Song Jixinstandsin the summit, is open, so manyyearstreatinMud Vase Lane, it seems likelookallare the clay walls, the youngsterlikesimmediatelythisfeeling, has a futuristic perspective, thousand li (500 km)mountains and rivers, allunderownfoot.宋集薪站在山顶,视野开阔,这么多年待在泥瓶巷,看来望去皆是泥墙,少年喜欢当下这种感觉,登高望远,千里山河,全在自己的脚底下。Song Changjinggathered together the preciousactuallyold-fashionedfox fur coat, thisseignior the extraordinarymoodis quite hightoday, puts out a handto aim at the westernmountain, „thatmountainnamedScattering Clouds Mountain, latermaybe sealedby the Great Liimperial edictisFive Sacred Mountainsone outside of tenbigRighteous Mountain, according toold rule that the ancestryleaves behind, will presentMountain God that writes down the genealogyfront row, canmold the golden bodyidol, open and aboveboard, enjoysworldburning incense, isGreat Lisuppresses a placedestiny, is insufficientscatteringelsewhere, in order to avoidtransfers the clothesfor the neighboring country. The small towncommon peopleonly thenstandin the Scattering Clouds Mountainsummit, mayseeourDragonhead Mountain, becauseDragonhead Mountainwas protected and sustainedbygreat formation, commonnaked eyeeveryembryo, cannot seethisplace the scene, this is also destiny, according to the yamendensefilesrecord, historicallyhasseveralpeoplethereforeto mountDragonhead Mountain, successfullygoes out ofthissideworld.”宋长镜拢了拢名贵却老旧的狐裘,这位藩王今天出奇的谈兴颇高,伸手指向西边一座高山,“那座山名叫披云山,以后有可能被大骊敕封为五岳之外的十大正山之一,按照祖辈留下的老规矩,会出现一位载入谱牒前列的山神,得以塑造金身神像,堂堂正正,享受人间香火,为大骊镇压一地气运,不至于流散别处,以免为邻国作嫁衣裳。小镇百姓只有站在披云山的山巅,才有可能看到我们脚下这座龙头山,因为龙头山受大阵护持,寻常肉眼凡胎,看不到此地的光景,这也算是一桩机缘,根据衙署密档记录,历史上就有几人因此登上龙头山,成功走出此方天地。”Song Jixinasked: „Thattheseperson of did is or isn'tbecome outstanding? Became the top doginourGreat LioreasternTreasure Bottle Continent?”宋集薪问道:“那这些人是不是都出人头地了?在咱们大骊或是东宝瓶洲成了人上人?”Song Changjingsaid with a smile: „TwomixwellinGreat Li, the great distanceis about30years, one literary and one military, was honored as the Great Litwin jewelsby the later generation, of article, after dying , the posthumous namearticleis positive, of military, wononhereditarycountry pillarbigancestral meritsto the descendants, althoughthisking'sdescendantsimpressionto the two peopleis extremely bad, buttwo familywith the Great Liburning incensesentiment, thiskingholds one's nose must recognize, after allin the pastif it were not fortheystrove to turn the tidejointly, Great LiSong Clancould not endurethatdifficulty.”宋长镜笑道:“有两个在大骊混得不错,相隔不过三十年,一文一武,被后世誉为大骊双璧,文的那个,死后谥文正,武的那个,则给子孙赢得了世袭上柱国的不小祖荫,虽说本王对两人的子孙观感极差,但是两家跟大骊的香火情,本王捏着鼻子也得认,毕竟当年要不是他们联手力挽狂澜,大骊宋氏熬不过那次难关。”Song Jixinfeels the cool breeze of summitto sway, feeling of the emergenceAscension, asked: „That others?”宋集薪感受着山顶的清风吹拂,有一种羽化飞升之感,问道:“那其他人?”Song Changjingexhales the one breathgently, is even more refreshing, depresses the sea of qi that within the bodyis ready to make troubleto ascend, likepressed down the bigday that withonly one handforcefullyoneroundraisedslowly, Song Changjingincomparablydeterminedat this moment, so long as trodthatfront door, will advance intotenth boundaryimmediately, was honored astenth boundary of Martial Daolimit!