Looks the youngster who smiles, Chen Ping'anfeelsanxious, the bodyties tight, completelycannot help but.
看着笑眯眯的少年,陈平安感到紧张,身体紧绷,完全不由自主。InitiallywrestledwithCai Jinjian and Fu Nanhualife and death, Chen Ping'anactuallymoreis close tothem, moremind like still water. Even ifbackpesterswithRighteous Yang MountainMoving-Mountain Ape, was chased down, Chen Ping'anhas to dieprobablyfrom the beginning the heart, althoughwill rememberafterwardwill have the lingering fear, but during fight, will hang in the balanceno matter how, Chen Ping'anactuallynotanxious, naturally may not be able to attend.
当初与蔡金简、苻南华生死相搏,陈平安其实越是接近他们,就越心如止水。哪怕后边跟正阳山搬山猿纠缠,然后被追杀,陈平安大概是一开始就存有必死之心,虽然事后想起会有后怕,但交手期间,不管如何命悬一线,陈平安其实没有紧张,当然也可能是根本顾不上。Only the one by onetimesmemoryprofoundanxiety, is Almond Blossom LanecontemporariesMa Kuxuan, indaoist immortalgravethatevenly matchedfight, Chen Ping'anactuallyat that time the palmfullwas the sweat.
The keenintuition of Chen Ping'annearlyinstinct, Cui Chan seems notsurprised.陈平安近乎本能的敏锐直觉,崔瀺仿佛对此丝毫不感到意外。SinceCui Chandaresin the oldporcelainmountain, spoketo provokeimmeasurably deepOld Man Yang, naturallywas not the mysterioustrick, otherwisealsobeing insufficientletadvance intoSchool of MilitarySaintRuan Qiong of 11buildings to dread.崔瀺既然胆敢在老瓷山,出言挑衅深不可测的杨老头,当然不是故弄玄虚的伎俩,否则也不至于让跻身十一楼的兵家圣人阮邛心生忌惮。Hetothatanxious, turns a blind eye to that the straw sandalyoungstercannot conceal, diverts the attentionintentionally, facingthathas the great scholarwork place of storywithGreat LiCapital Cityextremely, stretches out a finger, the look the warm feelingsare still attentive, explain: „not decline to shoulder a responsibility of Confucianism, Daoismsparse speech is natural, do not seek outward of Buddhism, School of Militaryqi rushing to the skies, fourinscribed horizontal tablets, 12characters, containperson of boundlessabundantdivine willwriting, worked out the custominitiallyhereThree DoctrinesfourSaint, theykeep the part of destiny of thisplaceintentionally, youfind the thing in thatvice ministerbigmanpowernot to have, specificallyis usedto develop the tablet, the goal is tooneessence, qi and spirit in thesecharactersto peellayer upon layer, firstdevelops the tablet, affirmativeand‚authentic work’most similar, andtakes the form is an excellent likeness, moretoafterward, was apart from the Li Zhenmarkoriginal conditiononto be able. More and more, the valuegetting smaller, Ithought certainly that except for the do not seek outwardfourcharacters, cansupportreluctantlysixtimes, otherthreeinscribed horizontal tabletperhapsbracesare aboutfourtimes, particularlySchool of Militaryqi rushing to the skies, before probablytwocharacterssoon, died, can therefore stop work for the daytwicefrom now on.”
