Chen Ping'anis in trancegoes out of the room, arrives at the yard, looks up, scorching sun overhead, the line of sightis especially clear, skylikeslipping off a layer upon layerglaze colorporcelainembryo, bright and cleanperson.陈平安神情恍惚地走出屋子,来到小院,抬头望去,烈日当空,视线尤为清晰,天空如同褪下一层层釉色的瓷胚,光洁可人。Chen Ping'andetectedaccidentally the breathsomewhatstagnates, thensitsondoorstep, concentrates all one's attention on, the both handstenfingerstie the swordfurnacefistpile.陈平安无意中察觉到呼吸有些凝滞,便坐在门槛上,屏气凝神,双手十指结剑炉拳桩。
After burning a joss stick, Chen Ping'anthenfeels the aurato be steadily smooth, just about tostands up, the corner of the eyesplit visionglance, sitsdoorstep, stares the bigeyeto look, does not know when the courtyardcorner, is lying downpeacefully a blackstone, worldbestSharpening Sword Stone, Dragon Beheading Platform!
一炷香后,陈平安这才感受气息平稳顺畅起来,刚要站起身,眼角余光一瞥,一屁股坐回门槛,瞪大眼睛望去,不知何时院子角落,安安静静躺着一块黑色石头,世间最好的磨剑石,斩龙台!Chen Ping'anwithout delaysets out, walksquickly, the squattinglower part of the bodylooks at carefullycarefully, compared with the dayofficeridolpedestal of formerthatcollapse, was cuttofu the bladeprobably, a bladegets down, divides into twoondirect and straightforward. Chen Ping'anis rubbing the chin, bit by bitmoves the position, traded a positionto squat, the east, south, west, and northmoved, after the buttocksreturned to the home position, even moredetermined, „Bodhisattvanodded”thatidolunder footpedestal.陈平安赶紧起身,快步走去,蹲下身仔细端详,跟之前那座倒塌的天官神像台座相比,好像被人刀切豆腐似的,一刀直直下去,就干脆利落地一分为二。陈平安揉着下巴,一点一点挪位置,换了一个方位蹲着,东南西北挪了一圈,屁股回到原位后,愈发确定,正是“菩萨点头”的那尊神像脚下台座。ThismakesChen Ping'anterrified, althoughMiss Ninglikedspeakingsometoneverybigwords, the spoken language that but all her had nothing to do withindifferently, will definitely not have the least bitto counterfeit, shesaid that reliableunusualDragon Beheading Platform, can only be ableto break outby the Great Sword Immortalflowerbigprice, Chen Ping'anbelieved firmlywithout doubt. ThenthisDragon Beheading Platformwas the longfoot, thenwent intohisChen Ping'an homehouse?
这让陈平安悚然,宁姑娘虽然喜欢说一些口气很大的话,但是她所有冷眼袖手的言语,绝对不会有半点作假,她说牢固异常的斩龙台,只能被大剑仙花大代价才能劈开,陈平安就确信无疑。那么这块斩龙台是自己长脚了,然后一路跑到他陈平安家宅子?NowChen Ping'analreadyknows that in the worldreally has the daoist immortalghost, countlessmandrillfinecharm, but the stonebecomes a ghost, isn't the possibilitybig? Also, itraninwhichfamily/homealso to enjoy a luck, whatrunsoneselfthishousebesidesenduring hardships can also make, hassuchstupidstoneessence?
The Chen Ping'anexploratory natureasked: „Hey, can younot speak? Canunderstandmeto speak?”陈平安试探性问道:“喂,你能说话不?或者能听懂我说话吗?”Naturallycannot.
The youngster of being overly suspicious and fearfulsways the head, looksinsufficiently.
疑神疑鬼的少年摇晃脑袋,看不够。Probably before is, thatdreamlandis extremely clear, Chen Ping'anhas not actually recovered consciousnessto the present, causesto look that nowanythingis passingstrangely.
The minor matter that manyhad not thought deeplyin the past, the skewerin the same place, can convincenowprobablyall of a sudden.
许多当年没有深思的小事,如今串在一起,好像一下子就说得通了。Mister Qisaid that in the worldindeedhas, Ning Yao has said the grotesqueness and gaudiness of outsideworld,齐先生说世上的确有,宁姚更是说过了外边天地的光怪陆离,Even if Old Man Yao, actuallyhad also saidfragmentarily, the simpleenteringmountainincident, manyart, Old Man Yaohad said that for examplethesecommonold treeblocks, may be the Mountain Godseat, cannot sit. Added that in the worldmountain, regardless of the size, is actually all connected, buthas the division of grandparent and grandchild.
