Wind and Thunder Gardenyoungsword cultivatorseesyoungstergirl, immediatelyis in high spirits, toNing Yaosaid that the first few wordsare, „little miss, youris bigger, definitelynotcompared with the my familyFairy Sudifference.”风雷园年轻剑修一看到少年少女,立即神采飞扬,对宁姚所说第一句话就是,“小姑娘,你年纪再大一些,肯定不比我家苏仙子差。”Thisperhapswas the highestappraisal of youngsword cultivator to worldfemale.
The Ning Yaonaturalcomplexionis not quite attractive, butdid not wait forherto sayanything, will say that Liu Baqiao of small towndialectturned the headonalready, gave a thumbs-uptoChen Ping'an, thisWind and Thunder Gardentalentsword cultivator, looklimpidsay/way: „Is onlybody of the mortal, daresto speak the last words the Righteous Yang Mountainmountain-protectingape, the keyalsolives, simplyis a miracle!”宁姚当然脸色不太好看,只是不等她说什么,会说小镇方言的刘灞桥就已经转头,对陈平安伸出一根大拇指,这位风雷园的天才剑修,眼神清澈道:“只是一副凡人之躯,就敢叫板正阳山护山猿,关键还活下来了,简直就是一个奇迹!”Liu Baqiaois really curious, does the straw sandalyoungster who at presentthislooks at the thinarmthinleg, accumulatedraise the soastonishingexplosive force?刘灞桥实在好奇,眼前这个看着细胳膊细腿的草鞋少年,是如何蕴养出如此惊人的爆发力?Liu Baqiaoreceives the thumb, does not goandwalkswalks side-by-sideinfrontChen DuiChen Songfeng, insteadwalksone side ofChen Ping'an, turns headto say with a smile: „AlthoughthatRighteous Yang Mountainis a hill, is hidingsomebeing unworthy of the namecoward, butthatmountain-protectingapeominousillustrious, is the given name that a fistfights with the fists, particularlyafter the Righteous Yang Mountainfounderdies, inRighteous Yang Mountainstarts outinhead200years before three peaks, is almost depends onthisoldapeto protectRighteous Yang Mountain, had not been annexedby the peripheralinfluence. Naturally, Righteous Yang Mountain of thatlittle while, is only the unpromisingdoorsmall family, enemy who needsto face, is not too strong, ifthatlittle whileannoysourWind and Thunder Garden, hey, without the suspense, onlyneeds the oldancestorto order, enjoysmytogetherYusword, Ican a personrun up to the Righteous Yang Mountainsky, throws downourperimeter/thunder poolswordgently, after having hadthisswordrain, Righteous Yang Mountainplayedeven.”刘灞桥收起大拇指,不去和走在前边的陈对陈松风并肩而行,反而走在陈平安一侧,扭头笑道:“虽说那正阳山就是个小山包,躲着一些个名不副实的缩头乌龟,可那头护山猿凶名赫赫,是一拳一拳打出来的名号,尤其是在正阳山的开山老祖死后,在正阳山开出第三峰前的头个两百年里,几乎都是靠着这头老猿护着正阳山,才没被周边势力吞并。当然了,那会儿的正阳山,到底还只是个不成气候的小门小户,需要面对的敌人,不算太强,要是那会儿就惹上咱们风雷园,嘿,没悬念,只需要老祖一声令下,赏我一块御剑牌,我就可以一个人跑到正阳山的上空,轻轻丢下咱们那座雷池剑阵,下过这场剑雨之后,正阳山就算玩完了。”Liu Baqiaomadeoneto throw the goodstoward the groundconveniently the hand signal.刘灞桥做了一个往地上随手丢掷物品的手势。Ning Yaodisregards another's feelingssees through an affairdirectly: „Being able to withstand that Righteous Yang Mountainyouhave not said that Wind and Thunder Gardendid not haveyouto saywas so powerful.”宁姚毫不留情面地直接拆穿:“正阳山没你说的那么不堪,风雷园也没你说的那么强大。”