他对草鞋少年掩饰不住的那点紧张,故意视而不见,转移视线,面朝那座跟大骊京城极有故事的大学士坊,伸出一根手指,神色依然热络殷勤,解释道:“儒教的当仁不让,道教的希言自然,佛教的莫向外求,兵家的气冲斗牛,四块匾额,十二个字,蕴含着书写之人磅礴充沛的神意,还有当初在这里订立规矩的三教一家四位圣人,他们故意留在此地的一部分气数,你瞧见那位侍郎大人手里的物件没,是专门用来拓碑的,目的是要把那些字里的精气神一层层剥下来,第一道拓碑,肯定与‘真迹’最相似,形似且神似,越到后来,距离真迹原貌就会越来越远,价值当然就越来越小,我觉得除了莫向外求四个字,能够勉强撑住六次,其余三块匾额恐怕都撑不过四次,尤其是兵家的气冲斗牛,好像有两个字不久之前死了,所以两次过后就可以收工。”Chen Ping'anis somewhat shocking, originallyherealsosomeso manyways, the character is not only the arrangementin the books, orwrites the spring festival coupletto hangon the wall, on the tombstonecarves the name of deceasedperson.陈平安有些震惊,原来这里头还有这么多门道,字不仅仅是排列在书籍里,或是写春联挂在墙上,或是墓碑上刻下已故之人的名字。Chen Ping'andoes not have the reasonto rememberMister Qito bestow these characters of seal, as well asyoungDaoist Priest Luformula.陈平安没来由想起齐先生赠送印章的那些字,以及年轻陆道长的药方。Cui Chancontinues saying: „Asdeveloping these paper of tablet, is extremely precious, eachthicklikewood chip, isothercontinentDaoismreallyinforms the treasure that the sectis in sole possession, namedwind and thundernotepaper, writingtime, the pen tip and paperrub, bringsound of the intermittentwind and thunder, ourYour Majesty Emperorstorehouseare not many, usuallydoes not hateto use, occasionallywill take the gratuitymeritorious serviceminister, orthe end of the yearrewardsinsomeyamentosix, thereforethisMinistry of Riteswinstothesecharacters, our having brilliant prospectslittleSirWu, the thoughtsare too heavy, the aspectswantto hold, graspsteadily, it is estimated thatwill run into a wallafter the small towneverywhere., ElsewhereexterminationPrefect and familycounty magistrate, tohishere, worked asfor is extremely not easy.”崔瀺继续说道:“作为拓碑的那些纸张,极其名贵,每一张都厚如木片,是别洲道教真诰宗独有的宝贝,名叫风雷笺,写字的时候,笔尖与纸张摩擦,带起一阵阵风雷之声,咱们皇帝陛下也库藏不多,平时根本舍不得用,偶尔会拿出来犒赏功勋大臣,或是年末赏赐给六部里某个衙门,所以这次礼部对那些字是志在必得,咱们这位前程远大的小吴大人,心思太重,方方面面都想抓住,抓稳,估计在小镇以后会处处碰壁,别处的灭门太守、破家县令,到了他这里,就当得殊为不易啊。”Chen Ping'anhear of imperial edictare ordinary.陈平安听天书一般。Although the tone of youngsteris very big, butChen Ping'anhad not thought that heis talking nonsense.
A youngster of foreheadcinnabarsaidoneselfare not the Great Liofficial, does not fake, butappearedin the blacksmithshopat that time, actuallyfollowswhenoverseeing the manufacture ofofficerWu Yuan, Ruan Xiusaid that may be the partnerstudyingchild of SirWu, the so-calledbookchild, isYoung Mastergoes off to studyto study away from home, inthatinsidecarries the fellow of book box. ButChen Ping'ancandeterminenow, delicateyoungster who at presentthissaysnicknameXiu Hu, is not absolutely simple. The style of speakingexperienceis also good, the elegantbearing, compared withDragon's Tailcountyeldest son of legal wifegrandsonChen SongfengandOld Dragon Cityyoung lordFu Nanhua, has is not bad.
