In the twilight, the blacksmithshopcame a strangeguest, the age of male30 year-old, staturetall, the frownis roughly slender, the fleshis fair, the delicatesuppleappearance, coordinates the tall and strongfirmbody and spirit, there is a different kindelegant demeanor.
暮色中,铁匠铺子来了一位陌生客人,男子约莫而立之年的岁数,身材高大,双眉修长,肌肤白皙,秀气阴柔的容貌,配合魁梧阳刚的体魄,有一股别样的风采。Ruan Qiongknew after thisperson of status, withoutprevioustimereceivesViewing Lake AcademyCui Minghuang is so optionallikely, butis casting the swordroomentranceto chatseveral, thistimemadeRuan Xiumovetwobamboochairsto arrive in the porch, but alsowithtwopotnice wines, a person of pot, the manwas not coy, took the wine potto untie the balling upto fillliquor, said with a smile: „Master Ruan, your timeacts, the government and peopleare shocked, howthat sideImperial Courtto dealspecifically, Ido not knowtemporarily, butoversees the manufacture of the officeras the newkilnservice, and firstDragon Springs Countyalleycommanding officer, Iomitmanysalivaactually. Properly speaking, this/shouldIcarry the nice wineto pay a visitam, butat that timeafter the halfwayheard the accident, at high speed, was really hurried that came, the twobigjugapricot blossoms of Riding Dragon Lanegiving on new yearsshopferments, whenIam first owingMaster Ruan.”阮邛得知此人身份后,没有像上次接待观湖书院崔明皇那么随意,只是在铸剑室门口聊了几句,这次让阮秀搬了两张竹椅到廊中,还拿出来两壶好酒,一人一壶,那男人也不扭捏,拿过酒壶解开泥封就灌了一口酒,笑道:“阮师,你此次出手,朝野震动,朝廷那边具体如何应对,我暂时不知,但是作为新任窑务督造官、兼首任龙泉县衙主官,我倒是省去许多口水。照理说,该我拎着好酒登门拜访才是,只是当时在半路听闻变故后,快马加鞭,实在是来的匆忙,骑龙巷压岁铺子的两大坛子杏花酿,就当我先欠着阮师。”Master Ruanwaves, „thesepleasantrieswere needlessto saymuch, ifyourIcome to an arrangementtoday, latersomewere the opportunitydrinksto chat, ifbroke off conversation, yourIdid not needto use energyto boss around the sentiment.”阮师挥挥手,“这些客套话就不用多说了,如果今天你我谈妥,以后有的是机会喝酒聊天,如果谈崩了,你我更不用费劲笼络感情。”
The manlaughsfrank, likenot concurring the Great LiImperial Courtofficial of doubleduty, is more likeline of travel through the rivers and lakeslets the gentleman of hero, scratched the corners of the mouth, placeson the wine pot the knee, did not havedrinkswhilediscussed the sign of matter, „inarmorLiushan that Great Lispring the emblemyearsprohibited, naturally, thiswas the officialview of Imperial Courthouseholdsectionsecret archives, according to the name of placecounty annalsrecord, shouldbeDragon Spine Mountain, large-scaleDragon Beheading Platform that itshalfway up the mountainside, the placewas born withnaturally, beforeIthisproceeded to new official post, there isrulers and ministersto reply to an inquiry from the emperor, Your Majesty Emperorspoke, thishanded overbyMaster Ruan. InWind and Snow Templeas well asTrue Martial Mountain, yourboth sidesholdtogether, as foryourtwobigSchool of Militaryinfluences, howto conduct the excavation, to cutanddividetoDragon Beheading Platformspecifically, isstays behindmotionless, asancestorindustry, moves back torespectiveSect Gate, myGreat LiImperial Courtdoes not meddle, entirely according to your convenience. EvenifneedsGreat Lito have the personto strive, for exampleurgesunderGreat LithattwoyoungMoving-Mountain Ape, hitscrackarmorLiushan, causesto exposeDragon Beheading Platform, the minor matter, Master Ruanis so forth polite.”
那男人爽朗大笑,不像身兼双职的大骊朝廷官员,更像是一位行走江湖的任侠之士,擦了擦嘴角,将酒壶放在膝盖上,没有了边喝酒边谈事的迹象,“在大骊春徽年间封禁的甲六山,当然,这是朝廷户部机密档案的官方说法,依照地方县志记载的名称,应该是龙脊山,它的半山腰处,有一座天然生就的大型斩龙台,在我来此赴任之前,有过一场君臣奏对,皇帝陛下明言,此物交由阮师所在的风雪庙以及真武山,你们双方共同占有,至于你们两大兵家势力,具体如何对斩龙台进行挖掘、切割、划分,是留下不动,作为祖宗产业,还是搬回各自宗门,我大骊朝廷绝不插手,悉听尊便。甚至如果需要大骊出人出力,例如驱使大骊麾下的那两头年幼搬山猿,打裂甲六山,使得裸露出斩龙台,诸如此类小事,阮师无需客气。”Master Ruanbeaming said: „YourGreat Lisincerityis big.”阮师笑眯眯道:“你们大骊诚意不小。”Newoversaw the manufacture of the officerto be just aboutto take advantage of opportunityto speaksomepolite speeches, Master Ruanalsosaid: „ThatlocatesDragon Beheading Platform, beforeIcome tohere, ourWind and Snow TempleandthatTrue Martial Mountainhave come to an arrangement, myRuan Qiong, Wind and Snow Temple, True Martial Mountain, accounts foritsonerespectively. YoushouldhearsomeLittle Daoistnewsfromyouremperorthere, Iam the planherequarrying a mountainverticalfaction, therefore the father and daughterstatushas transferred outfromWind and Snow Temple, in the following 60 years, Iwill definitely not facilitatequarry a mountainofficially, butyourGreat Li, so long asmakesmelookpleasing to the eyes, as soon as60years of timeended, Iwill choose a being able to passmountain peakinthis, asfuturemountain gatesect the place of commencing a venture.”
