COT :: Volume #4 次级青春泉水

#242: It is not the weak chicken!

Un, here informs a matter, the reader friend can join the Tiger book friend group 49505078, 49,505,080. 嗯,在这里通知一个事情,读者朋友可以加入猛虎书友群49505078,49505080。给 Strength Article Studying After the net enters this crowd, looks at announcement, can look for the specific management, enters all the ordering a book group. 网进入此群之后看公告,可以找特定管理,进入全订书群。 --------- --------- Good, the Wei Xiaobei sincerity cannot understand this language, but he has better means to communicate. 好吧,卫小北真心听不懂这语言,但他却有更好的办法来沟通。 Places in Little Fairy stone bowl, pinches a grain of cowberry berry to fill in front of Little Fairy. 小妖精放在石碗里,捏起一粒越橘浆果塞到小妖精面前。 Little Fairy hesitant a meeting, perhaps was shocks the effect to vanish, the courage also became big, looked not to have sound Wei Xiaobei, then has hugged the berry, opened mouth to gnaw above. 小妖精犹豫了一会,或许是震撼效果消失了,胆子也变得大了一些,看了看没有动静的卫小北,便将浆果抱了起来,张嘴就在上面啃了起来。 The berry like cowberry, in the face of humanity, is smaller than the finger, but in front of Little Fairy, the volume basically was equal to its head size. 像越橘这样的浆果,在人类面前,比手指头还小,但在小妖精面前,体积就基本上等同于它的头颅大小了。 Conceivable, a person holds the scene that the watermelon is opening directly gnaws. 可以想象一下,一个人捧着西瓜直接开啃的场景。 Eats a berry, Little Fairy that snow white belly raised, appears somewhat drowsy, Wei Xiaobei then the stone bowl small roadside shop several leaves, having made Little Fairy lie down in inside sleeps. 吃掉一个浆果,小妖精那雪白的肚子就凸了起来,显得有些昏昏欲睡,卫小北便将石碗里铺了几张叶子,让小妖精躺在里面睡觉。 Perhaps as a result of Little Fairy inborn lucky, their courage are not indeed small, even if in front of Wei Xiaobei, quick whistling goes to sleep. 或许由于小妖精的天生幸运,它们的胆子的确不算小,即便是在卫小北面前,也很快就呼呼入睡。 Wei Xiaobei feels actually somewhat amusingly, for the time being its, when the finished goods feed. 卫小北倒是感觉有些好玩,暂且将其当成物喂养。 Naturally, during this, naturally must train the sentiment, if can make this Little Fairy use for oneself, then wanted to be safely many here. 当然,这期间自然是要培养感情的,如果能够让这头小妖精为自己所用,那么自己在这里就要安全很多了。 Must know that in numerous European legend, too many leading characters obtain the direction of Little Fairy, thus gets rid or avoids the danger. 要知道在众多欧洲神话传说里,太多主人公得到小妖精的指点,从而摆脱或者避开危险。 But in Dust World, wants to come Little Fairy inborn lucky will not let his fall into to the danger. 而在灰界里,想来小妖精的天生幸运也不会让其自身陷入到危险之中。 But in the following distance, the Wei Xiaobei feeling is receives arrived to curse, becomes some are not quite smooth, after all that law Intimidate is also Little Fairy frightening arrived. 但在接下来的路程里,卫小北感觉是不是自己受到了诅咒,变得有些不太顺利,毕竟那律令震慑也算是将小妖精给惊吓到了 When goes to sleep after Little Fairy, Wei Xiaobei works on stone bowl to walk in that great tree direction, has not gone out of one kilometer, a foot stepped in pile of excrement. 待到小妖精入睡之后,卫小北抓起石碗就朝着那巨树方向走去,可没走出一千米,就一脚踩在了一堆粪便上。 Is the excrement of wolf! 是狼的粪便! Wei Xiaobei frowns to contaminate the excrement right leg to pull out from that pile of excrement. 