Carriagesuch asfemaleslenderwhiteMang, thento the wingdoes not calculate that bigarrivesexaggeratingly, transparentclear, if notexamines carefully, is almost very difficultto detect. It is difficult to imagine, fansthisto the wing, canmakeitlift offfrom the Shipingcliff, unavoidably makes one guess whether itcontrolledsomesimilarQi RefinerhangingfloatmagecraftDivine Ability.
体态如女子纤细的白蟒,那对翅膀不算大到夸张,透明晶莹,若非细看,几乎很难察觉。很难想象,扇动这对翅膀,就能让它从石坪悬崖外升空而起,难免让人猜测,它是否掌控了类似练气士某种悬空浮游的术法神通。Nowall thesesignificanceis not big, the whitepythonextradolaterswift and violentdive, openslarge-mouthed vesselbig mouth, triesto swallowto havedelicateappearanceservant girlZhu Lu, does not wantunexpectedlyby an appearingholding the bladeyoungster, takes the steps and springboardwith the blacksnakeback and head, leaps, but, grasps the hatchetto cutexactlyin the whitepythonfinandbodyplaceone after another. The whitepythonneedsthatto lift offas well ascontrol the directionto the wing, after bysevering with one blowfin, the bodybefore the inertiacontinuesto/clashes, butshiftedzhang (3.33 m)distancesimmediatelycrookedly, whitepythonthatlarge-mouthed vesselbig mouthjustbrushed pastfromgirl, the entirebodyfallsinShipinglayer on layer/heavily.
只是如今这一切都意义不大了,白蟒拱背之后迅猛俯冲,张开血盆大嘴,试图吞食掉拥有清秀容颜的婢女朱鹿,不曾想竟然被一名横空出世的持刀少年,用黑蛇背脊和头颅作为阶梯和跳板,一跃而至,手持柴刀恰好砍在白蟒飞翅与身躯接连之处。白蟒需要那对翅膀来升空以及掌控方向,被一刀砍掉飞翅之后,身躯凭借惯性继续前冲,但是立即歪斜横移了丈余距离,白蟒那张血盆大嘴刚好从少女身边擦肩而过,整条身躯重重摔石坪上。Zhu Luas well asherbehindthreeschooluntaught children, escape, the gap that hits the groundis completely muddledafterwhiteMang, Li Baopingwithout delaycarries the book boxto shoutrunning, Lin Shouyiis taking up the travel bagto tag along aftersilentlyafter that Li Huaihas frightened the toothto fight, after running a distance, discoveredhas not seen the pestZhu Luform, turns the headto look,Li Huaistayedonedull, the fellowstupidlystands in same place, what doesn't thisresign oneself to extinctionis? Li Huaicannot bearcall loudly: „Hasn't Zhu Lu, run?!”朱鹿以及她身后的三位学塾蒙童,同样逃过一劫,趁着白蟒撞地后晕头转向的间隙,李宝瓶赶紧背起书箱喊着快跑,林守一默默拿起行囊尾随其后,李槐早就吓得牙齿打架,跑出去一段距离后,无意间发现没有看到讨厌鬼朱鹿的身影,转头一看,李槐呆了一呆,那家伙傻乎乎站在原地,这不是束手待毙是什么?李槐忍不住高声喊道:“朱鹿,还不跑?!”Zhu Luhitto startlefinally, came back to lifeslightly, butsomewhatwas still at a loss, has turned the head, the looklookedabsent-mindedtoLi Huai, saw onlythatchildranwhileexclaimed: „Runs! Waits for death!”朱鹿终于打了个激灵,略微还魂,只是依然有些六神无主,转过头,眼神恍惚地望向李槐,只见那孩子边跑边吼道:“跑啊!等死啊!”OnceZhu Luhas gotten back one's composure, immediatelyshowstwoboundarypeakmartial artistvigorousphysique, four-five stepsthenplunderssideLi Huai, falls back onwiththemfar away from the Shipingregion of whitepythontogether, sure enough, Zhu Lujustleftsame place, whiteMang of thatfinbreakingplacebloodspout, thenstartsto strugglebecause of the achefiercely, the tailmovescrazily, pounds the Shipingcrushed stonesplash, ifZhu Lu the moment, must such as the bigtail of bucketbe poundedbeachmuddy fleshbywhiteMangcuin the evening.朱鹿一旦回过神,立即就展现出二境巅峰武人的矫健身姿,四五步便掠到李槐身边,跟他们一起退到远离白蟒的石坪地带,果不其然,朱鹿刚刚离开原地,那条飞翅断折处鲜血喷涌的白蟒,便开始因为疼痛而剧烈挣扎,尾巴疯狂甩动,砸得石坪碎石飞溅,若是朱鹿晚上片刻,恐怕就要被白蟒粗如水桶的大尾砸成一滩肉泥。
After the whitepythonas ifloses a fin, Primal Qidamages severely, kickscarelessly, splashes the innumerableflying sand and rocks, for a very long timedoes not haveto be tranquil.
