Whenonegroup of eat the breakfastwill soon have left, A'Liangis pulling the donkey, suddenlymakeseveryonewait a bit the moment, thenshouted the sentencecomes out, youngstillwins the chesspillarmountainland of femaledelicately and prettily, a gracefulbigsleevewhite clothing, quickdrilledfromsummitShiping, in the handholdssliver of wood box, bends the waist, flatteredto the bamboo hatmanwhole face: „Great Immortal, smallalreadyarranged the emperor, the other200li (0.5 km)mountain roads, taking careopens access, goes easily and freely.”
在一行人吃过早餐即将动身的时候,阿良牵着毛驴,突然让所有人稍等片刻,然后喊了句出来吧,年轻俊美犹胜女子的棋墩山土地,一身飘飘欲仙的大袖白衣,很快就从山巅石坪钻了出来,手里捧着一只长条木匣,弯下腰,对斗笠汉子满脸谄媚道:“大仙,小的已经备好了车驾,余下两百里山路,保管畅通无阻,如履平地。”A'Liangand a fellow of yesterday'sthatbladesystemenemysentenced, iftwo people, saidbenignly: „Laboriouswas laborious, the thingis exhaustedyoufirstto take, wait untilsoonleaves the chesspillarmountaindistrict of jurisdiction, yougivemeagain.”阿良与昨天那个一刀制敌的家伙判若两人,和颜悦色道:“辛苦了辛苦了,东西劳烦你先拿着,等到快要离开棋墩山辖境,你再交给我。”
The younglandfeels extremely flattered, „Great Immortalis so polite, folds the ghostslightly.”年轻土地受宠若惊,“大仙如此客气,折煞小的了。”A'Lianggoes forwardonestep, after patting this placeSpiritual Godshoulder, giveshim the reins of whitedonkey, „thatwas impolitewithyou, thathorse, oneandbyyourtaking awayboundary.”阿良上前一步,拍了拍这位一地神灵的肩膀后,将白色驴子的缰绳交给他,“那就不跟你客气了,还有那匹马,一并由你带去边界。”
The younglandhave a strong sense of righteousnesssaid: „Should, beGreat Immortalholds the post of the foot soldier attendant, the realityisbeing honored of little person.”年轻土地大义凛然道:“应该的,为大仙担任马前卒,实乃小人的荣幸。”A'Liangturns the headto look atLi Huai, the youngbratjust noweats meal, tofight fortogether the soy beefwithhim, criedtwothreeto hang oneselfnoisily, stops at nothing, sellshis motherhiselder sisternot saying that ifA'Liangis willingto accept, the bratreferred touncertainevenhis fatherbeing ableto sell toA'Liang, naturally, A'Liangnotsofthearted, finally the air/Qiresulted inLi Huaito make threatening gestures to with the A'Liangduel, topresentone big and one smallis the at daggers drawnhostile relationship.阿良转头看着李槐,小兔崽子方才吃饭的时候,为了跟他争抢一块酱牛肉,一哭二闹三上吊,无所不用其极,卖了他娘他姐不说,如果阿良愿意收下的话,兔崽子指不定连他爹都能卖给阿良,当然了,阿良没有心慈手软,最后气得李槐张牙舞爪就要跟阿良决斗,到现在一大一小还是剑拔弩张的敌对关系。A'Liangstretches out the thumb, aims the youngland that oneselfare flatterybehind, the meaningisyourboyfindsnot to have, SirA'LiangIcan mixvery muchon the rivers and lakes, laterputs the respectpoint.阿良伸出拇指,指向自己身后溜须拍马的年轻土地,意思是你小子瞧见没,大爷阿良我在江湖上是很混得开的,以后放尊重点。Li Huaishows the whites of the eyes, turns headto spitsalivatoward the ground.李槐翻了个白眼,扭头往地上吐了一口唾沫。A'Liangsaidill-humoredly: „Leaves.”阿良没好气道:“动身动身。”
The spoken languagefalls to the groundin a big waya moment later, threecarapacessuch as the tortoise of round table, reachesin turn, theircarapaceisbright red, likebiggroupflame. Whengrasps the youngland of greenwhangheelooksafterthem, the tortoisesimultaneouslyshrank the neck, Every item has a weakness, aschesspillarmountainnominalchief, before youngland, concerned about the cultivation basefetter, duringseveral hundredyearsis unable to tidy uptwosnakepythons, birds and beasts that butotherclimateshave not become, nearbyhim, is no different than the cattlechickendog that the towncommon peoplerear in a pen.