卫小北皱着眉头将沾染粪便的右腿从那堆粪便里拔了出来。 This absolutely is the wolf excrement! 这绝对是狼粪! When Wei Xiaobei becomes a soldier to serve the place to approach the prairie, thus quite understood this wolf excrement. 卫小北当兵服役时的地方靠近草原,因而对于这狼粪颇为了解。 The excrement that other animals pull out has the pearly lentjan shape. Has the rouge shape, has black shape wait / etc., the excrement that but the wolf draws is very unique white pottery is earthy, is Grey-White. 其它动物拉出的粪便有泥黄状。有红粉状,有黑色状等等,但狼拉出来的粪却是很独特的白陶土状,也就是灰白色 According to senior herdsman. Reason that this wolf excrement is Grey-White, the reason is very simple, after the wolf hunts, to prevent to be plundered the food animal to rob own food by other, under normal conditions. Can even/including Gu bring the meat to swallow the belly together, why this also described that the person ate meal quickly for the reason of wolfing down. 据资深牧民所述。这狼粪之所以是灰白色,原因很简单,狼捕猎之后,为了防止被其它掠食动物抢走自己的食物,通常情况下。都会连骨带肉一起吞下肚子去,这也就是为什么形容人吃饭很快为狼吞虎咽的缘故了。 In dietary ingredient that then, the wolf eats up, the content proportion of bone must be much higher than other animals, will thus then make the excrement color shoal compared with other animals, thus appears Grey-White. 如此一来,狼吃下的食物成分里,骨头的含量比例要远远高于其它动物,因而便会让粪便颜色较之其它动物变浅很多,从而显现出灰白色 Wei Xiaobei rubs after the lawn the excrement on foot is clean, the complexion is not quite attractive. 卫小北将脚上的粪便在草地上蹭干净后,脸色不太好看。 The reason was the quantity of this pile of excrement is too big. 原因就是这堆粪便的量太大了。 This excrement towers on the lawn, the roof approaches the chest position of person, initial Wei Xiaobei also subconsciously thinks that is pile of grey snows, thus does not step on the move carefully in edge. 这粪便耸立在草地上,最高处足足靠近人的胸口位置,最初卫小北还下意识以为是一堆灰雪,因而不小心踩在边缘处中招。 Like pile of excrement. body type of his master could be imagined. 像这样一堆粪便。其主人的体型就可想而知了。 The body type perhaps compared with elephant small many. 体型恐怕比大象都小不了多少。 Thinks of here, the Wei Xiaobei vigilance has promoted, an attribute investigation fell on this pile of excrement. 一想到这里,卫小北的警惕性就提升了很多,一个属性探查就落在了这堆粪便上。 Name: Sea cautious Great Wolf descendant excrement( ordinary) 姓名:海惕巨狼后裔粪便(普通) Introduced: This is pile of excrement, the excrement that one group of sea cautious Great Wolf descendants pull out, besides giving the lawn applies fertilizer, without any use. 介绍:这就是一堆粪便,一堆海惕巨狼后裔拉出的粪便,除了给草地施肥之外,没有任何用处。 Very simple introduction, but made Wei Xiaobei even more determine beforehand determine. 很简单的介绍,但却让卫小北越发确定了之前的判断 Sea cautious Great Wolf, is in the Norse mythology swallows the wicked wolf of moon. 海惕巨狼,便是北欧神话里吞掉月亮的恶狼。 When the Wei Xiaobei ponder issue, that only Little Fairy actually woke from stone bowl, a face anxious is pointing at to the direction of great tree. Was screaming was saying anything. 就在卫小北思考问题的时候,那只小妖精却从石碗里醒了过来,一脸焦急的指着面向巨树的方向。尖叫着说着什么。 Good, Wei Xiaobei guessed what it should say is the Norwegian language or Swedish, good, Wei Xiaobei has given birth in the idea that the language direction carries on to pursue advanced studies. But after this need remains, implements. 