Chen Ping'anreturns to the blacksmithshop, after the practical training, whileeating mealresttime, Chen Ping'anis carrying the bowl, foundsquatsMaster RuantogetherundereavewithRuanmiss, Chen Ping'ansaysmustlend money, may want 15-16twomoney. Ruan Qionghad not even inquiredreason that Chen Ping'anlends money, stops the chopsticks, shoots a look at a straw sandalyoungsterslantingly, jumpstwocharacters, „gets the hell out.”陈平安回到铁匠铺子,劳作之后,趁着吃饭休息的时候,陈平安端着碗,找到和阮姑娘一起蹲在檐下的阮师傅,陈平安说要借钱,可能要15-16两银子。阮邛甚至没有询问陈平安借钱的理由,停下筷子,斜瞥一眼草鞋少年,蹦出两个字,“滚蛋。”
The Chen Ping'anwithout delaylittle darlingtravels.陈平安赶紧乖乖跑路。Ruan Xiuknits the brows: „Father, can't youspeakwell?”阮秀皱眉道:“爹,你就不能好好说话?”Ruan Qiongcold-ly snorted and said: „Withoutpunchinghisalreadycalculates that was very goodto speak.”阮邛冷哼道:“没揍他就已经算很好说话了。”Ruan Xiudefends against injustice saying: „Othersgiveyouto work as the apprenticelaboriously, wagescoinsalsoconfiscate, darknessthattime, everyonetreatsin the roomwhistlingrestsgreatly, eitherchatted, only thenChen Ping'anstillinmovedearthfrom the well, were busy atthisbeing busy at that has not been idling, at these timeswhoworkeddiligently, didn't the father, youknow in heart? Yourselffelt the conscience saying that othersaskedyouborrowed15-16twomoney, to be how excessive?”阮秀打抱不平道:“人家这么辛辛苦苦给你当学徒,工钱一文钱也没收,天黑那段时候,所有人都待在屋里呼呼大睡,要么就是闲聊,只有陈平安还在从井里搬土,一趟趟的,忙这忙那,一点也没闲着,这些时候谁做事最勤快,爹,你心里没数?你自己摸着良心说,人家问你借15-16两银子,怎么就过分了?”Ruan Qionggets angrydoes not speak, thought that the fatherIhas severalat heart, wantsto hack to deaththisundermining a wallyoungbastard.阮邛黑着脸不说话,心想爹我就是心里太有数了,才想砍死这个挖墙脚的小王八蛋。Ifthisyoungsterhas the Righteous Yang MountainMoving-Mountain Apecultivation baseskill, the fathergoes to schoolearlythatQi Jingchun, half deadis happyitsdozen. Thinks ofhere, Ruan Qiongis somewhat disheartened, althoughoneself, even ifabandons the Saintstatus in thissideworld, exceedsMoving-Mountain Ape, is still the matter of being settled, butwantssuchto decide the victory and defeatwithQi Jingchun, obviouslyis impossible.
要是这少年有正阳山搬山猿的修为本事,爹早就学那齐静春,将其打个半死才痛快。只是一想到这里,阮邛有些灰心丧气,虽说自己哪怕抛开此方天地的圣人身份,胜过搬山猿,依然是板上钉钉的事情,可想跟齐静春那样一脚定胜负,显然不可能。Ruan Qionghasto comfort itself, althoughoneselfarenominalSchool of Militarysword cultivator, butowntruepursue, non-isthatbattlefieldclose quarters fightingstrong and weakheight, butbecomes the swordsmith who thisworldis among the best, the castinghas a hopefulaccumulatedto raise the self-intelligencelivesword, makingin the worldmanyto have life and death, cancultivated, be possible the samsara, even to pursue the Great Daotruelife.阮邛只好安慰自己,自己虽然是名义上的兵家剑修,但自己的真正追求,非是那战阵厮杀的强弱高低,而是成为这座天下名列前茅的铸剑师,铸造出一把有希望蕴养出自我灵性的活剑,使得天地间多出一位有生有死、能修行、可轮回、甚至可以追求大道的真正生灵。Ruan Qiongputs down the tableware, looks upto the sky, inexplicableshouts 'motherfucker', „reallythinks after Qi Jingchundied, can yoube lawless? Mycustomalreadycleartoldyou, sincenowyoudo not observe, puts outto be ablenot to defend the well-manneredskill, if not, thatdies.”阮邛放下碗筷,抬起头望向天空,莫名其妙骂娘起来,“真以为齐静春死了之后,你们就能够无法无天了?我的规矩已经明明白白跟你们说了,现在既然你们不遵守,就拿出能够不守规矩的本事来,如果没有,那就去死吧。”Sees with own eyesall aroundno one, was squattingRuan Qiongrises straight from the ground, such as the snow whiterainbowexplodestogetherresults from the land, the lasingto the upper airsea of clouds.
眼见四周无人,原本蹲着的阮邛拔地而起,如一道雪白长虹炸起于大地,激射向高空云海。Above the sea of clouds, severalpalace clothingfemale, woman and man of brocadeclothesjade belt, governingis hand in hand spatialandgood, happily chatspeaceful/latepeaceful/late, is indistinguished and accomplishedconfident and at easedaoist immortal the person, once for a whileoverlookedpast the Black Dragon PearlGrotto-Heavenlandcomplete picture, it may be said thatwasduringchatting of being worthy of the reputationhas the windto live.
