Chen Ping'aneats for abouttenyearsnot to tastetastetanghulu, carriesscholartreeto return toMud Vase Lane, has the ruinedhouseafter a home, the Chen Ping'anintentionis guilty, is thinkingis or isn'tfirstwithMaster Ruantaking advantage ofsomemoney, cultivatingthisroom, althoughlivessince childhoodinthisMud Vase Lane, butChen Ping'anhas not seenthishousesomepeopleto live, beforewithMoving-Mountain Apeinroofchasepreying, deceivedherehimintentionally, harms the roofto tread out a bigholeby the oldape, Chen Ping'anthought that mustembracethisrottenbooth, otherwise, mustunavoidably the windblown and sunburnt, Was rained the crime of wind blowby that possibly the house can also boil20-30years of time, nowperhapsincluding for fiveyears unable to support, the housepillar of the statewill be much more decayed, this point, withChen Ping'anbyCai Jinjianforcefully„direction” the body, is quite similar, iseightleaking outpositions, thereforeChen Ping'anmakes a vow the relativeto be sorrowfully, is thinkingmustfix the house of thiswithout owner, did not say that the attractivestyle, reliablesolidalwayscannot run away.陈平安吃着将近十年没尝过滋味的糖葫芦,扛着槐枝返回泥瓶巷,经过一栋比自家祖宅还有破败的宅子,陈平安心怀愧疚,想着是不是先跟阮师傅借些银子,把这栋屋子给修一修,虽说从小就生活在这座泥瓶巷,可陈平安从来没有见过这栋宅子有人居住,之前跟搬山猿在屋顶追逐搏杀,故意将其骗到这里,害得屋顶被老猿踩出个大窟窿,陈平安觉得必须把这个烂摊子揽在身上,否则以后免不了要风吹日晒,受那下雨刮风的罪,可能宅子原本还能熬个20-30年光阴,现在恐怕连五年都撑不过去,房屋栋梁会腐朽得很快,这一点,跟陈平安被蔡金简强行“指点”的身躯,极为相似,都是八面漏风的境地,所以陈平安愈发心有戚戚然,想着怎么也要把这栋无主的宅子修好,不说多光鲜气派,牢固结实总是跑不掉的。Chen Ping'anhasto thinkputs outAuric Essence Copper Coin, exchangesreallygold and silveror the copper coin, for exampleYang Family shopOld Man Yang, orMaster Ruan of blacksmithshop, but a Chen Ping'anintuition, Auric Essence Copper Cointhistype of thing, istrueonly happening by happy circumstance, every timeuses uponeisfew, as formoneycopper coin, canmaketowhere, nothing butis the outputsize. ThereforeChen Ping'andecidesfirstto askMaster Ruantaking advantage oftaking advantage oflooking, iftaking advantage ofinadequate, thensolves the difficult problemwithAuric Essence Copper Coin, will love dearlywill definitely love dearly, sincesomeissues of great urgency, alreadyputsatclearat present, cannotdisguiseturns a blind eye to, Chen Ping'anfearedvery muchwill have a deficitothers.陈平安不是没有想过拿出一枚金精铜钱,跟人兑换成真金白银或是铜钱,比如杨家铺子的杨老头,或是铁匠铺子的阮师傅,但是陈平安有一种直觉,金精铜钱这种东西,是真正的可遇不可求,每用掉一枚就是少一枚,至于银子铜钱,到哪里都可以挣,无非是出力大小而已。所以陈平安决定先问阮师傅借借看,如果借不成,再用金精铜钱来解决难题,心疼肯定会心疼,但是既然有些迫在眉睫的问题,已经一清二楚地摆在眼前,总不能假装视而不见,陈平安很怕亏欠别人。Chen Ping'anreturns tocourtyard, scholartree that little missbestows, depends on the courtyard wallto putslantingly, thatpricelessSharpening Sword Stonestillalsoinwicker basket, butwill certainly not losefrankly and uprightlyincourtyard, alreadymadeChen Ping'anmovein the room, ifwere not the time press, Chen Ping'anwished one couldto digonezhang (3.33 m)highgulfincourtyard, buriedthatcommonactuallyvaluableSharpening Sword Stone, Dragon Beheading Platform, butlistens tothisname, the feelingwas more precious than thatthreebagAuric Essence Copper Coin.