After Chen Ping'anleaves the mountain, firstto the blacksmithshop, passes throughthatbedstonearched bridge the time, youngsterboth handspalms together in greeting, the lowering the headhalf step the line, the lookis very gravesincerely, muttersaid: „Someolddaoist immortal words saying well,do not hit the person. Ifthere is anything to request,can the eveninghold the dreamtome, is bestto leavein broad daylight, Ireallya littlefear.”陈平安出山之后,先去往铁匠铺子,走过那座石拱桥的时候,少年双手合十,低头快步而行,神色无比庄重诚恳,碎碎念道:“老神仙有话好好说,千万别打人啊。如果有什么请求,可以晚上托梦给我,最好别大白天的,我是真的有点怕啊。”Fortunatelywait untilarrives atstone bridgethathead, Chen Ping'anis safe and sound, the youngsterbeams with joyimmediately, looks forMaster RuanandRuan Xiu.
The youngsterdo not know that worries the taste.
少年不知愁滋味。Ruan QiongstillentertainsChen Ping'anunder the eave, a person of smallbamboochair, Ruan Xiustandsinher fatherbehind, joy that the whole facecannot cover up.阮邛依然是在檐下招待陈平安,一人一张小竹椅,阮秀站在她爹身后,满脸遮掩不住的喜悦。
The straw sandalyoungster who Ruan Qiongsees the whole bodydust, before cautiously the wicker basketplaces the body , the movementgentlyfrom the herbal medicine of mostwicker basket, pulls out the packagetwomountains and riverssituation maps the arrange/clothpouches, giveshistime, saidguilty: „CrawlsRaising Lamp Mountaintime, the mountain roadwas blockedby a Grand Falls, Inear the deepdeep pool under waterfall, found a placeto lay aside the wicker basket, but alsobuilt a young treerackto keep out wind and rain, withoutthinkingto crawlto the waterfallwithstand/topshortly, rains hard, the rainwater was really big, whenmywithout delaygot down, set uprackreallyalreadyto collapse by pressure, the wicker basket and cotton fabrictravel bagwere soakedby the rainwater, was goodwrapsquitesolidwith the yellowoiled paperbecause oftwomaps, after the wait untilSuncame out, Iput outto come to see, was only the mapcorneris somewhat wet, but after seasoning, had the obvioustrace......”阮邛看到满身尘土的草鞋少年,小心翼翼将箩筐放在身前,又动作轻柔地从大半箩筐的草药底下,掏出包裹两幅山河形势图的布囊,递给他的时候,愧疚道:“爬挑灯山的时候,山路被一条大瀑布拦住了,我就在瀑布下的深潭附近,找了个地方藏起箩筐,还搭建了一个小树架子遮风挡雨,没有想到爬到瀑布顶没多久,就下了大雨,雨水实在是太大了,等我赶紧下去,树架子果然已经被压塌了,箩筐和棉布行囊被雨水浸透,好在两张地图用黄油纸包裹得比较严实,等到太阳出来后,我拿出来看了一下,只是地图边角有些湿,但是晒干之后还是有明显的痕迹……”Ruan Qiongopensarrange/clothpouch and yellowoiled paper, discovered that twomapphysical appearance are almost intact, thatbucklecanignoreradically, saidagain, twocopymaps, therefore the kilnserviceoversees the manufacture ofthat side the bureau and Dragon Springs Countyalley, intention that do not take, butRuan Qiongis not willingto comfort the youngsterwiththistruth, shot a look at the eyeto standbeforeownuncomfortableChen Ping'an, asked: „Rainstorm, climbsinRaising Lamp Mountainthatdragonlow-lyingwaterfall, do youcourt death?”阮邛打开布囊和黄油纸,发现两幅地图品相几乎完好无缺,那点折损根本可以忽略不计,再说了,两张摹本地图而已,所以窑务督造署和龙泉县衙那边,根本就没有要拿回去的意图,但是阮邛可不愿意拿这个真相来安慰少年,瞥了眼站在自己身前局促不安的陈平安,问道:“暴雨时分,在挑灯山的那条龙湫瀑爬上爬下,你找死啊?”Chen Ping'andid not speakwith a smile.陈平安笑着不说话。Ruan Qiongwaves, hints the youngsterto sit, do not standbeforeownis an eyesore.阮邛挥挥手,示意少年坐回去,别站在自己身前碍眼。Chen Ping'ansitsonthatemerald greenlovablesmallbamboochair, afterhereturnsMaster Ruantwomaps, the whole personfeels relievedfinally, ifthisall the waywere not the fearruinedthattwopreciousmap, his enteredmountainleaving the mountainat leastto save34days of time. Moreover the youngsteractuallyheart that suchlongdepend on each other for survival, alwayskeeps old friendships in mind, does not abandontotwomapsome, on that weathersunny, has a futuristic perspective, Chen Ping'anlikesselecting a field of visionmost openplace, thenspreads outthattwomaps, looks far into the distanceto look atmountains and rivers, takes back the line of sightto look down the map.陈平安坐回那张翠绿可爱的小竹椅上,当他把两幅地图送还阮师傅后,整个人终于如释重负,这一路上如果不是害怕糟践了那两幅珍贵地图,他这趟入山出山最少可以省下三四天时间。而且这么久相依为命,一向念旧的少年其实内心深处,对两张地图有些不舍,每逢天气晴朗、登高望远的时分,陈平安就喜欢拣选一个视野最开阔的地方,然后摊开那两张地图,举目远眺看一下山河,收回视线低头看一下地图。Over half a month, Chen Ping'annever hasto feeloneselfhave so enriched.
