After the bamboo hatmanloosensthatbamboo bladeblade hilt, tradesto make a shoulderracket, hit the revolutionsdelicate and prettymanin the Gate of Death, not onlyhas not felt relieved, insteadis even more trembling, onhisfacedoes not haveagainpreviousdirectscarefreesmilling expression of landscape, the figureis motionless, voicedrysay/way: „Senior, misunderstandstoday, was I am offensive.”
当斗笠汉子松开那柄竹刀的刀柄后,换作肩头一拍,在鬼门关打了个转的俊美男子,非但没有如释重负,反而愈发战战兢兢,他脸上再无先前指点江山的畅快笑意,身形一动不动,嗓音干涩道:“前辈,今日误会,是我唐突了。”In fact, thishistoryunclearman, sincecanappearin the bodyside, easy to doholdsto put onhiscapacity for clear thinkingbycommonbamboo blade, thenhedetermineswithout doubt, perhaps the opponent of oneselfnotthisperson, onlywait untilbecomechesspillarmountainRighteous God, haswithitpulls the energy of wrist/skill, then an intractable problemon the swayedinhimat present, stoodhonestlycoming under attack, wrestlesto wrestleunyieldingly?
事实上,这个来历不明的汉子,既然能够神不知鬼不觉地出现在身侧,轻而易举以寻常竹刀捅穿他的心窍,那么他就确定无疑,自己绝非此人的对手,兴许唯有等到自己成为棋墩山正神,才有与其扳手腕的底气,那么一个棘手问题就摆在了他眼前,是老老实实站直了挨打,还是硬气地搏上一搏?Actuallywhenthatperson of palmleaves the blade hiltinstance, bamboo blade of ordinarymaterial qualitylost the deterrent effectonalready, asgods, even if is only not the popularLocal land God, putsin the government of seculardynasty, hedoes not have the petty official of person in office, butgodsisgods, for exampleheimmediatelythisgolden bodies that undergoinnumerableburning incenseto gradually influence, maycompare favorably withsevenboundarymartial artistbody and spiritfully, particularlywithout a Achilles'heelsaying, thereforewas heldto put on the body's backchestbybamboo bladeeven if, did not obstruct the important matter, maybe called the A'Liangbamboo hatman, issocareless, heis more anxiousonnervous.
其实当那人手心离开刀柄的瞬间,普通材质的竹刀就已经失去了震慑力,作为神祇,哪怕仅是不入流的土地公,搁在世俗王朝的官场,他就是没有官身的胥吏罢了,可神祇到底是神祇,比如他当下这副经受无数香火熏陶的金身,足可媲美七境武人的体魄,尤其是没有死穴一说,所以哪怕被竹刀捅穿后背心口,仍是不碍大事,可名叫阿良的斗笠汉子,越是如此漫不经心,他就越忐忑不安。Stillremembers that initiallybythattwolandrealimmortal that visitsthismountain, destroyshisgod positiongolden bodybyunsurpassedDivine Ability, at that timethattwo peoplebearinglooks, weresosuperficial, evenwas well belowtheirplaying Goplayed weiqirandombeganonetime.
After A'Lianghas the blade, the welldoing that at this timerestoresto look down on the world, takes offwaistsmall bottle gourd, rocksgently, the winescatters in all directions, A'Liangfilledstrong liquor, turns circleto take a walkaroundthisyoungdelicate and prettyLocal land God, said: The skill that „your fellowacts in a playis good, naturallythatwhiteMangis not bad, in addition the cruelblacksnake, the coordinationmustbe possible be calledflawless. Howeveryouthink after being of great success the true feelingsto reveal, conforms tomyappetite, threelaughter, are very splendid, Ilike.”阿良出刀之后,此时又恢复玩世不恭的德行,摘下腰间小葫芦,轻轻晃动,酒香四散,阿良灌了一口烈酒,绕着这位年轻俊美的土地公转圈散步,啧啧道:“你这家伙演戏的本事挺好,当然那条白蟒也不差,加上暴戾的黑蛇,配合得堪称天衣无缝。不过你自认为大功告成后的真情流露,更符合我的胃口,三次笑声,很精彩,我喜欢。”Thatpair of blacksnakewhiteManghas straightened outto thoroughly understand the human nature, while the bamboo hatmansmileswith the mangreeted, almoston the anxiousretreat, the blacksnakerapiddispersingbodylongwall, returnedsummitShipingone sideedgesimultaneously, whiteMang who lost a wingtwistedwithdraws, the little darlingoccupiedin the cliffbank, all the headhung down, submissive, tameexceptionally.
那双黑蛇白蟒早已开窍通晓人性,在斗笠汉子笑眯眯跟男子打招呼的同时,几乎同时就急急退去,黑蛇迅速散开身躯长墙,退回山巅石坪一侧边缘,失去一翅的白蟒扭曲后撤,乖乖盘踞在悬崖畔,皆头颅低垂,低眉顺眼,温驯异常。Thistime, does not disguise,snakepythonboth sidesthatcovers the scale of hugebody, shiversslightly, sends the conscience.