好吧,卫小北猜测它应该说的是挪威语或者瑞典语,好吧,卫小北已经生出了在语言方向进行深造的想法。但这需要留在以后去实施。 However, is very obvious, Little Fairy anxious will point at that direction not to have any good deed to occur, this point, Wei Xiaobei can guarantee. 不过,很显然,小妖精焦急的指着那个方向不会有什么好事发生,这一点,卫小北还是能够保证的。 At least, this Little Fairy will not sink into the danger. 至少,这小妖精不会将自己陷于危险之中。 Naturally. Little Fairy wants to escape is impossible. 当然。小妖精想要逃跑是不可能的。 Perhaps this point, Little Fairy also understand. 这一点,或许小妖精自己也是明白的。 Suddenly, the lawn vibrated, the vibration is very slight, but Wei Xiaobei relies on the formidable induction force still to feel this vibration. 突然之间,草地震动了起来,震动很轻微,但卫小北凭借着强大的感应力依然能够感受到这种震动。 Obviously, this is not earthquake, but is many Life Form runs the brought sound on the lawn. 显然,这并不是地震,而是很多生物在草地上奔跑所带来的动静。 Wei Xiaobei grabs stone bowl, drills into nearby shrubbery, puts down stone bowl, the right hand holds the bush to make an effort, a bush had been pulled out by Wei Xiaobei together with many root systems stiffly, reveals its next gulf. 卫小北抓着石碗,一头就钻入到旁边的灌木丛里,将石碗放下,右手抓住灌木一用力,一棵灌木连同不少根系被卫小北硬生生的拔了出来,露出其下一个深坑来。 Wei Xiaobei lies in deep pit, covered bush on oneself, Bi Zhu breathed slightly. 卫小北趴在深坑里,将灌木盖在了自己身上,微微闭住呼吸。 Quick, Wei Xiaobei pastes the line of sight of tread to see that the distant place presents one crowd reindeer that runs furiously. 很快,卫小北贴着地面的视线就看到远处出现一群正在奋力奔跑的驯鹿 This point, Wei Xiaobei will not admit mistakes. 这一点,卫小北是不会认错的。 reindeer, the quite famous one animal, it is said Santa Claus is rushing for the deer car(riage) is drags to entrain the advance by reindeer, this reindeer especially sees in the frigid zone area. 驯鹿,比较出名的一种动物,据说圣诞老人赶着的鹿车就是由驯鹿拖拽前进,这种驯鹿在寒带地区尤为多见。 But reindeer light that Wei Xiaobei sees at this time, in reindeer on compared with reality big be many. 卫小北此时所见到的驯鹿光个头而言,就要比现实里的驯鹿大上不少了。 Must know, reindeer in reality is too not small in deer class Life Form, generally speaking, shoulder of grown reindeer high in 100 to 120 cms about, but of stag will be bigger. 要知道,现实里的驯鹿个头在鹿类生物里不算太小,一般而言,成年驯鹿的肩高在100到120厘米左右,而雄鹿的个头会更高大一些。 The speed is extremely fast, likes fast going forward, therefore acted as the draught animal power in the Northern European area one. 其速度极快,喜欢均速前进,因而在北欧地区被充作畜力的一种。 These reindeer that Wei Xiaobei sees, shoulder should high about two meters, in other words, if adds on the neck and head, the it highly over three meters, in addition that just likes steep of branch, breaks through four meters highly directly five. 卫小北看到的这些驯鹿,肩高应该在两米左右,也就是说,如果加上脖子和头颅的话,其高度超过三米,再加上那犹如树枝的大角,高度直接突破四米五。 In brief, if places in the reality, light head, was basically similar to some big body type draft horses. 总之,如果放在现实里,光这个头,基本上与一些大体型的挽马差不多了。 When such over a hundred reindeer move together, the sound that makes is astonishing. 这样上百头的驯鹿一起跑动时,所制造出来的动静是惊人的。 The hoof change, the bits of grass fly horizontally, just likes the mighty force is ordinary. 