大半个月来,陈平安从来没有觉得自己如此充实过。Ruan Qiongthrows toChen Ping'anthattwomapssuddenlygently, „chairis good, thenmadetwoagain, the mapconsiders the reward, gave toyou.”阮邛突然将那两幅地图轻轻抛给陈平安,“椅子还不错,回头再做两张,地图就当是报酬了,送给你。”AlthoughRuan Qiongdoes not likethisMud Vase Laneyoungster, butRuan Qiongis also insufficientthereforeto denyChen Ping'anoverall.
虽然阮邛还是不喜欢这个泥瓶巷少年,但是阮邛还不至于因此而全盘否定陈平安。Ruan Qiong can definitely imaginethatscene, inheavy downpour, burning with impatiencethinyoungsteralongwaterfalldownward, onlytoread a mapcanfeel at ease.阮邛完全能够想象那副场景,一场滂沱大雨里,心急如焚的清瘦少年沿着瀑布往下,只为了看一眼地图才能安心。Naturally, in the Ruan Qiongeye, thisbehaviornotheroic spirit, on the contrary is very stodgy mechanical.
当然,在阮邛眼中,这种行为一点都不英雄气概,相反还很刻板迂腐。To be honest, comparesthispain the youngster, Ruan Qiongappreciates the smallageto understandGreat Liimperial princeSong Jixin that sizes up the situation, or the natural dispositionis open, Liu Xianyang that all thingsdo not worry, even if making a great show of one's talentsMa Kuxuan, there aremanygood points, even iffollowedsince childhoodinQi JingchunstudyingseedZhao Yao, does not haveChen Ping'an is so inflexibledoes not straighten out.
说实话,相比这个苦兮兮的少年,阮邛更欣赏小小年纪就懂得审时度势的大骊皇子宋集薪,或是生性开朗、万事不愁的刘羡阳,哪怕是锋芒毕露的马苦玄,也有很多可取之处,哪怕是自幼跟随在齐静春身边的读书种子赵繇,也没有陈平安这么死板不开窍。Reason that the changeidea, looks to giveChen Ping'an the mapbytemporarily, is actually is determined to withthisyoungsterdraw a line, the blacksmithshopcan the info clerkheascasting the swordapprentice, butwill not becomeownOpening Mountain discipleabsolutely, lateraccording to the commitment, shelter the mountain top that hebuys, butthisboyabsolutelydo not want anyinvolvementwithowndaughter.
之所以临时改变主意,将地图找个由头送给陈平安,其实是下定决心要跟这个少年划清界限,铁匠铺子可以收纳他作为铸剑学徒,但绝对不会成为自己的开山弟子,以后自己按照承诺,庇护他买下的山头,但是这小子绝对不要想跟自己闺女有任何牵连。Actuallyin the final analysis, Ruan Qiongis notbecause the family backgroundtakes lightlyChen Ping'an, butis a difference, is not the stratagem.
