The small townpresentscene, assigns/life a sand table that the personbuildslike the Great Ligenerals, waralreadydrops the curtain, decidesto discard, uses the black clothto obstructat will.
小镇如今的光景,就像大骊将帅命人打造的一块沙盘,战事已经落下帷幕,决定弃之不用,就用黑布随意一遮。Chen Ping'anselects an oil lampinownhouse, startsto take inventoryownfamily belongings, threebagAuric Essence Copper Coin, provide formoney, welcoming spring moneyand pressure on winmoneyrespectivelyonebag, onebagis the Great Suiimperial princepresents as a gift, said that isthanksmakeshimbump intothatgoldencarp, twobags that Gu Canleaves behind, buys the money of loach.陈平安在自家宅子里点起一盏油灯,开始清点自己的家当,三袋子金精铜钱,供养钱、迎春钱、压胜钱各一袋,一袋是大隋皇子所赠,说是感谢让他撞见那条金色鲤鱼,顾粲留下的两袋,算是买泥鳅的钱。Thanked his twobags of moneyas forChen Dui, Chen Ping'anon the way ofleaving the mountain, requesting earnestlyChen Duito transmittoLiu Xianyang, Chen Dui, althoughhad doubts, buthas not rejected, perhapswas quite surprisedabout the choice of mean alleyyoungster, was the ancestor worshipsucceeded, is after possibly happy, Chen Duifor the first timeshowed the smile, the voicesaidgentlysomeheart-to-heart talk, enablingChen Ping'angreatlyto feel relieved, spoke frankly the promise of this YingYinChen Clandirect descendantjuniors, absolutelybe more valuable than twobagAuric Essence Copper Coin. Chen Ping'anactuallyregarding thishalf believing and half doubting, does not dare to believe that butNing Yaoheard„after YingYinChen Clandirect descendantjuniors”, makesChen Ping'anfeel relievedin private.
至于陈对原本答谢他的那两袋钱,陈平安在出山途中,恳请陈对转交给刘羡阳,陈对虽然疑惑,可是并未拒绝,兴许对陋巷少年的选择比较惊讶,也可能是祭祖成功后心情不错,陈对破天荒露出笑容,嗓音柔和说了些肺腑之言,让陈平安大可以放心,坦言她这位颍阴陈氏嫡系子弟的许诺,绝对要比两袋子金精铜钱更值钱。陈平安其实对此将信将疑,不敢全信,只不过宁姚听说“颍阴陈氏嫡系子弟”后,私下让陈平安放宽心。Mister Qibestowed the sealtwo times, totalsquare. The earliesttwosideseals, „calm the mindproud”and„Chen11”, issnakebluestone that Mister Qiharbor, latertwosideseals, areMister Qiaccording to the snakebluestone that Chen Ping'anbestows, along with the shapecarves, a small seal scriptofficial script, whatcoincidenceistwosidesealscanclose up, collects a beautiful scenerychart, genuineoneslender and delicate, Mister Qirespectivelycarves„mountain”„water”twocharacters, according to the view of Ning Yao, cancall itonepairprobably„Mountains and Rivers Seal”.齐先生先后两次赠送印章,共计四方。最早两方印章,“静心得意”和“陈十一”,是齐先生自己私藏的蛇胆石,之后两方印章,是齐先生根据陈平安赠送的蛇胆石,随形刻就,一小篆一隶书,巧合的是两方印章能够合拢,凑出一幅青山绿水图,一敦厚一纤柔,齐先生分别刻下“山”“水”两字,依照宁姚的说法,大概能够称之为一对“山水印”。Chen Ping'anplaceson the Daoist Priest Lutwoformulathreepapers the desktop.陈平安把陆道长的两份药方三张纸放在桌面上。Ning Yaoshut out the Daoist Priest Lucharacterto be insipid, the popularityabilitysmokeangerimmortalBuddhaair/Qi, anythingdoes not have, looks like the jurenscholar of seculardynasty, caters to the hallpavilionbody that carries outfor the imperial civil service examinationacademic honor, well-mannered, humble.宁姚曾经嫌弃过陆道长的字寡淡无味,人气才气烟火气仙佛气,啥也没有,就像是世俗王朝的举人秀才,为了科举功名而迎合奉行的馆阁体,规规矩矩,低三下四。Chen Ping'annaturallycannot see the flavordepth and attainmentsheight of youngdaoist priestthischaracter, notbecause the appraisal of Ning Yaowill not be high, despisedthesethreepapers. Furthermore before Daoist Priest Lujust before leaving, has saidpersonally, small townpurchasing booksare literateare not greatly easy, Chen Ping'anwantsto study the character, canfromhisformulastudy,陈平安自然看不出年轻道长这一手字的韵味深浅、造诣高低,也不会因为宁姚的评价不高,就轻视了这三张纸。再者陆道长临行之前亲口说过,小镇购书识字大不易,陈平安想要学字,可以从他的药方学起,At this timeChen Ping'antakes up the lastpapercautiously, beforehas readendvermilionsealarticle„the Lu Chenimperial order”fourcharacters, have not thought deeply, but have nowreached the four directions the seal, thenfeelsthatseveralsmall characters, especiallylovablelovable. Chen Ping'anthinks , in capturedhad the spare cash, whichdaybought the book, belonged to the family/hometo harbor, thenin the flyleafor the tailpage, by„Chen11”sealbellcoververmilioncharacter, Chen Ping'anthought ofthisgently, could not beargrincheerfully.