Liu Baqiaohas no embarrassedlook, changes the topicquickly, saidtoChen Ping'anmysterious: „Heard that thiscovered bridgepredecessor, is a bedstonearched bridge, under the stone arch bridgeis hanging a rustyoldswordstrip, toguarddragondecorative band over a curtain? Generally speaking, thislookingcommonoldgadget, definitelyis not the common thing, could not say that is the extremely heartshaking and movingspirit treasuredivine object,”刘灞桥没有任何尴尬神色,以迅雷不及掩耳之势转换话题,对陈平安神秘兮兮道:“听说这座廊桥的前身,是一座石拱桥,石拱桥底下挂着一根生锈的老剑条,以防龙走水?一般而言,这种瞧着不起眼的老玩意儿,肯定不是俗物,说不得就是惊天地泣鬼神的灵宝神物,”Liu Baqiaomakes an effortto stamp the feeton the plankcorridor, said: „ButIlayon the grounda moment ago, knockedfor quite a whilewith the hand, cannotdiscover the clue, does could it be thatthisthingmisswithme? Properly speakingis impossible, Sword Daotalent that such asmysonon-worldhas, ifthatoldswordstrip is really the divine weaponsharp weapon, did not say do oneselfrun up tonearbymeto recognize the lord, the good and evilshouldallinductionresonances? The could it be thatoldswordstripis actually merely mediocre, seriouslyis only the yearslongpointoldthing? Oh, what a pitywas a pity.”刘灞桥在木板廊道上使劲跺了跺脚,道:“可是我刚才趴在地上,用手敲了半天,也没能发现端倪,难道此物与我无缘?照理来说不可能啊,如我这般不世出的剑道天才,那老剑条若真是神兵利器,不说自己跑到我跟前来认主,好歹应该所有感应共鸣吧?难道老剑条其实不过尔尔,当真只是个岁月久一点的老物件而已?唉,可惜了可惜了。”NearbyChen Ping'ansomedelay, thisfellowdoes not seem like cracking a joke, is very serious, althougheightbamboo polescannot hitabsolutelywith„being well-founded”, butyoucannotsay that heis talking nonsensepurely.
旁边的陈平安有些呆滞,这家伙一点都不像是在开玩笑,很一本正经,虽然绝对跟“有理有据”八竿子打不着,可你又不能说他纯粹在胡说八道。No matterLiu BaqiaoalsoChen Ping'anis bothersome, mentionedthat side the small towninteresting rumoramusing thing, said that someoneresulted inreddestiny that lets the human eye, unexpectedlylocking the dragon wellentirebar ironchainentrained the deep well;Such and suchstrolled for severaldaysnot to look fordestiny,刘灞桥也不管陈平安烦不烦,自顾自说起了小镇那边的趣闻趣事,说那谁谁谁得了一份让人眼的红机缘,竟然把锁龙井的整条铁链子拽出了深井;还有某某逛了几天也没找着机缘,Finallyfinallyin a ruinedalley, looks upat will, finallydiscovered the wall that the front doorwithstand/top, is mounting a bronzesmallmirror, the mentality that personis holdingrefusing to abandon hope, partycomes upto look, oh, ismagical mirror which reveals the true formancestor, cloudLeilian the arcmark, the seal cuttinghaseightsmall charactersunexpectedly, ‚livelihood, the worldMing Dynasty’, the brotherswere only happy that standson the ladderwails; A princess who the sea tidecavalrycomes, turns misfortune into a blessing, knewViewing Lake AcademyCuiYoung Master, two peoplefeels like old friends at the first meeting......
After crossingcovered bridge, Chen DuiChen Songfengslows down the footstepsnaturally, makingChen Ping'anguideinfront.