新任督造官正要顺势说一些场面话,阮师又说道:“那处斩龙台,在我来这里之前,我们风雪庙和那真武山早就谈妥,我阮邛,风雪庙,真武山,各占其一。你应该从你们皇帝那里听到一些小道消息,我是打算在这里开山立派,所以父女身份都已从风雪庙那边迁出,接下来60年之内,我肯定不方便正式开山,但是你们大骊只要让我看得顺眼,六十年之期一结束,我就会在此选择一座过得去的山峰,作为将来山门宗派的发轫之地。”Oversees the manufacture ofman who the officerholds a concurrent post ofthisplacecounty magistrate, does not cover upownwhole facehappy expression, probablyopenedthismouth and otherRuan Qiong, immediatelysaidalong the pole: „Master Ruan, youcanfeel relievedgreatly,exceptScattering Clouds Mountain, within the boundariesroughlysets aside61mountainsnow, Master Ruancanselectthreewillfully, as the foundation of futurequarrying a mountainverticalfaction. IfMaster Ruanis not willingdeciding, thisofficerto be ablefirstto giveMaster Ruanto read the Black Dragon PearlGrotto-Heavennew and oldtwomountain rangesituation mapsanxiously, thisofficeraccompaniesMaster Ruanto exploreto inspectagainpersonally, when the time comesMaster Ruandoesto decideagain, how?”
督造官兼任此地县令的男人,毫不遮掩自己的满脸喜气,好像就在等阮邛开这个口,立即顺杆子说道:“阮师,你大可以放心,除去披云山,如今境内大致划分出六十一座山,阮师可以任意选取三座,作为将来开山立派的根基。若是阮师不愿意急着下决心,本官可以先给阮师看过骊珠洞天的新旧两幅山峦形势图,本官再陪着阮师亲自去勘探巡视过,到时候阮师再做定夺,如何?”Anydynasty, canhaveRuan Qiongbigcultivatorto helpassumemountains and riverslike this, is the greatestgood fortune. Especially the Ruan Qiongimplied meaning, ishechoosesinthistakes root, but is not only similarguest official, consecrates, Imperial Teachersuchstatusto attach toGreat Li, thereforeis notthattypeaboutthengathersanddoes not gather, thenloosesituation, Ruan Qiongopen branchin the Great Linational territorydisperses the leaftruly, is imperceptibly intimatewith the dynastydestiny, let aloneisoneslightlyoversees the manufacture of the officer, isEmperorGreat Lisitshere, will havejoyful.
任何一座王朝,能够拥有阮邛这样的大修士帮忙坐镇山河,都是莫大的幸事。尤其阮邛的言下之意,是他选择在此扎根,而不仅仅是类似客卿、供奉、国师这样的身份依附大骊,因此不是那种合则聚、不合则散的形势,阮邛是真正在大骊国土上开枝散叶,无形中与王朝气运戚戚相关,别说是一位小小督造官,就是大骊皇帝坐在这里,也会心生欣喜。Great Limartial artistpours forth, by the seigniorSong Changjingleadership, expertquantities above fiveboundary, excels by fareasternTreasure Bottle Continent. Howevermountain topdaoist immortalare really miserable, is completely incompatiblewith the Great Lipowerfulnational strength, thisis the worry of EmperorGreat Li.大骊武人辈出,以藩王宋长镜领衔,五境之上的高手数量,冠绝东宝瓶洲。但是山上神仙实在少得可怜,与大骊强盛国力完全不符,这一直是大骊皇帝的心病。Ruan Qiongsaid with a smile: „The being like a robberincident, does not needto worry, said that coarse, exceptScattering Clouds Mountain that youare not willingto take, nomountainenteredmyeye.”阮邛笑道:“占山为王一事,不用着急,说句难听的,除去你们不愿拿出来的披云山,也没哪座山入得了我眼。”youngoversees the manufacture ofsomeofficerlookembarrassed, before the facthere, is not only he, EmperorGreat Liandownkind teacher, thought that Ruan Qiongin the possibility that Great Liquarries a mountain, having, butis not absolutely big, becauseGreat Liactuallycannot put out the sufficientweight/quantity the sincerity, Dragon Beheading Platform? If notRuan Qionghas the skillto gowithWind and Snow TempleandTrue Martial Mountainto discussgathers together, takesoneforcefully, how dareGreat Litowin overRuan Qiongoneperson, butsplitswithWind and Snow TempleTrue Martial Mountain, the price is too big, even if the air/Qiswallowsten thousandli (0.5 km)such as the Great Lidynasty of tiger, cannot withstand.年轻督造官有些神色尴尬,事实上来这里之前,不光是他,就连大骊皇帝和自己的恩师,也觉得阮邛在大骊开山的可能性,有,但绝对不大,因为大骊其实拿不出足够分量的诚意,斩龙台?如果不是阮邛自己有本事去与风雪庙、真武山谈拢,硬生生拿到手一份,大骊岂敢为了拉拢阮邛一人而与风雪庙真武山交恶,代价实在太大,哪怕是气吞万里如虎的大骊王朝,也承受不起。