The small townseemedmet the raredaydog foodday, was all of a sudden jet black a piece, everyonewas pitch-dark.
小镇好似遇上了百年难遇的天狗食日,一下子就漆黑一片,人人伸手不见五指。In additionoutside the small townidolssuch asfirecrackerblasting open, the soundis getting more and more frequent, whensmall townbecause ofdarknesswhenis silent, seemsespeciallygrating, thisdeepened the small townordinarycommon people'sspeculationwithout doubt, associatedcarries the ox cartcarriage of wealthy and powerful familyjuniorstoformerthese, ordinary people in townalley.
加上小镇外一尊尊神像如爆竹炸裂,声响愈来愈频繁,当小镇因为天黑而寂静之时,就显得格外刺耳,这无疑又加深了小镇普通百姓的猜测,联想到之前那些载着大户子弟的牛车马车,市井巷弄里的老百姓一个个惶恐不安。In the tallfront gate walls of foursurnametenclans, without exception, wheneverthere areservantmaidservant to independently decide, will hang up the lanternhigh, quickis scoldedloudly, someungovernable temperfamilybeing in chargepeople, will pattheselanternsat the scene, will step onrottenlyit, the complexionwill be fierce, toregard, if the hated enemylook, will observe closelyyour family placeservant who thesewere due to the good intentionstubbornly.
The blacksmithshop, Chen Ping'anis sittingwithNing Yaoinwell entrancehas the lunch, after the darkness, althoughChen Ping'anis strange, butdoes not delayhimto lower the headto eat, the meals of blacksmith's shopis quite good, longcasual laborereachmealcandividetotogetherfattyred braised pork of index fingerlength and breadth, in additiononespoon of perquisites, foodmanagesenough, but the meatonly has the same place, Chen Ping'anprobablyis the capacity for food of twolarge bowlrice, therefore after each timefromcookingmasterthat sideminute/shareto a meat, becausethere is a cooking liquor, the firstbowloftenonly the eating mealmotionlessmeat, eatsfinally, thatred braised porkwill go againstfrom the bowlfallslittleto the bowlbottom, then. Runs the abundantsecondbowl of rice, thissolvesthatmeatneatly.
铁匠铺子这边,陈平安正在和宁姚坐在井口吃午饭,天黑之后,陈平安虽然奇怪,但是不耽误他低头扒饭,铁匠铺的伙食相当不错,长短工每餐都能分到一块食指长宽的肥腻红烧肉,外加一勺油水,饭管够,但是肉就只有一块,陈平安大概是两大碗米饭的饭量,所以每次从掌厨师傅那边分到一块肉后,因为有汤汁,第一碗往往是只吃饭不动肉,吃到最后,那块红烧肉就会从碗顶一点点滑落到碗底,然后跑去盛第二碗米饭,这才干净利落解决掉那块肉。Ning YaoseesChen Ping'anto havethatfoodeach time, somewantto smile.宁姚每次看到陈平安吃那饭,都有些想笑。Ruan XiulikeNing Yao, azure clothesgirlwill not lookactuallyto the line of sight of Chen Ping'an, as ifwritesfourlarge characters, in the person of same belief the person.阮秀倒是不会像宁姚这样,青衣少女望向陈平安的视线里,仿佛写着四个大字,同道中人。At this time a Chen Ping'anactionemptybigwhite bowl, is grasping the chopsticks, exhaustseyesightlook around, can only see the scene in 2-3zhang (3.33 m)distancevaguely.
此时陈平安一手端着空荡荡的大白碗,一手持筷,竭尽目力环顾四周,只能依稀看到2-3丈距离以内的景象。Recentlyover the two days, except forgivingMaster Ruanblacksmithshopto work like an ox, to work like a horse, Chen Ping'anwanted the take outthreedouble-hourto practiceto walk the pile, during the daytime, noontimeto1 to 3 p.m, in the eveningtwo, 9 to 11 p.m.to1 to 3 a.m . Was attemptingtoChen Ping'anafterwardat the same time of walking the pile, tenfingerstie the swordfurnacepile, butChen Ping'andiscoversthen, will be breathedbyoneselfimpeded, the stepis not steadier, gives updecisively, Chen Ping'anonlyin the practical traininggap, while the persondoes not pay attention to the time, the exerciseswordfurnacenourishes the body, actuallytoChen Ping'an, butpastfeverporcelainceramic making, changed into Shaking Mountains Manualsets up the swordfurnace.
