CSG :: Volume #40

#3935: Is bogged down in difficulties

In that flash, Jian Chen felt that own had completely lost the control to the body, even could not have detected existence of own flesh body. 在那一瞬间,剑尘感觉自己已经完全失去了对身体的控制,甚至已经察觉不到自己肉身的存在了。 By the clear muddy Old Ancestor Immortal Venerable Realm 7-layer strength, even if only common strikes has the destroying the heavens, extinguishing the earth might, let alone is used to cope with Immortal Emperor, even if can achieve to Immortal Venerable Realm initial-stage strikes to kill. 以清浊老祖仙尊境七重天的实力,哪怕只是寻常的一击都具备毁天灭地的威力,别说是用来对付一位仙帝,即便是对一些仙尊境初期都能做到一击必杀。 At this moment what let alone he displays is a might extremely astonishing secret technique, the terrifying of its might, almost in flash then Jian Chen's Chaos Body destroying. 更何况他此刻施展的还是一种威力极其惊人的秘术,其威力之恐怖,几乎是在一瞬间便将剑尘的混沌之体给摧毁。 However the next quarter, the injury on Jian Chen flesh body then stopped the destruction, the Source of Life strength in walked randomly the whole body quietly, moistened the Jian Chen's every inchs flesh, that contains the boundless life force / vitality cure ability place visited, Jian Chen injury immediately by speed that might be called the terrifying was repaired. 然而下一刻,剑尘肉身上的伤势便停止了破坏,生命之源的力量在悄然间游走全身,滋润剑尘的每一寸血肉,那蕴含着磅礴生机的治愈能力所过之处,剑尘身上的伤势立即以一种堪称恐怖的速度被修复。 The rib of break becomes complete, changes to the blood mud the flesh to recover from injuries, the big or small meridians produce completely. 断裂的肋骨重新变得完好,化作血泥的血肉在重新长合,大小经脉全部重新生成。 This is clear muddy Old Ancestor Principle is disputing with Source of Life Principle, a destruction, a restoration. 这是清浊老祖法则在与生命之源法则进行较量,一个破坏,一个恢复。 Finally is very obvious, in this contest clear muddy Old Ancestor is at a disadvantage, he then restores to the injury that Jian Chen brings in a flash such as beginning. 结果很显然,这一次较量中清浊老祖处于下风,他给剑尘带来的伤势转瞬便恢复如初。 The clear muddy Old Ancestor pupil shrinks slightly, the eyeground deep place reveals wipes the unbelievable color. 清浊老祖瞳孔微微一缩,眼底深处露出一抹难以置信之色。 The injury that because Jian Chen shows at this moment restores speed, unexpectedly compared with before undergoing dozens Immortal Venerable besieges even more powerful many. 因为剑尘此刻展现出的伤势恢复速度,竟然比之前在经受数十名仙尊围攻时还要强大许多。 Was he used to restore the injury that strength is not the quick consumption completely? 他用来恢复伤势的那股力量不是快消耗殆尽了吗? This not only does not have the consumption completely, instead a vaster boundless momentum? 这怎么非但没有消耗殆尽,反而还有一种更加浩瀚磅礴的势头? This resiliency is it possible that is Huan Zhen's (really) inexhaustible? Is impossible, does not have any strength can never dry up.” Clear muddy Old Ancestor steels one's heart, he does not have to hesitate slightly, acts again, similarly is the Principle attack, similarly is uses the might astonishing secret technique to hit to Jian Chen, the strength of that terrifying penetrated Heaven Escape Divine Armor, destroys Jian Chen's flesh body. “这股恢复力莫非还真的无穷无尽?不可能,没有任何力量能永不枯竭。”清浊老祖心一横,他没有丝毫迟疑,再次出手,同样是法则攻击,同样是施展威力惊人的秘术打向剑尘,那恐怖的力量穿透了遁天神甲,摧毁剑尘的肉身 Immediately, Jian Chen's flesh body is seriously battered again, was better than 7-layer the strength of Principle to give to destroy, but was then given the restore by Source of Life. 顿时,剑尘的肉身再次遭受重创,被强如七重天法则之力给摧毁,但紧接着便被生命之源给修复。 Clear muddy Old Ancestor flashing eyes is staring at Jian Chen, as if must pierce Heaven Escape Divine Armor, peeps at the Jian Chen body within the body secret directly. 清浊老祖目光炯炯的盯着剑尘,仿佛要洞穿遁天神甲,直接窥视剑尘体内的秘密。 „...... Suddenly, clear muddy Old Ancestor as if discovered anything so that's how it is, the corners of the mouth reveal wipe the light smile, dopes in also one great happiness that is hard to be depressing. “原来如此......”猛然间,清浊老祖似乎发现了什么,嘴角露出一抹淡淡的笑容,掺杂在其中的还有一股难以压抑的巨大喜悦。 He has not completely understood the Jian Chen's actual situation, however under so the short distance, he indistinct feeling is Jian Chen healing the strength of that life, actually in a situation of what kind level. 