CSG :: Volume #40

#3931: Refining up the seed

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flesh body hardly dies, but Primordial Spirit, can actually withstand the secret technique that I use personally, this child good fortune is really astonishing.” Clear muddy Old Ancestor exudes twittering the sound, cultivation level reaches to his situation, world rarely has the divine object to enter his discernment, however at this moment, he actually cannot bear palpitated with excitement, both eyes jump project the unprecedented brilliance. 肉身几乎不死,而元神,却能承受我亲自施展的秘术,此子身上的造化果然惊人啊。”清浊老祖发出呢喃声,修为臻至他这种地步,世间已经很少有神物能入他法眼,然而此刻,他却忍不住的怦然心动了,双目都迸射出前所未有的光彩。 His injury restores is not not possible to be without limits forever, sooner or later will dry up, quickly , to continue to attack......” “他的伤势恢复不可能永无止境,迟早会枯竭的,快,继续攻击......” Everyone be not idling, everyone acts together, must in the shortest time his recovery ability consumption completely......” “大家都别闲着,所有人一起出手,务必要在最短的时间内将他的恢复能力消耗殆尽......” With angry roaring of two Immortal Venerable Realm 3-layer powerhouse, collects in nearby all Immortal Venerable simultaneously acts, the void energy ebullition, the deafening bellow is lingering on faintly, Jian Chen suffered the violent storm destruction attack again. 随着两名仙尊境三重天强者的怒吼,汇集在附近的所有仙尊齐齐出手,虚空中能量沸腾,震耳欲聋的轰鸣声不绝于耳,剑尘再一次遭受了狂风暴雨般的毁灭攻击。 Dreadful storm that this he withstands time, compared with the beforehand even more stronger fierce several times! 这一次他所承受的滔天风暴,比之前还要强烈数倍! Their goals only then one, that is exhausts Jian Chen to be used to cure the injury the strength. 他们的目的只有一个,那就是耗尽剑尘用来治愈伤势的力量。 They said right, the Jian Chen's life energy indeed is not inexhaustible, because even if Supreme Divine Item, the strength is not true inexhaustible, inexhaustible, once experienced the high-intensity fight, even if better than Supreme Divine Item, the energy will also dry up eventually. 他们说的没错,剑尘的生命能量的确不是无穷无尽,因为纵使是至尊神器,力量也并不是真正的取之不尽,用之不竭,一旦经历了高强度战斗,哪怕是强如至尊神器,能量也终究会枯竭。 But Jian Chen within the body Source of Life, is to also be at the weak condition now, is not the peak. 剑尘体内生命之源,如今也是处于虚弱状态,并不是巅峰时期。 But wrong on wrong in them did not understand that restores the Jian Chen injury the outcome is what treasure, if the common treasure, indeed cannot support this squally shower attack, but Supreme Divine Item was different. 可错就错在他们并不了解恢复剑尘伤势的究竟是什么宝物,若是寻常宝物,的确撑不住这狂风骤雨般的攻击,但至尊神器就不一样了。 Even if Source of Life now in weak time, but after all is the strength of Supreme level, the strength of this level, but divulges aura to make myriad things Su Fu, creates the vast expanse of water oasis, only in these Immortal Venerable Realm initial-stage depending on the field wants to exhaust the Source of Life strength, that indeed somewhat indulges in fantasy. 哪怕生命之源如今处于虚弱期,但毕竟是太尊层次的力量,这种层次的力量,只是泄露一点气息都能令万物苏复,缔造一片汪洋绿洲,仅凭场中这些仙尊境初期就想耗尽生命之源的力量,那的确是有些异想天开。 Jian Chen tolerates the severe pain on flesh body transmitting, the vision looks to the Sword Dao seed in hand, reveals an angry color. 剑尘强忍着肉身上传来的剧痛,目光望向手中的剑道种子,露出一丝恼怒之色。 He falls into this situation, a large part of reasons are in the hand this Sword Dao seed. 他之所以陷入这种处境,很大一部分原因都是手中这剑道种子。 The Sword Dao seed keeps him from going into hiding, the Illusion Monster Clan mask and Heaven Escape Divine Armor lost the effectiveness, only if he gives up the Sword Dao seed, otherwise Highest Beginning Temple is unable to enter. 剑道种子让他无法隐匿,幻妖族面具和遁天神甲都失去了效用,除非他放弃剑道种子,否则就连太初神殿也无法进入。 Because the Sword Dao seed and Skyscraping World great formation has the relation, under impediment of Skyscraping World great formation, is unable to integrate in any space Divine Item. 因为剑道种子与摩天界大阵有联系,在摩天界大阵的阻止下,根本无法纳入任何空间神器中。 