COT :: Volume #4 次级青春泉水

#243: 刷刷进化点(求最后的双倍月票)

The third chapter delivers , to continue symbol, supports the legal copy subscription, has the fellow daoist of ample force to subscribe automatically, thanked. <\;-, 第三章送上,继续码字,支持正版订阅,有余力的道友自动订阅吧,谢谢了。←, The Wei Xiaobei attribute explodes them! 卫小北的属性完爆它们! But suddenly, Wei Xiaobei turned around to stop in same place, looks that dashed about wildly the reindeer group of coming, in the mouth gives a loud shout: Intimidate!” 但突然之间,卫小北一个转身停在了原地,看着那狂奔而来的驯鹿群,口中大喝一声:“震慑!” Law Intimidate! Radius range 50 meters! 律令震慑!半径范围50米! The Intimidate power and influence spreads instantaneously, in an instant then covers these reindeer most. 震慑的威势瞬间扩散而出,转眼之间便将那些驯鹿笼罩大半。 Even if Wei Xiaobei is fiercer than single reindeer, but does not dare to run upon by these reindeer, that will seem the elephant will possibly run upon by one herd of rhinoceros, although will be not necessarily able to be killed, but very possible severe wound. 就算卫小北比单个驯鹿厉害很多,但也不敢被那些驯鹿撞上,那可能会好似大象被一群犀牛撞上,虽说未必会被干掉,但很可能重伤。 After Intimidate power and influence proliferation, but, Reflex quickest was takes the lead that stag, the double hoof raised high, in the look all was the panic-stricken colors, but other covered reindeer or same raised the double hoof with the stags, or direct weak in place, some reindeer frightened turns the head to run away, hit with behind reindeer in the same place. 震慑威势扩散而出之后,反应最快的就算是领头那头雄鹿了,双蹄高高扬起,眼神之中尽数都是惊恐之色,而其余的被笼罩的驯鹿或与雄鹿一样扬起双蹄,或者直接瘫软在地,更有的驯鹿吓得转头就逃,与身后的驯鹿撞在一起。 In an instant, the entire reindeer group is weak a piece, reindeer that even if behind had not been covered by the Intimidate power and influence also receives the hoof to be inferior to with reindeer of front to hit one group. 转眼之间,整个驯鹿群就瘫软一片,即便后面没有被震慑威势笼罩的驯鹿也收蹄不及与前面的驯鹿撞成一团。 An misconception of turmoil of war, raises in the Wei Xiaobei heart. 一片兵荒马乱的错觉,在卫小北心头升起。 To be honest, Wei Xiaobei has not thought that effect such good of this law Intimidate. 说实话,卫小北都没有想到,这律令震慑的效果会如此之好。 Naturally, perhaps is these reindeer originally inborn timid reasons, after all the herbivore did not have many to be brave. 当然,或许是这些驯鹿原本天生胆小的缘故吧,毕竟草食动物原本就没有多少胆大的。 However in a comparatively short time releases effect of two law Intimidate on Wei Xiaobei not to be small continuously, release law Intimidate, Wei Xiaobei felt once again mind transmits faint, just likes must leave the Dust World misconception. 不过在比较短的时间内连续释放两个律令震慑卫小北的影响也不小,再度释放律令震慑,卫小北就感觉脑海一阵昏晕传来,犹如要离开灰界的错觉。 Fortunately, this faint feeling is not quite intense, maintains a moment later, along with, even if vanishes. 还好,这股昏晕感并不太强烈,维持片刻之后,随即便消失。 But Wei Xiaobei also knows, in a short time, oneself is impossible to use law Intimidate again, otherwise. Was sent out the Dust World actually minor matter, if faints directly, the joke opened in a big way. 卫小北也知道,在短时间内,自己是不可能再使用律令震慑了,否则的话。被送出灰界倒是小事了,如果直接晕倒在地,玩笑就开大了。 Un? 