Chen Ping'anchange shape in a single shake, became the temporaryapprentice in blacksmith's shop, according to the view of Master Ruan, needssomepeopleto replace the Liu Xianyangmanual labor, digs a well, builds a houseandchisels the ditch, needs the manpower, hedoes not haveto supportthatUncle Liutruthin vain.陈平安摇身一变,成了铁匠铺的临时学徒,按照阮师傅的说法,需要有人顶替刘羡阳的活计,挖井、盖房、凿渠,都需要人手,他没有白白养活那位刘大爷的道理。ThereforeChen Ping'anbecame the shopbusiestperson, so long asis the heavy work, the straw sandalyoungsterhas really not lost toanyyoungman, the practical traininggap, Chen Ping'angoes tothatroomto seeLiu Xianyang, wandered a tallyoungsterfrom the Gate of Death, after does not know is saved from death, stillhas a lingering fear, was injured the Primal QispiritbyMoving-Mountain Apethatfist, becomessomewhatquiet, listless, frequentlylieson the bedis staring atceilinglost in thought, canchatseveralbesidesChen Ping'anwithhim, Liu Xianyang has almost not spokentowhom, Chen Ping'anis also at a loss, is goodis injuredbecause ofLiu Xianyangextremelyheavily, butchest. The woundrecoveryspeed, actuallyalsowantsonquickmanycompared with the left hand of Chen Ping'an.
于是陈平安就成了铺子最忙碌的人,只要是力气活,草鞋少年还真不输给任何青壮汉子,劳作间隙,陈平安就去那栋屋子看望刘羡阳,从鬼门关转悠了一圈的高大少年,不知道是死里逃生后,犹然心有余悸,还是被搬山猿那一拳伤到了元气精神,变得有些沉默寡言,病恹恹的,经常躺在床上盯着天花板愣愣出神,除了陈平安能跟他聊上几句之外,刘羡阳几乎没有跟谁说过话,陈平安对此也束手无策,好在刘羡阳受伤极重,但是胸膛伤口的痊愈速度,竟然比陈平安的左手还要快上许多。Ning Yaostilllivedin the Mud Vase Lanehouse, thatwas calledbyheris the Master Ruanman, compliesto cast the swordforherbeyond expectation, whatis more accidentalwasMaster Ruanadded that thistimecast the sword, the luckgoodwords, a halfyearcancome, the luckwas not good, waited the lasttenyearsalsonot necessarilyto succeed. Ning Yaoregarding thisactuallyoptimisticvery much, saidownluckalwaysdoes not go bad, waitsin the first half of the year is.宁姚仍然住在泥瓶巷的宅子,那个被她称呼为阮师的男人,出人意料地答应为她铸剑,更意外的是阮师还说此次铸剑,运气好的话,半年就能出炉,运气不好的,等上十年也未必成功。宁姚对此倒是心宽的很,笑着说自己运气一向不坏,等上半年便是。AlthoughNing Yaoevery daylivesin the Chen Ping'anhome, butmedicine jaranything, moved in the shop, avoidChen Ping'anrunsback and forth. Chen Ping'anlivesin the Liu Xianyanghome, mainlyfeared that the housesuffers the thief. The Chen Ping'anbeforehandgreater part of the nightgoes to the streamto touch the stone, finallytohas no harvest at allfinally, isAzure Ox Backthat sidegulfdoes not trace the snakebluestone, with the view of Ning Yaoissnakebluestonegadget, is similar, musthaveessence, qi and spirit, no, was the commonriches and honorfront courtyard gateclearfor the things in which the literati take delight , can only treat as a sideinkslab, mayhaveessence, qi and spirit, wore the imperial robeto be similar, bothdisparity, a day.宁姚虽然每天住在陈平安的祖宅,但是药罐子什么的,都搬来了铺子这边,省得陈平安来回跑。陈平安则住在刘羡阳家,主要还是怕宅子遭贼。陈平安之前大半夜又去溪里摸石头,结果到最后颗粒无收,就是青牛背那边的深坑也摸不上蛇胆石,用宁姚的说法就是蛇胆石这玩意儿,跟人差不多,得有精气神,没有,就是寻常富贵门庭的清供雅玩,也就只能当做一方砚台,可有了精气神,就跟人穿上了龙袍差不多,两者差距,一个天一个地。ThismakesChen Ping'anwalkeach timeincreek sidemust unable to bearheave a sigh.