眉心一点朱砂的少年说自己不是大骊的官员,不似作伪,但当时出现在铁匠铺子,却跟随在督造官吴鸢身边,阮秀说有可能是吴大人的伴读书童,所谓书童,就是自家公子负笈游学时,在那个在旁边背着书箱的家伙。可陈平安现在可以确定,眼前这位自称绰号绣虎的清秀少年,绝对不简单。谈吐见识也好,风雅气度也罢,比起龙尾郡嫡长孙陈松风和老龙城少主苻南华,只好不差。In the Chen Ping'animpression, amongeveryone who heknows, a handfulpeopleare very special, for examplekilnOld Man Yao, is quietyear to year, occasionallyspokeis cursing at peoplemostly, butOld Man Yaowalked into the mountain after each time, essence, spirit and qi of whole personespeciallywas good, will givepeopleonetypecompared with the youngmalealsobody and spiritvigorousmisconception. Alsofor exampleOld Man Yang of Yangmedicine shop, is very just, relateswithyouagainbadly, nottoyouhow, butrelatesagainwellwithyou, will not giveyouintentionallyanything. Justknew that shortly afterNing YaoMiss Ning, the bodyalsohas a heroic spirit. Andreveals the true colorsAlmond Blossom LaneMa Kuxuan, is the whole bodysharp qiandevil tendencies.
在陈平安印象中,他所认识的所有人当中,其中一小撮人很特别,比如窑头姚老头,常年沉默寡言,偶尔说话多半就是在骂人,但是每次姚老头进山后,整个人的精神气就格外好,会给人一种比青壮男子还体魄雄健的错觉。又比如杨家药铺的杨老头,很公道,跟你关系再差,也不会对你如何,但是跟你关系再好,也不会故意多给你什么。还有刚认识没多久的宁姚宁姑娘,身上也带着一股英气。以及流露出真面目的杏花巷马苦玄,就是满身的锐气和戾气。ThisnicknameXiu HuCui Chan, isso.
It looks like compared withFu NanhuaCai Jinjianthisgroup of daoist immortaljuniors, existence that keeps aloof, Chen Ping'anevenfelt, even ifRiver Severing True Monarchbeforehim, the Cui Chanlookcomplexionsameissuchcareless.
就像是比苻南华蔡金简这拨神仙子弟,更高高在上的存在,陈平安甚至觉得哪怕截江真君在他面前,崔瀺的眼神脸色一样是这么漫不经心。Naturally, the chatterbox of youngster, only hasWind and Thunder GardenLiu Baqiao, canwithitcomparing favorably.
当然,少年的话痨,只有风雷园的刘灞桥,能够与之媲美。Youngstersuddenlyasked with a smile: „Chen Ping'an, your does can or cannotleadmeto go to a Song Jixinhomecourtyard?”
少年突然笑问道:“陈平安,你能不能带我去一趟宋集薪家的院子?”Chen Ping'anheartstringsonetight, seeminglyaskedat will: „Butmemorial archhasn't dispersed?”陈平安心弦一紧,貌似随意问道:“可是牌坊这边还没散呢?”
The youngstersmilesnarrows the eye the time, like a human and animalsharmlessdelicate and prettyfox spirit, „knows that youwere worryingmyintentionis illegal, the truthtoldyouto be good, Iwas very familiarwith the Song Jixinyounger brother, heverycuriousElder Brotherinsmall townthese more than tenyears, howlived, entrustedmycertainlylookswith own eyes, after returning toCapital City, goodto saywithhim.”
那少年笑眯起眼的时候,像一位人畜无害的俊美狐仙,“知道你在担心我意图不轨,实话告诉你好了,我跟宋集薪的弟弟很熟悉,他很好奇自己哥哥在小镇这十多年,到底是如何生活的,就托付我一定去亲眼看一看,回到京城后好跟他说道说道。”Chen Ping'anasked: „He, sincewithSong Jixinis the blood brother, can'task?”陈平安问道:“他既然跟宋集薪是亲兄弟,就不能自己问吗?”
The youngsterhit a soundto refer , the appreciationsaid: „Chen Ping'anyouare very intelligent, uncovered the loopholequickly.”
