After Ruan Xiuruns back the blacksmithshop, discoversunder the eave, only thenfathersitson the bamboochair, hands overthatpotliquor, thenoneselfsitonanotherchair, „does father, youfinish talking the matter?”阮秀跑回铁匠铺子后,发现檐下只有父亲一人坐在竹椅上,将那壶酒递过去,然后自己坐在另外一张椅子上,“爹,你们谈完事情啦?”Ruan Qiongturns on the wine pot, does not needto drink, butsmelledsmelling, someheadaches, are the peach blossomspringdo not burnfalse, but the superiorpeach blossoms of thiswhereneed22moneyspring the fever, clearlyonlyneeds the most inexpensivespringfever of eightmoneymoneypots, the Ruan Qiongcorner of the eyesplit visionglimpsesdaughter that has a guilty conscience, both handsis twisting the lower hem corner, the line of sightkeeps on vacillating, clearlyis afraid itselfto revealher, Ruan Qiongsighedin the heart, mustpretend that anythinghad not discovered, raised headto fillliquor, was really a lot ofdepressedaggrieved, the mansaidslowly: „Finished talking, discussedalsogood, thenme makes one go to the kilnserviceyamen, foundthatGreat LiofficialnamedWu Yuan, after it is estimated thatwith the new and oldtwomountainssituation maps, Chen Ping'anhas gotten back one's composure, will comewithmeto beg.”阮邛打开酒壶,不用喝,只是嗅了嗅,就有些头疼,是桃花春烧不假,可这哪里需要二两银子的上等桃花春烧,分明是只需要八钱银子一壶的最廉价春烧,阮邛眼角余光瞥见做贼心虚的自家闺女,双手拧着衣角,视线游移不定,分明在害怕自己揭穿她,阮邛在心中叹了口气,只得假装什么都没有发现,仰头灌了一口酒,真是一肚子郁闷憋屈,男人缓缓道:“谈完了,谈得还行,回头我让人去窑务衙署,找到那个叫吴鸢的大骊官员,拿新旧两份山川形势图,估计陈平安回过神后,会来跟我讨要。”Ruan Xiufelt relieved, is smilingone, the both legsgatheredstretches out, extendedto stretchcomfortablygreatly, by thatsmallbamboochairsmoothcoolchairback.阮秀如释重负,笑着哦了一声,双腿并拢直直伸出,舒舒服服伸了个大懒腰,靠在那张小竹椅光滑清凉的椅背上。Ruan Qiongthinksoneselfmustopen up the perspectivehere, everything is difficult to do at very beginning, the signis good, moodalsogoodseveralpoints, saidrarelyChen Ping'anword of praise, „Mud Vase Lanethatboy, the temperturns over tosimplysimply, is actually not stupid.”阮邛想到自己就要在这里打开局面,万事开头难,兆头不错,心情也就好了几分,难得说了陈平安一句好话,“泥瓶巷那小子,性子简单归简单,其实不蠢的。”Ruan Xiusaid with a smilehappily: „Father, thatcalledwise often appear slow-witted, didn't know?”阮秀开心笑道:“爹,那叫大智若愚,晓得不?”Ruan Qionghehesmiles, has not saidanything.阮邛呵呵一笑,没说什么。
The menin the unstated criticism, Iknowwise often appear slow-witted of hammerat heart.
男人只是在心里腹诽,我晓得个锤子的大智若愚。Ruan Qionglooks at the small stream of distant place, two fingersis gripping the wine potneck, swaysgently, „somewords, the father not convenientspoke franklywithhim, so as to avoidhewantsto think the branch, insteadoutsmarted oneself, tomorrowyouare seeinghim, you.”阮邛望着远方的小溪,双指握住酒壶脖子,轻轻摇晃,“有些话,爹不方便跟他直说,免得他想多想岔,反而弄巧成拙,明儿你见着他,你来说。”Ruan Xiuaskedcuriously: „Whatmatter?”阮秀好奇问道:“啥事?”
