The alreadyfivedayspass by, the setting sun in the western sky, Chen Ping'anreached the headpeak on thatgovernment authoritiesbrand-newmapfinally, thispeakin the surrounding areaindozensli (0.5 km), outshines others, towersintoto sayespecially,Chen Ping'anis eating a stiffdry/doescake, sitsin a peakoldloosenhorizontalon the trunk and branches outside cliff, the cool breezeis intermittent, sways the youngstertempleto send the silkrecklesslyto fly upwards.已经五天过去,夕阳西下,陈平安终于登上了那张官府崭新地图上的鳌头峰,此峰在方圆数十里之内,一枝独秀,格外耸立入云,陈平安啃着一张生硬的干饼,坐在峰顶一棵老松横出悬崖外的枝干上,清风阵阵,吹拂得少年鬓角发丝肆意飞扬。Wicker basketalreadywas placedunder the tree, Chen Ping'andid not havetocarrying the situation of wicker basketcrawlingtreebrave, beforeregardingmountain climbing, the youngstertreats as not a relaxedassignmentmanual labor, is always thinkingwith the tightOld Man Yaofootsteps, like the present, tireddid not stop the footsteps, the beautiful scenery of take a good lookdistant place. Moreoverlets the scenery that Chen Ping'anpraised to the heavens, beforewas the mountain that Great LiImperial Courtprohibited, the youngster can only followquietold manto make a detour, the headpeakwas one of them.
箩筐已经被放在树底下,陈平安还没有胆子大到背着箩筐爬树的地步,以前对于爬山一事,少年不过是当做一门并不轻松的差事活计,总是想着跟紧姚老头的脚步,不像现在,累了就停下脚步,好好看看远处的青山绿水。而且许多让陈平安叹为观止的风景,以前都属于大骊朝廷封禁的大山,少年只能跟着沉默寡言的老人绕道而行,鳌头峰就在此列。Thispasses through the mountainto pass through the water, the Chen Ping'anexperiencetomanystrangegrandpictures, has the overlappingwaterfallgroup, hangs up the smallrainbowafter the rain, the youngsterputs out a handto hugprobably, canbring back to the family treasureto hide. Hasbirdaccumulationten million/countlesssteepmountain cliff, grains of skewersin the same place, hang the snow whitecurtain screenonwallprobably. Has the dangerous mountain peak that only then a precipitoustrailcanreach, marches into a Dashipingfinallysuddenly, the field of visionsuddenly sees the light, making one unable to bearturn very quiet, at night the youngsterputs on a clothing, backs on the wicker basketto go offobscurely, as ifcanhearheavens aboveImmortalmutteredwhispers.
这一路走过山走过水,陈平安见识到很多陌生的壮丽画面,有层层叠叠的瀑布群,在雨后挂起小小的彩虹,少年好像伸手一搂,就能带回家珍藏起来。有千万飞鸟聚集的陡峭山崖,一粒粒串在一起,像是挂在墙壁上的雪白帘子。有只有一条险峻小径可以登顶的险峰,最后蓦然步入一座大石坪,视野豁然开朗,让人忍不住屏住呼吸,夜间少年披上一件衣衫,背靠箩筐昏昏睡去,仿佛可以听到天上仙人的喃喃低语。Climbs mountains and crosses riversthreedayslater, Chen Ping'anarrives atGraceful Spirit Mountain that Master Ruansaidfinally, the northwesttwodirections, are away fromroughly more than tenli (0.5 km)road, hasRaising Lamp MountainandFlat Lance Peakrespectively, presents the potential of attacking from a pincer-like positionwithgodXiufeng, sets up a sidelikethreegiantsrespectively.
跋山涉水又三天后,陈平安终于来到阮师傅所说的神秀山,西北两个方向,隔着约莫十余里路,各有挑灯山和横槊峰,与神秀峰呈现出掎角之势,如同三尊巨人各立一方。According toMap Display, inhundredli (0.5 km)aroundthispeaktwomountains, is standing erect the every large or smallfivemountain tops, smallhas the colorcloud peak and immortalgrassy hill, otherrespectivelyarebigwickstage, yellowHushan and valuablelumountain. Before Chen Ping'anarrives atGraceful Spirit Mountain, went to the immortalgrassy hillandyellowHushan, the immortalgrassy hillis only bigger than True Pearl Mountainonplans, althoughappearance of the mountainshort and small, but the vegetationis especially luxuriant, lofty treequite a lot, as foryellowHushan, shouldbebecause the halfway up the mountainsidehas a reason of smalllake, the farviewlake wateryellowing, nearlylooked that is also quite limpid, butbesidesthissmall lake, Chen Ping'anthought that compared withGraceful Spirit Mountain of under foot, yellowHushanmustmissmany.