宋长镜轻轻呼出一口气,愈发神清气爽,压下体内蠢蠢欲动的气海升腾,如同用一只手强行按下一轮冉冉升起的大日,宋长镜此刻无比确定,自己只要踏出那道大门,就会立即跻身第十境,被誉为武道止境的第十境!UnderFive Upper BoundariesallQi Refiner, confront a limitbiggrandmaster who reachesMartial Dao, almostdoes not have the odds of success, the result of only thenby the steamrollbangbeing killed.上五境之下所有练气士,对阵一位登顶武道的止境大宗师,几乎毫无胜算,只有被碾压轰杀的结果。Song Changjinggentle a state of mind, gave the youngster a nottoowarmtruth: „Diedcertainly. Thiskingoncebutcheredonepersonally, at that timethisking was also onlysevenboundaryMartial Artist, thatpersonwasrelativelythornysword cultivator . Moreover the lifejust when the peak, thatthiskingandhechased downmutually, went through700-800li (0.5 km)road, finallysouthGreat LiBian Jing/frontier the arctic foxnamed a smallplace that closed/pass, finallywas caught upbythisking, after beatinghisallapproachingbodymagical treasureandLife Source Flying Sword, thiskingtwisted and brokehisneck. Without the means that is not willingto useforGreat Li, only thenthisfate. Song FamilyalwaysfavorsQi Refiner is not false, but the premiseistheseQi Refiner, mustwork oneself to deathforSong Family, even ifsets the example.”宋长镜平缓了一下心境,给了少年一个不太温馨的真相:“死绝了。本王就曾亲手宰掉一个,当时本王还只是七境武夫,那人还是一位相对棘手的剑修,而且人生正值巅峰,那次本王与他相互追杀,辗转了700-800里路,最后在大骊南部边境一个叫白狐关的小地方,终于被本王追上,打烂他所有傍身法器和本命飞剑之后,本王拧断了他的脖子。没办法,不肯为大骊所用,就只有这个下场。宋家一向厚待练气士不假,可前提是这些练气士,必须要为宋家卖命,哪怕只是做做样子。”Thattime the latterhalf range of seizingtoclose quarters fighting, Song Changjingenters the eighthboundary.
那一次捉对厮杀的后半程,宋长镜进入第八境。Song Jixinto the legendaryexperience of thisseignioruncle, is not interested, butaskedcuriously: „Wasotherdynastiespaid a higherprice? Makesthemnot go headlongto betrayGreat Li?”宋集薪对这位藩王叔叔的传奇经历,并不感兴趣,只是好奇问道:“是其它王朝出了更高的价格?才使得他们不惜叛离大骊?”Song Changjingsaid with a smile: „Before thatsword cultivator, mostlyisso. Great Liis situatedremote, the common social practiceis valiant, the itself/Benis the country of Chongwu, the Martial Daotalentpours forth, is not valuable, Qi Refiner that liesactuallygenteellysoftly, extremely rare, thereforereveals itselfevery timeseveral, successively holdsEmperorGreat Lito hate the inappropriateBodhisattvato consecrate, nowemperor, un, isthatsovereignbrother, naturallyis no exception, hasthatsword cultivatorto enter the palacehaving an audience withsovereignbrother, lost/carryingsword the line, nostrilappearanceupwards, underpunchesvery much, hejusttried one's luckat that timeobtains a guardtreasurewhile convenient, is nationwide, like the sun at noon, therefore after seeingthisking, greeteddoes not hit., Isthis.”宋长镜笑道:“那名剑修之前,大多是如此。大骊地处偏远,民风彪悍,本就是崇武之国,武道天才辈出,一点也不值钱,倒是文绉绉软趴趴的练气士,凤毛麟角,所以每出世几个,历任大骊皇帝都恨不得当菩萨供奉起来,当今天子,嗯,也就是那位皇兄,当然也不例外,有次那名剑修入宫觐见皇兄,负剑而行,鼻孔朝天的样子,很欠揍啊,他当时刚好碰运气得到一件趁手的护身宝物,朝野上下,如日中天,所以见到本王之后,连招呼也不打,就是这样。”Song Jixinasked: „Then?”宋集薪问道:“然后呢?”Song Changjingwithregarding the idiotsamelook, shoots a look at an ownnephewslantingly, „thendidn't die?”宋长镜用看待白痴一样的眼神,斜瞥一眼自己的侄子,“然后不就死了?”