Source of Life, my flesh body gave you.” Jian Chen made anything to decide, in the eye revealed wipes decidedly, he put on Heaven Escape Divine Armor on the body, by Heaven Escape Divine Armor resisted from attack in all directions firmly, preventing flesh body to be pierced by times, then no longer paid attention to the own flesh body injury, is withstanding the destruction attack of squally shower, while refine the Sword Dao seed. 生命之源,我的肉身交给你了。”剑尘似做出了什么决定,眼中露出一抹决然,他将遁天神甲穿在身上,以遁天神甲的坚固去抵挡来自四面八方的攻击,防止肉身被一次次洞穿,而后便不再理会自己肉身的伤势,一边承受着狂风骤雨的毁灭攻击,一边炼化剑道种子。 Only has to make the Sword Dao seed vanish, he some hopes of hiding, otherwise, even if boils last some time to wait for All Heavens Divine Formation to break open here formation, he will be surrounded quickly again. 唯有让剑道种子消失,他才有藏匿的希望,否则,就算熬上一段时间等诸天神阵破开这里的阵法,那他很快就会被再次困住。 Now in view of his is not these Immortal Venerable Realm initial-stage, meanwhile had/left Immortal Venerable Realm late-stage top powerhouse. 现在针对他的可不是那些仙尊境初期,同时还多出了一名仙尊境后期的顶尖强者 Relax, has me, you cannot die.” Source of Life relaxed satisfied saying, the Jian Chen's injury seems like very terrifying, however restores these injury by Immortal Venerable Realm initial-stage being created, it only needed to consume few strengths enough. “放心,有我在,你死不了。”生命之源轻松惬意的说道,剑尘的伤势看似很恐怖,然而去修复这些由仙尊境初期造成的伤势,它只需要耗费很少的力量就够了。 At this moment, Heaven Escape Divine Armor rays of light is dim, can only with resists attack in all directions firmly. 此刻,遁天神甲光芒黯淡,只能凭着本身的坚固去抵挡四面八方的攻击。 Although it is high-grade Divine Item, but also needs to inject the enough powerful energy to form the defensive power, shows to be the great strength of high-grade Divine Item, but faces the flies upon of dozens Immortal Venerable at this moment, by Jian Chen currently Immortal Emperor Realm middle-stage cultivation level, naturally does not have the means to urge Heaven Escape Divine Armor defense. 它虽然是一件上品神器,但也需要注入足够强大的能量才会形成防护力,展现出属于上品神器的强大,但此刻面对数十名仙尊的猛烈攻击,以剑尘目前不过仙帝境中期修为,自然没有办法将遁天神甲防御力催动起来。 Even if consumes huge Chaos Force to haunch the protection of Heaven Escape Divine Armor temporarily, still by flash broken cleanness. 就算耗费庞大的混沌之力暂时撑起遁天神甲的防护,也会被一瞬间破的干干净净。 In Heaven Escape Divine Armor, Jian Chen's flesh body is experiencing process that breaks with the reorganization, although is very painful, but he experienced more than ten Chaos Body the pain of quenching body after all, has cast the powerful will, the pain of this point body also difficult he. 遁天神甲内,剑尘的肉身在不停的经历着破碎与重组的过程,尽管很痛苦,但他毕竟经历了十几次混沌之体的淬体之痛,早已铸就了强大的意志,这一点皮肉之痛还难不了他。 He has been starting to refine the Sword Dao seed, is attempting the Sword Dao deep meaning absorption that in the Sword Dao seed contains, is only in immediately this adverse circumstance, his refining up the advancement to be very slow, the time of consumes is in normal condition over ten times. 他已经在开始炼化剑道种子,尝试着将剑道种子里面所蕴含的剑道奥义吸收,只是在当下这种恶劣环境下,他的炼化进程十分缓慢,所耗费的时间是正常情况下的十倍以上。 Because the injury and impact from flesh body, will constitute the enormous disturbance and influence on him. 因为来自肉身上的伤势与冲击,会对他构成极大的干扰和影响。 „It is not good, he has been building up the Sword Dao seed......” “不好,他已经在炼化剑道种子了......” He unexpectedly under coming under so fierce attack, but also dares to divert attention to refine the Sword Dao seed, this child is really crazy......” “他竟然在受到如此猛烈的攻击之下,还敢分心去炼化剑道种子,此子实在是疯狂......” „The Sword Dao seed is unimportant, first killed him, only then after his falls/dies, we have the opportunity of competing for the huge chance......” 剑道种子已经不重要了,先杀了他,只有在他陨落之后,我们才有争夺天大机缘的机会......” Has Immortal Venerable to give out low and deep angry roaring, strength of the huge cultivation level divulge from their within the body, the formed terrifying storm made the world for it look changes. 