COT :: Volume #4 次级青春泉水

#241: 天生幸运

Un, less than day of double monthly ticket time, fellow daoist! Brothers elder sisters! Do not hold your monthly ticket surely in the belt-bag! Held again must hold rancidly! Remembers throw to this book! Top two! 嗯,还有不到一天的双倍月票时间了,道友!兄弟姐们!千万千万别将您的月票揣在腰包里了!再揣就要揣馊了!记住投给本书!一张顶两张! The sex seems a female, on the look, should be a shiwuliu-year-old girl appearance, complete Jian golden hair, fair face, if not its body type is too small, was a beautiful girl. ◇↓◇↓ small ◇↓ said that 性别好似女性,就相貌而言,应该是一个十五六岁的女孩模样,齐肩的金发,白皙的面庞,如果不是其体型过小的话,就是一个美丽女孩了。◇↓◇↓小◇↓说, Chinese flowering crabapple? Fairy? 花仙?妖精 In the Wei Xiaobei mind immediately appears two names. 卫小北脑海里随即显出两个名称来。 The Chinese flowering crabapple is in the China legend, after the flowers and trees practice becomes a ghost the evil spirit, has advantages and disadvantages, it is said lives in the flowers. 花仙乃是华夏神话传说之中,花木修炼成精之后的妖物,有好有坏,据说居住在花朵之中。 But Fairy that Wei Xiaobei thinks is not the monster in China myth, but is the Germanic myth, one strange Life Form in Norse mythology. 卫小北所想到的妖精并不是华夏神话里的妖怪,而是日耳曼神话,北欧神话里的一种奇异生物 Must say that at present this small Life Form should be Fairy probably. 要说,眼前这小生物大概应该是妖精了。 However, Wei Xiaobei secret heart startled, such small thing, hides there, if not staring at itself, by the such formidable induction force cannot its discovery. 不过,卫小北暗暗心惊,这么小个东西,藏在那里,如果不是盯着自己的话,以自己这么强大的感应力都没能将其发现。 The introduction of this Fairy, Wei Xiaobei mainly sees from Northern European classics Iceland epic poem «». 妖精的介绍,卫小北主要是从北欧经典冰岛史诗《埃达》里看到的。 Naturally, Wei Xiaobei looks is not the first edition, but is some Chinese drafts that some online expert translates. 当然,卫小北看的并不是原版,而是网上某达人翻译的部分中文稿子。 This Icelandic epic poem «» is European Middle Age spread importantly classical one, was Europe except Ancient Greece, one outside of ancient Rome myth sources. 这冰岛史诗《埃达》乃是欧洲中古时期流传下来最重要的经典之一,也是欧洲除古希腊,古罗马之外的神话源头之一。 Naturally, on the present society, Fairy this species is playing, in novel wait / etc. carriers had been used rottenly. 当然,就现在社会而言,妖精这个物种在游戏,小说等等载体里已经被用烂了。 In brief, Fairy this Life Form is called the fairy maiden, is the good clan in the European myth system probably, they mostly live alone, is good and friendly, the disposition is partial in the child, most times, likes making some practical jokes to come out. 总而言之,妖精这种生物又被称为仙子,在欧洲神话体系里大概属于善良一族,它们大多独居,善良而友好,心性偏向于儿童,在很多时候,喜欢弄一些恶作剧出来。 In the European numerous legends, Fairy is an indispensable supporting role. 在欧洲众多神话传说里,妖精是一个不可或缺的配角。 They have a supernatural power more or less, can remove the fat in milk. Keep tired half dead peasant family housewives from stirring the cream. 它们或多或少拥有一点法力,能够将牛奶里的油脂去掉。让累个半死的农家主妇无法搅拌出奶油。 Rubs valley for poor others in secret, hides looks at astonished of poor families in the gloomy place, but smiles is unable to shut up. 