此时陈平安小心翼翼拿起最后一张纸,之前看过末尾朱红印文的“陆沉敕令”四字,并未深思,只是如今自己也有了多达四方的印章,便觉得那几个小字,格外可爱可亲。陈平安想到以后自己兜里有了闲钱,哪天买了书,归入家中私藏,然后在扉页或是尾页,轻轻以“陈十一”印钤盖朱字,陈平安一想到这个,就忍不住咧嘴乐呵。QuickChen Ping'ansomewhatwas awkward, had the seal, needed the ink pad. Riding Dragon Lanethatsells the cakes and pastriesspecially the giving on new yearsshop, itsnext doorhas the shop that whatjunkssell, hangs„clover”twocharacteradvertisements, Song Jixinandservant girlZhi Guipatronizesthisshopfrequently, the so-calledwriting-setandwriting deskclearforwas that sidebuys.
The Chen Ping'anhesitantmoment, thought that wait untilwill be literatein the future, whichdaymet the books of falling in love, buysonebox of ink padagain.陈平安犹豫片刻,觉得等到将来识字了,哪天遇见了一见钟情的书籍,再去买一盒印泥。In addition, the snakebluestone that gunnysackcarefullychooses, 78, the colorvaries, but the water leakagefor a long time, still the colordoes not shedeven if. On the table the bag mouth of gunnysackopens, bigsuch asyoungpalm, such asyoungvirginfist, smallsuch as the assortedpebble of pigeonegg, relies on one anotherto snuggle , the appearanceasks forhappily.
除此之外,还有那一麻袋精心挑选出来的蛇胆石,七八颗,颜色各异,但哪怕出水这么长时间,依然颜色不褪。桌上麻袋的袋口打开,大如青壮手心、中如稚童拳头、小如鸽蛋的各色石子,相依相偎,模样讨喜。Chen Ping'anwantedto giveLiu Xianyang, althoughSong Jixinis the spoken languageunkindstudyingseed, butthere iswordsto say is reasonable, the generalmeaningwas the samelittle thing, was placedin the stall keeperhand outside Mud Vase Lane, soldseveralcoins, but must be very bigtime-comsuming, but if was placedin the cabinet of clovershop, took342moneystarts, the customerlikedbuying, withoutmoneygot the hell out.陈平安本来希望送给刘羡阳,宋集薪虽然是个言语刻薄的读书种子,但是有句话说得很有道理,大概意思是同样一件小东西,摆在泥瓶巷外的摊贩手上,卖几文钱,还得费很大功夫,可要是摆在草头铺子的柜子里,就要三四两银子起步,顾客爱买不买,没钱滚蛋。
The having no intentionlistenerhas a mind, Chen Ping'anthought that Song Jixinthis saying to be very reasonable, therefore the snakebluestoneplaceshim, stays in the small town, it is estimated thatsupported unable to sellwhathigh price, but if gaveLiu Xianyang, mustbigplace that went tothatanythingYingYinChen Clanto be, even ifinjured by cheatingto offer a very low price, the money of alsoabsolutelyChen Ping'anobtainingwere more.
说者无意听者有心,陈平安觉得宋集薪这话挺有道理,所以蛇胆石放在他这边,留在小镇上,估计撑死了也卖不出什么高价,可要是给了刘羡阳,要去那什么颍阴陈氏所在的大地方,哪怕给人坑骗杀价,也绝对比陈平安得到的钱更多。As foris the handgrasps a thatched hut, made the friendwingold and silver mountains, bothwhowas goodwhoto be bad, toChen Ping'an, did not needto consider.
至于是自己手握一栋茅屋,还是让朋友赢得一座金山银山,两者孰好孰坏,对陈平安来说,根本不用考虑。Whyotherwisecanbe the friendwithLiu Xianyang?
否则为什么要和刘羡阳做朋友?Even ifthereforethatWind and Thunder GardenLiu Baqiao, Chen Ping'anthoughtthispersondoes not go bad, no matter how buton the Liu Baqiaomouthto be on intimate termswithoneself, Chen Ping'anwill not take seriouslyfrom beginning to end, neverechoes.