The Ruan Qiongsilentmoment, carried the wine potto drinksmallstrong liquor, thissaid: „Youtoldhim,Dragon Spine Mountaindo not expect, even if some people of Five Upper Boundariesdo not have the rootfoot, not necessarilydaresto openthismouth, thenbigDragon Beheading Platform, Wind and Snow TempleandTrue Martial Mountainmade a bigeffort, in additionfather'spresentstatus, atereluctantly, this manypeopleare also jealousin secret, hideinclench jawssecretlysecretly. Naturally, youdo not needto explain that withChen Ping'anthesecurvedcurvesay/way, direct and plainspokenexplainswithhim, Dragon Spine Mountaindoes not needto think. IsthisGreat LiImperial Courtlow pricetrades the mountain peakagain, after allaltogether more than 60, hisChen Ping'anare most can only buyfivemountain tops, are many, I am also very difficultto protecthimandhismountain topam complete. Third, the fatheralsojustset firm resolve, mustwithGreat Lidemand that three mountainsfocusing onGraceful Spirit Mountain, youletChen Ping'anexamines the situation map the time, pays attentionGraceful Spirit Mountain, Raising Lamp Mountain and Flat Lance Peakperipheralbig or smallmountain top, the fatheris not the unreasonableperson, will not makehimput up the cashto buycompletelyin the , onlyneededhimto put outhalfAuric Essence Copper Coinenough. On the other hand, ifhereallyintelligent, buyssomemountain topsregardingyour father'stwomountainpeaks, is the proper way. Finally, you can also tellhim, ifcanleave behindseveralcopper coin, buysseveralshopsin the small town, it is estimated thatwill then havemanygoodshops to hand over, becausehas the small towngateway of relations outside, mustmovemostly, therefore the priceis definitely inexpensive, supportingis a copper coin.”阮邛沉默片刻,拎起酒壶喝了一小口烈酒,这才说道:“你就跟他说,龙脊山别奢望了,哪怕一些个没有根脚的上五境之人,也未必敢开这个口,那么大一块斩龙台,风雪庙和真武山花了不小力气,加上爹如今的身份,才勉强吃了下来,这还有不少人暗中眼红,躲在幕后偷偷咬牙切齿呢。当然,你不用跟陈平安解释这些弯弯道道,直截了当跟他说明白,龙脊山不用多想。再就是此次大骊朝廷低价贩卖山峰,毕竟总共才六十多座,他陈平安最多只能买下五座山头,再多,我也很难护住他和他的山头周全。第三,爹也是刚刚下定决心,要跟大骊索要以神秀山为主的三座山,你让陈平安查看形势图的时候,留心一下神秀山、挑灯山和横槊峰周边的大小山头,爹不是不讲道理的人,不会让他全部砸钱买在附近,只需要他拿出半数金精铜钱就够了。话说回来,如果他真的聪明,多买一些山头围绕你爹的两山一峰,才是正途。最后呢,你还可以告诉他,如果能留下几颗铜钱,就在小镇买几间铺子,估计接下来会有很多不错的铺子要转手,因为很多在外边有关系的小镇门户,多半要迁出去,所以价格肯定不贵,撑死了就是一颗铜钱。”
The Ruan Xiuexploratory natureasked: „Father, oryougiving on new yearsshopbuying? Mythattwobags of copper coin, were not you give to receive, youfirstgave back tomyone, one, how?”阮秀试探性问道:“爹,要不你把压岁铺子给买下来呗?我那两袋铜钱,不是你给收起来了嘛,你先还给我一颗,就一颗,如何?”Ruan Qiongair/Qifalse smilesay/way: „Fatheraccumulatescopper coin, do not think, urgingyourwithout delayto lose heart. Right, youcanmakeChen Ping'anpick pockets, nowheis the person of great wealth in oursmall town.”阮邛气皮笑肉不笑道:“爹这边攒着的铜钱,你就别想了,劝你赶紧死心。对了,你可以让陈平安掏腰包嘛,现在他才是我们小镇的大财主。”Ruan Xiusaidwithout hesitation: „Thathow to walk, hemaybe poor, more than tentwomoneymustborrow.”阮秀毫不犹豫道:“那怎么行,他可穷了,十几两银子都要跟人借。”
The Ruan Qiongcorners of the mouthtwitch, reallycould not bear, turns the headto ask: „, Father'smoneyis notmoney, hisChen Ping'an?”阮邛嘴角抽搐,实在忍不住了,转头问道:“哦,爹的钱不是钱,就他陈平安是啊?”Ruan Xiuhehesaid with a smile: „Iwithhimam not ripe.”阮秀嘿嘿笑道:“我跟他不是不熟嘛。”
A Ruan Qiongalmostoldbloodspurts, isn't thisripe? It is not ripeyou to be drunkthistype of rottenliquorbyownfatheragainst one's conscience, thenlines one's purse, tolend moneytothatbastard? daughteryouthought that manyripeis ripe? Ruan Qiongfilled the tasteaverageLiquorruthlessly,阮邛差点一口老血喷出来,这还不熟?不熟你能昧着良心让自己爹喝这种烂酒,然后中饱私囊,就为了借钱给那王八蛋?闺女你觉得到底多熟才算熟?阮邛狠狠灌了口滋味平平的烧酒,Stands up, „the fathers who shouldsayin any case said that yourselfselectsomethreads of conversation, tomorrowwill saytoChen Ping'an.” The manstridedeparts, actuallywantsalsoto knowwith the buttocks,shouldsay, should notsay, daughterwill saytomorrow.
