AlthoughChen Ping'anlooks at the figureto be emaciated, whenhisshoulderslift upthesescholartree, does not walkreluctantlywith easeinMud Vase Lane, behindthatredcotton-wadded jacketlittle miss, lookingdumbfoundedly, ifbeforewere notsheinsisted that scholartree of Chen Ping'anonherslendershoulderalsowantedoneandtakes away.陈平安虽然看着身形瘦弱,可是当他双肩扛起那些槐枝,一点也不勉强地轻松走在泥瓶巷,把后头那位红棉袄小姑娘,给看得目瞪口呆,之前如果不是她坚持,陈平安连她纤细肩膀上的那根槐枝也要一并拿去。In the Mud Vase Laneopeningis standing a small girl of sheep's-horn braids, it is estimated thatwas the winterfreezes the cheeks, twolumps of cheek rougewere very conspicuous, after seeingcarried the scholartreeredcotton-wadded jacketmissswaggering, sheis depressed saying: „Li Baoping, did not reach an agreementthrew downscholartree, went the schoolwithmetogether? Youdo not know,todayGrandpahorseblamesvery much, putting on was like Mister Qi, said that mustleadusto study away from homebyhim, goes tothatMountain Cliff Academy, when the time comesGrandpahorsetoward the words that wegot angry, blamedyou.”泥瓶巷口子上站着一个扎羊角辫的小丫头,估计是冬天冻伤了脸颊,两坨腮红很惹眼,看到大摇大摆扛着槐枝的红棉袄姑娘后,她闷闷道:“李宝瓶,不是说好了丢下槐枝,就跟我一起去学塾吗?你是不知道,今儿马爷爷怪得很,穿得跟齐先生一样,说要由他来带着我们游学,去那山崖书院,到时候马爷爷朝我们发火的话,就怪你。”
The redcotton-wadded jacketmisshas not perceived, embroiders the bagto pick upChen Ping'anto giveheremerald greenlocust tree leaf since the waist, tocontemporaries, is twistingrevolving, proudvast.
Her face„youdo not have, Ihaveyo”expression.
The sheep's-horn braidssmall girlonlyfeelsinexplicable, does not know a brokenleaf, hasanything to show off, butshecannot bearLi Baopingthatappearance, underpunchesvery much. The issueisinschoolalmostbigchild, even if Li Huaisuchthornhead, cannot be victoriousLi Baoping, Li Huaiwas once hitbyherliesfeigns deathon the ground, Li Baopingstilldoes not give up, moves the Li Huaipants, throwstoward the treeonthatpantsagain, overhangs there, light/onlybuttocksLi Huaiwails, his motheris not the fuel-efficientlamp, entrainsLi Huaito killwithout delaytogethertoGood Luck and Fortune Street, finallyhas not arrived atLi Family, looks by the streetstyledignifiedstonelionandcolored drawing on potteryGate God and tallcourtyard wall, the womandoes not hit a placeon the air/Qi, gaveLi Huaito beat savagelyone, Even the Li Familyfront doorhas not knocked, is pullingson'sear, returns towest the small towndeclininghousedingily, butthatlatewomanbutcheredonly the chickento cook, the Li Huailightbuttocksstoodon the stool, swaying, eatingwas more cheerful than anyone, wherestillremembers that according towas made the dirty business of headbyLi Baopingon the ground.
The sheep's-horn braidslittle missextendedboth handsto gesticulate a length, the whole faceshut out saying: „locust treeleaf, havinganythingis quite spirited, my fathergavemelast night a gold/metalabacus, the abacus that the goldmakes, is so big!”
羊角辫小姑娘伸出双手比划了一下长短,满脸嫌弃道:“槐树叶子而已,有什么好神气的,我爹昨夜给了我一只金算盘,金子做的算盘,有这么大!”Pitifullyonly the redcotton-wadded jacketlittle misscompletelyimmersesinoneselfworld, does not care aboutwhatgold/metalabacus, shecontinuesto swaylocust tree leafin the partnerat presentgently, the sharpsmallchinliftedlifting, aims atfrontChen Ping'an, shesaid: „Hedeliversme, inmybagalsohas.”