The groupwalk randomlyalongthatnamelesssmall streamupward, Chen Ping'anat the back of a bamboo stripyellowingbigback-basket, Chen Songfengcarries a lusteras beforedeep greenlovablewoven bamboo utensilsbook box. In the Liu BaqiaoverycuriousChen Ping'anback-basketinstalledanything, mustfind out, makesChen Ping'anslow down the footsteps,
一行人沿着那条无名小溪往上游走,陈平安背着一只竹片泛黄的大背篓,陈松风则背着一只色泽依旧碧绿可爱的竹编书箱。刘灞桥很好奇陈平安背篓里到底装了什么,非要一探究竟,就让陈平安放慢脚步,Hefollowswhileturns over back and forthin the back-basket, discovered that at sixes and sevensthingare many, threefoldputs togetherbamboo hat, twopots, a canteen, filling, the sizetwohatchets, twoflintsandonebunch of torches, bottom of the back-basket, after a rowwas cut openfifty-fifty, bamboo tube that closes up, roughly78sections, a smallcloth sack that is loaded with the fishhookfishline. Liu Baqiaoasked: „Chen Ping'an, whatthatsections of bamboo tubemakes?”
他一边跟着一边在背篓里翻来翻去,发现乱七八糟的东西还不少,三盏叠放在一起的斗笠,两把壶,一把水壶,一把装油,大小两把柴刀,两块打火石和一捆火折子,背篓底部,还有一排被对半剖开后合拢的竹筒,约莫有七八截,一只装有鱼钩鱼线的小布袋。刘灞桥问道:“陈平安,那一截截竹筒是做啥的?”Chen Ping'angives the answer, „bamboo tubealtogethereight, six, ineachsection of bamboo tubeputfourriceonigiri, two, installedsome not easybadpickles.”陈平安给出答案,“竹筒总共有八个,其中六个,每截竹筒里放了四个白米饭团,还有两个,装了一些不容易坏的腌菜。”Liu Baqiaowhole faceproud, the step of walkingsomewhatis floating, saidloudly: „Pickles, Ihave eaten!”刘灞桥满脸得意,走路的步伐都有些飘,大声道:“腌菜啊,我吃过的!”Chen Ping'anshot a look athisoneeyesstrangely, thought that eats the pickles is so extraordinary? Only ifyoucannot drink waterdo not go with rice, finished eatingbamboo tubepickles, thatis great.陈平安奇怪地瞥了他一眼,心想吃过腌菜有这么了不起吗?除非你能不喝水不就饭,一口气吃完一竹筒腌菜,那才了不起。Liu Baqiaosaidsuddenlycuriously: „Thiswalking into the mountain, wesupportedonthreefood, neededtwobigbamboo tubepickles? Picklesthing, mysmallchopsticks, can the second halfbowlfood!”刘灞桥突然好奇道:“这趟进山,咱们撑死了就三顿饭,需要两大竹筒腌菜吗?腌菜这东西,我小小一筷子,就能下半碗饭!”Chen Ping'anis just thinkingwhichmountain roadchoosesto be quickest, along withtastes: „IandMiss Ningeatpickles of bamboo tube, youandyourtwofriendstogether.”陈平安正想着选择哪条山路最快,随口道:“我和宁姑娘吃一个竹筒的腌菜,你和你的两个朋友一起。”Liu Baqiaogawkedstaring, said with a smilein a low voice: „Do not look on as an outsider, Ieat a bamboo tubewithyou.”