言语落地片刻之后,就有三只背甲大如圆桌的山龟,依次登顶,它们背甲为鲜红色,如同一大团火焰。当手持绿竹杖的年轻土地望向它们后,山龟同时缩了缩脖子,一物降一物,作为棋墩山名义上的山大王,年轻土地之前碍于修为束缚,数百年间一直无法收拾两条蛇蟒,但是其余气候未成的飞禽走兽,在他跟前,无异于市井百姓圈养的牛羊鸡犬。Eachtortoisecarapaceallmayaccommodatethreepeopleto take a seat, the younglandcarefulsuch assends, sewed a lowparapetin the carapaceedge, the material qualityfor the firmhardwood of making use of local materials, acts as the arm rest, toguardthesehonored gueststo joltto fallfalls. Li Baoping, Li HuaiandLin Shouyi, climb up the carapaceone after another, Chen Ping'anare shoutedbyLi Baopingsheselectson the tortoisecarapace, A'LiangaccompaniesLi HuaiLin Shouyi, Zhu HeZhu Luthishasto the father and daughtertogetherpure.
每只山龟背甲皆可容纳三人落座,年轻土地心细如发,在背甲边缘钉了一圈低矮栏杆,材质为就地取材的坚固硬木,充当扶手,以防那些贵客们颠簸摔落。李宝瓶,李槐和林守一,陆续爬上背甲,陈平安被李宝瓶喊到她挑中的山龟背甲上,阿良陪着李槐林守一,朱河朱鹿这对父女自有一块清净地。Li Huaijumps for joy, after the tortoiseleave, the childfigureonlyswaysslightly, obviouslyis not bumpy , is more comfortable than thatox cartcarriageunexpectedly, althoughis seemingly clumsy, is the tortoisedescending the mountainspeedis not slow.李槐雀跃不已,当山龟动身后,孩子身形仅是微微摇晃,丝毫不显颠簸,竟是比那牛车马车还要舒适许多,虽然看似笨拙,可是山龟下山速度并不慢。Li Huaiis greatly happy, makes an effortto thrash the knee of A'Liang, „mybiological mother! This whole life first sits such bigturtleto conduct the back, A'Liang, your nasty persondid a goodfinally!”李槐大乐,使劲捶打阿良的膝盖,“我的亲娘咧!这辈子头一回坐这么大乌龟背上,阿良,你这个缺德鬼总算做了件善事啦!”A'Liangwithpitying the looklooks atLi Huai, „youcanlong is so big, it seems like that the small towncommon social practiceis very simple.”阿良用怜悯的眼神看着李槐,“你能长到这么大,看来小镇民风很朴素啊。”Li Huaiturns the headto looktoLin Shouyi, „A'Liang did is or isn'tspeakmymalicious remarks?”李槐转头望向林守一,“阿良是不是说我坏话了?”Lin Shouyiis sitting in repose with eyes closed, probablyis feelinglate spring the mountain breezesilentlycomesslowly, to the question of Li Huai, ignores.林守一正在闭目养神,好像在默默感受暮春山风的徐徐而来,对李槐的问话,置若罔闻。
The Li HuaithieflookstoA'Liang, triedto find the tracesfrom the complexionlook of bamboo hatman.李槐贼兮兮望向阿良,试图从斗笠汉子的脸色眼神当中找到蛛丝马迹。A'Liangputting on a serious facesinceresay/way: „Is the word of praise.”阿良板着脸正色道:“是好话。”Li Huaishot a look atA'Lianghorizontally the greensheathlong bladeonleg, looked atsilversmall bottle gourd of eyehiswaist, asked: „A'Liang, does bamboo bladeplaytome?”李槐瞥了眼阿良横在腿上的绿鞘长刀,又看了眼他腰间的银色小葫芦,问道:“阿良,竹刀给我耍耍?”A'Liangshakes the head saying: „Youdo not suitwith the blade.”阿良摇头道:“你不适合用刀。”Li Huaiknits the brows: „Whatweapon do Isuit?”李槐皱眉道:“那我适合啥兵器?”
The A'Liangcomplexionis serious, „youcan, convince people by reasoningreasonable, win popular support with kindness.”阿良脸色严肃,“你可以跟人讲道理啊,以理服人,以德服人。”Li Huaisighed, saiddejectedly: „Incorrect.”李槐叹息一声,垂头丧气道:“不行的。”OriginallywasteasesA'Liang that the childplayedsomewhatto feel strangetruly, „why?”
