Chen Ping'anhas not become an official, feels the small towntremendous changesonalready, except forlooks into the small townin the placerealmountainsummit, discovered that the dustflies upwardseverywherebeside, but alsoarea the farcurtainpeak, sawabouthundredyoung, manyare the kiln workerfamily background, the muscular strengthis outstanding, bear hardshipsendures, is felling the giant treebustling.陈平安还没有出山,就已经感受到小镇翻天覆地的变化,除了在地真山山顶眺望小镇,发现四处尘土飞扬之外,还在远幕峰一带,看到了近百位青壮,多是窑工出身,膂力出众,吃苦耐劳,正在热火朝天地砍伐巨木。Chen Ping'ancollects, findingonewas the acquaintance who the sameplacekilneyeburnt the porcelain, found out that the originalsmall townmustbuild the county administration, Prosperous Culture Pavilion, Martial Saint Temple and city god templefourbigconstructions, the leaderwasyoungnewoversees the manufacture of the officer, famouskitesurnamed Wu, as forotherthatcounty magistratetitle, was anyone in office, the countybigalleyishow a place, the small towncommon peopledid not ravel, did not care,onlyknowsnowtemporarilyare many a secured job, the wageswere very attractive, burnt the porcelaincompared with the pastindragon kiln, the earningswere abundant.陈平安凑过去,找到一位原来是同一座窑口烧瓷的熟人,一问才知道原来小镇要一口气打造县衙、文昌阁、武圣庙和城隍庙四座大建筑,领头人是一位年纪轻轻的新任督造官,姓吴名鸢,至于另外那个县令头衔,到底是什么个官身,县府大衙又到底是怎么个地方,小镇百姓弄不明白,也不关心,只知道现在暂时多出一个铁饭碗,工钱很诱人,比起以往在龙窑烧瓷,盈余更丰。Before the kilnservicecut off, the kilnfirecompletelyto extinguish, kiln workeryoungall year roundface to the ground, back to the sky, can only deal with the cropland, keeping a familywas not easyonalready, could not makeseveralcopper coin, therefore the small townwill of the peoplerousesnowadays, treated asGod of WealthWu YuanSirWu. Riches and honormasters who furthermorefoursurnametenclantheselive in seclusion, when contrastingtheiryoungonegenerationevenistwogenerations of littleSirWu, the mannerespeciallyrespects, the spoken languageis also passingbeing intimate with stockofficials and peoplefishwater, as forsubtlerlookline of sight, is covering-up the meaning of flattering, the small towncommon peopleeyesare not blind, even if frog in a well, the skill that therefore the experiencedepth, maywatch a person's every moodis not bad.
之前窑务断绝、窑火尽熄,窑工青壮一年到头面朝黄土背朝天,只能跟庄稼地打交道,养家糊口就已经不容易,更挣不来几颗铜钱,所以现如今小镇上上下下人心振奋,把吴鸢吴大人当做了财神爷。再者四姓十族那些深居简出的富贵老爷们,对比他们年轻一辈甚至是两辈的小吴大人,行为举止尤为尊敬之余,言语还透着股官民鱼水的亲近,至于更加微妙的眼神视线,藏掖着讨好之意,小镇百姓眼睛可不瞎,哪怕是井底之蛙,所以见识深浅,可察言观色的本事并不差。Nowcounty magistrateWu YuanmadePatriarch of foursurnametenclansact, hired500-600small townsyoung, walked into the mountainto cut wood, the transportingleft the mountain, for this reason the farcurtainpeakalsoknocked out a chutespecially, becausetook the giant tree of summer beamporch pillar, onlyshoulderedto descend the mountainby the manpowershoulder, extremelytime-consumingexpended effort, can therefore put inthatchute, a bigwoodwill slip into the foot. Howeverthen, the farcurtainpeakwas sheared a scarlike the faceinartificially.
现在县令吴鸢让四姓十族的家主出面,雇佣了500-600名小镇青壮,进山伐木,搬运出山,为此远幕峰还专门凿出了一条滑道,因为许多作为大梁廊柱的巨木,仅靠人力肩扛下山,太过耗时耗力,所以可以放入那条滑道,一根大木就会自行滑到山脚。不过如此一来,远幕峰就像脸面上被人为割出了一条疤痕。Besidesentering the mountain, launching, small townmanymancoolies, selectsandYunshifrom the small stream, takes the county administrationselected locationthat sidesmall towncity east, overthrewZheng Dafengthatclayhut, tamps down a firm foundation, thatsay/waydid not knowby the stockadewooden doors of how muchwinds and rains, completedisassemblage.