刘灞桥愣了愣,低声笑道:“别这么见外啊,我跟你们吃一个竹筒。”Ning Yaosaidcategorically: „It is not good! Youeatwithyourfriend.”宁姚斩钉截铁道:“不行!你跟你朋友吃去。”Liu Baqiaosaidresentfully: „Why?!”刘灞桥愤懑道:“凭啥?!”Ning Yaolifted the chin, hints the answerthat sideChen Ping'an, the meaningisIdisdainsto speakwithyourLiu Baqiaomuch.宁姚抬了抬下巴,示意答案在陈平安那边,意思是我都不屑跟你刘灞桥多说话。
The Liu Baqiaoshiftline of sight, somelookhidden bitterness, in the hidden bitternessare passing the stockanticipation.刘灞桥转移视线,眼神有些幽怨,幽怨里又透着股期待。Chen Ping'anshakes the headwith a smile.陈平安笑着摇了摇头。HelplessLiu Baqiaosighed, „heavycolorlightfriend, Icanunderstand.”刘灞桥无奈叹息,“重色轻友,我能理解。”Ning Yaoridiculed: „Became the friendquickly, yourfriendnottens of thousands, there areseveral thousand?”宁姚讥讽道:“这么快就成朋友了,那你的朋友没有几万,也有几千吧?”Liu Baqiaosays with a glare: „Howpossibly!”刘灞桥瞪眼道:“怎么可能!”Ning Yaoselects the brow, addedthreecharactersforhim, „possiblysoto be how few?”宁姚一挑眉头,替他加了三个字,“怎么可能这么少?”Liu Baqiaosaid: „Miss Ning your temper, was inferior tomy familyFairy Su.”刘灞桥啧啧道:“宁姑娘你这性子,就不如我家苏仙子了。”Ning Yaoknits the brows: „IsRighteous Yang MountainSu Jia?”宁姚皱眉道:“是正阳山的苏稼?”Liu Baqiaoeven moreproud, „right! Su Jia, show of actuallycropsstanding grain, thatSaintso-called‚goodcropsnumerous’crops! What kind of, my familyFairy Su, is the is or isn'tnamealso thrilling?”刘灞桥愈发得意,“对!苏稼,禾之秀实为稼,那位圣人所谓‘好稼者众矣’的稼!怎么样,我家苏仙子,是不是名字也动人心魄?”Ning Yaoaskedissue that Chen Ping'ancannot understandabsolutely, „you, ifreallylikesSu Jiaso much, youhave thought that onceshealsolikesyou, what to do?”宁姚问了一个陈平安绝对听不懂的问题,“你如果真的这么喜欢苏稼,那你有没有想过,一旦她也喜欢你,怎么办?”Liu Baqiaoadmits defeatimmediately, speaks haltingly, finallythought aloudafraid: „Howshepossiblylikesme.”刘灞桥顿时吃瘪,嚅嚅喏喏,最后心虚地自言自语:“她怎么可能喜欢我呢。”Chen Ping'anthought that Liu Baqiaothisperson, does not go bad.陈平安觉得刘灞桥这个人,不坏。Chen DuiandChen Songfengpull openmore than ten stepswith the frontthreepeoplefrom.陈对和陈松风跟前面三人拉开十数步距离。Saw that Liu Baqiaochattedwith the straw sandalyoungsterhits it off well with one another, Chen Songfengsomewhatenvied, Liu Baqiao seemed to be inbornis good athaving to do, Three Doctrinesnineflowedall kids of schools, the princespeople of the lower classes, absolutelydid not have the object who hecannotchat.