Ruan Qiongsaidsuddenly: „AlthoughWind and Snow TempleandTrue Martial Mountaindo not have the proposition, butIhopeyourGreat Li, canput outtwoenoughsharpdivine weaponsharp weapons, the swordis also good, blade, no matter, so long assufficientonline, when the time comesIcanhelpyou, transmitstothis'stwoSchool of Militarycultivator, is usedto separatethatDragon Beheading Platform. Youcanfirstreport/givereporttoImperial Court, wait forEmperorGreat Lianswer, this mattersamedoes not worry.”阮邛突然说道:“虽然风雪庙和真武山从无提议,但是我个人希望你们大骊,能够拿出两件足够锋利的神兵利器,剑也好,刀也罢,都无所谓,只要够用就行,到时候我可以帮你们,转交给来此的两位兵家修士,用来分开那座斩龙台。你可以先禀报给朝廷,等待大骊皇帝的答复,此事一样不着急。”youngoversees the manufacture of the officerslightlyto make the consideration, the sinkingsound said: „This matterIcansaydecideit, in advancecomplies withMaster Ruan!”年轻督造官略作思量,沉声道:“此事我就能够一言决之,先行答应阮师!”Ruan Qiongnods, drank a liquor, the stanceandboldness of quitesatisfiedthisperson. After alllatera long time, oneself need to dowiththismannamedWu Yuandirectly, if a fool, will be very tired. If a mean-spiritedtimidfellow, was more tired.阮邛点点头,喝了口酒,比较满意此人的姿态和魄力。毕竟之后很长一段时间,自己都需要跟这个名叫吴鸢的男人直接打交道,如果是个蠢人,会很累。如果是个小气胆小的家伙,就更累了。Wu Yuanhesitant, drank a liquor, a littleprobablytomeaning that oneselfembolden, said: „Master Ruan, first, outside the small townsize more than 30dragon kiln, will open the kilningporcelain, butfrom now on, butburns the ordinaryImperial Courtsacrificial vessel. Next, newly-builtin the small towneast sidecounty administration, after completing, the county administrationwill post a noticeto paste the Great Liregulation, will make the householdroomyamen runner who slightlypasses the literary talentspeakinvarioussmall townplaces explained that tolet the small townordinarycommon people, knewtrulyownstatus, is the Great Lipeople.”吴鸢犹豫了一下,喝了口酒,有点像是给自己壮胆的意味,道:“阮师,首先,小镇外大小三十余口龙窑,会重新开窑烧瓷,只不过从今往后,只是烧制普通的朝廷御用礼器而已。其次,新建于小镇东边的县衙,建成之后,县衙就会张榜贴出大骊律法,也会让略通文采的户房衙役在小镇各处宣讲解释,为的是让小镇普通百姓,真正晓得自己的身份,是大骊子民。”
The Ruan Qionglookwas solemn, shoots a look ateyenominalDragon Springs Countyto makeWu Yuan, the latterexplainedwith a smile: „Thisaims at the mediocremaster'ssuperficial work, the small townin60years, stillbyMaster Ruancustomgreatest, the customs of foursurnametenclans, followed, the Great Liregulationis lowest, ifthere is a conflict, alltakesthissortingas the criterion. Master Ruaninsmall townsurrounding areathousand li (500 km), allactions, Great Linot onlydoes not interfere, will also standthis sideMaster Ruanunsuspensefully. Previouslybeat the purplesmokerivercultivatormortal bodylikeMaster Ruan, thatpersonrefuses stubbornlyto repent, dredges the Capital Cityrelationsunexpectedly, triesto consider the accusation against Your Majesty Emperor, after mykind teacherlearns of the news, without delay, thensent people the town/subduesto kill this cultivatorYuangod.”阮邛神色冷峻,瞥了眼名义上的龙泉县令吴鸢,后者笑着解释道:“这只是针对凡俗夫子的表面功夫罢了,小镇六十年内,仍是以阮师的规矩最大,四姓十族的规矩,紧随其后,大骊律法最低,若有冲突,一律以这个排序为准绳。阮师在小镇方圆千里之内,一切所作所为,大骊不但不干涉,还会毫无悬念地站在阮师这一边。就像阮师先前打烂紫烟河修士的肉身,那人死不悔改,竟然疏通京城关系,试图向皇帝陛下告御状,我恩师得知消息后,二话不说,便派人镇杀了这位修士的元神。”Ruan Qiongknits the browsslightly, someare impatient, „toldyour familyMister, laterthisadding something superfluous and ruining the effectrottenmatterlittledid, face, was considered asanything, Iwas the thickembryo of hammering, was not familiar with the curvedintestines, yourGreat Lireallyhad a mind, givesmyadvantage, sufficed, receivedas formewhen the time comes, discusses separately. Purplesmokerivercultivatorthistype of waste, Iifat that timereallywantsto killhim, hecan be inescapable? Giveshim100legs is not goodagain. Ifreallywantsto kill people, how manypeopleyourGreat Lidoes have to block? Even ifcan block, theyare willingto block?”