CSG :: Volume #40

#3906: Immortal Venerable surrounding

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Around this stone steps, many Immortal Venerable Realm 1-layer, but at this moment, when they see day lacks the real person to act the power and influence, changed complexion. 在这石阶周围,还有不少仙尊境一重天,但此刻,当他们看见天缺真人出手时的威势时,一个个都变了脸色 Because the day lacks the real person is not forgiving, the Immortal Venerable Realm 2-layer strength shows completely, causes of might his strikes, even if some Immortal Venerable Realm 1-layer Old Ancestor near this, has not grasped resists below. 因为天缺真人没有丝毫留情,仙尊境二重天的实力全部展现,使得他这一击的威力之强,纵使是这附近的一些仙尊境一重天老祖,都没有把握抵挡的下。 The day lacks the real person, is not common 2-layer powerhouse, but from the Yang Divine Sword sect, sensed Sword Dao Principle, strength of incomparably swift and fierce powerful Immortal Venerable attacking. 天缺真人,可不是寻常的二重天强者,而是来自阳神剑宗,一位感悟了剑道法则,攻伐之力无比凌厉的强大仙尊 Jian Chen's complexion becomes dignified, this acts, he saw Old Ancestor Qiyang that the strength that the day lacks the real person with is 2-layer wants to be fiercer. 剑尘的脸色变得凝重起来,这一出手,他就看出天缺真人的实力比同为二重天七羊老祖要厉害许多。 No hesitates, he puts out Upright Heaven Sword immediately, as Chaos Force floods into crazily, Upright Heaven Sword erupts burning the eyes sword light immediately, shortly will then form a piece of crowded sword net before the body. 没有任何迟疑,他立即拿出立天剑,随着混沌之力疯狂涌入,立天剑顿时爆发出炽目剑光,顷刻间便在身前形成了一片密集的剑网。 The sword shadow is overlapped, floods this void, just like formed one airtight steel city walls, prevents lacks the sword rain of real person from the day. 剑影重重叠叠,充斥这片虚空,就宛若是形成了一片密不透风的钢铁城墙,阻挡来自天缺真人的剑雨。 Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰!轰! The stone steps to summit region resounds the deafening bellow, fragmentary sword qi splutters all over the sky, the powerful energy storm wreaks havoc everywhere. 通往山顶区域的石阶上响起震耳欲聋的轰鸣声,零碎的剑气满天溅射,强大的能量风暴更是四处肆虐。 In starts the sword qi storm that prevents this to come in stone steps more than ten Immortal Venerable, some people condense a thick energy barrier by their cultivation level, there is a human sacrifice to have various defense Divine Item, in order to avoid under its influence. 驻留在石阶处的十余名仙尊纷纷开始阻挡这迎面而来的剑气风暴,有人以自身修为凝聚成一层厚厚的能量屏障,也有人祭出各种防御神器,以免受其影响。 But the day lacks the real person, the whole body is covered by burning the eyes Sword Dao Principle, his left hand back in behind, right hand to become Jiange empties aims at Jian Chen, as if oneself changed to sharp Divine Sword, will wreak havoc the energy storm that comes to tear two halves. 而天缺真人,周身被一层炽目剑道法则笼罩,他左手背在身后,右手成剑隔空指向剑尘,仿佛自身就化作了一柄锋利神剑,将肆虐而来的能量风暴撕裂成两半。 After the moment, the sword rain storm gradually subsides, the day lacks the real person is aura soars to the heavens as before, just like peerless Divine Sword to stand is standing one's ground steadfastly same place, that soaring sword intent made with was 2-layer Immortal Venerable Realm Old Ancestor, was reveals wipes the color of deep dreading. 片刻后,剑雨风暴逐渐平息,天缺真人依旧是气息冲天,犹如一柄绝世神剑站在原地岿然不动,那股冲天剑意令的一些同为二重天仙尊境老祖们,都是露出一抹深深的忌惮之色。 But opposite, Jian Chen had backed up over a hundred stone steps, he has not put on Heaven Escape Divine Armor, at this moment is the whole body is bathed in blood, the body presented the dense and numerous scars, but the ferocious name the terrifying, many spots were passed through, the flesh vanishes. 而对面,剑尘已经倒退了上百道石阶,他没有穿遁天神甲,此刻已是浑身浴血,身上出现了密密麻麻的伤痕,狞狰而恐怖,许多部位都被贯穿,血肉消失。 His Chaos Body is very strong, is known as same rank to be invincible, but lacks the disparity between honorable people with the day eventually is extremely huge, was separated by several small boundary as well as in a big boundary situation, he can also maintain the standing stance extremely extraordinarily already. 他的混沌之体是很强,号称同阶无敌,但与天缺真人之间的差距终究是太过巨大,相隔了数个小境界以及一个大境界的情况下,他还能保持站立姿态已经极其了不得。 Although injury looks extremely serious, but on Jian Chen as before is powerful, without the least bit dispirited and weak stance. 尽管身上的伤势看起来极其严重,但剑尘身上依旧是气势如虹,没有半点萎靡和虚弱的姿态。 Sees only him to lift up high Upright Heaven Sword, that burning the eyes sword light just like a round of hot sun is dazzling, then separates to empty toward the day to lack the real person to cut. 只见他高举立天剑,那炽目剑光就宛如是一轮烈日般耀眼,而后隔空朝着天缺真人斩去。 Also dares to wield a sword to the old man by your ability, overreaches oneself simply.” Sees this, the day lacks real person shaking the head gently, the ridicule of not mincing matter. “以你这点能力也敢向老夫挥剑,简直是不自量力。”