本来就是逗孩子玩的阿良真正有些奇怪了,“为何?”Li Huairaised the head, lookstoelsewhere, the greeneryscallionscallion, hasspring the flowerto flashto passoccasionallybrilliantly, the childsaidin a soft voice: „Myvoiceis too small, my motherhas said that timewhosevoice of quarrellingis big, whois reasonable. Butat home, my fatherdoes not likespeaking, a stickcannot make, myelder sister is also the coysoftsofttemperament, closed gourd, thereforein the family/homehad/left the mattertime, so long asmy motheris not , the father and elder sistertwopeople, will only be dumbfounded, can a personbe anxious. ActuallyIdo not likequarrelling, issometimes, sitssees mother in the topwith the personthickneckred painted-face, feared that very muchwhichday of my motherwas old, quarrelledput upmotionless, what to do? Ourfamily/homeoriginallypoor, even the roombroke a holenot to havemoneycultivate, my fatherwas unpromising, after myelder sistergrew up , was doomedto get married, ifwhen the time comes a quarrellingpersondid not have, ourfamily/homedoes wantto be bullied dead by the bystander?”李槐抬起头,望向别处,绿树葱葱,偶有春花绚烂一闪而逝,孩子轻声道:“我嗓门太小,我娘说过,吵架的时候谁的嗓门大,谁就有道理。可是在家里,我爹不爱说话,一棍子打不出个屁,我姐也是扭扭捏捏的软绵脾气,闷葫芦得很,所以家里出了事情的时候,只要我娘不在,爹和姐两个人,就只会大眼瞪小眼,能把人急死。其实我也不喜欢跟人吵架,可是有些时候,坐在墙头看着娘亲跟人粗脖子红脸,就很怕哪天我娘老了,吵不动架了,咋办?我们家本来就穷,连屋子破了个洞也没钱修,我爹没出息,我姐长大后,又是注定要嫁人的,到时候如果连个吵架的人都没了,我们家岂不是要被外人欺负死?”Lin Shouyidivine willmoves slightly.林守一神意微动。A'Liangteased: „, Does the trivialage, want is so far?”阿良打趣道:“啧啧,屁大年纪,就想这么远?”Helpless the childsaid: „Without the means that my motheralwayssaidin the family/homeonly thenIbring, Mister Qihas taughtus, the persondoes not have the foresight to have the sorrow near at hand, thereforeImustnot the rain...... thatanything.”
孩子无奈道:“没办法啊,我娘总说家里就只有我是带把的,齐先生教过我们,人无远虑必有近忧啊,所以我必须未雨……那个啥了。”A'Lianghelpssaythattwocharacterswith a smile: „Emotionally entwined.”阿良笑着帮忙说出那两个字:“绸缪。”Li Huaishakes the head, „Lin Shouyi, how did Mister QisayNobleman to?”李槐摇头,“林守一,齐先生说过君子是要如何的?”Lin Shouyiopens the eye, saidslowly: „concealsinbody, waits for the proper timeto move.”林守一睁开眼睛,缓缓道:“藏器于身,待时而动。”Li Huaireferred toA'Liang, „A'Liangyou, arehalfbucket of waterswayblindly.”李槐指了指阿良,“阿良你啊,就是半桶水瞎晃荡。”Lin Shouyia littlewantsto sitto the Chen Ping'anLi Baopingthat side , there is nothing to disturbat least.林守一有点想要坐到陈平安李宝瓶那边去,最少耳根清净。A'Liangtook off the liquorbottle gourdto drink a liquor, saidwith a laugh: „I, reached an agreementwiththatchesspillarmountainland godyesterday, when distinction, as the compensation, hewill put out a giving farewell presentgiftwiththattwoevillivestock, beforesawthatonlysliver of wood box, the rivers and lakeswere called the horizontalvaluablepavilion, withstanding erecthundredvaluableframes, had the wonder of equally good results from different methods, insidethought ofallwas the valuabletreasure, originallyreached an agreementtoyouevery, yourLi Huaiis certainly no exception, now, did not have.”阿良摘下酒葫芦喝了口酒,笑呵呵道:“我呢,昨天就跟那个棋墩山土地爷谈好了,分别之时,作为补偿,他和那两头孽畜会拿出一份赠别礼物,之前看到那只长条木匣了吧,江湖人称横宝阁,跟竖立起来的百宝架,有异曲同工之妙,里头装着的全是值钱宝贝,本来说好给你们人手一件,你李槐当然也不例外,现在嘛,没了。”Li Huairemains unmoved, butfollows a prescribed pattern saying: „A'Liang, Iknowinyourbellyto have100steamships!”李槐不为所动,只是一板一眼说道:“阿良,我知道你肚子里有一百条大船!”A'Lianggawkedstaring, „anythingat sixes and sevens.”阿良愣了愣,“什么乱七八糟的。”Lin Shouyiseems like that saidat will: „Inprime ministerstomachcanpole a boat.”林守一看似随意道:“宰相肚里能撑船。”
A A'Liangpalm of the handfallson the Li Huaihead, laughsfrank.阿良一巴掌摔在李槐脑袋上,爽朗大笑。
The tortoiseselect the secludedmountain roadto climb mountains and cross rivers, relaxedsatisfied, makingonegroup of leisurely, tosomebeautifulplaces, A'LiangthenmadeChen Ping'anslightlydoto rest, during this period, Chen Ping'anpassed by a piece of bamboo poledeep greensuch as the jadesmallbamboo grove, raisedthatonlyto remain the half the hatchetto cuttwobamboos, is dividedbamboo tube that sections of lengthsvaried, loaded the back-basket, Li Huaiknows the reason, was happy that jumpedto jump madlyrandomly, shoutsmustendorse the box.