除了入山,还有下水,小镇许多男子苦力,从小溪那边挑沙运石,在小镇城东门那边作为县衙选址,推倒了郑大风的那座黄泥小屋,重新夯实地基,就连那道不知道挨了多少场风雨的栅栏木门,也全部拆卸。Chen Ping'anleaves the mountain, withoutchoosingcurvingravinealley, butsteps ondirectlyin the stone of mountain stream, the roamingjumpsdownward, thiscansavea lot oftime. Somesmall towncommon peopleseeat the back of the youngsterform of wicker basket, will not make much ado about nothing, mostlyknows that Mud Vase Lanehas an orphan, is good atpicking the medicine and charkingsince childhood, walks into the mountainwithmonkey, no onecan catch up.陈平安出山的时候,没有选择弯弯曲曲的山间小路,而是直接踩在溪涧的石头上,往下游蹦蹦跳跳,这能省去很多时间。一些小镇百姓见到背着箩筐的少年身影,也不会大惊小怪,大多知道泥瓶巷有个孤儿,从小就擅长采药和烧炭,进了山就跟猴子似的,谁也追不上。Chen Ping'anstops the figureintwomountain streamjunctions, originallywalks more than twozhang (3.33 m)againdownward, piece of bumpyrock cliff, are gatheringonegroup of people, the blue stone of ashoreandinrock cliffnearbyprominentwater surface, the respectivestand a tall and powerfully builtyoung men, the waistallwears the golden colorto entanglewearing a sword of silkblade sheathdangerous, wears a neatblacklong gown, a shellazuretissue, the bunchsendsotherhairpin, the two peoplewhole bodylends the swift and fierceaura.陈平安在两条溪涧汇合处停下身形,原来再往下走两丈多,有一片坑坑洼洼的石崖,聚集着一堆人,岸上和石崖附近一块突出水面的青石上,各自站着一名身材魁梧的青年男子,腰间皆悬佩有金色缠丝刀鞘的佩刀,身穿一袭干净利落的黑色长袍,外罩一层青色薄纱,束发别簪,两人浑身散发出凌厉的气息。In the instance that the straw sandalyoungsterpresents, two peoplediverts the attentionas if by prior agreementsuddenly, observes closelyChen Ping'an that appearsstubbornly, handalreadyholds downblade hilt.
在草鞋少年出现的瞬间,两人不约而同地猛然转移视线,死死盯住横空出世的陈平安,手已经按住刀柄。Haltsmotionlessat the back ofChen Ping'an of wicker basketherbal medicine, the complexionis usual.
The youngsterhad experiencedandCai Jinjian and Fu Nanhuatwoalleysfight tooth and nail, underchasing down of Righteous Yang Mountainmountain-protectingapegoes in all directions , to add onwithseizing of contemporariesMa Kuxuanindaoist immortalgravefinallytoclose quarters fighting, the opponentis notinkeeping aloofdaoist immortal the person, is the serious famine of having fought many battlesvariation, eitheris the lucky fellow who the destinyturns over, butChen Ping'anto was still livedfinally.
少年先后经历过与蔡金简、苻南华的两场小巷搏命,在正阳山护山猿的追杀下四处流窜,最后还要加上跟同龄人马苦玄在神仙坟的捉对厮杀,对手不是高高在上的神仙中人,就是身经百战的大荒异种,要么就是天命所归的幸运儿,可陈平安到最后仍是活下来了。Therefore the gloomyline of sight of thattwowearing a swordmen, canmake the towncommon peopletrembling, is actually not ableto makeChen Ping'anhavetoomanymoodto fluctuate.
