CSG :: Volume #40

#3930: The Chaos Sword God Chapter 3925 praying mantis catches the cicada canary after

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This formation, is it possible that also stems from the hand of that mysterious powerhouse?” In Jian Chen eye rays of light twinkle, Yin clear uncertain, he felt carefully under surrounded the own formation intensity, in the heart actually had very big anxiety. “这阵法,莫非也是出自那名神秘强者之手?”剑尘眼中光芒闪烁,阴晴不定,他仔细感受了下困住自己阵法强度,心中却是生出了很大的疑虑。 Twice before attacked by Primordial Spirit to that mysterious powerhouse that own acted, inevitably was fearful existence that reached to Immortal Venerable Realm late-stage. 之前两次以元神攻击对自己出手的那名神秘强者,必然是一位臻至仙尊境后期的可怕存在。 This point, obtained the confirmation of Purple Azure Dual Swords and Source of Life. 这一点,得到了紫青双剑生命之源的证实。 However at present surrounds own formation, although also is also very powerful, but is also far from being that level obviously, he only need let Thousand Souls Demon Venerable and Devouring Immortal Monster Flower joint effort, could not want several attacks to break. 然而眼前困住自己阵法,尽管同样也很强大,但显然还远远没有达到那种层次,他只需让千魂魔尊噬仙妖花合力,要不了几次攻击便可打破。 The Primordial Spirit attack that but before suffered, making Jian Chen not dare puts Thousand Souls Demon Venerable and Devouring Immortal Monster Flower. 但之前遭受的元神攻击,让剑尘不敢将千魂魔尊噬仙妖花放出来。 Has to sweep away all terrifying strengths obviously, finally does not have to act to me visibly, but hidden in sneak attacks me in secret? What is his is worrying?” Jian Chen is built on great formation, in the heart the thought rotates rapidly, is critical situation although, but actually not slightly flurried. “明明有横扫一切的恐怖实力,结果却没有明着对我出手,只是隐藏在暗中对我进行偷袭?他这是在顾虑什么吗?”剑尘立于大阵之中,心中念头飞速转动,尽管如临大敌,但却没有丝毫慌乱。 At this moment, beyond hundred li (0.5 km), occupied clear muddy Old Ancestor that defends soul Old Ancestor flesh body is floating quietly there, his whole body has strange aura to fill the air, in disturbing the surrounding Grand Dao rule, tampers with here order, thus enables the own figure to go into hiding perfectly in void, only if cultivation level reaches to the boundary of 7-layer similarly, otherwise no one can discover his existence. 此刻,在百里之外,占据了守魂老祖肉身的清浊老祖正悄无声息的漂浮在那里,他周身有诡异的气息弥漫,在干扰周围的大道规则,篡改这里的秩序,从而使得自己的身形能够完美的隐匿在虚空之中,除非是修为同样臻至七重天之境,否则无人能发现他的存在。 He is away from hundred li (0.5 km) from such static staring Jian Chen, has not taken any action, the recollection that in the brain non-stop about Jian Chen's all information that from defending soul Old Ancestor there obtains. 他隔着百里距离就这么静静的凝望剑尘,没有采取任何行动,脑中不停的回想从守魂老祖那里得到的关于剑尘的一切信息。 Pitifully, cannot quiet writes off you. But this place is too small, cannot act to battle with you directly, otherwise was known Supreme Divine Item to fall into the hand of our ancient Hunshen sect by the bystander, our ancient Hunshen sect can not peaceful......” “可惜,不能悄无声息的将你抹杀。而此地太小,也不能直接出面与你交战,否则被外人知晓一件至尊神器落入了我们古魂神宗的手中,那我们古魂神宗也不得安宁......” This thing, can only absorb quietly, cannot be known by others......” “此物,只能悄无声息的摄取,不能被他人知晓......” In the clear muddy Old Ancestor heart filled regretted and was a pity, his condition at this moment was the dove occupies the magpie nest, only then Immortal Venerable Realm 2-layer cultivation level, battle strength in the peak, biggest taking advantage has not been the Grand Dao level of grasping. 清浊老祖心中充满了遗憾和可惜,他此刻的状态是鸠占鹊巢,只有仙尊境二重天修为,战力早已不在巅峰,最大的依仗就是掌握的大道层次。 But before coped with Jian Chen forbidden technique that displayed, in fact is his current strongest method, can definitely cause heavy losses to Immortal Venerable Realm 6-layer powerhouse. 而之前对付剑尘时施展的禁术,实际上是他目前的最强手段,完全能重创仙尊境六重天强者 The result has not thought that cannot do to trivial Immortal Emperor unexpectedly. 