山龟一路拣选僻静山道跋山涉水,轻松惬意,使得一行人优哉游哉,到了一些风景秀美的地方,阿良便让陈平安略作休憩,在此期间,陈平安路过一片竹竿碧绿如玉的小小竹林,就提着那只剩半截的柴刀去砍了两棵竹子,分成一截截长短不一的竹筒,装入背篓,李槐知道缘由,高兴得乱蹦乱跳,嚷着要背书箱喽。Thatthreetortoiseliein the distant place, looks the straw sandalyoungsterfells the bambootime, the yelloweyeball of fistsize, was full of the admiration.
那三只山龟趴在远处,看着草鞋少年砍伐竹子的时候,拳头大小的黄色眼珠子,充满了钦佩。A'Liangis drinkinginside, looks at the hands and feetagilebusyyoungster, cheerfulsay/way: „Visionis actually good, onlydog pootransports/fortunespitifully...... does not have.”阿良在旁边喝着酒,看着手脚利索的忙碌少年,乐呵道:“眼光倒是不错,只可惜狗屎运……还是没有。”
Before starting off, the redcotton-wadded jacketlittle missproposedwithZhu He,shemustsit alonewithZhu Luonlyin the same place, Zhu Henaturallycannotreject, buturgeddaughtermustto look after the young lady, Zhu Lunodded. Zhu Hethengoes toandChen Ping'ansits in together the turtle backon, youngster a bamboo tube of successivelyemerald greendesiredrop, chopsto split the hewingbamboo stripthin bamboo strip, nowis short of the hemp rope, thereforewants the bambooboxto formtruly, mustarrive atthatred candletown/subdues, most after early.
上路之前,红棉袄小姑娘跟朱河提出,她要跟朱鹿单独坐在一起,朱河自然不会拒绝,只是叮嘱女儿一定要照看好小姐,朱鹿点头。朱河便去和陈平安坐在同一块龟背上,少年将一节节翠绿欲滴的竹筒,又劈剖削成竹片竹篾,如今欠缺麻绳,所以要竹箱真正成形,最早也要到了那座红烛镇之后了。Zhu Hetwists a piece of bamboo, discovered that startslightly, is quite tenacious, remembersthatgreenwhanghee in chesspillarmountainyounglandhand, immediatelyin the heartunderstands clearly, just nowthat12mubigbamboo grove, definitelyis not the commonbamboo, one of springregionsperhapschesspillarmountainSpirit Qigathers.朱河捻起一片竹子,发现入手极轻,却颇为坚韧,想起棋墩山年轻土地手中的那根绿竹杖,顿时心中了然,方才那片不过一两亩大的竹林,肯定不是寻常竹子,说不定正是棋墩山灵气所聚的泉眼地带之一。Zhu Heishits the mindto like the young lady, cannot bearremind: „Thesebambooshave the backgroundgreatly, if the commonhatchet, has collapsed the gaporcuts the bending. Therefore after wait untilthesetwobook boxesmake, Missmy familywill be perhaps depressed, becausein the endinsteadishersmallbambooboxmostordinary.”朱河是打心眼喜欢自家小姐的,忍不住提醒道:“这些竹子大有来头,如果是一般的柴刀,早就崩出缺口或是砍到卷刃了。所以等到这两只书箱做成之后,我家小姐说不定会郁闷的,因为到头来反而是她的小竹箱最普通。”Chen Ping'anis stunned, turns the headto lookto conducts the back the A'Liangthreepeople of tortoisebehind, the exploratory natureis asking: „Thatpiece of bamboo grove does is or isn'thave the relationswith the chesspillarmountainland?”陈平安愕然,就转头望向身后驮着阿良三人的山龟,试探性问道:“那片竹林是不是跟棋墩山土地有关系?”