所以说那两名佩刀男子的阴沉视线,能够让市井百姓战战兢兢,却无法让陈平安生出太多情绪起伏。HoweverChen Ping'anis not willingto create side issues, justplanned that walkstoward the ashore, thenreturns to the small townalongstreamPanshan Road, discoversoneby the stars surrounding the moonyoungman, with a smile to the small streamis standingwearing a swordretinuefromspeakingwords, the latterloosensimmediatelyholds down the hand of blade hilt. Originallysits cross-legged the youngman who sitsto set outslowly,
不过陈平安不愿横生枝节,刚打算往岸上走,然后沿着溪畔山路返回小镇,就发现一名被众星拱月的年轻男子,笑着对小溪里站着的佩刀扈从说了句话,后者立即松开按住刀柄的手。本来盘腿而坐的年轻男子缓缓起身,Comparestwoto wear a swordretinuefromalso to unexpectedlybe higher thanhalfhead, the fleshfairasfemale, the facial featuresare slightly outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted, hebeckonedtowardChen Ping'an, exchanged the small townplacedialect, the lookwas temperate, says with a smile: „Do not fear,youcontinueto defer to the originalrouteto walkand that's the end, weare not the unprincipled people.” The small towndialectsaidobscurelystagnatesslightly, butChen Ping'anhearsclear, hesitant, Chen Ping'anshowed a smiletothattallman, thenput out a handto refer to the ashore, hinted itselfto come ashorequickly, will not disturbtheirchats.
竟然比两名佩刀扈从还要高出半个脑袋,肌肤白皙似女子,面容略显阴柔,他朝陈平安招招手,换上了小镇这边的地方方言,神色温和,笑道:“别怕,你继续按照原先的路线走就是了,我们不是坏人。”小镇方言说得略微晦涩凝滞,不过陈平安听得一清二楚,犹豫了一下,陈平安对那位高大男子露出一个笑容,然后伸手指了指岸上,示意自己很快就上岸,不会打搅他们的聊天。Did not wait forthatmanto sayanything, the Chen Ping'anfigurevigorousseveraljumps, notslovenlycomes ashore, the thinformdisappearedin the shadequicklygradually the thickforests the alley.
Some men of feminine appearancehoweverreceiveto reach behind the backresentfully, the sideassists the government officialretinue from bearsmile, manembarrassedsaid: „Thatpicks the medicineyoungsterskillto be good, look, Isaidherea fair place produces outstanding people, therefore, do not complain that herecannot compareCapital Cityto be lively, the smallplacehasvery beautiful and breeds talent of smallplace, hastaste.”
有些女相的男子悻悻然收回手,身边佐吏扈从们忍住笑,男人尴尬道:“那采药少年身手不俗嘛,看吧,我就说这里人杰地灵,所以啊,你们别抱怨这里比不得京城繁华,小地方有小地方的钟灵毓秀,别有一番滋味。”Did not sayfortunately, the no 300 taels of silver buried of thisbenevolent official, annoysunscrupulouslaughing boisterouslyimmediately.
不说还好,这位父母官的此地无银三百两,顿时惹来一阵肆无忌惮的哄然大笑。God of WealthWu Yuan in tallmansmall towncommon peopleeyes, the kilnserviceoversees the manufacture of the officer, holds a concurrent post of the Dragon Springfirstcounty magistrate, facingsubordinates'ridicule, is not annoyed, after sitting down , to continue the previoustopic, „the Dragon Springs Countyalley, Prosperous Culture Pavilion, Martial Saint Temple, city god temple, the construction, is only the inscribed horizontal tablet, scatteredneedsat least15-16everywhere, your majestyfallsregardingthisBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-Heavencalmly and steadily, bordered on the Great Lidomainsmoothly, maintains78geographycomplete picture, has not presentedbiglarge handcartto turn over/to stand upunexpectedly a time, therefore the emperor's countenancewas happy, gift of the emperorreviewing the old and thereby knowing the new ’ inscribed horizontal tabletto giveProsperous Culture Paviliontogether ‚......”高大男子正是小镇百姓眼中的财神爷吴鸢,窑务督造官,兼任龙泉首任县令,面对下属们的嘲笑,也不恼火,坐下后继续先前的话题,“龙泉县衙,文昌阁,武圣庙,城隍庙,四处建筑,光是匾额,零零散散就需要最少15-16块,陛下对于这次骊珠洞天安稳下坠,与大骊版图顺利接壤,维持住了七八分的地理全貌,竟然没有出现一次大的地牛翻身,故而龙颜大悦,御赐一块‘温故知新’匾额给了文昌阁……”Wu Yuantimeat this point, an elegantfresh and elegantyoungstersmilesaid: „Hasn't SirWu, youhelpedourcounty administrationask a treasured paintingwithyour majesty?”吴鸢说到这里的时候,一位风雅清逸的年轻人微笑道:“吴大人,你就没帮着咱们县衙跟陛下求一份墨宝?”Wu Yuansighed: „Asked, hownot to strive, butyour majestydid not comply, Ihadwhatmeans. Thiscould not complain aboutyour majestybut actually, after allsmallcounty administration, ifresulted inyour majestyfountain pengift of the emperor, letso many did governors, whenCounty Protector, was the provincial governorhowlive? Do Ilateralsowantto mix the government?”吴鸢叹气道:“求啊,怎么不求,可是陛下不答应,我有什么办法。这倒也怨不得陛下,毕竟小小一座县衙,若是得了陛下金笔御赐,让那么多当郡守、做刺史的封疆大吏怎么活?我以后还想不想混官场了?”Everyonesmiles.
