InQi Jingchunputs down the twodays before thatchopsticks, the small townpresentedsome not goodsign, the Iron Lock Wellwater leveldroppedveryfiercely, scholartreecrashedfrom the tree trunkbreak, branches and leavesallwithered and yellow, obviouslydid not conform to the Chunrongautumndrycustom, outside the small townis lying downlying this way and thatmanyclay sculpturewoodcarvingidolsplaces, frequently the greater part of the nightheard the firecrackercommonblasting, the busybodyranto look, close to the small townarea, definitelyalsosaved the world in the winter of last yearthatgroup of clay buddhawoodendaoist immortal, alreadyvanishedunexpectedlymost.
在齐静春放下那双筷子之前的两天,小镇出现了一些不好的兆头,铁锁井水位下降得很厉害,槐枝从树干断裂坠落,枝叶皆枯黄,明显不符合春荣秋枯的规矩,还有小镇外横七竖八躺着许多泥塑木雕神像的地方,经常大半夜传来爆竹一般的炸裂声,好事者跑去一看,靠近小镇一带,去年冬肯定还存世的那拨泥菩萨木神仙们,竟然已经消失大半。Ox cartcarriage that leavesfromGood Luck and Fortune StreetandPeach Leaf Lane, has not broken, onstreet surface that inthatlargegreen slatpaves, even the greater part of the nightcanhearto harass a person of cleardream the beast of burdenhoofbeat.
从福禄街和桃叶巷动身的牛车马车,就没有断过,在那大幅青石板铺就的街面上,连大半夜都能听到扰人清梦的牛马蹄声。Theseclothingare gorgeous, the outsider of whole bodyrichnoble air, startsto walk outhurriedly, the lookis mostly disgruntled, threetwo or threetwo, somepeopledirectin the small townschooldirectionfrequently, is quite resentful.
那些衣衫华美、满身富贵气的外乡人,也开始匆匆忙忙往外走,大多神色不悦,三三两两,经常有人朝小镇学塾方向指指点点,颇为愤懑。HoodlumZheng Dafeng of small towneast gatedid not have the form, the kilnserviceto oversee the manufacture of the yamendo not look for the meaning that the personreplaced, thereforesmall townlike without people of twofront teeth, the speechwas easyto leak out.
小镇东门的光棍郑大风没了身影,窑务督造衙署也没有要找人顶替的意思,于是小镇就像没了两颗门牙的人,说话容易漏风。Liu BaqiaoandChen Songfengreturnalong the old route, whentwo peoplecansee the covered bridgeoutline, is the toward evening, Liu Baqiaoarrives at the streambankalong a trail, the squattinglower part of the bodyskimsheld water in cupped handsto wash the face, is roughly shuts outinsufficientlyfully, digs the buttocksto lieon the groundsimply, sinks to the middle of the entireheadcreek water, finallyraised the headsuddenly, loudlyshoutedhappily, turned the headto look atsweat profuselyChen Songfeng, Liu Baqiaoteases: „Frailscholar, lacks the strength to truss up a chicken.”刘灞桥和陈松风沿着原路返回,在两人能够看到廊桥轮廓的时候,已是黄昏时分,刘灞桥沿着一条小径走到溪畔,蹲下身掬了一捧水洗脸,约莫是嫌弃不够酣畅淋漓,干脆撅起屁股趴在地上,将整个脑袋沉入溪水当中,最后猛然抬头,大呼痛快,转头看着大汗淋漓的陈松风,刘灞桥打趣道:“一介文弱书生,手无缚鸡之力啊。”Chen Songfengskimmed the waterto drinkcreek water, the throathoarsesay/way: „IbecameQi Refinerinitiallylaboriously, butwantsstrong and healthy body, canlive for severalyears, readsseveralbooks, howto compare favorably withyoursword cultivator, let aloneinthisBlack Dragon PearlsmallGrotto-Heaven, Qi Refiner outside sword cultivatormostsuffers a loss, onedoes not pay attention, revolutioninternal qi, mustlose the magical skill, realmis higher, the buckleare more, has not thought that mycultivation baseis low, insteadbecame the good deed.”陈松风只是掬水喝了口溪水,嗓子沙哑道:“我当初之所以辛辛苦苦成为练气士,只是希望强身健体,能够多活几年,多看几本书而已,如何比得上你们剑修,何况在这处骊珠小洞天,剑修之外的练气士最吃亏,一不留神,运转气机,就要损耗道行,境界越高,折损越多,不曾想我修为低下,反而成了好事。”Liu Baqiaopatted the shoulder, „might as wellchangefront courtyard gate, joinsourWind and Thunder Gardento practice the sword, laterIcoveryou. Youthink that becomessword cultivator, governingswordLingwind, ten thousandzhang (3.33 m)upper air, with lightning speed, thunderstorms, treads the swordto shuttle back and forthparticularly......”刘灞桥拍了拍肩膀,“不如改换门庭,加入我们风雷园练剑,以后我罩你。你想啊,成为一名剑修,御剑凌风,万丈高空,风驰电掣,尤其是雷雨时分,踏剑穿梭其中……”Chen Songfengsaid with a smilesuddenly: „HearsWind and Thunder Gardenbybeing struck by lightningnumber of timesmanysword cultivator, named......”陈松风突然笑道:“听说风雷园被雷劈次数最多的剑修,名叫……”Liu Baqiaostretches out the only one handpalm, „stops!”