暗中替贫苦的人家磨谷,躲在阴暗处看着贫苦人家的惊愕,而笑得无法闭嘴。 Will make soon in the good good wine to add the water, making its flavor go bad. 将即将酿好的美酒里加入水,使得其味道变坏。 At night let the person who walks lose direction. Walks into the branch road, is actually glad to laugh secretly to continue. 让夜间走路的人迷失方向。走入歧路,却乐得窃笑不止。 So long as generally, to the person of their politeness, compared with is easy to obtain their help, but to their bad fellows. Then will discover that the destiny is that miserable. 大凡,只要对它们礼貌的人,比较容易得到它们的帮助,而对它们恶劣的家伙。则会发现命运是那么悲催 In brief, like the kid, in the viewpoint of Wei Xiaobei, should unable to offend. 总之,像这样的小家伙,在卫小北的观点里,应该是不能得罪的。 Therefore Wei Xiaobei depressed to lose the attribute investigation forcefully the thought that on the face piles the smile, the right hand stretches out, above grabbed fresh-faced red cowberry. 因而卫小北强行压下了丢出属性探查的念头,脸上堆出微笑,右手伸出,上面抓着一把粉嫩的红色越橘。 Very obviously, regarding the Wei Xiaobei good intentions, that Fairy has not paid attention from the start, fanned the wing to shrink on the contrary toward the shrubbery. 很显然,对于卫小北的善意,那头妖精压根就没有理会,反倒是扇动着翅膀朝着灌木丛里缩进去了一些。 Come. Eats the berry.” “来。吃浆果。” Regarding this Little Fairy, Wei Xiaobei understands some probably, their staple food are the berries, they like berry type of food very much. 对于这种小妖精,卫小北大概了解一些,它们的主食就是浆果,它们很喜欢浆果这种食物。 Remembers has looked in several European legends, these leading characters obtain the help of Fairy, mostly starts through the berry. 记得看过的几篇欧洲神话传说里,那些主人公获得妖精的帮助,大多都是通过浆果入手的。 The matter that but then has, lets some Wei Xiaobei quite materials not. 但接下来发生的事情,让卫小北颇为有些所料未及。 Sees only on that Fairy to reappear one group of light red light, a moment later, Wei Xiaobei felt that space some do not suit, look up. Not a well-known bird just had flown, but one group of small sunspots to the high velocity be crashing extremely toward oneself. 只见那妖精身上浮现出一团淡淡的红光,片刻之后,卫小北就感觉天上有些不太对劲,抬头一看。一只不知名的小鸟刚刚飞过,而一团小小的黑点正以极高速度朝着自己坠落下来。 Since had been discovered by Wei Xiaobei, wants to hit his difficulty, naturally cannot be too high. 既然被卫小北发现了,想要击中他的难度,自然不会太高。 Moves sideways. That small sunspot falls on Wei Xiaobei front lawn, is actually the bird excrement of dark gray interaction! 一个闪身。那小黑点啪嗒一声掉落在卫小北面前的草地上,却是一点灰黑相间的鸟屎! Dry! Without a doubt, this bird excrement is front that Little Fairy masterpiece! 干啊!毫无疑问,这点鸟屎就是前面那头小妖精的杰作! This matter appears, the Wei Xiaobei good intentions have not been repaid, Wei Xiaobei of that Little Fairy hand that to the berry extends does not have the favorable impression! 这件事情显现出,卫小北的善意没有得到回报,那小妖精卫小北伸出的浆果之手并不抱有好感! arrived at this time, Wei Xiaobei suddenly discovered. Before had not promoted the charm focused attribute, seems a small mistake. 到了这时,卫小北突然发现。之前没有将魅力主属性提升上去,似乎是一个小小的错误。 Naturally, regarding Wei Xiaobei, this point is small, is very easy to correct. 