The Wu Yuancomfortpeople, „were goodbecause ofLiuMisterandGuozijiansimultaneous/uniformbigoffer a sacrifice to the liquorto complyrespectively, when the time comeswill make one sendtwosets of inscribed horizontal tablets, was hangingin the county administrationandMartial Saint Templerespectively, now the issuelies inProsperous Culture Pavilionalsomissesthree, city god templealsolackstwo, otherwisepresentedeveryone, thought of a way? Difficultto be inadequatereallywantsmeto take pen in handinadequately? The character that myearthwormcrawls, naturallyalsofeelsdesperatemy familyMister, naturally, youdo not dislike the disgracedwords, Iam certainly indifferent, this whole lifeonlyone by onetimemakes the listbookinscribed horizontal tablet the treasured painting the opportunity, finallyarrival!”吴鸢安慰众人,“好在刘先生和国子监齐大祭酒分别答应了,到时候会让人送来两套匾额,分别悬挂在县衙和武圣庙,现在问题就在于文昌阁还差三块,城隍庙也缺两块,要不然在座各位,想想法子?难不成真要我自己提笔不成?那我一手蚯蚓爬爬的字,那是连我家先生也感到绝望的,当然,你们不嫌丢人的话,我当然无所谓,这辈子唯一一次将自己墨宝制成榜书匾额的机会,总算到来了!”Thatout of the ordinary temperamentyoungsterthinks,„thatIwriteto the grandfather, whitedragonMister that my familygrandfatherwiththathiddenworld, the relationsare good, looked that can or cannotfinds the way the faceto win gloryforourSirWu.”
那位气质不俗的年轻人想了想,“那我给祖父写一封信去,我家祖父与那位隐世不出的白虬先生,关系不错,看能不能想办法给咱们吴大人脸面争光。”Wu Yuanpattedhisshoulder, „the face of thatofficergaveyou, if the inscribed horizontal tabletwere insufficient, the face of county magistrateSirwas equal to that lost unable to pickon the ground, when the time comesyouwere only held responsible.”吴鸢拍了拍他的肩膀,“那本官的脸面就交给你了,要是万一匾额不够,县令大人的脸面就等于丢在地上捡不起来,到时候唯你是问。”youngstercomplexiononestiff, feltoneselfdug a pittooneself.年轻人脸色一僵,感觉自己给自己挖了一个坑。Otherhow manyagesdiffer not the bigcolleague, reveals the sympatheticlook, Shunpole that the personality of our SirWu, naturallybecomes famouscrawlsupward, daresto open the Capital Citygreatestdye houseto the colorslightly, whosefacial skin do youdareto competeto be thickerwithhim?
其余几位岁数相差不大的同僚,纷纷流露出同情神色,咱们这位吴大人的性格,那是出了名的顺杆子往上爬,稍微给点颜色就敢开京城最大的染坊,你敢跟他比拼谁的脸皮更厚?Thesebureaucratic airs not heavyyoungster, the bodyhasdynasty of a government position that northeasternTreasure Bottle Continentis in vogue, the secretarycourt attendant.