The A'Liangnodsaid: „Ishisskeletons in the closet, derivesmountainous regionSpirit Qi, hundredyearscanhavethisemerald greenseepingcolor, crossagain for 400-500years, condense the littleQingmuessencehopefully. Howeverall right, twobamboos that youreduce, is only200 -year-old ages, but alsobeing insufficientletsthatfellowheartdropblood, mostanxiety, the trifling thingdoes not have.”阿良点头道:“算是他的老底子,汲取山地灵气,百年才能生出这种翠绿沁色,再过400-500年,才有希望凝聚出一点点青木精华。不过没事,你砍掉的两棵竹子,只是两百来岁的年龄,还不至于让那家伙心头滴血,最多一阵肉疼而已,屁事没有。”Chen Ping'ansighed, eliminatedreturnedcuts a thought of green bambooagain.陈平安叹了口气,打消了返回再砍一棵绿竹的念头。A'Liangasked: „What's wrong? Dislikingtwowere few? Canhelpyouselectseveralgoodpointsbamboos?”阿良问道:“怎么?嫌两根少了?要不要帮你挑几根好点的竹子?”Chen Ping'anshakes the head saying: „Ok.”陈平安摇头道:“算了。”Zhu Heaskedcuriously: „Back and forth, less thanhalfdouble-hour, is not troublesome.”朱河好奇问道:“来回一趟,不到半个时辰,又不麻烦。”Chen Ping'anlooked at the footback-basket, is crowding aroundbamboo stripthin bamboo strips, still has very bigleeway, but the youngster was still shook the head saying: „Hurries alongimportantly.”陈平安看了眼脚边的背篓,拥簇着一根根竹片一枝枝竹篾,犹有挺大的余地,不过少年仍是摇头道:“赶路要紧。”Zhu Hethinks little, says with a smile: „Practices martial art a way, is heavyin‚tempering’twocharacters, does not contest, no onefeeds the fist, cannot bring forth the bigpositive result, therefore, wecompare notes, the offensive talksaidinfront, saidcompares notes, butIcannotinjureyouexcept for the guarantee, in additionacts, is unambiguous, thereforeyouare psychologically preparedblack and blue.”朱河对此不以为意,笑道:“习武一途,重在‘磨砺’二字,不跟人过招,没有人喂拳,练不出大名堂,所以有空的时候,我们切磋切磋,丑话说在前头,说是切磋,可我除了保证不会打伤你,此外出手,绝不含糊,所以你做好鼻青脸肿的心理准备。”Chen Ping'anwhole facenice surprise, grinsto say with a smile: „Uncle Zhu you make an effortto punchby all means.”陈平安满脸惊喜,咧嘴笑道:“朱叔叔你只管使劲揍。”Less thanhigh noon, the tortoisetook the smallhalf rangemountain roadonalready, under a people'sbywaterfallpuddle, the division of laboris clear, the familiar houselights a fireto cook a meal, Chen Ping'antold the little miss the matter of smallbamboobox, after listeninghehad toldherreasonon the quiet, the little misssmilesgrins with ear to ear, finallyon the faceis proudcompletely, pats the smallbamboobox that every day was always together, saidtoherLittle Master-Uncle, the world's best book boxhere, moreovershegave back to take a nickname, called the greenclothes.
不到正午,山龟就已经走了小半程山路,众人在一条瀑布下的水潭旁,分工明确,熟门熟路地烧火煮饭,陈平安就把小竹箱的事情跟小姑娘说了一下,听过了他悄悄告诉她的理由后,小姑娘笑得合不拢嘴,最后脸上满是自豪,拍了拍身旁每天形影不离的小竹箱,跟她小师叔说,天底下最好的书箱就在这里,而且她还给它取了个绰号,叫绿衣。Has eaten meal, A'Liangshouted that Chen Ping'an the shore in quietgreendeepdeep pool, the waterfallwater volumeis not big, therefore the cold airis not heavy, two peopleleads the wayshoulder to shoulder, A'Lianghesitant, asked: „According toyourbeforehandview, youinDragon Springs CountyXishan, hasAbjection Mountainnow, the valuablelumountain, the colorcloud peak, the immortalgrassy hillandTrue Pearl Mountain, amounts tofivebig or smallmountain tops?”