刘灞桥伸出一只手掌,“打住!”sword cultivator is also one of the Qi Refiner, butcompared withcommonQi Refiner, the body and spiritmustapproachpureMartial Artist on anotherroad, making a long story short, is the muscleflesh and bloodandessence, qi and spirit, sword cultivatorpursuesbothto have both, otherQi Refiner, body and spiritincident, so long asdoes not hold backon the line, deliberatelydoes not quenching, naturally, Qi Refinerwhilecultivating vital energy, Qi Refinement, regarding the improvement of body, is actually ordinarylike the good influence of education, throughoutwhetsin the hardship, iscompared withsword cultivator, hammers the matter of Body Refinementmortal form, the effortor the number of times, were well below,is more impossibleto look likeMartial Artistsoto be diligently wholehearted.剑修亦是练气士之一,只不过比起寻常练气士,体魄要更为靠近另一条路上的纯粹武夫,简单说来,就是筋骨肉和精气神,剑修追求两者兼备,其他练气士,体魄一事,只要不拖后腿就行,并不刻意淬炼,当然,练气士在养气、炼气的同时,对于身体的完善,其实就像春风化雨一般,始终在打熬磨砺,可是比起剑修,锤炼体魄之事,无论是力度还是次数,远远不如,更不可能像武夫那么一心一意、孜孜不倦。RegardingworldQi Refiner, has a consensus, the bodyleather bag, eventuallyisunceasingly the decayedthing, the sufficienceon the line. Cancultivation the body and Dustless Colored Glassbody of diamondundefeatedby luck, naturallyis best, cannot might also as well, not by any meansto penetrate into a bull's horn, harmingGreat Daowas basic.
对于世间练气士而言,存在一个共识,身躯皮囊,终究是不断腐朽之物,够用就行。能够侥幸修炼成金刚不败之身、无垢琉璃之躯,那是最好,不能也无妨,切莫钻牛角尖,误了大道根本。Liu Baqiaospoke thoughtlesslyto ask: „Is your familythatdistant relative, martial artist of severalboundary?”刘灞桥随口问道:“你家那位远房亲戚,到底是第几境的武人?”HelplessChen Songfengsaid: „How do Iknowthisand other confidentialconfidential matters?”陈松风无奈道:“我如何知道这等机要密事?”Liu Baqiaorememberedin the yamen that hallclashed, deeply movedsaidon that day: „Song Changjing was really strong, most fearfulGreat Liseignioralsosoyoung, generaleighth, ninthboundarymartial artist, whowas not the fifty and Thisagewalksupward, evenhundredyears old were not the advanced ages, ifIhave not remembered incorrectly, Song Changjingabout40 years old. No wonderinitiallymustbythatpersonbe said‚needsto pressarrogance’.”刘灞桥想起那天在衙署正堂爆发的冲突,感慨道:“宋长镜实在是太强了,最可怕的这位大骊藩王还如此年轻,一般的第八、第九境武人,谁不是半百、甲子年龄往上走的,甚至百岁也不算高龄,可是如果我没有记错的化,宋长镜才将近四十岁吧。难怪当初要被那人笑称‘需要压一压气焰’。”Chen Songfengsaidin a soft voice: „Arises at the historic moment, advantageous.”陈松风轻声道:“应运而生,得天独厚。”Five Upper Boundariescultivator, see the head of the divine dragon but not its tail , is very difficultto search. Howeverin the middle of the martial artisteighth, ninthboundary, often the worldallknows, leaves not farwith the seculardynasty. Let aloneMartial Daoincreases, dependedislife and deathwars,上五境修士,神龙见首不见尾,很难寻觅。但是武人当中的第八、第九境,往往天下皆知,与世俗王朝也离得不远。何况武道攀升,靠的就是一场场生死大战,In the life and deathfrontline, has seen the life and death, canbreak open the life and death, obtainssimilarBuddhism„comfortable”, Daoism„pure”aloofstate of mind. Except thatcomparing notes between twobigmasters, eighth, 92 nd boundarymartial artist, mostlikesbullyingtopQi Refiner in Five Middle Boundaries, particularly the Song Changjingsuchninthboundarymostpowerhouse, almostit can be said thatunderFive Upper Boundariesdoes not have the rival, only thenin the middle ofQi Refinersword cultivatorcanwith a itwar, butalso can only striveto be lostnotbyoneselfis ugly, won a view of honorable even in defeat.
于生死一线,见过生死,方能破开生死,获得一种类似佛家“自在”、道家“清净”的超然心境。除了两名大宗师之间的切磋,第八、第九两境武人,最喜欢欺负中五境里的顶尖练气士,尤其是宋长镜这样的第九境最强者,几乎可以说是上五境之下无敌手,也就只有练气士当中的剑修能够与之一战,但也只能争取让自己输得不那么难看,赢得一个虽败犹荣的说法。Howeverhas a vaguereason, makes the ninthboundaryMartial Daopowerhouseunscrupulous, thatisfinala yet higher goal in Five Middle Boundaries, Tenth Floorbigcultivator, basicalreadyhaving no interestseculardispute, eveneven/including the familylife or death and dynastyrise and fallcannot attend, what was onlythat„Great Dao”twocharacters.