这让陈平安每次走在溪边都要忍不住唉声叹气。Ning Yaobroughtonebunch of old-fashionedkeysto come backtoChen Ping'an, said that somepeoplelostincourtyard, thenshetries, was really the key of next doorSong Jixin, fromcourtyard doorto the front doorto the door, allcanopen. Chen Ping'ancannot guess correctlySong Jixin to makeanything, properly speakingonhiswastefulattitude, shouldnot think that was helpedclean the roombyoneself, after allwith the Song Jixintemperament, it is estimated that the roomcollapsed, is not willingto allow the bystanderto move onto the turf of hisfamily/home.宁姚给陈平安带了一串老旧钥匙回来,说是有人丢在院子里的,然后她试了试,果然是隔壁宋集薪家的钥匙,从院门到屋门到房门,全都能开。陈平安猜不出宋集薪想做什么,照理说就他那种大手大脚的作风,应该不会想到让自己去帮忙打扫屋子,毕竟以宋集薪的脾气,估计屋子塌了,也不愿意让外人进入他家的地盘。Chen Ping'anmustunderstandSong Jixincompared withanybody.陈平安比任何人都要了解宋集薪。Song Jixinis a verynaturalperson, no mattergiveshe himself, even ifspendsto the youngservant girljade tablet, in the pockethastencopper cointo dareto poundcompletely. SimultaneouslySong Jixin is also a verymean-spiritedperson, so long asishehopes that monopolything, is tiny bithe not to bestow, in brief, whoisSong Jixinwantsto giveanything, spending money like it is going out of style, is the fine rain, butothersaskedanythingwithhimon own initiative, hewill be settledwill not be glad. Is happy, is willingto improve on perfectiontowhom, no mattergoodwith is not happy, Song Jixinwill not give opportune help.宋集薪是一个很大方的人,不管是给他自己,哪怕是给稚婢女圭花钱,兜里有十颗铜钱就敢全部砸出去。同时宋集薪也是一个很小气的人,只要是他希望独占的东西,一丝一毫他也不愿意施舍,简而言之,就是宋集薪想要给谁什么,一掷千金,也是毛毛雨,但是别人主动跟他求什么,他板上钉钉不会乐意。心情好,愿意对谁锦上添花,但是不管心情好与不好,宋集薪都不会雪中送炭。IsZhi Guilosesto the key of hisfamily/homeintentionally?
或者是稚圭故意丢到他家的钥匙?Chen Ping'anthought that the possibilityis not big.陈平安觉得可能性不大。During this period, whenChen Ping'anheardNing Yao saying that shetook the keyto open the door, was somewhat dumbfounded, starts to speak but hesitates.
在这期间,当陈平安听到宁姚说她拿钥匙开门的时候,有些目瞪口呆,欲言又止。ThereforeNing Yaonarrows a pupil, herpair of long and narrowfrown, the imposing manneris especially arrogant. Sheis staring atChen Ping'anstubbornly.
于是宁姚眯起眼眸,她那双狭长双眉,格外气势凌人。她就这么死死盯着陈平安。At that timeRuan Xiulooks atthisinnot far away, stole foodto makeChen Ping'anhelp the brokenmouth that secretlyboughtfrom the small towneat.
当时阮秀在不远处愣愣看着这一幕,偷偷吃着让陈平安帮忙从小镇买来的碎嘴吃食。FinallyNing Yaotakes the leadto turn aroundto depart, on that dayshehad not madeChen Ping'andecoct medicinal herbs, holds the clay jarto go tobehind the blacksmithshopopen area, oneselfwere busy at workfor quite a while, girlsmoking a bigpainted facedid not say, but also was boiled a bigjarblackcoalbyher. The azure clothesgirldistantprocess of ponytail, walkswhileis cracking with the teeth the melon seed, with great interest.