The sheep's-horn braidslittle missheaved a sigh, knewLi Baopingfromherfirstday, wasthissuchwelldoing that asked for the personto dislike. Sheonlysaid that shewants saying that onlylistens toher to listen, onlyhandles the matter that shewantsto handle.
羊角辫小姑娘唉声叹气,从她第一天认识李宝瓶起,就是这这么个讨人嫌的德行。她只说她想说的,只听她想听的,只做她想做的事情。Iffewcontemporariesthat sideRiding Dragon Lane, the sheep's-horn braidslittle missis not really willingto playwithhertogether. Every so often, evenMister Qialsohas no alternativetoLi Baoping, because the Li Baopingassociation/willasked the strangequestion, Mister Qiwill replyeach timeearnestly,onlysaidpitifullyoftendid not sell the answer of Li Baopingbelief, sometimesMister Qithought through an issuefull of enthusiasm, next dayplanned that instructedto dispel doubtwellwithLi Baoping, finallyLi Baopingforgotyesterdayto askanything, thinksmustfish the loachto catch the cricketto put the kite, ran away, dried in the sunMister Qidirectlyinone side.
The Chen Ping'anshoulderscarrythesescholartree, is not goodto turn the head, can only askslightlyloudly: „Schoolnow how manypeople?”陈平安双肩扛着那些槐枝,不好转头,只能稍稍大声问道:“学塾现在有多少人?”Li Baopingis trading the shoulderto shoulderscholartreestrenuously, beforealreadyhad tradedmanytimesback and forth, burninghurting.李宝瓶正在吃力地换肩膀来扛槐枝,之前已经来回换过很多次,火辣辣的疼。
The sheep's-horn braidsstretch out the only one handpalm, replied: „Now is only left overfivepeople, I, Li Baoping, Li Huai, Lin Shouyi, Dong Shuijing.”
羊角辫伸出一只手掌,回答道:“如今只剩下五个人啦,我,李宝瓶,李槐,林守一,董水井。”Sheidlesis also idling, make a clean breast of thingssaidto the one breath the condition in school, „ before Mister Qi, complied to leadusto go outto study away from home, finallymustgoto studytoMountain Cliff Academy, at that timeourschoolalso14-15individuals, the family members agreed that, thesemostlylivedinGood Luck and Fortune Street and Peach Leaf Lanerichchildafterward, firstcould not plead illness in excuse the school,
她闲着也是闲着,竹筒倒豆子就把学塾的境况给一口气说出来,“齐先生之前答应要带我们出去游学,最后要去到山崖书院读书,当时我们学塾还有14-15个人,家里人都同意的,后来呢,这些大多住在福禄街和桃叶巷的有钱孩子,先是托病不来学塾,Afterwardlistened toLi Baoping saying that theyleft the small towndirectly, said that wasseeks refuge with the distant relative. Initiallyheardmustgo toMountain Cliff Academytime, thisgroup of peoplewere happiest,Ido not knowtheirhappyanything, mustfollowMister Qito take that farroad, was not tired. ” Little girlspeechyoungsoundnaivete, butis well-organized, andsomeprecocitiesare temperate, likelyyoungSir. Chen Ping'andid not have the reasonto rememberGu Can, butshewith the crying baby of hedgehog, was not quite same.
后来听李宝瓶说,他们直接离开小镇了,说是去投奔远房亲戚。当初听说要去山崖书院的时候,这拨人最高兴,我都不知道他们高兴什么,要跟着齐先生走那么远的路,不累啊。”小女孩说话稚声稚气,但是条理清晰,有些早慧且性情温和,像个小大人。陈平安没来由就想起了顾粲,只不过她跟刺猬似的鼻涕虫,还是不太一样的。Chen Ping'anasked with a smile: „What did youcall?”陈平安笑问道:“那你叫什么?”