云海之上,有几位宫装女子、妇人和锦衣玉带的男子,联袂御空而行,言笑晏晏,俱是风流潇洒的神仙中人,时不时俯瞰昔日骊珠洞天的大地全貌,可谓是名副其实的谈笑之间有风生。With a crash a loud sound.
An elegantgold hairpinwomanthatheadcracks. Thenishersideprettygirl, the headalsoblossoms. Gets downin turn, all people, unmannedexception.
一位雍容华贵的金钗妇人那颗脑袋崩裂开来。然后是她身边的一位貌美少女,脑袋也开了花。依次下去,男男女女,无人例外。Ruan Qiongfigurehoveringabovegolden lightbrilliantsea of clouds, the lookis swift and fierce, look around, sneers saying: „What's wrong, onlywithselects the smallmixedfishto testmyRuan Qiongbottom line? is or isn'tlooked down upon the person, althoughmyRuan Qiongwas a hammering, could not compareQi Jingchunby far, butmustsay that cutto killTenth Floorcultivator that 1-2did not keep eyes openinthisplace, hadwhatdifficulty? Thenfrom now on, herecustomare many, hearclear, even ifhides fromyouto covetBlack Dragon PearlBlessed Landbeyond the boundary line, so long asmyRuan Qiongwhichdayis sad, putssky overyouBlessed Landequally, thenbeatsyourhead, believesbyyou.”阮邛身形悬停在金光绚烂的云海之上,眼神凌厉,环顾四周,冷笑道:“怎么,就只用这么点小杂鱼来试探我阮邛的底线?是不是太瞧不起人了,我阮邛虽然就是个打铁的,远远比不得齐静春,可要说在此地斩杀1-2不长眼的十楼修士,有何难?那么从现在起,这儿规矩多出一条,诸位听清楚喽,哪怕躲你在边界线之外觊觎骊珠福地,只要我阮邛哪天心情不好,一样把你抓进福地上空,然后将你的脑袋打烂,信不信由你们。”Ruan Qiongsaid,flashesto passtoward the Bian Jing/frontieroff-line, the nextquartersees onlyhimto hold downsingle-handed a head of old man, after graspingin the demarcation line, the five fingerspress, old man of features suggesting extraordinariness and immortalitybegs for mercyto saywith hardship: „Master Ruan! Master Ruan! Some words saying well! The old manisnearbypurplesmokeriver......”阮邛才说完,往边境线外一闪而逝,下一刻只见他单手按住一位老人的头颅,抓回界线之内后,五指一按,仙风道骨的老人苦苦求饶道:“阮师!阮师!有话好好说!老夫是附近紫烟河的……”Did not wait forold man saying that Ruan Qiongthenpinchedto explode the head of thatImmortal Master, threwoutside the corpse the Blessed Landdomainconveniently, butthatwipedfrom the corpseruns away, butdeep greenrainbowlight, Ruan Qiong was only coldlyshot a look atone, has not beaten severelydon't hit a person when he's down. Thatlengththreechi (0.33 m)havegreenrainbows, grazesnearthousand li (500 km)crazily, a river that jumps into a palepale purplesmokeascensionto wind around, the river water the water of grandmagnificent, by farGreat Liareageneralgreat river.
The five fingersstill have the bloodstainRuan Qionghighsound said: „WithinThis, allso.”
五指犹有血迹的阮邛高声道:“甲子之内,一律如此。”In the middle of the distant placesea of clouds, there isfemalecultivatortaking advantage of the fogconcealmentfigure, saidresentfully: „Method is so cruelly bloody, whereisWeiassumes a placedestinygorgeously the Saintbehavior.”
The Ruan Qiongair/Qismiled, „yo, studiedintelligently, hidwhispers, thought that Ididn't have ideawithyou? damn it, the fatheris notQi Jingchunthatstudiedto readstupidly the fellow, did youwithmySchool of Militarysword cultivatorlecture of moralsetiquette, yourbrainhave the pit?”阮邛气笑了,“呦呵,学聪明了,躲那么远才嘀嘀咕咕,觉得我拿你没辙是吧?他娘的,老子又不是齐静春那读书读傻了的家伙,你跟我一个兵家剑修讲道德礼仪,你脑子有坑吧?”
A Ruan Qiongarminclinedownward, two fingersgathers, in the heartdiscussed: „Part of great bearrising typhoonwind, evil spiritsperimeter/thunder poolfire, may this so at once!”阮邛一臂倾斜向下,双指并拢,心中默念道:“天罡扶摇风,地煞雷池火,急急如律令!”In an instant, heavens aboveundergroundhastwoaurato turnswiftly and violentlywells up, such astwojust the spring of presentworld.
刹那之间,天上地下有两处气息迅猛翻涌,如两座刚刚现世的泉眼。Anotherhas the good-naturedvoiceto remindrapidly: „It is not good, isRuan Qiongthelifewind and thunderdoublesword! Lanting, fastretreats! Ruan Qiongthing of the life, is at variance with the average man, notaccumulatedraisesin the middle ofacupoint, existsinhimthreethousand li (500 km)world, follows his twoSchool of MilitaryYingods, walks randomlyeverywhere......”