最后宁姚率先转身离去,那天她没让陈平安煎药,捧着陶罐去了铁匠铺子后边的空地,自己忙活了半天,少女给烟熏成一张大花脸不说,还被她煮出了一大罐子黑炭。扎马尾辫的青衣少女远远经过,一边走一边嗑着瓜子,津津有味。Ning Yaosquatson the ground, is staring atthatjarmedicinal herbwickedly, thought that thispracticing the swordpracticed the blade more difficult , the girlwhole facewas indignant, did worldhave the matter that myNing Yaocould not completeunexpectedly? Looked that innext lifeshould nothaveto decoct medicinal herbssuchmatter!宁姚蹲在地上,恶狠狠盯着那罐子药材,觉得这比练剑练刀难多了,少女满脸愤愤不平,世间竟有我宁姚也做不好的事情?看来世上就不该有煎药这么一回事!Chen Ping'anarrives atsidehersilently,陈平安默默走到她身边,Helpsherdecoct medicinal herbs, the movementis adept. The Ning Yaolipmoves slightly, had not stopped, butdoes not pay attention towhileChen Ping'antimewiped a face.
The youngstersquatby the gallipot, is staring at the crucial momentcarefully, both handsfoldplaceon the knee, the chinputson the arm.
少年蹲在药罐旁,仔细盯着火候,双手叠放在膝盖上,下巴又搁在手臂上。Ning Yaocoldly snorted, „wantsto smilesmiles!”宁姚冷哼一声,“想笑就笑!”Chen Ping'anhas not laughed ather, stillstares at the azureflame that is dragginggently, saidlow voice: „Does not think that Miss Ningyouwill dowhatmisdemeanor, but the keyeventuallyisothers, whyno matterwill fallonourcourtyard, is not goodto take awayto open the door. Even ifSong JixinandZhi Guithis whole lifedoes not return to the small town, courtyard of next dooreventuallyhisfamily/home, weare the bystanders.”陈平安没有笑话她,依然盯着轻轻摇曳的青色火苗,小声说道:“不是认为宁姑娘你会做什么坏事,只不过钥匙终究是别人的,不管为什么会落在咱们院子,也不好拿去开门。哪怕宋集薪和稚圭这辈子也不回小镇,隔壁终究还是他家的院子,我们都是外人。”Ning Yaocurls the lip, „softy, the one-track mind, the poorart, saidto talk on endlessly!”宁姚撇撇嘴,“烂好人,死脑筋,穷讲究,叨叨叨!”Chen Ping'anandNing Yaoalmostalsoturn the head, see a youngman, is slender, the makingsare simple and elegant, lookedis the outsideradds on the scholar.陈平安和宁姚几乎同时转头,看到一名年轻男子,身材修长,气质清雅,一看就是外乡人加上读书人。Chen Ping'andiscovered that thispersonregardsownlook, is very strange, notlikeRighteous Yang MountainMoving-Mountain ApeandOld Dragon CityFu Nanhua, thenrelies onto be a cut above others , notlikeDaoist Priest LuandMiss Ning. The line of sight of thatyoungman, very complex contradiction, as ifpities, appreciation, mixes withoneto shut out.陈平安发现此人看待自己的眼神,很古怪,既不像正阳山搬山猿、老龙城苻南华,那么自恃高人一等,也不像陆道长和宁姑娘这样。那个年轻男人的视线,十分复杂矛盾,似乎有怜悯,欣赏,又夹杂着一丝嫌弃。Thatyoungsterfinallychoosesdepartssilent.
那位年轻人最终选择沉默离去。Ning Yaoknits the brows: „Lookedcomestoyou, what's the matter?”宁姚皱眉道:“一看就是冲着你来的,怎么回事?”Chen Ping'analsowonders, shakes the head saying: „It is not clear.”陈平安也纳闷,摇头道:“不明白。”
After thatinexplicableoutsiderinterrupts, amongyoungstergirl, thatis even faris the spite of whatbarrierobstruction, quickvanishes into thin air.
被那个莫名其妙的外乡人打岔后,少年少女之间,那点甚至谈不上是什么隔阂芥蒂的赌气,很快就烟消云散。Thatpersonquickgoes, butduplicate/restores , the sideboth legsextremelylongyoungfemale, has not known why alsohasRuan Xiu.