嗯? The words said that this reindeer has the specialty regarding the escape actually, delays such for several seconds on Wei Xiaobei. The stag that takes the lead goes all out to struggle to set out, roared soaringly, afterward turned around to run away. 话说这驯鹿对于逃命倒是有专长,就卫小北耽误这么几秒时间。那带头的雄鹿就拼命挣扎起身,高昂吼叫一声,随后就转身逃走。 The howling of this stag, seemed China ancient striking a gong is common, immediately these fell down reindeer seemed has hit the chicken blood. A leader struggles to set out, goes all out to attempt to run away with the stag. 这头雄鹿的吼叫声,就好似华夏古代的鸣金一般,顿时那些摔倒在地的驯鹿就好似打了鸡血。一头头挣扎起身,拼命跟着雄鹿企图逃走。 Without a doubt, of stag roared is the community in its ability has then inspired, has not thought that this ability was actually not weak, can actually make these be frightened foot soft reindeer by law Intimidate to stand to run. 毫无疑问,雄鹿的那声吼叫便是其能力里的群体鼓舞了,没想到这个能力倒是不弱,竟然能够让那些被律令震慑吓得脚软的驯鹿又重新站立起来奔跑。 Naturally, part of reindeer have struggled, cannot struggle. 当然,其中一部分驯鹿挣扎了一下,没能挣扎起来。 To come is also, this community inspires the skill is only 2-Star elite reindeer releases merely, but the sphere of action is 30 reindeer, this effect. Can have ten background reindeer to struggle to set out to run away is good. 想来也是,这群体鼓舞技能仅仅只是一头二星精英驯鹿释放出来,而作用范围则是30多头驯鹿,这效果嘛。能够有十来头驯鹿挣扎起身逃走就算是不错了。 To run away? 想逃? Wei Xiaobei has cannot help but gotten angry, this crowd of reindeer after took down by law Intimidate, Wei Xiaobei regarded as own Evolution Points them. 卫小北不由得怒了,这群驯鹿在被律令震慑放倒之后,卫小北就将它们视为自己的进化点了。 Must know that this place was too strange, although Wei Xiaobei has looked at the Norse mythology, but that does not mean one understand here. 要知道,这个地方太陌生了,虽说卫小北看过北欧神话,但那绝不意味着自己就了解这里。 Found Monster that one group of can devastate safely with great difficulty, do they want to run away unexpectedly? 好不容易找到一群自己可以安全蹂躏的怪物,它们居然想逃? One run honestly is so far , a law Intimidate waste on them, for what? 自己老老实实跑这么远,又将一次律令震慑浪费在它们身上,为了什么? To let them carries off own Evolution Points? 难道就是为了让它们将自己的进化点带走么? Wei Xiaobei completely has surpassed before earnestly seeking of Evolution Points now! 卫小北现在对于进化点的渴求已经完全超过了以前! Holds in the mouth stone bowl in the mouth, the Wei Xiaobei right hand touches on small hundred Treasure Bag. That is one meter two Diamond Mace immediately appears in the hand, later the under foot keeps, during was similar to dashes about wildly the bull to pursue. 石碗叼在嘴里,卫小北右手在小百宝袋上一摸。那根长达一米二的金刚锏就随即出现在手中,之后脚下不停,就如同一头狂奔之中的公牛追了上去。 In passing through these when reindeer that still in struggling to set out, Wei Xiaobei not slightly lenient. The hand has the mace to fall! 在经过那些依然在挣扎起身的驯鹿时,卫小北可没有丝毫手软。手起锏落! Throws! 扑哧! Similar to watermelon destroyed spraying sound transmits, reindeer in Diamond Mace by Wei Xiaobei hand was pounded half the head, the remaining half heads turned into the powder dust to splutter toward all around directly, Wei Xiaobei that passed over gently and swiftly against the wind had most Sturdiness moistens fully immediately by the blood and brain fluid. 