所以哪怕那个风雷园的刘灞桥,陈平安觉得这个人不坏,可不管刘灞桥嘴上如何跟自己称兄道弟,陈平安从头到尾都不会当真,也从不附和。Chen Ping'antakes upthatjade hairpinfinally, Mister Qisaid that washisMisterpresented as a giftlong ago, was the commonthing, notrare treasures.陈平安最后拿起那根玉簪子,齐先生说是早年他的先生所赠,是寻常之物,并非什么奇珍异宝。On the jasperhairpin the seal cuttinghaseightsmall characters.
碧玉簪子上篆刻有八个小字。Ning Yaohad explained„wordreadNobleman, warmas ifjade”these words.宁姚解释过“言念君子,温其如玉”这句话。Nobleman.君子。AlthoughChen Ping'anhas not studied, butstillthought that thiswords and expressions, definitelyis the weight/quantityveryheavyname.陈平安虽然没读过书,但依然觉得这个词语,肯定是分量很重的称呼。That side the entrancetransmits the Ning Yaovoice, „don't youclip onthishairpin? Sinceothersare willingto give toyou, naturallyishopes that youmake the best use of things.”
门口那边传来宁姚的嗓音,“你怎么不把这支簪子别上?人家既然愿意送给你,自然是希望你物尽其用。”lost in thoughtChen Ping'anlooks up, asked with a smile: „How did youcome?”
怔怔出神的陈平安抬头望去,笑问道:“你怎么来了?”Ning Yaositsopposite of the Chen Ping'antable, shot a look athairpin in the Chen Ping'anhand, „Ihave examinedcarefully, indeedis the ordinaryhairpin, has not had far-reaching idea, from the beginningIalsothink that issmallGrotto-Heaven.”宁姚坐在陈平安桌对面,瞥了眼陈平安手中的簪子,“我仔细查看过了,的确是普通的簪子而已,没有暗藏玄机,一开始我还以为是座小洞天呢。”Chen Ping'anis confused, „what?”陈平安一头雾水,“啥?”Ning YaolooksthattableChen Ping'an„pressesbottomhanded down in the familytreasure”, explained: „HasGrotto-Heaven, has thisviewheard? ordinary peopleonlyconsiders the rhetoricview of scholar, has not taken seriously. Actuallyherehastastefulvery much, in the worldGrotto-Heavenis dividedtwotypes, onetypeistheBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-Heaven that weplace, belongs to one of the tenbigGrotto-Heavenand36 Small Grotto Heavens, is‚grotto heaven and blessed land’thatGrotto-Heaven, somearealengths and breadths, do not knowseveral thousandtens of thousandsli (0.5 km), in the legendDao Ancestorhaslotus flowerGrotto-Heaven, althoughis one of the 36smallGrotto-Heaven, but a leaf surface of lotus leaf, is bigger than Capital City of yourGreat Lidynasty.”宁姚看着那一桌子陈平安的“压箱底家传宝”,解释道:“别有洞天,这个说法听说过吧?老百姓只当是读书人的修辞说法,没当真。其实这里头很有讲究,天底下洞天分两种,一种就是我们身处的这座骊珠洞天,属于十大洞天、三十六小洞天之一,就是‘洞天福地’的那个洞天,有些疆域广袤,不知几千几万里,传说中道祖拥有一座莲花洞天,虽是三十六座小洞天之一,但其中一张荷叶的叶面,就比你们大骊王朝的京城还要大。”Chen Ping'anonestartledonefor the first time, suspects saying: „Is impossible?”陈平安一惊一乍,怀疑道:“不可能吧?”Ning Yaogives the thumbs-upwith a smile, turns upwardsto reach itself, saidconfidently: „Ido not believe that therefore in the futureIwill goto lookwith own eyes, comes backto tell you genuine and fake!”宁姚笑着伸出大拇指,翘起伸向自己,胸有成竹道:“我也不信,所以将来我去亲眼看过之后,回来告诉你真假!”Chen Ping'ansaidin a soft voice: „Suchstrangeplace, isno onecango in?”陈平安轻声道:“这么稀奇古怪的地方,不是谁都能进去的吧?”Ning Yaohehesaid with a smile: „Youthink that whoIam?”宁姚呵呵笑道:“你以为我是谁?”Chen Ping'anwithout delaychanges the topic, „Miss Ningyoucontinued the Grotto-Heavenmatter.”陈平安赶紧岔开话题,“宁姑娘你继续说洞天的事情。”Ning Yaotakes uptogether the small and exquisitesnakebluestoneconveniently, the peachvariety, graspsstrokes gentlyin the palm, said: „RandombigGrotto-Heaven, canlink up the world, Spirit Qiis abundant, thatisworthy of the reputationImmortals residence, Qi Refineris incultivated, twice the result with half the effort, the lord of Grotto-Heaven, non-iscarries the person of bigdestiny not to occupy, in the outstanding personbyThree Doctrinesall kids of schoolshad been carved upcompletely, does not allow others to bribe. secret territory that 36 Small Grotto Heavens, a littletries to cover upprobably, such as the femalestillholds the pipapartlyto obstruct the surface, is pleasantbyhavenGrotto-Heavenmostscenery, is quietestwonderfullybyastral windGrotto-Heavenprecipitous, byBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-Heaven......”宁姚随手拿起一块小巧玲珑的蛇胆石,桃花色,握在手心摩挲,说道:“任意一座大洞天,能够贯通天地,灵气充沛,那才是名副其实的仙家府邸,练气士身在其中修行,事半功倍,洞天之主,非是身负大气运之人不得占据,早已被三教百家里的佼佼者瓜分殆尽,不容他人染指。三十六小洞天,有点像是藏藏掖掖的秘境,如女子犹抱琵琶半遮面,其中以桃源洞天最风景宜人,以罡风洞天最为幽奇险峻,以骊珠洞天……”Chen Ping'anaskedcuriously: „Herehow?”陈平安好奇问道:“我们这儿怎么了?”