The Chen Ping'andoubtsnod, does not have anyconceals, saidslowly: „Abjection Mountainis most valuable, the valuablelumountainis also good, otherthreeare very ordinary, particularlyTrue Pearl Mountain, is a commonhill.”陈平安疑惑点头,没有任何隐瞒,缓缓道:“其中落魄山最值钱,宝箓山也不错,其余三座很一般,尤其是真珠山,就是个不起眼的小山包。”
The A'Liangpalmwhipsblade hiltgently, after pondering the moment, said: „Now the true values of thesemountain tops, lie in the Spirit Qireserved and refined, by faroutsideworld, therefore our line, solelyis notthatfiveshapemonsterfollowingironrune/symbolriver, triesto enteryourhometown, the advantage of being close to somebodyderivesSpirit Qi, the mandrilldemon who actuallymanyjuststraightened outignorant, is dashingto gotothat side, whichlucky fellowsbuthasto be ablesuccessfullyto occupy a cornerfinally, mustlook attheir respectivegood fortunes, hadGreat Daodestiny.”阿良手心轻轻拍打刀柄,思考片刻后,说道:“如今这些山头的真正价值,在于灵气蕴藉,远胜外方天地,所以我们这一路行来,不单单是那五位化形妖物循着铁符河,试图进入你们家乡,近水楼台汲取灵气,其实还有许多刚刚懵懂开窍的山魈精怪,正向那边飞奔而去,不过最终有哪些幸运儿能够成功占据一隅,得看它们各自的造化,到底有没有大道机缘了。”A'Liangdrank a liquor , to continue saying: „Do not think that the demonentered the mountain, isin the family/homesuffers the thief, likethisimposing mannergoodchesspillarmountain, thatlandwhateverwhytwosnakepythonsunderhiseyehides, bit by bitgrowsto expand? The reasonis very simple, after hetook out the orthodoxstatus, the chesspillarmountainwantsto detainSpirit Qi, needssomepeopleto stand, helpinghimassume the mountain topand pressure on win the Yinghostandabsorbs the destiny.”阿良喝了口酒,继续说道:“也别以为有了精怪入山,就是家里遭贼,就像这座气势不俗的棋墩山,那土地为何任由两条蛇蟒在他眼皮子底下,一点一点成长壮大?原因很简单,他被摘去正统身份后,棋墩山想要留住灵气,就需要有人站出来,帮着他坐镇山头、压胜阴煞和吸纳气数。”Chen Ping'anasked: „A'Liang, yourmeaningwantsmeto invitethatchesspillarmountainland, ortwosnakepythons, tomymountain top? Probablya little...... helpsmeguard the family?”陈平安问道:“阿良,你的意思是要我邀请那位棋墩山土地,或是两条蛇蟒,去往我的山头?有点像是……帮我看家护院?”
The A'Liangsquattinglower part of the body, picks uppebbleat will, throwsinto the puddle, shakes the headwith a smile, „youwere only half right that the imperial edictsealssceneryRighteous God, will bemost important of recentGreat LiImperial Court, related to the dynastydestiny, will not allow the bystanderto bribeto meddleabsolutely, thereforeyourhometownthesemountain tops, whichseveralmountain peakswill have to haveImperial CourtapprovalMountain God, will inevitably beGreat LiEmperorimperial brushrespectchose/pointcertaindeceased people, will mentionaccuratelyis the hero soul, the land of chesspillarmountain, went toyourmountain top, not justifiable, what's the matter.”阿良蹲下身,随意捡起一颗石子,丢入水潭,笑着摇头,“你只说对了一半,敕封山水正神,是近期大骊朝廷的重中之重,涉及王朝气数,绝对不容外人染指插手,所以你家乡那些山头,到底有哪几座山峰能够拥有朝廷认可的山神,必然是大骊皇帝御笔钦点的某些死人,准确说来是英灵,棋墩山的土地,去了你的山头,名不正言不顺的,算怎么回事。”„Saidagain, evenyourAbjection Mountainor the valuablelumountain, the luckis very good, obtainsMountain God that the Imperial Courtimperial edictsealsto settle down, builds the Mountain Godtemple, stands erect the clay sculpturegolden body, is entitledto enjoyburning incense. Howeverheresideland, examineswithout the imperial observatorystrictly, how unable to makeAbjection MountainMountain God, only thenkeeps the chesspillarmountain, perhapsalsosomewhathopes,after allthese for several hundredyears, hiswork hard if not perfectly, has not rushed towhatdisaster, perhapsEmperorGreat Liwill leave a loopholetohim, whilechesspillarmountainpromotion, logicallyoneandpromoteshimisMountain God. Even ifyouaskedhimto go, hewill not comply, the burning incensegod positionincident, regardingthesemountains and rivers godsspirits, looked likelife of ordinary peopleto affect, evenwas more important, becausethissaying, so long aswent outonestep, did not have the road back.”