The little misses of hit/pricktwosheep's-horn braidssaidindifferently: „I, calledShi Chunjia, thereforeyoucanshoutme the stonemiss.”
扎两根羊角辫的小姑娘淡然道:“我啊,叫石春嘉,所以你可以喊我石姑娘。”Chen Ping'anhad nothing to say in reply.陈平安无言以对。Li Baopingundermines saying: „Youshoutedher the smallstoneon the line.”李宝瓶拆台道:“你喊她小石头就行了。”Shi Chunjiaseems like a having a fit of bad temperkitten, toLi Baopingangercolor: „Cannotshout the smallstone! Li Baopingyounot!”石春嘉像是一只炸毛的小猫,对李宝瓶怒色道:“不许喊小石头!李宝瓶你也不可以!”Li Baoping that likesindulging in flights of fancyall day long, at this timeher the idea thought that from the nickname of little friend, has shiftedtoelsewherewent, thereforesimplyhas not responded the rebuttal of Shi Chunjia.
喜欢成天胡思乱想的李宝瓶,此时她的想法念头,早已从小伙伴的绰号,转移到别处去了,所以根本没搭理石春嘉的反驳。Shi Chunjiaactuallylikes the earnesttemper, educates with reasonto appealwithLi Baopingtirelessly, onlytoget rid of„smallstone”thisdoes not ask for the happynickname, becauseShi Chunjiaknows,will arrive atMister QithatMountain Cliff Academy, so long asLi Baopingopens the mouthto shouther a smallstone, thenthisnicknameestimated that must unable to throw offthoroughly.石春嘉却是喜欢较真的性子,不厌其烦地跟李宝瓶晓之以理动之以情,只为了摆脱“小石头”这个不讨喜的绰号,因为石春嘉知道,将来到了齐先生的那座山崖书院,只要李宝瓶开口喊她一次小石头,那么这个绰号估计就要彻底甩不掉了。Listenstalking to each other in different languages that twolittle missesare frequenting each otherbehind, Chen Ping'an, whenclose toGood Luck and Fortune Street, asked: „Good Luck and Fortune Streethas the house of manyhousehold of Liperson, whereyour familyin?”
听着身后两个小姑娘你来我往的鸡同鸭讲,陈平安在临近福禄街的时候,问道:“福禄街这边有很多户李姓人的宅子,你家在哪边?”Chen Ping'anis thinkingonly the if it were not forfourgreat surnameLi Familyhouses, ok.陈平安想着只要不是四大姓的李家宅子,都行。After allat that timetolure the Righteous Yang Mountainoldapeleft the mountain, heusedGood Luck and Fortune Streetthatdescendantsscholartreeto climb up the top in Li Familymansion, said that Chen Ping'analsodestroyed the Li Familytwofood for birdspotswith the crossbow.