看到刘灞桥跟草鞋少年聊得那么投缘,陈松风有些羡慕,刘灞桥仿佛天生就擅长与人打交道,三教九流百家,帝王将相贩夫走卒,根本就没有他不能聊天的对象。Chen Songfengaskedlow voice: „After the womanhears the wind sound/rumor, visits the yamenimmediately, proposed that mustreturnthatmail-armor and helmet, asapologizing of Clear Wind CityXu clan, whyyoudoesn't receive?”陈松风小声问道:“那妇人听到风声后,就立即拜访衙署,主动提出要归还那具甲胄,作为清风城许氏的赔罪,你为何不收?”Chen Duicompared withenteringher before small town, the obviouspresentwantsto be friendlier, putinformerChen Songfengasked that thisissue, sheonlylistened without paying attention, bears the temperto explain: „IfClear Wind City has long known the truth, the LiuyoungsterancestorismyYingYinChen Clanremainsslightlyguards the graveperson, thentheydaresoto handle affairs, naturallymustpay the price, moreoverdid not return the mail-armor and helmet is so simpleby far, sincetheydid not know the inside storybeforehand, Great Daodestinyoriginallypreciousrare and precious, everyonemaystruggle, myYingYinChen Clanhas not been the extent thatoverbearingly.”陈对比起进入小镇之前的她,明显如今要和气许多,搁在以前陈松风问这种问题,她只当耳旁风,耐着性子解释道:“如果清风城早就知道真相,刘姓少年祖上是我颍阴陈氏留在小镇守墓人,那么他们胆敢如此行事,理所当然要付出代价,而且远远不是归还甲胄这么简单了,但是既然他们事先并不知晓内幕,大道机缘本就宝贵珍稀,人人可争,我颍阴陈氏还不至于如此霸道。”Chen Songfengsaid with a smile: „PerhapsClear Wind Cityalsohasto plan a Righteous Yang Mountain thought that if notthatoldape to front, was pulledto work asby the womanreturned to the fierce appearanceflag, it is estimated thatClear Wind Citycould not really have taken awaytreasure armor.”陈松风笑道:“说不定清风城也有算计正阳山一把的念头,如果不是那老猿冲在前头,被妇人扯来当了回虎皮大旗,估计清风城还真就拿不走宝甲。”Chen Duirestores the originalappearance, sneers saying: „Shamelessly seeks gain, will only drift with the current, nevercares about the truesituationisanything.”陈对恢复本来面貌,冷笑道:“蝇营狗苟,只会随波逐流,从来不在乎真正的大势是什么。”Chen Songfenglowers the sound, seeminglysaidcareless: „Perhaps has a mindto be incapable, achievessomefutilegreat accomplishmentswithit, might as wellfishsomepetty profits.”陈松风放低声音,看似漫不经心说道:“兴许是有心无力吧,与其做些徒劳无功的大事,不如捞些蝇头小利。”Chen Duiturned the headto shoot a look ateyeDragon's TailcountyChen Clanjuniors, regardingChen Songfeng„the language of having no interest”, Chen Duishowed neither approval nor disapproval.陈对转头瞥了眼这位龙尾郡陈氏子弟,对于陈松风的“无心之语”,陈对不置可否。Immediatelymustwalk into the mountain, Chen Ping'anstops the footsteps, Chen Duialmostsayssimultaneously: „Liu Baqiao, toldhim, guidedby all means that the quicker the better.”
马上要进山了,陈平安停下脚步,陈对几乎同时就开口说道:“刘灞桥,告诉他,只管带路,越快越好。”Because of the straw sandalyoungsterand a Moving-Mountain Apesmall townroofservice, Liu Baqiaoobservedfrom afargreatlyhalf-court, after going back, indulged in unbridled propagandawithChen Songfeng, at that timeChen Duialsoon the scene, thereforesheknows that cannotregard as the ordinarytownyoungsterChen Ping'an.
因为草鞋少年与搬山猿的小镇屋顶一役,刘灞桥远远观战了大半场,回去之后就跟陈松风大肆宣扬了一番,当时陈对也在场,所以她知道不可以将陈平安视为普通的市井少年。Thereforetofinally, Chen Songfengdegenerates intothatperson who holds back. Thisgreat familiesperson of extraordinary ability, althoughalsolikesclimbing upto doto bestow onandresearchseeksstrange, butcompared withotherfourpeople, reallypales by comparison, Chen Duiis the Martial Daoexpert, Liu Baqiaoisin the middle in the worldallQi Refiner, extremelyattaches great importance toquenching the Body Refinementmortal formsword cultivator, thentoyoungstergirl, canplay jokes uponmortal bodytyrannicalMoving-Mountain Ape.
所以到最后,陈松风沦为拖后腿的那个人。这位豪阀俊彦,虽然也喜欢登高作赋、探幽寻奇,但是比起其他四人,实在相形见绌,陈对是武道高手,刘灞桥是天底下所有练气士当中,极为重视淬炼体魄的剑修,那对少年少女,更是能够戏耍一尊肉身强横至极的搬山猿。Mountain roaddifficultline.