The Ning Yaocorners of the mouthturn upwards, stretch outtwofingers, twistsgently, said: „Smallest, selectsin a big way, a very tiny area, is not worth mentioning.”宁姚嘴角翘起,伸出两根手指,轻轻捻动,道:“最小,就这么点大,弹丸之地,不值一提。”Chen Ping'ansits cross-leggedto sitsimply, languid, lieson the table, thenraises a fist, raises upfingersin turn, the gentle voicesays with a smile: „ButIhere, metMister Qi, Old Man Yang, Liu Xianyang, Gu Can, naturallyyou, Miss Ning.”陈平安干脆盘腿而坐,懒洋洋的,趴在桌上,然后扬起一只拳头,依次竖起一根根手指,柔声笑道:“可是我在这里,遇到了齐先生,杨老头,刘羡阳,顾粲,当然还有你,宁姑娘。”Ning Yaoalsosmiled, „alsosmallGrotto-Heaven, were the info clerkgoodsplace, Buddhismhas a Xumimustard seedsaying, Daoismwascosmos inside the sleeve, otherall kids of schoolsalsohadvariousviewsrespectively, itsobjectivewas‚a mind/square inchplaceaccommodatesworld’, in brief, the littlebigthing, canput downmanygadgetin other words, butcomparedtruegrotto heaven and blessed land, thistypewith‚Grotto-Heaven’ the treasure of title, could not put the living creature, before mymother , one of the most valuabledowry, wasjade bracelet,”inside the Grotto-Heavensize, was almost this roomsuchbigplace. ”宁姚也笑了,“还有一种小洞天,就是收纳物品的地方,佛家有须弥芥子一说,道家则是袖有乾坤,其余百家也各有各的说法,其宗旨都是‘方寸之地容天地’,简而言之,就是说一点点大的物件,能够放下很多玩意儿,只是相较真正的洞天福地,这种冠以‘洞天’头衔的宝贝,放不得活物,我娘亲以前最值钱的嫁妆之一,就是一枚玉镯子,”里边洞天的大小,差不多是这栋屋子这么大的地方。”Does not know that outside profoundstraw sandalyoungster, somewhatis then disappointed, „is so small, youlook at a piece of lotusleaf of othersDao Ancestor, has a city is so big.”
不知外边天高地厚的草鞋少年,便有些失望,“这么小啊,你看人家道祖的一片莲叶,就有一座城池那么大呢。”Ning Yaobecomes angry out of shame, the bodyleans forward, puts out a handwantsto give a Chen Ping'anheadpalm of the hand, after the Chen Ping'anwithout delaybodysupinely, Zuo You/aboutmoves aside.宁姚恼羞成怒,身体前倾,伸手就想要给陈平安脑袋一巴掌,陈平安赶紧身体后仰,左右躲闪。Ning Yaointended unable to workseveral times, the clevernessmoved, thatonlyheld the hand of peach-colorsnakebluestone, striking an attitude to throw the stone.宁姚出手数次也没能得逞,灵犀一动,那只握有桃色蛇胆石的手,作势要丢出石头。Chen Ping'anwithout delaysaidflustered: „Do not throwdo not throw, if the cornerknockedbadly, certainlymustlittlemakemanycopper coin!”陈平安赶紧慌张道:“别扔别扔,要是边边角角磕坏了,肯定要少赚很多铜钱的!”Ning Yaocurls the lip, puts down the snakebluestone, butlifts the handsuddenlyswiftly and violently.宁姚撇撇嘴,放下蛇胆石,只是突然又迅猛抬手。FrightensChen Ping'anwithout delayto close the eye, is not cruel enoughto look.
, Pats the stonelayer on layer/heavilyon the desktop, Ning Yaolaughs loudly.