毕竟当时为了诱使正阳山老猿出山,他利用福禄街那棵子孙槐爬上了李家大宅的墙头,说起来陈平安还用弹弓打碎了李家的两只鸟食罐。Shi Chunjiasaidill-humoredly: „She, isoutside the wallhas that families of locust tree, in the family/homedid not makehergo outeach time, feared that sheplaysinsanely, heroneselfput upon the laddersecretly the wall, fallsalong the locust treeonGood Luck and Fortune Streetagain. Havingherparents was really angry, moved out the ladder, wantedherto enterfrom the front door, jumpednever expected thatherdirectly, laterthatmonthshewould have noto come to the school, backtwomonths, have been leaning on the walking stick.”石春嘉没好气道:“她啊,就是墙外有槐树的那户人家,以前每次家里不让她出门,怕她疯玩,她就自己偷偷架梯子上墙,再沿着槐树落在福禄街上。有次她爹娘实在是气坏了,就把梯子搬走,非要她从大门进入,没想到她直接就跳了下去,之后那个月她就没来学塾,后边两个月,一直是拄着拐杖来的。”Li Baopinghas not feltdisgraceful, butsaidseriously: „Iengaged in introspectionafterward, thattimeismylandingpostureis not right, should not not deep winterboth feetpoke, therefore after and otherleggood, Itryagain......”李宝瓶并没有觉得丢人现眼,而是一本正经道:“我事后反省了,那次是我落地姿势不对,不该直不隆冬双脚戳下去的,所以等我腿好了之后,我再去试就……”Shi Chunjiapanting with rage said: „Isn't also the temporary leavefor half a month?”石春嘉气呼呼道:“不就是又休学半个月吗?”Li Baopingcurls the lip, „third timewas not all right.”李宝瓶撇撇嘴,“第三次不就没事了。”Shi Chunjiasaidindignantly: „naturally, becauseoneyearlater, yourlongbody, the staturefledquickly, thereforecould withstandto toss about, was correctwithyourlandingpostureor not, halfcopper coin are not related!”石春嘉愤愤道:“那是因为一年后,你长身体了,个子窜得很快,所以才经得起折腾,跟你落地姿势正确与否,没有半颗铜钱关系!”Chen Ping'anregarding the noise of twolittle misses, withoutmixing, is first having a headache, when the time comes can oneselfbe recognizedbyLi Family, is in a rageclosesto put the dog. AgainisChen Ping'anin the heart, enviesthemvery much, enviestheirhappinessto be calm and steady, has the elderto controlathome, canstudyin the school.陈平安对于两个小姑娘的吵吵闹闹,没有掺和,一来是正在头疼,到时候自己会不会被李家认出来,一怒之下就关门放狗。再就是陈平安在内心深处,很羡慕她们,羡慕她们的幸福安稳,在家有长辈管束,在学塾可以读书。Although the headache, Chen Ping'an was still decidedto helpLi Baoping, delivered tohermain house gatescholartree.
虽然头疼,陈平安仍是决定帮助李宝瓶,把槐枝送到她家门口。Probablythisis the retribution in this life, had just toldthisredcotton-wadded jacketlittle miss, the compliedmattermustachieve, finally can only brace oneself the Li Familymansionto walk into a trap.
大概这就是现世报吧,刚刚跟这位红棉袄小姑娘说过,答应的事情就要做到,结果就只能硬着头皮去李家大宅自投罗网。Does not know that is or isn'tHeavensopens eyesto wake upfromnappingfinally, thought that should also be one's turnChen Ping'anto change from bad to good, the gatekeeperhas not recognizedhim, Li Baopinghas not madehimhelpshoulderyour family placescholartree, feeling relievedChen Ping'anjust about toturns aroundto depart, Li Baopinggiveshimthatscholartree that ownshouldercarries, said that thisisherrepayment.
不知道是不是老天爷总算从打盹里睁眼醒来,觉得也该轮到陈平安时来运转了,门房并未认出他,李宝瓶也没有让他帮着把槐枝扛进府上,如释重负的陈平安刚要转身离去,李宝瓶就把自己肩头扛着的那根槐枝交给他,说这算是她的报答。Chen Ping'anhas not rejected the good intentions of little miss, shouldersat willon the shoulder, wavesto say goodbye.陈平安没有拒绝小姑娘的善意,随意扛在肩上,挥手告辞。Thatgatekeeperhas been used to the young lady'seccentric character, even ifmovesscholartree that onepilelit a fireto shut outto go home, howalsodoes not feelaccidentally/surprisingly, butsomewhatloves dearlyyoung lady'sthatred colorcotton-wadded jacket, itmaybe more valuable than thesescholartree. Ownthisyoung lady, whenless thanfiveyears old, cango to the small streamto catch a bigcrab, after being proficient, class/flowtears, whilehold up the small handhigh, small handabovehasone dead is not willingto loosen the crab of pliers, parentsandancestorloving dearly. Until now, thatcrab shellazureblackandcrab pincers are actually the scarletcrabs, but alsoraisedinherbigfish bowl, the young ladyreallydid not likestudying, has the matterto be all rightchats the speechwithit.