阮邛微微皱眉,有些不耐烦,“告诉你家先生,以后这种画蛇添足的烂事少做,面子不面子的,算得了什么,我就是个打铁的粗胚,不习惯弯弯肠子,你们大骊真有心,给我实打实的好处,就够了,至于到时候我收不收,另说。紫烟河修士这种废物,我当时要是真想杀他,他跑得了?再给他一百条腿也不行。要是真想杀人,你们大骊有几个人拦得住?哪怕拦得住,他们愿意拦吗?”Wu Yuancomplexionslightlywhite, voiceslightlyastringentsay/way: „Master Ruan, thisofficerknew.”吴鸢脸色微白,嗓音微涩道:“阮师,本官知道了。”Ruan Qiongis not willingto maketoostiffly, two peoplefirstassociatesafter all, cannotexpect that othersgo smoothlyeverywhereoneselfintention, thatforced someone to do something against his will, thereforeopens the mouthto askon own initiative: „Is seculardynasty, constructsProsperous Culture PavilionandMartial Saint Temple, the imperial edictsealssceneryRighteous Godandcompletely prohibits the placeevil cults, is a Imperial Courtinherent connotation, the small town, howyou a plan?”阮邛也不愿闹得太僵,毕竟两人是初次交往,不能奢望别人处处顺遂自己的心意,那就是强人所难了,于是主动开口问道:“世俗王朝,建造文昌阁和武圣庙,敕封山水正神和禁绝地方淫祠,都是一个朝廷的应有之义,在小镇这边,你们是怎么个打算的?”
The Wu Yuancarefulexpression that had just suffered a lossreplied: „At presentaboutProsperous Culture PavilionandMartial Saint Temple, two that ourGreat Liimperial observatorymasterspick, respectivelyisnorth the small townporcelainmountain and southeasternpositiondaoist immortalgrave, the person of sacrificial offering, respectivelywasin the pastthattwo that walkedfrom the small town, justone literary and one military, was the meritis also greatesttomyGreat Li, Master Ruanwhat do you think?”
The Ruan Qiongtoneis not relaxed, „enjoyscivil and militaryburning incensetwo people, is very appropriate, but did the selected locationmake a final decision? Have youasked the meaning of Yangold gentleman?”阮邛语气并不轻松,“享受文武香火的两人,挺合适,但是选址就这么敲定了?你们有没有问过杨老先生的意思?”Wu Yuan at the scene, askedcautiously: „Is Master Ruan, whomay I askYangold gentleman?”吴鸢愣在当场,小心翼翼问道:“阮师,敢问杨老先生是谁?”Ruan Qiongalsogawked, teased: „YourXiu HuMister, this hasn't even toldyou? Makesyoucome, when the prisondoes make the officer and benevolent official? Wu Yuan, youtoldmeto be honest, youris or isn'twas similar to Qi Jingchun, the governmentwas frustrated, degenerates into the abandonedchild, was relegatedhence? If so, matter that beforecame to an arrangement about, Imayprobablyrenege on a promise.”阮邛也愣了一下,打趣道:“你那位绣虎先生,连这个也没告诉你?就让你来当监造官和父母官?吴鸢,你老老实说告诉我,你是不是跟齐静春差不多,官场失意,沦为弃子,被贬谪至此?如果是这样的话,之前谈妥的事情,我可就要反悔了。”Wu Yuana hundred mouths cannot explain it away, does not know that such ashow to explainreleases, oneselfare confused.吴鸢百口莫辩,既不知道如何解释,自己更是一头雾水。By a distant placewell, threecontemporariessquaton the ground, Ruan Xiuare teaching the Chen Ping'antheseacupointnames, functions and cultivatedsignificance, the unnecessarythatyoungster, iscollectsbrazen-faced and shameless, from the beginningRuan XiuandChen Ping'ancancel the handwriting, did not speak, twopeopleare staring athim, youngsterlookswas pretty, foreheadalsograin of paint a dragon and dot in the eyesbirthmark, verylikablejubilationappearance, butChen Ping'anandRuan Xiuunderestimatedhispatience and facial skin, lefthad a look at the straw sandalyoungsterwith a laugh, righthad a look atazure clothesgirl, after threepeopleboiledthe time it takes to burn half stick of incense, the youngsterwas similarto feeloneselfalsounderestimatedtwo people. The will, startstalkingfinallyon own initiative, with the smoothclearsmall towndialect, said that he came from Capital City, followsoversees the manufacture of the officerSirto come tohereto have a look at the scenery, especiallywantsto look atthatporcelainmountain.
