CSG :: Volume #40

#3936: Skyscraping World great formation

Is looking at the float in the front, is the without owner condition Sword Dao seed, these Immortal Venerable unexpectedly no one happy getting up. 望着漂浮在前方,已经是无主状态的剑道种子,这些仙尊竟然没有一个人高兴的起来。 Matter develops now, no one has cared about the Sword Dao seed, before Jian Chen exposes Supreme Divine Item, the Sword Dao seed indeed is the maximum attraction, is one can cause their all people for the treasure that it competes. 事情发展到现在,已经没人去关心剑道种子了,在剑尘暴露至尊神器之前,剑道种子的确是最大的吸引力,是一个能引起他们所有人为之争夺的宝物。 Even most of them, enter Skyscraping World for the Sword Dao seed specially. 甚至他们当中的绝大多数人,都是为了剑道种子才专程进入摩天界 However now, only has Supreme Divine Item in this crowd of Immortal Venerable mind! 但是现在,在这群仙尊的心目中只有至尊神器 Oh, will soon succeed shortly, finally finally falls short, now not only did not find Yang Yutian easily, even if found, for a long time still enough he displays that might astonishing terrifying great formation again......” “唉,眼看即将成功,结果最终还是功亏一篑,现在不仅不容易找到羊羽天,就算找到了,那么长时间也足够他再一次施展那威力惊人的恐怖大阵......” Blames the day to lack the real person and heretical ways, that Vice Cult Lord that but also the has ghost immortal teaches, if not their three people, Yang Yutian is impossible to escape......” “都怪天缺真人和左道,还有鬼仙教的那位副教主,如果不是他们三人,羊羽天也不可能逃掉......” Day lacks the real person not to know that what's the matter, then obviously is hostile toward Yang Yutian, finally at crucial moments also helps him in turn......” “天缺真人也不知道怎么回事,明明那么仇视羊羽天,结果在关键时刻还反过来帮助他......” Dozens Immortal Venerable collections here, resent, used that big effort, finally is actually such a result, this makes everyone not happy. 数十名仙尊汇集在这里,一个个都愤恨不已,费了那么大的劲,最终却是这样一种结果,这让所有人都高兴不起来。 Because of the present, they do not dare to search for Yang Yutian alone, no one can survive under that great formation, was better than Profound Spirit Monarch falls/dies. 因为现在,他们已经不敢单独去搜寻羊羽天了,没有人能在那种大阵下存活下来,强如玄灵上人陨落了。 Does not disperse the search, depending on the Yang Yutian concealment ability, who in Skyscraping World can seek him? 可不分散搜寻,凭羊羽天的隐匿能力,摩天界内又有谁能寻到他? At this moment, radiant sword light sparkles from the Skyscraping World upper air together, all Immortal Venerable that the appearance of this sword light, made lifted the head. 就在这时,一道璀璨的剑光摩天界的高空中闪耀而起,这道剑光的出现,令的所有仙尊纷纷抬起了头。 Skyscraping World has to ban the spatial limit, any powerhouse is unable to fly the upper air, but at this moment, that said the position that sword light presents is the altitude that everyone is unable to touch. 摩天界有禁空的限制,任何强者都无法飞上高空,可此刻,那道剑光出现的位置是一个所有人都无法触及的高度。 That altitude, in Skyscraping World is the absolute forbidden area, is cracked down by strength of great formation! 那个高度,在摩天界内是绝对的禁区,受到大阵之力的镇压! Finally now, that together sword light of upper air unexpectedly slightly unimpeded, passed over gently and swiftly the forbidden area that directly formation prohibited, falls rapidly from the upper air. 结果现在,高空的那一道剑光竟然丝毫无阻,直接掠过了阵法封禁的禁区,从高空急速坠下。 Is Heavenly Star Palace Xing Caijian!” Had Immortal Venerable to recognize that say/way wonderful graceful physique in sword light, sent out to call out in alarm. “是天星宫星彩间!”有仙尊认出了剑光中的那道妙曼身姿,发出惊呼。 At this moment, many Immortal Venerable vision collect on dropping from the clouds Xing Caijian, expression is complex. 这一刻,许多仙尊的目光纷纷汇集在从天而降的星彩间身上,神色复杂。 All of them saw, Xing Caijian had knowledge of Skyscraping World certain secrets, can core region that goes to some bystanders unable to involve. 他们所有人都看出,星彩间掌握了摩天界的某些秘密,能去一些外人无法涉及的核心区域。 In a moment, Xing Caijian then falls on the ground, she embraces ancient sword, whole body sword light restraining, appears nearby the Sword Dao seed directly. 片刻间,星彩间便落在地上,她怀抱古剑,周身剑光收敛,直接出现在剑道种子跟前。 The Sword Dao seed has not run away, does not know that is the strength consumption completely, because does not conflict Xing Caijian. 