只是那人很快就去而复还,身边还有一位双腿极长的年轻女子,不知为何还有阮秀。Ruan Xiuopens the mouthto explain: „Theycould not mention the small towndialect, mademehelp. Chen Ping'an, thiselder sistersaved the Liu Xianyangperson, andyouare equally surnamed Chen, butis noteastus the Treasure Bottle Continentperson, Sister Chensideperson, is the Dragon's TailcountyChen Claneldest son of legal wifegrandson, Songfengsurnamed Chen. Listened toSister Chen saying that Chen Songfengprobablywith your Chen Clan, wasseveral hundredyears ago distant relatives, as forSister Chen, withyou, even ifpushedupward for 1,000-2,000years, that's ok. ThistimeSister Chencomes the ancestor worship, but the small town, makes the yamunbureaufrom the prison, toGood Luck and Fortune StreetPeach Leaf Lanetheserespected families, whomalreadydoes not haveto knowDao Ancestor the grave of theirfamily/homewhere, Liu Xianyangspoke ofyou, said that all around youare the small townare most familiarnow the person of scenery, looksyourright. Sister Chen said that ifyou can help, shecanpay the reward, bagAuric Essence Copper Coin, Ithought that youcancomply......”阮秀开口解释道:“他们说不来小镇方言,就让我来帮忙。陈平安,这位姐姐就是救了刘羡阳的人,跟你一样姓陈,但不是我们东宝瓶洲人氏,陈姐姐身边这人,是龙尾郡陈氏的嫡长孙,姓陈名松风。听陈姐姐说,陈松风好像跟你这一支陈氏,算是好几百年前的远房亲戚吧,至于陈姐姐,跟你们哪怕往上推1,000-2,000年,也没啥关系。这次陈姐姐是来祭祖的,但是小镇这边,从监造官衙署,到福禄街桃叶巷那些个大家族,已经没谁知道祖她们家的坟到底在哪里,刘羡阳就说到了你,说你如今是小镇最熟悉四周山水的人,找你准没错。陈姐姐说如果你能帮上忙,她可以支付报酬,一袋子金精铜钱,我觉得你可以答应……”Timeat this point, azure clothesgirlgatherstwo fingerscovertly, shookshakingin the waistside, in addition, the shape of the mouth is also „twobags”.
说到这里的时候,青衣少女偷偷摸摸并拢双指,在腰侧晃了晃,除此之外,口型也是“两袋”。Ruan XiumustremindChen Ping'anobvious, althoughlionbigopens the mouth, otherwisecrossedthisvillagenot to havethisshop.阮秀明摆着是要提醒陈平安,尽管狮子大开口,否则过了这村儿就没这店儿。
After Chen Ping'ancarefulponder, said with a smile: „Ithink of a place, may beher the place that wantsto find. As for the reward, walks the things of severalroadseven.”陈平安仔细思考后,笑道:“我想到一个地方,有可能是她想要找的地方。至于报酬就算了,就是走几步路的事情。”Ruan Xiusomewhatworries.阮秀有些着急。Ning Yaoalreadytreadsforwardonestep, saidwith the easternTreasure Bottle Continentlegitimatestandard speech: „MakesChen Ping'anleadyouto look for the grave moundancestor worshipnot to have the issue, butyoumustput outtwobags of Auric Essence Copper Coin, has not resulted indiscussed! His little whileis injuredveryheavily, is not easyto make a long and wearisome journey, youare also clear, nowMister Qifastleaves the small town, Chen Ping'anisordinary people, actuallymustspeed uphurrying along, onebag of money, insufficiently.”宁姚已经向前踏出一步,用东宝瓶洲正统雅言说道:“让陈平安带你去找坟头祭祖没问题,但是你得拿出两袋金精铜钱,没得商量!他这会儿受伤很重,不易长途跋涉,你也清楚,如今齐先生让人速速离开小镇,陈平安不过是一个凡夫俗子,却必须要加快赶路,一袋钱,不够。”Chen DuiandChen Songfengactuallyfirstseesgirl, is at presentonebright,陈对和陈松风其实第一眼看到少女,俱是眼前一亮,Forgetting of seeingis vulgar.
见之忘俗。Ifin the desolatedrice paddy, seesirises and orchids, slim and graceful.