这一次,绝不是假装,蛇蟒双方那覆盖庞大身躯的鳞片,微微颤抖,发乎本心。Theydo not even dareto look straight atto take a look atthatbamboo hatman.
它们甚至不敢正眼打量那名斗笠汉子。A'Liangbamboo blade, makesallsettle down.阿良一记竹刀,就让一切尘埃落定。
After the younglandhearsteasing of bamboo hatman, whole faceembarrassed, „the A'Liangseniorchatted.”年轻土地听到斗笠汉子的打趣后,满脸尴尬,“阿良前辈说笑了。”A'Liangrestrainssmilling expression, „chatted?”阿良收敛笑意,“说笑?”
The delicate and prettydistinguished and accomplishedyounglanddetectedprobablyis not wonderful, thinksprobablyat presentthisbamboo hatman, isthathaving a falling outcharacter, is tounder the killertoownpain, oneanxious , is puts forthsidemountains and rivers godsDivine Abilityonly, the bodysuch as the clayconditioningflows, sets up the groundmud of placeto turnwells up, almost a blinkingtime, thislandondisappearingtrail, rotten bogground, restoresinstantaneouslyas usual.
俊美风流的年轻土地好像察觉到不妙,大概以为眼前这位斗笠汉子,是那种翻脸无情的性格,是要对自己痛下杀手了,一急之下,便是使出一方山水神祇的神通,身躯如黄泥软化流淌,立身之处的地面泥浆翻涌,几乎一个眨眼功夫,这位土地就不见了踪迹,烂泥塘似的地面,也瞬间恢复如常。Shrinksto becomeCun, actuallysaid that gateSchool of Militaryhassimilarmagecraft.
缩地成寸,其实道门兵家都有类似术法。Did not have the bodysupport, greenbamboo bladeto fall.
没了身躯支撑,绿色竹刀下坠。A'Liangputs out a handto gripbamboo blade, discovered that the redcotton-wadded jacketlittle missthreepeoplestare the bigeyeto lookto approach itself.阿良伸手握住竹刀,发现红棉袄小姑娘三人瞪大眼睛望向自己。A'Liangwithout delayraised the headto throw out the chest, has not returnedblade sheathbamboo blade, butleans onbyblade tip, exhibitsoneto look up the dayconfident and at easestance.阿良赶紧抬头挺胸,没有将竹刀放回刀鞘,而是以刀尖拄地,摆出一副抬头望天的潇洒姿态。Bamboo hatmansecretlymutter: „Praisedme, made an effortto praiseme. MyA'Lianggreatesttwomerits, arelikeaccepting the criticism, youcriticizeme, Ikillyou. Iscan stand up toothers'commendationto awardagain, is unsureagaindisgustingly, can catchagain.”
斗笠汉子偷偷碎碎念:“夸我,使劲夸我。我阿良最大的两个优点,就是喜欢接受批评,你批评我,我就打死你。再就是经得住别人的称赞褒奖,再没谱再肉麻,都接得住。”Li Huaitakes the leadto open the mouth, the childrunstoA'Liangside, high and lowsized up, said: „A'Liang, youcome is so late, did is or isn'tdefecate? The lazy personbody wasteare really many, do youknow that comesagainlate, later did no oneaccompanyyouto talk incessantly, accompaniesyouto urinatetogether? Thenyoucanthinkmewhen the time comes?”李槐率先开口,孩子一路小跑到阿良身边,上下打量了一番,说道:“阿良,你来这么晚,是不是拉屎去了?真是懒人屎尿多,你知不知道再晚来一点,以后就没人陪你唠叨,陪你一起撒尿了?那么到时候你会不会想我?”Pretends that person of high skillstyleverylaboriousA'Liangbreaks the meritimmediately, becomes angry out of shame saying: „Ithink that yourmotherthinksyour older sister, does not thinkbrat who your does not have the conscience.”
假装高人风范很是辛苦的阿良顿时破功,恼羞成怒道:“我想你娘想你姐,就是不想你这个没良心的兔崽子。”Li Huaiunprecedentedinsteaddid not scold, lowering the head, the complexionwas somewhat low-spirited.李槐破天荒不反骂回去,低下头,脸色有些黯然。A'Liangsighed, toucheschild'shead, „your had dead, looked distressedto makeanything, goodgood......”阿良叹了口气,摸了摸孩子的脑袋,“你这不是没死翘翘嘛,愁眉苦脸做啥,行了行了……”Li Huairaised the headimmediatelygrinningly, „A'Liang, do youteachmepeerlessmartial arts?”李槐立马笑嘻嘻抬起头,“阿良,你教我绝世武功吧?”A'Liangasked with a smile: „Can youbear hardships?”阿良笑问道:“你能吃苦?”
The childshakes the headto sayseriously: „Naturallycannot support the pain, youhave not mademenot usebear hardships, canrealize the fiercetime of unmatched in the world?”