他没有看透剑尘的虚实,但是在如此近距离之下,他已经隐约的感受到为剑尘疗伤的那股生命之力,究竟处于一种何种层次的地步。 Never expected that on you that Supreme Divine Item, unexpectedly is healing supreme treasure!” The clear muddy Old Ancestor mood is excellent, says trip has not been made in vain, if so supreme treasure uses on him, he was unable to imagine will bring how huge help to own. “没想到你身上的那件至尊神器,竟然是一件疗伤至宝!”清浊老祖心情大好,直呼不虚此行,若是如此至宝用在他身上,他已经无法想象会给自己带来多么巨大的帮助。 This promotion perhaps is not the battle strength aspect, but he, if had the body of not dying, even if he does not fear facing Immortal Venerable Realm 8-layer powerhouse, even can the consuming dead opposite party forcefully. 这种提升或许不是战力方面,可他倘若是拥有了不死之身,那纵然是面对仙尊境八重天强者他也丝毫不惧,甚至能硬生生的耗死对方。 Let alone is 8-layer, even if 9-layer also has nothing to fear it? 别说是八重天,哪怕是九重天又有何惧之? This treasure, how regardless of must obtain.” The clear muddy Old Ancestor look all of a sudden becomes incomparably firm, making a move speed becomes exceptionally crazily is suddenly fierce, Grand Dao Principle condensation of one after another Immortal Venerable Realm late-stage, brings hitting that the destructive attack is keeping on Jian Chen. “此宝,无论如何也要得到。”清浊老祖的眼神一下子变得无比坚定,出手的速度骤然变得异常狂猛起来,仙尊境后期大道法则一道又一道的凝聚,带着毁灭性攻击不停的打在剑尘身上。 Just when started, he intended also to restrain, does not dare the Principle aura leak of own, for fear that by Immortal Venerable that behind caught up with detecting. 刚开始时,他出手还有所收敛,不敢将自己法则气息外泄,生怕被后面赶上的仙尊给察觉到。 His goal, is silently Supreme Divine Item gives to win, does not make anybody detect. 他的目的,是要无声无息的将至尊神器给夺走,不让任何人察觉。 But when discovering the Source of Life ability, clear muddy Old Ancestor has been hard to maintain the initial calmness, the heart of that calm and composed is the fierce beat that cannot bear, Principle that could not have attended to hiding own makes a move to initiate to fluctuate. 但在发现了生命之源的能力后,清浊老祖已经难以保持最初的冷静,那颗古井无波的心都是忍不住的剧烈跳动,已经顾不上去隐藏自己出手时引发的法则波动了。 So long as wounds your speed to surpass your restoration speed, that can true writes off you.” Clear muddy Old Ancestor looks to the Jian Chen's vision gradually the burning hot, he is Immortal Venerable Realm 7-layer powerhouse, the damage that his each attack causes is not these Immortal Venerable Realm initial-stage can compare, often the need huge life energy may restore, he does not believe Jian Chen to insist in his hands. “只要击伤你的速度能超过你的恢复速度,那就能真正的把你抹杀。”清浊老祖看向剑尘的目光逐渐炙热,他是仙尊境七重天强者,他的每一次攻击所造成的伤害都远不是那些仙尊境初期所能比拟的,往往需要更加庞大的生命能量才可去修复,他就不信剑尘能在他手中一直坚持下去。 After several breath, rear Immortal Venerable will soon pursue, a clear muddy Old Ancestor palm finds out, has a great strength of imprisoned world stubbornly, then another hand that the Jian Chen entire body presses in void wipes gently, as Grand Dao Principle has swept gently, residual below all traces and aura will obliterate completely. 数个呼吸后,后方的仙尊即将追了上来,清浊老祖一掌探出,带着一股禁锢天地的伟岸力量将剑尘整个身躯压的死死的,然后另一只手在虚空轻轻一抹,随着大道法则轻轻扫过,将残留下的所有痕迹与气息全部磨灭。 Although is unable to achieve under the hastiness traceless, but below Immortal Venerable Realm 5-layer is not easy to discover.” Clear muddy Old Ancestor not slow saying, then does not raise the Jian Chen's shoulder to vanish in the distant place anxiously instantaneously. “虽然在仓促之下无法做到毫无痕迹,但仙尊境五重天以下也不是那么容易发现。”清浊老祖不急不慢的说道,然后一手提着剑尘的肩膀瞬间消失在远方。 In Skyscraping World, clear muddy Old Ancestor was suppressed by formation similarly, but as powerhouse that reaches to the Immortal Venerable Realm 7-layer peak, here does not have Immortal Venerable Realm initial-stage and middle-stage to the suppression that he creates is so big. 摩天界内,清浊老祖同样受到阵法的压制,但作为一名臻至仙尊境七重天巅峰的强者,这里对他所造成的压制没有仙尊境初期中期那么大。 Seeing only his speed is quick, one step steps forward then appears beyond several thousand li (0.5 km), for several times takes a step, he then raises Jian Chen to shift inside and outside the region to several tens of thousands, Immortal Venerable that rear area will have pursued casts off by far. 