少年打了个响指,赞赏道:“陈平安你挺聪明啊,这么快就找出漏洞了。”Chen Ping'ana littlecannot keep up with the mentality of thisfellow.陈平安有点跟不上这个家伙的思路。
The youngsterrubbed the forehead, helplesssaid: „HewithElder BrotherSong Jixin that has usually not worn a mask, because ofparents'reason, enabling the brothersnot to meetrelateswas very bad, the dirtymatter in riches and honorfront courtyard gate, and Mud Vase LaneAlmond Blossom Lanepettymatter, were equally many. Thereforeyoumustforgive.”
少年揉了揉眉心,无奈道:“他跟那个素未蒙面的哥哥宋集薪,因为父母的缘故,使得兄弟还没见面就关系很差了,富贵门庭里的龌龊事,就跟泥瓶巷杏花巷的鸡毛蒜皮事情,一样多。所以你要体谅一下。”Chen Ping'anasked with a smile: „IfIdo not comply, youris or isn'twill look formytrouble?”陈平安笑问道:“如果我不答应,你是不是就会找我的麻烦?”
The youngsterare puzzled, thenpoint at the nose, the grievancewere saying: „Myprobablyferociousgeneration? Youhave a look atme, stares the bigeyeto have a lookcarefully, do Iseem like a thatwordat earliest conveniencedo not kill peoplefamily'speople?”
少年一脸疑惑,然后指着自己鼻子,委屈道:“我像是穷凶极恶之辈?你看看我,瞪大眼睛仔细看看,我像是那种一言不合就要杀人全家的人吗?”Chen Ping'anrepliedhonestly: „Looksnotlike.”陈平安老实回答:“看着是不像。”
The youngstersuck in an cold air/Qi, „howthissayinglistensnot to think the word of praise.”
少年倒抽一口冷气,“这话怎么听着不想好话啊。”Hisboth handslinkchest, cold-ly snorted and said: „Youare not willingto leadmeto go, Iask the way.”
他双手环胸,冷哼道:“你不愿意带我去,那我自己问路去。”Chen Ping'anasked: „Youalsodo not have the key, even couldn't courtyardgo, whatgoesto look at?”陈平安问道:“你又没钥匙,连院子也进不去,去了看什么?”On the youngsterfaceappeared„yourChen Ping'antooyoung”underpunched the expression, smileddoes not speak.
少年脸上浮现出“你陈平安太年轻了”的欠揍表情,微笑不语。Chen Ping'anwas familiarwiththissmile, Liu XianyangandGu Canoftenhad.陈平安对这种笑容再熟悉不过了,刘羡阳和顾粲经常有。Chen Ping'ansighed, „thatIledyouto go toMud Vase Lane, courtyardyoudo not circumvent, can only leadyouto arrive at the entrance.”陈平安叹了口气,“那我带你去泥瓶巷,院子你就别翻墙进去了,只能带你到门口。”
A youngsterpalm of the handretakesagainon the Chen Ping'anshoulder, „didearly?!”
The youngsterturn aroundto departin big strides, far away frombeing bustling and filled with peoplememorial archbuilding.
少年转身大踏步离去,远离人头攒动的牌坊楼。Hestops the footstepssuddenly, turns the headto look,walksat the back ofChen Ping'an of wicker basketon the contrarystreet.
他突然停下脚步,转头一看,背着箩筐的陈平安走在方向相反的街道上。Somewhatdistressedyoungsterwithout delayslightlyrunsto follow.
After enteringMud Vase Lane, youngsterZuo You/aboutlooks around, said: „OriginallythisisMud Vase Lane in legend, hidden dragons and crouching tigers, has the talent, has the talent, laterhundredyears, exceptAlmond Blossom Lane, it is estimated thatGood Luck and Fortune StreetandPeach Leaf Laneput together, compared withhere.”
The youngstermentionedthesesuperstitionspoken languages, did not makepeoplethinktoweringunexpectedly.