The A'Liangcorners of the mouthtwitch, „do youfeel?”阿良嘴角抽搐,“你觉得呢?”Li Huaicurls the lip, the squintbamboo hatman, „A'Liang, youdisappointme.”李槐撇撇嘴,斜眼斗笠汉子,“阿良,你让我很失望啊。”Li Baopingat the back of the smallbook box, smilestowardA'Liang, thenrunsto look atChen Ping'an.李宝瓶背着小书箱,朝阿良笑了笑,然后跑去看陈平安。
Before Lin Shouyiarrives at the A'Liangbody, somedoubts, have not actually askedanything, A'Liangnodsto the youngster, hintschatsin private.林守一来到阿良身前,有些疑惑,却没有开口询问什么,阿良对少年点了点头,示意私下聊。Zhu He that the whole bodyis bathed in bloodsits cross-leggedto sit, butlooksscary, has not injured and soulandPrimal Qiis basic, the manwiped the bloodstain on face, whole facesmilling expression, onlyfeelshappy, is really happy, this whole lifenotsofull, the products between probablyallheartsbecause ofthiswar, sweep awaystrongly fragrant, mindpure brightness, physiquediastole.
浑身浴血的朱河盘膝而坐,只是看着吓人而已,并未伤及魂魄和元气根本,汉子抹了把脸上的血迹,满脸笑意,只觉得痛快,真是痛快,这辈子不曾如此酣畅淋漓,好像所有心胸间的积郁都因为这场大战,一扫而空,脑海清明,筋骨舒张。Zhu LudashestoZhu Heside, squattinglower part of the body, but alsobrings the whole facetear stains, Zhu Hebeckons with the handto laugh saying: „daughter, being survivedmusthave the happiness in old age, the good deed, hugegood deed! The fatherfelt likeseized a turning point of brokenboundary, spiritlessseveralkeyacupoint, had the sign that the new atmospherebudded, do not despisethissymptom, regardingperson who fatheroriginallyMartial Daofuturecut off, greatestgood fortune!”朱鹿飞奔到朱河身边,蹲下身,还带着满脸泪痕,朱河摆手大笑道:“闺女,大难不死必有后福,好事,天大的好事!爹感觉像是抓住了一丝破境的契机,原本死气沉沉的几座关键窍穴,有了新气抽芽的迹象,别小看这点苗头,对于爹这种原本武道前途断绝的人来说,莫大幸事!”Zhu Luis half believing and half doubting, is heavyhearted: „Father, youlefturgentlywas speaking, pulled the woundcarefully.”朱鹿将信将疑,忧心忡忡道:“爹,你别急着说话了,小心扯到伤口。”Zhu Hesmilling expressionis thicker, both handssupporton the knee, face glowing with health, the whole personappearsis especially full of vigor, „thissmallwoundisanything, ifboils the time that the lastquarter of an hourburns a joss stickagain, the fathercould not say that can a footstride indoorstep of sixthboundary, naturally, the premiseis the fatherhas not diedunder the mouth of thatdomestic animal.”朱河笑意更浓,双手撑在膝盖上,容光焕发,整个人显得格外精神饱满,“这点小伤算什么,若是再熬上一刻钟一炷香的功夫,爹说不得就能一只脚跨入第六境的门槛了,当然,前提是爹没死在那条畜生的嘴下。”Zhu He, looksat this pointto the bamboo hatman, gives the thumbs-up, „the A'Liangsenior, to the red candletown/subdues, pleasedrink the apricot blossom that fermentsnewlyspring!”朱河说到这里,望向斗笠汉子那边,伸出大拇指,“阿良前辈,到了红烛镇,请你喝那新酿的杏花春!”Turns away fromZhu HeA'Liangto lift the arm, beckons with the hand, said the words that the sentencespoils the funvery much, „oldvermilion, Don't say thanks for this big favor, bears in mindwell, saidseemsdoes not have the sincerity.”