哪怕是姚老头,其实也早就零零碎碎说了许多,简简单单的入山一事,有诸多讲究,姚老头曾经说过很多,比如那些个不起眼的老树墩子,有可能是山神的座椅,坐不得。还说天底下的山,无论大小,其实一脉相承,只不过有着祖孙之分。Chen Ping'aninthis moment, is very suddenly curious, wantsto knowBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-Heaven that the small townis, howcansee the complete picture? is or isn'tonly thencrawlstothatcompared with a Scattering Clouds Mountainhighermountain peak, cantake in everything at a glance?陈平安在这一刻,突然很好奇,很想知道小镇所在的骊珠洞天,到底如何才能看到全貌?是不是只有爬到那座比披云山更高的山峰,才能一览无余?Chen Ping'anreceives the train of thought that looks downthatblackstone, is thinkingmustmove the blacksmithshopit, Miss Ningdefinitelyhas a need forthisSharpening Sword Stone. Howto handle the stoneas forMiss Ningwhen the time comes, ischooses itselfto sharpen the sword, givesMaster Ruan, ashelpingcast the thank-you gift of sword, Chen Ping'anis in any case indifferent, howhisverycuriousSharpening Sword Stonesharpens the sword, meetingdoesn't rub the hatchetto be similar to oneself?陈平安收起思绪,低头看着那块黑色石头,想着要把它搬去铁匠铺子,宁姑娘肯定用得着这块磨剑石。至于到时候宁姑娘如何处置石头,是选择自己磨剑,还是交给阮师傅,作为帮忙铸剑的谢礼,陈平安反正无所谓,他只是很好奇磨剑石到底如何磨剑,会不是跟自己磨柴刀差不多?Chen Ping'anworksneverslovenly, after setting firm resolve, beginsimmediately, extendsboth handsto liftSharpening Sword Stoneupward, canlifttogroundinchdistances, is somewhat heavy, butis also insufficient unable to move, thisis easy to do, Chen Ping'angoes to the roomto look for a wicker basket.陈平安做事情从来不拖泥带水,下定决心之后就立即动手,伸出双手将磨剑石往上抬,能够抬离地面寸余距离,有些沉重,但还不至于搬不动,这就好办,陈平安去屋子找来一只箩筐。
The quickyoungstercarries the wicker basketto walkinMud Vase Lane, aboveSharpening Sword Stonecovers a clothing.
After going out ofMud Vase Lane, Chen Ping'andiscovered that on the avenue the pedestrianis numerous, it is estimated thatisthatarrive suddenlynight, makingpersonto terrify, seeSunnowwith great difficulty, is thinkingthoroughly the tone. Thereforemostsmall towncommon peopleleavehome, goes out ofalleyto arrive at the avenue, discusses spiritedly, once for a whilesomepeople run hurriedly, shoutsIron Lock Wellalreadyto be dried upthoroughly, eventhatis hangingin the wellnot to knowa lot ofyears of iron chain, whichbastardalsotomoved outsecretlyhidesathome. Has the youngchildchild of anxious to stir up trouble, threetwo or threetwo, jump, the whole facejumps for joy, is saying the accident of thatold locust treetreeat sixes and sevens.
走出泥瓶巷后,陈平安发现大街上行人众多,估计是那场突如其来的黑夜,让人瘆得慌,如今好不容易看到了大太阳,就都想着出来透口气。所以绝大多数小镇百姓都离开家门,走出巷弄来到大街,议论纷纷,时不时有人匆忙跑过,嚷嚷着铁锁井已经彻底干枯了,连那条悬挂井中不知千百年的铁链,也给哪家混蛋给偷偷搬走藏在家了。更有唯恐天下不乱的稚童孩子,三三两两,蹦蹦跳跳,满脸雀跃,乱七八糟说着那棵老槐树的变故。Originallythatold locust tree„overnight”eradicates, falls on the avenue, disruptionscholartreeandwithwithered and yellowlocust tree leafeverywhere, manyneighborcommon peoplethoughtfrom the beginningdo not waste, picked the branches and leavesto go hometo light a fireconveniently, someweariesyoung, was urgedbyownyoung married womanreluctant, carried the hatchetto divideto cutthickerscholartree. Has the personto stop, for generationslivesinold locust treetreeperipheralsmall townold man, mostlyhates bitterly, occupiesthischeapmanyoung married womanlacking virtuetothese, shouted abusedirectly, there isold manto do best to convinceto sayold locust treewith the origin of small town, saidthistreehadSpirit Qi, in all these last few years, even the deadwoodcrashedalsoonlyselectedtime of quiettime, is not willingto poundin the head/number of people, did not sayoncrop not goodtime, the hops of old treesuch as the meter/rice, the bellies of how manypeoplefilled.
原来那棵老槐“一夜之间”连根拔起,倒在大街上,满地的碎裂槐枝和和枯黄槐叶,一开始很多附近百姓觉得别浪费了,就顺手捡了枝叶回家烧火,一些个惫懒青壮,不情不愿被自家婆姨催促,拎着柴刀去劈砍更粗大一些的槐枝。不是没有人阻拦,祖祖辈辈生活在老槐树周边的小镇老人,大多痛心疾首,对那些占这种缺德便宜的汉子婆娘,直接破口大骂,也有老人苦口婆心说着老槐跟小镇的渊源,说这棵树是有灵气的,这么多年来,连枯枝坠落也只挑夜深人静的时候,不愿砸在人头上,更不说每逢收成不好的时候,老树的槐花如米,填饱了多少人的肚子。No matterwith.
