Chen Ping'anclose tostone arch bridgetime, swallows the saliva, does not darecontinues to walk forward, after a Celestialbattles, thencontinuesalongcreek waterupward, to the mostneck of land of creek waterbeam, the approachdashed, shoots, thismoves towardAzure Ox Back. Chen Ping'andoes not know,owncirclinglong journey, justmisseswithRuan Xiu, azure clothesgirlcarries a potpeach blossomspring the feverto dashto cross a bridge, thistimebuys the liquorin the small town, girlafter the giving on new yearsshop a time, the lowering the headhalf steppasses through, was for fear that cancelled the soulbythesedazzlingcakes and pastries, becauseshemuststartto save the pin money.陈平安临近石拱桥的时候,咽了咽口水,不太敢继续前行,一番天人交战之后,便沿着溪水继续往上,到了溪水束腰的最为狭窄地带,助跑飞奔,一跃而过,这才走向青牛背。陈平安并不知道,自己的绕远路,刚好和阮秀错过,青衣少女拎着一壶桃花春烧飞奔过桥,这次在小镇买酒,少女经过压岁铺子的时候,低头快步走过,生怕被那些眼花缭乱的糕点勾走魂魄,因为她要开始积攒私房钱了。Chen Ping'anfirstwent to the house of Liu Xianyang, lights the oil lamp, is raising the lamp bowl, walkedoneinside and outside the room, determined after notlacks the big or smallthingfamily belongings, turns off the lightsto lock a door, returns toMud Vase Lane. Afterthatoldhouse that caves in a hole, Chen Ping'anrelaxes, the burden/shoulder pole on shoulderalso, butthatleftMud Vase Lanecompared withbefore, alreadylightwere too many, Chen Ping'ancould not bearcheerfully, inpocketrichfeeling, did not go bad!陈平安先去了趟刘羡阳家的宅子,点燃油灯,提着灯盏,走了一遍屋内屋外,确定并无缺少大小物件家当之后,才熄灯锁门,返回泥瓶巷。经过那栋塌陷出一个窟窿的老宅子,陈平安松了口气,肩上的担子还在,但是比起之前那趟离开泥瓶巷,已经轻了太多,陈平安忍不住偷着乐呵,兜里有钱的感觉,不坏!Chen Ping'anthis whole lifehas also seen only the brokenmoney, the heavysilver ingot, has not foundone, let alonewith the daoist immortalsameraregold.陈平安这辈子还只见过碎银子,沉甸甸的银锭,还没瞧见过一眼,更别说跟神仙一样稀罕的金子。Chen Ping'anreturns to the home, after opening the front door, runsto determine whether reallyties upcourtyard door, after returning to the room, lights the oil lampcautiously, the duskshading yellowdizzylights, are shining upon the ice-coldclaywall. Chen Ping'anpulls outthreepursesfrom the pattenrootclay jar, welcoming spring money, provides formoney, the pressurewinsmoney, is loaded with25Auric Essence Copper Coinrespectively, 26, 28.陈平安回到自己祖宅,打开屋门后,跑去确定是否真的拴好院门,回到屋子后,小心翼翼点燃油灯,昏暗黄晕的灯火,映照着冰冷的黄泥墙壁。陈平安从墙脚根陶罐里掏出三只钱袋子,迎春钱,供养钱,压胜钱,分别装有二十五颗金精铜钱,二十六颗,二十八颗。Amounts to79copper coin.
总计七十九颗铜钱。Aboutthesehistorygoodcopper coin, Ning Yaohad explainedsketchilytheyareextending that the common customspends, reason thatis priceless, is the when a thing is rare , it becomes precious, naturally main reason, the outsiderenters the small townto need the copper cointo take the faith token. As for the origin of thisunwrittencustom, old, Ning Yaois noteast the Treasure Bottle Continentperson, naturallycould not sayfirst four earthly branches.