After Chen Ping'anopens eyes, helplesssaid: „Miss Ning, yourcan or cannot should not be so weak.”陈平安睁眼后,无奈道:“宁姑娘,你能不能不要这么幼稚啊。”Ning Yaoselects the long and narroweyebrow, the elbowsweeps, thatstonewas sweptfalls the desktop.宁姚一挑狭长眉毛,手肘一扫,那颗石头被扫落桌面。Chen Ping'anboth handsscratch the head, painstakinglyface.陈平安双手挠头,苦着脸。Was reasonabletoMiss Ning, saiddoes not pass.
跟宁姑娘讲道理,讲不通啊。Ning Yaois laughing and playing, stretches outotheronly one handfrom the desktop, thatshouldfallfallson the stone of place, lies downinherfairpalmimpressively.宁姚嬉笑一声,从桌面下伸出另外一只手,那颗本该摔落在地的石头,赫然躺在她的白皙手心。Chen Ping'anorboth handshold the head, pitiful.陈平安还是双手抱头,可怜兮兮。Ning Yaono longermakes fun ofChen Ping'an, sincereasked: „What do youlatermake?”宁姚不再捉弄陈平安,正色问道:“你以后做什么?”Chen Ping'anthinks,repliedhonestly: „HelpsMaster Ruancompletetheseheavy work, after Ithink, walking into the mountaincharking, but can also pick the medicinewhile convenient, sold toYang Family shop.”陈平安想了想,老实回答道:“帮阮师傅做完那些力气活,我想以后自己进山烧炭,还可以顺便采药,卖给杨家铺子。”Ning Yaohesitant, asked: „ThenbesidesRighteous Yang MountainthatMoving-Mountain Ape, woman of Clear Wind CityXu, River Severing True MonarchLiu Zhimao, as well asCai JinjianandFu NanhuabackRosy Clouds MountainandOld Dragon City, youwhat to do? If by some chanceothersmustaskyouto trouble, whereyoutowarddo run away?”宁姚犹豫了一下,问道:“那么除了正阳山的那头搬山猿,还有清风城许家的妇人,截江真君刘志茂,以及蔡金简和苻南华背后的云霞山和老龙城,你怎么办?万一人家要找你麻烦,你往哪里逃?”Ning Yaodoes not wait forChen Ping'anto speak, sinkingsound said: „ThereforeDaoist Priest Luletyouinitiallyno matter how, musttreatbrazenlyin the blacksmithshop, is a right way.”宁姚不等陈平安说话,沉声道:“所以当初陆道长让你不管如何,都要厚着脸皮待在铁匠铺子,是一条正路。”Chen Ping'anis heavyhearted: „Ifannoys a bigskewerto be troublesometoMaster Ruan, what to do?”陈平安忧心忡忡道:“那如果给阮师傅惹来一大串麻烦,怎么办?”Ning Yaosneers saying: „Saint that take chargesmallGrotto-Heavenrevolves, will also feartroublesomethese?”宁姚冷笑道:“一位主持小洞天运转的圣人,还会怕这些麻烦?”Chen Ping'annods, „thatIthenaskMaster Ruan, firsttoldhimalltruth, looked that heis also willingto receivemeto be the long-termapprentice.”陈平安点点头,“那我回头问问阮师傅,先把所有实情告诉他,看他还愿不愿意收我做长期学徒。”Ning Yaois supportingcheek, flipsto pickthesesnakebluestonessingle-handedly, said: „small townhere, nothingwasbagAuric Essence Copper Coincannot solve, if present, thattwobags.”宁姚一手支撑着腮帮,一手翻翻捡捡那些蛇胆石,道:“在小镇这里,没有什么是一袋子金精铜钱解决不了的,如果有,那就两袋。”Chen Ping'anputs on a long face saying: „Ilove dearly.”陈平安哭丧着脸道:“我心疼啊。”
The Ning Yaosquintsaid: „Youplansto giveLiu Xianyangaltogether the time, howto love dearly?”宁姚斜眼道:“你打算一股脑给刘羡阳的时候,怎么不心疼?”Chen Ping'anshakes the head saying: „two quite different things, cannotcompare.”陈平安摇头道:“两回事,不能比。”
The Ning Yaosupercilious looksaid: „Laterwhichwoman, wasyourwifeunfortunately, Iestimated that shewishes one could a palm of the handto killyouevery day.”宁姚白眼道:“以后哪个女人,不幸做了你的媳妇,我估计她每天恨不得一巴掌打死你。”Chen Ping'ansaidseriously: „Reallymusthave the wife, is another thing. Iam not silly, will be wrongedbyownwife.”陈平安一本正经道:“真要有了媳妇,就又是一回事。我可不傻,会让自己媳妇受委屈。”
A Ning Yaofacedoes not believe that fullridiculelook.宁姚一脸不信,满满的讥讽神色。Youngsterboth hands of blackcoalhold the chest, sits cross-leggedto sit, some rarerampantlooks, hmph hmph saying: „Ifmy wifeis wronged, let aloneis the Righteous Yang Mountainoldape, isthatanythingDao Ancestor that you said that I must hack to deathhim, cutsdiedfirstdid not say,firstcutin any casesaidagain!”