那位门房早就习惯了自家小姐的古怪脾气,哪怕搬了一堆烧火都嫌弃的槐枝回家,也不觉得如何意外,只是有些心疼小姐的那件大红色棉袄,它可比那些槐枝值钱多了。自家这位小姐,在不到五岁的时候,就能够自己去小溪抓来一只大螃蟹,到家后,一边流眼泪,一边高高举起小手,小手上头有一只死也不愿松开钳子的螃蟹,把爹娘和老祖宗给心疼得不行。到如今,那只蟹壳青黑色、蟹钳却是赤红的螃蟹,还养在她的大鱼缸里,小姐实在是不喜欢读书,有事没事就跟它聊天说话。Sees the Chen Ping'andepartureform.
看着陈平安的离去身影。Shi Chunjiashot a look ateyeLi Baoping, hehesaid with a smile: „Ishe, harmedyouto fall a bigfront tooth?”石春嘉瞥了眼身边的李宝瓶,嘿嘿笑道:“就是他啊,害得你摔掉了一颗大门牙?”Li Baopingarrives atShi Chunjiasuddenlybehind, both handsgriphertwosheep's-horn braids, preparesto raiseupward, „believesme, thisaffirmationline.”李宝瓶突然走到石春嘉身后,双手握住她的两根羊角辫,准备往上提,“相信我,这次肯定行。”Shi Chunjiafrightens the squattinglower part of the bodyhastily, closes one's eyes, both handswieldin the top of the headcarelessly, in order to avoidoneselfwere pulled taut the braidbyLi Baopingupward„pulling up weeds”.石春嘉吓得连忙蹲下身,闭着眼睛,双手胡乱在头顶挥动,以免自己又被李宝瓶扯住辫子往上“拔草”。Li Baopingsquatssideshort and smallher, self-confidentsay/way: „Smallstone, is not sore, youhave not tried the secondtime, howto knowgood? Is right?”李宝瓶蹲在比自己矮小一圈的她身边,自信满满道:“小石头,不疼的,你没有试过第二次,怎么知道不行呢?对不对?”Shi Chunjiafrightenscries aloud.石春嘉吓得哇哇大哭。Thatgatekeeperdoes not have the heart, is the youngstorekeeper in Riding Dragon Lanethatgiving on new yearsshopbreaks through, said: „Just nowschoolhorseMistermakesLi Huaipass message, makingyour family placeprepare a carriage, the young ladyyoutakes the baggage, firstgoes to the school, thenleaves the small town, studies away from homewithMissstonetoMountain Cliff Academy. Naturally, before the school, the young ladycango toRiding Dragon Laneon the way, installs the carriage the Missstonething.”
那个门房于心不忍,为骑龙巷那间压岁铺子的小掌柜解围,说道:“方才一个学塾马先生让李槐来捎话,让府上这边准备好一辆马车,小姐你带上行李,先去学塾,然后离开小镇,与石小姐一起游学至山崖书院。当然,在去学塾之前,小姐可以顺路去趟骑龙巷,把石小姐的东西装上马车。”Li Baopinghasfirstto let offShi Chunjia, is very disappointed, enters the front doortogether the time, has not forgottento feel a pityforShi Chunjia.李宝瓶只好先放过石春嘉,满脸失望,一起走进大门的时候,还不忘替石春嘉感到可惜。
The sheep's-horn braidslittle miss of being survivor of disaster, is determined to tear down the braidsilentlytoday.