另一处有温厚嗓音急促提醒道:“不好,是阮邛的本命风雷双剑!兰婷,速速撤退!阮邛的本命之物,异于常人,并不蕴养在窍穴当中,存在于他四周的三千里天地之间,跟随他的那两尊兵家阴神,四处游走……”Above the sea of clouds, onewipes the greenglow of shining, the escapegoesat risk of lifeoutward, beyondglow , the glittering and translucent carvingpeach blossomslingerto circle, escortsfor the master.
After thiswipes the quietgreenflowing lightalmostplunders800li (0.5 km), by a azuresilk thread of dropping from the clouds, from the headis passed through.
这抹幽绿流光差不多一口气掠出八百里后,就被从天而降的一根青色丝线,从头颅当中贯穿而过。Forthatman who shespoke out from a sense of justice, was not according to the circumstances wonderful, thenvanishedby the special skillescapingtechniqueearly.
为她仗义执言的那个男人,见机不妙,便早早以独门遁术消失。heavens aboveis silent, no onedaresto make noiseagainboisterously.天上为之寂静,再无人胆敢聒噪出声。Ruan Qiongsneers, no longerhaggles overwith the generations of thiscrowd of badtreacherous person, the figurefallsstreambank near the blacksmith's shop, the blacksmith of whole bodyBane Qiandbloodyair/Qi, puts out a handto wash out the bloodstainincreek water.阮邛冷笑一声,不再跟这群心怀不轨的鬼蜮之辈计较,身形落回铁匠铺附近的溪畔,满身煞气和血腥气的铁匠,伸手在溪水中冲刷掉血迹。Ruan Qiongsighed, saidsadly: „Qi Jingchun, you, ifhasmehalf was unreasonable, did how to go so far as tofollowsoaggrievedly?”阮邛叹了口气,感伤道:“齐静春,你要是有我一半的不讲道理,何至于走得如此憋屈?”
The ashore, Chen Ping'anis conducting a double-hour the walkingpile, while returning, the practicefinished, is stretchingto relax the physique, Chen Ping'ansawsuddenlyMaster Ruansteps onto the shorefromcreek side, hesitant, slows down the footsteps, does not get refused. Whydoes not know, Chen Ping'analwaysthought that Master Ruancalculatestoownimpression not good, regardsownlook, is a bit likewithOld Man Yao, passes the stockto shut out.
岸上,陈平安正在进行一个时辰的走桩,在返回途中,练习完毕,正在舒展放松筋骨,陈平安突然看到阮师傅从溪边走上岸,犹豫了一下,放缓脚步,不去碰钉子。不知为何,陈平安总觉得阮师傅对自己印象算不上好,看待自己的眼神,跟姚老头有点像,透着股嫌弃。Ruan Qionghas not responded the youngster, turns back the blacksmithshopin big strides.阮邛也没搭理少年,自顾自大踏步走回铁匠铺子。Chen Ping'anturns headsuddenly, lookstocreek water.陈平安蓦然回头,望向溪水。Tranquil, is not as usual unusual.
平静如常,并无异样。HoweverChen Ping'anjust nowsuddenlyheartonetight, is nervous and uneasy, looks likein the middle ofcreek waterto havedying of punishment on a false chargewater demon, observed closely itself, veryincrediblefeeling.
但是陈平安方才冷不丁心一紧,如芒在背,就像是溪水当中有冤死的水鬼,盯住了自己,很荒诞的感觉。In the middle ofline of sight, creek watermurmur, cheerfulgentle.
只是视线当中,溪水潺潺,欢快柔和。Chen Ping'andoes not lose heart, picks upseveralgrains of weightjust rightpebble, turns aroundto walktoward the downstreamalongcreek water, is sizing up the sound in creek watercarefully, triesto discovertraces.陈平安不死心,捡起几粒轻重正好的石子,转身沿着溪水往下游走去,仔细打量着溪水里的动静,试图找出一点蛛丝马迹。Chen Ping'anmorelooksmoredoes not feelright, under the broad daylight, creek watergivespeopleunexpectedly a Yin Qidenseimpression, Chen Ping'an, even ifthatmanytimesneaks the gulf under Azure Ox Back, has not hadsoclearbeing sickfeeling. Chen Ping'ancandeterminenow, in the worldhasunthinkabledemonmonsterandwandering spirit, beforeMister Qiinsmall town, thereforeten thousandevildoes not invade, nowMister Qino longer, perhapsimmediatelyis the position that the ghosts and demonscause troubleeverywhere, oneselfmustis careful, even ifMaster Ruanisnextso-called„Saint”, Chen Ping'andoes not dareto treat it lightly, in the final analysis, Chen Ping'antrustsMister Qi, regardingserious in speech and mannerMaster Ruan, the sense of awedefinitelyhas, the heart of least bitbeing intimate withdoes not have.陈平安越看越觉得不对劲,光天化日之下,溪水竟然给人一种阴气森森的观感,陈平安哪怕那么多次潜入青牛背下的深坑,也不曾有过如此清晰的厌烦感觉。陈平安如今能够确定一点,世上有着匪夷所思的精怪妖物、孤魂野鬼,以前齐先生在小镇,所以万邪不侵,如今齐先生不再了,说不定当下就是鬼魅四处作祟的境地,自己一定要小心谨慎,哪怕阮师傅是下一任所谓的“圣人”,陈平安也不敢掉以轻心,说到底,陈平安还是更加信任齐先生,对于不苟言笑的阮师傅,敬畏之心肯定有,亲近之心则半点无。Chen Ping'andaresto act emotionally, searches the strangeness in creek wateron own initiative, lies in the Master Ruanfront legwalks, Chen Ping'andid not feel, ifreallyhasin the water the ghostthing, daresunder the eye of Sainthides, the water leakagekills itself. Also, Chen Ping'anin the sleevehides that Mister Qiis bestowingnowtoMountains and Rivers Seal, oneuprightis„water”characterseal, therefore the youngstercourageis especially sturdy.陈平安之所以胆敢跟着感觉走,主动查寻溪水中的古怪,在于阮师傅前脚才走,陈平安不觉得如果真有水中鬼物,胆敢在圣人的眼皮子底下,出水扑杀自己。再说了,陈平安如今袖中藏着齐先生赠送的那对山水印,其中一方正是“水”字印,所以少年胆气尤其粗壮。
After Chen Ping'anthrewtwopebble, will bend the waistto ascendto pick, somenot far awaypeopleasked: „What do youmake?”陈平安先后丢完两把石子后,正要弯腰拾捡,不远处有人问道:“你做什么?”