The Song Jixinwhole faceis unthinkable, „uncleyoubecauseothershave not notifiedyou, under the killeron the pain, cutsto killone to call it the countryfullyunyieldingbigcultivator?”宋集薪满脸匪夷所思,“叔叔你就因为人家没跟你打招呼,就痛下杀手,斩杀一名足可称之为国之砥柱的大修士?”Song Changjingsaidindifferently: „ Somepeople,宋长镜淡然道:“有些人,Youcannotbe used tohim. ” The Song Jixinlookdoubt, as ifthinks that does not understand the Great Liroyalty that suchunruly, lacks consideration for the whole, howlivestoday.
你就不能惯着他。”宋集薪眼神狐疑,似乎想不明白这么一个桀骜不驯、不顾大局的大骊皇族,是怎么活到今天的。Song Changjingsaid with a smile: „Youpossiblydo not know a matter, thatisentireeastTreasure Bottle Continent, only thenQi Refiner of dynasty, regardless ofwhatfamily backgroundanythingbacker, mustwork to work oneself to deathto the Bian Jing/frontierbattlefieldfor the emperor, reallyclose quarters fightingthreeyears, if the meritorious military serviceis insufficient , to continue to keepBian Jing/frontierto have nothing to eat, untilaccumulatingenough to go hometo enjoy happiness.”宋长镜笑道:“你可能不知道一件事,那就是整个东宝瓶洲,只有一个王朝的练气士,无论什么出身什么靠山,都必须为皇帝去往边境沙场效劳卖命,实打实厮杀三年,若是战功不足,就继续留在边境喝西北风,直到攒够了才能回家享福。”Song Jixinhas doubts, „uncleyoudid not say that Great Limostdoes esteemQi Refiner? Howto havesuchcustom? To say the least, Great Lidid not fear that thesepeopledid diein the battlefield?”宋集薪更加疑惑,“叔叔你不是才说大骊最推崇练气士吗?怎么就有这么个规矩了?退一步说,大骊就不怕这些人夭折在沙场?”Song Changjinghahasaid with a smile: „Thisunwrittencustom, afterthiskinghas the military powerworks out.”宋长镜哈哈笑道:“这条不成文的规矩,是在本王掌握兵权之后订立的。”Song Jixinsaidsuddenly: „Isthatsword cultivatoris not willingto go to the battlefield, foldedyourface? CausesotherQi Refineractions of superiors are imitated by subordinates, went bad the Great Limorale of troopspopular sentimentimperceptibly? Therefore can only select the least of two evils?”宋集薪恍然道:“是那名剑修不愿去沙场,折了你的面子?使得其他练气士上行下效,无形中坏了大骊的军心民心?所以只能两害相权取其轻?”Song Changjingshakes the head saying: „Thatsword cultivatoryoungtimethrowsarmyBian Jing/frontier, shortoneyearaccumulatedenough the meritorious military service, was quite goodin the Great Lireputation.”宋长镜摇头道:“那名剑修年轻时候投军边境,短短一年就攒够了战功,在大骊口碑相当不错。”Song Jixinbecomes angry out of shame saying: „Why is that?! could it be thatis rivals for sexual favorwithyou, violated the taboo of Song Clan, orin secretcollaboration with the enemytreason?”宋集薪恼羞成怒道:“那到底是为何?!难道是与你争风吃醋,还是犯了宋氏的忌讳,或是暗中通敌叛国?”
