A'Liangexhales the one breathgently, no longerdrinks, picks upcheeksingle-handed, is crooked the headto look into the distance, „in years past the temperamentdiedstubbornold gentleman, has pupils everywhere, in the prouddisciple, the Qi Jingchuncharacteris best, the Cui Chanchesstechniqueis highest, a person of sword techniqueis strongest.”阿良轻轻呼出一口气,不再喝酒,单手托起腮帮,歪着脑袋眺望远方,“昔年有一位脾气死犟的老先生,桃李满天下,得意弟子之中,齐静春的字最好,崔瀺的棋术最高,还有一人的剑术最强。”Lin Shouyibearssmile, turns the headto look at the profile of bamboo hatman, said: „The sword techniquestrongestdisciple, callsA'Liang?”林守一忍住笑,转头望着斗笠男人的侧脸,道:“剑术最强的弟子,是叫阿良吗?”A'Lianglaughs heartily, „thatpersonnaturallyis notI, howpossiblyisI.”阿良哈哈大笑,“那个人当然不是我,怎么可能是我。”Does not haveLin Shouyi of guessing rightanswerto be somewhat stunned.
没有猜对答案的林守一有些错愕。Onlylistens tothatfellowto saywith a smile: „The sword technique of thatperson, isIteaches.”
只听那家伙笑着说道:“不过那个人的剑术,是我教的。”Although the youngsterwere in the extreme shocked, butstillbelieved in firmly.
少年虽然被震撼得无以复加,可仍是对此深信不疑。A'Lianghas turned the head, asks: „IfIsaid the Qi Jingchuncharacter, isIteaches, do youbelieve?”阿良转过头,问道:“如果我说齐静春的字,也是我教的,你信不信?”
The youngster of sitting respectfullywithout hesitation, saidcategorically: „Killsmenot to believe!”
正襟危坐的少年毫不犹豫,斩钉截铁道:“打死我也不信!”A'Liangpatted the shoulder of youngster, sinceresay/way: „Lin Shouyi, is very intelligent, thereforeyouwill not have the liquorto drinktomorrow.”阿良拍了拍少年的肩膀,语重心长道:“林守一,果然很聪明,所以明天你没酒喝了。”Always the old-fashionedindifferentyoungstergrinsto smile, butcontainsas beforesilent.
一向古板冷漠的少年咧嘴而笑,不过依旧含蓄无声。A'Liangdeeply movedsaid: „World, the inn of myriad things. The scholarsspoke, learned.”阿良感慨道:“天地者,万物之逆旅。读书人说话,就是有学问。”Lin Shouyiaskedsuddenly a inexplicableissue, „A'Liang, Chen Ping'andid disappointyou?”林守一突然问了一个莫名其妙的问题,“阿良,陈平安让你失望了吗?”
The bamboo hatmancomplexionis usual, „waits.”
The curtain of nightis deep, bylate at nightbonfire, Chen Ping'an like responsible forstanding night watchwithZhu Hein the pastin turn, the youngsteris weaving the straw sandalsimultaneously.
夜幕深沉,后半夜的篝火旁,陈平安像往常那样跟朱河负责轮流守夜,少年同时编织着草鞋。Zhu Hedoes not know why sets outto arrive atside the youngster, Chen Ping'anis somewhat astonished, Zhu Heputs out a handto warm by a fire, the flameshines upon the manroughface , the manis turning the headasked with a smile: „Should youfindthatair/Qi? Ifair/Qiroamingdragon, moreoveritsinksunceasingly, walks randomlyeverywhere, is right?”朱河不知为何起身来到少年身边,陈平安有些讶异,朱河伸手烤火,火光映照着男人粗犷的脸庞,男人转头笑问道:“你应该找到那股气了吧?气若游龙,而且它不断下沉,四处游走,对不对?”Chen Ping'annods, sits the body, thisishismostdoubtspuzzledplace.陈平安点点头,坐正身体,这正是他最疑惑不解的地方。Zhu Hehas not tried to cover upto keep guessing, slowlyexplained: „Thiswas equal to that saidyouadvanced intoMud Embryo Boundary, do not despise this firstridge, can practice martial art, looked that youdid liveto obtainandfind, manages unable to provide lodgingthisone breath. As the saying goes the personmakes every effort to succeedBuddhato burn a joss stick, is almost thismeaning, the body is still the unpromisingclay sculptureBodhisattva, so long asthere is this tone, evenreaches highest knowledge, laterallare all hopeful, the scenery of summit of Martial Daois good, without this essentialhalf step, is the empty talk.”