不过这其中存在一个隐晦原因,才使得第九境武道强者肆无忌惮,那就是中五境里的最后一层楼,第十楼大修士,根本已经无心世俗纷争,甚至连家族存亡、王朝兴衰也顾不得,为的只是那“大道”二字了。Liu Baqiaoalsoimmersesinowntrain of thought that „after Song Changjingwantsmeto have the small town, takesrune/symbolsworddepending onownskill, mustgreettoWind and Thunder Garden, makingthemhold the celebratory deedfeastearly?”刘灞桥还沉浸在自己的思绪当中,“宋长镜要我出了小镇后去,凭自己本事取走符剑,要不要给风雷园打声招呼呢,让他们早早摆好庆功宴?”Chen Songfengdoes not know whether to laugh or cry, is looking atdeeply the knee the purl, thinks that the Song Changjingas well asthisseigniordistinguished and accomplishedyoungster, Chen Songfengfeel the sign that a situationcondensesindistinctly, decided after thisreturns to the Dragon's TailcountyChen Clanhome, mustconvince the familyto gamblein the Great Lidynasty, without the meansstakes everything on a single throw of the dice, mustmake the Chen Clanjuniorsintegrate the Great Litempleas early as possible.陈松风哭笑不得,望着深不过膝盖的潺潺流水,想到宋长镜以及这位藩王身边的风流少年,陈松风隐隐约约感受到一种大势凝聚的迹象,决定这趟返回龙尾郡陈氏祖宅后,必须说服家族押注在大骊王朝,哪怕没办法孤注一掷,也要让陈氏子弟趁早融入大骊庙堂。Chen Songfengtwitteringsaid: „When the Great Limeteorology, isworldallsamestrength. ThereforemyChen Clanwantsraising dragon, cannotstruggleto attach the dragon.”陈松风呢喃道:“大骊气象,已是时来天地皆同力。因此我陈氏要扶龙,不可与人争着附龙而已。”Liu Baqiaoasked: „What did youwhisper?”刘灞桥问道:“你嘀嘀咕咕个什么?”Chen Songfengstood up, flungwaving the arms about, said with a smile: „Youhit it off well with one anotherwiththatMud Vase Laneyoungsterprobablyvery much.”陈松风站起身,甩了甩手,笑道:“你好像跟那泥瓶巷少年很投缘啊。”Liu Baqiaofollowsto set out, saidcarelessly: „Meeting by chance, assembling and partingis uncertain, after Heaven knows, can or cannotseesagain.”刘灞桥跟着起身,大大咧咧道:“萍水相逢,聚散不定,天晓得以后还能不能再见到。”two peoplesteps on the streambankspring the grassto step onto the shoretogether, Chen Songfengasks: „Heard that Blessed Land in Southern Mountain Streamcountrydistrict of jurisdiction, must in the winter of this year the opening to the outside world, allowingdozenspeopleto enter, you are still not ableto break open the bottleneckimmediately, canget downto try one's luck?”两人一起踩着溪畔春草走上岸,陈松风问道:“听说南涧国辖境内的那块福地,要在今年冬对外开放,准许数十人进入,你当下不是仍然无法破开瓶颈吗,要不要下去碰碰运气?”Liu Baqiaosneers saying: „Does not go, goes to the antpileto abuse power, the fatheris much more bashful.”刘灞桥冷笑道:“坚决不去,去蚂蚁堆里作威作福,老子臊得慌。”Chen Songfengshakes the head saying: „my familyMister Liuhad said that the state of mindlike the mirror, morescratchesis brighter, thereforestate of mindcultivated, cansit in meditation and become unaware of this worldon the Dao Ancestorlotus throne, naturallyis of great help, butuses all mightin the smallbogoccasionally, not necessarilydoes not have the advantage. Goes toBlessed Land, whenthrowsactually the predecessor, to forget that the previous lifeexilingImmortal, enjoys happinessalsowell, suffers distress, somewhat......”陈松风摇头道:“我家柳先生曾经说过,心境如镜,越擦越亮,故而心境修行,能够在道祖莲台上坐忘,当然大有裨益,可是偶尔在小泥塘里摸爬滚打,未必就没有好处。去福地当个抛却前身、忘记前生的谪仙人,享福也好,受难也罢,多多少少……”Did not wait forChen Songfeng saying that Liu Baqiaoalreadyshoutedto shout: „Iwinsheartlessis too heavy, oncewent toSpirit QithinBlessed Land, if unable to break open the taboobyownskill, returns tohometown, Iwill definitely leave behind the heartknot, thatgain does not equal the loss, the shortcomingwill outweigh the advantage. Also, if not carefulgives‚native’to bullyinBlessed Land, is a worry, after Icome back to lifegets back one's composure, even ifneedsto consume the hugeprice, I must certainlybe bornby‚the True Beingtrue body’, canbe happy, is onlythen, isn't contrary tomyoriginal intentionconscience?”