白蟒似乎失去一只飞翅后,元气大伤,胡乱扑腾,溅起无数飞沙走石,久久没有平静下来。Howeveryoungsterjust as bad, holds the left handfingers/tiger mouth of hatchetto split open, fullhandblood.
不过少年也好不到哪里去,握有柴刀的左手虎口迸裂,满手鲜血。Chen Ping'anknees down, lifts the armto cancel the foreheadsweat, in order to avoidfuzzyline of sight.陈平安单膝跪地,抬起手臂抹去额头汗水,以免模糊视线。Hatchetalreadybreaks the half, when the bright as snowbladerebounds, if notChen Ping'anaccording to the circumstancesquick, without delayhas leaned the head, perhapsin the facemustpoke- enters the halfhatchet, leastcheekswill also be scraped offbulkflesh.
柴刀已经断去半截,雪亮刀刃反弹之际,若非陈平安见机得快,赶紧侧过脑袋,说不定脸面上就要戳-入半截柴刀,最少脸颊也会被刮去一大块血肉。Chen Ping'an the position, forms the potential of attacking from a pincer-like positionwithblacksnakewhiteMangnow, thatblacksnakebehavioris treacherous, saw after whiteMangis seriously battered, has not thrown downZhu Hehurriedly, runswithChen Ping'anclose quarters fighting, insteadcompared withpreviously„facial featureslook”, leisurelier and carefreercalm, is calm and composed even in press of work the leisurerockingfirst halfbody, consistentlymaintains the confrontationposturewithZhu He, blacksnakethatpair of Yin Qidensesilver-white coloreyepupil, fallsonwhitepythonline of sightoccasionally, beforewhitepythonregardsgirlZhu Lusuch asin the plate the deliciouslook, is not different.陈平安现在所处位置,与黑蛇白蟒形成掎角之势,那条黑蛇行为诡谲,看到白蟒遭受重创后,并未急匆匆丢下朱河,跑来跟陈平安厮杀,反而比起先前“面容神色”,更加悠闲镇静,好整以暇地慢悠悠晃动上半身躯,始终与朱河保持对峙姿势,黑蛇那双阴气森森的银白色眼眸,偶尔落在白蟒身上的视线,与白蟒之前看待少女朱鹿如盘中美味的眼神,并无不同。CenterShiping the position, the white clothingold manhandholds the greenwhanghee, trembles, thathalfhatchetjustinsertsbeforehisfootgroundnot far away, the old manis soundlessto approach, the squattinglower part of the body, wiped the bladewith the handbulbcautiously, the fingerflowed the mixtureto have a goldenloessbloodinstantaneously, frightenedold manwithout delayto shrinkreaches behind the back , the curvingfinger, the lightlightly flipfinger/refersrapped the knife, the whole facedoubts, twofingerstwisted the snow whitebeard, whispered: „Sharpincomparable, can handle the sharpincomparablereputation, actuallyunexpectedlyis only the commonhatchet, evenmartial artisthundredrefine the bladenot to call, therefore the knifeis extremely crisp, is not very by far tenacious, if the knife and bladephysical appearancematch, givesthatto have an ingenuous and straightforwardman of skill in Wushuas the weaponagainspatially, not necessarilynoodds of success. Now, all thingsallrest.”
The old mensize upbladethatclearclearattractivefrontal linecarefully, deeply movedare sobbing: „As for this profound and abstruse principles of hatchet...... can only onSharpening Blade Stone of thatyoungster? But the issueis, isgoodSharpening Blade Stone, can a material qualitycheapinexpensivehatchet, produce such point?”
老翁仔细打量着刀刃那条清亮鲜明的漂亮锋线,感慨唏嘘道:“至于这把柴刀的玄机……就只能是在那少年的磨刀石上了?可问题在于,得是多好的一块磨刀石,才能将一把材质粗劣的廉价柴刀,磨出此等锋芒?”In the old manline of sightsomegreedyburning hots, looksecretlytoZhu LuLi Baopingthat sidewicker baskettravel bag, unsurprisingly, thatSharpening Blade Stoneonconcealsis one of them.
The old mensighedimmediatelylayer on layer/heavily, the thingwas good, even ifcantake, healsodiesto enjoy happinessnowprobably.