The Song Changjingansweris very simple, „, althoughcultivatorandMartial Artistarepeople on tworoad, the formeralsotruly......, inthatXiu Huwords, isgolden branch, jade leaves. Even ifMartial Artisttenth boundarycame to the end, butQi RefineralsohasFive Upper Boundariesto climb up, both the difference, is truly big, ifcarriesinboth the best a handfulpeople, Five Upper BoundariesQi Refiner, likestanding the summithere, inthiskingsuchMartial Dao of the person, actually can only standinthatScattering Clouds Mountainsummit, naturally, Martial DaoGreat Master's Limit, with11andtentworealmcultivator, stillhadhits, butin the final analysis, was alivein the common peopleeye, Martial Artistwas the biguneducated person who will hitwill only killto kill, mustshortfamiliescultivator, thereforein a thattimepalacemet, Althoughhehas not notifiedthisking, butseesmeintentionallyslantingly, the corners of the mouthturn upwards, provokesvery much, thiskingwantsto teachhimto cultivate the behavior.”宋长镜的答案很简单,“虽说修士和武夫是两条路上的人,前者也确实更加……嗯,用那头绣虎的话说,就是更加金枝玉叶。武夫第十境就算走到了尽头,但是练气士却还有上五境可以攀爬,两者之差,确实不小,如果拎出两者中最拔尖的一小撮人,上五境练气士,就像站在这里的山顶,本王这样的武道中人,却只能是站在那座披云山的山顶,当然了,武道止境宗师,跟十一、十二境界的修士,也不是没得打,不过说到底,在世俗人眼中,武夫就是打只会打杀杀的大老粗,要矮人家修士一头的,所以那次宫中相见,他虽然没跟本王打招呼,但是故意斜眼瞅我,嘴角翘起,很挑衅啊,本王就想教他做人。”Song Jixinis dumb as a wooden chicken.宋集薪呆若木鸡。Teaches the personto cultivate the behavior, youkeepmeans of livelihoodtoothers, cantwist and breakothersnecks?
教人做人,那你好歹给人家留一条活路啊,就非要拧断人家的脖子?Song Changjingactuallydoes not wantto talk about the topic of thatdiedpersonagain, „is or isn'twantsto know that with the middle-aged person who mylife and deathdoes wrestle?”宋长镜却不想再聊那个已死之人的话题,“是不是很想知道,那个跟我生死相搏的中年人?”Song Jixinswallows the salivasubconsciously, withoutspeech.宋集薪下意识咽了咽唾沫,没有说话。Althoughthreehorse-drawn vehiclesadvance, butbackmeeting the tough head-on with toughness of two people, hitsgloomily, a Song Changjingwhole persondrops from the clouds, the place several feet away in the carriagepounds a big hole, lateronetime, Song Changjingreturns the favor, at that timeyoungsteralreadycrawledto the vehicle roofon, sees with one's own eyesthatimposing mannersuch as the landFlood Dragoncommonsturdyman, was poundedby a Song Changjingfistbangs into a hill top, butsputtering the dust, is extremely magnificent.
非人。Thiswas the youngsterat that time the onlyimpression.
这是少年当时唯一的观感。ActuallySong Changjingwiththatappearingman, hittingnotdaoist immortalis indistinct, as if as sincereas the meat, from beginning to endseems likein the bywoundtrades the wound, trades the lifeby the life! Iswhois more persistently unreasonable.
其实宋长镜跟那个横空出世的汉子,打得一点都不神仙缥缈,仿佛拳拳到肉,从头到尾都像是在以伤换伤,以命换命!比的就是谁更蛮不讲理。Song Changjingrubbed the head of youngstersuddenly, voicetonefor the first timesomewhatwarm, „the sovereignbrother'sambitionis very big, whenEmperorGreat Suiis also only staring atGreat Li, hisalreadysaweasternTreasure Bottle ContinentsouthOld Dragon City. Whyyouris or isn'tis very strange, thisking is not only the imperial prince who Great Liis closely related, is the seignior who has a countrymilitary authority, in the high of armyandfolkprestige, no onecancompare, can actually achieve the brotherly harmonywithyour father?”宋长镜突然揉了揉少年的脑袋,嗓音语气破天荒有些温暖,“皇兄的野心很大,在大隋皇帝还只盯着大骊的时候,他就已经看到了东宝瓶洲最南边的老龙城。你是不是很奇怪为何,本王既是大骊嫡出的皇子,又是掌握一国军权的藩王,在军中和民间威信之高,无人能比,却还是能跟你爹做到兄友弟恭?”Song Jixinsmiles, cunningsay/way: „Uncle you are willing saying that said.”宋集薪笑了笑,狡黠道:“叔叔你愿意说就说呗。”Song Changjingreceivesto reach behind the back, sinkingsound said: „Because ofthiskingonly desires, sees the Martial Daoscenery above limit, only thenarrived there, mySong Changjingnotin vainlife.”宋长镜收回手,沉声道:“因为本王唯一想要的,是看到止境之上的武道风光,只有走到了那里,我宋长镜才不枉此生。”At this momentamong the youngsterheartsseemshasfloodto surge, fluttersto ask: „IfIam wholehearted, canhaveuncleyourtoday'saltitude?”