朱河没有藏藏掖掖卖关子,慢慢解释道:“这等于说你跻身了泥胚境,千万别小看这第一道坎,能否习武,就看你生不生得出、找不找得到、管不管得住这一口气。俗话说人争一口气佛受一炷香,差不多就是这个意思,身体依然是不成气候的泥塑菩萨,但只要有了这口气,就算登堂入室,之后一切皆有希望,武道之巅的风光再好,没有这关键的一小步,就全是空谈。”Zhu Hetook a look at a youngster, the appreciationsaid: „Yourbodyendureswell, un, iswellis very right, does not lose to the great familiesjuniors who inthesemedicine jarssoakto grow up. Ido not know that youhave experiencedanything, butroughlycandetermine,younoware the Mud Embryo BoundarylaterMartial Artistsecondboundary, Wooden Fetus Boundary. Althoughcould not convince, whyyouhave not madethatinternal qifindto perch the trainingtrulyQi Palaceacupoint, butyourbody and spiritmeridians, indeedwere the achievement of secondboundary, butnottwoboundarygreat accomplishment.”朱河打量了一下少年,赞赏道:“你的身子骨打熬得不错,嗯,是很不错才对,一点不输给那些药罐子里浸泡长大的豪阀子弟。我不知道你经历过什么,但是大致可以确定,你如今已是泥胚境之后的武夫第二境,木胎境了。虽然不太说得通,为何你尚未真正让那股气机找到栖息修养的气府窍穴,但你的体魄经脉,的的确确属于第二境的成就,不过远未二境大成而已。”Chen Ping'anconcentrates all one's attention on, listens attentivelythesepricelessmilitarystudywaysearnestly.陈平安屏气凝神,认真凝听这些千金难买的武学门道。By the Li Familyancestoris honored as„brightmaster”man , to continue saying: „Wooden Fetus Boundary, thisis very interesting, the achievementheight, does not depend on the talent, no matterrootbone, twocharacters, bear hardships. BeforeA'Lianghas explained the Great Lipost roadtoyou, right?”
The Chen Ping'annodasked: „Does thiswithpracticing martial art have the relations?”陈平安点头问道:“这跟习武也有关系?”Zhu Headdedfirewoodto the gully, in the easy to understandspoken language, explainedas far as possiblethesecloudyandobscuredifficultclearlyto practice martial artpass/testkey/opening, said with a smile: „Ourhuman bodymeridians, actuallylike the post road, wanting the carriages and horsesto pass through, can only build roads through the mountainslittle, with the waterbridging, some people wearies, cannot support the pain, cultivated/repairedsheep's intestinesLittle Daoist, built the single-plank bridge, actually can also follow , to continue to followtoward the Martial Daohigh place, butin the future, the limitwill be bigger, very simpletruth, the expertkibitzed, like the struggle of two countries, looked that whosesoldiers and horsesrushed to rescueare quicker, even ifyouhad the mighty force, but the pathnarrowdifficultline, howyouto deploy troopssmoothly?”朱河给沟壑添了一把柴禾,尽量用通俗易懂的言语,解释那些原本云遮雾绕、晦涩难明习武关窍,笑道:“我们的人体经脉,其实就像驿路,想要车马通行,就只能一点点逢山开路,遇水搭桥,有些人惫懒,吃不住苦,修出了羊肠小道,搭建了独木桥,其实也能走,继续往武道高处走,但是越往后,局限会越大,很简单的道理,高手支招,如同两国之争,就看谁的兵马驰援更快,哪怕你有千军万马,但是道路狭窄难行,你如何顺利调兵遣将?”Chen Ping'anis suddenly enlighted, „isthistruth!”陈平安恍然大悟,“是这个道理!”„ThereforethisalsocalledOpening Mountain Boundary, mosttested the levigationtime, practicing martial artmustunderbe madwith all one's strength, works hard, had keen eyesightinwithstand/topQi Refiner, regarded as the last stagemanual labor of third-rater, had much to do with this. Becausemartial artistonthislevel of stair, reallycannot allow the least bitto idleto be loaf, is similar to the farmer, wants the crop, can only doearnestlypainstakingly.”