最近这两天,除了给阮师傅的铁匠铺子做牛做马,陈平安要抽出三个时辰去练习走桩,白天一个,午时到未时,晚上两个,亥时到丑时。到后来陈平安尝试着走桩的同时,十指结剑炉桩,但是陈平安发现如此一来,会让自己呼吸不畅,步伐更加不稳,果断放弃,陈平安只在劳作间隙,趁人不注意的时候,锻炼剑炉来滋养身躯,其实对陈平安而言,只不过是把以往的烧瓷拉坯,换成了撼山谱里的立桩剑炉。Walks the pile the noontimetothatdouble-hour of 1 to 3 p.m, from the beginningNing Yaowill also tag along afteroccasionallyafter that after putting on airsto directseveraltimes, no longerappears. Chen Ping'andoes not wantto annoy the Gossip, during the daytime the fistpile of thisdouble-hour, in the small streamdownstream direction, after runningblacksmithshoponeli (0.5 km), startsto practice, then, almostcanstep ontoten miles of roadZuo You/aboutback and forth.
午时到未时的那个时辰走桩,一开始宁姚偶尔还会尾随其后,装模作样指点过几次后,就不再出现。陈平安不想惹来流言蜚语,白天这一个时辰的拳桩,会沿着小溪下游方向,跑出铁匠铺子一里地后,才开始练习,然后来回一趟,差不多能走上十里路左右。RegardingChen Ping'an, thiswas an unshakeablenewfamily ruleeven.
对于陈平安来说,这就算属于一条雷打不动的新家规了。At this timesitsinwell entrance, Ning Yaois looking the sky that coversblack cloth, harmsherto lose„attractively” the long and narrowfrown of impression, wrinklesslightly.
此时坐在井口,宁姚望着覆盖黑布似的天空,害得她失去“漂亮”印象的狭长双眉,微微皱起。Chen Ping'anaskedlow voice: „Is is or isn'trelatedwithMister Qi?”陈平安小声问道:“是不是跟齐先生有关?”Ning Yaodoes not planto tellhim the truth, onlygives a fuzzyanswer, „Mister Qi, sinceisthisGrotto-Heavenmaster, shouldhave the relationswithhim.”宁姚不打算告诉他真相,只给出一个模糊答案,“齐先生既然是这座洞天的主人,应该跟他有关系吧。”Chen Ping'analsoasked: „According toSong Jixin and Zhi Guibeforehandview, Mister Qiplannedleaves the small townwithschoolbookchildZhao Yaotogether, whydoesn't walkfinally?”陈平安又问道:“按照宋集薪和稚圭之前的说法,齐先生原本打算跟学塾书童赵繇一起离开小镇,为什么最后不走了?”Ning Yaoshakes the headto say with a smile: „The Saintthoughts, likedragon vein, canbe continuousten million/countless, I may be unable to guess correctly, is disinclinedto guess.”宁姚摇头笑道:“圣人的心思,就像一条龙脉,能够绵延千万里,我可猜不到,也懒得猜。”Spokethese words, shethrowstowardChen Ping'anin the tableware, oneselfset outto go tooneto belong toheryellowclay wallthatched hutalone, Ning Yao are also very strangeMaster Ruansoto be why polite, could it be that does Master Ruanseeownstatus? The possibilityis minimum right, after allpoursHanging Mountain is not located ineasternTreasure Bottle Continent, moreoverpoursHanging Mountain and outside world has almost not involved, the reputationis very big, the guestare extremely few, furthermorepoursthat sideHanging Mountain, is not suretoownstatus. ButNing Yaoisstraight, Icannotchop a personality of enfilade the shipto the bridgeheadnaturewith the sword, solemneasternTreasure Bottle Continentfirstcastsshowing good will of swordeveryoneMaster Ruan,
说完这句话,她把碗筷往陈平安手里一丢,自己起身去往一栋独属于她的黄泥墙茅草屋,宁姚自己也很奇怪为何阮师对此自己如此客气,难道阮师看出自己的身份?可能性极小才对,毕竟倒悬山并不位于东宝瓶洲,况且倒悬山与外界几乎没有牵连,名声很大,客人极少,再者倒悬山那边,对自己的身份也吃不准。只不过宁姚是船到桥头自然直、不直我也能用剑劈出一条直路的性情,堂堂东宝瓶洲第一铸剑大家阮师的示好,Shekindly acceptednaturally. Chen Ping'antakes the tableware, justwantedto go tothat side the kitchen, discovered that somenot far awaypeoplepass throughfromhere, is a sleevespaciousyoungman, looks like the scholarcompared withscholarChen Songfeng, unexplainedfeelings, is a bit likeMister Qi, was a bit likeat that timeinoverseeing the manufacture ofofficerSir Song that Mud Vase Lanemet.