不管用。Theseyoungmenignoreeither, cuts trees downby all meansearnestly, the temperamentis poor, had the conflictwithold man, pushes and shoves. In briefis a little chaotic.
After hearingold locust treetreethat sidesound, Chen Ping'anat the back ofwicker basket, indecisive, slows down the footsteps, threestepsturn head, looksto the old locust treedirection. The intuitiontoldhim to go tothat side the locust treeto take a look, but the heart the sound, makinghiswithout delaygo to the blacksmithshop.
听到老槐树那边的动静后,陈平安背着箩筐,犹豫不决,就放慢脚步,三步一回头,望向老槐方向。直觉告诉他应该去槐树那边瞅瞅,但是心底又有一个声音,让他赶紧去铁匠铺子。Hesees a windgeneralcleverformsuddenly, brushed pastfromownside, islittle girl who wears the scarletcotton-wadded jacket, making one not know whether to laugh or cryison the smalldaughtershoulder, carriesonethicklysuch asscholartree of youngarm, scholartreeand the otherswere long, the little girlfootsteps, withwheel, vividly are very fast smart-alecky.
他突然看到一个风一般的灵巧身影,从自己身边擦肩而过,是个身穿大红棉袄的小女孩,让人哭笑不得是小闺女肩膀上,扛着一根粗如青壮手臂的槐枝,槐枝等人长,小女孩脚步飞快,跟车轱辘似的,活泼俏皮得很。Chen Ping'anrecognizesher, isthatcoming and going freelylittle girl, round triplikewind, likesloiteringin the small towneverywhere, sheisfrom an exchange of blows friendship growswithGu Can, a short time agohad metinAzure Ox Back, shefollowssidethesedaoist immortal character, probablyis especially goodwiththatyoungDaoist Nunrelations, Chen Ping'analsogiveshersmallsnakebluestone.陈平安一眼就认出她,是那个独来独往的小女孩,来去如风,喜欢在小镇四处逛荡,她跟顾粲属于不打不相识,前不久在青牛背又见过一面,她跟在那些神仙人物身边,好像跟那位年轻道姑关系尤其好,陈平安还送给她一块小蛇胆石。Chen Ping'anwithout delaymakes noiseto shouther, the redcotton-wadded jacketlittle girlhas turned the head, after seeingisChen Ping'an, cracks into a smile, the autumn waterseyepupil that a paircanspeak, was sayingprobablyyouhad the matterto sayquickly, Iam listening, I must be busyantmoving!陈平安赶紧出声喊她,红棉袄小女孩转过头,看到是陈平安后,咧嘴一笑,一双会说话的秋水眼眸,好像在说你有事快说啊,我听着呢,我还要忙着蚂蚁搬家!Chen Ping'anbearssmile, beckons saying: „Idiscussed a matterwithyou, mostdelayedyoura while.”陈平安忍住笑,招手道:“我跟你商量个事,最多耽误你一会儿。”
The scarletcotton-wadded jacketlittle girl, carries the branchto run overvigorously and resolutely, is sidewaysslightly, sheraised the head, somedoubts.
大红棉袄小女孩,扛着树枝就雷厉风行地跑过来,微微侧身,她抬起头,有些疑惑。Chen Ping'anasked: „Thissection of branch, youmove from the old locust treetree?”陈平安问道:“这截树枝,你是从老槐树那边搬来的吧?”
The little girlsmake an effortto nod, the regretsaid: „Not the quickpointwords, mustbe snatchedup. Mystrengthis small, can only be able to moveselectsin a big way, Istriveto runseveral.”
The Chen Ping'anthoughtsracing, the exploratory natureasked: „Your family, ifthat sideGood Luck and Fortune Street, thatwere far, ifyoutrustme, canfirstplacemy familycourtyardscholartree, like thisyoucanrunback and forthseveral.”陈平安心思急转,试探性问道:“你家如果是在福禄街那边,那就远了,你如果信得过我,可以先把槐枝放在我家院子,这样你就可以来回多跑几趟。”
The little girlsweigh the advantages and disadvantagessilently, earnestconsiderationat the same time, shehas been observing the Chen Ping'anlook and complexion, thoughtprobablyChen Ping'andoes not have the evil heart, shenods saying: „What do youwantmeto make? Beforehandreaches an agreement, Imayshoulder the motionlesstoobigbranch, sinksvery much, mypresentshoulderis a little burning downprobably.”