其实说到底,阮邛并非是因为出身看轻陈平安,而是道不同,不相为谋。Ruan Qiongdisciple, mustbeinhisperson of same belief the person, bothalsomasteralsofriend, canbeSect Gatebuildsjointly the millenniumprosperous times, therefore the personalitycoincides, is quite important.阮邛的徒弟,必须是他的同道中人,双方亦师亦友,能够联手为宗门打造千年盛世,所以性情相合,极为重要。Chen Ping'annaturallydoes not know that the Master Ruantrain of thoughtcircled such a great-circle, the youngstercatches the map, hugsin the bosom, asked: „That sideyamenoversees the manufacture of the officerSirnot to have the idea?”陈平安自然不知道阮师傅的思绪绕了那么一大圈,少年只是接住地图,抱在怀里,问道:“衙署那边督造官大人不会有想法?”Ruan Qiongsneers saying: „Leastin 60 years, IamthisDragon Springs Countyoverlord, thereforemycustomgreatest.”阮邛冷笑道:“最少在60年之内,我都是这座龙泉县的太上皇,所以我的规矩最大。”Ruan Xiuwhispered: „Father, wherehasyousuchtoward the person who oneselftoot one's own horn.”阮秀嘀咕道:“爹,哪有你这么往自己脸上贴金的人。”Regardingundermining of daughter, Ruan Qiongignores, toChen Ping'ansinkingsound said: „Said the proper business, whichfivemountains did youselectfinally?”
对于女儿的拆台,阮邛置若罔闻,对陈平安沉声道:“说正事,你最后选中了哪五座山?”Chen Ping'ansits the straightbodysubconsciously, „aroundGraceful Spirit Mountain, Iselectedthree, the valuablelumountain, the colorcloud peak, the immortalgrassy hill.”陈平安下意识坐直身体,“在神秀山周围,我选中了三座,宝箓山,彩云峰,仙草山。”Ruan Qiongnods, „visionis good, the valuablelumountainoccupying land areais very big, is among the bestin more than 60mountain tops, moreoveris not the mere show. IfIdid not considerforfuturethatmountain-protectinggreat formation,will discard the Flat Lance Peakchoicetreasurelumountain, after allin the middle ofthisthousand li (500 km)mountains and rivers, only if Mountain Godassumesorhas the rare treasure, the domain that whoholdsis bigger, Spirit Qi that whohasare more, definitelyprofits.”阮邛点了点头,“眼光还算不错,宝箓山占地很大,在六十多座山头里名列前茅,而且不是什么空架子。我如果不是为了今后的那座护山大阵考虑,会舍弃横槊峰选择宝箓山,毕竟在这千里山河当中,除非是山神坐镇或是藏有秘宝,谁占据的地盘更大,谁拥有的灵气就更多,肯定就更占便宜。”„Immortalgrassy hillisonly the valuable land with good feng shui of one by oneplacehopefulbirthgrasswood alcoholcharm, pitifully the place too is only small, even ifpresentsone, the rootfoot and physical appearanceshouldnot be good, the truthis very simple, how the smallpondraisesto obtainbigFlood Dragon. As for the colorcloud peak, is quite ordinary, is highexcept for the topography, sceneryelegantbeside, regarding the cultivatedincident, notmanybenefit, only ifyouhave the skillto comeCloud Root Stonefrom Lane Rosy Clouds Mountain, placesincolorcloud peakseveralmountain rangeacupoint, may beonebe goodto buy and sell.”
“仙草山是唯一一座有望诞生草木精魅的风水宝地,只可惜地方实在太小,哪怕出现一位,根脚和品相应该不会太好,道理很简单,小小池塘如何养得出一条大蛟龙。至于彩云峰,比较一般,除了地势高、风景秀美之外,对于修行一事,并无多少裨益,除非你有本事从云霞山来云根石,安置在彩云峰几处山脉窍穴,才有可能是一桩好买卖。”„Haven't yougoneto look atthatlake of yellowHushan?”
The Ruan Qionglastissue, makingChen Ping'anstarestaring, „has looked.”阮邛的最后一个问题,让陈平安愣了愣,“看过。”„Youcontinue, what are twomountain tops?”
“你继续,还有两座山头是什么?”Ruan Qiongtostops, has not continued the beforehandtopic, has calculatedto show extreme tolerance, no longercontinuesto divulge the profound and abstruse principles.阮邛点到即止,没有继续之前的话题,已算仁至义尽,不再继续泄露玄机。Because ofthatsmall lake of yellowHushan, has the wonder of equally good results from different methodswith the immortalgrassy hill, the differences, lie in the immortalgrassy hillpresent the grasswood alcoholcharmhopefully, yellowHushanis occupying a well entrancethick or thinpython, isbeing worthy of the reputation„local bully”, butwithsomesmallloach„struggled the war of water” the regretto be defeated, lostalmost within reachGreat Daodestiny.