“所以这一层又叫开山境,最考验水磨功夫,习武必须下死力气,下苦功夫,以至于被眼高于顶的练气士,视为下等人的末流活计,就跟这一层有很大关系。因为武人在这一级台阶上,实在是容不得半点懈怠偷懒,就跟庄稼汉差不多,想要收成,就只能埋头苦做。”Chen Ping'ansaid with a smile: „Mybear hardshipsis good, notcompared withothersbadmany.”陈平安笑道:“我吃苦还行,不比别人差多少。”Zhu Hespeechless, thinksyourChen Ping'an , if „alsogood”, wheremyZhu Heshouldplace oneself?朱河哑然,心想你陈平安如果才是“还行”的话,那我朱河该置身何地?
The Zhu Hecomplexionis solemn and respectful, „, butwas sure to remember,inthisrealm, diligentis the good deed, actuallycannotbe detainedtoofor a long time, why does Daoismesteemto return to the uncut jadeReturning to Truthfourcharacters? Lies ininnateTrue Qi, as the agegrows, will gradually drain, orbetween the filthy the air/Qi by worldandYinghostair/Qi, manymixedair/Qiresulted inturbid unable to withstandto the confusion, thishappilytealike the writer, theyplant the tea tree, mostenvies/avoid the weed-treeto grow thickly, isthisprinciple.”朱河脸色肃穆起来,“但是切记,在这一层境界,勤勤恳恳是好事,却也不能滞留太久,道家为何推崇返璞归真四个字?就在于先天一口真气,随着岁数增长,会逐渐流失,或是被天地之间的污秽之气、阴煞之气在内,诸多杂气给混淆得浑浊不堪,这就像文人喜饮茶,他们种植茶树,最忌杂木丛生,即是此理。”„Generally speaking, before age 16, mostat age 18, musttry the breakthroughto enterthird boundary, Mercury Boundary, was been more majesticbyownQi and blood, such as the mercuryconcentratesthickly, at the same time, yourbodyeven morewill be lithe, the skeletoneven moreis simultaneously tenacious. Qi and blood of person, such as the battlefieldmilitary commandersubordinatesoldiers, needmaster of the oppressor, rather thanthattype of small and crude theatrical troupe, the embroideringpillow, said that canunderstand?”
“一般而言,在16岁之前,最多18岁之前,就要尝试着突破进入第三境,水银境,让自己的气血更加雄壮,如水银凝稠,与此同时,你的身躯会愈发轻盈,同时骨骼却愈发坚韧。人之气血,如沙场武将麾下的士卒,需要一支虎狼之师,而不是那种草台班子,绣花枕头,这么说能理解吗?”On the footputs on the youngster of straw sandal, looked downin a hand the straw sandal that wove, blushedsaid: „Canunderstand.”
脚上穿着草鞋的少年,又低头看了眼手中正在编织的草鞋,赧颜道:“能理解。”Zhu Hecannot help smiling, said with a smilein a low voice: „Secondboundary the boundary of great accomplishment, canmakeyourfleshtextureprecise, likeQi Refinermagical treasure, in the seal cuttingrunetreasurelu, in addition the meridiansdeveloped, the Martial Daopathmorewalksis broader, as for the third boundaryMercury Mirrorpeak, important, needsto cross a tribulation, in the militarystudyrare bookoftencalls it‚Clay Boddhisattva Crosses the River’, the specific detail, extremely mysterious and abstruse, Imanydid not say,had the affinity of personpersonally, perhapsmywise remark, insteadharmedyouto fall into error.”朱河忍俊不禁,低声笑道:“第二境的大成之境,能够让你肌肤纹理精密,就像练气士的法宝,篆刻上了符文宝箓,再加上经脉开拓之后,武道的路子就越走越宽,至于第三境水银镜的巅峰,至关重要,需要渡过一劫,武学秘籍上往往称之为‘泥菩萨过江’,具体细节,本就玄之又玄,我不好多说,个人有个人的缘法,说不定我的经验之谈,反而害你误入歧途。”
A Chen Ping'ancharactertakes downleakproofsilently.陈平安一个字不漏地默默记下。Zhu Hesinkingsound said: „Firstthird boundaryisBody Refinement, is relatively practical, laterthird boundarysomewhatdiscussed principles, the soulgutsthreematters, proceeded in an orderly way.”朱河沉声道:“前三境为炼体,相对务实,之后三境则有些务虚,魂魄胆三事,循序渐进。”ThenZhu Heis lost in thought that today a war, benefits greatly, Zhu Heneeds the presenttrain of thoughtto precipitatefor the first timethesemiraculous glows.