陈平安回到院子,把那根小姑娘赠送的槐枝,靠着院墙斜放着,那块价值连城的磨剑石依然还在箩筐里,不过当然不会就那么光明正大地丢在院子,已经让陈平安搬去了屋内,如果不是时间紧迫,陈平安恨不得在院子里挖个一丈高的深坑,将那不起眼却值钱的磨剑石埋起来,斩龙台,只是听听这名字,就感觉比那三袋子金精铜钱还要珍贵。Chen Ping'anhears the next doorcourtyardchickencry, Song JixinandZhi Guileave the small town the time, cannot attend to the old mother hen and chickenson of thatbasket, it is estimated thatthislittle whilea littlehungrywound, Chen Ping'anwent to the roomto take upthatbunch of keys, took a paddy ricefromoneselfagain, moved towardnext doorcourtyard door, turned on the chicken coop, the squattinglower part of the bodyleaks off a finger/refers of seamlittle. Fed the chicken, Chen Ping'anhad opened the door of kitchen, wantsto have a look at the rough riceand so onsurplus grain, in order to avoidputin vainbadlymildewy, finallyentered the kitchen, makingChen Ping'anbroaden the outlook, bigvatrice, butturned on the coverto look,Chen Ping'anwas full, in the cabinet the pots and pans, had everything expected to find, that side the wallis also hangingrow of ham and fishdoes, alltidied upcleanly, neat, big or smallthing, mixed, butwas not chaotic.陈平安听到隔壁院子的鸡叫声,宋集薪和稚圭离开小镇的时候,顾不上那一笼子的老母鸡和鸡崽儿,估计这会儿有点饿伤了,陈平安去屋内拿起那串钥匙,再从自家带上一把稻米,走向隔壁院门,打开鸡笼,蹲下身一点点漏出指缝。喂过了鸡,陈平安打开灶房的房门,想看看有没有稻谷之类的余粮,以免白白放坏发霉,结果进了灶房,让陈平安大开眼界,一大缸大米,只是打开盖子一看,陈平安就饱了,橱柜里锅碗瓢盆,应有尽有,墙壁那边还挂着一排火腿和鱼干,一切收拾得干干净净,清清爽爽,大小物件,杂而不乱。Chen Ping'annearbypair of firewoodbytopwas attracted the attentionsuddenly, approachesto squat down, sure enough, isthattimesaw that Zhi Guichops the wooden figurine who cutswith the kitchen knife, shewill not chop firewood, thereforecutfor quite a whilealsoto have little effectat that time, conversionisChen Ping'anquickly and effortlessly, canroughlywait for the personhighwooden figurinedividingrottenly, at this moment, Chen Ping'anis squattinglowering the head, discovered that the wooden figurineis very strange, the bodyinscribesmanyred, proliferates the whole body, sparseuncertain, someplacescrowd togetherdensely and numerouslyin the same place, someplacesare away fromfar awaygrain of cinnabarred, Chen Ping'antakes up a section of wooden figurinearmto lookcarefully, every. By the grainredpoint, inscribesextremelysmallblacksmall characterunexpectedly, the redpoint the grain of ricesize, the radicals of thesesmall charactersrefined not obvious, fortunatelyisChen Ping'an, changes into the eyesight of commonperson, perhaps is only regarded as the redpointandblack point.陈平安突然被灶台附近的一对柴禾吸引住视线,走近蹲下,果不其然,是那次看到稚圭用菜刀劈砍的木人,她根本不会砍柴,所以当时砍了半天也收效甚微,换成是陈平安三下两下,就能把约莫等人高的木人给劈烂,此时此刻,陈平安蹲着低头,发现木人很奇怪,身上刻有很多的红点,遍布全身,稀疏不定,有些地方密密麻麻攒簇在一起,有些地方隔着老远才有一粒朱砂似的红点,陈平安拿起一截木人胳膊仔细望去,每一粒红点旁边,竟然还刻有极其微小的墨色小字,红点本就米粒大小,那些小字的笔画就更加细不可见了,也就亏得是陈平安,换成寻常人的眼力,恐怕只看作是红点和黑点而已。