老翁随即重重叹息,东西再好,哪怕能够拿到手,他如今好像也没命去享福了。Thousandhateten thousandhate, onlyhatesmere handful of soilto becomeShanjue who thatfiveboundarymartial artistunexpected happeningput forth, originallyisoneis lost the innumerableyear of quarrying a mountaintechnique , the old manhidunder the placeat that time, but alsoresponds with the jokementality of looking atperson of ghosttalisman drawing, plantedtofinallyatthisbigsomersault. Quarrying a mountainDivine Ability that actuallythistwists the earthmere handful of soil, howcannot be regardedexcellentwise, was onlythiskind of Divine Ability was too quietly long, in the old manheld the post in the years of chesspillarmountainland, be onlypleasehave the mid-hillmansionbythistechniqueonetime, was thattwoImmortal that camethissummitto play chess, naturallythattwowere the magecraftexceedingly highlandrealimmortals, smallfiveboundarymartial artist, pulled on shoestothattwo peopledoes not match. In the pasthewas shouted the summit, butwastworealimmortalsis not willingto go badcertainold rules, attendancewas not the face countenance of his chesspillarmountainsmallland.
千恨万恨,只恨那个五境武人鬼使神差使出的撮壤成山诀,本是一门失传无数年的开山术,老翁当时躲在地底下,还报以一种看人鬼画符的笑话心态,到最后自己偏偏就栽在了这个大跟头上。其实这门捻土撮壤的开山神通,算不得如何上乘高明,只是此类神通沉寂太久了,在老翁担任棋墩山土地的年月里,只有一次被人以此术请出山腹府邸,便是那两位来此山顶弈棋的仙人,当然那两位是术法通天的陆地真仙,一个小小五境武人,给那两人提鞋也不配。当年他之所以被喊到山顶,不过是两位真仙不愿坏了某些老规矩,照顾的可不是他这位棋墩山小土地的颜面。Chen Ping'anwas notdoes not wantto take the opportunityto solvewhiteMang, was really the five main internal organs (entrails)inoverwhelming, makinghimbe incapable ofmakinganythingradically, after sweaterased, quickwill cover entirely the face, Chen Ping'anonno longerwastes the strengthsimply, butconstantlyadjusted the breath, made in within the bodycotton woolchaoticauratend to betranquilas far as possible, thisadjustment, like to the window that four sides the bigrainy dayleaked out, conducted the sewing and mendingwith every effort.陈平安不是不想借机解决了白蟒,实在是五脏六腑在翻江倒海,让他根本无力多做什么,一次汗水抹掉之后,很快就会重新布满脸庞,陈平安干脆就不再去浪费力气,只是不断调整呼吸,尽量让体内絮乱气息趋于平静,这种调整,就像在对大雨天四面漏风的窗户,尽力进行缝缝补补。
The sound of beating a drum, againsince the chestresounds, the soundincreasesgradually, the sounddoes not spreadfrom the ear, insteadis a bit like the extremely mysterious and abstruseaspiration, at the shiveringwail of cleartransmissionbodybody and spirit.
The when intuition of youngsternearlyinstinct, originated fromyounginMud Vase Lanethatsharp pain, lateralsohas experiencedonetimeinmountain top.
少年这种近乎本能的直觉,最早源于年幼时在泥瓶巷的那次绞痛,之后在山上还经历过一次。Reason thatthistimehas not swayed back and fortheverywhere, isChen Ping'andetectswithin the bodythatpotential, if the strangeaura of fire dragon, is startedto swim against the streambyabdomen, the place of passing through, realizedfromSong Jixinthatwooden figurineQi Palaceacupoint that isamong the human bodymountain passcities the meridians of connectedconnection, to a great extentslowed down the aching feeling, such as the military commanderleads troopsto still the rebellionto be common, or the royal cart on Song Jixinso-calledhistorical novelnoveldrafts, is remarkably effective, althoughis unable to solve the root, butcanmaketheserebel armiesevadeitspointat least.