然后朱河就陷入沉思,今日一战,受益匪浅,朱河需要将那些灵光乍现的思绪沉淀下来。Chen Ping'andoes not dareto disturbhim, thenstartsprecious words that digestsZhu Hetheseto explain the profound in simple language.陈平安不敢打搅他,便开始消化朱河那些深入浅出的金玉良言。
After Zhu Helong time, has gotten back one's composure, says with a smile: „Qi Refinement Three Boundaries, emphasizessuccessful, so long asyouarrive atthatimportant pass, will haveclearlyto become awarenaturally, the bystanderdirectsalreadyto be very difficultto play the role, moreovertruedirection, neverin the Great Daoprinciple, onlyafteryoutrueget to the entrance, others in distant place, canmake noiseforyouexplain the reason. martial artistQi Refinement, withraisingto refineQi Refiner that has both, the path is almost clearly opposite, lateryouwill understand.”朱河良久之后,才回过神,笑道:“炼气三境,讲求一个水到渠成,你只要走到那个关口,自然而然就会有所明悟,外人指点已经很难起到作用,而且真正的指点,从来不在大道理上,只在你真正自己走到门口之后,远处的旁人,才能出声为你解释缘由。武人炼气,与养炼兼备的练气士,道路几乎截然相反,以后你会明白的。”Zhu Hesaidfinallybeamingly and buoyant: „Althoughthere is a spoil things through excessive enthusiasmsuspicion, butIamsomewhatcannot bear, is thinkingmustinfinallythird boundary the summitscenery the martial artistlegend, saylistenstoyou, avoidlatermetQi Refinerto wag the tonguecarelessly, does not know how to refute. Refining up the god'sseventhboundary, Golden Body Boundary, was the younggrandmasterexpert of being worthy of the reputation, thisboundaryoutstanding person, evencancultivation the body of Buddhismso-calleddiamondundefeated, orDaoismso-calledDustless Colored Glass, the body of Golden Immortal. Some methods, canmakemartial artisttourge, inviteandimplorethreeways, in additionholds the body and spirit, indestructible.”朱河最后神采奕奕道:“虽然有拔苗助长的嫌疑,但是我还是有些忍不住,想着要将武人传说中最后三境的山顶风光,说给你听一听,省得以后遇上了练气士胡乱嚼舌,都不知道如何反驳。炼神第七境,金身境,是名副其实的小宗师高手了,此境佼佼者,甚至可以修炼出佛家所谓的金刚不败之躯,或是道教所谓的无垢琉璃,金仙之体。更有一些手段,可以让武人以驱使、聘请、祈求三种方式,加持自身体魄,坚不可摧。”„The eighthboundary, Levitation Boundary! martial artistalreadycan the voidhovering, governingwindfly. Thereforealsocalled‚Travelling Far Boundary’. Travelling far, Travelling Far Boundary, whosaid that ourmartial artistthencould not withstandvulgarly, Ithought that travels farthisview, has the after-tasteextremely!”
“第八境,羽化境!武人已经能够虚空悬停,御风而飞。故而又称‘远游境’。远游,远游境,谁说我们武人便粗鄙不堪了,我就觉得远游这个说法,极有余味!”„Finallysingle layerrealm, is the ninthboundary, Mountain Summit Boundary, such asyourmytwopeople of the highest place that placesthischesspillarmountain, will work as the iceextremely, glancenumerousmountainlittle. Thisrealmmartial artist, is honoured as‚Great Master's Limit’, with describe that Martial Dao of under foot, alreadycomes to the end!”