不等陈松风说完,刘灞桥已经嚷嚷道:“我这人胜负心太重,一旦去了灵气稀薄的福地,若是无法靠自己的本事破开禁忌,重返家乡,那我肯定会留下心结,那就会得不偿失,弊大于利。再说了,要是不小心在福地里给‘当地人’欺负,又是一桩心病,等我还魂回神之后,哪怕需要耗费巨大代价,我肯定也要以‘真人真身’降世,才能痛快,只是如此一来,不是有违我初衷本心?”Liu Baqiaoboth handsgrasp the back of the head, the whole facedisdain saying: „Said that coarsewords, noweastusTreasure Bottle ContinentthatthreeBlessed Land, whois not well aware, had changed flavor, alreadybecomes the great familiesjuniors of theseseculardynasties, spendsto look forplace of pleasure, no wonderwas talked intois the place of brothelbanisterImmortalgoverns, fishy.”刘灞桥双手抱住后脑勺,满脸不屑道:“说句难听的话,如今咱们东宝瓶洲那三块福地,谁不心知肚明,早就变味了,已经成为那些个世俗王朝的豪阀子弟,花钱下去找乐子的地儿,难怪被说成是仙家治下的青楼勾栏之地,乌烟瘴气。”Chen Songfengsaid with a smile: „May notbe generally spoken, did not say that ourtheseoutsiders, onlyspoke the words of thesenatives, manystartledcertainlycolorfulgeneration.”陈松风笑道:“也不可一概而论,不说我们这些外乡人,只说那些当地人的话,不乏惊才绝艳之辈。”
The Liu Baqiaosupercilious looksaid: „Blessed Land, can so manypopulation, how many of rise above othershaveevery year? Not necessarilyhas, thesesuccessfully come here, during can hundredyears, were remembered the namebyusfinally, how many have? Few. ThereforeIam not clear, whytheseBlessed Landwere so esteemed, but alsosomepeoplethreatened, so long ashasBlessed Landpart of governancepower, the advantagedoes not compareto haveFive Upper Boundariescultivatorto comelittle, insane.”刘灞桥白眼道:“一座福地,那么多人口,每年能有几人脱颖而出?一个都未必有吧,这些成功来到我们这里的,百年当中,最终被咱们记住名字,又能有几个?屈指可数吧。所以我就不明白,这些个福地为何如此受人推崇,还有人扬言,只要拥有一块福地的一部分统辖权,好处不比拥有一位上五境修士来得少,疯了吧。”Chen Songfengsaid with a smile: „The Blessed Landincome, thin stream flows far, canjumpoccasionally1-2nice surprise, most essentialisalladvantage, belongsto sit idle and enjoy the fruits, whois not gladfromslices?”陈松风笑道:“福地收益,细水流长啊,偶尔还能蹦出1-2惊喜,最关键是所有的好处,属于坐享其成,谁不乐意从其中分一杯羹?”Person who Grotto-Heavenwalks, the lifeis mostly good. Blessed Landrise the person, the lifeis especially hard.洞天走出去的人,命多半好。福地升上来的人,命尤其硬。Liu Baqiaoasked: „Don't youlikethatyoungstersurnamed Chenprobably?”刘灞桥问道:“你好像不太喜欢那个姓陈的少年?”Chen Songfengthinks, the choicereveals the heart, „, ifstemming fromindividual, I have no opinionto the youngster. But ifconsiders the matter and of itself, hisexistence, actuallyletsourentirefamilyveryembarrassed. The Black Dragon PearlsmallGrotto-HeavenChen Clanjuniors, the itself/Benis the joke of continent, in the small town, a populationdoes not calculate that fewsurnames, onlyremainoneperson, otherbecameotherservantscompletely, degenerates into the joke, is reallynormal. In the Dragon's TailcountyChen Claneye, person of we and small townChen, although the remote ancestor is the same, butthatwasmanyyears ago oldalmanacs, was far froma wee bitfriendship, butallDragon's TailcountyChen Clanopponents, howwill so regard, in this case, if the Mud Vase Laneyoungsteralsobecamerich people'sservantssimply , present ageonelaughsat that time, very difficultmanyyearsto continueto become a subject, butclenching teeth of thisyoungsterinsisted,aloneexistence, seemedespeciallynoticeable, outsidemanypeopleeveninmaking a bet, small town this roomthisChen Clanjuniors., Whenno longeristhat‚only’.”陈松风想了想,选择袒露心扉,“如果出于个人,我对少年没有任何意见。但如果就事论事,他的存在,其实让我们整个家族都很尴尬。骊珠小洞天的陈氏子弟,本就是本洲的一个笑话,小镇之内,一个人数不算少的姓氏,仅剩一人,其余全部成了别家奴婢,沦为笑谈,实属正常。在龙尾郡陈氏眼中,我们和小镇上的陈姓之人,虽说远祖相同,可那都是多少年前的老黄历了,谈不上丁点儿情分,但是所有龙尾郡陈氏的对手,岂会如此看待,在这种情况下,如果泥瓶巷少年干脆也成了大户人家的下人,也就罢了,当时当世一场大笑过后,很难多年持续成为一桩谈资,可这个少年的咬牙坚持,孤零零的存在,就显得格外引人注目,外边许多人甚至在打赌,小镇这一支这一房这一个陈氏子弟,何时不再是那个‘唯一’。”