站起身,“反正该说的爹都说了,你自己拣选一些话头,明天跟陈平安说去。”男人大步离去,其实用屁股想也知道,该说的,不该说的,闺女明天都会说的。Ruan Qiongmore is more aggrieved, daughtercould not scold, thatcarried the smallhoeto dig the brat in corner, could not hit, the manhasto scold a motherin a low voice, took a walk the everywhereunmannedopen area, discardingthatwas only difficultto drinkalsodrinksspatialwine potlight/only, the figurerose straight from the ground, in a flash, thenfellon the small townsold the shopentrance that the peach blossomspringburnt, at this timeshopalreadytook certainly a breakto go out of business, hemade an effortto knock on a door, quickhad a womanhave a drowsy lookto get out of bedto open the doorfrom the backyard, on the mouthwas foul-mouthed, anything„courting deathreincarnationand „ the greater part of the nightis drinkinganxiously”, howyoudid not drink the urine, has not spent. ”, „Daresto knock the widowdoorin the evening, did not fear that the old ladybreaksyourthreelegs”, is impolite.阮邛越想越憋屈,闺女骂不得,那个扛着小锄头刨墙角的兔崽子,打不得,男人只好低声骂了句娘,散步到了四下无人的空地,扔掉那只再难喝也喝光的空酒壶,身形拔地而起,转瞬之间,便落在了小镇卖桃花春烧的铺子门口,此时铺子当然已经打烊歇业,他使劲敲门,很快就有一位妇人睡眼惺忪地从后院起床开门,嘴上骂骂咧咧,什么“急着找死投胎”、“大半夜喝酒,你怎么不喝尿啊,还不花钱”,“敢晚上敲寡妇门,不怕老娘打断你三条腿”,一点不客气。Ruan Qiongstandsin the entrance, the complexionis gloomy, wordlessly.阮邛站在门口,脸色阴沉,一言不发。
After seeingisMaster Ruan of blacksmithshop, the womantaking advantage of the moonlight, hacked a middle-aged guymuscletightarm, immediatelychanged a face, the coquettish looklike the silk, incomparablyholds on the manarmwarmly, is really hardlike the iron, the prolonged droughtmeets the timely rainwomansmilling expressionto be even more earnest, showing the waytime, staggersmustthrow downin the manbosom, only the manpuzzledcharacter and style of hammering, supportshershoulderpitifullygently, finallyhethrows downmoney, tooktwopotliquorto departon the stride.
The womenstandin the entrance, the whole faceridicule, the bigintonationsaid with a smile: „Okay a vigorous and healthyman, finallywith a surnamebirdtype! The softmaster, Master Ruan, laterdoes not come to the my familyshopto buy the liquor, butmustreceiveyourdoubleprices! IfMaster Ruanwhichday of backwere unafraid, perhapsIdo not receiveoncoins, the liquordrinkswhite/in vain, personwhiteShui.”