蹄子翻动,草屑横飞,犹如千军万马一般。 Wei Xiaobei determine, fortunately, this crowd of reindeer process line will not cross the shrubbery that oneself hide. 卫小北判断了一下,还好,这群驯鹿的经过线路并不会越过自己藏身的灌木丛。 But in this crowd of reindeer behind not far away, high in approximately five meters Great Wolf nostril spouts the black steam. The whole body covers under thin black fog, four legs go all out to paddle, is pursuing front these reindeer furiously. 而在这群驯鹿身后不远处,一头高约五米的巨狼鼻孔里喷出股股黑色蒸汽。周身笼罩在稀薄的黑雾下,四腿拼命划动,奋力追赶着前面这些驯鹿 Wei Xiaobei bore lose the impulsion of attribute investigation. 卫小北忍住了丢出属性探查的冲动。 These fellows light looked that body type knows is not affable, particularly that Great Wolf. It may be only the build is not only big, light looked that its side fills the air, but black mist, knows that this absolutely is not the weak chicken! 这些家伙光看体型就知道不是好惹的,尤其是那头巨狼。它可不仅仅只是体形高大,光看其身边弥漫而出的黑色雾气,就知道这绝对不是弱鸡! Here is Dust World, but is not the reality, any Life Form possibly is Monster! 这里是灰界,而不是现实,任何生物都可能是怪物 If makes these reindeer note itself. Only is the curve horizontally clashes, oneself must escape. 如果让那些驯鹿注意到自己的话。光是转弯横冲过来,自己就得逃命了。 Good, when ponders this point, Wei Xiaobei forgot joins very much obviously the luck, perhaps said one just offended Little Fairy soon issue. 好吧,在思考这一点的时候,卫小北很显然忘记将运气加入进去,或许说自己刚刚得罪了小妖精不久的问题。 In brief, in ten seconds, Wei Xiaobei works on stone bowl, top the shrubbery to rise with a spring, dashes about wildly to go toward the side. 总之,没过十秒,卫小北就抓起石碗,顶着灌木丛一跃而起,朝着侧面狂奔而去。 The reason is very simple, does not know that is these reindeer for chasing down of moving aside following Great Wolf. Stemming from the consideration of escaping strategy, they made a turn. 原因很简单,不知道是那些驯鹿为了躲闪后面巨狼的追杀。还是出于逃跑策略的考虑,它们转弯了。 And after this curve, the reindeer group will break through from the shrubbery! 并且这转弯之后,驯鹿群就将会从灌木丛上冲过! Wei Xiaobei does not want to be similar to by over a hundred the fellow of heavy draft horse treads from back, let alone in that case, oneself also surely will expose in the Great Wolf eye. 卫小北可不想被上百头如同重型挽马的家伙从后背上踏过去,何况那样的话,自己也必定会暴露在巨狼眼中。 Without a doubt, suddenly the thing that jumps from shrubbery, making these reindeer frighten, in startled, they were divided into two groups immediately, continued to clash along the given objective forward crazily. But in addition pursued toward Wei Xiaobei. 毫无疑问,一个突然从灌木丛里跳出来的东西,让那些驯鹿惊吓了,在惊慌之中,它们随即分成两路,一路沿着既定目标继续向前狂冲。而另一路则朝着卫小北追了过去。 Your younger sister! 你妹! Dry! 干! Wei Xiaobei turns head to look, immediately did the thick mouth again and again, overtake itself at heart? 卫小北扭头一看,顿时心里粗口连连,怎么追上自己了? However, these reindeer actions conform to the population survival principle. 不过话说回来,那些驯鹿的举动是符合种群生存法则的。 That Great Wolf pursued another team of reindeer to pass. Then this team of reindeer were safe on the nature. 那头巨狼追着另外一队驯鹿过去了。那么这队驯鹿就自然安全了。 