Liu Baqiaoknits the brows: „Thisis not the mistake of thatyoungster.”刘灞桥皱眉道:“这又不是那少年的错。”Chen Songfengsaid with a smile: „Naturally, the youngsterwhatwronghas, isin the worldeventually something, is very difficultto talk clearly the truth.”陈松风笑道:“当然,少年何错之有,可是世上终究有些事情,很难说清楚道理的。”Liu Baqiaoshakes the head saying: „It is not the truthis very difficultto talk clearly, in fact, is you were unreasonable, becausethatyoungsteris too small and weak, thereforemakesyoube ableto seemrighteous, in additionyourDragon's TailcountyChen Clanmomentum, is biggerthan the youngster, compared withsidetheseperson but who looks at the joke, is very ordinary, thereforesituationeven moreembarrassed, tofinally, is not willingto acknowledgeoneselfare incompetent, hasto suggest itselfin turn, thinks that youngsteris the chief criminal. I believe that if notthisBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-Heavendoes not entereasily, thatlets the Dragon's TailcountyChen Clanembarrassedmean alleyyoungster, by the Dragon's TailcountyChen Clanjuniors, had looked to doquietlyby, orsomedependencyfamily'sfellow, killeditto take undeserved credit.”刘灞桥摇头道:“不是道理很难说清楚,事实上,本来就是你们没道理,只是因为那个少年太弱小,所以才让你们能够显得理直气壮,加上你们龙尾郡陈氏的声势,比少年大许多,可是比起身边那些看笑话的人,又很一般,所以处境愈发尴尬,到最后,不愿意承认自己无能,只好反过来暗示自己,认为那个少年才是罪魁祸首。我相信如果不是这座骊珠洞天不容易进入,那个让龙尾郡陈氏难堪的陋巷少年,早就被龙尾郡陈氏子弟,悄悄找个由头做掉,或是某个附庸家族的家伙,杀之邀功了。”
The Chen Songfengcomplexionbecomes flushed, suddenlysomewhatbecomes angry out of shameunexpectedly.陈松风脸色涨红,一时间竟是有几分恼羞成怒。Liu Baqiaois holding the back of the head, raises the headto lookto the sky, was still the leisurelylazylook, „Iknow that yourChen Songfengwas notsuchperson, what a pitylooked people like you, were few, likeyourperson, eventuallywere not many.”刘灞桥抱着后脑勺,扬起脑袋望向天空,仍是优哉游哉的慵懒神色,“我知道你陈松风不是这样的人,可惜像你这样的人,到底少,不像你的人,终究多。”„Said that Righteous Yang MountainthatMoving-Mountain Ape, oneselfcannot attainsword scripture, is afraidmyWind and Thunder Gardento attain, mustfight with the fists dead thatLiuyoungster, youthought that like thisreasons with? Ithought that thisis very mindless. Butuseful? Useless, Iprovoke the oldapenot to daredirectly.”
“就说正阳山那头搬山猿,自己拿不到剑经,害怕我风雷园拿到,就要一拳打死那刘姓少年,你觉得这样讲理吗?我觉得这样很不讲理。可是有用吗?没用啊,我连正面挑衅老猿也不敢。”Liu Baqiaosighed, loosensonly one hand, pattedownbelly, self-ridiculed saying: „I, am the clumsy with wordsam inarticulate, the fist is not very hard, the sword is not very quick, otherwisein my belly, reallysaved a bigpile of truth, wantswiththisway of the world, said a sayingwell.”刘灞桥叹了口气,松开一只手,拍了拍自己的肚子,自嘲道:“我呢,就是口拙嘴笨,拳头也不够硬,剑还不够快,要不然我这肚子里,真是积攒了一大堆道理,想要跟这个世道,好好说上一说。”Chen Songfengputs out the one breath, „, thereforeyouthought that youngsteris good?”陈松风吐出一口气,“所以你觉得那个少年不错?”Liu Baqiaoturned the headto lookto the bigdaycrashingwesternmountain, „feltgood? Howpossibly.”刘灞桥转头望向大日坠落的西边高山,“觉得不错?怎么可能。”SomeChen Songfengdoubts.陈松风有些疑惑。Liu Baqiaosaid with a smile: „Iseethatyoungster, feels inferior.”刘灞桥笑道:“我一看到那个少年,就自惭形秽。”Chen Songfengfeelsunthinkable, shakes the headto say with a smile: „Can't be that bad?”陈松风觉得匪夷所思,摇头笑道:“何至于此?”Liu Baqiaoswallowed back some words of mouth, avoidsadsentiment. Chen Songfengthisfellow, althoughwithoutsatisfies one's likingto the temperament, iscompared with the commonscholar, onalreadygoodmany, oneselfare content.刘灞桥把到了嘴巴的一些话咽回去,省得伤感情。陈松风这个家伙,虽然没那么合胃口对脾气,可是比起一般的读书人,已经好上许多,自己就知足吧。ChatterboxLiu Baqiao is so silent.
The curtain of nightis deep, Chen Ping'anself-madethreeflares, threepeoplelight a fire the line.