The girlazure clothesponytail, isRuan Xiu.少女青衣马尾辫,原来是阮秀。Chen Ping'ancontinuouslyinconcentrating onto cope in the water, has not detectednearness of Ruanmiss, has not covered-up, did not fearherto laugh, puts out a handto refer to the creek waterwater surface, repliedhonestly: „Ithought that in the waterhas the dirtything, is thinkingcan or cannotpoundsitwith the pebble.”陈平安一直在全神贯注对付水中,没有察觉到阮姑娘的靠近,也没有藏掖,不怕她笑话,伸手指了指溪水水面,老实回答道:“我觉得水里有脏东西,就想着能不能用石子把它砸出来。”Ruan Xiulookstocreek water, lookswith rapt attention, the complexionsinks.阮秀望向溪水,凝神望去,脸色一沉。Chen Ping'anasked: „Does is or isn'treallyhave the issue?”陈平安问道:“是不是真的有问题?”Ruan Xiushakes the head, „cannot look.”阮秀摇摇头,“看不出来。”Chen Ping'ansaid with a smile: „Shouldbe I am overly suspicious and fearful.”陈平安笑道:“应该是我疑神疑鬼了。”Ruan Xiusaidin a low voice: „Youfirstgo back, Imusteat a thingto return to the shop here again, words that my father asked that yousaid that has not seen.”阮秀低声道:“你先回去,我要在这边吃点东西再回铺子,我爹问起的话,你就说没看见。”
The Chen Ping'annodsaid: „Does not have the issue.”陈平安点头道:“没问题。”Herecalls the incident, discoverstogether the edges and cornersdistinctstonefrom the ground, asked: „Ruanmiss, mycan or cannotasked that whatmeaningyoursomecharactersare, howpronunciation?”
他记起一事,从地上找出一块棱角分明的石头,问道:“阮姑娘,我能不能问你有些字是什么意思,怎么个读法?”Ruan Xiuis critical situationimmediately.阮秀顿时如临大敌。Studies?
读书?Bookstype of thing, radicallywas the world's most terrifyingenemy. Opensonepage of bookscasually, bigcultivator that eachwritingdeploys troops and forms linesprobably, bluffs and blusterstoRuan Xiu, Ruan Xiureallyseeson the headacheeach time, after shefollowedfatherRuan Qiongenters the small town, shouldgo to the schoolto study, does not needto helphit the strongswordcompletely, butcannot kill, today the bellyhurts, tomorrow the headwill be hot, the day after tomorrowmightrain, four days from nowfoothigh/precipitous...... Ruan Qiong is really disinclinedto heartheseto give a pretextagaininferiorly, will let off a Ruan Xiuhorse.
书本这种东西,根本就是世上最恐怖的敌人了。随便翻开一页书,每个文字都像是排兵布阵的大修士,对阮秀耀武扬威,阮秀实在是每次看到就头疼,原本她跟随父亲阮邛进入小镇后,是应该去学塾读书的,完全不用帮忙打铁铸剑,但是打死不去,今天肚子疼,明天脑袋热,后天有可能下雨,大后天脚崴了……阮邛实在是懒得再听到那些蹩脚借口,才放过阮秀一马。TodayRuan Xiuis not willingto show one's ignorancebefore the youngster, strongself-stabilization, smileforcedsay/way: „Youfirstwriteto look.”