结果没想到竟然没能奈何得了区区仙帝 Outside person cannot come in temporarily, before Skyscraping World opens, does not need to be worried that can have other powerhouse to intrude, such being the case, that first makes them consume your strength, best after your was killed, I obtain without labor fisherman's profit again. Because captures Supreme Divine Item from other person of hands, but capture to be simpler than from your Immortal Emperor Realm junior.” In the clear muddy Old Ancestor heart secretly thought, he hidden is gazing in secret by Jian Chen that formation surrounds, does not have anxiously making a move. “外面的人暂时也进不来,在摩天界开启前,也不必担心会有别的强者闯入,既然如此,那就先让他们消耗消耗你的力量吧,最好是在你被人杀死之后,我再去坐收渔翁之利。因为从其他人手中夺取至尊神器,可要比从你这位仙帝境小辈身上夺取要简单很多。”清浊老祖心中暗道,他隐藏在暗中注视着被阵法困住的剑尘,没有急着出手。 Another side, Jian Chen had fallen into tight encirclement again, dozens Immortal Venerable surround around formation, keeping reinforcement formation, non-stop in the formation outer layer of clear muddy Old Ancestor arrangement superimposes. 另一边,剑尘已经再次陷入了重围,数十名仙尊环绕在阵法周围,正在不停的加固阵法,在清浊老祖布置的阵法外层不停的进行叠加。 Suddenly, the region that Jian Chen is various formation encirclements, sends out rays of light bright with many colors, that powerful energy pressure makes some Immortal Venerable Realm Old Ancestor hearts be startled secretly. 一时间,剑尘所在的这片区域是各种阵法环绕,散发出五光十色的光芒,那强大的能量威压使得一些仙尊境老祖都暗自心惊。 As for surrounding Jian Chen's that formation is who remains, no one had investigated, because this many of them had once left behind such as the formation class trap all the way, is commonly seen. 至于困住剑尘的那座阵法是何人所留,已经没有人去追究了,因为这一路上他们许多人都曾留下过诸如阵法类的陷阱,早已司空见惯。 Yang Yutian, is catching you finally, then looked how you also escape......” 羊羽天,总算是逮着你了,这下看你还如何逃出去......” In such a short time, I do not believe you also to start that terrifying formation, this you must die time without doubt......” “在这么短的时间内,我就不信你还能发动那座恐怖阵法,这一次你必死无疑......” Do not waste the time, immediately starts all killing formation, first put to death this person said again, in order to avoid regeneration accident......” “别浪费时间了,立刻启动所有杀阵,先将此人诛杀再说,以免再生变故......” Right, first killed this person, begins......” “对,先杀了此人,动手......” Immediately, burning the eyes brilliant light shines void, everyone earliest possible time starts great formation, as great formation revolves layer on layer/heavily, various powerful attacks blot out the sky covers toward Jian Chen. 顿时,炽目光华映照虚空,所有人第一时间启动大阵,随着重重大阵运转,各种强大的攻击铺天盖地的朝着剑尘覆盖。 These formation are they between deliberately arranges, gives way to traffic mutually, and does not have the disturbance, only in view of Jian Chen one person. 这些阵法都是他们刻意布置的,相互避让,阵与阵之间不存在干扰,只针对剑尘一人。 Shortly, flame, cold ice, sword qi, the blade glow as well as various types of energy light beams cover Jian Chen in abundance, in the dreadful bellow, the region that Jian Chen is filled the destructive energy storm to submerge thoroughly. 顷刻间,火焰,寒冰,剑气,刀芒以及各种能量光束纷纷笼罩剑尘,在滔天轰鸣声中,剑尘所在的区域已经被充满毁灭性的能量风暴彻底淹没。 At this moment, no one will consider the Jian Chen's background, no one considered that can take the big consequence, the seduction of Supreme Divine Item makes many people sufficiently crazy, to compete for this thing, they rather abandon all. 这一刻,没有人会去考虑剑尘的背景,也没有人去考虑会不会承担多大的后果,至尊神器的诱惑足以令许多人为之疯狂,为了争夺此物,他们宁可抛弃一切。 Even if in the field the person of competition is numerous, they are also willing to bet own all for that ray of hope, even if falls into the perdition also to refuse to balk. 哪怕场中争夺之人众多,他们也愿意为了那一线希望而赌上自己的一切,纵使陷入万劫不复之地也在所不惜。 Merely in a flash, Jian Chen is then seriously battered, flesh body becomes tattered and torn, the blood splashes everywhere. 