夜幕深沉,陈平安自制了三支火把,三人举火而行。Finallyarrived at a mountainfoot, Chen Ping'anwiped the foreheadsweat, saidtoNing Yao: „Miss Ning, toldher, thisis the mountain of Imperial Courtprohibiting, does shehave the taboo?”
After Ning Yaopassed on toChen Dui, the lattershook the head.宁姚转告陈对后,后者摇头。Chen Duiraises eyesto look, sheincomparablydetermined, YingYinChen Clanancestral grave, definitelyinthisplace.陈对举目望去,她无比确定,颍阴陈氏的祖坟,肯定就在此地。
The decoysreturn home, the hearthas the induction.
游子还乡,心有感应。Chen Duicloses the eyeslowly, a moment later, hersquattinglower part of the body, wrote a long stringcharacterwith the fingerin the ground, after finishing, the lipmoves slightly. Finallysheuses the palmto levelalltracesslowly, after setting out, the footstepsbypass the runedestruction the place, the leadmountaineering, evendoes not use a Chen Ping'anfinger/refers of road.陈对缓缓闭上眼睛,片刻之后,她蹲下身,用手指在地面上写了一长串字符,写完之后,嘴唇微动。最后她用手掌缓缓抹平所有痕迹,起身后,脚步绕过符文销毁的地方,率先登山,甚至不用陈平安指路。Threepeoplearrive at the halfway up the mountainsidesomewhere, Chen Ping'andirectionnot far away, on a smallmound of earthgrowsto have a tree, the branchis strange, straightextremely, is unexpectedly straighter than the azure bamboo, Chen Ping'anfeels relieved, the nodsaid: „Washere.”
三人来到半山腰某处,陈平安指向不远处,一座小土包上生长有一棵树,主干古怪,极其之笔直,竟是比青竹还直,陈平安如释重负,点头道:“就是这里了。”Chen Duisinkingsound said: „You go down the mountain, wait for me there.”陈对沉声道:“你们去山下等我。”
The Ning YaotwitchedChen Ping'ansleeve, hintsdescends the mountaintogether.宁姚扯了扯陈平安袖子,示意一起下山。Chen Duiputs down the book box, each articleoneevery kind, puts out the sacrificial offerings of thesecarefulpreparationscautiously, with worship the godsfor the ancestor.陈对放下书箱,一件件一样样,小心翼翼拿出那些精心准备的祭品,用以祀神供祖。MidwayChen Duihasin an instantabsent-mindedabsent-minded, lookscrazilytothatyoung tree, is moved to tears, crying tears of joy, mutters: „Reallyso, reallyso.”
中途陈对有刹那间的恍惚失神,痴痴望向那棵小树,热泪盈眶,喜极而泣,喃喃道:“果然如此,果然如此。”Finally the femaleincomparablytothatsmallmound of earth, the linethreeis knocking on the bigritual that ninedo obeisancedevotionally.
最后女子无比虔诚地对着那座小土包,行三叩九拜的大礼。LaterChen Duicannot kiss the ground, tremblingsound said: „MyYingYinChen Clan, thanked the first ancestorto shelter!”
The foot, Chen Ping'anand a Ning Yaopersonsitson the side of the back-basket, turns awayto sit, Ning Yaoasked: „Beforehad a distance, why can youcircle the long journeyintentionally?”
山脚,陈平安和宁姚一人坐在背篓一边,背对而坐,宁姚问道:“之前有段路程,你为何故意要绕远路?”Chen Ping'angawkedstaring, the shocksaid: „Miss Ning, even do youlook?”陈平安愣了愣,震惊道:“宁姑娘,连你都看出来啦?”Ning Yaohandshakeblade sheath, will pushin the future, the blade sheathpeakhitsin the youngsterwaist, ’ characterremoves„‚ even/including!”宁姚握手刀鞘,往后一推,刀鞘顶端在少年后腰一撞,“把‘连’字去掉!”
The straw sandalyoungsterlooks fierce, rubs the waistgently, lowers the sound saying: „Ihave not toldyou, haseldest childpiece of mountain cliff, is thattypeis called the Dragon Beheading Platformblackstonebyyou, Ifeared that lookedtoher, thenshe could also judge the quality of goods, what to doifwhen the time comesshedid have the evil intention? The heart of injuring someonecannothave, against person'sheart must have, thistruthIunderstand.”
草鞋少年龇牙咧嘴,轻轻揉腰,放低声音道:“我不是跟你说过吗,有老大一片山崖,全是那种被你们称为斩龙台的黑色石头,我怕给她看去了,然后她也是识货的,到时候万一她起了歹心咋办?害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无,这个道理我还是懂的。”Ning Yaosaid with a smile: „Miser, youhad not worried that shethinks of a wayto move outit, harmsyouto be penniless.”宁姚笑道:“守财奴,你还不是担心她想法子搬走它,害得你两手空空。”Chen Ping'anstupidlysaid with a smile: „Miss Ning, youare so straightforward, aren't the friendcertainly many?”陈平安傻呵呵笑道:“宁姑娘,你这么耿直,朋友一定不多吧?”Aiyu.