Chen Ping'anattemptsto break the human bonethesestump residual limbsto piece together, in a while, the wooden figurinereappears the original form, fortunately the wooden figurinehas not lackedwhatbig-ticket item, the place that it is a pity thatsplices, the redpointandpositive figurealreadywas reducedorblownby the Zhi Guikitchen kniferubscompletely, it is estimated thatrelativelycompletevermilionchose/pointblack inkcharacter, but also is left overten78.陈平安尝试着将那些残肢断骸重新拼凑起来,没过多久,木人就重现原形,幸运的是木人并未缺少什么大件,遗憾的是许多拼接起来的地方,红点和黑字已经被稚圭的菜刀砍掉或是刮磨殆尽,估计相对完整的朱点墨字,还剩下十之七八。Chen Ping'ansets outto open the window,陈平安起身去打开窗户,Make the kitchenraymore insightfulbrightly, thiscontinues the squattinglower part of the body, carefullylooked at the past, does not dareto leakanydetail, thisconsumedalmostonedouble-hour. AlthoughChen Ping'andoes not knowmostblack inkcharacters, butstillrememberstheirradicalstructureswith every effort. Regardingstudyingto be literate, the Chen Ping'anhearthas harbored the expectation.
让灶房光线更加通透明亮,这才继续蹲下身,仔仔细细看过去,不敢漏过任何一点细节,这就耗费了差不多一个时辰。虽然陈平安不认识绝大多数的墨字,但是依然尽力记住它们的笔画结构。对于读书识字,陈平安内心深处一直怀有期望。Makeskiln workertime, after manyChen Ping'anreach the summit, the looking out into the distancesmall town, whichpositionexcept forseeking forMud Vase Lane, oftensecondwants the place that knows, isthatschool. When young, there is a suntannedthinchild, will frequently go to the school, squats by the pattenroot, the top of the headis the recitationbang-bang, althoughcould not understandis sayinganything, but the childwill think that inexplicablyfelt at easeandfeels at ease, the heartwas very static, a day of receivegrievance, listenedto listennot to have.
做窑工的时候,许多次陈平安登上山顶后,远眺小镇,除了寻找泥瓶巷在哪个方位,往往第二个想要知道的地方,就是那座学塾。年少时,有个黝黑消瘦的孩子,经常会去学塾,蹲靠在墙脚根,头顶就是书声琅琅,虽然听不懂在说什么,但是孩子会莫名觉得安心和心安,心很静,一天受到的委屈,听着听着就没了。However the studyingincident, tothenMud Vase Laneorphan, wanted the luxuriousthingscompared withtanghulu, had a lookfrom afarwell.
不过读书一事,对当时的泥瓶巷孤儿来说,是比糖葫芦还要奢侈许多的东西,远远看看就好。At this timeChen Ping'ancloses the eye, byremembering, constructs a completewooden figurinein the mind.
此时陈平安闭上眼睛,凭借记忆,在脑海当中构建一个完整的木人。Ifthere is a memoryfuzzyplace, Chen Ping'andoes not open the eyeto examine the trutheagerly, advances the jump, finallyfrom beginning to end, wooden figurineprobably40-50indefinitevermilionDianmocharacters.
若是有记忆模糊的地方,陈平安并不急于睁开眼睛去查看真相,先行跳过,结果从头到尾,木人大概有40-50处不确定的朱点墨字。Omits the one by oneidentificationto rememberthese, the Chen Ping'andeep breathone breath, wantsto comeagain, butjustclosed one's eyes, swellson the head, somedizzy, Chen Ping'andecisivelyno longerreluctantlyoneself. Somewhatdiligently, is notunderair/Qion the linewith all one's strength, will otherwise be only busieris more chaotic. After the Chen Ping'anlearn/studyburns the porcelain, regarding thishas deep feelings, is notgifted, isshouts abusebyOld Man Yaopurelyall day, after being scoldedunceasingly one of the attainments.