这一刻少年心胸间好似有洪流激荡,颤声问道:“如果我一心一意,能够有叔叔你今天的高度吗?”Song Changjingshakes the headto say with a smile: „You, ifpractices martial art, supported the eighthboundary, withoutfuture, the little darlingworked asQi Refinerto be good, the achievementwas definitely higher.”宋长镜摇头笑道:“你啊,若是习武,撑死了第八境,没前途,还是乖乖当个练气士好了,成就肯定更高。”Song Jixinsomeare not convinced, „why can Ionlyarrive at the Martial Daoeighthboundary?”宋集薪有些不服气,“为何我就只能到武道第八境?”Song Changjingpondersto say with a smile: „Onlycan?”宋长镜玩味笑道:“只能?”Song Jixinsomewhatblushes.宋集薪有些脸红。Song Changjingdoes not haggle overnot knowing the immensity of heaven and earth of youngster, narrows the eyeto lookto the distant place, saidslowly: „Qi Refiner, isby the trade that Heavensbestows foodeats, assigns/lifeOK, very important, todayherebumps intodestiny, tomorrowtherewill pickmagical treasureagain, the day after tomorrowwill not meetdeeply concealingdaoist immortalcarefully, the four days from nowwill look at a scenery, referred toerraticallybecame aware, probablymadeanything to growcultivation base. Inpersonas forourMartial Dao, different, there is no shortcut to walk, can only walkbystep-by-step, dull.”宋长镜也不计较少年的不知天高地厚,眯眼望向远方,缓缓道:“练气士嘛,是个靠老天爷赏饭吃的行当,命好不好,很重要,今天在这里撞见个机缘,明天再那里捡到个法宝,后天不小心遇到个深藏不露的神仙,大后天看个风景,指不定就悟了,好像做什么都能增长修为。至于我们武道中人,大不一样,没什么捷径可走,只能靠一步一步走出来,无趣得很。”Song Jixinhas mixed feelings, somewhatloses.宋集薪心情复杂,有些失落。Song Changjingno longerpays attention tothisnephew, turns aroundto move toward the carriage, after the corner of the eyesplit visionsees the girlback, hesitant, arrives atsideher, looks upwithhertogethertothatfront door.宋长镜不再理会这个侄子,转身走向马车,眼角余光看到少女的背影后,犹豫了一下,走到她身边,跟她一起抬头望向那道大门。Song Changjingthought aloud: „The air/Qi of True Dragon, congeals the bead. WorldFlood Dragonis, alltakes the beadasexpensively, likecultivatorthelifeYuangod.”宋长镜自言自语道:“真龙之气,凝结成珠。世间蛟龙之属,皆以珠为贵,如同修士的本命元神。”servant girlZhi Guihas not turned the head, butreveals an anxiety.婢女稚圭没有转头,但是流露出一丝紧张。Song Changjingsaid with a smile: „Forenjoys the sight and sound of the wind whipping up the waterthesefourcharacters that the covered bridgeinscribed horizontal tabletwrites, big of pricemyGreat Lipays, the bystanderis unable to imagine. Enjoys the sight and sound of the wind whipping up the water, the watergets up, whywants the waterto get up? Has not hopedFlood Dragonwalks the rivertime, canopen access. Thisking, is actually not carefultothese, allare onlyyour familyyoung masterhiscruel-heartedfather'swish, after youhad/leftthissmallGrotto-Heaven, estimated that except forCapital CitythatXiu Hu, whocannotgesticulatetoyouagain.”宋长镜笑道:“为了廊桥匾额所写的风生水起这四个字,我大骊付出的代价之大,外人无法想象。风生水起,水起,为何要水起?还不是希望蛟龙走江的时候,能够畅通无阻。本王呢,其实对这些不上心,一切只是你家少爷他那个狠心老爹的意愿,你出了这座小洞天之后,也估计除了京城那头绣虎,不会再有谁能对你指手画脚。”Song Changjingturns the head, is looking at the girlprofile, „, althoughyouandthiskingthatnephew'sfatehook, is closely linked, sharing weal and woe, butyoualsoleaveextremelyrely onto favorto be arrogant, do not makethis/Benkinghave the thought of making a move, un, looksin the Great Lilandscapeandin the nephewSong Jixinface, thiskingcanmakes an exception, gives the opportunity that youcourt deathtwice, justcomplied withthree strikes rulethisproverb.”