远处一口水井旁边,三个同龄人蹲在地上,阮秀在教陈平安那些窍穴的名称、作用和修行意义,多余的那个少年,是自己死皮赖脸凑上去的,一开始阮秀和陈平安就抹去字迹,不说话,两个人盯着他,少年长得眉清目秀,眉心处还有一粒画龙点睛似的红痣,挺招人喜欢的喜庆模样,可是陈平安和阮秀都低估了他的耐心和脸皮,笑呵呵左看看草鞋少年,右看看青衣少女,三人熬了半炷香后,少年仿佛觉得自己同样低估了身边两人的毅力,终于主动开口说话,用流畅圆润的小镇方言,说他是从京城来的,跟随督造官大人来这里看看风景,尤其想要去看那座瓷山。„Youcontinueto chatyouracupointQi Palace, youleaveare so mean-spirited, how do Ilisten? After could it be thatIhave listened, canturn intoEarthly Immortalall of a sudden?”
“你们继续聊你们的窍穴气府啊,你们别这么小气,我听一听又如何?难道我听过之后就能一下子变成陆地神仙?”LaterChen Ping'anandRuan Xiuare busyown, does not go tosaying something to smooth things over of managesstrangefellow.
之后陈平安和阮秀忙自己的,不去管这个奇怪家伙的搭讪。„Yourthischaracterwrites, lookeddoes not have the painstaking effort, fluttersvery much, withfloating the deisel oilonwater surfaceis similar.”
“你这个字写得不咋的啊,一看就是没下过苦功夫的,飘得很,跟浮在水面上的油渣差不多。”„Miss, yourhereexplainedinsufficientlycompletely, in the so-calledhalfpotboiled the landscape, thatpaintingdoes not know that the holestirred up the ghosts and godsto smile, was actually such......, did your jump overthisQi Palacenot to chat?”
“姑娘,你这里解释得不够完整,所谓的半边锅里煮江山,还有那画图不知窍惹得鬼神笑,其实是这样的……啊,你们这就跳过这个气府不聊啦?”„Hehe, how the miss you do not givehimto explain that inmutton smellholewhere, is or isn'tis very difficultto directhimto look, oh, missyou , if embarrassed, Icanhelp...... the missinyourlookhavemurderous aura, the missyoudefinitelymisunderstood, Imeant that Ifinger/refer to himlook, inmymutton smell the holewhere, the missonyouinthatmutton smell the hole, daoist immortalis also difficultto seek, whyIgo looking for trouble......”
“呵呵呵,姑娘你怎么不给他解释膻中穴在哪里呢,是不是很难指点他看啊,唉,姑娘你要是不好意思的话,我可以帮忙啊……姑娘你眼神里有杀气啊,姑娘你肯定是误会了,我的意思是说我来指给他看,我身上的膻中穴在哪里,姑娘你身上的那膻中穴,神仙也难寻啊,我何必自找麻烦……”„Oh? Girlsyourhowdozen of people? Alsocome? The girls, Iwas wrong!”
“唉?姑娘你怎么打人呢?还来?姑娘,我错了!”„Miss, the sinkclampskeelprotrusion of the occipital bonebody's backthreepasses/tests, how the missyoualsoleft out, the ancientsaid , the pass/testpassedhalf ofmerit, shrank the Gen trigramto opendoes the merit. Obviouslyisvery important......”
“姑娘,尾闾夹脊玉枕这后背三关,姑娘你咋也漏掉了呢,古人说后关通一半功,缩艮开乾是正功。可见是很重要的……”Arrivedfinally, oversees the manufacture of the appearance of officerWu Yuan, helpedChen Ping'anandRuan Xiuwas out of the difficult position, the foreheadhad the molechatterboxyoungster and quietyoungGreat Liofficial, left the blacksmithshopshoulder to shoulder.
到最后,是督造官吴鸢的出现,帮助陈平安和阮秀脱离了困境,眉心有痣的话痨少年和沉默寡言的年轻大骊官员,并肩离开铁匠铺子。Chen Ping'anandRuan Xiusitonwaterwell entrance, Ruan Xiushot a look at the eyethattwo peopleback, saidin a soft voice: „Old, is an official, in of ourside, was not cleara moment ago, Icannot feel the difference, possiblyis the youngsterbookchild, outsidemanyrespected familieshavesuchreader-companion.”陈平安和阮秀坐在水井口子上,阮秀瞥了眼那两人的背影,轻声道:“年纪大的,是个当官的,刚才在我们身边的这个,不清楚,我也感觉不到异样,可能是年轻人的书童吧,外边很多大家族都有这样的伴读。”Chen Ping'annods.陈平安点点头。Ruan Qiongis putting on a serious faceto arrive around the well, puts downoneto turn around, „Chen Ping'an, youcomewithme.”阮邛板着脸走到水井附近,撂下一句就转身,“陈平安,你跟我来。”Chen Ping'ansets outat a loss, before Ruanmiss, said that her fathercompliesto lendoneself, butmustwait forten-dayZuo You/about, did could it be thatrenege on a promise?陈平安茫然起身,阮姑娘之前说她爹答应借钱给自己,不过得等一旬左右,难道是反悔了?Azure clothesgirlis somewhat afraid, followsinChen Ping'anbehind.