仙尊发出低沉的怒吼,一股股庞大的修为之力从他们体内宣泄而出,形成的恐怖风暴令天地都为之变色 Their attacks continued several double-hour gradually to stop, may after that to wreak havoc the energy storm that clears, by the hindrance of formation, they discovered that Jian Chen as before was perfect. 他们的攻击足足持续了数个时辰才逐渐停下,可当那肆虐的能量风暴散尽后,透过阵法的阻碍,他们发现剑尘依旧是完好无损。 Those who make people unable to endure, Jian Chen has closed both eyes, does not pay attention to the matter completely, is building up the Sword Dao seed full power. 更让人无法忍受的是,剑尘已经闭上了双目,完全不理会外界事,在全力炼化剑道种子。 Even if his body hit about flies horizontally, will not constitute any influence on him, all misery that flesh body suffers, have nothing to do to be the same with him. 哪怕是他的身躯被打的左右横飞,也不会对他构成任何影响,一副肉身所遭受的一切苦难,都与他无关一样。 Continues to act!” “继续出手!” Has Immortal Venerable to send out to angrily roar, more heaven defying of Jian Chen performance, greedy of this crowd of Immortal Venerable is crazy. 仙尊发出怒吼,剑尘表现的越逆天,这群仙尊的贪婪就越是疯狂。 The time that this time, they continue is longer, attacked one to stop crazily all day again, when they discovered the Jian Chen's condition, all of them had a going wild feeling. 这一次,他们持续的时间更久,足足疯狂攻击了一整天才再次停下,只是当他们发现剑尘的状况时,他们所有人都有一种抓狂的感觉。 Because Jian Chen lives as before well, in wholly absorbed refining up the Sword Dao seed. 因为剑尘依旧活得好好的,在专心致志的炼化剑道种子。 Damn, he restores the injury inexhaustibly that ability really......” at this moment, in many Immortal Venerable hearts had such question, in has a powerless feeling. “该死,难道他恢复伤势的那种能力真的无穷无尽吗......”这一刻,许多仙尊心中都生出了这样的质疑,内心生出一种无力感。 Immortal Emperor, withstood dozens Immortal Venerable Realm Old Ancestor all day crazy attacks, actually can also be perfect, supreme treasure that type restores the injury was really astonishing. 一名仙帝,承受了数十名仙尊境老祖一整天的疯狂攻击,却还能完好无损,那种恢复伤势的至宝实在是太惊人了。 Under normal circumstances, let alone is Immortal Emperor, even if trades to make any Immortal Venerable Realm initial-stage, does not know that many returned. 在正常情况下,别说是一名仙帝,就算是换做任何一位仙尊境初期,都不知死了多少回了。 Because participates among the person who besieges, but there is incessantly Immortal Venerable Realm 3-layer powerhouse. 因为参与围攻的人当中,可是有不止一名仙尊境三重天强者 Impossible inexhaustible, will have the limit eventually , to continue to act!” Immortal Venerable Realm 3-layer Old Ancestor sends out to angrily roar, in his hand the long sword shakes, immediately has one after another radiant sword qi punctures the expansive sky, hits to Jian Chen. “不可能无穷无尽,终究会有极限,继续出手!”一名仙尊境三重天老祖发出怒吼,他手中长剑一震,立即有道道璀璨的剑气刺破长空,打向剑尘 The time drags for a long time, in these Immortal Venerable hearts is more anxious, because they do not know when All Heavens Divine Formation will start again. 时间拖得越久,这些仙尊心中是越不安,因为他们不知道诸天神阵什么时候会再次发动。 Source of Life, we also want low-key, restores the injury speed to slow down to me, builds sign that a life strength will soon dry up.” Is building up Jian Chen of Sword Dao seed to send greetings to Source of Life. 生命之源,我们也要低调一点,给我恢复伤势的速度放缓一点,营造出一种生命力量即将枯竭的迹象。”正在炼化剑道种子的剑尘生命之源传音。 Source of Life reduced speed Jian Chen's to restore speed immediately, but frequently pays attention to Jian Chen's these Immortal Venerable soon to discover this sign, in the eye revealed the exciting color, the effort of making a move all of a sudden became more violent. 生命之源立即减慢了剑尘的恢复速度,而时刻关注剑尘的那些仙尊很快就发现了这一迹象,眼中纷纷露出兴奋之色,出手的力度一下子变得更加猛烈了起来。 Injury restored to reach the limit beyond hundred li (0.5 km), went into hiding flashes through fine glow in the clear muddy Old Ancestor eye in nihility, said: Does not know that present you, whether can also block my secret skill attack to deliver you to start off as early as possible, waits for that Supreme Divine Item to fall into others the hand, that must seize more relaxed.” “伤势恢复要到极限了吗”百里之外,隐匿在虚无中的清浊老祖眼中闪过一丝精芒,道:“不知现在的你,是否还能挡住我的秘法攻击还是趁早送你上路吧,等那至尊神器落入别人之手,那要夺过来就轻松多了。” State of mind, sacrifice!” “神魂,祭!”
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