当然,对于卫小北而言,这一点小错误,是很容易纠正过来的。 Wei Xiaobei approaches toward that clump of bushes slowly. 卫小北朝着那丛灌木缓慢靠近。 Regarding nearness of Wei Xiaobei, that Little Fairy appears somewhat anxious, with language that Wei Xiaobei never hears, seems machine gun same duo open-mouthed speech. 对于卫小北的靠近,那小妖精显得有些焦虑,用一种卫小北从未听闻的语言,好似机关枪一样的哆哆哆的说着话。 To be honest, this Little Fairy sound was too small, must paste the ear to hear, if not the Wei Xiaobei hearing is outstanding enough, perhaps beyond more than 20 meters, is from the start impossible to hear slightly the sound. 说实话,这小妖精的声音太小了,或许要贴着耳朵才能够听见,如果不是卫小北的听力足够出众的话,恐怕在20多米外,压根就不可能听见丝毫声响。 From pulling closer to more than ten meters. 距离拉近到十多米。 That Little Fairy sound has increased, appears very soaring, the expression from face as well as wields the hand signal that to see that this Little Fairy does not like nearness of Wei Xiaobei, perhaps is warning itself. 小妖精的声音变大了很多,显得很高昂,从脸上的表情以及挥动的手势可以看出,这小妖精丝毫不喜欢卫小北的靠近,或许是在警告自己。 Good, once again appears the light red light on that Little Fairy that flash, a Wei Xiaobei attribute investigation loses on arrived Little Fairy. 好吧,就在那小妖精身上再度显现出淡淡红光的那一瞬间,卫小北一个属性探查就丢到了小妖精身上。 After that Wei Xiaobei realized that own foot kicked on a stone, if were not balance is extremely good, perhaps directly threw down 其后卫小北就察觉到自己的脚踢在了一块石头上,如果不是平衡性极好的话,恐怕就直接摔倒了 Name: Keith Honey 姓名:凯斯蜜 Race: Little Fairy 种族:小妖精 Sex: Does not have 性别:无 Age: 42 years old 年龄:42岁 Creature Rank: 2 star elite 生物等级:2星精英 Attribute:(??) 属性:(??) ( Shield) (屏蔽) Skill: The flight, makes the ratafia, makes jam. 技能:飞行,制作果酒,制作果酱。 Special Ability: The inborn trick( kind of magic arts, can make slight magic arts effect), inborn lucky( as a result of the love of Northern European Gods, Fairy forever has lucky asylum, any injury to Fairy, will be cursed by misfortune, obtains the Fairy friendship, will obtain lucky blessing), inborn real it eye( the Fairy line of sight can be disillusioned any illusion) 特殊能力:天生戏法(类法术,能够制造轻微的法术效果),天生幸运(由于北欧诸神的宠爱,妖精们永远拥有幸运的庇护,任何对妖精的伤害,都将会受到厄运的诅咒,获得妖精的友谊,将会获得幸运的祝福),天生真实之眼(妖精视线可以破灭任何幻觉) Evolution Points: x( is unable accumulation Evolution Points) 进化点:x(无法积累进化点 Items on hand: Does not have 持有物:无 Your younger sister! 你妹! After seeing this Little Fairy attribute list, Wei Xiaobei cannot help but criticizes one, this what attribute? 当看到这小妖精的属性表后,卫小北不由得暗骂一声,这都什么属性啊? This Little Fairy Creature Rank is 2 star elites, but Wei Xiaobei can also feel, its true effective strength closed right up against lived the trick on that day, many 1-Star elites at the most, compared with normal human in some. 小妖精生物等级为2星精英,但卫小北也能够感受到,其真正的战斗实力靠着那天生戏法,最多一星精英顶天了,也就是比正常人类强上一些。 But its Special Ability was too abnormal. 但其特殊能力就太变态了。 That inborn trick did not say that also can only play some practical jokes probably, seems bird excrement that the beforehand space falls, stone that or will trip a moment ago almost. 