仅仅一瞬间,剑尘便遭受重创,肉身变得百孔千疮,鲜血四处飞溅。 In the face of so fierce attack, even if he displays peak not to help matters the Chaos Body defense strength. 在如此猛烈的攻击面前,哪怕是他将混沌之体防御力发挥到极致也无济于事。 What because he faces is one crowd of Immortal Venerable Realm Old Ancestor! 因为他面对的是一群仙尊境老祖 Kills, first killed this person, then decides the ownerships of these supreme treasure......” “杀,先杀了此人,然后再来决定那些至宝的归属......” At this moment, all besieged Jian Chen's Immortal Venerable to be crazy, had in the a thought heads only in their hearts, then wrote off Jian Chen thoroughly. 这一刻,所有围攻剑尘的仙尊都疯狂了,存在于他们心间的唯一念头,便是将剑尘彻底抹杀。 Because they have asked for advice Jian Chen's to be hard to deal with, if not the Sword Dao seed makes Jian Chen nowhere hide, they light/only look for Jian Chen, is the matter that difficult such as to ascend to heaven. 因为他们已经亲身领教过剑尘的难缠,若非剑道种子让剑尘无处遁形,那他们光是将剑尘找出来,都是一件难如登天的事。 The Jian Chen's body leans this way and that by swaying that in all directions the powerful attack hits, is unable to stand. 剑尘的身躯东倒西歪,被强大的攻击打的四处摇晃,根本无法站立。 This moment he, seems lone boat in a boundless sea, will tilt in the violent storm momentarily. 这一刻的他,就仿佛是茫茫大海上的一叶孤舟,在猛烈的风暴中随时都会倾覆。 In Jian Chen within the body, Source of Life strength such as trickle, confident flows the Jian Chen whole body, the place visited, all injuries on Jian Chen receiving the speed restoration of by inconceivable. 剑尘体内,生命之源的力量如涓涓细流,不徐不疾的流淌剑尘全身,所过之处,剑尘身上所受的一切伤势都在以不可思议速度恢复。 Sometimes, speed that restores quick even surpasses speed that the injury formed. 有些时候,那恢复的速度之快甚至都超过了伤势所形成的速度 Can stop, this person because of damn......” “可以停下了,此人因该死了......” Under so fierce attack, even if Immortal Venerable Realm 4-layer powerhouse not necessarily can live, idle talk his trivial Immortal Emperor......” “在如此猛烈的攻击下,就算是仙尊境四重天强者都不一定能活下来,更遑论他区区仙帝......” The attack of squally shower continued several breath to stop finally, distributed is staring at the formation center that around formation all Immortal Venerable looked at steadily. 狂风骤雨的攻击足足持续了数个呼吸才终于停了下来,分布在阵法四周的所有仙尊都目不转睛的盯着阵法的中心处。 Sees only there energy to wreak havoc, their Spiritual Consciousness that the pressure that the energy storm of extreme compression forms, made is unable to approach. 只见那里能量肆虐,极度压缩的能量风暴所形成的威压,令的他们的神识都无法靠近。 After the moment, when the five colors variegated energy storm clears slowly, the Jian Chen's form appears in the public eyes finally, immediately made everyone hold breath cold air, revealed the color of delay. 片刻后,当五彩斑斓的能量风暴缓缓散尽时,剑尘的身影终于出现在众人视线中,顿时令所有人纷纷倒吸一口凉气,露出呆滞之色。 Because on Jian Chen, unexpectedly without tiny bit injury, the blood of some Chaos if not in some grounds sprinkle are the proof, they were even suspecting that actually Jian Chen does have injured. 因为在剑尘身上,竟然没有一丝一毫的伤势,若非有地面上洒落的一些混沌之血为证明,他们甚至都在怀疑剑尘究竟有没有受过伤。 Has heard on Yang Yutian to have the treasure that can rapidly restore the injury, but this... may this too be also unthinkable......” “早就听闻羊羽天身上有一件能快速恢复伤势的宝物,可这...可这也太匪夷所思了吧......” All around, many Immortal Venerable Realm Old Ancestor send out to call out in alarm, but beyond hundred li (0.5 km), occupied clear muddy Old Ancestor that defends soul Old Ancestor flesh body, at this moment is also the pupil contraction, reveals look of shock. 四周,不少仙尊境老祖发出惊呼,而在百里之外,占据了守魂老祖肉身的清浊老祖,此刻也是瞳孔收缩,露出震惊之色 Yang Yutian can rapidly restore the injury, clear muddy Old Ancestor from defending soul Old Ancestor there has had hearing, but has not actually thought speed that the injury restores unexpectedly quickly to this situation. 羊羽天能快速恢复伤势,清浊老祖从守魂老祖那里有过听闻,但是却没想到伤势恢复的速度竟然会快到这种地步。 The body of this simply not dying. 这简直就是不死之身啊。
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