剑道种子并没有逃窜,也不知是力量消耗殆尽,还是因为并不抵触星彩间 Yang Yutian? Can Senior have to see him?” Temporary stay of Xing Caijian vision on the Sword Dao seed, glance all around numerous Immortal Venerable, the tone is then neither arrogant nor servile. 羊羽天呢?诸位前辈可有看见他?”星彩间目光在剑道种子上短暂停留,便扫视四周的众多仙尊,语气不卑不亢。 Reason that Xing Caijian Princess, you before to the Yang Yutian special accommodation, induced to Yang Yutian on probably have Supreme Divine Item, Xing Caijian was Princess also interested in that Supreme Divine Item?” A Immortal Venerable Realm 2-layer Old Ancestor sinking sound opens the mouth. 星彩间公主,你之前之所以对羊羽天特殊照顾,大概是感应到羊羽天身上有至尊神器吧,星彩间公主也对那件至尊神器感兴趣?”一名仙尊境二重天老祖沉声开口。 hearing that, Xing Caijian complexion changes, has realized Jian Chen Supreme Divine Item exposition. 闻言,星彩间脸色微变,已经意识到剑尘身上的至尊神器暴露了。 At this moment, the rickets form appears in front of Xing Caijian together, the ghost immortal teaches the Vice Cult Lord blue colorful butterfly. 就在这时,一道佝偻的身影出现在星彩间面前,正是鬼仙教副教主蓝彩蝶。 Because used the strength of ghost immortal remains some time ago, therefore blue colorful butterfly at this moment looks very weak, complexion pale like paper, standing in the there entire body is trembling, appearance that must tumble momentarily. 由于不久前才动用了鬼仙遗骸之力,因此此刻的蓝彩蝶看上去非常虚弱,脸色苍白如纸,站在那里整个身躯都是颤颤巍巍,一副随时都要跌倒的模样。 Blue colorful butterfly has seen Princess your highness, Princess your highness, you may be come out.” The blue colorful butterfly is holding the fist in the other hand to salute to Xing Caijian, the weak tone filled excitedly, the appearance of Xing Caijian, seemed makes her seek the liberator to be the same, was full of the hope. “蓝彩蝶见过公主殿下,公主殿下,你可算是出来了。”蓝彩蝶对着星彩间抱拳行礼,虚弱的语气充满了激动,星彩间的出现,就仿佛是让她寻到了救星一般,充满了希望。 Ghost immortal teaches Vice Cult Lord, you also dare to appear unexpectedly here, your again and again opposes with our so many influences, did not fear that the ghost immortal teaches to annoy the total destruction to you!” The appearance of blue colorful butterfly, makes many Immortal Venerable fly into a rage immediately. “鬼仙教副教主,你竟然还敢出现在这里,你三番四次的与我们这么多势力作对,就不怕给你们鬼仙教惹来灭顶之灾吗!”蓝彩蝶的出现,顿时让不少仙尊勃然大怒。 In order to rescue Jian Chen, the blue colorful butterfly can say the field in almost all people gives to offend. 为了救剑尘,蓝彩蝶可以说将场中几乎所有人都给得罪了。 What happened?” Xing Caijian is frowning to stare at the blue colorful butterfly. “发生了什么事?”星彩间皱着眉头盯着蓝彩蝶。 Princess your highness, Fellow Daoist Yang Yutian is in danger, Immortal Venerable Realm late-stage powerhouse is coping with him.” The blue colorful butterfly said immediately, she is not caring about Jian Chen, but from Xing Caijian there learned Chaotic Star Heavenly Emperor regards as important Jian Chen extremely, the ghost immortal teaches to receive favors in Chaotic Star Heavenly Emperor, because of that relations of Chaotic Star Heavenly Emperor, therefore the blue colorful butterfly naturally does not hope that Jian Chen has an accident. 公主殿下,羊羽天道友遇险,有一位仙尊境后期强者在对付他。”蓝彩蝶立即说道,她并不是在关心剑尘,而是从星彩间那里得知乱星天帝极其看重剑尘,鬼仙教受恩于乱星天帝,因为乱星天帝的那一层关系,所以蓝彩蝶自然不希望剑尘出事。 What did you say? In Skyscraping World has Immortal Venerable Realm late-stage?” hearing that, Xing Caijian complexion changes, the first response cannot believe that because this grade of powerhouse is almost impossible to enter Skyscraping World personally, in Skyscraping World cannot attract their treasures. “你说什么?摩天界内有一位仙尊境后期?”闻言,星彩间面色一变,第一反应就是不敢相信,因为这等强者几乎不可能亲自进入摩天界,摩天界内没有能吸引他们的宝物。 Blue colorful butterfly, you are also the ghost immortal teach one of the Vice Cult Lord, the status is not low, how to speak now does not bring the brain? In Skyscraping World presented Immortal Venerable Realm late-stage? Ha Ha Ha Ha, does anyone of you believe?” “蓝彩蝶,你好歹也是鬼仙教副教主之一,身份不低,怎么现在说话这么不带脑子?摩天界内出现了仙尊境后期哈哈哈哈,你们有谁会相信?” Immortal Venerable Realm late-stage? This keeping aloof great person how bored runs up to this?” 仙尊境后期?