这些个官气不重的年轻人,身上都有一个在东宝瓶洲北部王朝盛行的官职,秘书郎。Thisgovernment positionsingle centmilitarytwotypes, Secretarywriting the court attendant, the staffadviser, toseek the lordprobablysupplies ideas , helping people overcome their difficulties, Martial Secretary Official, isthattwowaistsis hanging the strongyouth who the gold threadwears a sword, holds the post ofpersonalretinue, since, the safety of guardcommanding officer. However a secretarycourt attendantduty, is the petty officialclass, does not integrate the Imperial Courtpure running waterofficer, the aristocratic familygreat familiesjuniorsbecomes an official, oftenwas invitedoremploys the literary retainer, consecratedby the familyto hold the post ofarticleMartial Secretary Official, naturallyImperial Courtalsohadto allocate the quota, the populationfromtwo peopleto20people, allcanreceive the Great Lisalary.
这个官职分文武两种,文秘书郎,像是幕僚谋士,为谋主出谋划策,排忧解难,武秘书郎,就是那两名腰间悬挂金丝佩刀的健硕青年,担任贴身扈从,护卫主官的安全。不过秘书郎一职,属于胥吏阶层,不纳入朝廷的清流正官,世家豪阀子弟出仕,往往由家族聘请或是雇用清客、供奉担任文武秘书郎,当然朝廷也有配发名额,人数从两人到二十人不等,一律可以领取大骊俸禄。Wu Yuanis the coldclanfamily background, could not invite the secretarycourt attendantsecretly, theseSecretarywriting the court attendantallwas the Imperial Courtration, butDragon Springs Countyon the Great Lidomainwas a bigdistrict, the countywas not, can only rationarticleMartial Secretary Officialrespectivelyoneperson, butthattwogold threadstwinedblade sheathMartial Secretary Official, has clearly obtained the Great Limilitaryexpert of remarkablemeritorious service, otherwisesimplydid not have the qualificationsto wearthisbladedangerous.吴鸢是寒族出身,私自请不起秘书郎,这些文秘书郎皆是朝廷配给,不过龙泉县在大骊版图上不过是一个大县,连郡都不是,原本只能配给文武秘书郎各一人,但是那两名金丝缠绕刀鞘的武秘书郎,分明是获得过卓越功勋的大骊军方高手,否则根本没有资格悬佩此刀。ActuallyWu Yuancanbecome the Great LiDragon Springs Countyfirstbenevolent official, canexplainmanyissuesonalready.
The instructingkind teacher of youngcounty magistrate, isnickname„Xiu Hu”Great LiImperial Teacher.年轻县令的授业恩师,是绰号“绣虎”的大骊国师。Hisfuturefather-in-law, country pillarinsome of Great LiBian Jing/frontierbattlefieldarmy horsehalf a lifetime.
After the joke, Wu Yuansinceresay/way: „Thesefourbuildings, resiliencealreadyis very big, Good Luck and Fortune StreetPeach Leaf Lane that moreover the selected location of daoist immortalgraveandoldporcelainmountain, the small town, huddles togethertofoursurnametenclansfromSaintMaster Ruan, is perfunctoryto deal withvery muchtacitly, will obviously not be then smooth, hasrubs. Howevertrueimportant matterandterrible business, then the Imperial CourtMinistry of Rites, imperial observatories and academythree partieswill get togetherinthis, conducts the imperial edictto seal the matter of Mountain GodRiver God, if not the mountainRighteous Godincident, the receivedresistance is too big, makingyour majestysomewhathesitant, otherwiseevenyour majestyalsomeets the royal cartto arrive atourDragon Springs County.”