黑炭似的少年双手抱胸,盘腿而坐,难得有些嚣张神色,哼哼道:“要是我媳妇受了委屈,别说是正阳山老猿,就是你说的那啥道祖,我也要砍死他,砍不砍得死先不说,反正先砍了再说!”Ning Yaois very surprised, dumbfounded.宁姚很是惊讶,目瞪口呆。Shehas thoughtChen Ping'anis not the hardtemperamentperson, naturallykillsCai Jinjian, to fightMoving-Mountain Apeto be an exception, usuallyis together, Chen Ping'anwill never be angryprobably, the personalityis unbiased, tepidgood nature.
她一直觉得陈平安不是个硬脾气的人,当然杀蔡金简、斗搬山猿除外,平时相处,陈平安好像永远也不生气,性情也不偏执,不温不火的好脾气。IfthiswordsareFu NanhuaandSong JixintheseHeaven's Chosensay, Ning Yaowill think that naturalis not accidental/surprised, maysayfrom the mouth of Chen Ping'an, Ning Yaoa littlecannot believe that thereforeshecannot bearask: „Why?”
这种话如果是苻南华、宋集薪这些天之骄子说出口,宁姚会觉得理所应当毫不意外,可从陈平安的嘴里说出来,宁姚有点不敢相信,于是她忍不住问道:“为什么?”Chen Ping'angrinsto say with a smile: „My fatherthis whole lifehas only fought, formy mother, becausesomeRiding Dragon Lanepeoplescoldedmy mother, my fatherwas unbearably angry, foughtoneruthlessly. Comes back, was complainedbymy motheris very long, butmy fathertoldmein private,hitsis not victorious, is a matter, hitsto be another thing, the manis not protecting the wife, whatmarriespassing through the gateto make?!”陈平安咧嘴笑道:“我爹这辈子只跟人打过一次架,就是为了我娘,因为骑龙巷有人骂我娘,我爹气不过,就去狠狠打了一架。回来的时候,被我娘埋怨了很久,但是我爹私下跟我说,打不打得过,是一回事,打不打又是一回事,男人不护着自己媳妇,娶进门做什么?!”Ning Yaois somewhat strange, „?”宁姚有些奇怪,“嗯?”Chen Ping'anscratches the head, blushessaid: „My fatherburns the porcelainto be fierce, fightsveryincorrect, going hometimeblack and blue, hitmiserably.”陈平安挠挠头,赧颜道:“我爹烧瓷厉害,打架很不行的,回家的时候鼻青脸肿,给人打惨了。”Ning Yaoputs out a handto support the forehead, does not wantto speak.宁姚伸手扶住额头,不想说话。Hersilentmoment, sets out saying: „Walked, returns to the shop.”
她沉默片刻,起身道:“走了,回铺子。”Chen Ping'anasked: „Do Ideliveryouto the Mud Vase Laneopeningin?”陈平安问道:“我送你到泥瓶巷口子上?”Ning Yaosaidill-humoredly: „Does not use.”宁姚没好气道:“不用。”Chen Ping'anhas not demanded, butdelivers to the courtyard doormouthNing Yao.陈平安没有强求,只是把宁姚送到院门口。Ning Yaohas not turned the head, knows that the youngsterhas stoodin the entrance.宁姚没有转头,也知道少年一直站在门口。
Not the stodgygood person, theirwill of the people, especiallywill be brightly warm, such astoward the sunflowers and trees.
不迂腐的好人,他们的人心,会格外温暖灿烂,如向阳花木。Thisis very happymatter.
The Mud Vase Laneyoungsterall alone, bytheseoutsiderpeasantinexpensivelives, the townmean alleydug earth with claws the ants that eats.
无依无靠的泥瓶巷少年,被那些个外乡人一口一个泥腿子贱命,市井陋巷刨土吃的蝼蚁。But the youngsterhasownlifeto wanteventually, healsowants himselfto live very well, does not seek ease and comfort, in fact the youngsterisonecansince childhood the bear hardshipschild, heis thinking the parentspurely, ifundergroundhas the knowledge, theywill definitely feel relieved, althoughChenonly then a Chen Ping'anperson, but a person, can the lastauspicious day, mean that hands down from generation to generation the home that in the same old wayfrom the parents, is good, even ifhomeonlyremainingpeople.
可是少年终究有自己的生活要过,他也很想要自己活得好,不是贪图享受,事实上少年从小就是一个很能吃苦的孩子,他只是单纯想着爹娘若是地下有知,他们肯定就会放心,虽然陈家就只有陈平安一个人了,但是一个人,照样也能过上好日子,就意味着从爹娘传下来的这个家,还不错,哪怕这个家只剩下一个人。Even ifeven ifhad moneyto buy the spring festival couplet, neededyoungsterto post, somepeoplewill not tellChen Ping'anarecrookedslanting, luckycharacter of thatpostondoor, neededto put up the ladder, stillno oneheld.