将那些遗漏一一辨识记忆过去,陈平安深呼吸一口气,本想再来一遍,只是刚闭上眼,就脑袋发胀,有些晕乎,陈平安果断不再勉强自己。有些努力,不是下死力气就行的,否则只会越忙越乱。陈平安学习烧瓷之后,对此感触颇深,不是天资聪颖,纯粹是整天被姚老头破口大骂,不断挨骂后的心得之一。Chen Ping'andisrupts the wooden figurineagain, piles upin the topcorner, goes out of the kitchen, after closingcourtyard door, thinks, mustgo to a small towneast gate, looks forgatekeeperagain a time, laterwas the officialapprentice in blacksmithshop, mustlivein that sidemostly, was unlikelyto deliver a letter, thereforeChen Ping'anwantsto notifythatbachelor, buthad lookedbeforeonetime, has not been looking.陈平安重新将木人打乱,堆放在灶台角落,走出灶房,关好院门后,想了想,还是要去一趟小镇东门,再找一次看门人,以后做了铁匠铺子的正式学徒,多半要住在那边,就不太可能送信了,所以陈平安想跟那位光棍汉打声招呼,不过之前找过一次,没找着。
After Chen Ping'anslightlyrunsarrives at the small towneast gate, thatclayroomas beforeis the scene that the doorshuts tightlyto cage, sighed, sat that ingatekeeperZheng Dafengsatfrequentlyonlyset upon the block, the small towndid not compareto walk into the mountain, but the art of noMountain Godseat. Chen Ping'ansits there is in a daze, snatches a little leisure from the busy schedulesrarely.陈平安小跑来到小镇东门后,那栋黄泥屋依旧是房门紧闭上锁的光景,叹了口气,就坐在看门人郑大风经常坐的那只树墩子上,小镇不比进山,可没有什么山神座椅的讲究。陈平安坐在那里发着呆,难得忙里偷闲。Has not knownhow long, on the path in small town, hears an intermittentwheelsound, Chen Ping'anturns the headto look, an overheadox cart, backfollows two carriage that has the compartment, on the ox cartsitsonegroup of children, twofamiliarface, Li Baoping of scarletcotton-wadded jacket, Shi Chunjia of twolumps of cheek rouge, in addition, wantto comeisLi Huai that Shi Chunjia said that Lin Shouyi, the Dong Shuijingthreeschooluntaught children.
不知道过了多久,小镇内的道路上,传来一阵阵车轱辘声,陈平安转头望去,当头一辆牛车,后边跟着两辆有车厢的马车,牛车上坐着一群孩子,还有两张熟悉的脸庞,大红棉袄的李宝瓶,两坨腮红的石春嘉,除此之外,想来就是石春嘉所说的李槐,林守一,董水井三位学塾蒙童。Onox cartfivechildren, chirp chirp twitter twitter, lively.