The line, the youngsterwill jumponce for a whileseveral, waits and seesbehindsomelow wallscourtyardscenes.
一路行去,少年时不时会蹦跳几下,观望一些矮墙后头的院子景象。Chen Ping'anleadshimto arrive at the Song Jixincourtyard doormouth, „ishere.”陈平安带着他来到宋集薪院门口,“就是这里。”
The youngsterstandin the lane, sawspring festival couplet that quicklythatSong Jixinwrite, at presentonebright, deeply movedsaid: „Is thisSong Jixinandthatservant girlZhi Guihousinghouse? Un, the characteris really good, musthave the perception more than hisyounger brother. Morelooksmorelikes.”
少年站在巷子里,很快看到那副宋集薪自己书写的春联,眼前一亮,感慨道:“这就是宋集薪和那位婢女稚圭居住的宅子?嗯,字真不错,比他弟弟要有悟性多了。越看越喜欢。”Was sayingwas saying the youngsterwalksto go forward, stands on tiptoesstarts, mustbeginto tear down the spring festival couplet.
说着说着少年就走上前,踮起脚跟后,就要动手去撕下春联。Chen Ping'anwas anxious, without delayblocks the youngster, „what do youwantto make?”陈平安急了,赶紧拦下少年,“你要做什么?”
A youngsterfaceis naive, „Song Jixinthis whole lifewill not return tohere, keepsthisspring festival coupletwindblown and sunburnt, vanishesgradually, might as wellIremainam taking awayCapital City.”
少年一脸天真无辜,“宋集薪这辈子都不会回到这里了,留着这副春联风吹日晒,渐渐消失,还不如我留着拿去京城呢。”Chen Ping'anstickles, shakes the head saying: „It is not good, inreplaced the spring festival coupletbeforeend of the year, is pasting the spring festival coupletcannottear up, otherwiseeasymain house gatewretched.”陈平安坚持己见,摇头道:“不行,在到了年关自己更换春联之前,贴着的春联是不能撕掉的,否则容易家门晦气。”
The youngster, lostsaid: „Small townalsohasthisart.”
少年哦了一声,失落道:“小镇还有这个讲究啊。”Chen Ping'anasked: „Cango tomycourtyardto sit?”陈平安问道:“要不要去我院子坐坐?”
The youngsterbeckon with the hand, „considers as finished, then the bigplace, it is estimated thatcannot drinkincluding the cuptea, walks. Right, thislaneis not the beheadinglane, has walkedforward, canwalk?”
少年摆摆手,“算了算了,那么点大地方,估计连杯茶都喝不上,走了走了。对了,这条巷子不是断头巷吧,这么一直向前走,能走出去?”Chen Ping'ansaid with a smile: „Canwalk.”陈平安笑道:“能走出去的。”
The youngsterstridedeparts, does not forgetto turn away fromChen Ping'anto lift the hand, shookshaking.