只是今天阮秀不愿在少年面前露怯,强自镇定,笑容牵强道:“你先写写看。”WhenChen Ping'ancarvestwocharacterswith the stoneafter the ground, Ruan Xiuchange shape in a single shake, is in high spirits, said with a smileself-confidently: „Thesetwocharacters, were too simple, Islightlyknewthemvery much, a godcharacter, a courtyardcharacter, aboutin the same place, was a name of human bodyacupuncture point, the godcourtyard, so-calledacupoint, ourpeoplewerelong of ten thousandspirit, builtGreat Daofinecharmmonster, finallyhas totransform the manner, lay inperson of bodymost suitablecultivated, 365sizeacupoint, allwere the buried treasure that the gold and silver mountainsresembled, the ancienthas the cloud, acupoint, was‚mannerparadesto come and go outalso’, the one's wits of ourperson, looked like the child who had the all kids of schoolsfood., Inthisfamily/homehasonebowl of food, inthatfamily/homedrinksonebowl of water, thenunceasingwarmsupportbreeds, the growthexpands.”
当陈平安用石头在地面刻出两个字后,阮秀摇身一变,神采飞扬,自信笑道:“这两个字啊,太简单了,我很小就晓得它们了,一个神字,一个庭字,合在一起,就是一个人体穴位的称呼,神庭,所谓的窍穴,我们人之所以是万灵之长,许多修成大道的精魅妖物,最后不得不幻化为人,就在于人之身躯最适合修行,三百六十五座大小窍穴,皆是金山银山似的宝藏,古人有云,窍穴,即是‘神气之所游行出入也’,我们人的三魂六魄,就像是吃百家饭的小孩子,这家里吃一碗饭,那家里喝一碗水,然后不断温养孕育,成长壮大。”Ruan Xiutells, thenstretches out a finger, holds downownhead, the smilesaid: „As forthisgodcourtyard, here, youstrokesto beginonsendingborderline, upwardfivepoints of distance, thisacupoint, regardingmeandmy father'ssuchSchool of Militarysword cultivator, howcannot be regardedimportantly, un, withourshoptalks, thendoes not belong to‚the School of Militaryland that must fight for’, dispensable, thesedepend on the gadget of burning incensesurvivalactually, hereacupointis important, butmy fatherhas said that thesefairies, do not have the bigprospect, Divine Abilityis big, the ghostsaidagainwidely, was the pitiful creature of living under subjugation, was not worth mentioning.”阮秀娓娓道来,然后伸出一根手指,按住自己的脑袋,微笑道:“至于这神庭,就在这里,你捋起头上的发际线,往上五分距离,这个窍穴,对于我和我爹这样的兵家剑修,算不得如何重要,嗯,用我们的行话来说,便不属于‘兵家必争之地’,可有可无,倒是那些靠香火生存的玩意儿,此处窍穴至关重要,不过我爹说过,那些神神鬼鬼,没有大出息,神通再大,鬼道再宽,也不过是寄人篱下的可怜虫,不值一提。”Chen Ping'ancannot understandcompletely, can only the mechanical memorizing, lateralsoask„ju que”respectively„toodeep pool”.陈平安全部听不懂,只能死记硬背,之后又分别问了“巨阙”“太渊”。Ruan Xiualsoone by oneanswered, althoughgirldid not likestudying, thatdid not like the classicalbooks of theseConfucianismsaints and sages, andpracticed the swordto cast the swordregardingSchool of Militarycultivated, girllikesvery much, theseacupointnames, herfrom a young ageonthoroughly cookedinheart.阮秀也一一作答,少女虽然不爱读书,那也只是不喜欢那些儒家圣贤的经典书籍,对于兵家修行和练剑铸剑,少女喜欢得很,这些窍穴名称,她自小就烂熟于心。Does not wait forChen Ping'anto open the mouthto ask others for help, girlsaid with a smilecarelessly: „Laterhas free time, I365acupointnames, positions and use, one by onetoldyou.”
不等陈平安开口求人,少女就大大咧咧笑道:“以后有空的时候,我把三百六十五个窍穴名称、方位和用处,一一告诉你。”Chen Ping'ansaid with a smile: „TroubledRuanmissyou.”陈平安笑道:“麻烦阮姑娘你了。”Ruan Xiuasked: „Thenmanytimemakesyouhelpmebuy the cakes and pastries, do youfeeltroublesome?”阮秀问道:“那么多次让你帮我买糕点,你觉得麻烦吗?”Chen Ping'anshakes the head. The slight effort, is not certainly troublesome.陈平安摇摇头。举手之劳,当然不麻烦。Ruan Xiusaid with a smilehappily: „Thiscannot.”阮秀开心笑道:“这不就得了。”Some of herregretsregrettedsuddenly, „acupointthesethings, even ifknew, actually the significanceis not big, worldcultivated, reason thatsomeso manyheresies and Devious Gateevil ways, lie inrespectivecultivating vital energy and Qi Refinementwayare different, if you get even the smallest thing wrong you will end up making a loss. my familyalsohas certainly itselfto disperse the air/Qiconsecutivelyandcultivates vital energytwobigheart method, butis unable to leak, thisis not the issue that my fatherdoes comply with, Chen Ping'an, sorry.”