青衣少女有些心虚,跟在陈平安身后。Ruan Qiongsitson the bamboochair, makingChen Ping'ansiton the chair that formerWu Yuansat.阮邛坐在竹椅上,让陈平安坐在之前吴鸢坐的椅子上。Ruan Xiucoughs, said with a smile: „Father, thesetwochairsareChen Ping'ando, but also is good?”阮秀咳嗽一声,笑道:“爹,这两张椅子是陈平安做的,还不错吧?”Ruan Qionggets angry saying: „Idiscussed the proper businesswithChen Ping'an, Xiuxiuyoudo not interrupt.”阮邛黑着脸道:“我跟陈平安谈正事,秀秀你别打岔。”Chen Ping'anwithout delaysitsstraight, „Master Ruanyousaid.”陈平安赶紧坐端正,“阮师傅你说。”Ruan Qiongfishes out a brokenmoneyfrom the sleeve, the probably342appearances, „go tothat sidesmall townRiding Dragon Lane, buys a potgoodpeach blossomfor the fatherspring the fever, the remainingpocket moneyyourselfbuysomecakes and pastries.”阮邛从袖子里摸出一把碎银子,大概有三四两的样子,“去小镇骑龙巷那边,给爹买一壶上好的桃花春烧,剩下的零钱你自己买些糕点。”Ruan Xiusomedo not want.阮秀有些不愿意。Ruan Qiongfeignsto receivemoney, „thatyoucast the swordroomto stare at the stovecrucial moment, after a double-hour, finished.”阮邛佯装收起银子,“那你去铸剑室盯着炉子火候吧,一个时辰后结束。”Ruan Xiuhas amassed moneyruns.阮秀抢过钱就跑。wait untildaughterrunsfar, Ruan Qiongcomes straight to the pointto ask: „Chen Ping'an, your does is or isn'thavethreebagAuric Essence Copper Coin?”等到自家闺女跑远,阮邛开门见山问道:“陈平安,你是不是有三袋子金精铜钱?”
The Chen Ping'ancomplexionis usual, the nodsaid: „Has.”陈平安脸色如常,点头道:“有。”
The honesty of Ruan Qiongas ifquitepleasing to the eyesyoungster, the complexionchanges for the betterseveralpoints, „threebagAuric Essence Copper Coin the small towncommon peoplelikeyou, cannot discoversecondon hand. Even if the Good Luck and Fortune StreetPeach Leaf Lanefoursurnametenclans, manySong Clanare abouttwobags, moreisbe only a bag, in addition, small town'ssmall familyfamilies, eighthouseholdtheirtreasuretradeonebag of Auric Essence Copper Coinrespectively. Basically the valuableoldthing of small town, drained, nowalmost can also remaining78, the physical appearance.”阮邛似乎比较顺眼少年的诚实,脸色好转几分,“像你这样手头有三袋子金精铜钱的小镇百姓,找不出第二个。哪怕是福禄街桃叶巷的四姓十族,最多的宋氏也不过两袋,更多是只有一袋子,除此之外,小镇的小户人家,有八户用自家的宝贝各自换来一袋金精铜钱。基本上小镇的值钱老物件,都流失出去了,如今差不多还能剩下个七八件,品相还可以。”„Then the smalltown councilhas more and more outsiders, naturally, youaffirmlifeto be worry-free, Ispeak franklywithyou, ishopesonyourwellusethreebagAuric Essence Copper Coin, do not coverin the handrots, has not used upcasually. The small townbeforemeevery 60 years, will open the dooronetime, puts20-30different quantities ofpeopleto enter the small townprobably, whatevertheyseek fordestiny. From now on, did not havesuchcustom, will seem likeordinaryGreat Lismall townmore and more, thereforeyourthreebagAuric Essence Copper Coin, especiallywere garish, will make the unnecessarytroubletoyoueventually. I, fears the troublevery much, when the time comesunavoidablymustforyouover, butmyRuan Qiongcontestswithonegroup of kidsevery other day, Idislikedisgraced. ThereforeImake a suggestiontoyou, hear or not hear, after listening, yourselfdecided.”