Naturally, that team of reindeer seem be stronger than this team, should be Lu Qun the main force, thus refers to erratically before that Great Wolf overtakes reindeer, that team of reindeer will separate finally, this unceasing separation. Will make Great Wolf puzzle very much. 当然,那队驯鹿看上去要比这队强壮很多,应该是鹿群的主力了,因而指不定在那巨狼追上驯鹿之前,那队驯鹿最终又会分开,这不断的分开。会让巨狼很困扰的。 Naturally, arrived final, may have reindeer becomes in that Great Wolf mouth the food, perhaps because of any accident, the luck is good, reindeer does not lose a head. 当然,到了最后,或许会有一头驯鹿成为那头巨狼的口中之食,或许因为什么意外,运气好,驯鹿不损失一头。 Since these reindeer expelled to come, Wei Xiaobei that dashed about wildly simply has also spelled, an attribute investigation lost, center took the lead that male reindeer. 既然这些驯鹿撵着自己来了,一路狂奔的卫小北也索性拼了,一个属性探查就丢了过去,正中领头那头雄性驯鹿 Name: Male reindeer 姓名:雄性驯鹿 Race: reindeer 种族:驯鹿 Sex: Male 性别:男 Age: 3 years old 年龄:3岁 Creature Rank: 2 star elite 生物等级:2星精英 Attribute:( Other Life Form attributes usually only introduced prime attribute) 属性:(其它生物属性通常只介绍主属性) strength: 15 力量:15 Agility: 22 敏捷:22 Vitality: 12 体质:12 Intelligence: 3 智力:3 Awareness: 20 感知:20 Charm: 6 魅力:6 Skill: Escapes( when escapes and struggles food, speed promotes 100%.), Dashes( uses antler to dash enemy as weapon, injury promotes 30%), the way( inborn will not lose direction), the community inspires( resistance negative condition) 技能:逃生(逃跑与争食时,速度提升100。),冲撞(以鹿角为武器对敌人进行冲撞,伤害提升30),寻路(天生不会迷失方向),群体鼓舞(抵抗负面状态) Evolution Points: X( is unable accumulation Evolution Points) 进化点:X(无法积累进化点 Items on hand: Does not have 持有物:无 ---------- ---------- To the Wei Xiaobei strength, this male reindeer was suppressed without doubt, and does not have anything to be used to revolt against the investigation the skill wait / etc.. 相对于卫小北的实力而言,这头雄性驯鹿无疑是被压制的,并且也没有什么用来反抗探查的技能等等。 Therefore Wei Xiaobei looked at to understand its attribute list clearly. UU reads 因而卫小北将其属性表看了个清楚明白。UU看书 Agility, Awareness these two have surpassed 20 points, thus it can be seen the herbivore indeed is the herbivore, even if in Dust World still so. 敏捷,感知这两项都超过了20点,由此可见草食动物的确是草食动物,即便是在灰界里依然如此。 Their Agility is high , helping getting rid of hunting, Awareness is high, hunting who helps discover the ambush. 它们敏捷高,便于摆脱猎食者,感知高,便于发现潜伏的猎食者。 But in the strength, was too weak. 但在战力上,就太弱了。 Ran a meeting, Wei Xiaobei has selected behind these reindeer quantities, about 30, besides stag of lead, other was the doe, the fawn is as for some feeble. 跑了一会,卫小北点了点身后那些驯鹿的数量,大约有30多头,除了领头的雄鹿之外,其余的都是母鹿,小鹿乃至于一些病弱。 Looked at Great Wolf that left again, Wei Xiaobei has smiled, thinks were really one weak chicken? 再望了望那离开的巨狼,卫小北笑了起来,难道真以为自己是弱鸡了? Distances of Wei Xiaobei among with these reindeer approximately placed about 100 meters, these reindeer want to overtake Wei Xiaobei, in a short time did not have possibly, naturally for a long time not possible.( To be continued.) WWW.GEILIWX.COM happy reading every day 卫小北与那些驯鹿之间的距离大约保持在100米左右,那些驯鹿想要追上卫小北,在短时间内是没可能了,当然长时间也没可能。(未完待续。)WWW.GEILIWX.COM开心阅读每一天
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