如同西瓜被砸破的喷射声传来,一头驯鹿就被卫小北手中的金刚锏将头颅砸成了半个,剩下的半个头颅直接变成了碎末朝着四周溅射而出,迎风掠过的卫小北当即就有大半个身体被血液和脑浆沾满。 Hammering! 震击! Diamond Mace this struck to pound down stimulated the hammering effect directly, thus just now pounded the head of that reindeer like that ugly. 金刚锏这一击砸下直接就激发了震击效果,因而方才将那驯鹿的头颅砸得那般难看。 ! Another reindeer explodes two halves, this time was Diamond Mace stimulates to hit hard the effect. 啪!又一个驯鹿头从中爆成两半,这次是金刚锏激发了重击效果。 As two reindeer drop down. Wei Xiaobei while harvesting 300 Evolution Points, whole body does not have one is not the blood covers, once for a while also some brain fluid dig up to draw on the body, seems the appearance is fierce, just likes the deicide descends to earth. 随着两头驯鹿倒下。卫小北在收获了300进化点的同时,全身上下无一处不是鲜血覆盖,时不时还有一些脑浆扒拉在身上,看上去面目狰狞,犹如杀神下凡。 Without a doubt, these reindeer have the visual aesthetic sense. 毫无疑问,这些驯鹿也有视觉美感的。 Sees the Wei Xiaobei so fierce and brutal shape, many reindeer legs were soft, even several fawns were frightened directly lie on the lawn have diarrhea. 看到卫小北如此凶暴之状,不少驯鹿都腿软了,甚至于几头小鹿被吓得直接趴在草地上拉稀。 The Wei Xiaobei goal is not reindeer that these cannot stand, but during is these is escaping that ten reindeer. 卫小北的目标可不是这些不怎么能够站立起来的驯鹿,而是那些正在逃跑之中的那十多头驯鹿 Pursues less than 200 meters, speed slowest reindeer was pounded by Wei Xiaobei mace is carrying on the back, called one, in the mouth spouted a blood, then has lain, did not live shortly. 追出200米不到,速度最慢的一头驯鹿就被卫小北一锏砸在背上,呜鸣一声,口中喷出一股鲜血,便趴了下去,眼看就不活了。 To be honest, if changes into has not entered Dust World Wei Xiaobei, very difficult under this cruel methods, but present Wei Xiaobei does not say cruel and merciless, at least in Life Form to this Dust World basically can treat impartially. 说实话,如果换成尚未进入灰界卫小北,很难下此狠手,可现在的卫小北不说心狠手辣,至少对这灰界里的生物基本上可以一视同仁了。 Besides Little Fairy has Life Form of special use like this, other Life Form are Monster, is Evolution Points, naturally, more possible is the danger. 除了小妖精这样有特殊用处的生物之外,其余的生物都是怪物,都是进化点,当然,更可能是危险。 Mace falls, this is a stag, is more thin and weak compared with that team leader stag, but actually be stronger than other does, Wei Xiaobei this mace falls on its back, the opposite party spouts a blood merely. 啪啪,一锏落下,这是一头雄鹿,较之那头领队雄鹿要瘦弱一些,但却要比其它母鹿强壮很多,卫小北这一锏落在其后背上,对方仅仅只是喷出一口鲜血。 The next quarter, this stag turns around to lower the head unexpectedly, launched the attack toward Wei Xiaobei, obviously, this stag was wants to sacrifice itself, preserves own population. 下一刻,这头雄鹿竟然转身低头,朝着卫小北就发动了攻击,显然,这头雄鹿是想要牺牲自己,来保全自己的种群。 In fact this matter also frequently occurred in the reality. 实际上这种事情在现实里也经常发生。 Just, these fall into the beast of prey mouth is the old , weak , sick and disabled in population, can run away is young, but this had also guaranteed the population can continue to multiply. 只不过,那些落入猛兽嘴里的都是种群里的老弱病残,能够逃走的都是青壮,但这样也就保证了种群能够继续繁衍下去。 Also dares to counter-attack! 还敢反击! A Wei Xiaobei Muscle drum, Diamond Mace in hand pulls up, strikes on the head side of that stag, hit to fly high to fly this stag. 