The mensawsitsafter the straw sandalyoungster who well entranceis in a dazealone, moreoverlooks at each other, heis slightly surprised, arrives atside the youngster, smilewarmChundao: „Ilook for the Master Ruana littlematter, where do youknowhim?”
男人看到独自坐在井口发呆的草鞋少年后,而且还与自己对视后,他微微惊讶,来到少年身边,笑容温醇道:“我找阮师傅有点事情,你知道他在哪里吗?”Chen Ping'anthistimehas not looked likeinitiallyinMud Vase Lane, is hiding the truth fromCai JinjianFu Nanhuaintentionally, butwasdirect and plainspokenpointed out the directiontothatperson.陈平安这次没有像当初在泥瓶巷,故意瞒着蔡金简苻南华,而是直截了当给那人指明了方向。FirstMiss Ninghad toldoneselffierce of Master Ruan, secondlythisman, has not givenChen Ping'an a feeling of gloomycitymansionat present.
一来宁姑娘跟自己说过阮师傅的厉害,二来眼前这个男人,没有给陈平安一种阴沉城府的感觉。Chen Ping'anaskedpolitely: „Needsmeto guide?”陈平安客气问道:“需要我带路吗?”
The youngmanhas not worriedto hurry along, looks atChen Ping'an, the smilewas saying: „Does not use, the things of severalroads, are not troublesome. Thank you.”年轻男人没有着急赶路,望着陈平安,微笑道:“不用,就几步路的事情,不麻烦了。谢谢你啊。”Chen Ping'annodswith a smile, moves toward the kitchen, the manmoves towarddistant placeoneto cast the swordroom.陈平安笑着点头,走向灶房,那男人则走向远处一间铸剑室。
After Chen Ping'analsotableware, discovered that the casual laborerapprenticesgatherinseveralrooms, in the point the oil lamp, whychatted there caninvertday and night, somepeoplesaid with certainty,saidwassomemountainMountain God, harmed the creek waterwell waterto drop, thereforeprovoked angerMr.River God who had jurisdiction over the mountain stream, daoist immortalfought, hitsgloomily. Alsosomepeoplerefutedwith the view of people of the older generation, saidourhere, the mountaingaveImperial Courtto prohibit, Mountain God where came, saidagain, then the bigsmall stream, cannot haveRiver Godabsolutely.陈平安还了碗筷后,发现短工学徒们都聚在几栋屋内,点上油灯,在那里聊着为何会昼夜颠倒,有人言之凿凿,说是某座大山的山神过界,害得溪水井水下降,所以惹恼了管辖溪涧的河神老爷,一场神仙打架,打得天昏地暗。也有人用老一辈人的说法来反驳,说咱们这儿,大山都给朝廷封禁了,哪里来的山神,再说了,那么点大的小溪,绝对出不了河神。Chen Ping'anhas not goneto mix, idlesin any caseis also idling, taking advantage of the rareeyesight, to the lastwaterbottom of the well , a back-basketback-basketmovesearthto extract from an oil wellalone.陈平安没去掺和,反正闲着也是闲着,就借着自己超乎寻常的眼力,独自去往最后一口水井底下,一背篓一背篓搬土出井。After the wooden laddercrawlsonetimewell entrance, exactlysawthatmanfromcasting the swordroomreturns, healsodiscovered the form of youngster, has not approached, has not paused, butwaves goodbyewithChen Ping'andistantly.