小女孩默默权衡利弊,认真思量的同时,她一直在观察陈平安的眼神和脸色,大概是觉得陈平安没坏心,她点头道:“那你要我做什么?事先说好,我可扛不动太大的树枝,很沉的,我现在肩膀就有点像是火烧着了。”Chen Ping'anpulls outonebunch of keys, takes off, gives the little girl, „thisis the my familycourtyard doorkey, youtake. Ido not wantyouto makeanything, butletsyousnatch a locust treetime, having a look at the groundto have not changed the yellowgreenleaf, somewordsremember that helpsmereceive.”陈平安掏出一串钥匙,摘下其中一把,递给小女孩,“这是我家院门的钥匙,你拿着。我不要你多做什么,只是让你抢槐树枝的时候,看看地上有没有没有变黄的绿色树叶,有的话就记得帮我收起来。”Shehad not received the key, stares the bigeye, „this?”
她没有接过钥匙,瞪大眼睛,“就这?”Chen Ping'ansaid with a smile: „Right, this. Do youknow the my familyplace?”陈平安笑道:“对,就这个。你知道我家地方吧?”Sheun, „nearMud Vase Laneleft handseveral, the 12 th house.”
她嗯了一声,“泥瓶巷左手边数起,第十二个宅子。”Shehad not received the keyfinally, „your familythat sidecourtyard wallis not high, Icanputgentlyscholartree, does not needto opencourtyard door.”
她最后还是没有接过钥匙,“你家那边院墙不高,我可以把槐枝轻轻放进去,不用打开院门。”Chen Ping'anreceives the key, redcotton-wadded jacketgirlalreadyturns aroundto dashto depart.陈平安才收起钥匙,红棉袄女孩已经转身飞奔离去。Chen Ping'anthought that shelooks like who walk into the mountain, shedrops from house to house, hegoes over hill and dale.陈平安觉得她就像是进了山的自己,她是走街穿巷,他是翻山越岭。Chen Ping'angoes out of the small town, continuouslytowardsouth, wait untilheclose to„covered bridge”time, discoveredwith amazementcovered bridgedisappears.陈平安走出小镇,一直往南,等到他靠近“廊桥”的时候,骇然发现廊桥不见了。alreadyrestoresin the middle ofmemorythatold-fashionedstone arch bridge.已经恢复成记忆当中的那座老旧石拱桥。Whydoes not know, althoughcovered bridgebrand-newatmosphere, but also is hanging the gold/metalcharacterinscribed horizontal tablet of brighteye, butChen Ping'anlikes the presentoldbridge.
不知为何,廊桥虽然崭新大气,还挂着亮眼的金字匾额,可陈平安还是喜欢眼前的老桥。Chen Ping'anstandstone bridgebridgehead, without the reasonremembersthatunable to explaindream, the deep breathone breath, steps onto the pitchslowly.陈平安站在石桥这一头,没来由想起那个无法解释的梦,深呼吸一口气,缓缓走上斜坡。Close to the bridgecenter, Chen Ping'anisanxious, sweated profusely, streaming with sweat, buthehas arrived atarched bridgethathead, does not have anymatter happened, Chen Ping'anself-ridiculessmiles, speeds up the stepto walktoward the blacksmithshop.
--That sideAzure Ox Back, Old Man Yangsitsin the azurerock cliffedge, is smoking the tobacco smoked dryin gulps.青牛背那边,杨老头坐在青色石崖边缘,大口大口抽着旱烟。
The puddle of old manunder foot, the ripplesare intermittent, are sparkling lake, under the water surface, haswater plantlarge bundleto swayprobably, underSun, stillpassedone unable to explaingloomytreacherous.老人脚下的水潭,涟漪阵阵,波光粼粼,水面之下,好像有大把大把的水草在摇晃,大太阳底下,仍是透着一股无法言喻的阴森诡谲。On the water surface, graduallyappears a fuzzyold womanface, butshehas a crowazurehair, bloomsin the water, at this timeold womanlooks grief-stricken, tremblingsound said: „Great Immortal, Ireallydo not dareto approach that sidelast night, Itriedseveraltimes, a pastlooked likesneaked in the wok with cooking oil, compared withbeing cut to piecesalsouncomfortably, Great Immortal, youforgaveslightly, reallydid not have the means.”