The peoplelivefirst, life and deathtake responsibility, is not thinkingaskedanythingwithHeavens.
人活一世,生死自负,不想着跟老天爷求任何东西。Thereforethispersonseems like the good nature, actuallyboneespeciallyhard. The lifeespecially will also be hard.
所以这种人看似好脾气,其实骨头格外的硬。命也会尤其硬。Goes out ofMud Vase Lanegirl, shesomewhatlosessuddenly, is somewhat guilty.
走出泥瓶巷的少女,她突然有些失落,也有些愧疚。Forownleaving without saying good-bye.
After Chen Ping'anreturns to the room, is in a dazeto the oil lamp.陈平安回到屋子后,对着油灯发呆。Blurry, Chen Ping'an does rest, resembles the dreamnon-dream.
迷迷糊糊,陈平安似睡非睡,似梦非梦。Heseemedinexplicableto arrive atsouthcovered bridge, onlyrememberedjet black, himvaguelycannot even see the sceneseveralchi (0.33 m) away all the way.
他好像莫名其妙就走到了廊桥南端,只依稀记得一路上漆黑,连他也看不到几尺外的景象。Afterhesteps the stair, in the world, blossoms in radiant splendorsuddenly.
但是当他一脚踏上台阶之后,天地之间,骤然大放光明。Chen Ping'anwalksignorantlyin the covered bridgecorridor, suddenlycorridorcentralthere, blooms the incomparablydazzlingsnow whiteray, as ifcompares the beforehandworldlight more dazzling, implicationsay/wayintentis loftier, the Chen Ping'anstabbing painresults in the eyeto burst into tearsobviously, but why does not know, insteadcanseethereweird sceneclearly.陈平安浑浑噩噩走在廊桥过道,突然廊道中央那里,绽放出无比炫目的雪白光芒,仿佛比之前的天地光明更加刺眼,蕴含的道意更加崇高,陈平安明明刺痛得眼睛流泪,但是不知为何,反而能够更加清晰看到那里的奇异风景。
The tallcharacter, the facial featuresare fuzzy, standin the middle ofcovered bridge.
有一位高大人物,面容模糊,站在廊桥当中。SomesimilarChen Ping'anseeMister Qiin the alleyinitially, the bigsleevesways, snow white, such asbeing an excellent likenessimmortal.
有些相似陈平安在小巷初见齐先生,大袖飘摇,一身雪白,如神似仙。Howeverin the middle of the out of control wild horsegeneralchaoticsubconscious, the Chen Ping'anincomparabledetermination the character, is illusory than Mister Qiat present, is away from the worldto be fartherlikehimorshe.
但是脱缰野马一般的混乱潜意识当中,陈平安无比确定眼前人物,比齐先生更加虚无缥缈,就像他或是她距离人间更远。Chen Ping'anleads the wayslowly, near the earas if there is fox spiritfemalesongtwittering, poisons people's minds, „kneels down, butthengood luckoverhead.”陈平安缓缓前行,耳边仿佛有狐魅女子细语呢喃,蛊惑人心,“跪下吧,便可鸿运当头。”Latersomepeopledignifieddrinkgreatly, shock the will of the people: „Ordinary people, fastkneel down!”
之后又有人威严大喝,震慑人心:“凡夫俗子,还不速速下跪!”Alsothere is a gentle and mild and soundsaidindifferently: „Such asworldcommon people, needs the kneeling downworldMonarchpro-master, kneelswhy not, tradesGreat Daoto reach.”
The vicissitudeshoarsevoiceresounds, „thiskneels, was equal topassing through the long lifebridge, mounted the blue skyladder, bridged over a day of rift valley, did not doto hesitate, knelt downin a big hurry, the daygavedoes not take, insteadbyitsfault!”
A familiarvoiceresoundsstrongly, „Chen Ping'an, in a big hurrysuspension of movement! Alsodo not lead the way, do not turn around, may notkneel down. Onlyneedsis persisting inburning a joss sticksame placecan, can the body of yourmortal, how manyweights the spiritedwishes of carrying/sustaining? Do not go against heaven's will the conduct......”
一声熟悉嗓音竭力响起,“陈平安,快快停步!既不要前行,也不要转身,更不可下跪。只需在原地坚持一炷香便可,你一介凡人之躯,能够承载多少斤两的神气意愿?不要逆天行事……”A littleprobablyreprovingandwarning of Old Man Yang.
Back the old manvoicemorearrivesis lower.
只是老人的嗓音越到后边越低。Meanwhile , some people of warmChunsaid with a smile: „Does Chen Ping'an, might as wellstand, proceedsseveralstepsto give a try?”