这次之所以没有满地打滚,是陈平安察觉到体内那条势若火龙的古怪气息,开始由腹部逆流而上,所经之地,无论是从宋集薪家那具木人认识到的一座座气府窍穴,还是人体关隘城池之间相连接通的经脉,很大程度减缓了疼痛感,如武将带兵平定叛乱一般,或是宋集薪所谓演义小说上的御驾亲征,效果显著,虽然无法解决根源,但是最少能够让那些叛军避其锋芒。AlthoughZhu Heis injuredheavily, but the imposing mannerrises rather than drop, a vigorouswarintentexerts oneselfspiritedly, twosleevesstirflap flapmake noise, quitesomewhatnot the grandmasterstyle that allowsto insultlightly.朱河虽然受伤不轻,但是气势不降反升,一身雄浑战意昂扬奋发,两袖鼓荡猎猎作响,颇有几分不容轻侮的宗师风范。
The blacksnake that the abdomenstone bridgelevel groundedgewalks randomlyslowlynarrows a pupil, even ifZhu Heshows the goodstrength, itis not irritable, Zuo You/aboutsways the headsignificantly, probablyis seeking for the loopholeinferiorly, then, gaveZhu Heto depress the injuryimperceptibly the excellentgood opportunity.腹部缓缓在石坪边缘游走的黑蛇眯起眼眸,即便朱河展现出不俗的战力,它始终不急不躁,左右大幅度摇晃头颅,像是在蹩脚地寻找漏洞,如此一来,无形中送给了朱河压下伤势的大好良机。
The old menlookin the eye, hesitant, stillmade noiseto remindworn out: „Do not put up a last-ditch struggle, thisevillivestockis not eatingyouanxiously, nothing butishopes that youstimulateQi and bloodcompletely, itis waiting for a shyfruitmature, mustthink that notitdoes not have ideawithyou, otherwiseitswallowsyourbodyeven if, could not digestyouressence, qi and spirit, mustknow that is the thing of truebigmaking up.”
The old mensigh woefully, startsdaoto put in order the disorderlybeard and hair and ruinedclothing, self-ridicules saying: „Good and evilissideland, diedmusthavemountaingods should beforeto have the appearance that.”
The old mensiton the ground, tidies upwhilesneers, „right, the evillivestockmaybe the mortal bodyis incessantly tyrannical, the movementis keen, itgobbled upMiddle Five Floorscultivation baseDaoismQi Refiner more than hundredyears ago, nowwas supposingshouldpractice successfully1-2basicDao Method, said that cannot withstandshallowly, butis usedbythisevillivestock, no matter whatperhapsyouarefiveboundarybody and spiritcannot shoulder, in the final analysis, calculatesyourideaback, unfortunately, isfiveboundarymartial artistholds the post of the lead goatto lead the teaminto the mountain, ifsixboundaries, twoevillivestock, although can also eat up, maybe not necessarily willingto have the hole, fearsmutually wounded. Ifsevenboundaries, hey, theyhave given way to trafficon own initiativeseveralten miles of road, wishes one couldyourwithout delayto tumble out the chesspillarmountain the boundary.”
老翁坐在地上,一边收拾一边冷笑,“对了,孽畜可不止是肉身强横,动作敏锐,它在百余年前吞吃了一位中五楼修为的道家练气士,如今估摸着怎么也该修成了1-2入门道法,说是粗浅不堪,可是由这头孽畜用出,恐怕任你是五境体魄也扛不住,说到底,算你们点子背,好死不死,是一个五境武人担任领头羊率队入山,若是六境,两头孽畜虽然也吃得下,可未必愿意出洞,怕两败俱伤嘛,若是七境,嘿,它们早就主动避让几十里路了,恨不得你们赶紧滚出棋墩山的地界。”girlZhu Luis terrified, after hearing the word, completely discouraged.少女朱鹿悚然,闻言后万念俱灰。Lin Shouyimuttered: „A'Liang, A'Liangsenior?”林守一喃喃自语道:“阿良,阿良前辈呢?”Li Huaisuddenlydiscovered that Li Baopingis changing the book boxquietly, after fishing out a smallporcelain bottle, closelygripsin the palm.李槐突然发现李宝瓶在悄悄翻动书箱,摸出一只小瓷瓶后,紧紧攥在手心。Followingherline of sight, distant placeChen Ping'annodstowardthemcalmly.
顺着她的视线,远处陈平安不动声色地朝他们点了点头。Li HuaisomewhatenviesLi BaopingandherLittle Master-Unclethetacit understandingsuddenly.李槐突然有些羡慕李宝瓶和她那位小师叔的这种默契。In the booksaid,thiscalledto be of one mind.
书上说,这叫心有灵犀。But after Zhu Hehears the divulgingsecret of landold man, on the facenot the least bitalarmed and afraidlook, twisted the wrist/skill, sprinkleshoweversays with a smile: „Timid and hesitantvexeddies, have free reinhappywar, dies, sincedies, but also after managingwhatdies, canbecomethatevillivestocktransform into a dragonstepping-stone?!”