背对朱河的阿良抬起手臂,摆摆手,说了句很煞风景的话,“老朱啊,大恩不言谢,记在心里就好,说出来显得多没诚意。”That sideChen Ping'anreceived the smallporcelain bottle that Li Baopinghands over, is the Yang Family shopinheritedexclusivesecret recipe, the useis very simple, shoulders the pain, in the small towndaoist immortalgrave, afterMa Kuxuanthatalmostbranched outfrigidpreying of life and death, the youngsterthenhas usedonetime. IfA'Lianghas not appearedpromptly, thenthissmallporcelain bottlewill certainly apply. Nowdoes not need, althoughChen Ping'anat this momentwhole bodysharp pain, butis also insufficientwithit, Old Man Yangoncesaidveryclearly, is a medicinethreepoints of poison, cannot neednot to use, particularly after practicing martial art, ifmisuses the so-calledpanacea, in the long run, is diggingowncorner.陈平安那边接过李宝瓶递过来的小瓷瓶,正是杨家铺子的祖传独家秘方,用处很简单,就是扛痛,之前在小镇神仙坟,与马苦玄那番差点分出生死的惨烈搏杀后,少年便用过一次。如果阿良没有及时出现,那么这只小瓷瓶就一定会派上用场。现在就不需要了,陈平安此刻虽然满身绞痛,但是还不至于用上它,杨老头曾经说得很清楚,是药三分毒,能不用就别用,尤其是习武之后,如果滥用所谓的灵丹妙药,长远来看,就是在挖自己的墙角。Li Baopinglooks atpaleLittle Master-Uncle, the thoughtsexquisitelittle missdiscoveredkeenly,Little Master-Uncleis grasping the left hand of hatchet, has been restrainingshiversfreely.李宝瓶看着脸色苍白的小师叔,心思细腻的小姑娘敏锐发现,小师叔握着柴刀的左手,一直在克制不住地颤抖。Chen Ping'ancomfortsto sayin a soft voice: „It is not important, but the bodystruck backtemporarily the original form, buthas the advantage, ifmyfeelinghas not made a mistake, in the future the advantagemustbe more.”陈平安轻声安慰道:“不打紧,只是身子骨暂时被打回了原形,但不是没有好处,如果我的感觉没有出错的话,将来好处要更多一些。”Li Baopingmakes an effortto nod, did not suspect, becausewill not have deceivedher.李宝瓶使劲点头,一点也不怀疑,因为过不会骗她。A'Lianglook around, has looked at the blacksnakeandwhiteMangrespectively, thinks,aggravates the strengthquietly, leaning onblade tipis not easyto detect that spikeoneinchdistancetoward the ground.阿良环顾四周,分别看过了黑蛇和白蟒,想了想,悄然加重力道,拄地刀尖不易察觉地往地面钉入一寸距离。Returns to the mid-hillcave mansionlandscared, on the headwithis poundedby a heavenly thunder, the bloodexplodessplashes, hefrightensscared shitless, after hidingfarseveral, looks up, is only in the airrevealssmallsection of greenblade tip, does not haveotheragain. Thisbearinghandsomesuch as the prettyyouth of great familiesperson of extraordinary ability, clenches teethto stamp the feet.
The nextquarter, hisbodyadvantage of terrainfromchesspillarmountainShipinglikemushroom growth, break out from the ground, hisonly one handpalmholding downwound, puts on a long faceto looktothatbeing as deep as a wellbamboo hatman, wishes one couldto kneelto beg for mercy, implores urgently: „Requested earnestlyGreat Immortaldo not play jokes uponagainslightly.”
下一刻,他的身形便从棋墩山石坪如雨后春笋,破土而出,他一只手掌按住伤口,哭丧着脸望向那个高深莫测的斗笠汉子,恨不得跪地求饶,苦苦哀求道:“恳请大仙不要再戏耍小的了。”Afterthisyounglandgoes, butduplicate/restores, girlZhu Luhas a scaresubconsciously, shedoes not know why eruptson the moodinstantaneously, stands upis shoutingtoA'Liang: „Killedthem!”
当这位年轻土地去而复还后,少女朱鹿下意识吓了一大跳,她不知为何瞬间就情绪爆发,站起身对着阿良喊道:“杀了他们!”A'Lianghas turned aroundwith a smile, looks atthatcomplexionfiercegirl, asked: „Whycanmassacrethem? Withmewith no reason at all, does not have the enmitywithout the injustice.”阿良笑着转过身,看着那个脸色狰狞的少女,问道:“为什么要杀掉他们?跟我无缘无故,无冤无仇的。”girlmay the face of personeven moretwistdelicately, stretches out the finger, is pointing at the bamboo hatmandistantly, „ with no reason at all?! Thattwodomestic animalsjust must eatus! Thischesspillarmountainlandis the secretchief criminal!少女清秀可人的脸庞愈发扭曲,伸出手指,遥遥指着斗笠汉子,“无缘无故?!那两条畜生方才要吃了我们!这个棋墩山土地更是幕后的罪魁祸首!A'Liangsuddenly, looked at the whole faceanxiousyoungland, thenlooked atblacksnakewhiteMangrespectively, „do youwantto eatme? You? You?”阿良恍然,看了眼满脸焦急的年轻土地,然后各自看了眼黑蛇白蟒,“你要吃我?你?还是你?”
The chesspillarmountainlandsandtwosnakepythons, have not naturally shaken the headtogetherdesperately.
The girlair/Qiresults in the whole bodyto shiver, the weeping voicesaid: „My fatheralmostdied, wealmostdied!”少女气得浑身颤抖,哭腔道:“我爹差点就死了,我们都差点死了!”Hertearful eyesare dim, are looking atthatstrangebamboo hatman, „youhavethisabilityobviously, rids the people of an evil, whydoesn't do? Twoevillivestock, work for one's own interests under the guise of working for the public, does not shelter the traveler, insteadforms a partnershipto injure someone, howyour can't A'Liangkill?”
The A'Liangsilentmoment, laughssuddenly, wife who „, your tone, Ihave not gotten marriedprobably. It is not good, Iactuallylikebeing older, the figurewas completely longmiss......”阿良默然片刻,突然大笑起来,“哈哈,你这口气,像是我未过门的媳妇啊。不行不行,我其实喜欢年纪稍大一些,身段完全长开了的姑娘……”At this point, A'Liangfromgroundtake outbamboo blade, returnedblade sheath, both handsgave a perfectly roundfullhand signal, the thiefsaid: „Ilikethis.”