按照地图显示,在这一峰两山周围百里之内,矗立着大大小小五座山头,小的有彩云峰和仙草山,其余分别是较大的灯芯台、黄湖山和宝箓山。陈平安来到神秀山之前,去过其中的仙草山和黄湖山,仙草山只比真珠山大上一筹,虽然山势矮小,但是草木格外茂盛,参天大树颇多,至于黄湖山,应该是因为半山腰有一座小湖泊的缘故,远观湖水泛黄,近看又极为清澈,只不过除了这座小湖之外,陈平安觉得比起脚下的神秀山,黄湖山要差很多。Chen Ping'anthenspent the entirefourdays of time, shakesaroundGraceful Spirit MountainFlat Lance Peak, finallydesignated the three mountainspeak.陈平安接下来花了整整四天时间,在神秀山横槊峰周围晃悠,最终选定了三座山峰。
The immortalgrassy hill, the valuablelumountain and colorcloud peak, the immortalgrassy hillis small, valuablelumountainbig, the colorcloud peakis high.
仙草山,宝箓山和彩云峰,仙草山小,宝箓山大,彩云峰高。And the valuablelumountainmakesChen Ping'antime-consumingmost, reallyclouddeep the lasting forever, in the middle ofmanymountain tops that Chen Ping'anpasses through, the scaleis next toScattering Clouds MountainandGraceful Spirit Mountain. HoweverChen Ping'ansomewhatwonders, the valuablelumountain is so big a domain, close toFlat Lance Peak, moreoverChen Ping'an of cultivatedlayman, canfeelthismountain topbeautiful scenery, why doesn't Master Ruandiscard the Dengshanchoicetreasurelumountain?
其中宝箓山让陈平安耗时最多,真可谓云深山高水长,在陈平安走过的诸多山头当中,规模仅次于披云山和神秀山。不过陈平安有些纳闷,宝箓山这么大一块地盘,又临近横槊峰,况且就连修行门外汉的陈平安,也能感受到这座山头的山清水秀,阮师傅为何不舍弃点灯山选择宝箓山?Chen Ping'an estimated that the three mountainshead that oneselfselect, will spend45Zuo You/aboutAuric Essence Copper Coinprobably, the remaining36copper coin, True Pearl Mountainwill definitely use upwelcoming spring money, but also is left overenough35, enoughmakesChen Ping'anmake a moveto buyGreat Mountaintopsin the true senseextravagantly! After allMaster Ruanhas said that dryQuanshanlineage/vein, burning incensemountainandGraceful Spirit Mountainlike thisgreatmountain, butis25to30Auric Essence Copper Coin.陈平安估算了一下,自己选中的三座山头,大概会花费四十五颗左右的金精铜钱,剩下三十六颗铜钱,真珠山必然会用掉一枚迎春钱,还剩下足足三十五颗,足够让陈平安出手阔绰地买下一座真正意义上的大山头!毕竟阮师傅说过,就连枯泉山脉、香火山和神秀山这样的一等一大山,不过是二十五到三十枚金精铜钱。Master Ruanalsoleaks the secret, said that in the futureinthissurrounding areathousand li (500 km), Great LiImperial Courtmeets the imperial edictto sealmountainGreat God, threeMountain God, withRiver God, Ruan Xiuhad also once explainednext dayin detail, so-calledMountain God, isImperial CourtMinistry of RitesYamenselects a rightcandidate, canbein the place the renownedhistorical figure, canbe the meritoriousmilitary commander who died in battle dead for one's country, thenEmperorGreat LiapprovesrespectDianweiMountain God, officiallyreads in the mountains and riversgenealogywith a specialred ink brush, burning incenseholds a memorial service for the ritualfinishing, the implicationmakes the emperor of the world as the generationday, alreadyinformson the god, generally speakingevenfinished up.阮师傅还泄露天机,说将来在这方圆千里以内,大骊朝廷会敕封一尊山岳大神,三位山神,和一位河神,对此阮秀第二天也曾详细解释过,所谓山神,就是朝廷礼部衙门选出一位合适人选,可以是地方上著名的历史人物,也可以是战死殉国的功勋武将,然后大骊皇帝认可钦点为山神,以一枝特殊朱笔正式写入山河谱牒,一番焚香祭奠礼毕,寓意是作为代天巡狩人间的天子,已经告知上神,一般而言就算完事了。Lateris the imperial observatorymakesgold/metalQuanyu the spy, hands overwrites the imperial edictarticlebyImperial Teacher, sends peopleto buryin the foot. Finally is to make the government authoritiesask the personto mold a golden bodyclay figure,
之后不过是钦天监制造出金券玉谍,交由国师亲笔书写敕文,派人埋于山脚。最后才是让官府请人塑造一尊金身泥像,Consecratesin the Mountain Godtemple, thatMountain Godis entitledto enjoycommon peopleburning incensefrankly and uprightly, the life that sheltersmountainous region, suppresses, vanquishesorexpelsvariousgroup of border crossingghosts and demonsYin thing. Chen Ping'andid not expectGraceful Spirit Mountainnearbythree mountainshead that oneselfdesignate, canpresentMountain Godto assume personal command , helping guard the family, butplacesthatto spendonmanyGreat Mountaintops the hope, then, the mainfamily propertyin 300 years, obtains the asylum of Master Ruan, far away from that alonemountain of thisplace, ifcaninviteMountain God, without doubtwill makeChen Ping'anfeel relieved.