“最后一重境界,便是第九境,山巅境,如你我二人身处这棋墩山的最高处,会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。这个境界的武人,又被尊称为‘止境宗师’,用以形容脚下的武道,已经走到尽头!”Zhu He, stands upat this pointsimply, around the bonfire the line, the lookis slowly excited, both handsmake a fist, brightsound said: „Althoughis insufficientmoving mountain, collapsing sea is so exaggerating, actually can also the fistcrackcity wallandpalmchop the great river, a vigorousastralair/Qi, hundreddo not invadeevilly, thousandarmyflinch. **Tyrannical, stillwins the body of BuddhismArhat. OnceQi Refinerbynearbody, intenzhang (3.33 m), only ifthere ishigh-gradeto protect oneselfmagical treasureoris higher, otherwisemustdiewithout doubt!”朱河说到这里,干脆站起身,绕着篝火缓缓而行,神色激动,双手握拳,朗声道:“虽不至于搬山倒海那么夸张,却亦是能够拳裂城墙、掌劈大江,一身雄浑罡气,百邪不侵,千军辟易。**强横至极,犹胜佛家罗汉之身。练气士一旦被近身,十丈之内,除非有上品护身法宝或者更高,否则必死无疑!”Zhu Helookburning hot, whole-hearted, lowers the headto stare at the youngster, „considers, onceadvances into the limit, as far as eyes can reach, ten thousandli (0.5 km)landscapeunderyourfoot, shows disdain for the Immortallightnobilities, the real manworks asso!”朱河眼神炙热,满腔热血,低头凝视着少年,“试想一下,一旦跻身止境,一眼望去,万里河山都在你脚底下,傲视仙人轻王侯,大丈夫当如此!”SomeChen Ping'anembarrassed, suddenlyhowdo not knowanswers, because after the youngsterat this momentis full the brainis, mustpracticeto walk the pile, perhaps the multi-practiceswordfurnace, this whole lifecanadvance intothird boundary, wherecanthink that after all is only complies withMiss Ning the fist1 milliontimes, makes the youngster feel very difficult.陈平安有些尴尬,一时间不知如何作答,因为少年此刻满脑子都是以后要多练习走桩,多练习剑炉,说不定这辈子就能跻身第三境了,哪里会想得那么远,毕竟仅是答应宁姑娘的出拳百万次,就让少年觉得很是艰难了。
When Zhu Hedeparts, but also the moodsurges.朱河离去之时,还心情激荡。Leaves behind a youngster who continuesto weave the straw sandal.
留下一个继续编织草鞋的少年。Before dawnwhenA'Lianghas the yawnto set out, finallysees the youngsterto be located in the cliffbank, as beforeisthataridtastelesssixstepwalk the pile, is welcoming the mountain breeze, sweats profusely.
The formoneoverrunsfrom the A'Liangbodysidetogether, quickstandssidethatyoungster, is accompanyingherLittle Master-Uncle, shadowboxestogether.
一道身影呼啦一下从阿良身侧冲过去,很快就站在那少年身边,陪着她的小师叔,一起打拳。A'Liangdrank a liquor, after leavingsmall bottle gourd, runsto join in the funtogether.阿良喝了口酒,别好小葫芦后,屁颠屁颠跑过去一起凑热闹。
The quicksideresounds the lessonsound of little miss, „A'Liang, yourpostureis not right, thisfistyourarmis crooked.”
很快身边就响起小姑娘的教训声,“阿良,你姿势不对唉,这一拳你手臂歪啦。”„A'Liang, your stepwas too big, receives, Ido not deceiveyou, does not believeyouto take a look atmyLittle Master-Uncle, othersare steady.”
“阿良,你这步子太大了些,收一收,真的,我不骗你,不信你瞧瞧我小师叔,人家多稳。”„A'Liang, youlike thisare again absent-minded, Imaybe really angry!”
The bamboo hatmanwent badfinallyaggrievedly, cannot bear the hidden bitternesssay: „Baoping, could it be that a thatsoul-stirringpeakwar, youhad not discovered that yesterdayIam the truepeerlessswordsman?”
The redcotton-wadded jacketlittle missearnestsixstepswalks the pile, the nodsaid: „Knows that butyoupractice boxingreallynot, Mister Qisaid that the techniqueindustrystudies, A'Liang, youdo not needto feelto lose face, taking your time, I ensure did not sayyou are.”
The A'Liangstrideleaves, shoutedto shoutspitefully: „Didn't practice boxing.”阿良大步离开,赌气地嚷嚷道:“不练拳不练拳了。”A'Liangturns aroundsuddenly, justsees the little missto throw the cunninglovableline of sight.阿良蓦然转身,刚好看到小姑娘投来狡黠可爱的视线。A'Liangmade a bigugly facetowardher.阿良朝她做了个大大的鬼脸。
The little missesdo not respondhim.
The straw sandalyoungstercorners of the mouthturn upwards.
草鞋少年嘴角翘起。Youngsterandlittle miss who A'Lianglooks at the shadowboxingfrom afar, is somewhat happy, smiled.阿良远远看着打拳的少年和小姑娘,有些开心,也笑了。
The mountain breezeis genial, display of vigour and vitality.
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