因为黄湖山的那座小湖,与仙草山有异曲同工之妙,不同之处,在于仙草山有希望出现草木精魅,黄湖山则盘踞着一条井口粗细的蟒蛇,是名副其实的“地头蛇”,只是与某条小泥鳅的“争水之战”中遗憾落败,失去了近在咫尺的大道机缘。HoweverGreat Daowonderfullies innot the road of outstanding person, nowBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-Heavenfallsshatter, was caught the Great Suigoldencarp, to change to the Ruan Xiuwrist/skillbyDragon King Basket the fire dragon of thatbracelet, sideRiver Severing True MonarchLiu Zhimaothatloach, byZhao Yaopaint a dragon and dot in the eyeswood dragon, in additionwent all outalso to followWang Zhuloesslizardstubbornly, thesefivesmallgadget, are pure black horsebeadGrotto-Heaven, after 3000 years , when will soon die in bed of old age, fivebigdestiny that accumulatestruly, as fortheseSword Nurturing Bottle-gourdreedsandmagical mirror which reveals the true formand so onmagical treasurespirit tool, definitelyis not certainly bad, iscompared withthatfivelivingluckyreasondestiny, was still inferior. Many.
但是大道之妙就在于并无绝人之路,如今骊珠洞天破碎下坠,被龙王篓抓去大隋的金色鲤鱼、化作阮秀手腕上那只镯子的火龙,截江真君刘志茂身边的那条泥鳅,被赵繇画龙点睛的木龙,再加上拼了命也要死死跟随王朱的土黄色四脚蛇,这五条小玩意儿,便是骊小珠洞天,三千年后即将寿终正寝之际,真正积淀下来的五份大机缘,至于那些养剑葫芦、照妖镜之类的法宝灵器,当然肯定不差,可是比起那五份活生生的福缘气运,仍是逊色许多。Butthatbigpython of yellowHushan, insteadturns misfortune into a blessingnow, the surrounding areathousand li (500 km), alreadydoes not have the opponentto be ablewithitto break off the wrist/skill, suddenly becomesoverlord who is majestically located a side. LateronceMountain GodRiver Godmoves into, thisbigpython is more tactful, canoffers amnestyto the subordinate, after obtaining the Great LiImperial Courtgovernment authoritiescharm amulet, perhapshenceforthis a piece of level road, takes the road of cultivatedtruly.
而黄湖山的那条大蟒,如今反而因祸得福,方圆千里,已经没有对手能够跟它掰手腕,一举成为雄踞一方的霸主。以后山神河神一旦入驻其中,这条大蟒只要识趣一些,能够被其中一位招安至麾下,获得大骊朝廷的官府护身符后,说不定从此就是一片坦途,真正走上修行之路。Chen Ping'ansaid: „Iplanto buyTrue Pearl MountainandAbjection Mountain.”陈平安说道:“我打算买下真珠山和落魄山。”Ruan Qionggawkedstaring, askedcuriously: „True Pearl Mountain, welcoming spring money, it can be said that the pricelessheartis also good. ButthatAbjection Mountain, how do youseeto glance? Properly speakingthismountainis located inGreat LiDragon Springs CountysouthwestBian Jing/frontier, according toyourtraveling schedule, has not definitely gone, beforewasGreat Li the mountain of prohibiting, did youdepend on a nameto selectit?”阮邛愣了愣,好奇问道:“真珠山也就罢了,一颗迎春钱而已,可以说是千金难买心头好。可那落魄山,你是如何看上眼的?照理说此山位于大骊龙泉县的西南边境,按照你的行程,肯定没有去过,以前更是大骊的封禁之山,你就凭一个名字就选中了它?”Chen Ping'ansomewhatblushes with shame, is not willingto say the reason.陈平安有些汗颜,不愿意说出原因。At that time the Chen Ping'anboothwas putting the map, whichmountainselectedindecisively, finally the birdpassed over gently and swiftlyfrom the top of the head, drew a lump of excrementunexpectedlyon the situation map, Chen Ping'anwithout delaycleanedcleanly, before the discovery, thatlump of excrementposition, justin the Abjection Mountainthreecharacters. Chen Ping'anno longerthinksanything, selectedAbjection Mountainresolutely, no matteralsothismountainwretched.
当时陈平安摊放着地图,犹豫不决到底选取哪一座大山,结果有一只飞鸟从头顶掠过,竟然拉了坨屎在形势图上,陈平安赶紧擦拭干净,发现之前那坨屎的位置,刚好就在落魄山三个字上。陈平安不再多想什么,就毅然决然选中了落魄山,也不管这个山名晦气不晦气。Old Man Yaohad said that among the sceneriesallhas the Spiritual God.姚老头曾经说过,山水之间皆有神灵。ThereforeChen Ping'anis regarded as a Mr.Mountain Godsuggestion.