“咦?”Li Baopingmakes noisesuddenlysurprisedly, is gaining ground.李宝瓶突然惊讶出声,抬着头。Shi Chunjialooksfollowingherline of sight, wonders saying: „Will not rain.”石春嘉顺着她的视线望去,纳闷道:“不会下雨吧。”Bigdark cloudshave flutteredfrom the small town.
一大朵黑云从小镇上空飘过。From north to south.
从北往南。Justwent out of the Good Luck and Fortune Streetstraw sandalyoungster, is looking up. At that moment, the youngsterwas shocked to unable to speak.
刚走出福禄街的草鞋少年,也在抬头望去。那一刻,少年被震惊得说不出话来。Whereiswhatdark clouds, clearlyis the dense and numerousheavens aboveflyingsword, the innumerableImmortalgoverningswordsfly high.
The youngsterrotate the neckslowly, the line of sightis tracking downgoing south of thatswordcloud.
骤然之间。Grain of black pointfrom south to north, fliesSword Immortalpeopleto run counterwiththese.
有一粒黑点从南往北,与那些飞剑仙人们背道而驰。Thatgrain of black pointis getting bigger and bigger.
那一粒黑点愈来愈大。Finally, the eyesightexcellentstraw sandalyoungsterstares the bigeye, probablystrange business, sky over the small townsouth side, the personwas stepping on the flyingswordinclinedownward, from the small towngroundroughly more than hundredzhang (3.33 m), stopsslightly, the person of governingswordlowers the headto overlook the small town, the line of sightinspectionfour directions, thenoneis flushingtoGood Luck and Fortune Streetunder.
最后,眼力极好的草鞋少年瞪大眼睛,像是白天见鬼了,小镇南边上空,有一人踩着飞剑倾斜向下,在距离小镇地面约莫百余丈的时候,稍作停留,御剑之人低头俯瞰小镇,视线巡视四方,然后就对着福禄街这边一冲而下。In a flash, onedayinten million the governingswordflight, coercesoneto howl the wind and thundersoundair-splitting, finallyfallsbefore the Chen Ping'anbody.
转瞬之间,一日千万里的御剑飞行,裹挟着一股呼啸破空的风雷声,最终落在陈平安身前。Swordhoveringingroundskyhalf a Zhang, abovesword blade, heroic spiritgirl of dark greenlong gown, the both feet is also hoveringabove the flyingswordsword blade.
剑悬停在地面上空半丈,剑身之上,一袭墨绿色长袍的英气少女,双脚亦是悬停在飞剑剑身之上。Travel-worngirlcracks into a smile, both handslinkchest, valiant, said: „Ithought that shouldyoutellsaid goodbye, thereforeIcame.”
风尘仆仆的少女咧嘴一笑,双手环胸,英姿勃发,道:“我觉得应该跟你说一声再见,所以我来了。”Did not waitto carry a scholartreeyoungsterto sayanything, the waisthung the governingswordgirlintention of bladeto move, the swordpointturned around the directionimmediately, the inclinewas upward, flashedto pass.
The youngsterput out a handsubconsciously, butalreadygirl and flyingsworddoes not have the trail.
The embarrassedyoungsterhowevershrinksresentfullyreaches behind the back, scratches the head, walkstowardMud Vase Lane, once for a whilelooks up.尴尬的少年悻悻然缩回手,挠挠头,往泥瓶巷走去,时不时抬头望去。
The straw sandalyoungstersomewhatlosesfrom the beginning, butquickcheers up, originallyMiss Ningisdaoist immortal.
草鞋少年一开始有些失落,但是很快就高兴起来,原来宁姑娘是神仙啊。Chen Ping'anpasses through a Riding Dragon Laneshoptime, for the first timeboughtoneskewer of tanghulu, walkedwhileate.
以至于陈平安经过一间骑龙巷铺子的时候,破天荒花钱买了一串糖葫芦,边走边吃。Eatsis eating, why the youngsterdoes not know, is somewhat deserted.
The youngsterthinkvery muchattentively,could it be thatisloves dearly the copper coin the reason?
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