妇人站在门口,满脸讥讽,大声调笑道:“好好一个健壮汉子,结果跟姓氏一个鸟样!软师傅,哦不,阮师傅,以后再来我家铺子买酒,可要收你双倍价钱喽!如果阮师傅哪天腰杆硬了,我说不定就一文钱也不收了,酒白喝,人白睡。”Ruan Qiongcomes to the streetendindifferently, the figureflashes, has not returned tosouth the small townshop, butwent tonorth, before arriving at a hill .阮邛一路漠然走到街道尽头,身形一闪,没有返回小镇南边的铺子,而是去了北面,来到一座小山之前。Performingis the brokenporcelain, piled up.
尽是碎瓷,堆积成山。Places of outside Ruan Qionginbeing away fromthishillthreeten steps, found a placeto sit cross-leggedto sitcasually.阮邛在距离这座小山三十步外的地方,随便找了个地方盘腿而坐。
A voiceresoundsinnot far away, „is so skillful, youalso.”
一个嗓音在不远处响起,“这么巧,你也在。”Ruan Qiongnods, throwspotliquor.阮邛点点头,丢过去一壶酒。old manreceived the liquor, thought over, said: „Thislittle whilegoes to the Widow Liushopto buy the liquor, ismenmusteat the pointto owe.”老人接过酒,掂量了一下,啧啧道:“这会儿去刘寡妇铺子买酒,是个男人都得吃点亏。”Ruan Qiongis not certainly willingto chatthis, butasked: „Yangold gentleman, newoversees the manufacture ofofficerWu Yuanyoungster, whereissacred, Icannot see the depth, in the surfaceactuallywith the average mannotdifferent.”阮邛当然不愿意聊这个,而是问道:“杨老先生,新任督造官吴鸢身边的少年,到底是何方神圣,我看不出深浅,表面上倒是与常人无异。”old manYang Family shopOld Man Yang, drank a liquor, „statusunknown, but the proverbsaidwell, futurebadgooddoes not come, is right?”老人正是杨家铺子的杨老头,喝了口酒,“身份未知,但老话说得好,来者不善善者不来,对不对啊?”
After Old Man Yangspokethese words, thenraises headto lookwith a smile.杨老头说完这句话后,便笑着仰头望去。
The summit of porcelainmountain, the azure garmentsyoungster, both handsgathers together the sleeveto stand, the foreheadhas the mole, the smilespring breeze.
The youth'stake outonly one handfrom the sleeve, swungswinging, „passing through the gatefirstshouted the person, entered the templefirstto worship. Iunderstand the custom, the foresightcrossedMaster Ruan, seesYang, onetiquettecannot pick up the problem.”
少年从袖子里抽出一只手,摇了摇,“进门先喊人,入庙先拜神。我是懂规矩的,先见过了阮师,又来见杨老,礼数上挑不出毛病。”Old Man Yanghas not continuedto drink, does not know where looked for a string, ishangs the wine potin the waist, smoked a tobacco smoked dry, said with a smile: „Walks into the mountainintoZe, the talisman drawingshock and awe. Does not knowwhatyoudrawisghosttalisman drawing, is the daoist immortalsymbol?”杨老头没继续喝酒,不知哪里找了根绳子,把酒壶系挂在腰间,抽了口旱烟,笑道:“进山入泽,画符震慑。只是不知道你画的是鬼画符,还是神仙符啊?”
The youngsterreceive the hand, the bodyslightlyleans forward, beaming said: „No matter how YangandMaster Ruanmisunderstand, in brief my timevisits and ensure aftertwohave greeted, no longerhas happening together. Un, ifreallyhas, perhapsis onlyestablishment of City God Pavilion, temporarilyis I am responsible, will touch on slightlywithtwoslightly, as forwhatProsperous Culture PavilionMartial Saint Temple, I may be unable to manage, I can only manage a tinysizeCity God Pavilion.”
少年收起手,身体微微前倾,笑眯眯道:“不管杨老和阮师如何误会,总之我此次登门,保证跟两位打过招呼之后,就不再有交集了。嗯,如果说真有,恐怕就只是城隍阁的建立,暂时是我负责,会稍稍跟两位沾边,至于什么文昌阁武圣庙,我可管不着,我就只管得着一座芝麻绿豆大小的城隍阁。”In the viewaccording totownwork places, in a districtboundary, county magistrateplenary powersjurisdictionallworld of the livingbusiness, as forthatkeeping aloofclay sculpturehonored city god, will be responsible forstaring is actually governing the nextnightandYin thing.