所以陈平安就当做是山神老爷的一次暗示。Ruan Qiongthinks,„selectsAbjection Mountain, is not good. Thatsettled, Abjection Mountain, valuablelumountain, immortalgrassy hill, colorcloud peak, True Pearl Mountain. Fivemountain tops, 300years of deadline, during this period, you, even ifhollows outto move out a mountain peakcompletely, stillno onedetains. mountain topallproduce, regardless of the vegetationefficacious medicine, isbirds and beasts, evenis the occasional incomerare treasure, belongsinthatpersonal name that in the Great Limountains and riversgenealogycontractsigns.”阮邛想了想,“选中落魄山,不是不行。那就这么说定了,落魄山,宝箓山,仙草山,彩云峰,真珠山。五座山头,三百年期限,在此期间,你就算把一座山峰全部挖空搬走,也没有人拦阻。山上一切出产,无论草木灵药,还是飞禽走兽,甚至是偶然所得的秘宝,都属于在大骊山河谱牒契约上画押的那个人名。”
The Chen Ping'annodsaid: „Got it.”陈平安点头道:“明白了。”Ruan Qiongsaidpatiently: Item that „needsto pay attention , before oneisyoudies, mustthrough the Dragon Springs CountyalleytoGreat LiImperial Courtinform the news, youneedto replaceinheritsfivemountain topssomeorcertainpersonal names. Naturally, the Great Lihouseholdsectionthat sidewill store a secretfile, youcanin the nextfivemountain tops, distinguishnextto write down a heritageobligee, tofearyouwill some day die a violent death, before dying, confessedwithout enough time the things to do after deathdraw by the will. Anotherisin 300 years, ifyouwantto sell the mountain top, cannotdecide that anytime and anywhere, mustthat side the nods of leasttripartiteinfluencethrough the Great Ligovernment authoritiescomply, the transactioncanrealize, moreoverIdo not recommendyouto sellthesemountain tops, becauseyouwhathigh price, no mattersells, finallyyouwill discoveroneselfsoldto owe.”阮邛耐心道:“需要注意的事项,一个是你死之前,必须通过龙泉县衙向大骊朝廷告知消息,你需要更换继承五座山头的某个或者某些个人名。当然,大骊户部那边会存放一份秘密档案,你可以在名下五座山头,分别下写下一个遗产受惠人,为的是怕你某天暴毙,死前来不及交代后事立下遗嘱。再一个是在300年内,你如果想要卖出山头,并不是随时随地就能够决定的,必须通过大骊官府那边最少三方势力的点头答应,交易才能实现,而且我不推荐你卖出这几座山头,因为你不管卖出什么样的高价,最后你都会发现自己卖亏了。”AlthoughRuan Qiongisassumes a sideSchool of MilitarySaint, actuallywithsuddenlyriches and honor the mean alleyyoungster, discussed the businessequally, was seemingly fantastic, actuallyagainfairly. Related tothousand years great understaking of quarrying a mountainverticalfaction, the daughterprove the Daoturning point, not can have allowedRuan Qionghenot to do best to convince, wishes one couldto break off the truthsituationlittlebreaks to piecesexplained that listensto the youngsterat present.阮邛虽是坐镇一方的兵家圣人,却与一个骤然富贵而已的陋巷少年,平起平坐地讨论事务,看似荒诞不经,实则再合情合理不过。涉及到开山立派的千秋大业,还有自家闺女的证道契机,容不得阮邛他不苦口婆心,恨不得把道理情况一点点掰碎了解释给眼前少年听。Ruan Qiongasked: „Chen Ping'an, whathas to ask?”阮邛问道:“陈平安,有什么想问的吗?”Chen Ping'anshakes the headto say with a smile: „Did not have.”陈平安摇头笑道:“没了。”
The Ruan Qiongnodsaid: „Thatfirstthis, Iestimated that you have somecopper coin, thenIhelpyoupay attentionthat side the small townshoptransaction, youcanseize the chanceto startsimilarly, howeverbites off more than one can chew, later the small towneightsideinfluencegood and bad people mixed up, youbuy12backgroundrelativelythickold shopshops, was OK.”阮邛点头道:“那就先这样,我估计你还剩下些铜钱,回头我帮你留心一下小镇那边的铺子交易,你同样可以趁机入手,但是贪多嚼不烂,以后小镇八方势力鱼龙混杂,你买下一两间底子相对厚实的老字号铺子,就可以了。”