山路难行。Especiallyafterspring rain, the mudslides, in additiononce for a whileneedsto spanmountain streamrock cliff, Chen Songfenghas a parched mouth, streaming with sweat.
尤其是春雨过后,泥泞地滑,加上时不时就需要跨越溪涧石崖,陈松风口干舌燥,汗如雨下。Againin the future, even ifLiu BaqiaohelpsChen Songfengcarry the book box, Chen Songfeng the asthmalike the cow, is still pale.
During Chen Ping'an, had askedChen Duionetime, mustslow down the footsteps. The answer of Chen Duishakes the head.陈平安期间问过陈对一次,要不要放慢脚步。陈对的答复是摇头。Inonegroup of need in the middle of the mountain streamfordson, Chen Songfengsteps on, in a lengthhasin the stone of moss, footstepsslip, the whole personfalls into the middle ofcreek water, became the drenched chicken, distressed.
在一行人需要在溪涧当中涉水而上的时候,陈松风踩在一块长有青苔的石头上,一个脚步打滑,整个人摔入溪水当中,成了落汤鸡,狼狈至极。Chen Duistops the footstepsto turn aroundto look, althoughhas not spoken, buthercomplexionis gloomy.陈对停下脚步转身望去,虽然没有说话,但是她脸色阴沉。Liu Baqiaorushesto turn roundto support by the armChen Songfengto set out.刘灞桥赶忙回身去搀扶陈松风起身。Chen Songfengapology: „Iam all right, does not needto manageme, can definitely follow.”陈松风歉意道:“我没事,不用管我,肯定能跟上。”Chen Ping'antakes off the back-basketsimply, places the rock cliffhollowplace, said: „Restquarter of an hourwas good.”陈平安干脆摘下背篓,放在石崖凹陷处,说道:“休息一刻钟好了。”Ning Yaois certainly indifferent, squatsnearChen Ping'an, herboth handscontrols of being bored to death, resist the blade hiltsword hiltrespectively, nextpressesgently, endblade sheathsword sheathalsorapsazurerock cliffgently, one after another, composes a poem in response to one receivedwith the creek watersoundgeneral.宁姚当然无所谓,蹲在陈平安附近,百无聊赖的她双手手心,分别抵住刀柄剑柄,轻轻下压,刀鞘剑鞘尾端随之轻轻敲击青色石崖,一声一声,与溪水声唱和一般。Chen Duisinkingsound said: „Continuesto hurry along!”陈对沉声道:“继续赶路!”Chen Ping'anshakes the head saying: „Walks into the mountaindo not use upallstrengths, slowonecontinuesagain, after wait untilhegraduallyadapts, canfollowour, heis notstruggling, was only the aurais chaotic.”陈平安摇头道:“进山不要一口气用掉所有力气,缓一下再继续,等到他逐渐适应后,是可以跟上我们的,他不是体力不济,只是气息乱了。”Goes over hill and dale the fordingincident, Chen Ping'antrulyis the expert in expert.
翻山越岭涉水一事,陈平安确实是行家里的行家。Has not thought that Chen Duidoes not listen to the explanation of Chen Ping'an, saidtoChen Songfengdirectly: „Youreturn to the small town are.”
The Chen Songfengwhole faceis bitter and astringent, looks at the unquestionableyoungfemale, hehas turned the headto saytoLiu Baqiao: „Thatthenonwas exhaustedyouto endorse the box.”陈松风满脸苦涩,看着不容置疑的年轻女子,他转过头对刘灞桥说道:“那接下来就劳烦你背书箱了。”Liu Baqiaois angry, takes the book boxto falltoChen Dui, „fatherhas not served!”刘灞桥大怒,拿下书箱摔向陈对,“老子还不伺候了!”