The cart driveris a strangeface of middle-aged person, beforeswept the floorold manto sitin the schoolin the cart driverbehind,
车夫是一张中年人的陌生脸孔,之前在学塾扫地老人坐在车夫身后,Chen Ping'anas far as eyes can reach, except forcoming the Good Luck and Fortune Streetfourgreat surnameLi Clanredcotton-wadded jacketlittle misses, otherfourchildren, onlyputsinhuge difference, the Shi Chunjiaancestry, for generationslivedinRiding Dragon Lane, is defendingthatoldshop that is calledgiving on new years, does not need to worry about food or clothing, butcannot be regardedvery rich, therefore the little missonlyputs oncancalculatecomfortablywarm, butsideShi Chunjiahasserious-lookingcontemporaries, is throwing over a brand-newpreciousblackfox fur coat, complexionslightlywhite, the facial featuresare indifferent. Li HuaifatherLi Er, is the vexedman (Han) who the small townbecomes famous, Li Huaialsothere is an elder sistercalledLi Liu, but the parents and elder sisterthreepeoplewent outto seek a livelihood, onlyleft behind a Li Huaipersonto placein the uncle's family, nowalsosamemustleavehometown, followedold mansurnamed MatothatMountain Cliff Academy. Last youngster, the garmentis spring frail, thenput onbeyondtwo of sewing and mending the garment, the whole bodypoverty-strickenair/Qi, looksis the narrow alleychild long/growsbigbitterchild.陈平安一眼望去,除了出身福禄街四大姓李氏的红棉袄小姑娘,其余四个孩子,仅是穿着就天壤之别,石春嘉的祖辈,世世代代生活在骑龙巷,守着那间名叫压岁的老铺子,衣食无忧,但算不得大富大贵,所以小姑娘穿得只能算舒适暖和,但是石春嘉身边有位神色冷峻的同龄人,披着一件崭新名贵的黑色狐裘,脸色微白,眉眼冷漠。李槐的父亲李二,是小镇出了名的窝囊汉,李槐还有个姐姐叫李柳,不过爹娘和姐姐三人都出去讨生活了,只留下李槐一个人寄养在舅舅家,如今也一样要离开家乡,跟随姓马的老人去往那座山崖书院。最后一名少年,春衫单薄,便穿了缝缝补补的两件外衫,满身穷苦气,一看就是穷巷子长大的苦孩子。Li Baoping, Shi Chunjia, Li Huai, Lin Shouyi, Dong Shuijing.李宝瓶,石春嘉,李槐,林守一,董水井。Fivesmall townuntaught children, take the ox cart that is unable to keep out wind and rain, moves toeastthatin the hearts of Treasure Bottle Continentcountlessscholarholy land, Mountain Cliff Academy, one of the Confucianism70twoacademy. Fivechildrenat this moment, definitelydo not know,on a continentdomain that the dynastystands in great numbers, innumerablegenerationhigh-ranking officialsgreat familieswealthy and prominent family, even ifsharpened the head, exhaustedfavorburning incense, wantsto send inownjuniors, followsmasterMister of theselong wide sleeveabundantbelts, studies the practicing moral culture/slim fitgoverningevenworld of Confucianismsaints and sages.
五位小镇蒙童,乘坐着无法遮风挡雨的牛车,驶向那座东宝瓶洲无数读书人的心中圣地,山崖书院,儒家七十二书院之一。五个孩子此时此刻,肯定不会知道,在王朝林立的一洲版图上,无数世代簪缨的豪阀高门,哪怕削尖了脑袋,用尽了人情香火,也想要把自家子弟送入其中,跟随那些广袖博带的夫子先生们,学习儒家圣贤的修身治国平天下。Theynaturallydo not know,canshoutQi JingchunMister, is rare. On the contrarythesechildrenwill only thinkimmediately the Mister Qicustomare many, frequentlyis putting on a serious face, does not make one be intimate with, Mister Qismiledoccasionally, the childrendo not even knowoneselfmaderightanything, makingMistersogive birth for the first time.
他们自然更不会知道,能够喊齐静春一声先生,有多么难得。相反这些孩子当下只会觉得齐先生规矩多,经常板着脸,一点也不让人亲近,齐先生偶尔笑了,孩子们甚至根本不知道自己做对了什么,让先生如此开怀。Li Baopingwas sharp-eyed, seessatChen Ping'anontreeblock, jumped down the ox cartquickly, staggered, before running up to the Chen Ping'anbodyfast, stood firmsuddenly, actuallydid not seemto know that shouldsayanything, finallyonlystuck out chest, said„Imustgo toveryveryfarplace”, on the smallfacefullwasproud.李宝瓶眼尖,看到了坐在树墩子上的陈平安,以迅雷不及掩耳之势跳下牛车,踉跄了一下,飞快跑到陈平安身前,猛然站定,却又好像不知道该说什么,最后只挺起胸膛,说了一句“我要去很远很远的地方”,小脸上满是骄傲。Wears the tall hatold mansinkingsound said: „Li Baoping!”