玩笑之后,吴鸢正色道:“这四座建筑,工程量已经很大,况且神仙坟和老瓷山的选址,小镇这边,从圣人阮师到四姓十族扎堆的福禄街桃叶巷,很默契地敷衍应付,显然接下来不会顺利,有得磨。但是真正的大事和麻烦事,还是接下来朝廷礼部、钦天监和书院三方将齐聚于此,进行敕封山神河神之事,如果不是山岳正神一事,受到的阻力实在太大,让陛下都有些犹豫,否则连陛下也会御驾亲临我们龙泉县。”Wu Yuansaw that theircomplexionwas one by one dignified, pulls out the dry/doescaketo make an effortto nip the mouth, teasedwith ease: „MountainGreat Godthisbigtemple, can or cannotconstructsonthatScattering Clouds Mountain in ourdistrict of jurisdictionfinally, can or cannotbecomesnewGreat LiNorth Mountain, is really notwecanmix, we, are the small fishsmallshrimp in county administration, thereforebe not eating the dry/doescakewith the heart of centerminister, along withthesewears the yellowpurplemastersto toss about.”吴鸢看到他们脸色一个比一个凝重,掏出干饼使劲咬了口,轻松打趣道:“山岳大神这座大庙,最后能不能建在咱们辖境内的那座披云山上,能不能成为新的大骊北岳,真不是咱们可以掺和的,我们啊,就是县衙里的小鱼小虾,所以别啃着干饼操着中枢大臣的心了,随那些身着黄紫的官老爷们折腾去。”
The mood of surroundingpersonchanges for the betterslightly.
周围人的心情稍稍好转。Wu Yuanis eating the dry/doescakesilently, hesitant, unclearsay/way: „Has a news, since the goodnews is also the bad news. After Lu Clandynastydestruction, howto placetheseperishingcountriesto lose the people, is a majorproblem, ourDragon Springs Countywill then receive5000to10,000people of punishmentpeople, the good and bad people mixed up, the Three Doctrinesnineclasseswill have, therefore the Great Limilitarystrictinspector general, will be responsible forthisgroup of punishmentpeople who wear the body of crimemovehence. This actto us, advantages are accompanied by disadvantages, the advantagewas the embryonic form of Dragon Springs Countyfinallya littlebigdistrict, the fault, wasfishy, letoriginallyonbeing unfamiliar with the people and placeournot know where to start, has togo all outto win overthesechoicesto keep the local bully in small town.”吴鸢默默啃着干饼,犹豫了一下,含糊不清道:“有个消息,既是好消息也是坏消息。卢氏王朝覆灭后,如何安置那些亡国遗民,一直是个大问题,我们龙泉县接下来会接收五千到一万人的刑徒,鱼龙混杂,三教九流都会有,所以大骊军方会一路严密监督,负责将这拨戴罪之身的刑徒迁徙至此。此举对我们而言,有利有弊,好处是龙泉县终于有点大县的雏形了,坏处嘛,就是乌烟瘴气,让本来就人生地不熟的我们更加无从下手,不得不卖力拉拢那些选择留在小镇的地头蛇。”
The aristocratic familychildfamily backgroundactuallyworked asyoungster of secretarycourt attendantto ask: „Does can or cannotdivide and ruletheselarge clans?”
世家子出身却当了秘书郎的年轻人问道:“能不能将那些大族分而治之?”Wu Yuanshakes the headto saywithout hesitation: „Difficult. Initiallyhas arrived, wholikesto believeus?”吴鸢毫不犹豫地摇头道:“难。初来驾到,谁愿意相信我们?”Wu Yuansinkingsound said: „Outsmarts oneselfwithit, alerts the enemy, might as welltakes your time, wego tothishistorical originextremelycomplexplace, naturallyisfollowsmyWu Yuanto seek the bright futuretogether, butwemustbe clear about a matter, bigtempering under bigdifficult position, canreceive in exchange for the bigriches and honor, thereforeanyone of you, ifthinks that 1-2 years win promotion and get rich, Ithought that nowcanturn aroundto leave, the travel expensemyWu Yuanhelps.”吴鸢沉声道:“与其弄巧成拙,打草惊蛇,还不如慢慢来,我们来到这个历史渊源极其复杂的地方,诸位自然是跟随我吴鸢一起博取锦绣前程,但是我们必须清楚一件事情,大困境下的大磨砺,才能换取大富贵,所以你们谁要是想1-2就升官发财,我觉得现在就可以掉头走人了,路费我吴鸢帮忙出。”SixarticleMartial Secretary Officiallooksare firm and resolute, no onehas the thoughts that fears difficultiesto flinch.