The Chen Duicomplexionis light, after receiving the book box, carries, saidtoChen Ping'an: „Walks.”陈对脸色平淡,接过书箱后自己背起来,对陈平安说道:“走。”Chen Ping'anthinks,puts outtwosections of bamboo tubesfrom the back-basket, throws toLiu Baqiaogently, „returned to the wayto be hungry, canfill in the belly.”陈平安想了想,从背篓里拿出两截竹筒,轻轻抛给刘灞桥,“回去路上饿了,可以填肚子。”Chen SongfengpersuadedLiu Baqiaoin a soft voice, the lattertakes the bamboo tube, sneered saying: „Bythisvexation, did not go homewithyoutogether, to the yamenthat side, had a tablenice winegooddish, the ample food! Doesn't comparecomfortablythis?”陈松风轻声劝说刘灞桥,后者拿着竹筒,冷笑道:“才不受这窝囊气,跟你一起打道回府,到了衙署那边,要一桌子好酒好菜,大鱼大肉!不比这舒服?”Chen Duiturns aroundcontinues to walk forward.陈对转身继续前行。
After Chen Ping'ancarries the back-basket, somedid not feel relieved,looks atLiu Baqiaoto ask: „Road that knows?”陈平安背起背篓后,有些不放心,看着刘灞桥问道:“知道回去的路吗?”Liu Baqiaosmiles, „remembers.”刘灞桥笑了笑,“记得的。”Chen Ping'annods, departswithNing Yao.陈平安点点头,和宁姚一起离去。
The frontthreepeople of formsare increasingly estranged, Chen Songfengsitsin the stonesimply, the forced smilesaid: „Why botheryoucome, hassomeburning incensesentimentswithYingYinChen Clan, toyoutoWind and Thunder Garden, howis not the misdemeanor, whycanbe swayed by personal feelings?”
前方三人身影渐行渐远,陈松风干脆坐在一屁股石头上,苦笑道:“你这是何苦来哉,跟颍阴陈氏结下一些香火情,对你对风雷园,怎么都不是坏事,为何要意气用事?”Liu Baqiaoturns on a section of bamboo tube, reveals the snow whiteonigiri, is jubilant: „Chen Ping'anis sincere, worthilyismygoodbrothers.”刘灞桥打开一截竹筒,露出雪白的饭团,兴高采烈道:“还是陈平安厚道,不愧是我的好兄弟。”Chen Songfengknows that the Liu Baqiaotemperament, no longerpersuadedanything.陈松风知道刘灞桥的脾气,不再劝说什么。Chen Songfengself-ridicules saying: „Hundreddo not haveusesisscholar.”陈松风自嘲道:“百无一用是书生啊。”Liu Baqiaowhispered: „If we had knownshouldmakeChen Ping'anleave behindbamboo tubepickles.”刘灞桥嘀嘀咕咕道:“早知道应该让陈平安留下一竹筒腌菜的。”Hegrasps an onigirito gnawgreatly, askedunclearly: „Yousaid not right, small townMister Qi, Mister QiMister, is very certainly fierce.”
The Chen Songfenglookis absent-minded, „yousaid that whatMister Qiactuallydoes wantto make?”陈松风眼神恍惚,“你说齐先生到底想做什么?”Liu Baqiaospoke thoughtlesslyto reply: „Heaven knows.”刘灞桥随口答道:“天晓得。”Chen Songfengput out a handto shaketo soakoutsidegarment, sobbed: „Good‚Heaven knows’.”陈松风伸手抖了抖湿透的外衫,唏嘘道:“好一个‘天晓得’。”
The streambankshop, Liu Xianyanggoes off.
溪畔铺子,刘羡阳又睡去。Ruan Qiongsitsin the bedhead, the lookis dignified.阮邛坐在床头,眼神凝重。tallyoungstereachbreath, prolongeddistant, the aura that this , the keyputs outeach time, resembles the ravinemist, resembles the lakesailing upstreamsmoke, the misty white, theynotalong with the distinguished and accomplishedpowder, butiscondenseslittlein the oronasals.高大少年每一次呼吸,绵长悠远,这也就罢了,关键是每次吐出的气息,似山间雾气,似湖上水烟,白蒙蒙,它们并不随风流散,而是一点点凝聚在口鼻之间。Finallyabove the youngsterface, such asoccupieshaswhiteflood dragon of threecuns (2.5 cm)length.