头戴高冠的老人沉声道:“李宝瓶!”Althoughwas not quite happy,old man was still made the cart driverstop the ox cart. The little missescurl the lip, butturns aroundto runto the ox cart, sheheardthatfellowto shoutsuddenlybehindownname, then, saw that histowards oneselfraised the fist, shookgentlyin a flash, shouldherto try hard.
虽然不太高兴,老人仍是让车夫停下牛车。小姑娘撇撇嘴,但还是转身跑向牛车,她突然听到身后那家伙喊了自己的名字,回头后,看到他朝自己扬起拳头,轻轻晃了一晃,应该是要她努力。Li Baopingalsotowardhiswavedfist, hints itselfto try hard.李宝瓶也朝他挥了挥拳头,示意自己会努力的。Chen Ping'ansmiles, thought that the effort of thisredcotton-wadded jacketlittle miss, uses on mostlyplaying, Mountain Cliff Academywill leavehertraileverywhere.陈平安会心一笑,觉得这个红棉袄小姑娘的努力,多半是用在玩耍上,山崖书院处处都会留下她的足迹吧。Chen Ping'anlooks up, has seensweeping the floorold manin the schoolseveraltimes, thinksto nod, Chen Ping'anreturns salutesubconsciouslywith a smile.陈平安抬头望去,在学塾见过几次的扫地老人,想自己点了点头,陈平安下意识就笑着还礼。Meanwhile, backon a carriagesomepeopleput down the window curtainsgently.
与此同时,后边一辆马车上有人轻轻放下了窗帘。Althoughonly has the glance, butChen Ping'ansaw clearly the facial features of thatperson, goes to the blacksmithshopto look for the Master Ruanscholar.
虽然只有惊鸿一瞥,但是陈平安看清了那位人的面容,正是去铁匠铺子找阮师傅的读书人。Chen Ping'angazes after the ox cartcarriageto drive out of the small townslowly.陈平安目送牛车马车缓缓驶出小镇。IfChen Ping'ancanlook like the Ning Yaogoverningswordto fly highlike that overlooksthousand li (500 km)mountains and rivers that thisjustair planted, will certainly be shockedbyall sorts ofphenomenon.
若是陈平安能够像宁姚那般御剑凌空,俯瞰这座刚刚落地生根的千里山河,就一定会被种种异象震撼。Hasvariouscountlesskind of birds and beasts, inboundary line that inthisBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-Heaven and Great Lidomainborders on, occupiesmotionless, outside, are innumerabletheirsimilaris rushing toherecrazily, probablyis derivinganything.
有不计其数的各类飞禽走兽,在这座骊珠洞天与大骊版图接壤的边界线上,盘踞不动,更外边,还有无数它们的同类在疯狂奔向此处,像是在汲取着什么。ThatinvisibleBian Jing/frontieronline, theydo not dareto bridge overforwardonestep, is not willingto evacuatein the futureonestep.
那根无形的边境线上,它们既不敢向前跨过一步,也不愿往后撤离一步。old womanstands the creek waterendindemarcation line, the upper partsurfaces, crowazuresends the silksuch as the waterfallto flow swiftlygenerally, spreadsaround the body, like a blacklotus flower.
还有一位老妪站在界线以内的溪水尽头,上半身露出水面,一头鸦青色发丝如瀑布一般泻下,在身躯四周蔓延开来,像一朵黑色的莲花。Originallyfacemotleysuch asdrybarkold woman, at this momentis the under 40-year-oldwomanappearance.
原本脸庞斑驳如枯树皮的老妪,此时此刻已是不到40岁的妇人模样。Alsothere isthatScattering Clouds Mountain, seemsis haunched upby the surface, risesat the visiblespeedslowly.
又有那座披云山,好似被地表拱起,以肉眼可见的速度缓缓升高。Grotto-Heavenwas shattered, reduces toBlessed Land.洞天破碎,降为福地。Locally bornsmall towncommon people in the past Black Dragon PearlGrotto-Heaven, regardless of the riches and honorare lowly, regardless of the mental dispositiongood and evil, will all havenext life.
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