这种高高在上的大人物又怎么会无聊的跑到这里面来?” Yes, had not discovered that Congealed Void Swordmaster hasn't come in? Because in Skyscraping World cannot attract their good fortunes, even the lords of these medicine gardens, are dispatch subordinate disciple to enter, will not waste the own time......” “是啊,没发现凝虚剑主都没有进来吗?因为摩天界内没有能吸引他们的造化,就算是那些药园之主,都是派遣麾下的弟子进入,不会浪费自己的时间......” The words of blue colorful butterfly, not only makes Xing Caijian question, these Immortal Venerable do not have one to believe that Immortal Venerable Realm late-stage, even if places in some top large clans, is suppresses a clan destiny supreme characters, will not easily appear. 蓝彩蝶的话,不仅让星彩间质疑,就连那些仙尊们同样没一个相信,仙尊境后期,哪怕是放在一些顶尖大族中,都是镇压一族气运的无上人物,不会轻易出现。 Blue Vice Cult Lord, how you proved words that you spoke real?” Xing Caijian flashing eyes is staring at the blue colorful butterfly. “蓝副教主,你如何证明你说的话是真的?”星彩间目光炯炯的盯着蓝彩蝶。 Old body is unable to show, because the old body also has not seen that powerhouse, but the Yang Yutian little friend said to the old body, this matter obtained the confirmation of Item Spirit.” Blue colorful butterfly bitter and astringent say/way. “老身无法证明,因为就连老身同样没有见过那位强者,可羊羽天小友对老身说,此事得到了器灵的确认。”蓝彩蝶苦涩道。 Behind, the heretical ways and day lack the real person to appear, body aura is some disorder, looks quite distressed. 后方,左道和天缺真人出现,身上气息皆是有些紊乱,看上去颇为狼狈。 They also hear the words that the blue colorful butterfly spoke, in the eye reveals look of shock, similarly feels unbelievable. 他们也听到了蓝彩蝶所说的话,眼中纷纷露出震惊之色,同样感到难以置信。 Immortal Venerable Realm late-stage? Why so does the character want to hide the identity to enter Skyscraping World?” The day lacks the real person to talk to oneself, enters the Skyscraping World more than 300 people to reappear in his brain in abundance, conducts the careful analysis to each face. 仙尊境后期?如此人物为何要隐瞒身份进入摩天界?”天缺真人自语,进入摩天界的三百余人纷纷在他脑中浮现,对每一个面庞进行细致的分析。 Opposite, Xing Caijian complexion becomes incomparably dignified, suddenly, she ancient sword back in bosom in behind, then holds their palms together, displays secret skill. 对面,星彩间脸色变得无比凝重,猛然间,她将怀中的古剑背在身后,而后双手合十,施展秘法 The next quarter, sees unique aura to fill the air from her on, integrating this side was void, floods in this stretch of the world. 下一刻,就见一股独特的气息自她身上弥漫而出,融入了这方虚空,充斥于这片天地。 Sees the Skyscraping World ray instantaneously becomes dim, as if sunset Xishan, the night falls, in this dim void, the bright and radiant stars appears in the upper air , one after another, just like all over the sky the stars, has numerous number. 紧接着,就见摩天界的光线瞬间变得昏暗起来,仿佛日落西山,夜幕降临,在这片昏暗的虚空中,有一颗颗明亮而璀璨的星辰浮现在高空,一片又一片,一群又一群,就犹如满天繁星,多不胜数。 At this moment, the Skyscraping World day, as if changed to vast universe starry sky, fills a fearful pressure that made the person palpitation. 这一刻,摩天界的天,就仿佛是化作了一片浩瀚的宇宙星空,弥漫出一股令人心悸的可怕威压。 „Is this... one of the Skyscraping World top great formation?” “这是...摩天界的顶级大阵之一?” Should not be Heavenly Star Palace that name will shake World of Immortals unsurpassed great formation, the galaxy one? It is said Skyscraping World protection formation, Chaotic Star Heavenly Emperor also once participated personally.” “该不会是天星宫那座名震仙界的无上大阵,星河一界吧?据说摩天界守护阵法,乱星天帝也曾亲自参与。” " Not necessarily is the galaxy one, but absolutely is the same level top great formation, stems from the hand of Chaotic Star Heavenly Emperor. ” "不一定就是星河一界,但绝对是同级的顶级大阵,出自乱星天帝之手。” Looked had been changing color Cang Qiong (vault of heaven), in the field many Immortal Venerable in abundance expression big change. 望着已经改变了颜色的苍穹,场中许多仙尊纷纷神色大变 They had seen that this protects one of the Skyscraping World top great formation, but they have not thought that Xing Caijian the Immortal Emperor Realm strength, can draw support from these formation unexpectedly. 他们已经看出这正是守护摩天界的顶级大阵之一,但他们万万没有想到星彩间才不过仙帝境的实力,竟然就能借助这些阵法了。 dengbidmxswqqxswyifan dengbidmxswqqxswyifan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan xs007zhuikereadw23zw xs007zhuikereadw23zw
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