哎呦。SuddenlyisoneeatssoreChen Ping'an, without delaysets asideonly the hand, rubsanother side ofwaist.
蓦然又是一阵吃疼的陈平安,赶紧腾出只手,去揉腰另外一侧。Chen Ping'anbumpedNing Yaobody's backwith the elbowsuddenlygently, asked: „Eats the wildfruit? On the road that Icomepickedthree, was hiddenbymein the sleevebag, sheshouldnot find.”陈平安突然用手肘轻轻碰了一下宁姚后背,问道:“吃不吃野果子?我来的路上摘了三个,被我藏在袖袋里了,她应该没瞧见。”Ning Yaosaidill-humoredly: „Can the mountainfruit of thisseason, be delicious?”宁姚没好气道:“这个时节的山果,能好吃?”Chen Ping'anturns around, the redwild fruit that hands overtwopeachsizes, said with a smile: „Miss Ning, youdid not know, thistype of fruitalsoreallyonly thencaneatin the spring, the winterendis solid, the early springis mature, thislittle whileis thorough, gets down, tsk tsk tsk, thattaste, not the carefultonguecangnaw off. What is more strange, ourhereso manymountains, fruitonly thenthisnearbyhas, Ialsolooked for a soilwithOld Man Yaoin the past, hetoldme, otherplaces, somewildfruitflavorswere good, butIate, gnawedeastto gnaw the west, thought that was inferior tothistype.”陈平安转身,递过去两颗桃子大小的通红野果,笑道:“宁姑娘,那你就是不晓得了,这种果子还真就只有在春天才能吃着,冬末结实,初春成熟,这会儿彻底熟透,一口下去,啧啧啧,那滋味,不小心舌头都能咬掉。更奇怪的是,咱们这里那么多座山,果子就只有这附近有,我当年也是跟姚老头来找一种泥土,他告诉我的,其它地方,也有些野果子味道不错,可我吃来吃去,啃东啃西,觉得都不如这种。”Ning Yaoreceivedtwofruits, decides the words that is unpalatable, mustalsogoes backremaining that „east alsoeatsto gnawgnaws the west, are you wild boar in mountain?”宁姚接过两颗果子,打定主意难吃的话,一定要把剩下那颗还回去,“还吃来吃去啃东啃西,你是山里的野猪啊?”Chen Ping'anis nipping the wild fruit, said with a smile: „When littleHoujiapoor, does not catchanythingto eatanything, speaking of that onetimealsobecausereallyeats the thingblindly, bellyeatingbadly, is painfulIto sway back and forthin the laneeverywhere. naturallyIhearmyheartbeat for the first time, thundersto beat a drum.”陈平安咬着野果,笑道:“小的时候家里穷,可不是逮着什么就吃什么,你还别说,有一次还真因为瞎吃东西,把肚子给吃坏了,痛得我在巷子里满地打滚。那是我第一次听到自己的心跳声,打雷擂鼓似的。”PitifullyNing Yaois only busyeating the fruit, withoutlistening to the clearyoungsterfinallysaidanything, firstbites, thought that thisfruitis pleasant and tastyexceptionally, after the fruit pulpgets into the stomach, the whole personis warm, the bodylays downlikeonehas the room of Land Dragon, the wild fruitis a bagcharcoal fire. Ning Yaocloses the eye, feelingfive main internal organs (entrails), althoughis all over the body comfortable, butother are not unusual, thismeans that thiswild fruit, canbedaoist immortalunder foot the thing of mountain topon the whole, butalso is only restricted inthis, can definitely be ableto sell the high pricein the seculardynasty, being insufficientmakescultivatorbe jealous.
只可惜宁姚忙着吃果子,没听清楚少年最后说了啥,第一口咬下去,就觉得这果子甘美异常,果肉下肚后,整个人都暖洋洋的,身体如同一座铺设有地龙的屋子,野果就是一袋袋炭火。宁姚闭上眼睛,感受五脏六腑,虽说通体舒泰,但是其余并无异样,这意味着这种野果,大体上可以位列神仙脚下的山上之物,但也仅限于此,肯定可以在世俗王朝能卖出高价,却也不至于让修士眼红。Regarding the ordinary people under mountain, thenwithout doubtis the unsurpassedtreasure of prolonging the life.
对于山下的凡夫俗子而言,则无疑是延年益寿的无上珍品。If we had known, Ning Yaodid not meetthisfruitsimply.
早知道如此,宁姚就干脆不接这果子了。Ning Yaosomewhatregretted,wiped the mouth, turns aroundto hand over the remainingwild fruits, „is not delicious, gives back toyou.”宁姚有些惋惜,抹了抹嘴,转身把剩下的野果递过去,“不好吃,还给你。”Chen Ping'anhoweverreceivesresentfully, somewhatloses, healsothinks that Miss Ningwill feelgood.陈平安悻悻然收回去,有些失落,他还以为宁姑娘会觉得不错呢。Ning Yaoboth handsare kicking the back-basketgently, spoke thoughtlesslyto ask: „RemainstothatfemalenamedChen Dui?”宁姚双手轻轻踢着背篓,随口问道:“是留着给那个叫陈对的女子?”Chen Ping'anshakes the head saying: „Givesherto do, is neither relative nor kin, naturallyleavesLiu Xianyang.”陈平安摇头道:“给她干什么,非亲非故的,当然是留给刘羡阳了。”Ning Yaosaidsuddenlycuriously: „IfRuan Xiuhere, youris or isn'tdoes not giveChen Dui, toRuan Xiu?”宁姚突然好奇道:“如果阮秀在这里,你是不是不给陈对,给阮秀?”