水面上,逐渐浮现出一张模糊的老妪面孔,但是她却拥有一头鸦青色的头发,在水中绽放,此时老妪如丧考妣,颤声道:“大仙,昨夜我是真的不敢靠近那边啊,我试了好几次,一过去就像是钻进了油锅,比千刀万剐还难受,大仙,你就饶过小的吧,实在是没有办法啊。”Old Man Yangsaidindifferently: „Iam notsend a punitive expedition, youlater are also the same, onlyneedsto handlematterin one's power, is unambiguous, was OK. Howevernow the chance of a lifetime, are placedin front ofyou, looked that yourselfdo dareto strive.”杨老头冷漠道:“我不是来兴师问罪的,你以后也一样,只需要做力所能及的事情,不含糊,就可以了。不过现在有一个千载难逢的机会,摆在你面前,就看你自己敢不敢争取了。”
The old womanquietgreenfacesways, the ghost who along with the watercould not sayair/Qidensely, heardthatGreat Immortalto intendforoneselfto direct a brightroad, without delayadopts the stance of listening in reverent attention.老妪幽绿色的脸庞随水晃荡,说不出的鬼气森森,听到那位大仙有意为自己指点出一条明路,赶紧摆出洗耳恭听的姿态。old mansaidslowly: „NowsmallGrotto-Heavenalreadyfalls the worldslowly, borders onwith the land, is in the crucial phase of air planting, before long, mustwithGreat Lidynastydomainbrothers, youonlybe ableto be calledRiver Matron, rather thanRiver God, looks likein the seculardynasty, you were still onlydid not enter the pure running waterrankpetty official, has not obtained the person in officetruly, a difference, huge difference.”老人缓缓说道:“如今小洞天已经缓缓落回人间,跟大地接壤,正处于落地生根的关键时期,过不了多久,就要与大骊王朝版图同气连枝,你之所以只能被称为河婆,而不是河神,就像是在世俗王朝,你仍然只是个不入清流品秩的胥吏,并未真正获得官身,一步之差,天壤之别。”Heuses the oldsmokepoletowardstone arch bridgethat sideonefinger/refers, „the reason for this is that the rootdoes not lie inyourdistrict of jurisdictionis small, butlay inyourdomaincut offaround the middle, foundthatbridgenot to have, will beitcut offyourfutureburning incense, youwantto be ablefrom the bridgebottomdownstreamin the past, to be ablenowto have a bigfuture. Yoursmall stream, will become the sources of manyimportantriversin the future, let aloneis a black hairlengthis aboutseveral hundredli (0.5 km)inferiorRiver God, by the Great Liimperial edictto seal/conferWeijianggod, was sent the silkis several thousand miles, is not difficult.”
The old womaneyeballrotatesslightly.老妪眼珠子微微转动。Old Man Yangdid not urge,said with a smile: „Inmudlies down is also being actually comfortable, is right, whywantsothersto hold, is right?”杨老头也不催促,笑道:“烂泥里躺着其实也蛮舒服的,对不对,为什么要别人扶起来,对不对?”
Before old woman, hastimidintentnot to dareone should , at this timehearstaunting of Great Immortal, knows in the heartwonderfully, does not beg for mercyimmediately, deepdeep poolcreek waterturnsimmediatelywells up.老妪之前心生怯意不敢一口应下,此时听到大仙的冷嘲热讽,心知不妙,立即讨饶,深潭溪水顿时翻涌。old manis aloof, saidindifferently: „Is the loach that continuesto maketo fawn and obsequious, changes into the riverflood dragon that assumes a sidewater transportation, depends on this. Also, howdo not forgetmeisyouto tellinitially, thisroad, without the road backmaywalk, can only a say/wayarriveblack, the good deed that in the worldhas not gotten it over and done, said that coarse, the small towncommon peoplewhocanhave the reward for good works, but how is not one's turnyou.”老人无动于衷,淡然道:“是继续做摇尾乞怜的泥鳅,还是化为坐镇一方水运的河蛟,在此一举。还有,别忘了当初我是怎么跟你说的,这条路,没有回头路可走,只能一条道走到黑,天底下没有一劳永逸的好事,说句难听的,小镇百姓谁都可以有善报,但是如何也轮不到你。”ThatDivine AbilitygeneralGreat Immortal, morearesoserene, River Matronold womanmorebeats a drumat heart, finallyclenches teethruthlessly, sneaksin the waterswiftly and violently.
那位神通广大的大仙,越是如此云淡风轻,河婆老妪越是心里打鼓,最后狠狠一咬牙,迅猛潜入水中。A moment later, the old womanformdisappearsdoes not see, howeverincreek water between Azure Ox Backandstone arch bridge, probablyonewipes the quietgreenshadow, crookedtodownstream.
片刻之后,老妪身影消失不见,但是在青牛背和石拱桥之间的溪水中,好像有一抹幽绿暗影,歪歪扭扭向下游。Thisshadowafter the stone arch bridge, the speedslows down, finallyis the turtledelimits the waterto be the samesimply.
这道暗影临近石拱桥后,速度放缓,最后简直就是乌龟划水一般。Fromstone arch bridgethatdeepdeep poolalso more than tenzhang (3.33 m), the River Matronold womanformacceleratessuddenly, obviouslyissearch for riches and honor within danger, mustwrestleat risk of life.
A roaming.
一游而过。Opening access.
After the old womanone breathruns out ofdozenszhang (3.33 m), the underwaterformhit a spin, tocongratulateto be survivor of disaster, rotateunrestrainedly, onegroup of black hairtwinethatalready the skinnybody of noflesh.老妪一口气冲出数十丈后,水下身影打了一个旋,为了庆贺劫后余生,情不自禁地一圈圈转动起来,一团青丝缠绕那具已无血肉的干瘦躯壳。ThisRiver Matronstandshoveringin the middle ofcreek water, looks uptothatbedstonearched bridge, finallysawthatoldswordstripclearly.