少年大步离去,不忘背对陈平安抬起手,晃了晃。Chen Ping'angazes after the strangeyoungsterto depart, thenreturns tocourtyard, seespattenrootscholartreealso, puts down the wicker basket, puts out a backless stoolto sit downfrom the room.陈平安目送奇怪少年离去,然后回到自己院子,看到墙脚根的槐枝还在,放下箩筐,从屋内搬出一条板凳坐下。Chen Ping'ansets outsuddenly, runs up toMud Vase Lanefastchild, sure enough, a stealthyfellowrunsfast.陈平安猛然起身,飞快跑到泥瓶巷子里,果不其然,一个鬼鬼祟祟的家伙跑得飞快。Chen Ping'anarrives atSong Jixinmain house gateto look, the spring festival coupletwas stolen.陈平安来到宋集薪家门口一看,春联被偷了。Chen Ping'anstands in same place, looks by courtyard door the smoothwall, somewhatcould not speak, the forced smilesaid: „Thisanythingperson, is insincere.”陈平安站在原地,看着院门两边光溜溜的墙壁,有些说不出话来,苦笑道:“这什么人啊,太不厚道了。”
--Chen Ping'anturns backcourtyardexasperatedly, actuallydiscovered that Old Man Yangdoes not knowwhensatonthatbackless stool, the bigmouthis spitting the smog.陈平安唉声叹气地走回自家院子,却发现杨老头不知何时坐在了那条板凳上,大口吐着烟雾。old mansaidslowly: „Young, heaved a sighto makeanything, savedPrimal Qiwith great difficulty, mustleak, the person of practicing boxingespeciallyso.”老人缓缓道:“年纪轻轻,唉声叹气做什么,好不容易积攒下来一点元气,也要外泄,练拳之人尤其如此。”Chen Ping'anis terrified, sinkingsound said: „Remembered.”陈平安悚然,沉声道:“记住了。”old manasked: „Thatsmall did daughtersurnamed Ning, howwalksuddenly? Harmedmelittleto gainbagwelcoming spring money.”老人问道:“姓宁的那个小闺女,怎么突然就走了?害我少赚了一袋子迎春钱。”Chen Ping'ansquatssideold man, shakes the head saying: „Iam not clear. OnlyknowsMiss Ningwithsomeplacerelationsnamedbut actuallyHanging Mountain.”陈平安蹲在老人身边,摇头道:“我也不清楚。只知道宁姑娘跟一个叫倒悬山的地方有些关系。”
The Old Man Yangnodsaid with a smile: „PoursHanging Mountain, tatteredplace that the birddoes not defecate, is two common bordermouths of places, topreventboth sidesflees in all directionscarelessly, bigHead TeacherDao Ancestorthreedisciples, useDivine Ability that the universeinverted, is usedto deterforeign clan, in the final analysis, pouringHanging Mountain is actually a mountaincharacterseal of sideworldheaven grade, the method is very aggressive.”杨老头点头笑道:“倒悬山啊,鸟不拉屎的破烂地方,是两个地方的交界口,为了防止双方胡乱流窜,道祖三位弟子之一的一个大掌教,就使用了乾坤颠倒的神通,用来威慑外族,说到底,倒悬山其实就是一方世间天字号的山字印,手段霸气得很呐。”Inold manspoken language, there is a ridiculealsoto havedisappointed and frustrated, Chen Ping'andoes not certainly knowreason.老人言语之中,既有讥讽也有怅然,陈平安当然不知其中缘故。Old Man Yangasked: „Do youplanto buy the mountain top?”杨老头问道:“你打算买山头?”Chen Ping'anneverfeigns ignorancein front ofthisold man, repliedhonestly: „Planbuysfivemountains, the valuablelumountain, the colorcloud peak and immortalgrassy hill, nearMaster Ruanthree mountains, Abjection Mountain and Abjection Mountain liangs place......”陈平安在这个老人面前从不打马虎眼,老实回答道:“打算买五座山,宝箓山、彩云峰和仙草山,在阮师傅的三座山头附近,还有落魄山座……”
The words that old manbreaks the youngster, knit the brows: „Why will youbuyAbjection Mountain? Iswhosuggestedyou? Ruan Qiong? Should not, heobviousnot wantto involvewithyoutoodeeply.”老人打断少年的话语,皱眉道:“你为何会买下落魄山?是谁暗示你了?阮邛?不应该啊,他明摆着不想跟你牵扯太深。”