The Chen Ping'ancomplexionbecomes flushedslightly, „Xiexie/thanksMaster Ruan.”陈平安脸色微微涨红,“谢谢阮师傅。”Ruan Qiongself-ridiculesto say with a smile: „The NoblemanHuaide, little personis homesick.”阮邛自嘲笑道:“君子怀德,小人怀土。”SomeChen Ping'andoubts, becausedoes not understandthese wordsiswhatmeaning.陈平安有些疑惑,因为不懂这句话是什么意思。Ruan Qiongwavesto catch up withhumanity: „Is busyyour, does not needto managetheseto moan without being ill, let aloneyoursmallage, had not arrivedsituation that can the heart-to-heart talkchest, discussrealm.”阮邛挥挥手赶人道:“忙你的,不用管这些无病呻吟,何况你小小年纪,本就没有到可以谈心胸、谈境界的地步。”Chen Ping'anstands up, carries the wicker basket, suddenlyheardRuan Qiongto saysenselessoff topic, after „Mister Qiwalked, occasionallyfondly rememberedMister Qi, naturallydid not have the issue, the way things should be, butbe not fallenbyoneself, be not thinkinggetting to the bottom. wait untilbuysfivemountain topsand12shops, youare lying downcomfortablyreceiving money, finds a wifeto give birth, open branchdisperses the leaf, calculates that brought honor to ancestors. MyRuan Qiongis also good, Great LiImperial Court, will be nursingyouandyourfamily property. Likeyourname, puts downPing'an(safe and sound)secure, was more important than anything, did not say that the laterwhichdaychanged from bad to good, takes the cultivatedroad, had the opportunity.”陈平安站起身,背起箩筐,突然听到阮邛说了一句没头没脑的题外话,“齐先生走了之后,偶尔怀念一下齐先生,当然没有问题,人之常情,但是别让自己陷进去,更别想着刨根问底。等到买下五座山头和一两间铺子,你就舒舒服服躺着收钱,娶妻生子,开枝散叶,也算光宗耀祖了。我阮邛也好,大骊朝廷也罢,都会看护着你和你的家业。就像你的名字,平平安安,比什么都重要,说不得以后哪天时来运转,走上修行路,也不是没有机会。”Chen Ping'andepartssilently.陈平安默然离去。After the youngsterleaves the shop, Ruan Xiusitson the bamboochair, asked: „Father, whatmeaning are yourthose words?”
在少年离开铺子后,阮秀坐在竹椅上,问道:“爹,你那句话是什么意思?”Ruan Qiongsaidindifferently: „Meant,ideologicalrealmwas inferiorNoblemanlittle person, is only thinkingwith all one's heartobtainstogether the easy and comfortableplace.”阮邛淡然道:“意思是说,思想境界不如君子的小人,只会一门心思想着获得一块安逸之地。”Ruan Xiustrangesay/way: „Whatwrongthishas, lives contentedly in one place with little inclination to move elsewhere, whichputs unable to pick up the problem, howonlittle person? These wordswhosaid that Ifeelunreasonable.”阮秀奇怪道:“这有什么错,安土重迁,搁哪儿也挑不出毛病来啊,怎么就小人了?这句话谁说的,我觉得不讲道理。”
The Ruan Qiongcomplexionis gloomy, saidin a soft voice: „ThereforeConfucianismSaintalso said that myfeeling at easeplaceismytownship.”阮邛脸色晦暗,轻声道:“所以儒家圣人又说了,吾心安处即吾乡。”Ruan Xiupanting with rage said: „Scholaris really annoying, in the worldtruthallsaiduptothem!”阮秀气呼呼道:“读书人真可恼,天底下的道理全给他们说光了!”Ruan Qiongsinceresay/way: „Xiuxiu, thisis notyounot the reason that likesstudying.”阮邛语重心长道:“秀秀啊,这也不是你不爱读书的理由啊。”Ponytailgirlpretended to be surprisedwell, set outto sayhastily: „Father, howIsuddenlyam in a big way many one strength, myhammeringwent.”