她突然有些遗憾惋惜,“窍穴这些东西,哪怕知道了,其实意义不大,世间修行,之所以有那么多旁门左道和歪门邪道,就在于各自的养气、炼气路数不同,差以毫厘失之千里。我家当然也有自己一脉相承的散气和养气两大心法,可是无法外传的,这不是我爹答应不答应的问题,陈平安,对不起啊。”Chen Ping'an is also notthatreaching out for a yard after taking an inchcharacter, without delayexplainswith a smile: „Is all right, Iwantto knowsomecharacters, has not thoughtso many. Also, Ihadfist chartto practice, is only the fistpile on thisfist chart, myalreadyalmostcould not practice, wherecandivert attention.”陈平安又不是那种得寸进尺的人物,赶紧笑着解释道:“没事没事,我就是想多认识一些字,没有想那么多。再说了,我自己有一部拳谱可以练习,只是这个拳谱上的拳桩,我就已经差点练不过来了,哪能分心。”Ruan Xiufeels relaxedto smile, pattedstriking one's chestgently, „thatis good.”阮秀释然而笑,轻轻拍了拍胸脯,“那就好。”Trembling, sceneryherealonegood.
颤颤巍巍,风景这边独好。Line of sight that Chen Ping'anwithout delayrestraininghas no interest, setting outsinceresay/way: „Ruanmiss, thenwaits foryouto be idle, Icanbe latein any caseMud Vase Lane.”陈平安赶紧收敛无心的视线,起身正色道:“阮姑娘,回头等你空闲,我反正可以晚点回泥瓶巷。”Ruan Xiufollowsto set out, the nodsaid with a smile: „Good.”阮秀跟着起身,点头笑道:“好的。”Chen Ping'anslightlyrunsto the blacksmithshop.陈平安小跑向铁匠铺子。Ruan Xiugoes down the shore, arrives at the streambank, shefirstpulls outtogetherturban, threwcakes and pastriesto the mouth, slowlychewsto taste.阮秀走下岸,来到溪畔,她先掏出一块帕巾,丢了块糕点到嘴里,慢慢嘴嚼回味。
After wait untilChen Ping'anarrives in the small townprobably, sheputs out a handto curl up a section of sleeve, revealsthatscarletbracelet, lookstolimpidcreek water, the sinkingsound saidsay/way: „Fire dragondecorative band over a curtain.”等到大概陈平安到达小镇后,她才伸手卷起一截袖管,露出那只猩红色的镯子,望向清澈的溪水,沉声道道:“火龙走水。”Thatbraceletliquefiesinstantaneously, the living creatureregains consciousness, strugglesunceasingly the distortion, finallyturns into an all over the bodyflamewindingsmallFlood Dragon, itshead and tailengagement, just the linklives in the wrist/skill of girl.
那只手镯瞬间液化,有一活物苏醒,不断挣扎扭曲,最终变成一条通体火焰缠绕的小蛟龙,它首尾衔接,刚好环住少女的手腕。Asazure clothesgirlorders.
随着青衣少女一声令下。Thisoriginallylongless thanonefootscarletFlood Dragon, leapstocreek water.
这条原本长不足一尺的赤红蛟龙,一跃向溪水。Onezhang (3.33 m), threezhang (3.33 m), tenzhang (3.33 m).
The fire dragon may also walkinwater!
The Ruan Xiuordersaid: „Was OK.”阮秀命令道:“可以了。”
The bodyten-ten feetfire dragonno longercontinuesto grow, butnearbycreek waterevaporatescompletelycompletely, not only that upstreamcreek waterlike the scared out of one's witsroutsoldier, diesdoes not dareto continueto break through enemy lines, crowds aroundto pile upintogether, making the creek waterwater surfacecontinuallyrise, butdownstreamcreek watercontinuesto clashto go.
身躯长达十丈的火龙不再继续增长,但是附近溪水全部蒸发殆尽,不仅如此,上游溪水如同吓破胆的溃败士兵,死也不敢继续冲锋陷阵,就拥簇积压在一起,使得溪水水面不断上升,而下游溪水则继续一冲而去。Ruan Xiunarrows the eyeto look.阮秀眯眼望去。Awaits calmlyto come to light.
静待水落石出。Shewalksbottom ofriver beddrycreek water, followsthattenzhang (3.33 m)fire dragontoleading the way.
她走在河床干涸的溪水底部,跟随着那条十丈火龙向前行去。NowGrotto-Heavenwas shattered, bans of fourSaintcarefularrangement, alsovanishes, thereforealreadymagecraftDivine Ability.
如今洞天破碎,四位圣人精心布置的禁制,也随之消失,所以已经不禁术法神通。Whythis is also Ruan Qiongmustwork out the custom, andactson the root of as powerful as a thunderbolt, even ifhereoncewere36 Small Grotto Heavens, occupying land areasmallest, mostdid not grow perceptiblybyHeavenly Material, Earthly Treasure, buteventuallywasBlessed Land of smallGrotto-Heavenfamily background, all sorts ofadvantage, were still bigbenefitcultivated, nowdid not have the great formationdiversion, onceunmannedrestraint, cultivatorswarmedto enter, the good and bad people mixed up, the thoughtswere impure, to the finalsmall town more than 6000people, except the old tortoisebigtortoise that theselivedby luck, othermortals, it is estimated thatwithinonedaywill diecertainly.