说到这里,阿良从地面抽出竹刀,放回刀鞘,双手做了一个浑圆饱满的手势,贼兮兮道:“我喜欢这样的。”girlgawkedstaring, saidwith high voice: „Youare impervious!”少女愣了愣,尖声道:“你不可理喻!”Zhu Heis strugglingsetting out, patteddaughter'sshoulder, the sinkingsound said: „Cannotbe impolite, may notbe swayed by personal feelings, allwere handledby the A'Liangsenioron the junction.”朱河挣扎着起身,拍了拍自己女儿的肩头,沉声道:“不可无礼,更不可意气用事,一切就交由阿良前辈自行处置好了。”Zhu Luhas turned the headsuddenly, looksto the distant place, the whole faceputs in great inconvenienceresentfully.朱鹿猛然转过头,望向远处,满脸委屈愤懑。A'LianglookstoChen Ping'an, the youngsternods saying: „A'Liangyoumake the decision.”阿良望向陈平安,少年点头道:“阿良你做决定。”A'Liangis languid: „Ok, thatIdecide, the proverbsaidwell, cultivates the behaviorto keep the frontline, in the futurewill meetwell. As the rivers and lakeschildren, we are more magnanimous......”阿良懒洋洋道:“行吧,那就我说了算,老话说得好,做人留一线,日后好相见。身为江湖儿女,咱们要大度些……”
The younglandmakes an effortto nod.年轻土地使劲点头。Shipingthattwohillsnakepythonalsoslightlyhanging downhead.
石坪那两条小山似的蛇蟒也微微低垂头颅。A'Liangtransforms the rumorsuddenly, „mayharmmeto receivefrightenedgreatly, nocompensationwas unreasonable.”阿良突然转变口风,“可害我受了这么大惊吓,没有一点补偿就不合情理了。”
The younglandwants to cry but have no tears.年轻土地欲哭无泪。ThisA'LiangGreat Immortal, almost the couragefrightens the brokenpersontruly, nowstandsopposite ofyou.
这位阿良大仙,真正差点胆子吓破的人,现在就站在你对面啊。A'Liangthinks,shoulder that has hugged the chesspillarmountainland, whatembarrassedis a person of statureis not high, another is actually the like a jade tree facing the windslender figure, the latteris luckily tactful, lowers the headto bend the waisthastily, makesA'Liangnot needto stand on tiptoesto start with put arms around shoulderswith. A'Liangdrawshimto talk in whispers, hischickenpeckingmeter/ricenodsunceasingly, does not dareto sayno.阿良想了想,一把搂过棋墩山土地的肩膀,尴尬的是一人身材不高,另一个却是玉树临风的修长身材,幸好后者识趣,连忙低头弯腰,才让阿良不用踮起脚跟与自己勾肩搭背。阿良拉着他窃窃私语,他小鸡啄米不断点头,绝不敢说半个不字。Arrivedfinally, seemed likeby the simplerequest of A'Liangis shocked, for fear thatat must first fallyoungland of skin, nice surprise, anddoubt.
到最后,似乎是被阿良的简单要求震惊到了,起先唯恐要掉一层皮的年轻土地,既惊喜且狐疑。A'Liangdoes not wavepatiently, „beforeIchange the mind, without delayvanishes.”阿良不耐烦地挥挥手,“趁我改变主意之前,赶紧消失。”Later the youngland and snakepython, by the side doormagecraftcommunication of similarlip language, thenheescapequicklywalk, whiteMangcautiousswingroamingdrag, holds in the mouththatonlyto fallwith the mouthfalls the breakingwing in stone bridgelevel ground, goes round the peopleas far as possible, leaves the summitwiththatblacksnaketogether, before departing, the bamboo hatman who somefacingthatletstheiralmostsnakegutsblasting openinstantaneously, twogiganticheadsfallslowly, finallytouches the ground, exhibitsto submit to the meaning of showing weaknesstoA'Liang.
之后年轻土地与蛇蟒,以类似唇语的偏门术法沟通,然后他很快就遁地而走,白蟒小心翼翼摇摆游曳,用嘴巴叼起那只摔落在石坪上的断翅,尽量绕开众人,与那条黑蛇一起离开山巅,离去之前,面朝那位某个瞬间让它们几乎蛇胆炸裂的斗笠汉子,两颗硕大头颅缓缓落下,最终触及地面,向阿良摆出臣服示弱之意。Intwilight, after a arrive suddenlythrillingwar, Zhu Heshouted that the Chen Ping'ansame place, approaches a mountain streamcleanwound in Shiping, girlZhu Lufollowssilently.