这位河婆站直悬停在溪水当中,抬头望向那座石拱桥,终于清清楚楚看到了那把老剑条。As beforerusty stainstained, when withheris the infancy, young when young married womansees, notleast bitdifference.
依旧锈迹斑斑,跟她还是孩提时、年少时、少妇时所见,并无半点异样。Howevernextquarter, butlooked atoldswordstripRiver Matronold woman, a pair of eyesbeadexplodesat the scene.
哀嚎。creek watertumbles, the sprayis intermittent.溪水翻滚,浪花阵阵。For a long timelater, thissmall streamrestoresfinallyuneventfully, old womangave birth to an eye, butshebecomes the auraemaciated, the earbankresoundsthatGreat Immortalvoice, „othersare not rarepay attention toyou, naturallyyourancestorbraves the light smoke, do not reach out for a yard after taking an inch. Laterafterstone bridgetime, was sure to remember that do not gain ground.”
许久之后,这一段小溪总算恢复风平浪静,老妪重新生出了一双眼睛,但是她变得气息孱弱,耳畔响起那位大仙的嗓音,“人家不稀罕理睬你,那是你祖上冒青烟,你别得寸进尺。以后经过石桥的时候,切记不要抬头了。”old womanspeaks haltinglysaid: „Does not dare, does not dare.”老妪嚅嚅喏喏道:“不敢了,再也不敢了。”
The Old Man Yangvoicetransmitsspookily, „youswim awayby all meansdownward, give a trywherecanswimarrives. Afterthatblacksmith's shoptime , should not be wild. Howeverdoes not needtooto be worried,yourexistence, canmakethiscreek waterespecially‚gloomy’, onceexpedites the nymph , helping cast the swordto quenching, thereforethatMaster Ruan, will not feel embarrassedyou. Ifyouworkassiduously, could not say that othersalsomeetgives free residenceyourdestiny. AlthoughBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-Heavendisrupted, Spirit Qioverflowsto scatter in all directionsrapidly, butongenerally can also continue30-40years, Master Ruan the position of Saint, consolidatesvery much, to him, insteadis the good deed.”杨老头的嗓音幽幽传来,“你只管往下游去,试试看能游到哪里。经过那座铁匠铺的时候,也别太猖狂。不过不用太担心,你的存在,能够让这条溪水变得尤为‘阴沉’,一旦催生出水精,有利于铸剑淬炼,所以那位阮师,不会为难你。你要是做事勤勉,说不得人家还会施舍给你一点机缘。骊珠洞天虽然碎裂了,灵气迅速流溢四散,可大抵上还能延续个30-40年,阮师的圣人之位,稳固得很,对他来说,反而是好事。”old womanrelaxes, flatters: „Respectfully follows the Great Immortalmethodaim.”老妪松了口气,谄媚道:“谨遵大仙法旨。”Azure Ox Back, somepeoplesaid a wordfullareadmiring, „seniorbigDivine Ability , can actually the imperial edictsealsideRiver Matron, the keywas can also not alarm the Heavenly Dao.”青牛背这边,有人言语中满是钦佩,“前辈好大的神通,竟然能够自行敕封一方河婆,关键是还能够不惊扰到天道。”Old Man Yangstillmaintains the originalsitting posture, does not transfer, sneers saying: „River Matron, withRiver God, one character difference, difference of cloudmud. Can your scholar?”杨老头依然保持原先的坐姿,头也不转,冷笑道:“河婆,和河神,一字之差,云泥之别。你这种读书人,会不懂?”
The studyingseed of futureViewing Lake Academygreatest, Cui Minghuang, heshouldbe ableto belastoutsider who leavesthisplace.
来者正是观湖书院最大的读书种子,崔明皇,他应该会是最后一位离开此地的外乡人。Thisabundantdivine jadebrighthandsomescholar, said with a smile: „alreadywas very shocking. Inbreakson the top-grade goods, the branchhas the alleyforcefully, thisgrade of writing skill, being beyond controlyounger generationdoes not admire.”