这也是阮邛为何要订立规矩并且一出手就雷霆万钧的根源,此处哪怕曾是三十六小洞天当中,占地最小的一个,也最不以天材地宝见长,但终究是小洞天出身的一块福地,种种好处,仍是大大裨益修行,如今没了大阵牵制,一旦无人约束,外界修士蜂拥而入,鱼龙混杂,心思不纯,到最后小镇六千多人,除去那些侥幸活下来的老乌龟大王八,其余凡人,估计一天之内就会死绝。School of Militaryconduct, actuallyalsoheavycustom, but a more tastefuladjustment, is more flexible than Confucianism, canbecause of eventsbecause of the placedifferent, acts in own discretion.兵家行事,其实也重规矩,但是更讲究变通,远比儒家要灵活多变,能够因事因地而异,便宜行事。Roughlyburns a joss stick, in the middle of the river bedZuo You/aboutin the fire dragon that kicksis unceasingly good, likeseizedthatslygoalfinally, a clawpresses downfierce, slowlyhanging downhead.
约莫一炷香后,不断在河床当中左右扑腾的火龙好,像终于逮住了那个狡猾的目标,一爪凶猛按下,缓缓低垂头颅。Ruan Xiuarrives around the fire dragonhead, lowers the headto look, under the fire dragonclaw, is the woman who rolls up, shewas held the waistby the claw, shehasone and black hair of waist, protects the whole bodystubbornly.阮秀走到火龙头颅附近,低头望去,火龙爪下,是一位蜷缩起来的妇人,她被爪子一把抓住腰肢,她有一头及腰的青丝,死死护住全身。Sheaskedcuriously: „SmallRiver God, daresto act unrulyin the my familyentrance? My fathercutsixriver waterRighteous Godin the pastcontinually, haven't youheard?”
她好奇问道:“小小河神,也敢在我家门口撒野?我爹当年连斩六位江水正神,你没听说过吗?”Turns intoRiver Matron of youngwomanto entreatfromwitheredold woman: „Great ImmortalGreat Immortal, servantsafterthisplace, certainlyharmlessperson'sheart. Let alone the servantsdivulge the Yingodaurawith great courage, is hoping forhelpsRuanSaintincrease the creek waterwaterto be heavy, is thinkingcancompletely a pygmy effort, Great Immortalprobablybe angrynot, ifthought that the smalllookis ugly, is an eyesoreloathful, smalllaterthenonlydaresto walk randomlyat night......”
从干枯老妪变成年轻妇人的河婆哀求道:“大仙大仙,奴婢只是经过此地,绝无害人之心啊。何况奴婢斗胆泄露阴神气息,是希冀着帮助阮圣人增加溪水的水重,想着能够尽一点绵薄之力而已,大仙莫要生气,若是觉得小的相貌丑陋,碍眼惹人烦,小的以后便只敢在夜间游走……”Ruan Xiudirect and plainspokenasked: „Do youknowChen Ping'an?”阮秀直截了当问道:“你认识陈平安?”ByRiver Matron of fire dragonholding downwaist, the appearancewas been rapid, actuallyonlydaresto sobpitifully, the chickenpeckingmeter/ricenodsaid: „Knew, smalloriginallyis the Almond Blossom Laneperson, thatChen Ping'anis the Mud Vase Laneorphan, has happening togetheroccasionally, butnot the gratitude and grudges, the servantsrarelysaw the person of small townincreek siderecently, todaysaw that youngsterpractices boxing, iscurious, thenlooked atseveral, wherethinks that thenannoyed such dreadful calamity, Great Immortalread, in the servantsdid not understandin the share of custom, showed mercy......”
被火龙按住腰肢的河婆,容貌迅速衰老,却只敢可怜呜咽,小鸡啄米点头道:“认识认识,小的本是杏花巷人氏,那陈平安是泥瓶巷的孤儿,偶有交集,但是并无恩怨啊,奴婢只是最近很少在溪边看到小镇之人,今日看到那少年练拳,觉得好奇,便多瞧了几眼,哪里想到便惹来了此等泼天大祸,大仙念在奴婢不懂规矩的份上,手下留情啊……”Ruan Xiuwaves, the fire dragonchanges into a patternplainredbracelet, wearsin the girlwrist/skill.阮秀挥挥手,火龙重新化为一只花纹古朴的红色镯子,戴在少女手腕上。Ruan Xiustandsin the distant placeas before, iscomingswift and violentcreek water.阮秀依旧站在远处,身后就是汹涌而至的迅猛溪水。HowevermadeRiver Matronfearful and apprehensiveoneappear, the natural enemy that in casecreek waterkept aloof, has not foughtfirstfalls, detouredautomatically, roamingwells upwentdownward.
但是让河婆心惊胆战的一幕出现了,溪水如遇高高在上的天敌,未战先降,自动绕行,往下游涌去。Whatis more fearful, River Matroncan the sensationtothisazure clothesgirl, simplynot useanyDao MethodDivine Ability.
更可怕的是,河婆能够感知到这位青衣少女,根本没有动用任何道法神通。Ruan Xiubeaming said: „Do not be in a daze, said that looks atAlmond Blossom Lane and Mud Vase Lanematter, all, youknow that anythingsaidanything.”阮秀笑眯眯道:“别发呆,说说看杏花巷和泥瓶巷的事情,所有的,你知道什么就说什么。”River Matron of body of retrievalfreedom, the looksleather bagstartsto restore the youthslowly, but the nextquarter, sheis suddenly alarmed and afraid unable to bearscream,originallythatcrowazurewaterfallblack hair, in the deflationlength, shesaidrendingly: „Whymymagical skillis passing!”