按照市井坊间的说法,一县地界之内,县令全权管辖所有阳间事务,至于那尊高高在上的泥塑城隍爷,其实会负责盯着治下夜间和阴物。Master Ruanwrinkles the brow, is the Great LiImperial CourtMinistry of Ritesconsecrates? Qi Refiner of imperial observatory?阮师皱紧眉头,是大骊朝廷的礼部供奉?还是钦天监的练气士?Howeverregardless of the rootfootinMinistry of Ritesandimperial observatory, isin the Great Liimperial palacesomewhere, sincecanstandin the summit of porcelainmountainbold, are definitely least is also Tenth Floorcultivator that standsin the Five Middle Boundarieshighest place.
不过无论根脚是在礼部、钦天监,还是在大骊皇宫的某处,既然能够这么胆大包天地站在瓷山之巅,肯定最少也是一位站在中五境最高处的十楼修士。Thereforethisyoungsterdefinitelyis not a youngster.
The foreheadseemscinnabardelicatecultivator, looks atOld Man Yang saying: „old gentleman, gives forewarning, drivesten thousandyears of shipcarefully.”
眉心好似一点朱砂的清秀修士,看着杨老头说道:“老先生,有言在先,小心驶得万年船啊。”Old Man Yangmade an effortto smoketobacco smoked dry, finallyactuallyonlyput outwisp of extremelyslendersmog, andinquicksilentdissipationworld.杨老头使劲抽了一口旱烟,最后却只吐出一缕极其纤细的烟雾,并且很快无声无息消散天地间。
The cultivatorboth handsas beforecage of seeminglydelicateyoungsterinsleeve, but the sleeve cuffmoves slightly, heseems likeintenfingerspinches finger joints with the thumb.
貌似清秀少年的修士双手依旧笼在袖中,只是袖口微动,他像是在十指掐诀。Ruan Qiongsighedlayer on layer/heavily, „lookedinmyface, twostopped there, otherwise was ourtangled warfare, difficultto be inadequatereallymustbeatthissurrounding areathousand li (500 km)?”阮邛重重叹了口气,“看在我的面子上,两位就此作罢,要不然我们三人混战,难不成真要打烂这方圆千里?”
The youngsterboth handsleave the sleeveimmediately, holds uphigh, has the suspicion of trimming one's sailsvery much, saidgrinningly: „Ido not have the issue.”
The Old Man Yangnoseattracts, the blue and purplehaze that twowispsare not easyto detectflies into the old mannoserapidly.杨老头鼻子一吸,两缕不易察觉的青紫烟气迅速飞入老人鼻子。old mansneers saying: „Youknowmuch.”老人冷笑道:“你知道不少啊。”
The youngsterput out a handto pinchholding one's nose, „was nothing more or lesswas just good, for exampleIonlyknow that shouldcallyoutoazure...... bigMister, rather thanwhatYangold gentleman.”
The youngsterleft out a characterintentionally.
It is not the jokeor the interest, the moment of butinthatcharactersoonblurting out, hisheartfelt feeling the old mankillingintent, was firmanddecisive, thereforehechoosesmakes concessionstemporarilyonestep.
After youngsterbody, face upwardsinverted/fallgoes, says with a smile: „Said goodbye, wantedto have nothingto say goodbye, the broad highway, the single-plank bridge, was a Gate of Death, walkedrespectivelyvarious, revealedDivine Abilityrespectively.”
The azure garmentsyoungster who poursbackwarddoes not see the signs.