最终少年脸庞之上,如盘踞有一条三寸长短的白蛟。Takes the dreamlandas the swordfurnace.
以梦境为剑炉。do something at one godivine immortal sword.一气呵成神仙剑。Ruan Qiongrubbed the chin, to praisesighed: „Originallythenwalksis the brokenverticalextremepath, acupointbrokencompletely, the mountain passis unimpeded, althoughthisbodydecaysthoroughlybadly, butthissword, became.”阮邛揉了揉下巴,赞叹道:“原来走得是破而后立的极端路子,窍穴破尽,关隘无阻,虽然这副身躯彻底坏朽,可这剑,到底是成了。”„Cancast the sword, maypractice the sword, no wonderthissword scriptureis so marketable. Restsalsocultivated, dreamalsocultivated, the Great Daoperiod.”
“既能铸剑,也可练剑,难怪这部剑经如此抢手。睡也修行,梦也修行,大道可期。”Ruan Qiongstands up, self-ridicules saying: „If we had knownshould notpromiseto lend the YingYinChen Clan20yearsyou.”阮邛站起身,自嘲道:“早知道就不该答应把你借给颍阴陈氏二十年。”
--Threehorse-drawn vehicles, have been as if upwardalong the endlessmountain road.
总算登顶了。Song JixinandZhi Guigo down the carriage, looking at each other in blank dismay, the summitis a groundsmoothgreat platform, the centralregionsets uptwostone columns, butamong the stone columnssuch as the watercirculation, cannot see clearly„water surface” the laterscene, in front ofyoungstergirllikestanding erecttogetherfontanel.宋集薪和稚圭走下马车,面面相觑,山顶是一块地面平整的大平台,中央地带树立起两个石柱,但是石柱之间如水流转,看不清“水面”之后的景象,少年少女面前就像矗立着一道天门。girlobserves closelythatfront doorstubbornly.少女死死盯住那道大门。Song Jixinturns aroundto be on the verge ofsummit, looks far into the distance, the beautiful country, onlyfeelscompletely relaxed.宋集薪则转身走到山顶边缘,举目远眺,大好河山,只觉得心旷神怡。Great LiseigniorSong Changjingbound a fox fur coat, is pale, but the spiritis excellent, arrives atsideSong Jixin, said with a smile: „ThisBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-Heaven that is located ineasternTreasure Bottle Continent, one of the 36 Small Grotto Heavens, tonot occupy a land area of the length and breadthto grow perceptibly, domainsurrounding areathousand li (500 km).”大骊藩王宋长镜裹了一件狐裘,脸色苍白,但是精神极好,来到宋集薪身边,笑道:“这座位于东宝瓶洲的骊珠洞天,三十六小洞天之一,不以占地广袤见长,版图不过方圆千里而已。”Song Changjinghas not turned the head, butraised the handreferred tobehindthatfront door, „thatgate, againalongscaling laddercontinuouslydownward, roughly after threeten miles of road, evenstepped onabovemyGreat Literritory. At that timeyoupossiblythendid not see clearlyanything, butcanunderstand a matter, thatisthisBlack Dragon PearlGrotto-Heaven, actuallyhungin the sky......”宋长镜没有转头,只是抬手指了指身后那道大门,“过了那道门,再沿着云梯一直向下,约莫三十里路后,就算踩在了我大骊的疆土之上。那时候你可能回头也看不清楚什么,但是可以明白一件事情,那就是这座骊珠洞天,其实是高悬于天空的……”Song Changjingslightlymakes the stop, „a grain of bead.”宋长镜略作停顿,“一粒珠子。”
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