重获自由之身的河婆,姿容皮囊开始缓缓恢复青春,但是下一刻,她骤然惊惧得忍不住尖叫起来,原来那一头鸦青色的瀑布青丝,在缩减长度,她撕心裂肺道:“为何我的道行在流逝!”Azure clothesgirlis eating the cakes and pastries, unclearsay/way: „? Like this, excuse me, forgotto tellyou, Iwas the body of inbornFire God, with the waterwas the natural enemy.”
The River Matronstrongself-coolingcalms down, sheds tearsto entreatsilently: „AskedGreat Immortalto show mercy, forgives the servantsthetimehad no interest in offend.”河婆强自冷静下来,默默垂泪哀求道:“求大仙大发慈悲,饶过奴婢的这次无心冒犯。”Ruan Xiucarefullythinks, „, Iwill shout that youtold the story, relax, Iwill hidethislifeaurawhen the time comes.”阮秀认真想了想,“以后我会喊你过来讲故事,放心,我到时候会隐藏本命气息。”River Matronputs on a long face, does not dareto reject, mustcomply.河婆哭丧着脸,不敢拒绝,只得答应下来。Ruan Xiumoves toward the shore, thensaid: „It is not to a precedent.”阮秀走向岸边,回头道:“下不为例啊。”River Matronsaidagain and again after daresgirlto come ashore, is not swaying the ponytail, moves toward the blacksmithshop.河婆连连说道不敢少女上岸后摇晃着马尾辫,走向铁匠铺子。
The River Matronbodysubmergescreek water, a faceis full of the fiercehate, butsuffered a loss after several times, shestartsto understand that constrainsthisevil tendenciesstubbornly.河婆身躯没入溪水,一张脸庞充满狰狞怨恨,不过数次吃亏之后,她开始懂得死死压抑住这股戾气。Oneskewerresults fromelsewhereothersaspiration, actuallyresoundsinherheartlayer on layer/heavily.
一串起于别处的别人心声,却在她心头重重响起。„Idiot, receivesyourignorance, do youknow, thatgirlin the futureprove the Daoturning pointforwhat matter? Kills offcontinentrivers and streamsWater God, yoursmallRiver Matron, but alsodaresto havekilling intentionaboutthisperson? Alsodid not fear that makes one laugh aloud, even ifotherselongate the neckto makeyoukill, finallystill can only beyoudies! Do youknow,sheinanyYin thing the sensationto the water, iskeen? Thereforein your momentheartthinks,withoutguessingwrong, River God that she must first killin the future, isyou! Howthereforethenthinksto recoverwell, thisoriginallyfatal disasterdisaster, is you obtain the seed of bigdestiny.”
“蠢货,收起你的无知,你知不知道,那少女将来证道契机为何事?就是杀尽一洲江河水神,你小小河婆,还敢对此人心怀杀心?也不怕让人笑掉大牙,人家就算伸长脖子让你杀,最后也只会是你死!你知不知道,她对水中任何阴物的感知,是何等敏锐?所以你此刻心中所想,没有猜错,她将来第一个要杀的河神,就是你!所以接下来好好想一想如何补救,这桩原本灭顶之灾的祸事,亦是你得到大机缘的种子。”„Thisremindsyoufor the last time, youhadagainoverstep the well-manneredactionslightly, did not need others to act, Iwill makeyounot seek livehoodseeking death unable.”
“这是最后一次提醒你了,你再有丝毫逾越规矩的举动,不用其他人出手,我自己就会让你求生不得求死不能。”River Matronafter the soundvanishes, shestupidhoveringinwater, the bodyis elegant and charming, actuallyvapid.河婆在声音消失后,她痴痴呆呆悬停在水中,身躯摇曳生姿,却了无生气。Great Daois indistinct, makingpeopledejected.大道缥缈不定,让人心灰意冷。
--Ruan Qiongis casting the swordroomto seeowndaughterjumps, saidill-humoredly: „BulliesunpromisingRiver Matron, is very happy?”阮邛在铸剑室看到自己女儿蹦蹦跳跳进来,没好气道:“欺负一个不成气候的河婆,很高兴吗?”girlsmilebrightsay/way: „Thenshebecame the god of rivers and streamson, Ibullyheragain.”少女笑容灿烂道:“那就等她成为江河之神,我再欺负她。”Ruan Qiongknits the brows: „Xiuxiu, should not be seriousRiver GodriverGod, isintegrates a ZhoushanChuanhuseagenealogylegitimateWater God, althoughcannot compareFive Sacred MountainsRighteous God of various countries, butkillsthemin the water, is not relaxed.”阮邛皱眉道:“秀秀,千万别不把河神江神当回事,到底是纳入一洲山川湖海谱牒的正统水神,虽然比不得各国的五岳正神,但在水中杀它们,并不轻松。”girl, along withtastes: „Thatmakesthemanhydrousbe possibleto roost.”少女哦了一声,随口道:“那就让他们无水可栖嘛。”
The Ruan Qiongheartshakes, immediatelydepressessmilling expression that the corners of the mouthwill soon reappearrapidly.阮邛心头一震,随即迅速压下嘴角即将浮现的笑意。
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