一次沿着木梯爬出井口后,恰好看到那名男子从铸剑室返回,他也发现了少年的身影,并未走近,也没有停步,只是与陈平安遥遥挥手告别。SomeChen Ping'andeeply moved, regardless ofthispersonisgoodisbad, are leasthewith the Righteous Yang MountainRosy Clouds Mountaintwomountains, the outsiders in Clear Wind CityOld Dragon Citytwocities, are truly different.陈平安有些感慨,不论此人是好是坏,最少他跟正阳山云霞山两座山,还有清风城老龙城两座城的外乡人,确实不同。Chen Ping'aninwell entrancetransportingsoils, after lastextracts from an oil well, discovered that Ruan Xiustandsnear the well entrancewheel, the palmboothis puttingtogetherturban, piled up with the exquisitecakes and pastries, after wait untilChen Ping'anappears, Ruan Xiutohimstretches out the palm, the whole bodysoilandboth handsdirtyChen Ping'anwith a smileshakes the head, laterRuan Xiusitsonwell entrance, lowers the headto eat the finecakes and pastries of Riding Dragon Lanegiving on new yearsshop, azure clothesgirlrapidimmersionin , the whole personis brimming with the fullhappinessto like.陈平安在井口一趟趟搬运土壤,最后一趟出井后,发现阮秀站在井口轱辘附近,手心摊放着一块帕巾,堆满了小巧糕点,等到陈平安出现后,阮秀向他伸出手掌,满身泥土、双手脏兮兮的陈平安笑着摇头,随后阮秀坐在井口上,低头吃着骑龙巷压岁铺子的精致糕点,青衣少女迅速沉浸其中,整个人洋溢着满满的幸福欢喜。Chen Ping'ancontinuesto transport the fillback and forth, after tenseveral times, ponytailgirlalreadydoes not see the signs, butonwell entrancekeepsturbanandcakes and pastries, was the giving on new yearsshopmost famouspeach blossomrice winecake, Chen Ping'angawkedstaring, hasto take off the back-basket, placednear the foot, satonturbannearbywell entrance, scratched the handon the clothing, two fingerstwisted the cakes and pastries, put in the mouth.陈平安继续来来回回搬运积土,十数次后,马尾辫少女已经不见踪迹,不过井口上留着帕巾和一块糕点,是压岁铺子最著名的桃花酒酿糕,陈平安愣了愣,只好摘下背篓,放在脚边,坐在帕巾附近的井口上,在衣衫上擦了擦手,双指捻起糕点,放入嘴中。Chen Ping'anmakes an effortto nod, is really very delicious.陈平安使劲点头,果然很好吃。After alloneselfeatisentiretencoins, thinks ofthis, Chen Ping'anthoughtimmediatelywas more delicious.
毕竟自己吃得是整整十文钱啊,一想到这点,陈平安立即觉得更好吃了。Laterseveraldouble-hour, the weatheris still dim, the skywill transmit an intermittentdepressedbeating a drumsoundonce for a while, in addition, the small town is not actually unusual, casual laborer of Master Ruanalsomaking an exceptionbyownblacksmith's shopwas rested for twodays, makingthemgovarioushomerespectively, does not needto treat here waits„dawn”to continueto work.
之后几个时辰,天色依旧昏暗,天空时不时会传来一阵阵沉闷的擂鼓声响,除此之外,其实小镇并无异样,阮师傅也破例让自家铁匠铺的短工休息两天,让他们各回各家,不用待在这边等着“天亮”继续干活。Chen Ping'anis also one of them, to return to the small townsimply, went to the Liu Xianyanghome, after withoutdiscoveringyoung masterwest, turns off the lightsonwithout delay, locks the front dooragain, runsto the Mud Vase Lanehouse.陈平安也在此列,干脆就返回小镇,去了趟刘羡阳家,没发现少东西后,就赶紧熄灯,再锁好屋门,跑向泥瓶巷的自家宅子。Whydoes not know, Chen Ping'anthought that presentsmall town, spiritless, did not have the vitality/angry.
不知为何,陈平安觉得如今的小镇,死气沉沉,没了生气。Chen Ping'andoes not know, whenhehas run the covered bridgecorridor.陈平安并不知道,在他跑过廊桥廊道的时候。tallfemale who underon the bridgewater surface, floatclothessleeveis swaying, women's clothingsnow white, the hairsnow white, exposedhands and feetoutsideis the fleshsuch as the suetbeautifuljadeis also common.
桥底下的水面上,悬浮着一位衣袂飘摇的高大女子,衣裙雪白,头发雪白,裸露在外的手脚亦是肌肤如羊脂美玉一般。Sheis crooked the head, usescreek wateras the mirror, pullsto sendoneto combsingle-handedly, no onecan see clearlyherfacial features.
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