这位丰神玉朗的英俊书生,笑道:“已经很骇人听闻了。在一条断头路上,硬生生岔出小路来,这等手笔,由不得晚辈不佩服。”Old Man Yangaskedindifferently: „Does boy, youknowmystatus?”杨老头淡然问道:“小子,你知道我的身份?”Cui Minghuangshakes the headto say with a smile: „Mountain Lordhas not informedbeforehand, butIguess correctly a cluereluctantly.”崔明皇摇头笑道:“山主事先并未告知,但是我勉强猜出一点端倪。”Old Man Yangdid not saypatiently: „Urges to go faster, yourboyalsounqualifieddiscussedwithme,changes intoyourMountain Lordalsoalmost.”杨老头不耐烦道:“去去去,你小子还不够格与我谈,换成你们山主还差不多。”Cui Minghuangnot onlyhas not departed, insteadsitsinAzure Ox Back, before taking a seat, does not forgetto put out a hand the waistjade pendantcautiouslyto pull, in order to avoidhitsonrock cliff, helooks updoes not have the deep bluesky of shadeagain, saidin a soft voice: „Hasexceedingly highcultivation basespatially, toprotectthisBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-Heaven, does not make the Heavenly Daoinfiltratesome, is the least bitis not willingto put forthunexpectedly, to can only depend ontwothislifecharactersfinally, diesto supporttrulyfinally. Yangold gentleman, yousaid that our Mister Qi, whatattempts?”崔明皇非但没有离去,反而在青牛背席地而坐,落座之前,不忘伸手将腰间玉佩小心翼翼挽住,以免撞击在石崖上,他抬头望着再无遮拦的蔚蓝天空,轻声道:“空有一身通天修为,为了护住这座骊珠洞天,不让天道渗透进来些许,竟是半点也不愿使出,到最后只能靠两个本命字,真正死撑到最后。杨老先生,你说我们这位齐先生,到底图什么?”old manis smoking, the lookis gloomy.老人只是抽着烟,神色阴沉。Cui Minghuangmuttered: „IfFig.‚recognizes and develop one's beingfor the people’, thatalsoowed, heisQi Jingchun, Mountain Cliff AcademyMountain Lord, the prouddisciple of Confucianism'sfourthSaint, his life, will tradenext life of 5,000-6,000ordinary peoplenext life, cost-effective? Ido not lookcost-effective, conversionisI, cannot doabsolutely.”崔明皇喃喃道:“若是图一个‘为生民立命’,那也太亏了,他是齐静春啊,山崖书院的山主,儒教第四圣的得意弟子,他的一条命,换来5,000-6,000凡夫俗子的来生来世,划算吗?我看不划算,换成是我,绝对做不来。”Old Man Yangputs outsmog, „your saying , can only talk incessantlywithme, otherwisepasses on, your whole lifedo not think, whenacademyMountain Lord. Lookedinyoufirstsaidinseveralinnermost thoughtsshares, do wechatcasually?”杨老头吐出一口烟雾,“你这话,也就只能跟我唠叨,要不然传出去,你这辈子也别想当书院山主。看在你先说了几句心里话的份上,咱们随便聊聊?”
The scholarssmile saying: „Thatis indeed good, the younger generationwishes for earnestly.”
读书人微笑道:“那敢情好,晚辈求之不得。”old manis looking at the water surface, „before then, Iwantto ask your question.”老人望着水面,“不过在这之前,我想问你一个问题。”
The Cui Minghuangnodsaid: „Senioraskedthen.”崔明皇点头道:“前辈问便是了。”old mansaidslowly: „Compelsthatonlyseeking deathpositionQi Jingchunstep by step, is or isn'tyourwriting skill?”老人缓缓道:“一步步把齐静春逼到那个唯有求死的境地,是不是你的手笔?”Cui Minghuangfirststares, immediatelysmiles bitterly, finallyself-ridicules saying: „Senior did is or isn'ttoolook atmehigh?”崔明皇先是一愣,随即苦笑,最后自嘲道:“前辈是不是太高看我了?”Old Man Yanghas not turned the head, bunch of smogcurlto raisebefore the old manbody, „myotherskilldoes not have, to watch the will of the peopleincident, but also is passable. Thereforeyoushould notcome tohere.”杨老头没有转头,一团团烟雾在老人身前袅袅升起,“我别的本事没有,看人心一事,还算凑合。所以你不该来这里的。”Cui Minghuangexplainedwith a smile: „Even if latecalculates,from my ConfucianismfourthSaintin the Culture Shrineposition'sfirstdrop, takes the beginningbythis, that was also the 80years ago things, can I the 30 year-old, howconvincenow?”崔明皇笑着解释道:“哪怕是晚一些来算,从我儒家第四圣在文庙位置第一次下降,以此作为开端,那也是八十年前的事情了,我如今不过而立之年,怎么说得通?”old manhas turned the head, beaming said: „Yourmeaning, yessaidoneselfcome tohereto take the town/subduescountryjadejade tabletfortunately, bumps intothismassacrefortunately, is the yellowmudto fallin the pants crotch, isn't the excrement is also the excrement?”老人转过头,笑眯眯道:“你的意思,是说自己不过凑巧来这里取走镇国玉圭,又凑巧碰上这桩惨案而已,属于黄泥巴落在裤裆里,不是屎也是屎?”Cui Minghuangis calm and composed, says with a smile: „Human affairsis variable, curious coincidence.”崔明皇神色自若,笑道:“世事无常,无巧不成书。”Old Man Yangheheis smiling, false smile.杨老头呵呵笑着,皮笑肉不笑。Cui Minghuangis not willingto continueto waste, comes straight to the point saying: „Younger generationhas only one in mindtothatScattering Clouds Mountain, hopesitas a newacademyaddress, the younger generationcomesthisis a guest, does in Rome as Rome does, inemotioninreason, shouldgreetwithOld Senior Yang. Does not know that what the seniordoes haveto request?”崔明皇不愿继续空耗下去,开门见山道:“晚辈对那座披云山情有独钟,希望将它作为一座新书院的地址,晚辈来此是客,入乡随俗,于情于理,都应该跟杨老前辈打声招呼。不知道前辈有什么要求?”Old Man Yangis wrinkling the face, keeps silent.杨老头皱着脸,默不作声。Cui Minghuangdoes not seem to dareto urgeold manarbitrarily, sets outslowly, saidin a soft voice: „Seniorfelt relieved, so long as a seniordaydoes not nod, academyoneday of younger generationdoes not dareto begin the project. Ifwhichday of seniorfeelsthis matterto be feasible, canmake the kilnserviceoversee the manufacture ofthat side the yamen, passed messagetoViewing Lake AcademyCui Minghuangthen.”崔明皇似乎不敢擅自催促老人,缓缓起身,轻声道:“前辈放心,只要前辈一天不点头,晚辈的书院就一天不敢破土动工。如果哪天前辈觉得此事可行,可以让窑务督造衙署那边,捎句话给观湖书院崔明皇即可。”Old Man Yangun, had not been aloofbeside.杨老头嗯了一声,没有拒人千里之外。Cui Minghuangbows in saluteto say goodbye.崔明皇作揖告辞。ComparesinRiver Matronold womanthissmallGo piece, whether the genuineachievementgod position, isViewing Lake Academymustin the Great Lidynasty, seekstogether the administrative enclave on Chinese chess, selectedthatScattering Clouds Mountain, actuallyold man is not quite carefultothese, becausenotlifts the weight.