关于这些来历不俗的铜钱,宁姚粗略解释过它们是世俗花钱的延伸,之所以价值连城,是物以稀为贵,当然最主要的原因,还是外乡人进入小镇需要铜钱作为信物。至于这个不成文规矩的由来,年代久远,宁姚又不是东宝瓶洲人氏,自然说不出个子丑寅卯。Threecopper coin, Chen Ping'anputs outonerespectively, placeson the table, welcoming spring moneycasts„the new yearextraordinarily good luck”fourcharacterJilanguage, hollows out the open work, auspicious cloudsflyingflows, wears armor the Deityto beat a drum.
The pressurewinsmoneyupfrontcarvingto have the five harmful things, the viper, centipede, gecko and toad, the backexcept forcasting„indayexorcises evil spirits”fourcharacters, the turtlesnakeentangles the design of sword.
压胜钱正面雕刻有五毒,蛇蝎、蜈蚣、壁虎和蟾蜍,背面除了铸有“天中辟邪”四个字,还有龟蛇缠剑的图案。Providing formoneydirectlyis„hearthonestlyspirit”fourcharacters, the backis„daoist immortal on”, not finedesign, the styleis simplest.
供养钱正面是“心诚则灵”四字,背面是“神仙在上”,并无精美图案,样式最为朴素。Chen Ping'antakes upwelcoming spring money, watchesrepeatedly, the youngster is very difficultto imagine such a smallcopper coin, canbuyentireTrue Pearl Mountain, Chen Ping'anknows that the Master Ruanmouthso-calledhill, Old Man Yaoleadshimto walk into the mountainto look for the earth for the first time, has been to the True Pearl Mountainsummit, nature of the soilseparableweightsandfat or thinmanytypes, whatis more complexisneedsto identifysometype of soil, whichtypeis intimate in water and firegold/metalwoodinborn, the tastefulwayare many, Chen Ping'anonlylearnsOld Man Yaoone„eat dirt”7788 of knowledge.陈平安拿起一枚迎春钱,反复观看,少年实在很难想象这么小小的一枚铜钱,就能够买下整座真珠山,陈平安知道阮师傅嘴里所谓的这个小山包,姚老头第一次带他进山找土,就到过真珠山的山顶,土性可分轻重、肥瘠在内诸多种类,更复杂的是需要辨认某种泥土,天生亲近水火金木中的哪一种,讲究门道很多,陈平安只学到姚老头一身“吃土”学问的七七八八。InthatcommonTrue Pearl Mountain, Old Man Yaostamped the feetat that time, thenlowered the headtoChen Ping'an that raked away earth there spokea few words, hereearthtastemostentire, what a pitywas the place is too small, shrankin the corner/hornsurplusis similar, raises one's headmeets, extends the legalsoto knock the foot, the slangwas called„snailshell”thisplace.
在那座不起眼的真珠山,姚老头当时跺了跺脚,然后低头对在那儿扒土的陈平安说了一句话,这儿土味最全,可惜就是地方太小,跟人缩在角落头差不多,伸头就碰头,伸腿也磕脚,俗话把这种地方称为“螺蛳壳”。Chen Ping'anputs downwelcoming spring moneygently, takes up the pressure on winmoney, butquickputs down, the youngstercomplexionis somewhat low-spirited.陈平安轻轻放下迎春钱,拿起压胜钱,只是很快就放下,少年脸色有些黯然。Fifth of May, the five harmful thingscombine. The youngsteractually were just thisinbornday. Next doorSong Jixinhad even saidoutsidemanyplaces, regards asominous the child who thisis inborn, hasis drown to death the customdirectlyinriver the child.五月初五,五毒并出。少年却刚好是这一天生日。隔壁宋集薪甚至说过外边许多地方,把这一天生下来的孩子视为不祥,有把孩子直接溺死于河中的习俗。Chen Ping'anshakes the head, takes uplastto provide formoney, simplepro and coneightcharacters.陈平安摇摇头,拿起最后一颗供养钱,简简单单的正反八个字。Chen Ping'anremembers a mattersuddenly, initiallysawMiss NingandFu NanhuaCai Jinjian for the first time, rememberstheyenter the small townfront doortime, everyone needsto give the gatekeeper a bagcopper coin, inwhosehandthenthesecopper coindid fall intofinally? EnteredGreat Litoward the Your Majesty Emperorpersonalpocket?陈平安突然想起一件事,当初第一次见到宁姑娘和苻南华蔡金简,记得他们进入小镇大门的时候,每人都需要交给看门人一袋子铜钱,那么这些铜钱最后落入谁手中了?