而朱河听到土地老翁的泄露天机后,脸上并无半点惊惧神色,拧了拧手腕,洒然笑道:“束手束脚窝囊是死,放开手脚痛快一战,也是死,既然都是死,还管什么死后会不会成为那头孽畜化龙的垫脚石?!”Fiveboundarymartial artist, alreadyhas the qualificationsto be honored as the Martial Daoyounggrandmaster, soulintentexpands, the godmortal formis firm, only the differencecondensesMartial Guts.
五境武人,已经有资格被誉为武道小宗师,魂意壮大,神魄坚固,只差凝聚出一颗武胆而已。Zhu Hefalls into to die the place, does not haveto draw backintent, actuallyagrees with the Martial Daoobjective„todyingto liveto modelMartial Guts”true intent, but must continueto temper the polish.朱河身陷必死之地,全无退意,其实契合武道宗旨“向死而生塑武胆”之真意,只是仍需继续锤炼打磨而已。
A Zhu Hemartial artistimposing mannerhas increased the apex, is ready.朱河一身武人气势早已攀升到顶点,蓄势待发。
The blacksnakechangedpreviously the leisurely and carefreesluggishappearanceinstantaneously, as ifdetermined the Zhu Heagainnotreservedample forcetruly, a soulallalreadyin the Qi Palaceebullition, asQi and bloodpastedrapidly the whole body, thenitcan the lower jawtastethisdelicacy.
The blacksnakeraises the head, simultaneouslyopens mouthclose to, graduallyreveals the terrifyingappearances of twoivoryvenomous fangs, thicksuch asyoungarm, compareswhiteMangto open mouth the filthyappearance that the snakesalivawill flow, could become the divine objectblack inkflood dragontheblacksnake to be cleanerrelatively, inbig mouthsnow whitepiece, intermittentcold airflows outoutward, the sharply contrastedblack and whitetwocolors, serving as contrastthisbecoming a ghostdomestic animalare dignified, insteadcomparesthatsloppyold man more likereallandMountain God.
The blacksnakelaunches the offensivesuddenly, theseistimeto no longer show the enemyhitsby the weakhead, opens the pinnacle the mouthinstantaneously, seems like that in the Zhu HeheadtowardShipinggroundbites, in the halfwayon a blowoutstenchsnow whitemalaria, the malariaconcentrateslike the essenceactually, seems a bedcrossbow boltarrowdirectly shootsground.
黑蛇骤然发起攻势,这一次不再是示敌以弱的头颅直撞,瞬间将嘴巴张开到极致,看似朝石坪地面上的朱河脑袋一咬而下,实则在半途就喷出一口腥臭至极的雪白瘴气,瘴气凝如实质,好似一支床弩箭矢直射地面。Zhu Heis the small townlocally bornLi Familychildren of domestic slaves, the actual combat experienceis not rich, the practicing martial artprofession, manywith a familyancestorplacetocomparing notes that stops, the life-and-death fightis first time, but after eatinggreatlyto owe, Zhu He that an evillivestockhas used diversionary tacticstoblacksnakesinisterdeceitful, the figurealsomoves, withitsdoes not meet the tough head-on with toughnessagaindirectly.朱河是小镇土生土长的李家家生子,实战经验并不丰富,习武生涯当中,多是与家族老祖宗一场场点到即止的切磋,生死之战更是头一遭,可是吃过一次孽畜声东击西的大亏后,朱河对黑蛇的阴险奸诈,身形随之而动,决不再与其正面硬碰硬。Sure enough, thatsay/waysuch as the arrowarrowsharpfreezingmalariajustfailed, the Shipinggroundsurges the smashing, after Zhu Heshiftsseveralsteps, immediatelyfeelssidefresh breezeto sweep awayto come, is the previouslight and shadetwobroad-ax, someZhu Heexpectations, the tip of the toe, does not draw backearlyinsteadenters, forwardsstraightly, dashes toblacksnakeabdomen.
果不其然,那道如箭矢锋锐的冰冻瘴气刚刚落空,石坪地面激荡粉碎,朱河横移数步后,立马就感受到侧面一股劲风横扫而来,又是之前的明暗两板斧,朱河早有预料,脚尖一点,不退反进,笔直向前,直扑黑蛇腹部。Has not thought after thatblacksnakebodysupine, in the mouthmalariaput outfrequently, the intentionis not passing through the Zhu Hebody, only before tohinderhisto/clashes, simultaneously the endextendsunceasingly, untilformingto occupy the potential of mountain top, a great-circleshackles, siegesin whichZhu Heinstantaneously, forcingZhu Heto makefighting of thattrapped/sleepybeast.