相较于河婆老妪这种小棋子,能否真正成就神位,还是观湖书院要在大骊王朝,寻求一块围棋上的飞地,选中了那座披云山,其实老人对这些并不太上心,因为无举轻重。Matter that old mancares aboutonly, wasthatnight of Qi Jingchuntocovered bridge, whatsaidwithRuan Qiong, finallyhesatincovered bridgeonenightalone, after dawnset outto return to the small town, during that whatQi Jingchunalso said that whatmade?老人唯一在意的事情,是那夜齐静春到了廊桥,与阮邛说了什么,最后他独自坐在廊桥一夜,天亮之后才起身返回小镇,在那期间,齐静春又到底说了什么,做了什么?old mancarries the oldsmokepoleto stand up, scoldedin a low voice: „Does not haveoneisto let the personis free from worry.”老人拎着老烟杆站起身,低声骂道:“就没一个是让人省心的。”
--In the school, fouruntaught childrenlook at each other in blank dismay.
The childrenhave not seenMister Qi, insteadisthatprobablyall year roundin the uncle of sweeping the floor, exchangedonewithMister Qiattiresimilarconfucian garment, the waistwas hanging a jade pendant, the efflorescencehairtidied upneatly, woretall hat, old mansitsinoriginally the Mister Qiposition, toldfourchildren, Mister Qialreadyresigns fromschool teacherandacademyMountain Lord, thereforelaterwas ledthatto study away from homebyhim.
孩子们没有见到齐先生,反而是那位好像一年到头都在扫地的老大爷,换上了一身跟齐先生装束相似的儒衫,腰间悬挂了一枚玉佩,霜白头发收拾得整整齐齐,头戴高冠,老人坐在原本齐先生的位置上,告诉四个孩子,齐先生已经辞去教书先生和书院山主,所以之后就由他来带领那趟游学。Goes outtravelling far, wasMister Qihas reached an agreementwith the children, intheirfamily/home the elderalsonoddedto comply.
出门远游一事,是齐先生跟孩子们早就说好的,他们家中长辈也都点头答应下来。old manno longersaw the pastbenign countenance, the imposing mannerwas dignified, asks: „Li Baoping? Whydoesn't haveto cometo go to school?”老人不复见以往的慈眉善目,气势威严,问道:“李宝瓶呢?为何没有来上学?”CunningLi Huai, usuallydoes not copewiththatredcotton-wadded jacket, immediatelyinforms saying: „Onroad that Li Baopingcomes, heard that the old locust treetree, mustrunto join in the funbut actually, Icannot hold onher, hertemperamentis bad, howIurgednot to listen, she must beginto hit the person.”
鬼头鬼脑的李槐,平时就跟那个红棉袄不对付,立即告密道:“李宝瓶来的路上,听说老槐树倒了,就非要跑去凑热闹,我拉不住她,她脾气差得很,我怎么劝都不听,她还要动手打人呢。”Otherthreeuntaught childrespectiveunstated criticism, Li Huai is really withhis mother, the lie through the teethability, is fiercer than anyone.
其余三个蒙童各自腹诽,李槐真是随他娘,睁眼说瞎话的能耐,比谁都厉害。old manturns the headto sayto a little girl of sheep's-horn braids: „YoushoutedLi Baopingto come back, wemustleave the small towntoday.”老人转头对一个扎羊角辫的小女孩说道:“你去喊李宝瓶回来,我们今天就要离开小镇。”
The little girls, somestood upgrudgingly, slightlyrunsto leave the school.
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