是进了大骊朝皇帝陛下的私人口袋?Chen Ping'ansighed, did not goto think that broke the headalsoto think not clearissue, started to niggle every possible profitat heart,陈平安叹了口气,不去想自己打破脑袋也想不明白的问题,开始在心里噼里啪啦打起了小算盘,Master Ruansaid that True Pearl Mountainthishill top, onlyneedswelcoming spring money, profoundLishan and lotuslamppeaklike thismiddle-grademountain top, probablyistento15copper coin, dryQuanshanlineage/veinandburning incensemountainGreat Mountaintops, thenneeds25to30. Chen Ping'anactuallyponders overslightly, comprehended the Master Ruanimplied meaning.阮师傅说真珠山这座小山头,只需要一颗迎春钱,玄李山和莲灯峰这样的中等山头,大概是十到十五颗铜钱,枯泉山脉和香火山在内的大山头,则需要二十五到三十颗。陈平安其实稍稍琢磨,就领会了阮师傅的言下之意。First, the Great LidynastyrespectsaboutMaster Ruanvery much, thereforegiveshimin vainthree mountains, next, Master Ruan, sincewantswhatquarrying a mountainverticalfaction, obviouslythree mountainsbestbe linked to each other, huddles togetherto adjoin, otherwiseeasternwesterndefinitelydoes not make sensetogether, thisperhaps is also the Imperial Courtintelligentplace, knows that Master Ruanis impossibleto pick upthreemost valuablemountain tops, thereforepretends is very magnanimous. Finally, hisChen Ping'anneeds certainlyto follow the Master Ruanselectionmountain top, naturally, Chen Ping'anfeltoneselfare not, chooses12scale not bighill topsinelsewhere, for exampleTrue Pearl Mountainthis, is very appropriate, hill that no onepays attention, butChen Ping'ancaresspecially, the mountain topis small, that is also oneentire, let alone a copper coin, Chen Ping'anthought that mustputs in the bagthishill, falling the bagissecure!
首先,大骊王朝对阮师傅很尊重,所以白白送给他三座山,其次,阮师傅既然要什么开山立派,显然三座山最好连在一起,扎堆毗邻,否则东一块西一座肯定不像话,这恐怕也是朝廷聪明的地方,知道阮师傅根本不可能挑出三座最值钱的山头,所以假装大度得很。最后,他陈平安当然需要跟着阮师傅选取山头,当然,陈平安觉得自己也不是不可以,选一两座规模不大的中小山头在别处,比如真珠山这样的,就很合适,无人理会的小山包,可是陈平安就特别在乎,山头再小,那也是一整座啊,何况才一枚铜钱而已,陈平安觉得一定要把这座小山包收入囊中,落袋为安!Chen Ping'anto the dryQuanshanlineage/vein, Graceful Spirit Mountain and burning incense that mountain the Master Ruanspoken languagementioned, thisgroup of most expensivemountain tops, were are not not interested, hestrovebesidethis, boughtoneto missandactuallymissmanyGreat Mountaintopscompared withthem, it is expected thatmostconsumedonebag of Auric Essence Copper Coin, thenboughtsomesimilarTrue Pearl Mountainhill tops, strove forfloweredtencopper coinZuo You/about, otherwere usedto followMaster Ruanto betcompletely, where after heselectedthreemountains, Chen Ping'anboughtin the , boughtagain, makes an effortto buy!陈平安对阮师傅言语提及的枯泉山脉、神秀山和香火山,这一拨最昂贵的山头,不是不感兴趣,他争取在此之外,买下一座比它们差、却差得不多的大山头,预计最多耗费一袋金精铜钱,然后买下一些类似真珠山的小山头,争取花个十颗铜钱左右,其余全部都用来跟随阮师傅下注,他在哪里挑中三座大山之后,陈平安就在附近买,再买,使劲买!As forthat not well-knownmountain that hasDragon Beheading Platform, Chen Ping'analreadyloses heartthoroughly, warnedoneselfcannotmoistenabsolutelybumps, even ifno oneknowsnowas before, at presentsuspendssuchgolden opportunity, Chen Ping'anis not buying. Now the small townGuests from All Directions, whatBlack Dragon PearlsmallGrotto-Heaven that is notthatprohibitedinitiallyoutward, several hundredli (0.5 km)mountain road, evenChen Ping'ancanwalk, whosefootstepslatercanblock, isheavens abovetheseis stepping onlong swordcoming flying, flying awaydaoist immortallet alone?