The Chen Ping'annodsaid: „Naturally.”陈平安点头道:“当然。”Ning Yaoalso asked that „that ifinyourhand, only thentwowild fruits, yougiveme, istoRuan Xiu?”宁姚又问,“那如果你手上只有两颗野果,你是给我,还是给阮秀?”Chen Ping'ansaidwithout hesitation: „Givesyou, givesRuan Xiu. Ilook atyouto eaton the line.”陈平安毫不犹豫道:“一颗给你,一颗给阮秀啊。我看你们吃就行的。”Chen Ping'anwas sneak attacked, is rubbing the waist, saidinnocently: „Miss Ning, do youdo?”陈平安又遭受偷袭,揉着后腰,无辜道:“宁姑娘,你干嘛?”Ning Yaoaskedagain, „, ifonly hasone?”宁姚再问,“如果只有一颗的话?”Chen Ping'anhehesaid with a smile: „Givesyou.”陈平安呵呵笑道:“给你。”Ning Yao: „Why?”宁姚:“为啥?”Chen Ping'annot onlycunning and sinceresaid: „RuanMissnot here, butMiss Ningyou.”陈平安既狡黠又实诚道:“阮姑娘又不在这儿,可宁姑娘你在啊。”
The youngsterwaistsufferstwoto hit hardinstantaneously, hurtsChen Ping'anwithout delayto set out, jumps, then, harmingNing Yaofalls intothatonlyto be big back-basket.
少年后腰瞬间遭受两下重击,疼得陈平安赶紧起身,蹦蹦跳跳,如此一来,害得宁姚一屁股跌入那只大背篓。Chen Ping'anwithout delaycomes outfromback-baskether.陈平安赶紧把她从背篓里拉出来。Ning Yaohas not been angrybut actually, butstaredChen Ping'anruthlessly.宁姚倒也没生气,只是狠狠瞪了一眼陈平安。Chen Ping'anholds the goodback-basket, two peopleto sitagainback to back.陈平安重新扶好背篓,两人再次背对背而坐。Ning Yaoasked: „Youknow that whattreethattreeis?”宁姚问道:“你知道那棵树是什么树吗?”Chen Ping'anshakes the head saying: „Does not know,Ihave only lookedinthisplace, othermountain topdo not haveprobably.”陈平安摇头道:“不知道,我只在这个地方看过,其它山上好像都没有。”Ning Yaosinkingsound said: „Hands down , if there is familymausoleumto give birth to the regular scripttree, will be the ConfucianismSaintsoon-to-be-bornauspicious omenmeteorology, andthisSaint, extremelywill be inevitably rigid, overwhelmingRighteous Qi, in your world, will therefore obtainfavorespeciallysurely.”宁姚沉声道:“相传若是有家族陵墓生出楷树,是儒家圣人即将出世的祥瑞气象,且这位圣人,必然极其刚直,一身浩然正气,所以在你们这座天下,必定会得到格外的青睐。”Chen Ping'an.陈平安哦了一声。WhatConfucianismSaint, the auspicious omenRighteous Qi, thisstraw sandalyoungstercannot understand.
什么儒家圣人,祥瑞啊正气啊,这位草鞋少年都听不懂。Ning Yaoasked: „Don't youenvymountain topthatwoman? Alsohas not thoughtwhythisregular scripttree, isn'tlonginownancestorgrave?”宁姚问道:“你就不羡慕山上那个女人?也没有想过为什么这棵楷树,不是长在自家祖先坟上?”Chen Ping'ansidestep the question, is happy: „This yearQingming Festival, I can also visit a graveto the parents, reallygood.”陈平安答非所问,开心道:“今年清明节,我还能给爹娘上坟,真好。”Ning Yaostands upsuddenly, thistimeis one's turnChen Ping'anto seat the back-basket.宁姚猛然站起身,这次轮到陈平安一屁股坐进背篓。Ning Yaolaughs loudlyin the one side.宁姚在一旁捧腹大笑。
The small townschoolonlyhasfiveuntaught children, the family backgroundheightis different, the agesizevaries, by a little girl who wears the scarletcotton-wadded jacket, although came from Good Luck and Fortune Street, butsheneverbullies the personin the school, butdoes not likejoining in the fun, alwaysonlylikes itselfloiteringcarelessly. Small townwestthatfamilies, Li ErsonLi Huai, studyinthisrural private school, hisparentsled the elder sisterto leave the small town, left behindhimonly, Li Huainot onlyhas not made a tearful scene, insteadwent badhappily, finallydid not needto be controlled, was onlyto the evening, the child who thislived away from homein the uncle's family, after doing the nightmarewoke up, startsrendinglyto call out, finallyawakeneduncleauntsuppressedjointly, a usefeather duster, a usebroom.
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