卫小北肌肉一鼓,手中的金刚锏一撩,就击在那雄鹿的头颅侧面上,将这头雄鹿打得凌空飞了起来。 But, the counter-attack of this stag and has the effect, perhaps during these were becoming a fugitive reindeer to be driven, turned around to lower the head toward Wei Xiaobei to clash unexpectedly in abundance. 但,这头雄鹿的反击并不是没有效果的,那些原本正在逃亡之中的驯鹿或许是受到激励,竟然纷纷转身低头朝着卫小北冲了过来。 Suddenly, the momentum of reindeer counter-attack is quite actually astonishing. 一时间,驯鹿反击的声势倒是极为惊人。 However on the Wei Xiaobei face shows the smiling face on the contrary, if these reindeer continue to run away, oneself want to chase down, actually some difficulties. 不过卫小北脸上反倒是露出笑容,如果这些驯鹿继续逃走的话,自己想要一个个追杀,倒是有些难度。 After all these fellows will divide forces. 毕竟这些家伙可是会分兵的。 Now, since they are willing to bring death, no wonder. 现在嘛,既然它们自己愿意送死,就怪不得自己了。 Un, in fact, this should not call a fight, should be called one to slaughter. 嗯,实际上,这应该不叫一场战斗,应该叫做一场杀戮。 In the attribute by the situation of Wei Xiaobei comprehensive suppression, these reindeer was wanted the words that overturns the heavens, perhaps the quantity needs to increase above the several fold, has that some possibly. 在属性被卫小北全面压制的情况下,这些驯鹿想要翻天的话,恐怕数量就需要增加数倍以上,才有那么一些可能。 Shortly, reindeer only remaining last of running away. 没多久,逃走的驯鹿就只剩下最后一头了。 Is that the lead stag that meets the community to inspire. 就是那头会群体鼓舞的领头雄鹿。 To be honest, Wei Xiaobei a little wants its coercion, seems Little Fairy is the same, although cannot dominate like Zhu Xinyi, but acts as the mount to be also good. 说实话,卫小北还是有点想要将其压服的,就好似小妖精一样,虽说不能像竹心怡那样控制,但充当一下坐骑也是不错的。 After all most times, trains the mount, was OK with the fist. 毕竟在很多时候,调教坐骑,用拳头就可以了。 But what makes Wei Xiaobei not think, even if this lead stag by a oneself fist were knocked down, one according to the ground, is unable to set out, is not willing to have the meaning that the half minute surrenders to reveal that only knows to go all out to struggle, and raises the head once for a while, wanting in the corner/horn fork with top of the head top Wei Xiaobei. 但让卫小北没有想到的是,这领头雄鹿即便是被自己一拳打翻在地,一把按在地上,无法起身,都不愿意有半分降服的意思显露出来,只知道拼命挣扎,并时不时昂起头颅,想要用头顶上的角叉来顶卫小北 So, Wei Xiaobei also no longer shows mercy, right hand several fists pound down, the lead stag will be battered to death at the scene. 如此,卫小北也不再手下留情,右手几拳砸下,将领头雄鹿当场砸死。 Afterward, Wei Xiaobei will be small in hundred Treasure Bag huge spear to take, pricks reindeer within the body the spear head, taking the opportunity lets the spear head absorption blood, the promotion evolutionary rate. 随后,卫小北将小百宝袋里的大枪取了出来,将枪头刺入驯鹿体内,借机让枪头吸收血液,促进进化速度。 Later, skins these reindeer all, binds the deerskin on the body, after the Wei Xiaobei whole body moistens the full blood, in the cold air quite easy intrusive mass of outside. 之后,又将这些驯鹿尽数剥皮,将鹿皮裹在身上,在卫小北全身沾满血液之后,外界的寒气就比较容易侵入体内了。 If after is not Wei Xiaobei fights, whole body quantity of heat sending out, perhaps already hit to tremble. 如果不是卫小北战斗之后,全身热量散发的话,恐怕早就打哆嗦了。 