向后倒去的青衫少年不见踪迹。Ruan Qiongsinkingsound said: „May beFive Upper Boundaries!”阮邛沉声道:“有可能是上五境!”Old Man Yangscoffsto say with a smile: „Making much ado about nothing, yourRuan Qiongis notFive Upper Boundaries. EasternTreasure Bottle Continentis small, that is also one of the nine continents, don'tsaid that is11tensecond floor, 13buildingQi Refiner, has the opportunityto crop up.”杨老头嗤笑道:“大惊小怪,你阮邛不也是上五境。东宝瓶洲再小,那也是九洲之一,莫说是十一十二楼,十三楼练气士,也不是没机会冒头。”Ruan Qiongis not relaxed, shakes the head saying: „Iascend11buildingsafter allinitially, realmnot yetstably, althoughis the School of Militaryfamily background, but alsocalculates that is good atattacking the say/way, the technique of close quarters fighting, but......”阮邛心情并不轻松,摇头道:“我毕竟只是初登十一楼,境界尚未稳固,虽然是兵家出身,还算擅长攻伐之道,厮杀之术,可……”old manassumes an air of self approbation, turns aroundto depart, grasps the smokepole, smokes like a chimney, „youare content, worldcultivatorfar more thanten million/countless, Tenth Floorcultivatorisextremely rare, let aloneisFive Upper Boundaries. In the final analysis, actuallyyoudreadthatperson, thatpersonis dreadingyou. The chinawarehits the jade carving, you twoactuallyafraid.”老人摇头晃脑,转身离去,手持烟杆,吞云吐雾,“你就知足吧,世间修士何止千万,十楼修士就已是凤毛麟角,何况是上五境。说到底,其实你忌惮那人,那人何尝不在忌惮你。瓷器撞玉器,你们两个其实都心虚的。”Ruan Qiongthinks is also, originallyis not the temper of making things more difficult than necessary, no longerhaggles overhistory of thatstrangeyoungstersimply, both sidescanwell water not interfering with river waterbebest, friendly disposition leads to wealth.阮邛想想也是,本就不是钻牛角的性子,干脆不再计较那个奇怪少年的来历,双方能够井水不犯河水是最好,和气生财。
, The Ruan Qiongfigureshoots up to the skyloudly, after sea of clouds, fallsswiftly and violentlyto the streambank.
轰然一声,阮邛身形冲天而起,到了云海之后,迅猛坠向溪畔。Swaysto return toOld Man Yang of small townto smileslowly, „youngred-blooded.”
--azure garmentsyoung manwalksinsmall townalley, whispered: „Nightbanshas, the night watchmanmusthave, the downtown streets must have, having a hundred things to do, ourcounty magistrateSirsomewere busy.”
The foreheadhas the moledelicateyoungsterto point atrevolvesgentlyonebunch of old-fashionedkeys, walks intoalleynamedErlang Lane, itnext toAlmond Blossom Lane, handing downis the ancestorhas hadtwoextraordinaryfiercecharacters, but who is, madeanything, no onecould say, gradually, becamein years pastunder the old locust treetree, old manmysterioussubject.
眉心有痣的清秀少年手指轻轻旋转一串老旧钥匙,走入一条名叫二郎巷的巷弄,它紧挨着杏花巷,相传是祖上出过两位了不得的厉害人物,不过到底是谁,做了什么,没人说得出来,久而久之,就又成了昔年老槐树底下,老人们故弄玄虚的谈资。Now the old locust treetreeonebut actually, the popularity of small townall of a suddenis probably thin. The childrenfeelingsare not profound, youngsterinsteadfeels the field of visionto be open, are in vain many a bigstretch of open area, good, old man that only thenremembers past timeswill keep sighingoccasionally. Erlang LaneandAlmond Blossom Lanehave not been occupied by the very richwealthy families, butfalls short of the best, has more than enough to sparecompared withbelow, for exampleMud Vase Lanenearbycommon people, seethesetwoalleypeople, mostlycannot raise the head, Grandma MaandgrandsonMa KuxuanlivesinAlmond Blossom Lane, in the small townis the family circumstancesverygood.
The youngsterstopin a houseentrance, on the front doorpasted ontwobrand-newcolored drawing on potteryGate God, the youngsterlooked upsilver armorGate God that grasped the shorthalberd, powerful, turned upwards, the standing on one leg, made the look of wrathshape, the youngstersaid with a smile: „Brocadeclothesreturns home, was mediocre.”
The youngsteropen the doorto enter, isactuallyfinehouse, the top of the headopens an uprightcourtyard a notgreatly, the groundchisels a basin, ventilatesexcellently, second flooris equipped with the beautiful womanto depend, suits the night of viewstarwinterto enjoy the snow. The youngsterare very satisfied, are talking overwellgood, isgoodplace that practices moral cultureto cultivate vital energy.