“再说了,即便你的落魄山或是宝箓山,运气很好,得到朝廷敕封的山神落户,建立山神庙,竖立起泥塑金身,有资格享受香火。但是这里的一方土地,未经钦天监严密审查,如何也做不成落魄山的山神,只有留在棋墩山,说不定还有几分希望,毕竟这几百年来,他没有功劳也有苦劳,更没有闯下什么祸事,说不定大骊皇帝会对他网开一面,在将棋墩山升格的同时,将他顺理成章地一并提拔为山神。所以就算你求他去,他也不会答应的,香火神位一事,对于这些山水神灵而言,就像是凡夫俗子的性命攸关,甚至更重要,因为这条道,只要走出一步,就没有回头路了。”Chen Ping'ansquatssideA'Liang, the exploratory natureasked: „Wantsmeto win overthattwosnakepythons?”陈平安蹲在阿良身边,试探性问道:“是要我拉拢那两条蛇蟒?”A'Liangis throwing the pebble, said with a smile: „Is somewhat hardto choose, althoughthattwodomestic animals the family backgroundis not bad, buttheseyearsbehave badlymuch, pass on the reputation not of pleasant to hear......”阿良丢着石子,笑道:“是有些难以抉择,那两条畜生虽然出身不差,但是这些年来作孽不少,传出去名声也不好听……”Chen Ping'anasked: „IfIallowthemto go toAbjection Mountainor the valuablelumountain, theycanguarantee that doesn't eat the person?”陈平安问道:“如果我准许它们去落魄山或是宝箓山,它们能够保证不吃人吗?”A'Lianggawkedstaring, rubbed the chin saying: „Eats the person? Generally, hasthatabundantSpirit Qi, cultivatedalsowithout enough time, but the snakepythonbelongs toFlood Dragoneventuallyis, the natural dispositioncold blood, ate to the fulloccasionallysupportedis eating the personto taste foods newly in season, perhaps. For examplewhatmountains and plainswoodcutterand so on, the luck not goodwords, meetsthem that the holelooks for food, was difficultto say.”阿良愣了愣,揉了揉下巴说道:“吃人?一般情况下,有那么充沛的灵气,修行还来不及,不过蛇蟒终究属于蛟龙之属,生性冷血,偶尔吃饱了撑着吃人尝尝鲜,也说不定。比如什么山野樵夫之类的,运气不好的话,遇上出洞觅食的它们,就难说了。”Chen Ping'analsoasked,„thatcan or cannotreaches an agreementwiththemfrom the beginning, inmymountain topcultivated, Ok, butdoes not permitto eat the person, is A'Liang, like this good?”陈平安又问,“那能不能一开始就跟它们说好,在我的山头修行,可以,但是不准吃人,阿良,这样行不行?”
The bamboo hatmanasked back: „Youdo not fearontheirmouthsto comply, thenwalks into the mountain, is seeing the person, one is a human life? In any caseyouin the near futurenotinmountain top.”
斗笠汉子反问道:“你就不怕它们嘴上答应,回头进了山,见着了人,一口就是一条人命?反正你近期又不在山上。”Chen Ping'anis beaming and buoyant, saidslowly: „A'Liangyoudid not say that the red candletown/subdueshas the relay station, the relay stationcantransmit the correspondence, Icanwrite a lettertoMaster Ruan, the three mountainshead the valuablelumountain, rentstohim50years, if Master Ruanconsiders too little, Ican the additional50years, thenmakeMaster Ruanhelpmestare atthattwodomestic animalsagain, so long asdaresto offend somebody, fights with the fists dead to consider as finished, avoidkeepsthischesspillarwild mountain animalsperson, naturallythisis the worst case scenario.”陈平安神采奕奕,缓缓说道:“阿良你不是说红烛镇有驿站嘛,驿站可以传递书信,我可以写一封信给阮师傅,将宝箓山在内三座山头,多租借给他五十年,如果万一阮师傅嫌少,我可以再加五十年,然后让阮师傅帮我盯着那两头畜生,只要敢伤人,就一拳打死算了,省得留在这棋墩山害人,当然这是最坏的情况。”„When the time comesIletthatblacksnake that could become the black inkflood dragon, goes toAbjection Mountainto treat, year after yearhelpedmesave the family property, A'Liang you have said that if a snakepython, successfullywalkedrivertransform into a dragon, thenitwalked the place of origin of river earliest, during will be darkwill also obtainverybigfortune, right? Ieven can also brazenly, pleadingMaster Ruanto promiseme, makingitstay for temporary lodgingin the valuablelumountain, youthinkto look, ifeven/includingBaimang can also walk the words of river, Iwas notgainin a big way, Iwas happen to worrying after buying the mountain top, has lacked self-confidenceat heart, ifthere is a blacksnakewhitepythonto move into the mountain top, it is estimated thatwill think that thesemountain peakshave not boughtwhite/in vain, every dayhadprobablydropsownpocket the copper coingreatly, crash-bang......”
A A'Liangfacedelaylooks at the incessantyoungster, somewhatdoes not know whether to laugh or cry, have mixed feelingsasked: „Chen Ping'an, do youlikemaking moneyso much?”阿良一脸呆滞看着滔滔不绝的少年,有些哭笑不得,心情复杂地问道:“陈平安,你就这么喜欢赚钱啊?”