如荒芜稻田之中,见到一株芝兰,亭亭玉立。Chen Duiis sizing upat presentgirlfrankly and uprightly, a greenrobe, hangs the bladesaber, pleasant. The Chen Duidepressedmoodalsosomewhatimproves, the smilesaid: „So long ascould not find the my familyancestral grave, twobags of money. However the offensive talksaidfront, words that ifcould not find, mybagwill not giveyou, how?”陈对正大光明打量着眼前少女,一袭绿袍,悬刀佩剑,赏心悦目。陈对的沉闷心情也有些变好,微笑道:“只要找得到我家祖坟,就两袋钱。但是丑话说前头,万一找不到的话,我一袋子也不会给你们,如何?”Ning Yaosinkingsound said: „Said it and meant it!”宁姚沉声道:“一言为定!”From beginning to end, as if no Chen Ping'ananything.
从始至终,仿佛没有陈平安任何事情。Ning Yaois staring atChen Ping'an, thatpair of eyespupilfilled„youwithmedo not sayto talk on endlessly, otherwiseIwill really cut the person”meaning.宁姚盯着陈平安,那双眼眸充满了“你不要跟我叨叨叨,要不然我真会砍人啊”的意味。Chen Ping'anbearssmilling expression, carefullythinks,saidwithRuan Xiu: „Troubledyouto sayonetothem, ImustfirsthelpMiss Ningfry the medicine, almostalsoneededtwoquarters, thenIwentto chatwithLiu Xianyang, finallyalsowantedRuanMissto helpmesayonetoMaster Ruan, the matter that todayIdropon hand, will definitely make uptomorrow.”陈平安忍住笑意,认真想了想,跟阮秀说道:“麻烦你跟他们说一声,我要先帮宁姑娘煎好药,差不多还需要两刻钟,然后我去跟刘羡阳聊聊,最后就是还要阮姑娘帮我跟阮师傅说一声,今天我手头落下的事情,明天肯定补上。”Heard that after having the meansinstantlyleave, someChen Duifacial expressionsare disgruntled, shelooksstraw sandalyoungster who thisdoes not know the good and evil, complexionYinclearuncertain.
听说没办法立即动身后,陈对有些神情不悦,她看着这个不识好歹的草鞋少年,脸色阴晴不定。Chen Ping'anhas not flinchedscruple.陈平安没有迟疑退缩。Ning Yaoisboth handslinkchest, smilling expressionis more indifferent.宁姚更是双手环胸,笑意冷漠。Chen Duienduresto feel bad,meditate a general situationtoseriously, said with a smiletoRuan Xiu: „Xiuxiu, toldhim, wein the covered bridgethat sidehe, mostand otherdouble-hour, ifcannot see the person's shadowwhen the time comes, letsthisfellowconsequencetake responsibility.”陈对忍着心中不快,默念一句大局为重,对阮秀笑道:“秀秀,跟他说,我们在廊桥那边等他,最多等半个时辰,如果到时候见不到人影,让这家伙后果自负。”Ruan Xiu not saltynotpaleun.阮秀不咸不淡地嗯了一声。Chen DuiandChen Songfengdeparthand in hand.陈对和陈松风联袂离去。Ruan Xiusaid with a smile: „Iwentto sayonewithmy father.”阮秀笑道:“我去跟我爹说一声。”Chen Ping'anaftergivingNing Yaofries the medicine, looksLiu Xianyang.陈平安在给宁姚煎完药后,去找刘羡阳。In the tastestrongroom, lies downafterLiu Xianyang on bedhears the sound of footsteps, turns the headlooks like, the complexionis far fromas beforeruddily, butcompares to the beforehandpaleness, alreadyis betteronmany.
药味浓重的屋子里,躺在床上的刘羡阳听到脚步声后,转头看来,脸色依旧谈不上红润,只是比起之前的惨白,已经要好上许多。Liu Xianyangsqueezes out a smile, hoarsesay/way: „Asked the Chen Duiwomanto look foryou?”刘羡阳挤出一个笑脸,沙哑道:“叫陈对的女人找过你了?”
The Chen Ping'annodsaid: „Iunderand othersmustleadthemto walk into the mountain.”陈平安点头道:“我等下就要带他们进山。”Liu Xianyangthinks,„Iwill leavewithhertogether, go tooneeastTreasure Bottle Continentcompared withusalsoto want the bigplaceit is said.”刘羡阳想了想,“我会跟她一起离开,去一个据说比咱们东宝瓶洲还要大的地方。”ActuallybeforeChen Duihad looked forLiu Xianyang, howeverafter that the Liu Xianyanginterestis not high, do not chatherto sayanything'smeaningwithChen Ping'an.