不曾想那条黑蛇身躯后仰,嘴中瘴气一口口频繁吐出,用意不在贯穿朱河身躯,只为阻滞他的前冲,同时尾部不断延伸,直到形成盘踞山头之势,一个大圈牢笼,将朱河瞬间围困其中,迫使朱河做那困兽之斗。Blacksnakelongbody, afterencirclingenoughtwo„city wall”, canturn upwards the endunexpectedlyhigh, such as the patrollingcitysoldiers, preventingZhu Heto flyto flee. Zhu Hedeals withalreadyto be rapidonetimeenough, before the snakebodysecondformsmustrise straight from the ground, but the figurejustsoared, was pounded downbythattailswiftly and violently, the Zhu Heboth armsprotect the head, was fallenby the racketsuddenlyreturns toShiping, althoughhas not injured and internal organs, but the sea of qisuch as the boiling watertranspiration, making a facerisered, passessouldivine will of whole bodystemming from the good intention, toshelter the masterby the wound, does not have toleave the chosenmeridianspath, then the infiltrationenters the fleshflesh of surrounding.
The blacksnakeice-coldsilverpupilrevealsproudsmilling expression.
黑蛇冰冷银眸流露出一丝得意笑意。Ifbeforethismartial artistweresevenpoints of ripedelicacy, thencurrentlyhasninepointsto be ripe.
如果说之前这位武人是七分熟的美味,那么现在就有九分熟了。Thereforeitno longercontinuesto consumePrimal Qi, butopensbig mouth, the time and time againlowheadplungesZhu He.
所以它不再继续消耗元气,而是张开大嘴,一次次低下头颅扑向朱河。Zhu Heknocks out the fistlike the rainbow, goes through many placesinthisarenaflexiblyorganizes, twoarmsbloomazuremistyastralair/Qi, knocks out the fist to be possible the crackto be spatialeach time, wind sound/rumorbig quake.朱河出拳如虹,在这座斗兽场内灵活辗转腾挪,两条手臂绽放出青蒙蒙的罡气,每次出拳皆可裂空,风声大震。Althoughsituated inabsolutelyleeward, Zhu Hedoes not have the least bitdeclining tendency, the eyepupilis bright, essence, qi and spiritisunprecedentedabundant.
The white clothingold manraises up the ear, expressed admiration, althoughhas not seen the warscenewith own eyes, actuallyguessed correctly a general idea, thought that was really goodMasterMartial Dao the embryo, the halfwaydie young, pitiedpities.
白衣老翁竖起耳朵,啧啧称奇,虽未亲眼见到大战光景,却猜出个大概,心想真是个不错的武道宗师胚子,半路夭折,惜哉惜哉。Hisurgent matterawakenssuddenlysets out, picks upthatgloomygreenwhanghee, tothesemartial artist the people of peershouts: „Comes a personquickly, casualwhois good, so long asis the boys and girlsallmay, with the footsteps on the drawYuecharacter who yourelderspinch, Icanwithdraw, was not restrictedbythissymbol, when the time comesIcanhelphishelping hand, does not dare saying that cutsto kill the evillivestock, the difficulty-reliefis not always difficult, quickly!”
The old mananxiousline of sightwaversonthatseveralfaces.
The Lin Shouyicorners of the mouthexudeto sneer.林守一嘴角泛起冷笑。Li Huaijust about toblows up the courageto brave deathto brave hardships and dangers, was actually pulled taut the armbyLi Baoping.李槐刚要鼓起胆气去冒死涉险一趟,却被李宝瓶一把扯住胳膊。
The old menare stunned, hate bitterlyto stamp one's footto scold: „The idiot of knowing good from bad, could it be thatmustlookhelplesslyyourelderstrengthdid use up dead in battle?! Were the consciences of your group of young animalseateninadequatelyby the dog?”
The Zhu Lufigureflashes, dashes about wildlyto gotothatchesspillarmountainland.朱鹿身形一闪,向那位棋墩山土地狂奔而去。
The distant placeChen Ping'ansuddenstern countenanceshouts: „Zhu Ludo not go! Ifyoudo not helphim, hemaydraw backroadless, perhaps can only fight side-by-sidewithus, ifhelpedhim, bydisposition that heis afraid of getting into troubletimidly, definitelyran! Furthermoreweare indefinitehisis or isn'twithtwodomestic animalonegroups, do not impulse! Hefrom beginning to end, seems like that has been helpingus, but do youhave the discovery, hehas not actually helpedUncle Zhu!”