--Chen Ping'anrushes toYang Family shop, givesin the assortedherbal medicine of mostwicker basket a shoppartnerhand, called the weight, Chen Ping'antook22money, actuallymanyrareherbal medicineswereChen Ping'ansell goods at rock-bottom pricesto the shop, somethatyoungshopwaitersdid not recognize the herbal medicine that could not judge the quality of goods, was actually the importantmedicinal herb that Old Man Yangquiteregarded as important, theseflowers and plantsweretrulyvaluablegood thing.陈平安赶往杨家铺子,将大半箩筐的各色草药送给一名店伙计手里,称完斤两,陈平安拿到手二两银子,其实许多稀罕草药都算是陈平安半卖半送给铺子,一些个那名年轻店伙计根本认不出不识货的草药,其实是杨老头颇为看重的重要药材,这些花花草草才是真正值钱的好东西。HoweverChen Ping'anthiswalking into the mountain, pickingto pick the medicineitself/Benisconvenient, butis, simplyhas not been thinkingmoney-making, in factafterChen Ping'anlearnedwalking into the mountaincharking, almosttime a shoppartner who sells the medicinetoYang Family shop, except forselling to the shopthatsimple and honestmannamedLi Er, otherdozenstimes, the timeowed.
但是陈平安这趟进山,采摘采药本就是顺手而为,根本没想着赚钱,事实上在陈平安学会进山烧炭之后,几乎次次卖药给杨家铺子的店伙计,除了卖给店铺里那个名叫李二的憨厚汉子,其余数十次,次次都是亏的。Old Man Yangwill never gather the Chen Ping'anmedicinal herb, ifChen Ping'andaresto give in vainto the shop, will be thrownon the avenuebyOld Man Yang, but if sold to the shop the partnerorteaches at a private school or as private tutor the doctor of Chinese medicine, no matterthat any oddprice, strangeOld Man Yangwill then be concerned with.杨老头从不会收取陈平安的药材,如果陈平安敢白送给铺子,就会被杨老头扔到大街上,可如果卖给店里伙计或是坐馆郎中,那么不管什么离谱的价格,性情古怪的杨老头便会不闻不问。ThisChen Ping'anhas not seenOld Man Yang.
After going out of the shop, Chen Ping'andiscovered that on the roadmanypeopleare whooping, said that isthat sidecrabmemorial arch of that12foot, had/left the bigmatter. Said that is the oldprisonmakes the officerSir, resigneddisbursed moneyto constructcovered bridgethatSir Songbefore, returned to the small townsight, moreoverthistimeasMinistry of Ritesdoctor of Chinese medicineextraordinary, leadsa group ofgenteelawe-inspiringmasters, had a liking for the character of Crab Memorial Archwaythatfourinscribed horizontal tablet, after allwas a scholar, as can be appreciated, but why did not know, after overseeing the manufacture of the yamunbureauthat sideobtained the news, immediatelyon the urgent matterenters the mountain, informingthatoriginallyto planlittleSirWu who farcurtainpeakexaminationlogging, thisGod of Wealthon the belt/bring the curtainassistantsgovernment official, is then becoming an officialurgentlytogether, Blockedgovernmentold seniorsSir Songthatgroup.
走出铺子后,陈平安发现路上很多人都在议论纷纷,说是那座十二只脚的螃蟹牌坊那边,出了大事情。说是老监造官大人,卸任之前出钱建造廊桥的那个宋大人,风风光光地回到小镇了,而且这次是以一个礼部郎中的了不得身份,带着一批文绉绉威风八面的官老爷,看上了螃蟹坊那四块匾额的字,毕竟都是读书人嘛,可以理解,但是不知为何,督造官衙署那边得到消息后,立即就火烧屁股地入山,通知那位原本打算去远幕峰查看伐木事宜的小吴大人,然后这位财神爷就带着幕僚佐吏,更加火急火燎地一起出山,拦住了官场老前辈宋大人那一行人。Chen Ping'an that the safe/without matterfeels relievedfollows the stream of peopleto walktoward the memorial archbuilding, standsoutside the crowdby far.
无事一身轻的陈平安就顺着人流往牌坊楼走去,远远站在人群外边。Seesunder the memorial archsquareinscribed horizontal tablet, builteightladders, byinscribed horizontal tabletZuo You/abouthas the laddertogetherrespectively. Howeverimmediatelyonly then„not decline to shoulder a responsibility”inscribed horizontal tabletZuo You/about, is standingtwodisparities of ageConfucian Scholar, the oldperson, is lowering the head, as iftounder footsomebodyhasty words and stern countenance, is reprovinganythingwith the outsideGreat Liofficialstandard speech.
看到牌坊四方匾额下,架起了八架梯子,一块匾额左右两边各有梯子。但是当下只有“当仁不让”匾额的左右,站着两位年龄悬殊的儒士,其中年长一人,正低头,似乎对着脚下某人疾言厉色,用外边的大骊官方雅言训斥着什么。Somepeoplepatted a shoulder of Chen Ping'an, saidwith a laugh: „Chen Ping'an, is so skillful, do youalsowatch the fun?”