“接下来小镇会有越来越多的外乡人,当然,你肯定性命无忧,我之所以跟你打开天窗说亮话,是希望你好好利用手上三袋子金精铜钱,既别捂在手里烂掉,也没随随便便用掉。小镇在我之前的每60年,会开门一次,大概放20-30数量不等的人进入小镇,任由他们寻找机缘。从今往后,就没有这样的规矩了,会越来越像是普普通通的大骊小镇,所以你的三袋子金精铜钱,就格外扎眼,终究会给你惹来很多不必要的麻烦。我这个人,又很怕麻烦,到时候难免要为你出头,但是我阮邛三天两头跟一群小屁孩过招,我嫌丢人。所以我就给你提一个建议,听不听,听完之后,你自己决定。”„Beforesayingsuggestion, talks clearlywithyoubeforehand, immediatelyis the Auric Essence Copper Coinmost valuabletime, is actually no onecanspend, outsidefourgreat surname, tenlarge clansare perhaps no exception, becauseEmperorGreat Liplanned that mustprohibit the mountain61 outside Scattering Clouds Mountain, lifted a banto quarry a mountaincompletely, sold towith the majorinfluenceschools that Great Liwas on good terms. These61mountains, priceheight, because ofsizedifferent, the outside worldgoes after like ducks, lies inpresentBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-Heavengreat formationwas shattered, reduces toworldBlessed Landsameexistence, Spirit Qi, althoughquickly wanes, butcompared with the commonmountain, must be higher thanonein a big wayto plan, does not compare the mountain range that legitimateMountain Godassumesto be inferior, moreoverEmperorGreat Lipromised that thisplacewill meet the imperial edictto sealmountainGreat Godin the future, threeMountain GodandRiver God, socrowdedmountains and riversRighteous Godassumes, causes for 60yearslater the surrounding areathousand li (500 km), stillenjoys the sight and sound of the wind whipping up the water, Spirit Qiis abundant, therefore‚buysmountain top’nowthisbusiness, gainssteadilydoes not compensate.”
“在说建议之前,跟你事先说清楚一点,当下是金精铜钱最值钱的时候,却不是谁都能花出去的,四大姓外,恐怕十大族也不例外,因为大骊皇帝打算要将披云山之外的六十一座封禁大山,全部解禁开山,卖给与大骊交好的各大势力门派。这六十一山,价格高低,因大小而异,外界之所以趋之若鹜,在于如今骊珠洞天大阵破碎,降为人间福地一样的存在,灵气虽然骤减,但是比起寻常大山,仍要高出一大筹,丝毫不比有正统山神坐镇的山脉逊色,况且大骊皇帝许诺此地将来会敕封一尊山岳大神,三位山神和一位河神,如此密集的山河正神坐镇,使得六十年之后方圆千里,依然风生水起,灵气充沛,所以现在‘买下山头’这笔买卖,稳赚不赔。”Chen Ping'anasked: „IfIbuy the mountain toptoday, thenIwill dietomorrow, what to do?”陈平安问道:“如果我今天买下山头,然后我明天死了,怎么办?”Thisissue, pertinent.
这个问题,一针见血。Ruan Qiongfor the first timeshows a smile, „first, so long asyouworkin the small townhonestly, cultivates the behaviorseriously, inexplicablewill not definitely die a violent death, for examplehasMoving-Mountain Apesuchgoodsto askyouto troubleagain, nowsmall townalreadyshatterdreading, has not needed the Qi Jingchunworry, Ido not use. Qi Jingchunwantsto observe, Ido not use. ThereforeIcanmake a moveto helpyougreatlylevel, because to thislittle while, thisis the fairmatter. Next, Great LiImperial Courtsells cheap the mountain topincident, toearn the Great Liforeignburning incensesentiment, belongsto lose moneyto gaincalled, after complyingto buynext to servewhatmountain, within300years, even ifbought the person of mountain dead, evendid not have the heirto inherit, Great Liin300years of time, did not take back the mountain topequallyarbitrarily, no matter whatitwill leave uncultivated. Finally, is my timewill take the leadto attainthree mountains, the geomancyis definitely best, ifyoulater can also attainseveral, wecanborder onto adjoin, supposedyou , if incapable ofquarrying a mountainto make a profit, even ifrents the mountain peak300yearstaking advantage ofme, you can also draw bonusyear after year, sit idle and enjoy the fruits, the posterity, isso.”阮邛破天荒露出一丝笑容,“首先,只要你在小镇老老实实做事,本本分分做人,肯定不会莫名其妙就暴毙,例如再有搬山猿那样的货色找你麻烦,如今小镇已经没有破碎不破碎的忌惮,需要齐静春担心的,我不用。齐静春想要遵守的,我也不用。所以我大可以出手帮你摆平,因为到了这会儿,这就是合情合理的事情。其次,大骊朝廷贱卖山头一事,是为了赚取大骊境外的香火情,属于亏本赚吆喝,答应买下任何一座山之后,三百年之内,哪怕买山之人死了,甚至没有子嗣继承,大骊一样在三百年之期内,绝不擅自收回山头,会任其荒废。最后,就是我这次会率先拿到三座山,风水肯定最好,如果你之后也能拿到几座,我们可以接壤毗邻,假设你如果无力开山获利,哪怕只是借我租用山峰三百年,你也能年年分红,坐享其成,子孙后代,亦是如此。”Thisis the thin stream flows farriches and honor, manyold familygreat familieslong for even in dreams.