暮色里,一场突如其来的惊险大战之后,朱河喊上陈平安一起,去靠近石坪的一处溪涧清洗伤口,少女朱鹿默默跟上。one big and one smallsquatsin the water's edge, cleans the bloodstain on faceclothingrespectively, Zhu Hestarts to speak but hesitates, Chen Ping'ansaw with own eyes that a girlpersonsitsin the mountain streamstoneby far, the youngstersaid that firstwent back, Zhu Henods, has not detained. AfterChen Ping'anleaves, Zhu Hestands up, arrives atside the daughterto sit down, supplesound said: „How did sorrydid not say?”一大一小蹲在水边,各自清洗掉脸庞衣衫上的血迹,朱河欲言又止,陈平安眼见少女一个人远远坐在溪涧石头上,少年就说先回去了,朱河点点头,没有挽留。在陈平安离开后,朱河站起身,来到女儿身边坐下,柔声道:“怎么连一声对不起也不说?”girltakes off the bootsstockings, reveals the white and tenderfoot, after hearingspoken language that the fathercalled to account, girlopened a pupilsuddenly, the grievancesaid: „Father, yourwhatmeaning?”少女脱掉靴子长袜,露出白白嫩嫩的脚丫,听到父亲略带责问的言语后,少女蓦然睁大眼眸,委屈道:“爹,你什么意思?”Zhu Helooks atdaughter'seyes, a naturallyreflection imagehermother'sattractiveeyepupil, causedthishonestmanto the stiffwords of mouth, hit an revolutionsslightly, sighed, the tonesaidgently: „PreviouslyChen Ping'anpreventedyoudo not ruinYuecharacter, afterwardshowedheis right.”朱河看着女儿的眼睛,那是一双像极了她娘亲的漂亮眼眸,使得这个正直汉子一些到了嘴边的生硬话语,稍稍打了个转,叹了口气,语气平缓道:“先前陈平安阻止你不要毁掉岳字,事后证明他是对的。”Zhu Luboth handsgrasp the knee, looksto the mountain streamrunning water, cold-ly snorted and said: „Youare not his father, hisChen Ping'anwas not certainly worried where Icould attend totheseat that time, if hewere wrong, could it be thatIdo visityou dead there?”朱鹿双手抱住膝盖,望向溪涧流水,冷哼道:“你又不是他爹,他陈平安当然不担心,我当时哪里顾得上这些,如果万一他错了呢,难道我就看着你死在那里?”Zhu Hekeeps silent.朱河默不作声。Shehas turned head, is red the eye, „father, whatifIdid not makeat that time, is your daughter?”
她扭过头,红着眼睛,“爹,如果我那个时候不做点什么,还是你的女儿吗?”Zhu Hebearsoffending somebodysomewords, suppresses the bellyforcefullycharacter by character.朱河忍住一些伤人的话,硬生生把一个字一个字憋回肚子。
The men want to say that youmartial artistastwoboundarypeaks, should nottheneasilylose the fighting spiritfacing the powerful enemy.
男人本想说你身为二境巅峰的武人,不该面对强敌便轻易失去斗志的。Thesewords, if onlyin the Martial Daoperson of same belief the person, Zhu Hecansay.
只是这些话,如果只是武道的同道中人,朱河可以说。Butheis her father, thenthesewords, cannotsay. Were leastatthis timecannotsay, only after canwait until, found a rightopportunity.
但他还是她的父亲,那么这些话,就不能说了。最少在这个时候不能说,只能等到以后找个合适的机会。HoweverZhu Hein the heart, alwaysthought where is not right, butconcreteisanything, the manalsocannot say.
但是朱河在内心深处,始终觉得哪里不对劲,可具体是什么,男人又说不上来。Justinman who aboveMartial Daosawdawn, withoutsomereasonguiltysad, thoughther mother, ifalsolivedis being good.
The mountain road to Shiping, the youngsteracts aloneslowly, the setting sundrawsvery much the emaciatedform of youngsteris long.
The summit, family belongings in Li Baopingintidying upsmallbook box, Li Huaijoins in the funto squatinone side, inexplicablejumps, „Li Baoping, the smallbook box will I have immediately?”
山巅,李宝瓶在收拾小书箱里的家当,李槐凑热闹蹲在一边,莫名其妙蹦出一句,“李宝瓶,小书箱我马上也会有了哦?”Li Baopinghackedhisoneeyesruthlessly, „has, butyoucannotshout that myLittle Master-UnclecalledLittle Master-Uncle!”李宝瓶狠狠剐了他一眼,“有就有,但是你不可以喊我的小师叔叫小师叔!”Li Huaiasked: „Why?”李槐问道:“凭啥?”Li Baopingraises a fistcombative, narrows the eyeto ask: „Sufficed?”李宝瓶杀气腾腾地扬起一颗拳头,眯眼问道:“够了吗?”Li Huaiswallows the saliva, whispered: „Little Master-Uncleisanything, Iam not rare, fell a rankin vain.”李槐咽了咽口水,嘀咕道:“小师叔算什么,我还不稀罕呢,白白降了一个辈分。”
The Li Huairacket the buttocksstood up, after walking away, turned the headto say with a smile: „Li Baoping, lateris on intimate termswithmyChen Ping'anby some chance, youwhat to do? Whatshouldshoutme?”李槐拍拍屁股站起身,走远了后,才转头笑道:“李宝瓶,以后万一跟我陈平安称兄道弟,你咋办?应该喊我啥?”Li Baopingheheis smiling, after standing up, twisted the wrist/skill.李宝瓶呵呵笑着,站起身后,拧了拧手腕。Li Huaisaidflustered: „Li Baoping, your is can or cannotsowith the fistreasonable, ourwellspeechalways inadequate? Weare the scholar, the scholarwant......”李槐慌张道:“李宝瓶,你能不能总这么用拳头讲道理啊,我们好好说话不成吗?我们是读书人,读书人要……”Did not wait forLi Huai saying that the Li Baopinghalf stepwent forward, mustpunchthisLi Huai.
