good, quarrelledto winfoughtto lose, onlysaidownpedantCelestial, said that after thatdebatedto be how unprecedented, does not have the future, ifquarrelledto losefoughtto win, thenonlysaid that foughtto hithowextremely heartshaking and moving......
他辩论输了之后,倒也愿意认输,可他故意说我读书再多,这辈子学问也没希望超越先生你,我觉得这怎么可能嘛,先生你学问虽大,可如今一翻书就犯困,经常看着看着就打盹,我年纪还小,总有一比先生更多的……可他还在那里念叨,有本事明天学问就大过先生,所以我气不过,就率先动手了。打不过他,我也认了,这不之前找到先生,就没告状,对吧,读书人这点骨气当然要有,先生你在这方面,就不太好,跟人吵架赢了打架输了,就只说自己学究天人,说那场辩论如何前无古人后无来者,若是跟人吵架输了打架赢了,便只说打架打得如何惊天地泣鬼神……MisterMister do youtwistmyearto doreally? Ohoh...... Noblemantalkeddoes not begin.先生先生你拧我耳朵作甚?唉唉唉……君子动口不动手啊。WhatNobleman! MisterIamSaint!
什么君子!先生我是圣人!Seesthisman, finallyconfident and at easeturns aroundto depart.
看到这一幕的男人,终于潇洒转身离去。Inthatlongeventful years, sometimes, the manwill sitinthatGreat Wall, is drinkingaloneone after another, heard that theseLittle Daoistnews that spreadsfromHanging Mountainbut actuallydistantly, does not haveoneis the good news, entiredamn itwill be the sad news, the manwill regret that in the pasthad not takenthatyoungster, will complain that old man, will not be goodincludingownprouddiscipleattendance.
在那段漫长的峥嵘岁月里,有些时候,男人会坐在那堵长城上,独自一口一口喝着酒,听说那些个从倒悬山遥遥传来的小道消息,就没一个是喜讯,全他娘的是噩耗,男人就会后悔当年没带上那个少年,会埋怨那个老头子,连自己的得意弟子也照顾不好。At this time, looks atoppositeyoungster, A'Liangsmiledsuddenly, „Iandwithyoualmostbigyoungster, have spokena few words, Itoldhim,‚believesme, yourstudyingratiopractices the swordto have prospects.’NowIthought that shouldalsosayonetoyou, ‚believesme, youpractice the swordcompared withpracticing boxinghave prospects’.”
此时,看着对面的少年,阿良突然笑了,“曾经我和一个跟你差不多大的少年,说过一句话,我跟他说,‘相信我,你读书比练剑更有出息。’现在我觉得应该对你也说一句,‘相信我,你练剑比练拳更有出息’。”Under the bamboo hat, A'Liangthatface, smiles the facial featuresto press together, is brightly smiling, such aswarmwinter.
斗笠下,阿良那张脸庞,笑得眉眼都挤在一起,笑容灿烂,如温煦的冬日。ButChen Ping'anhas not seensuchsadA'Liang.
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