与此同时,又有人温醇笑道:“陈平安,不妨站直,往前走几步试试看?”Thisseems likeMister Qi.
这像是齐先生。Chen Ping'anby the instinctstiffback, stops the footsteps, the lookall aroundlooks aroundat a loss.陈平安凭借本能地挺直腰杆,停下脚步,眼神茫然地四周张望。Heonlyknowsoneselfhavemanyissues, wantsto askMister Qi.
他只知道自己有很多问题,想要问齐先生。Manynoisysoundscontinuously, „thisisMa Kuxuanearningdestiny! Yourthisboyfastget lost!”
许多嘈杂声音此起彼伏,“这是马苦玄的应得机缘!你这小子速速滚出去!”„ThenisMa Kuxuancannot attain, shouldtake advantage of opportunityto fall intothatHeavenly Immortalembryo the hand of Ning Yao, youare anything!”
“便是马苦玄拿不到,也该顺势落入那天仙胚子的宁姚之手,你算个什么东西!”„YourthisChen Clanis the mud that a beachcannot help up, shouldburning incensecut offearly, dares the droolingdivine object, the impudent and shamelesslittle bastard!”
“你这一支陈氏就是一滩扶不起的烂泥,早该香火断绝,也敢垂涎神物,厚颜无耻的小杂种!”„Chen Ping'an, youdo not care aboutNing YaoandLiu Xianyangvery muchthey, turns aroundto return to the small town, leavesyourfrienddestiny, isn'tbetter? Qi Jingchunalreadydiesto receive in exchange for the calmness and steadiness of your mortalswithhim, lateris a wealthy mansafely, finds a wifeto give birth, next life, is very good?”
“陈平安,你不是很在乎宁姚和刘羡阳他们吗,转身返回小镇吧,把机缘留给你的朋友,不是更好?齐静春已经用他一死来换取你们这些凡人的安稳,以后安心做个富家翁,娶妻生子,还有来生,岂不是很好?”„Daresto proceedagainonestep, defeats the boneto raise the ashyou!”
“胆敢再往前一步,就将你挫骨扬灰!”Chen Ping'anonesteptreads.陈平安一步踏出。covered bridgeshakesloudly.廊桥轰然一震。
The worldis silent, the staticdisappears.
天地寂静,杂音顿消。Has the sigh, has the fear, has the flurry, has the awe, sobs, onegroup of messes.
After Chen Ping'anonestepgoes out, goes outnaturallyforward the secondstep, at this timehediscovered that Mister Qiwith, walks side-by-side.陈平安一步走出之后,就自然而然向前走出第二步,这个时候他才发现齐先生与自己,并肩而行。Besideentirecovered bridgeas well ascovered bridge, suddenlybecomepitch-dark.
The youngsterpausedbeforetime, was no longer puncturedby the rayonalreadybursts into tears, thislittle whiledoes not have the reasonto soball of a sudden, the cleverness, asked: „Mister Qi, do youwantto walk?”
少年之前停步的时候,就已经不再被光线刺得流泪,这会儿没来由就一下子哽咽起来,灵犀所至,问道:“齐先生,你是要走了吗?”„Un, mustwalk. Outsidehastoomanypeople, wantingme dead , is beyond controlIto make the choice.”
“嗯,要走了。外边有太多人,希望我死,也由不得我自己做选择。”„Mister Qi, whom do wego to see?”
“齐先生,那我们去要见谁?”„It is not ‚we’, isyou. Whatyoumustseeisone...... old man?”
“不是‘我们’,是你。你要见的是一位……老人?”With a crash a loud sound.
砰然一声巨响。Mister Qiwas strokedprobablyflies, butMister Qiinsteadlaughsfrank, finallydoes not forget the sinkingsound said: „Chen Ping'an, Great Daoin the under foot, walks!”齐先生好像被人一击打飞,但是齐先生反而爽朗大笑,最后不忘沉声道:“陈平安,大道就在脚下,走!”
The Chen Ping'andeep breathone breath, liftsto startto prepareto tread the thirdstep.陈平安深呼吸一口气,抬起脚准备踏出第三步。Resounds is extremely far, extremelyhighplacevoice, penetratesworldinstantaneously, the smilesaid a layer upon layer: „three strikes rule, tostops.”
有一个响起极远、极高之地的嗓音,瞬间穿透一层层天地,微笑道:“事不过三,点到即止。”Somecovered bridgemiddlethat sidealsoperson of coldly snorted.廊桥中间那边随之有人冷哼一声。Chen Ping'anawakenssuddenly, discoveredoneselflieon the table, the oil lampis still burning, the youngsterturns the headto looksubconsciouslytoout of the window.陈平安猛然惊醒,发现自己趴在桌上,油灯还在燃烧,少年下意识转头望向窗外。Dawn.
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