那个天生戏法就不说了,大概也就只能搞一些恶作剧,就好似之前天上掉下来的鸟粪,或者刚才差点将自己绊倒的石头。 But that inborn lucky and inborn real eye somewhat was abnormal. 但那个天生幸运和天生真实之眼就有些变态了。 That inborn lucky introduced its effect very much explicitly. 那个天生幸运很明确介绍了其效果。 Everything injures them, will be cursed, but will obtain their friendship to be lucky. 凡是伤害它们,就会受到诅咒,而获得它们的友谊则会幸运。 And Wei Xiaobei also saw a point from its introduction, that was here should be Dust World of Northern European boundary. 并且卫小北还从其介绍里看出了一点,那就是这里应该是北欧地界的灰界了。 So is no wonder cold. 难怪这么寒冷。 But great tree that enters the clouds high, perhaps was Yggdrasil in Norse mythology. 而那棵高入云霄的巨树,恐怕就是北欧神话里的世界树了。 In the Norse mythology, this great tree has picked up the entire world, its tree root crown is connecting three world levels separately. 在北欧神话里,这棵巨树托起了整个世界,它的树根树冠分别连接着三个世界层面。 Atha god territory, is called Asger, for Atha Lord Odin's inhabited area, its subordinates Gods also lives in this. 阿萨神域,又被称为阿斯格特,为阿萨主神奥丁的居住地,其麾下诸神也居住于此。 Warner Heym, the inhabited area of Warner god clan, the god of Niaoer virtue sea lives in this. 华纳海姆,华纳神族的居住地,海洋之神尼奥尔德居住于此。 Jarhl Heym, the country of site Elf[elves], it is said that they have the formidable supernatural power, the body is bigger than humanity, is specially beautiful, but they are not Little Fairy. 亚尔夫海姆,精灵之国所在地,据说他们拥有强大的法力,身材比人类高大,特别美丽,但他们并不是小妖精 Above three places are located in the Yggdrasil top layer , is the crown is connected. 其上三个地方位于世界树的顶层,也就是与树冠相连。 The under is the Sino-Turkey world of human housing, is called the quadrangle. 其下则是人类居住的中土世界,也被称为中庭。 Approximately Heym, the country of Giant. 约顿海姆,巨人之国。 Watt Alheim, the country of dwarf. 瓦特阿尔海姆,侏儒之国。 These three places are located in middle level Yggdrasil, is the position between bough and tree root. 这三个地方位于世界树中层,也就是树干与树根之间的位置。 But tree root is Heym ghostdom, the god of death state, only then the ghost can arrive. 树根则是海姆冥界,死神的国度,只有亡魂才能够抵达。 Fohlheim, the country of fog, occupies one to take destroying the world as the poisonous dragon of own duty Hogue, it is said treats to it cuts by biting Yggdrasil tree root, then Gods dusk arrives, entire world destruction. 尼福尔海姆,雾之国,居住一条以毁灭世界为己任的毒龙“尼德霍格”,据说待到其将世界树树根咬断,那么诸神黄昏就降临,整个世界毁灭。 Muse Bellheim, the country of fire, the fire Giant Turle's kingdom, it is said when Gods dusk, this fire Giant will launch the attack to Odin Gods. 穆斯贝尔海姆,火之国,火巨人史尔特尔的王国,据说在诸神黄昏时,这位火巨人就会对奥丁诸神发动攻击。 The idle talk said somewhat far. 废话说得有些远了。 Lived luckily besides that day, the inborn real vision was also quite fierce. 除了那天生幸运之外,天生真实视觉也是相当厉害了。 Wei Xiaobei also knows that in Dust World, has Monster of strange ability to be many. 卫小北也知道,在灰界里,拥有诡异能力的怪物并不少。 With oneself, in green lake has seen that Thousand-eyed Monster, is one can operate the illusion absolutely formidable Monster. 