远处陈平安突然厉色喊道:“朱鹿你别去!你如果不帮他,他无路可退,说不定只能跟我们并肩作战,如果帮了他,以他胆小怕事的心性,肯定就跑了!再者我们还不确定他到底是不是跟两条畜生一伙的,你别冲动!他从头到尾,看似一直在帮我们,但你有没有发现,他其实一点都不曾帮到朱叔叔!”Zhu Luwhereis willingto listen to the Chen Ping'anspoken language, by all means before earnestly, to/clashes.朱鹿哪里愿意听陈平安的言语,只管埋头前冲。
The instance that Chen Ping'anis startingtalking, actuallystartsto flush awayto the landold manonalready, the speedis less inferior than Zhu Lu.陈平安在开口说话的瞬间,其实就已经开始向土地老翁冲去,速度丝毫不比朱鹿逊色。Without the accident/surprise, the straw sandalyoungsterblocks the Zhu Luactionhopefully.
如果没有意外,草鞋少年有希望拦下朱鹿的举动。Landold mancomplexionYinclearuncertain, grasping the greenstickstandson the spot.
土地老翁脸色阴晴不定,手持绿杖站在原地。whiteMang who breaks a wing, after the surges, quicklies downin the stone bridgelevel groundnot to move, suffocates, probablyis unable to participate inthispreyingagain.
断去一翅的白蟒,在翻腾之后,很快就躺在石坪上不动弹,奄奄一息,像是再也无法参加这场搏杀。WhenChen Ping'ancharges into the landold man, the figureappearsoutsideitsheadmore than ten steps, whiteMangdoes not have the indicationto fleeforward, big mouthbitesruthlesslyto the youngster, wherealsohas the beforehandthathalf-deadbeing on the verge of deathstance.
但是当陈平安冲向土地老翁,身形出现在它头颅十数步外,白蟒毫无征兆地向前一窜,大嘴狠狠咬向少年,哪里还有之前那副半死不活的濒死架势。Chen Ping'anactuallystops the footstepssuddenly, backed upto gobackward, hideswhiteMangbad riskkilling, the angershouted: „Zhu Lu! Seesnot to have! Thisevillivestockalsohopes that youruinUncle ZhuthatYuecharacter who! Perhapsthatpersonhad achieved the secretagreementwithtwodomestic animals!”陈平安却猛然停下脚步,向后倒退而去,躲掉了白蟒的凶险扑杀,怒喊道:“朱鹿!看到没!这条孽畜同样希望你毁掉朱叔叔的那个岳字!那人跟两头畜生说不定早就达成了秘密约定!”Chen Ping'anwas cut off the line of sightby the whitepythonbody, cannot see the white clothingold manthat sidescene.陈平安被白蟒身躯阻隔了视线,看不到白衣老翁那边的景象。HoweverthatwhiteManghead, firstisslightlylooksflusteredtogirlthatside, subsequentlyturnsslowlyto the youngster, the eyepupilis full of the color of ridicule.
但是那颗白蟒的头颅,先是略显慌张地望向少女那方,继而缓缓扭向少年,眼眸充满讥讽之色。At that moment, the youngsterfills with be resentfulanddisappointed.
那一刻,少年满怀愤懑和失望。Injoined bodiesthatfire dragon, after high placethreeQi Palaceacupoint, inexplicablefromimposing mannerwith irresistible force, turns into the cautiousbase and lowposture, the youngsterhas not paid attentionto pay attention.
以至于连体内那条火龙,在经过高处三座气府窍穴的时候,莫名其妙从势如破竹的气势,变成小心翼翼的卑微姿势,少年也不曾注意留心。In the braingirlZhu Lu of onegroup of starchruns up tonearbythatYuecharacter, the whole facetears, stretch outfootoneto step onrandomly, girlchoked: „Imustsavemy father! Imustsavehim! Iknow, becauseheismy father, thereforeyousowill be indifferenthislife and death!”
On Yuecharacteryellowsymbolashes, were stepped onmix in the soil, finally the dissipationdoes not see, Yuecharacterunderstepping on girl, fuzzydoes not seefinally.
The white clothingold manlooks down the girlboth feetdull, sends outoneto constrainlaughterfrom the throatdeep place, „hehe......”
白衣老翁呆呆低头看着少女的双脚,从喉咙深处发出一阵压抑至极的笑声,“嘿嘿……”Then the old manraised the head, pondersto stare atthatbeing scaredgirl, the old manwrist/skillis twisting the revolutionsat will, the greenwhangheefrom the skycarries overpiece of emerald greenfluttering fireflies, oldface, ifgets a new lease on life, old manbeams from ear to ear, the nodsaid: „Hehe, saving the fatheris cherished, understood.”