供奉于山神庙,那位山神有资格光明正大地享受百姓香火,庇护一山地界的生灵,镇压、降伏或是驱逐各路越境的鬼魅阴物。陈平安不奢望自己选定的神秀山附近三座山头,能够出现一位山神坐镇,帮忙看家护院,而是把希望放在那座花钱最多的大山头上,如此一来,主要家业在300年内,得到阮师傅的庇护,远离此地的那座孤零零大山,若是能请来一位山神,无疑会让陈平安放心许多。As foronlyvaluewelcoming spring moneysmallmound of earthTrue Pearl Mountain, it is estimated thatexcept forChen Ping'an, no onecan have a liking.
至于只值一枚迎春钱的小土包真珠山,估计除了陈平安,没有谁看得上。Chen Ping'ansitsonsummit of colorcloud peakbigrock cliffat this time, before the body , the boothis putting the brand-newGreat LiDragon Springsituation map, youngsteralreadyremembersthoroughly cookedthesemountainnames and geographical positions, is unable to set firm resolve, purchaselastmountain top.陈平安此时坐在彩云峰之巅的大石崖上,身前摊放着崭新的大骊龙泉形势图,少年已经将那些大山名称和地理位置记得烂熟,仍是无法下定决心,购买最后一座山头。Straw sandalyoungsterboth handssupportcheek, the browtightwrinkle, the bodyswaygently.
草鞋少年双手托住腮帮,眉头紧皱,身体轻轻前后摇晃。Train of thoughtgodYou Wanli of youngster.
少年的思绪神游万里。Bought the mountain to makeanything, Chen Ping'anactuallylacked self-confidenceat heart.
买了山又能做什么,陈平安其实心里没底。So long asthinks for 300years, oneself are always thatfivemountainnominalmasters, thisonalreadyis a veryhappymatter.
但只要一想到三百年里,自己始终是那五座山名义上的主人,这本身就已经是一件很幸福的事情。Canfirsttake a wife, gets married and begins a career, laterpasses to the children, the childrenwill pass totheirchildrenin the futureagain.
可以先娶个媳妇,成家立业,以后传给子女,子女将来再传给他们的子女。Originallytaking a wifeincident, althoughis not the urgent matter, butalsoneedsto consider.
原来娶媳妇一事,虽然不是当务之急,但也需要考虑考虑了啊。Thinks ofhere, Chen Ping'an that hehelaughs foolishlygets back one's composuresuddenly, is somewhat embarrassed.
一想到这里,呵呵傻笑的陈平安猛然回神,有些难为情。Chen Ping'angoesbackwardbut actually, somewhatgets sleepy, wantsto narrowa while, has not knownhow long, after opening eyes, Chen Ping'anbigsuch asfightsimmediately, can oneselfin have a dreamnowin broad daylight?陈平安向后倒去,有些犯困,就想要眯一会儿,不知道过了多久,睁眼后,陈平安顿时头大如斗,自己如今在大白天也能做梦?Originallythisisthird time, bumped intothatwhite clothingperson.
原来这是自己第三次,撞见那位白衣人了。Onetimeoncovered bridge, a stone bridgearched bridgebottom, in additionthistimeinsummit.
一次在廊桥上,一次在石拱桥底,加上这次在山巅。Bathes the tallwhite clothingpersoninsnow whiteray, thesesits cross-leggedto sittime, from a Chen Ping'antwozhang (3.33 m)distance, butChen Ping'anis unable to see clearly the appearance of opposite party.
沐浴在雪白光芒之中的高大白衣人,这一次盘腿而坐,距离陈平安不过两丈距离,可是陈平安偏偏无法看清对方的容貌。Chen Ping'anthought that alwaysfeels alarmed and anxiousis not a matter, is strong the courage, the cautiousopens the mouthsaid: „Old seniors......”陈平安觉得总这么担惊受怕也不是个事,壮起胆子,小心翼翼开口道:“老前辈……”
When the Chen Ping'annextquarterfeelinglooks like the youngsterwas flungbyox tailon the face, burningsore.陈平安下一刻感觉就像是少年时被牛尾巴甩在脸上,一阵火辣辣疼。If the dreamawakensgeneralChen Ping'anto sitsuddenlysets out, discoveredoneselfsitin the originalposition, look around, is not unusual, buton the side oftracing the cheeks, really are still actually hurting.
The youngsterbreak the head unable to think through the reason, mustscratch the headat a loss.
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