有人拍了一下陈平安的肩膀,笑呵呵道:“陈平安,这么巧啊,你也看热闹呢?”Chen Ping'anturns the headto look, is a thatforeheadvermilionlentigochatterboxyoungster, reallysomewhatfeared that hisverboseness, said: „Has a lookcasually, probablycannot understandthemto speakanything, thisgoes homeimmediately.”陈平安转头一看,是那个眉心一颗朱红小痣的话痨少年,实在是有些怕他的絮絮叨叨,就说道:“随便看看,好像也听不懂他们讲什么,这马上就回家。”
The appearancesimple and elegantdelicateyoungstersaid with a smile: „No, youcannot understand, Icanexplain that listenstoyou, thismattermaybe interesting, ifyoumissed, laterdefinitelyregretted! Yoursmall townbenevolent officialSirWu Yuan, thislittle whilehad the conflictwithrankhigherMinistry of Ritesmasters, standsin the staircase that was the vice-minister of Ministry of Rites, was the earnestGreat Lihigh-ranking court official. At the same time, it is estimated thatis the formerformerprison of oldqualificationsmakesofficerSir Song, strikes one's chestto take undeserved creditwith the matter of thatinscribed horizontal tablet, said that old mankeepsto you inscribed horizontal tabletcertainly, returned to yournative placenot to dare saying that delivered toMinistry of RitesYamento be definitely settled, thereforethenbecame the fivedoctors of Chinese medicine, thereforethisMinistry of Ritesmasterssealed the Mountain GodRiver Godincidentwhile the imperial edict, was justifiableto gather the thing. Another side, regards aslittleSirWu of something for one's own exclusive usesmall townalltreasure, onehear of somepeoplemusttake away the small townonlyto remain not manypreciousoldthings, howcancomply? To say the least, even if willingto hold one's nosebythisvexationat heart, butmustknowfoursurnametenclanso manyoldfox, is suppressinginsideis looking at the jokebadly, ifhewere affectedat this time, it is estimated thatlater is very of difficult to bearon the grandfatherstheselarge clangateways. Originally not smoothcivil and militarytwotempleselected locations, definitelyyellow.”
模样清雅秀气的少年笑道:“别啊,你听不懂,我可以解释给你听嘛,这件事情可有意思了,你要是错过了,以后肯定后悔!你们的小镇父母官吴鸢大人,这会儿是跟品秩更高的礼部老爷们起了冲突,站在楼梯上那个,是礼部的右侍郎,算是正儿八经的大骊重臣了。一边呢,估计是老资历的前前任监造官宋大人,拿那匾额的事情跟人拍胸脯邀功,说保管把匾额给你老人家留着,送回你老家里不敢说,送到礼部衙门肯定板上钉钉的,于是这才当上了正五品的郎中,所以这次礼部老爷们趁着敕封山神河神一事,名正言顺过来收取东西了。另一边呢,是把小镇所有宝贝视为自己禁脔的小吴大人,一听有人要拿走小镇仅剩不多的珍贵老物件,如何能答应?退一步说,哪怕心里愿意捏着鼻子受这窝囊气,可要知道四姓十族那么多老狐狸,正在旁边憋着坏看笑话呢,如果他这个时候装了孙子,估计以后就很难当上那些大族门户的爷爷喽。本来就不顺的文武两庙选址,肯定要黄了。”Chen Ping'anlistens toyouth'sdelightedexplanationearnestly, asked: „Who are you? Howto knowso many?”陈平安认真听完少年眉飞色舞的讲解,问道:“你到底是谁?怎么知道这么多?”
The youngsterstretch out a finger, is pointing at itself, said with a smile: „I? Haha, Iam not the Great LiImperial Courtimperially appointed official. Mychansurnamed Cui, the chancharacteruncommonis quite difficultto write, troublesvery much, youdo not needto manage.”
少年伸出一根手指,指着自己,笑道:“我?哈哈,我可不是大骊朝廷命官。我姓崔名瀺,瀺字比较生僻难写,麻烦得很,你不用管。”Chen Ping'anlooks at the eyes of youngster.陈平安看着少年的眼睛。
The youngsterare calm and composed, the laughtersaid: „Myageis biggerthanyou, thereforeyoucanshoutmyCuiShibo.”
少年神色自若,嬉笑道:“我年纪比你大,所以你可以喊我崔师伯。”Chen Ping'ansmiles.陈平安笑了笑。
The youngsteralsofollowto smile, both handsare rubbing the cheeksgently, „doesn't matter, I have a nickname, shouted that shouldbe quite freely spoken, callsXiu Hu.”
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