至于那座拥有斩龙台的不知名大山,陈平安已经彻底死心,告诫自己绝对不可以去沾碰,哪怕如今依旧无人知晓,眼前摆着这么个大好机会,陈平安也绝不去买。如今小镇八方来客,再也不是当初那个对外封禁的什么骊珠小洞天,几百里山路,连陈平安自己都能走下来,以后又能挡住谁的脚步,更何况是天上那些踩着长剑飞来飞去的神仙?Howeverbeforebuying the mountain, Chen Ping'anplansto walk into the mountainpersonallyagain.
不过在掏钱买山之前,陈平安打算亲自再进山一趟。Spendsso much money all of a sudden, finallybeforehanddoes not knowoneselfboughtanything, even ifclear(ly)knowsis the prize investmentwill gain the businesssteadily, Chen Ping'anwill still think the whole bodydid not get the vigor.
一下子花出去这么多钱,结果事先不知道自己买了什么,哪怕明知道是一本万利的稳赚生意,陈平安仍会觉得浑身不得劲儿。This was actually bear hardshipseats.
这其实就是吃苦吃惯了。Snakebluestone that Chen Ping'aneighthave not fadednow, otherhideinoneselfrespectively and snakebluestone of Liu Xianyangfamily/home, is considerable amount, does not know that is or isn'tgets out of troubleearly„escaping of”from the small streamreason, althoughcolorsleek/moisthas the decreasein varying degrees, lookingwas inferior that the water leakagetimethatbrighteyeis comfortable, butmore or lessalsobringspoint„Spirit Qi”, thisunexplainedfeeling, likeChen Ping'anfirstGu Can that seesMud Vase Lane, orGood Luck and Fortune StreetLi Baoping, thought that affirmativeis the smartchild.陈平安如今有八颗并未丝毫褪色的蛇胆石,其余分别藏在自家和刘羡阳家的蛇胆石,数量不少,不知是不是从小溪里早早脱困“逃过一劫”的缘由,虽然颜色润度都有不同程度的减退,瞧着不如出水时候那么亮眼舒服,但是或多或少还带着点“灵气”,这种说不清道不明的感觉,就像陈平安第一眼看到泥瓶巷的顾粲,或是福禄街的李宝瓶,就觉得肯定是聪明伶俐的孩子。Chen Ping'anreceivesthreebagAuric Essence Copper Coin, returns the clay jar. Thinksmustask for leaveinto the mountainwithMaster Ruan, Chen Ping'anhas the nodto be big.陈平安收起三袋子金精铜钱,放回陶罐。一想到又要跟阮师傅请假入山,陈平安就有点头大。Old Man Yaoisthis, Master Ruan is also, Chen Ping'ansuspectedownis or isn'thas no elderreason, particularlynomasterreason.姚老头是这样,阮师傅也是,陈平安怀疑自己是不是没啥长辈缘,尤其是没有什么师父缘。Chen Ping'angoes to the cornerto squatby the wicker basket, is staring atinsidethatDragon Beheading Platform, puts out a handto stroke the blackstone the exquisiteskin texture, startsslightlycoolly, a heverycurioussuchcommonstone, howsuchsteps ondaoist immortalonswordto have the relationswithMiss Ning, cannot find outDragon Beheading Platformto be able a swordto rubto the sharpness of whatdegree.陈平安去角落蹲在箩筐旁边,盯着里边的那块斩龙台,伸手抚摸黑色石块的细腻肌理,入手微凉,他很好奇这么一块不起眼的石头,怎么就跟宁姑娘那样踩在剑上的神仙有关系,更想不出斩龙台到底能够把一柄剑磨到什么程度的锋利。