只见他速度非常快,一步跨出便出现在数千里之外,接连几次迈步,他便提着剑尘转移到数万里外的区域,已经将后方追击的仙尊远远甩开。 After stopping, he uses Grand Dao Principle to form the fearful attack to continue again to hit to Jian Chen. 停下来后,他再次动用大道法则形成可怕的攻击继续打向剑尘 Meanwhile, his another hand starts to pinch seal to decide, displays mysterious secret skill again, then presses suddenly in the Jian Chen's heart position. 与此同时,他另一只手开始掐动印决,再次施展玄妙秘法,而后猛然按在剑尘的心脏位置。 Bang! Jian Chen just restored complete heart to blast open the smashing all of a sudden, contained as if receives some suction to result in inside rich life force / vitality, was separated from Jian Chen's flesh body unexpectedly, penetrated impediment of Heaven Escape Divine Armor to collect in the clear muddy Old Ancestor fingertip. 轰!剑尘刚刚才恢复完好的心脏一下子炸裂成粉碎,蕴藏在里面的浓郁生机就仿佛是受到了某种吸力似得,竟然脱离了剑尘的肉身,透过了遁天神甲的阻挡在清浊老祖手指尖汇集。 This is the Source of Life strength, the level is extremely high, when that rich life aura fills the air, sees in all around this bleak region grow like a weed a green rug, the large expanse of large expanse of plant starts to grow crazily, suddenly turned into the vast expanse of water oasis. 这是生命之源的力量,层次极高,当那股浓郁的生命气息弥漫时,就见四周这片荒凉地带迅速蔓延上一层绿色的地毯,成片成片植物开始疯狂生长,眨眼间就变成了一片汪洋绿洲。 Is looking the group of green energies of collecting in the fingertip, the clear muddy Old Ancestor corners of the mouth showed the satisfactory smile, then without hesitation integrates to defend in soul Old Ancestor flesh body this group of life energies. 望着汇集在指尖的这一团绿色能量,清浊老祖嘴角露出了满意的笑容,而后毫不犹豫的将这一团生命能量融入到守魂老祖肉身中。 Defends soul Old Ancestor flesh body is not a intact state, All Heavens Divine Formation that before received affected, offered sacrifices own Primordial Spirit clear muddy Old Ancestor to receive and instruct to come, created some heavy injuries to his flesh body. 守魂老祖肉身并非完好状态,无论是之前受到的诸天神阵波及,还是献祭自己元神将清浊老祖接引而来,都对他肉身造成了一些不轻的伤势。 At this moment, when this group of life energies integrate its flesh body, defends soul Old Ancestor flesh body to be similar to Ku Mu to bring forth the spring, takes command clear muddy Old Ancestor as speed fast to heal that it exclaims in surprise. 此刻,当这一团生命能量融入其肉身时,守魂老祖肉身就如同枯木逢春,以一种令清浊老祖都为之惊叹的速度快速愈合 Wonderful, wonderful, was really wonderful.” Clear muddy Old Ancestor cannot bear Ha Ha laugh, his vision falls on the Sword Dao seed in Jian Chen hand, said: Has this thing to follow, hidden eventually inconveniently, leaves the following these people.” “妙,妙,实在是太妙了。”清浊老祖忍不住哈哈大笑,他目光落在剑尘手中的剑道种子上,道:“有此物跟随,终究不便隐藏,还是留给后面的那些人吧。” The clear muddy Old Ancestor direct palm hits on the Jian Chen's shoulder, the strength of powerful Principle gives to break the Jian Chen's entire arm, then does not wait for the arm to restore, clear muddy Old Ancestor is then violent shakes, the Sword Dao seed was separated from the Jian Chen's palm to drop all of a sudden is void. 清浊老祖直接一掌打在剑尘的肩膀上,强大的法则之力将剑尘的整条手臂给震碎,然后不等手臂恢复,清浊老祖便是猛烈一抖,剑道种子一下子脱离了剑尘的手掌跌落在虚空。 Did not have the Sword Dao seed, can cope with you with single-hearted devotion.” The clear muddy Old Ancestor corners of the mouth show the smile, grabs without a trace that Jian Chen vanishes all of a sudden. “没了剑道种子,可以专心对付你了。”清浊老祖嘴角露出笑容,抓着剑尘一下子消失的无影无踪。 Shortly, rear dozens Immortal Venerable looked through aura of Sword Dao seed sending out, when they discovered when falls gently in the Sword Dao seed in midair, everyone complexion simultaneously big change. 不久后,后方的数十名仙尊通过剑道种子散发的气息找了上来,当他们发现飘落在半空中的剑道种子时,所有人脸色齐齐大变 „It is not good, he discarded the Sword Dao seed to run away......” “不好,他舍弃剑道种子逃走了......” Damn, the situation of most being worried about happened, once Yang Yutian discards the Sword Dao seed to hide, to find him to be possible too to be difficult......” “该死,最担心的情况还是发生了,一旦羊羽天舍弃剑道种子藏匿起来,那要想找到他可就太难了......” dengbidmxswqqxswyifan dengbidmxswqqxswyifan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan xs007zhuikereadw23zw xs007zhuikereadw23zw
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