这是细水流长的富贵,多少世族豪阀梦寐以求。Ruan Qiongdisdainsto boast,thenhas not divulged.阮邛不屑自夸,便没有说破。Chen Ping'anaskedcuriously: „Master Ruan, thesemountain topapproximatepriceshow?”陈平安好奇问道:“阮师傅,那些山头大致价格如何?”Ruan Qiongspoke thoughtlessly saying: „The smallestthatmountain top, the alonemountain peak, was named asTrue Pearl MountainbyGreat LiImperial Court, shouting out the priceisAuric Essence Copper Coin, butmustbewelcoming spring money.”阮邛随口说道:“最小的那座山头,孤零零一座山峰而已,被大骊朝廷命名为真珠山,叫价是一枚金精铜钱,不过必须是迎春钱。”Chen Ping'ansaidwith amazement: „Onlyneedsone?”陈平安惊讶道:“只需要一枚?”Ruan Qiongsaid with a smile: „Trivialplace, gives the euphemistic name of the mountain, actually the peakcharacterdoes not touch on slightly, a hill, welcoming spring money, is not cost-effective, this is becauseGreat Lireallydoes not havemeansselling quotationhalfAuric Essence Copper Coin.”阮邛笑道:“屁大地方,美其名曰山,其实连峰字也不沾边,一座小山包而已,一枚迎春钱,不划算,这是因为大骊实在没办法喊价半颗金精铜钱。”Chen Ping'anwhispered: „A copper coin, the smallmountain top, 500years, the entire300yearsturned over to itself, howwantto be cost-effective.”陈平安嘀咕道:“一颗铜钱而已,再小的山头,五百年,整整三百年都归自己了,怎么想都划算啊。”Ruan Qiongcontinues saying: „Mediummountain topsuch asprofoundLishan, Dayan Mountandlotuslamppeak, Great Lithat sideestimateintento15Auric Essence Copper CoinZuo You/about. greatestsmallmountain rangesandothertwomountains, the dryQuanshanlineage/vein and burning incensemountainandGraceful Spirit Mountain, want25to30Auric Essence Copper Coin. Thisisbecauseno onetendered a saying, in the final analysis, Great Liwantedto stay behind, was notthatbagaurin, butwasfoursurnametenclans, as well astheyineasternTreasure Bottle Continentvariouspersonal connections, hope that behindthem the truebackerwealthy person, canswimacts, contactedwithGreat Lion own initiative.”阮邛继续说道:“中等山头如玄李山、大雁山、莲灯峰等,大骊那边估价在十到十五颗金精铜钱左右。最大的一条小山脉和其它两座山,枯泉山脉和香火山、神秀山,都要二十五到三十枚金精铜钱。这还是因为无人竞价一说,归根结底,大骊想要留下的,不是那一袋袋金精,而是四姓十族,以及他们在东宝瓶洲的各条人脉,希望他们背后的真正靠山财主,能够浮水出面,主动与大骊接触。”Chen Ping'anknits the brows: „Master Ruan, Itook such bigadvantageat this time, doesn't show offvery much? Won't bear a grudgein the heart?”陈平安皱眉道:“阮师傅,那我这个时候占这么大便宜,不是很出风头吗?不会被人记恨在心?”Ruan Qionghahasaid with a smile: „You have the backer, inhorizon, close at hand.”阮邛哈哈笑道:“你也有靠山啊,远在天边,近在眼前。”Chen Ping'anscratches the head, has not compliedimmediately.陈平安挠挠头,没有立即答应。Ruan Qiongnot onlydoes not have the annoyedstraw sandalyoungsterdoes not know the good and evil, insteadhappilysaid: „Does not haveproudto be unconventional, but also is good, after going backMud Vase Lane, thinkswell,will striveto answertometomorrow, the long time, will then cause trouble, thiswill not beIbluffsyou, factso.”阮邛非但没有恼火草鞋少年的不识好歹,反而欣慰道:“没有得意忘形,还不错,回去泥瓶巷之后,好好想一想,争取明天给我答复,久则生变,这可不是我诈唬你,事实如此。”
After Chen Ping'anleaves the blacksmithshop, has arrived atthat side the stone arch bridgetime, has not soberedfrom the shock.陈平安离开铁匠铺子后,一直走到石拱桥那边的时候,都还没从震惊中清醒过来。
After the youngsterhad also imaginedbefore, richday.
少年以前也想象过以后自己有钱的日子。For examplecaneat the meat dumplingandtanghuluregularly, oneselfcourtyard doorhas the spring festival couplet, Gate God and luckycharacter, patches the homewithroom, the parentsvisit a gravecantakepotnice wine, onepackage of cakes and pastries, wait/etc.
比如说能够隔三岔五吃上肉包子、糖葫芦,自家院门有春联、门神和福字,把祖宅修补得跟屋子似的,给爹娘上坟的时候能捎一壶好酒、一包糕点,等等。Chen Ping'ankillshas not thoughtone day, canhaveevenseveralmountains.陈平安打死都没有想过自己有一天,能够拥有一座甚至几座大山。
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