宋长镜转头,望着少女的侧脸,“虽说你和本王那个侄子的命数挂钩,息息相关,荣辱与共,但是你也别太过恃宠而骄,不要让本王有出手的念头,嗯,看在大骊江山和侄子宋集薪的面子上,本王可以破例,给你两次找死的机会,刚好应了事不过三这句老话。”girlgets angrysuddenly, firstturns around, thenretrocedestwosteps, stares atthisto makeherbe terrified the Great Liseigniorruthlessly, „Iam not a person, youactuallymustrestrainmeby the custom of the world, who is unreasonable? The golden rules of yourperson, does the well-manneredsurrounding area, what matterclosemy?!”少女蓦然发怒,先转身,再后退两步,狠狠盯着这位让她心生恐怖的大骊藩王,“我本来就不是人,你们却要以世人的规矩来约束我,到底是谁不讲道理?你们人的金科玉律,规矩方圆,关我何事?!”Song Changjingsaid with a smilepleased: „Do not misunderstand, thiskingwill not make excessive demandsyouin the minor matter, just the opposite, thiskingCaiisyourgreatestcharm amulet.”宋长镜快意笑道:“别误会,本王绝不会在小事上苛求你,恰恰相反,本王才是你最大的护身符。”Song Changjingis staring atgirl, shehasonepairto exude the goldencolortreacherouseyepupil, hesaidfinally: „After fighting that thiskingandyou, are actually ally on a ship. Remembersthese words, particularlyin the future, whenyouhave the qualificationsmake the important choice, wellremembersthese words.”宋长镜凝视着少女,她有一双泛起黄金色彩的诡谲眼眸,他最后说道:“打了那一架后,本王与你,其实已是一条船上的盟友了。记住这句话,尤其是将来,在你有资格做出重大抉择的时候,好好想起这句话。”Song Changjingturns aroundto depart.宋长镜转身离去。By the carriage, a middle-agedcart driver of whole bodybattlefieldunpolished riceaura, looks on the Great Liseigniorthatgarishsnow whitefox fur coat, reallycannot bear, opens the mouthto say with a smile: „Prince, whenchanges a newfox fur coat, thismanyyears, the princedid not put onbothersomely, welookare tired.”
马车旁,一名满身沙场粗粝气息的中年车夫,看着大骊藩王身上那件扎眼的雪白狐裘,实在忍不住,开口笑道:“王爷,啥时候换一件新狐裘啊,这都多少年了,王爷穿着不烦,咱们可是看着都烦了。”Song Changjingboards the carriage, bends the waistto raise the curtain screen, puts downoneill-humoredly: „OvercameGreat Suito sayagain.”宋长镜登上马车,弯腰掀起帘子,没好气地撂下一句:“打下大隋再说。”Going by carhorsekeeperlaughsfrank, under the powerful officialseigniors above ten thousandpeoplefacingthisGreat Lioneperson, unexpectedlyis not cautious.
驱车的马夫爽朗大笑,面对这位大骊一人之下万人之上的权贵藩王,竟是一点也不拘谨。Song Changjingmilitary life20years, althoughtobe the graceful, the not possiblewarto take the lead, moremaps out strategic plans in an army tentin the bigtent/account, but the Great LiBian Jing/frontiergunsmokerises from all directions, on the dyingwar, Song Changjingbreaches enemy linesinevitably. The solemnseignior, the usualdaily life, nopure strong winebeautifulwoman, almostcan„not haveexternal objectto describewithbody”.宋长镜戎马生涯二十年,虽说为将做帅,不可能次次大战都身先士卒,更多是在大帐运筹帷幄,但大骊边境硝烟四起,每逢死战,宋长镜必然亲身陷阵。堂堂藩王,平时的生活起居,从无醇酒美妇,几乎可以用“身无外物”来形容。
After Song Changjingsitsinto the compartment, sits cross-leggedto sit, browtightwrinkle: „After thatpersonwantsthiskingto leaveBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-Heaven, does not needto worryto rush toCapital City, ‚might as wellin the footwaits, to look up’, whatwaits for? Whatlooks at?”宋长镜坐入车厢后,盘腿而坐,眉头紧皱:“那人要本王离开骊珠洞天之后,不用着急赶赴京城,‘不妨在山脚等一等,抬头看一看’,等什么?看什么?”