不等李槐说完,李宝瓶快步上前,就要揍这个李槐。Li Huaithinks quickly in emergencies, braces oneselfonestepnot to draw back, does best to convince saying: „Li Baoping, youdo not fearyour familyLittle Master-Uncle, thought that youarearbitrarily the mindlessprincess? When the time comeshedid not likeyou, whom did youaskto cry? Do not blamemenot to remindyou, thiscallednot saying that you have not been forewarned!”李槐急中生智,硬着头皮一步不退,苦口婆心道:“李宝瓶,你就不怕你家小师叔,觉得你是蛮横不讲理的千金小姐?到时候他不喜欢你了,你找谁哭去?可别怪我没提醒过你,这叫勿谓言之不预!”Li Baopingstops the figure, wrinkles the brow.李宝瓶停下身形,皱紧眉头。Li Huaistrikes one's chest saying: „Felt relieved,insideourthree, Chen Ping'anmostlikedyou, so long aslaterdo not look likethatZhu Luon the line.”李槐拍胸脯道:“放心放心,咱们三个里头,陈平安最喜欢你了,只要你以后别像那个朱鹿就行。”Li Baopingis smiling the repositionto squat down , to continue to tidy up the smallbook box.李宝瓶笑着返回原位蹲下,继续收拾小书箱。Li Huaiwithleavesswaggering, whole faceproud, „reclusehas the ingenious plan, rules a nation the evenworld. Laterdoes not fearLi Baoping.”李槐跟大摇大摆离开,满脸得意,“山人有妙计,治国平天下。以后再也不怕李宝瓶喽。”Li Huaiis happy, cannot bearwantwithhisA'LiangBrothernumerousLeLe, the angerto exclaim: „A'Liang? A'Liang, dies!”李槐高兴得很,就忍不住想要跟他那位阿良兄弟众乐乐一下,怒吼道:“阿良?阿良,死出来!”
The childraises eyesto look, finallysaw that A'LiangandLin Shouyido not knowwhencollectsinone, Li Huaijust about toruns, finallypausedsuddenly, because ofthatShipingcliffbank, the place that previouslywhiteMangpresented. A Li Huailingering fear, hesitant, turns aroundto runto squatsideLi Baoping, thenseeks for the Chen Ping'anform.
孩子举目望去,结果看到阿良和林守一不知道什么时候凑在了一起,李槐刚要跑去,结果猛然停步,因为那一处石坪崖畔,正是先前白蟒出现的地方。李槐一阵后怕,犹豫了一下,还是转身跑去蹲在李宝瓶身边,然后寻找陈平安的身影。Thinksthatfellowswoopsresolutelyto the form of whitepython, Li Huailost in thought, thisghostspiritfinestubbornly disobedientchild, the subconsciousnessthought that Li BaopingLittle Master-Uncle, is very credible, leastgood is too more than thatZhu Lu.
The cliffbank, A'LiangandyoungsterLin Shouyisitslooks atdistantmountains and rivers, after Lin Shouyiraises headdrankstrong liquor, the liquorbottle gourdhands overto give back toA'Liang.
The Lin Shouyisitting postureis straightcrookedly, comparesA'Liangsevenbut actuallyeight, the entirely different, fewyoungsoundasked: „A'Liang, liquor isn't is or isn't in thisbottle gourdvery simple?”林守一坐姿端正,相比阿良的歪七倒八,大不相同,少年轻声问道:“阿良,这葫芦里的酒是不是很不简单?”A'Liangun.阿良嗯了一声。Lin Shouyiaskedcuriously: „How isn't simple? After Ionlyknowhas drunk, mybodyimproved.”林守一好奇问道:“怎么个不简单?我只知道喝过酒之后,我的身体变好了很多。”A'Liangshook the smallwine pot, laid bare the secret, „onlyswayed the littleliquorair/Qiintentionally, canretreating in fearironsymbolriver bankthesebecomemonster of human form, yousaid that was fierce? Naturally, likeusuallydraws out the liquorstopper, the noseis good , can only smell the wine.”阿良晃了晃小酒壶,一语道破天机,“仅是故意摇晃出一点点酒气,就能吓退铁符河上那些成了人形的妖物,你说厉害不厉害?当然了,像平时这样拔出酒塞而已,鼻子再好,也只能闻到酒香。”Lin Shouyiis even more curious, asks: „Why can youlet offthatthismountainlandsandtwosnakepythons?”林守一愈发好奇,问道:“那你为何要放过那位此山土地和两条蛇蟒?”A'Liangheld the bamboo hat, said with a smile: „Mountainland, hasexistence of charm amulet, killingwas not difficult, butlater will be very troublesome, butnowImostfearistroublesome. Also, theywith you dyingbigenmity, did not have the enmitywithmyA'Liangwithout the injusticesince birth, nowyourwhathas not been short, must Zhu Healso the hugebenefit, whyalsoto be ruthless?”阿良扶了扶斗笠,笑道:“一山土地,是有护身符的存在,杀了不难,但是之后会很麻烦,而我现在最怕的就是麻烦。再说了,他们跟你们有生死大仇,跟我阿良可是无冤无仇,现在你们什么都没有少,朱河还得了天大裨益,为什么还要赶尽杀绝?”