The attribute does not represent to resist intrepidly completely coldly, after all on the Sturdiness structure of humanity, is in most Life Form most does not have the resistance to cold. 属性强悍并不代表能够完全抵御寒冷,毕竟就人类的身体结构而言,是大多数生物里最不具有耐寒性的。 Because the spaces in small hundred Treasure Bag are limited, Wei Xiaobei also can only choose on reindeer the lushest underback as well as the calf meat, after cutting, puts in small hundred Treasure Bag. 由于小百宝袋里的空间有限,卫小北也就只能挑选驯鹿身上最为肥美的里脊肉以及小腿肉,切割下来之后,放入小百宝袋中。 Moreover the foot muscles of these reindeer were also taken down, the words said that this left hand has not restored, is very indeed troublesome, no matter shears the meat to cramp, made Wei Xiaobei be busy at some beads of sweat dripping. 另外那些驯鹿的脚筋也被取了下来,话说,这左手没有恢复,的确很麻烦,不管是割肉还是抽筋,都让卫小北忙得有些汗珠淌下了。 Finally, Wei Xiaobei shouldered a reindeer corpse directly on the shoulder, returned toward the background. 最后,卫小北将一头驯鹿尸体直接扛在了肩上,朝着来路返回。 Wei Xiaobei goes back, while examines Attribute Panel. 卫小北一边回去,一边查看属性面板 reindeer Evolution Points is fixed, no matter each reindeer the old , weak , sick and disabled, the male and female, is 150 Evolution Points, Evolution Points that this chasing down, Wei Xiaobei obtains by 2100 points. 驯鹿进化点是固定的,每头驯鹿不管老弱病残,公母,都是150进化点,这番追杀,卫小北获得的进化点由2100点。 To other 2-Star Elite Monster, this Evolution Points indeed had a little. 相对于其它二星精英怪物而言,这进化点的确有些少了。 But this is also passable, after all reindeer risk compared with Licker, Fire Crow, human form wooden stake and so on 2-Star Elite Monster, missed far. 但这也说得过去,毕竟驯鹿的危险性较之舔食者,火鸦,人形木桩之类的二星精英怪物,就差得太远了。 If you do not go to the active threat, does not approach them, it is estimated that will not be attacked. 如果你不去主动攻击,不靠近它们的话,估计也不会遭受攻击的。 Before that Little Fairy, lies in stone bowl , but when Wei Xiaobei whole body splashing full blood time, again could not bear, flies directly the arrived Wei Xiaobei top of the head above several rice positions. 小妖精之前还趴在石碗里,可等到卫小北全身溅满鲜血的时候,就再也忍不住了,直接就飞到了卫小北头顶上方数米的位置。 The inborn trick that although Little Fairy has, can make these splutter to blood vanishes, but Little Fairy is very difficult to endure this type of smell of blood. 虽说小妖精拥有的天生戏法,可以让那些溅射到身上的血液消失,但小妖精是很难忍受这种血腥味的。 Must say that according to the normal condition words, Little Fairy should be far away. 要说,按照正常情况的话,小妖精就应该远离了。 After all in the legend, Little Fairy this Life Form is will not present in the slaughter house absolutely wait / etc. and so on place. 毕竟在神话传说里,小妖精这种生物是绝对不会出现在屠宰场等等之类的地方。 But this Little Fairy, does not know that what's the matter, unexpectedly merely is only float in the Wei Xiaobei top of the head, directly has not actually left. 但这头小妖精,也不知道怎么回事,竟然仅仅只是悬浮在卫小北头顶上,却没有直接离开。 After all hovering in Wei Xiaobei top of the head several rice places, can only say on smell of blood pale some. 毕竟悬停在卫小北头顶数米的地方,只能说血腥味淡上一些。 Only looks at Little Fairy that wrinkle the tight small face, knows its heart is how is uncomfortable.( To be continued.) 光看小妖精那皱得紧紧的小脸,就知道其心头是多么的不舒服了。(未完待续。)
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