--Song Jixinandservant girlZhi Guialsoentered the compartment, the carriagealreadypreparationleftto go throughthatfront door.宋集薪和婢女稚圭也进了车厢,马车已经准备动身穿过那道大门。Song Jixindiscovered that Zhi Guirolls upin the corner, trembles, heworries saying: „What's wrong?”宋集薪发现稚圭蜷缩在角落,瑟瑟发抖,他担忧道:“怎么了?”Zhi Guitremblingsound said: „Icould feel, that sidegate, someinnumerableterriblethings.”稚圭颤声道:“我感觉得到,门那边,有无数可怕的东西。”Song Jixincomfortsto saywith a smile: „Hasmyuncle, what do youfear? Do not fear,Heaven collapseshe can also go against.”宋集薪笑着安慰道:“有我叔叔在,你怕什么?别怕,天塌下他也能顶着。”UnexpectedlyZhi Guiis even more scared, makes an effortto shrinkin the corner, the weeping voicesaid: „Evenhe, cannot shoulder!”
The small towngreatestrestaurant, came an infrequent visitor.
小镇最大的酒楼,来了一位稀客。school teacher of doubletempleefflorescence, wantedpotliquorandseveraldishdrinkingside dishes, fromdrinkingthinks, quickquick.
一位双鬓霜白的教书先生,要了一壶酒和几碟子下酒小菜,自饮自酌,快哉快哉。OriginallytodaythisschoolMister, withoutteachingteaching.
The schooluntaught childgoes homeoverjoyed.
学塾蒙童一个个欢天喜地回家。Whenhedrinks up the lastglass of liquor, finished eating the lastvegetable/dish, thenput down the chopsticksgently.
啪一声过后。Thousand li (500 km)landscapesmallGrotto-Heaven, is silent, allstatic.
此方天地瞬间崩碎。At this moment, eastentireTreasure Bottle Continentmountain topdaoist immortal, the mountaindescending to earthperson, allcannot help butlooks up.
这一刻,整座东宝瓶洲的山上神仙,山下凡人,皆不由自主地抬头望去。However the nextquarter, as if still has ImmortalaboveImmortal, totradeanother daydaybigDivine Ability, camouflaged the entireBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-Heavenscene.
The easternTreasure Bottle Continentnorthernupper air, ten thousandli (0.5 km)sea of cloudstumbles, slowlysagging.
The person of snow white, bigsleevesswayall over the body, the heightas if not knowseveral thousandtens of thousandszhang (3.33 m), sits respectfully, before the body, floathasonegrainsuch as the shatterbead of hispalmsize.
有一人通体雪白,大袖飘摇,身高仿佛不知几千几万丈,正襟危坐,身前悬浮有一粒如他手心大小的破碎珠子。Thisperson of law the greatness, Treasure Bottle Continenteastonetreated as the private school probably.
此人法相之巨,像是将一座东宝瓶洲当作了私塾学堂。Above the limitlesssea of clouds, there aredignifiedsoundssuch as the heavenly thunderin abundancecrack.
无边无际的云海之上,有一道道威严声音如天雷纷纷炸响。„Qi Jingchun, youare dissolute!”
“齐静春,你放肆!”„Treason and heresy!”
“大逆不道!”„Repent and be saved!”
“回头是岸!”Thatscholarlowers the headto stare atthatgrain of bead, receives the line of sightslowly, finallyraising the headbrightsound said: „Small town3000 yearsaccumulates the Heavenly Dao that becomesto counter-attack, myQi Jingchunshoulderselectsit!”
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