Chen Ping'anremembers the incidentsuddenly, pulls outthatfivelocust tree leaf, at that time the redcotton-wadded jacketlittle misspickedeightfrom the old locust treetree, Chen Ping'angaveherthree, whenrewards for services rendered. Chen Ping'anreadslocust tree leafcarefully, is seemingly slim, is quite actually tenacious, onlylostthattypepitifullyalong the quietgreensparkling stone of leaf veinnimble and resourcefulescapelight/only, Chen Ping'anguessed that probablyis the so-calledancestorgood fortune owing to the merits of ancestors, insomenodes, a littlewill only select the greensparkling stoneto remain the stagnation.陈平安突然想起一事,掏出那五张槐叶,当时红棉袄小姑娘从老槐树那边捡了八张,陈平安送给她三张当酬劳。陈平安仔细翻看槐叶,看似纤薄,实则颇为坚韧,只可惜失去了那种沿着叶脉灵动流走的幽绿莹光,陈平安猜测那大概就是所谓的祖宗福荫吧,只在一些节点,会有点点绿莹残留停滞。Chen Ping'aninsertsin the middle offivelocust tree leafShaking Mountainsfist chartcautiously.陈平安把五张槐叶小心翼翼夹入撼山拳谱当中。
After Chen Ping'ancompletesall these, goes outto start the pileincourtyard.陈平安做完这一切后,出门在院子里开始走桩。
The Zuo You/abouttwo sidesneighborshad moved out.左右两边的邻居都已先后搬走。InChen Ping'anquickimmersioninQuanzhuang, is quite the same as absorbed.陈平安很快沉浸于拳桩之中,浑然忘我。
A fistintentsuch ascreek waterflows.
The Ning Yaomisshas said that practices boxing1 milliontimes, is the start of practicing martial art.宁姚姑娘说过,练拳一百万次,才是习武的起步而已。Chen Ping'anwhereis willingto be loaf.陈平安哪里愿意偷懒。Heremembers that wooden figurinevermilionchose/pointblack inkcharacter, acupointQi Palace that intheselegendsso that the air currentcan come and go out.
他无意间想起那个木人身上的朱点墨字,那些传说中以便气流出入的一座座窍穴气府。All over the bodycomfortable, gives off heatrolling, within the bodyhas a fire dragonto walk randomlyprobablyfast, swims awayfrom the beginningdownward, the clash, is not smooth, theseacupointlook likedamaged the roughmountain pass, the path between mountain passes, cannot say that absolutelybright future, somewhatspaciouslyactuallyrugged, is somewhat narrowandsteep, the fire dragonpasses throughtime, swayingly, such as the pedestrianpasses through the chain bridge.
通体舒坦,滚滚发热,体内像是有一条火龙在快速游走,从头往下游去,磕磕碰碰,并不顺畅,那些窍穴就像是破败不堪的粗糙关隘,关隘之间的道路,更是绝对称不上阳关大道,有些宽大却崎岖不平,有些狭窄且陡峭,火龙经过的时候,晃晃悠悠,如行人走过铁索桥。FinallyseveralQi Palace of thisfire dragonnearbelowdantianshuttles back and forthback and forth, seems seeking for the den that is most suitableitto occupy, asdragon palace.