就拿自己在翠湖见过的那头千眼怪而言,绝对就是一头能够操纵幻觉的强大怪物 But if such Monster meets Little Fairy, must but actually big mildew. 但那样的怪物如果遇到小妖精的话,恐怕就要倒大霉了。 However now, must have bad luck as if turned into itself. 不过现在,要倒霉的似乎变成了自己。 That Little Fairy after the attribute investigation of Wei Xiaobei, on the fair small face was crimson, from its appearance of clenching jaws, perhaps Wei Xiaobei having a mortal hatred. 那头小妖精在中了卫小北的属性探查之后,白皙的小脸上已经绯红,从其咬牙切齿的模样来看,恐怕将卫小北给恨死了。 Conversion is everyone will not want on an attribute to investigate, enjoys that type to show from the innermost soul is not comfortable. 换成是谁都不会愿意中上一个属性探查,去享受那种从灵魂深处透出的不自在。 Wei Xiaobei looked at Attribute Panel rapidly, fortunately, as if have not cursed, wants to come is also, that attribute investigation should not be the injury. 卫小北迅速看了看属性面板,还好,似乎自己没有中诅咒,想来也是,那属性探查应该算不上伤害的。 But Wei Xiaobei is not willing this Little Fairy bleeding off, was only its inborn real vision greatly uses on the tube. 卫小北可不愿意将这头小妖精给放走了,光是其天生真实视觉就管大用了。 First held said again! 先抓住再说! Wei Xiaobei at heart one horizontal, overran toward that Little Fairy, at the same time drinks one lightly: Intimidate!” The vision locks that Little Fairy. 卫小北心里一横,就朝着那头小妖精冲了过去,与此同时轻喝一声:“震慑!”目光锁定那小妖精 After Wei Xiaobei drinks this, a power and influence spreads from Wei Xiaobei, has covered toward that Little Fairy. 就在卫小北喝出这声之后,一股威势就从卫小北身上扩散而出,朝着那小妖精笼罩了过去。 That Little Fairy also some gods, but the next quarter is to go all out to fan the wing to turn around to run away. 小妖精也有些愣神,但下一刻则是拼命扇动翅膀转身就逃。 The power and influence propagation rate that but law Intimidate forms is extremely fast, in an instant then covers that Little Fairy in inside. 但律令震慑所形成的威势扩散速度极快,转眼之间便将那小妖精笼罩在里面。 Instantaneous, a Sturdiness stiffness of Little Fairy, on the face appears to dread the look, the next quarter, the wing does not fan, , falls toward the ground. 瞬间,小妖精身体一阵僵硬,脸上显现出畏惧神色,下一刻,翅膀也不扇动了,噗一声,就朝着地面掉落下去。 Wei Xiaobei threw before the shrubbery at this time, the right hand stretches out fishes, then grasped it in the hand. 卫小北此时已经扑到灌木丛前,右手伸出一捞,便将其抓在了手里。 However, Wei Xiaobei made an effort lightly, for fear that is not careful it very much to the crumb, fortunately, although the Muscle attribute has promoted, but with skill Energetic this ability, Wei Xiaobei was very good dominate lived in Strength. 不过,卫小北用力很轻,生怕一个不小心将其给捏碎了,还好,虽说自己肌肉属性提升了很多,但凭着身手矫健这个能力,卫小北还是很好的控制住了力度 In the hand does not have any sound, some Wei Xiaobei bucket of heartache arrived this Little Fairy, the right hand control to spread out, that Little Fairy is lying in own control, the whole body shivers, saw that Wei Xiaobei that eye is staring at itself, mouth low voice was calling: Ma, Caba, Skkie.”( To be continued.) 手里没有任何动静,卫小北有些担心伤到了小妖精,右手手心摊开,那小妖精正趴在自己手心里,浑身颤抖,见到卫小北那双眼睛盯着自己,嘴里小声的叫着:“玛卡,卡巴,斯基。”(未完待续。)
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