The Chen Ping'andoubtssaid: „Is Abjection Mountainvery strange?”陈平安疑惑道:“落魄山很奇怪吗?”old manhesitant, puts outsmoke ringslayer on layer/heavily, nods, „except forScattering Clouds Mountain and burning incensemountain, isthisAbjection Mountainmostto have the chewability, perhapsbutso far, even the Great Liimperial observatorymasterscannot look, therefore the marked pricecannotbe too high, youwereoccupyto be hugely cheap.”老人犹豫了一下,重重吐出一个烟圈,点点头,“除了披云山和香火山,就属这座落魄山最有嚼头,不过目前为止,恐怕连大骊钦天监地师也看不出来,所以标价不会太高,你算是占到天大便宜了。”
The old manlookis swift and fierce, with emphasis, „youhad not saidimperceptiblywhywill buyit!”老人眼神凌厉,无形中加重语气,“你还没有说为什么会买下它!”Chen Ping'anembarrassedsaid: „Reads the maptime, the top of the headfalls downlump of guano, justfallsin the Abjection Mountainthreecharacters, beforeOld Man Yaoalwayssaid that among the scenerieshas the visibleSpiritual God, Ithought that veryhas the fate, moreoverat that timereallydoes not knowshouldbuywhatmountain top, the casual decisionboughtit.”陈平安尴尬道:“看地图的时候,头顶掉下一坨鸟粪,刚好落在落魄山三个字上,以前姚老头总说山水之间有看不见的神灵,我觉得挺有缘分,而且当时实在不知道该买什么山头,就胡乱决定买下它了。”
After old manhears„Old Man Yao”, the whitesmoglaterlookis somewhat complex, nods, „if so, pours can also convincereluctantly.”老人听到“姚老头”之后,白茫茫烟雾之后的眼神有些复杂,点点头,“如果是这样,倒也勉强说得通。”Chen Ping'anasked with a smile: „Master Ruanalreadycomplies, helpingmebuythatfivemountains, thenIwasbuyto gain?”陈平安笑问道:“阮师傅已经答应,帮我去买下那五座山,那么我是买赚了?”Old Man Yangun, saidin a soft voice: „Gained.”杨老头嗯了一声,轻声道:“赚到了。”Someold mandoubts, seriouslyarebecausedid not have the customlimit of Black Dragon PearlGrotto-Heaven, did the Chen Ping'anluckstart the darkest before dawn?老人有些疑惑,当真是因为没了骊珠洞天的规矩限制,陈平安的运气开始否极泰来了?Chen Ping'anrecalls a mattersuddenly, „thatforeheadhas the moleyoungster, saidoneselfare surnamed Cui, nicknameXiu Hu, added that isIcanshouthisone's teacher's older brother.”陈平安突然记起一件事,“那个眉心有痣的少年,说自己姓崔,绰号绣虎,还说是我可以喊他师伯。”Old Man Yanghas not spoken.杨老头没有说话。Reallyso.
果然如此。Great LiImperial TeacherCui Chan, althoughdoes not have the person in office, is actually Great LidynastyallQi Refinernominalleaders, hearseast the Treasure Bottle ContinentfewChinese chessnational champions.大骊国师崔瀺,虽然没有官身,却是大骊王朝所有练气士名义上的领袖,听说还是东宝瓶洲屈指可数的围棋国手。However did the one's teacher's older brotherincident, mentionfrom where?
但是师伯一事,从何说起?old manstands up, reminds: „KeepsMister Qito give your squaresealwell, particularlyhas that side of staticcharacter, hidescarefully. ThisCui Chanis also good, islateranybody, youdo not needto fear,naturallyeasilydo not provoke. Onlyneedsto remember, youafterare successfully buyingfivemountain tops, suitablestaticis not suitablemoves, even ifwill beis overcautious in dealing with peoplewill not be wrong.”老人站起身,提醒道:“好好留着齐先生送给你的那四方印章,尤其是带有静字的那一方,小心藏好。这个崔瀺也好,还是之后遇到的任何人,你都不用怕,当然也别轻易挑衅。只需要记住一点,你在成功买下五座山头之后,宜静不宜动,哪怕是夹着尾巴做人都不会错。”Chen Ping'anconsiderscarefully, makes an effortto nod saying: „Remembered!”陈平安仔细思量一番,使劲点头道:“记下了!”
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