六位文武秘书郎神色坚毅,无一人有畏难退缩的心思。Wu Yuansaidin a soft voice: „Is sure to remember,cannotbe irritablehandles affairs.”吴鸢轻声道:“切记切记,不可急躁行事。”Thisis notWu Yuantalks big empty talk, butis entering the small townshortly, heateoneto owestuffily, at that timeset out the Great Liofficial influence on suppressthatpurplesmokeriverQi Refiner, washisWu Yuanacts willfully, bravesby the risk of Imperial Courtaccountability, took action first and explained laterdecisively, triesto break the deadlockbythis, firstwon the Master Ruanfavorable impression, subsequentlypresses the small townfoursurnametenclanstaking advantage of the potential of Saint.
这绝非是吴鸢说大话空话,而是在进入小镇没多久,他就吃了一个闷亏,当时出动大骊官方势力镇压那位紫烟河练气士,是他吴鸢一意孤行,冒着被朝廷问责的风险,果断先斩后奏,试图以此打破僵局,先赢得阮师的好感,继而借圣人之势压一压小镇四姓十族。Factsshowed that sideYour Majesty Emperorhas not pursued the responsibility, was the response of SaintMaster Ruanat that time, makesWu Yuanstreaming with sweat, wishes one could a making an effortfanslap in the face.
事实证明皇帝陛下那边并未追责,可是当时圣人阮师的反应,却让吴鸢汗流浃背,恨不得使劲扇自己一耳光。Somepeopleaskedcuriously: „Theselose the peoplepunishmentdisciple, is usedto giveQi Refinerto work as the coolie , helping open the barren hill?”
The Wu Yuannodsaid: „In addition, the Imperial Courtofficialwill also makeQi Refinerurgetwoyounggold threadapesto come, in additionsaid the unloadingrangearmed soldier and quarrying a mountainpuppet who gatetalismansends, strivein ten years, openscompletelythat more than 60mountain tops, the Daoist templetemple, pavilions, have everything expected to find.”吴鸢点头道:“除此之外,朝廷官方还会让练气士驱使两头年幼金线猿过来,加上道门符箓派的卸岭甲士和开山傀儡,争取在十年之内,将那六十多座山头全部开辟出来,道观寺庙,亭台楼阁,应有尽有。”Wu Yuantheseyoungster, reveallost in thoughtcompletelytowarditcolor.吴鸢身边那些年轻人,全部流露出神往之色。That side the small town, the flat landhas the tall buildingeverywhere, in the remote mountain, are manydaoist immortalmansions.
小镇那边,处处平地起高楼,深山之中,多出一座座神仙府邸。Everyonesmiles, performsindoes not call the turn. Theyin the firstgroup of government officialsas the Great LiDragon Springs Countyhistory, were doomedto be written down the history, how darenotlustrengthconcentric, does not give loyalty to devote life toforpillarWu Yuan that to be doomedto have brilliant prospects?
The summit of Scattering Clouds Mountain, the foreheadhas the moledelicateyoungsterto wield the sleeveconveniently, the sea of clouds of halfway up the mountainsideopens outbyZuo You/about, looksstrongly, the line of sightend, presented an ox cartand a carriage.披云山之巅,眉心有痣的清秀少年随手一挥袖,半山腰的云海被左右拨开,竭力远望,视线尽头,出现了一辆牛车和一辆马车。Hesaid with a smilepleased: „Opensto bet the gambling. Qi Jingchun, I, ifthesegamblingwon, twozhuburning incense that thenyoumake extraordinary painstaking effortsto leave behind, mustcompletelycut off. Pitifulpitiful.”
The youngstertwofingerstwist a seal, the seal scriptis„the worldwinter jasmine”fourcharacters.
少年两根手指捻住一枚印章,篆文为“天下迎春”四个字。Smilingyoungstertwo fingerscatches upsuddenly, the sealcracks, changes to the fragmentpowder, dissipatesrapidlyin the world.
笑眯眯的少年双指骤然发力,印章崩裂,化作齑粉,迅速消散在天地间。Reason thatso the easy to docrumbseal, stems fromfourcharactertrue intent, such asdejected of person, disappointed, thereforehas dissipatedautomatically.
之所以如此轻而易举捏碎印章,源于其中四字真意,如人之心灰意冷,失望至极,故而早已自动消散。Hetakes back the line of sightrapidly, finallyseesoneat the back of the youngster of wicker basket, moves toward the small townalone.
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