The Liu Xianyangtwitchedcorners of the mouth, actuallymyeastTreasure Bottle Continentisanythingdid not know. ”刘羡阳扯了扯嘴角,其实我连东宝瓶洲是个啥也不晓得。”Chen Ping'anbent the waistto helphimmanage the bedding, said with a smile: „Youthink that Ido know?”陈平安弯腰帮他理了理被褥,笑道:“你以为我知道啊?”Liu Xianyangshows the whites of the eyes, asks: „Youknow that whatImostam worried about?”刘羡阳翻了个白眼,问道:“你知道我最担心什么吗?”Chen Ping'anshakes the head.陈平安摇摇头。Liu Xianyangturns the headto look at the roof, „here, the good and evilyoucansupport by the armmeto get out of bed, laterclenched teethoneselfalso to solve, after having the small town, all the waywhat to dodefecatedto urinate? could it be thatwantedmeto tellthem, hey, did yoursomeone, cometo lend a handtome?”刘羡阳转头重新望着屋顶,“在这里,好歹你能搀扶我下床,之后咬咬牙自己也能解决,出了小镇后,一路上拉屎撒尿怎么办?难道要我跟他们说,喂,你们谁谁谁,来给我搭把手?”Chen Ping'ansitson the stool, can only scratch the head.陈平安坐在凳子上,只能挠头。Liu Xianyangsmiledsuddenly, „anotherthinks,diedcontinuallyhas died, but alsofearedthis?”刘羡阳突然笑了,“只是又一想,连死都死过了,还怕这个?”Chen Ping'ansaid: „Dayafter all is better and better, relax, Old Man Yaohas not said that being survivedmusthave the happiness in old age.”陈平安说道:“日子终归是越来越好的,放心吧,姚老头不是说过嘛,大难不死必有后福。”Onespeaking ofOld Man Yao, Liu Xianyangsomewhatis sad: „Old Man Yaothis whole lifehad not saidseveralwords of praise, lose the angry words, the wretchedwords, the cursing at peoplewords, actually a wicker basketwicker basket.”
一说到姚老头,刘羡阳就有些感伤:“姚老头这辈子就没说过几句好话,丧气话,晦气话,骂人的话,倒是一箩筐一箩筐的。”Ning Yaostandsinout of the door, shedid not speak.宁姚站在门外,她也不说话。Chen Ping'anhelpsLiu Xianyangcover with the quiltonce again, sets out saying: „Iledthemto walk into the mountain, yourestedwell.”陈平安又一次帮刘羡阳盖好被子,起身道:“我去带他们进山了,你好好休息。”Liu Xianyangnods, „rememberscarefully.”刘羡阳点点头,“记得小心点。”Chen Ping'angoes out of the roomgently, Ning Yaowalks side-by-sidewithhim, Chen Ping'anaskedcuriously: „Do youalsowantto climb mountains?”陈平安轻轻走出屋子,宁姚跟他并肩而行,陈平安好奇问道:“你也要上山?”Ning Yaoknits the brows: „Myuntrustworthythattwosurnamed Chen.”宁姚皱眉道:“我信不过那两个姓陈的。”
The Chen Ping'annodsaid: „Alsoright, carefulafter allright.”陈平安点头道:“也对,小心总归没错。”two peopletravel alongincreek side, Ning Yaosaid: „That side the small townbystander, walked7788.”两人快步行走在溪边,宁姚说道:“小镇那边的外人,走得七七八八了。”
The spring thundervibrates, the hibernation of insectsinsectis startledto leave.
春雷震动,蛰虫惊而出走。Twogroups of peoplemeetsouthcovered bridge.
两拨人在廊桥南端碰头。Except thatNing Yaoandcatches up withWind and Thunder Gardensword cultivatorLiu Baqiao that joins in the fun, otherthreepeople, othercontinentChen Dui, thiscontinentDragon's TailcountyChen Songfeng, small townMud Vase LaneChen Ping'an.
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