最后这条火龙在下丹田附近的几座气府来回穿梭,似乎在寻找最适合它盘踞的窝点,作为龙宫。Ning YaooncesaidMartial DaoBody Refinement Three Boundaries, when firstboundaryMud Embryo Boundary, the peakis complete, oneselfgive birthall at once, the dead drunkBodhisattvasat the shrinehigh, the air/Qisinksin the dantian, motionless like a mountain, the bodythenhad a new look, startedto return nurturing to parents the fleshphysique, making the whole personas ifget a new lease on life, manyimpurities and siltation, will be dischargedoutside the bodylittle.宁姚曾言武道炼体三境界,第一境泥胚境,巅峰圆满之时,自身生出一股气,如泥菩萨高坐神龛,气沉于丹田,不动如山,身体便有了一股新气象,开始反哺血肉筋骨,使得整个人仿佛枯木逢春,许多杂质和淤积,都会被一点点排出体外。Chen Ping'anwalksonthisroad.陈平安就走在这条路上。Does not have the famous teacherto direct, cannotcalculateto bump into.
没有名师指点,也不能算误打误撞。Whatdepended is to make up for a lack of natural talent by hard work, entireeightyears of climbing mountainslaunching, go over hill and dale, althoughcheapactually the onebreathexpiration and inspiration of itsmethod.
靠的是勤能补拙,整整八年的上山下水,翻山越岭,以及虽然粗劣却得其法门的一种呼吸吐纳。Eightyearshave not broken the Martial Daofirstboundary.
The seculardynasty and worldrivers and lakes, except forNing Yaohometown, are fastidious aboutoneto studywritingFuto study the militarypoorly, is goodbecause of a Martial Daoway, withoutcompeting the vulgar customs of realmincreasingspeed, is the generation of reaching highest knowledge, is the highly accomplishedgrandmaster, morelooks at every heavilystepconscientious, the rammingdegree of eachMartial Daostair, butlooks likeChen Ping'an is so slow, how is not disgracefully, after allworldinnumerableboldHengmenyoungster, trulykept offbesidefirstdoorstep, itslife, could not findexistence of thatair/Qifinally, butcurrently speaking, Chen Ping'anaffirmativeiswith the militarystudytalentis unable. Hook.
世俗王朝和天下江湖,除了宁姚的家乡,讲究一个穷学文富学武,好在武道一途,没有比拼境界攀升速度的陋习,越是登堂入室之辈,越是造诣高深的宗师,越看每一步的重脚踏实地,每一层武道台阶的夯实程度,不过像陈平安这么慢的,如何丢人现眼算不上,毕竟世间无数豪横门第的年轻人,确实就被挡在第一个门槛之外,终其一生,也找不到那股气的存在,但目前来看,陈平安肯定是跟武学天才无法挂钩了。Chen Ping'an„sober”comessuddenly, exhalesfoul airgently.陈平安猛然“清醒”过来,轻轻呼出一口浊气。Hewalksincourtyardslowly, graduallyrelaxes the bodyfour limbs.
他在院子里缓缓行走,逐渐放松身体四肢。Chen Ping'anlowers the headto see the pattenis puttingslantinglythatscholartree, indulges in fantasysuddenly, wantsto truncate a wooden swordtooneself.陈平安低头看到墙脚斜放着的那根槐枝,突然异想天开,想给自己削出一把木剑。In childhood after the parentswalked, Chen Ping'anlooks at the contemporariesto playthat side the daoist immortalgraveeach timefrom afar, the girlmostlywas the flight clearancekite, the boywith the wooden swordbamboosword that theirfatherhelpmade, contested, hitsdelighted, Chen Ping'anhas wantedat that time, butafterwardbecame the kiln workerapprentice who burnt the porcelain, ran aboutto rush aboutto toilall year round, thenbrokereadthinks.