The Chen Ping'anwhole faceis shocking, asks back: „In the world doesn't could it be thathave the person who likesmaking money?”陈平安满脸震惊,反问道:“天底下难道有不喜欢挣钱的人?”A'Liangheld the bamboo hat, does not wantto speak, avoidplay the lute to the cow.阿良扶了扶斗笠,不想说话,省得对牛弹琴。Thismansighed, says with a smile: „Originallyalsothinks that yourboymeets the righteousnessexpressionrejection.”
这个男人叹了口气,笑道:“本来还以为你小子会义正言辞拒绝的。”Chen Ping'anis confused, „whywill think so?”陈平安一头雾水,“为什么会这么觉得?”A'Liangskims the waterto wash the face, turns the headto say with a smile: „For examplewill say that twoevillivestockkillwithout enough time, althoughmyChen Ping'anis poor, but my family tradition of Chenis very positive, how might be willing to makethementeroneselfhome, a Datong, myalreadycompleted the plan that gets a bawling out.”阿良掬水洗了把脸,转头笑道:“比如会说那两头孽畜杀都来不及,我陈平安虽然穷,但是我老陈家的家风很正,怎么可能愿意让他们进自己家门,噼里啪啦,一大通,我原本已经做好挨训的打算了。”
The Chen Ping'anlookis peaceful, picks uppebbleto toss into the puddlegently, the silentmoment, turned the headto pat the A'Liangshouldersuddenly, „A'Liang, youweretooyoung.”陈平安神色安静下来,捡起一颗石子轻轻抛入水潭,沉默片刻,突然转头拍了拍阿良肩膀,“阿良,你还是太年轻啊。”
The bamboo hatmanselected the brow, „yo, it seems like that the mood is really good, will crack a joke.”
斗笠汉子挑了挑眉头,“呦,看来心情真是不错,都会开玩笑了。”Chen Ping'analsostudied the manto select the brow, actuallyfelt that was also very inexpensive.陈平安也学汉子挑了挑眉头,竟然给人感觉也挺贱兮兮的。A'Lianglaughs heartily, stands up.阿良哈哈大笑,站起身。Chen Ping'anfollowsto set out, suddenlyremembers the incident, the worryasks: „A'Liang, is the keythattwosnakepythonsis really willingto resettle?”陈平安跟着起身,突然想起一事,忧心问道:“阿良,关键是那两条蛇蟒真的愿意挪窝吗?”A'Liangwith a laugh, did not speak.阿良笑呵呵,就是不说话。Chen Ping'ansaw the bamboo hatman, the palmresistedblade hilt.陈平安看到斗笠汉子,手心抵住了刀柄。A'Liangpattedblade hilt, playsto say with a smile: „Thereforeyouralsowithout delaypractices martial artto practice boxing, laterstudies the sword, becauseyouwantto be reasonable, othersunreasonabletime, had a need forthis.”阿良拍了拍刀柄,玩笑道:“所以你也赶紧习武练拳,以后再学剑,因为你愿意讲道理,别人不讲道理的时候,就用得着这个了。”Chen Ping'anshows neither approval nor disapproval.陈平安不置可否。two peopleturns backtogethersame place, A'Liangaskedcuriously: „Whybeforeweren't manycutshow manybamboos? Suchgood thing, crossedthisvillagenot to havethisshop, lateryoucould not buyrichly.”两人一起走回原地,阿良好奇问道:“之前为什么不多砍几棵竹子?这样的好东西,过了这村儿就没这店儿,以后你有钱也买不着。”Chen Ping'anspoke thoughtlesslyto reply: „Beforesomepeoplehave said that the personmustbe content, quits when you're ahead.”陈平安随口答道:“以前有人说过,人要知足,见好就收。”A'Liangdoes not know whether to laugh or cry, „suchbullshit, did youalsoreallyperceive?”阿良哭笑不得,“就这么句屁话,你还真听进去了?”Chen Ping'anboth handsgrasp the back of the head, raresuchsluggishcomfortable, does the headsway, such as the mountains and foreststall bambooshakesalong with the cool breeze, fewyoungsaid: „Because ofmefrom infancy to maturity, has not listened towhatGreat Daoprinciple, thereforehears1-2with great difficulty, wantsto forgetdifficultly.”陈平安双手抱住后脑勺,难得这么懒散闲适,脑袋摇摇晃晃,如山林修竹随清风微晃,少年轻声道:“因为我从小到大,就没听过什么大道理啊,所以好不容易听到1-2,想忘记都难。”Distant placeZhu Heshoutssuddenly: „Chen Ping'an, do welook for an open areato build the gives a hand?”
The youngstertake to one's heelsto dashto go, „good!”
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