The figure of old manstartsto advancerapidly, the appearancemore and morebecomesyoung, the physiqueextends, makes the gratingsound that a series ofsoybeanscrack, ishe of middle-aged manappearancehas a good laugh, resemblesto cryto resembleto smile, pleased, „ha!”
Becoming the appearancedelicate and prettygreenstickman, smilesto looktothatwhiteMang, „according to the agreement, Ihelpsyoucope with the bamboo hatman of thatconcealedconcealstail, as forthesefellows, is casualyouto handle, naturally, laterourboth sideswere together, butcannotcontinueis the beforehandseveral hundredyears of appearances, relax, after Ionlywaited the imperial edictsealedisMountain God, youwill promoteforhereland, walked the riverincidentas for your man, Iwill also support12, in the final analysis, everyoneoffered mutual benefit and achieved common progress, joins together to accomplish a great task.”
The greenstickmansaid that thesespoken languages, is the outstandingconfident and at easecapping ceremonyman, smilesto looktothatdumbfoundedgirl, „your fatherandIam predestined friends, originallyGreat Lithistimesealsto enjoyvariousgroup of mountains and riversgods on domain, Isupportedamtake the opportunityto restore the landright person, buthe can actually shoutthat‚Mister’given name, was really stirring, was equal to that helpedmeordered by the emperor personallybe eliminated the body of landtook outbyImmortalagain, to tell you the truth, ifhetwisted the earthmere handful of soilto writethatto quarry a mountainat that time the mountaincharacter, could not say that Idid not need the Great Liimperial edictto sealat this time, already. WaschesspillarmountainlegitimateMountain God.”
The manlookis very happy, slowlypaces, beckons with the hand, says with a smile: „Does not have the relationsnot to relate, Iwas contentvery much. Your fatheris a good person, you are also. Youaremyhonored person, only the graciousness of water drop, wants the bubbling springto reportpitifully, finally the graciousness of yousuchbigimperial edictsealing, Ireallyamdo not have to return.”
男人神色无比欢愉,慢慢踱步,自顾自摆摆手,笑道:“没关系没关系,我很知足了。你爹是好人啊,你也是。你们是我的贵人,只可惜滴水之恩,才要涌泉相报,结果你们这么大的敕封之恩,我实在是无以回报啊。”girlghastly pale look, the lipshivers, twitteringsaidrepeatedly: „Youdeceived people, youdeceived people......”少女面无人色,嘴唇颤抖,反复呢喃道:“你骗人,你骗人……”
The like a jade tree facing the windmanshot a look at the white of the eyepython, „fincut off the incident, we may be unable to anticipate,do not expectIwill compensateanythingadditionally, nowIam poor and pedantic, chesspillarmountainsurrounding areaseveral hundredli (0.5 km)so manyyearswere plunderedbyyouearlycompletely, my solemngod of soilonlyhas a land for building, does not make sensevery much.”玉树临风的男人瞥了眼白蟒,“飞翅被斩断一事,咱们可都意料不到,别奢望我会额外补偿什么,如今我穷酸得很,棋墩山方圆数百里这么多年早被你们搜刮殆尽了,我这堂堂土地老爷只剩下一层地皮,很不像话啊。”whiteMangnodsdocilely, disclosed that rareflattering, thenshook the headgently.
The manbig handwields the greenstick, heroicsay/way: „Yourthattatteredfamily properties, Iam not rare, allpastcelebrated a holiday, madeitpasswith the wind.”
男人大手一挥绿杖,豪迈道:“你们的那点破烂家底,我可不稀罕,所有以往过节,就让它随风而逝好了。”Finallyhislook around, saidgrinningly: „Thatwas calledby you are the A'Liangbrothers, does not visit the grave, but alsodaresto sitmyposition in a hierarchy, finally is to make Yuecharacterreduce toYuecharacter......”
最后他环顾四周,笑嘻嘻道:“那个被你们称呼为阿良的兄弟呢,不拜山头也就罢了,还敢坐我的交椅,最后更是让嶽字降为岳字……”Thisjust whenhigh-spiritedMountain God, the looklowers the headto looksuddenlyat a loss, a facepainwantscertainlyandunthinkable.
这位正值意气风发的山神,突然眼神茫然地低头望去,一脸痛苦欲绝和匪夷所思。ordinarybamboo bladepasses throughfromhischest.
The bamboo hatmanandhestandsshoulder to shoulder, is only the facingdirectionis opposite, thatpersonloosensblade hilt, thenpattedthisMr.Mountain Godshoulder, smilesto reply: „Do youlook forme?”
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