The youngstermoved a carving flowerwooden chair, sitsby the basin, shook the sleeves, crash-bang, fallsbigpile of shatterchinawares, bigsuch asfistsmalllikegrain of rice, countless. Finallychock full, it is estimated that a wicker basketcannot install, completelyfloatsky over the basin under courtyard.
少年搬了一张雕花木椅,坐在水池旁边,抖了抖衣袖,哗啦啦,滑落出一大堆破碎瓷器,大如拳头小如米粒,不计其数。最后满满当当,估计一箩筐也装不下,全部悬浮在天井下的水池上空。This, isworthy of the reputationcosmos inside the sleeve.
这一手,是名副其实的袖有乾坤。YoungsterZuo You/aboutlooked around, rubbed the forehead, thought aloud: „Wherestarts?”
少年左右张望,揉了揉眉心,自言自语道:“从哪里开始呢?”„You.”Finally a grain of deep redbrokenporcelain that hepicks the most perforatedreason, the intentionmoves slightly, itthengrazesfrom the porcelainpile, stopspeacefullyinin the airhisbodypreviousfoot away.
“就你了。”最后他相中最有眼缘的一粒枣红色碎瓷,心意微动,它便从瓷堆里飞掠而出,安静停在他身前一尺外的空中。Later, has the brokenporcelainto departfromthathillunceasingly, before arriving at the youngsterbody, thenbyhisgentlylaying asidesomewhere.
之后,不断有碎瓷从那座小山飞出,来到少年身前,然后被他轻轻放置在某处。Probablyis piecing together a chinaware.
--Next day, in the blacksmithshop, Ruan Xiugives the Chen Ping'antwomaps, oneold, the paperyellowing, on the map the mountain rangefluctuates, but the mountain topname is armorone, Bthird-class, butstillis exudingon the clearfragrantblack inkfragrantrecentmap, in addition, but alsohad/leftDragon Spine Mountain, True Pearl Mountain and name of Graceful Spirit Mountainthesenotthataridfloodtaste, finallywere many„Great LiDragon Springs County”.
第二天,在铁匠铺子,阮秀交给陈平安两幅地图,一旧,纸张泛黄,地图上山峦起伏,只是山头名字皆是甲一、乙三等等,而犹然泛着清馨墨香的新地图上,除此之外,还多出了龙脊山、真珠山、神秀山这些没那么枯燥泛味的名称,最后还多了一个“大骊龙泉县”。Ruan Xiuis pointing atthesefamous mountainsname, one by oneto the Chen Ping'anexplanation and introductionin the past, remindedfinally: „Althoughontwomapslooksis only the disalignment of fingernailsize, butwait untilyouwalk into the mountain, will discover that possiblyis the disparity of severalli (0.5 km)mountain road, becauseBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-Heavenfallsafter the Great Liground, the surfacevibratesis very big, even some mountain root not firmmountain peaks, the directcollapsedisintegration, thiswill makeonyourvanguardpathhavemanyaccidents/surprisesat that timesimultaneously, yourmustare careful.”阮秀指着那些地名山名,一一给陈平安解释和介绍过去,最后提醒道:“虽然两幅地图上看着只是指甲盖大小的位置偏移,但是等到你进山,就会发现可能是好几里山路的差距,因为骊珠洞天落在大骊地面后,地表震动很大,甚至有一些山根不牢的山峰,就在那个时候直接倒塌崩碎了,这同时会让你的前行道路上出现很多意外,你一定要自己小心啊。”Chen Ping'anreceivestwomapscarefully, mostbody's backhas a back-basket, followstimeto bringChen Duitheyto walk into the mountainalmost, to the Ruan Xiuapology: „ThistimeIstriveto arrive atareaRaising Lamp MountainandFlat Lance Peak on map, it is estimated thatare leastfor half a month, mostonemonthlaterreturns tohere.”陈平安小心收起两幅地图,最后背起一只背篓,跟上次带着陈对他们进山差不多,对阮秀歉意道:“这次我争取走到地图上的挑灯山、横槊峰一带,估计最少半个月,最多一个月后返回这里。”Ruan Xiusaidin a soft voice: „Is so long, does the thing that youbringhowenougheat?”阮秀轻声道:“这么久啊,那你带的东西怎么够吃?”Chen Ping'anbearssmile, „Iwasin the mountaintreat, the gamemountainfruitcaneat, could not find, I ensure hungry the Ruan Xiunodsaid with a smile: „ My fathercompliesto borrowyourmore than tentwomoney, after youleave the mountain, I can definitely giveyou.”陈平安忍住笑,“我是山里待惯了的,野味山果都能吃,也都找得到,我保证饿不着自己阮秀点头笑道:“我爹答应借你的十几两银子,你出山之后,我肯定能给你。”Chen Ping'anthinks, told the facts, „Ruanmiss, do not put in great inconvenience to yourself, moneyIcantry to find the solution, youcannotreallyinsisttendays of half a month, didn't eat the dessert of giving on new yearsshop?”陈平安想了想,还是实话实说,“阮姑娘,你就别委屈自己了,钱我自己能想办法,你总不能真的坚持十天半个月,都不吃压岁铺子的点心吧?”