The A'Liangstopmoment, „somepeoplewere short of something actually, butIestimated that hewill not careand that's the end. Without the means that thisfellowregarding the compilation method of success and failure, is not quite likeothers.”阿良停顿片刻,“有人倒是少了些东西,不过我估计他不会太在乎就是了。没办法,这家伙对于得失的计算方法,跟别人不太一样。”Lin Shouyisaid: „SaysChen Ping'an? The wound that hereceivesobviouslywantsto be heavier than Zhu He, butheconcealsquitewell.”林守一说道:“是说陈平安吧?他受的伤显然比朱河要重一些,不过他掩饰得比较好。”A'Liangdoes not comment.阿良对此不做评论。Lin Shouyisaid: „ThatZhu Lusaves the fatherto be cherished, naturallynotwrong, butshewrongin......”林守一自顾自说道:“那朱鹿救父心切,自然没有错,但是她错在……”A'Liangbeckons with the hand, breaksfinal judgment on a person's life can be made only after he is dead and buried of youngster, said with a smile: „Backdid not say the personnot, justcomfortablewill of the people.”阿良摆摆手,打断少年的盖棺定论,笑道:“背后不说人是非,公道自在人心。”Lin Shouyiun, reallyno longerspoke.林守一嗯了一声,果然不再说话。
The cool breezeblows, A'Liangis drinkingslowly, saidslowly: „Lin Shouyi, youare very intelligent, youarefirstrealized that Iam worth the smart person who becomes friends with show good will, no rush, Ihave not disparagedyourmeaning, just the opposite, In the cultivation road, somepeoplehave the organ of wisdom, such asLi Baoping, somepeoplesuch asluckyreason, such asLi Huai, butsomepeoplehave the perception, likeyou, is the good deed. The Qi Jingchunvision, is always very good, otherwise......”
清风拂面,阿良慢悠悠喝着酒,缓缓道:“林守一,你很聪明,你是第一个意识到我值得结交示好的聪明人,别急啊,我可没有贬低你的意思,恰恰相反,修行路上,有人有慧根,如李宝瓶,有人如福缘,如李槐,而有人有悟性,就像你,全都是好事。齐静春的眼光,一向很好的,要不然……”Lin Shouyiraises up the ear.林守一竖起耳朵。A'Liangcracks into a smile, „can heknowmysuchfriend?”阿良咧嘴一笑,“他能认识我这样的朋友?”Lin Shouyismiles, thismannever the opportunity that lets goto flatter, has been used.林守一会心一笑,这个男人从来不放弃自我吹捧的机会,早就习惯了。Butmental maturityyoungster, more and moredefinitematter.
可是心智成熟的少年,越来越确定一件事。Thatis the boast of A'Liang, soundsveryside, butnaturally, becauseincludingoneself, no onereallyknowsfierce of thisfellow.
那就是阿良的吹嘘,听上去很不着边,可那是因为连同自己在内,没有谁真正知道这个家伙的厉害。„Sings while drinking, lifehow much? For example the morning dew, goingdaywere painstakingly many.”
“对酒当歌,人生几何?譬如朝露,去日苦多。”A'Liangfilledliquorruthlessly, beginsto looksupinelyto the sky that the nightfalls, discussedin a soft voice: „Thatazurerazor clamfront part, how will myheart...... in the worldhave the somovingspoken languageleisurely?”阿良狠狠灌了一口酒,仰起头望向夜幕降临的天空,轻声念道:“还有那青青子衿,悠悠我心……世上怎么会有如此动人的言语?”A'Liangshakes the head, divergesthatgloomy mood, self-ridiculessmiles, puts out a handto aim atthatcontinuousmountain range, „in some eyes, worldlike a hanging upside downMilky Way.”阿良晃晃脑袋,散去那点愁绪,自嘲一笑,伸手指向那连绵山脉,“在有些人眼中,人间就像一条倒挂的银河。”Lin Shouyiaskedhas the issue of profound meaningextremely, „A'Liang, ‚somepeople’, there areyou?”林守一问了一个极有深意的问题,“阿良,‘有些人’之中,有你吗?”A'Liangshakes the head, „temporarilyis not, Ido not likebeingsuchperson.”阿良摇摇头,“暂时还不是,我不太喜欢做那样的人。”
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