小时候爹娘走后,陈平安每次在神仙坟那边远远看着同龄人玩耍,女孩子大都是放飞纸鸢,男孩子则是用他们父亲帮忙做出来的木剑竹剑,噼里啪啦过招,打得不亦乐乎,陈平安那时候一直想要一把,只是后来成为烧瓷的窑工学徒,一年到头疲于奔波劳碌,便断了念想。Chen Ping'ansquatsbeforescholartree, thought that makes a wooden swordsurelynot to have the issue, twowords are quite dangerous.陈平安蹲在槐枝前,觉得做一把木剑肯定没问题,两把的话就比较悬。Chen Ping'anfirstmoves tooutsidescholartree the front door, thentookthat the hatchet that walking into the mountainto lead the way, preparesto begintooneselfto make a wooden sword.陈平安先把槐枝搬到屋门外,再去拿了那把进山开路的柴刀,准备动手给自己做一把木剑。WhenChen Ping'anraises the hatchetto sitondoorstep, somewhathesitates, thinksto put the blade, thought that the old locust treetreecannotregard as a old treepurely, after allbetweenMister Qi and locust treehave also had a dialogue, thereforeat presentthissection of scholartree, makingChen Ping'anfeelsomewhatirritably.
只是当陈平安提着柴刀坐在门槛上,又有些犹豫,想了想又把刀放回去,觉得老槐树不能单纯视为一棵老树而已,毕竟齐先生和槐树之间还有过一场对话,于是眼前这一截槐枝,让陈平安感到有些别扭。Chen Ping'anreturns the pattenrootscholartreeagain, discoveredoneselfreallydo not have the sleepiness, thenleavescourtyard, after locking the gate, goes out ofMud Vase Lane.陈平安重新把槐枝放回墙脚根,发现自己实在没有睡意,便离开院子,锁好门后,一路走出泥瓶巷。Hisunexpected happeningarrives around the stone arch bridge, thinks, cannot the timejump into the river the shore, clenches teethto step onto the stone bridge, sitson the middleflagstoneagain, the both feethangsin the streamsurface, Chen Ping'anis somewhat anxious, lowers the headto look at the spookywater surface, muttered: „No matteryouaredaoist immortal, is a monster, weshouldnot have the enmitywithout the injustice, ifyoureallyhad the words to metell,do not hold the dreamagain, Ihere, youtellmenowand that's the end.”
他鬼使神差地来到石拱桥附近,想到以后总不能次次跳河过岸,一咬牙走上石桥,再次坐在中间石板上,双脚悬在溪面上,陈平安有些紧张,低头望着幽幽水面,喃喃道:“不管你是神仙,还是妖怪,我们应该无冤无仇,如果你真的有话要跟我说,就别再托梦了啊,我现在就在这里,你跟我说就是了。”Burns a joss stick, quarter of an hour, a double-hour.
一炷香,一刻钟,一个时辰。Except foris a little cold, Chen Ping'anhas not detectedanydifference.
除了有点冷,陈平安没有察觉到任何异样。Chen Ping'anboth handssupporton the stone bridgeboard, sways the both feet, looks into the distance, whenis very small, he is very curious, where the end of small streamcanbe.陈平安双手撑在石板上,摇晃双脚,眺望远方,在很小的时候,他就很好奇,小溪的尽头会是在哪里。Chen Ping'anlost in thought.陈平安怔怔出神。Liu Xianyang, Gu Can, Miss Ning, Mister Qi, Old Man Yao, walked.刘羡阳,顾粲,宁姑娘,齐先生,姚老头,都走了。Chen Ping'anneversuchwealthyextravagant.陈平安从来没有这么富裕阔绰过。Howeveryoungsterneversuchlonely.
The straw sandalyoungsteris turning away fromthat sidestone bridge, a clothingsnow whitebrillianttallfigure, resembles the Immortalghosts and demons, isboth handssupports the flagstone, the both feetis swayinghangingly, raises headto look at the day.
草鞋少年背对着的石桥那边,一位衣衫雪白绚烂的高大身形,似仙人似鬼魅,亦是双手撑着石板,双脚悬空摇晃,仰头望天。This, let aloneisChen Ping'an that startsto speak one's mind, Old Man YangandRuan Qiongare unable to detect.
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