The Ruan Xiucomplexionbecomes flushed, thinks that does not understandhowheknows the truth.阮秀脸色涨红,想不明白他是怎么知道真相的。Chen Ping'anis somewhat helpless, did not speakwith a smile. Thought that onMaster Ruanthatsmellytemperament, is willingto lend the moneyisstrange matter, thereforeis not I am vision like a torch, butisRuanmissyourconcealing is not really wise.陈平安有些无奈,笑着不说话。心想就阮师傅那臭脾气,肯借给自己银子才是怪事,所以不是我目光如炬,而是阮姑娘你的掩饰实在不高明啊。Chen Ping'anlooked that shesomewhatloses, the comfortsaidhastily: „Ruanmiss, the good intentionIdeclined with thanks, Xiexie/thanks.”陈平安看她有些失落,连忙安慰道:“阮姑娘,好意我心领了,谢谢啊。”Ruan Xiusmiles.阮秀抿嘴一笑。Shesaidsuddenly: „Ideliveryou.”
她突然说道:“我送送你。”Chen Ping'analreadydepartsin big strides, turns the headto beckon with the hand saying: „Does not use, the roadIam ripe, closes one's eyescanwalk.”陈平安已经大踏步离去,转头摆手道:“不用,路我熟得很,闭着眼睛都能走。”Ponytailgirl, thenwaved goodbyewithhimgently.
After Chen Ping'angoes out of the Ruan Familyshop, dashesalong the creek waterroamingupward.陈平安走出阮家铺子后,一路沿着溪水往上游飞奔。Close to several mountain tops of small town, Chen Ping'anis not interested, althoughis not big, the priceis inexpensive, buthedoes not wantto buyhere, is too nearfrom the small town, thiscrest of waveleaves can not, moreover before Master Ruan, had saidseveralsuggestionspoken languages, „realmountain”„farcurtainpeak”areaseveralmountain peakthis, the background of mountain toporiginallyactuallygood, onlyso manyyearsalmostgaveto pull outto emptypitifully, thereforewereseveralembroideringpillows, mustwalktoward the west, hadto change for the bettertothatplaceTrue Pearl Mountain.
临近小镇的几座山头,陈平安并不感兴趣,虽然不大,价格不贵,但是他不希望买在这里,距离小镇实在太近,这种风头出不得,而且阮师傅之前说过几句暗示言语,“地真山”“远幕峰”几座山峰在内的这一带,山头的底子原先其实都不错,只可惜这么多年差不多给掏空了,所以就是几个绣花枕头,要一直往西走,到了那座真珠山才有所好转。Chen Ping'anwalked for one day and one night, in this periodonlyrestedless thantwodouble-hour, finallyclimbs up a hill the summit, the deep breathone breath, in the heart and lungsfullis the mountains and plainsvegetationdelicate fragrance.陈平安走了足足一天一夜,期间只休息了不到两个时辰,才终于爬上一座小山包的山顶,深呼吸一口气,心肺之间满是山野草木清香。
The straw sandalyoungstersticks out chest, stamps the feetlayer on layer/heavily, heroism reaching to the cloudssaid: „Thisismy!”
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