见此,天缺真人轻轻的摇头,毫不掩饰的讥讽。 But the next quarter, his complexion big change, the body shivers suddenly fiercely, being able not help exudes one stuffily, at once sees to wipe the blood to flow following the corners of the mouth. 可下一刻,他脸色猛然大变,身躯剧烈颤抖,情不自禁的发出一声闷哼,旋即就见一抹鲜血顺着嘴角流淌而出。 Never expected that you grasp the so strange secret technique unexpectedly, by your trivial Immortal Emperor Realm middle-stage boundary, can break through the numerous protection wound of old man to the old man unexpectedly.” The day lacks the real person to look that had the delicate change to the Jian Chen's look, brings to wipe the color of facing, but then sends out to sneer at once: Was a pity, your boundary eventually was too low, even if grasps the so wrapped in a shroud of obscurity powerful secret technique , can only make some superficial small troubles to the old man.” “没想到你竟然掌握如此诡异的秘术,以你区区仙帝境中期的境界,竟然能突破老夫的重重防护伤到老夫。”天缺真人看向剑尘的眼神发生了微妙变化,带着一抹正视之色,但旋即便发出冷笑:“只是可惜,你的境界终究是太低了,哪怕是掌握如此神秘莫测的强大秘术,也只能给老夫造成一些不痛不痒的小麻烦。” fellow daoist, but also please surround this place for the old man, today the old man must capture alive this surely.” “诸位道友,还请替老夫围堵此地,今日老夫定要生擒此子。” Ha Ha Ha Ha, the day lacks fellow daoist to feel relieved, today this person will be unable to escape even with wings surely!” Absolute Heaven Palace Profound Spirit Monarch first stands, the form flashes then appears under Jian Chen, blocked the Jian Chen's escape route. 哈哈哈哈,天缺道友放心,今日此人定会插翅难飞!”凌绝天宫玄灵上人第一个站出来,身影一闪之间便出现在剑尘下方,挡住了剑尘的退路。 Meanwhile, sat cross-legged to stand in nearby Immortal Venerable one after another, made a sound Yingtian to lack honorable person's summons in abundance, collected blocked the Jian Chen's escape route in the nearby. 与此同时,盘坐在附近的仙尊一个接一个的站了起来,纷纷响应天缺真人的号召,汇集在附近堵住了剑尘的退路。 At this moment, calculates that the heaven lacks the real person, surrounds the Jian Chen's Immortal Venerable enough ten people, only then few several people also sit cross-legged as in not far away, does not have any action. 此刻,算上天缺真人在内,包围剑尘的仙尊足足有十人,只有寥寥数人依旧还盘坐在不远处,没有任何举动。 May even gets sucked into so the difficult position, Jian Chen as before is calm, does not have slightly the flurried color, his injury in by visible speed to heal, that many Immortal Venerable Realm Old Ancestor of nearby restores speed quickly to make, is reveals to envy with the blazing color that cannot bear. 可即便深陷如此困境,剑尘依旧是气定神闲,没有丝毫慌乱之色,他身上的伤势在以肉眼可见的速度愈合,那恢复速度之快令的附近的不少仙尊境老祖,都是忍不住的露出羡慕和炽热之色。 His vision passed over gently and swiftly the day to lack the real person, looked that lacks real person behind to the day somewhere void. 他目光掠过了天缺真人,看向天缺真人身后的某处虚空。 In there, he felt a powerful fluctuation of energy, obviously had such as the trap and so on thing was hidden, waited for own to walk into a trap, even if were own puts on Heaven Escape Divine Armor, can unable to pass through with the aid of the concealment of Heaven Escape Divine Armor. 在那里,他感受到了一股强大的能量波动,显然有诸如陷阱之类的东西被隐藏了起来,就等着自己自投罗网,哪怕是自己穿上遁天神甲,借助遁天神甲的隐匿之能也无法穿越过去。 Obviously, was experiencing of sword pond that side, these Immortal Venerable have completed the countermeasure. 显然,在经历了剑池那边发生的事后,这些仙尊都已经做好了应对之策。 Yang Yutian, the old man gives you for the last time the opportunity, hands over nurturing sword spirit fruit.” The day lacks the real person to get angry shouts. 羊羽天,老夫给你最后一次机会,交不交出育剑灵果。”天缺真人怒喝道。 Sound Yingtian lacked the real person to summon that surrounded Jian Chen's these Immortal Venerable Realm Old Ancestor, at this moment was the look is also sharp, expression was firm, stubbornly is staring at Jian Chen. 响应天缺真人号召而包围剑尘的那些仙尊境老祖,此刻也是眼神犀利,神色坚决,死死的盯着剑尘 Old Ancestor Qiyang, is also one of them impressively. 七羊老祖,赫然也在其中。 Snort, even if cannot obtain on the nurturing sword spirit fruit social climbing Myriad Swords Immortal Sect, but if can have a good reason with the Yang Divine Sword sect, pours does not calculate that suffers a loss.” In the Old Ancestor Qiyang heart secretly thought, found a consolation finally. “哼,就算得不到育剑灵果攀附上万剑仙宗,但若是能与阳神剑宗结下一桩善缘,倒也不算太吃亏。”七羊老祖心中暗道,总算找到了点慰藉。 Day lacks the real person, if Crown Princess knew you to obtain nurturing sword spirit fruit, does not hesitate to bully the weak to rob a Immortal Emperor Realm Junior thing, you think that Crown Princess will be happy? Can Crown Princess also receive this sentiment?” “天缺真人,倘若长公主知道了你为了得到一颗育剑灵果,不惜以大欺小去抢夺一位仙帝境晚辈的东西,你认为长公主会高兴吗?或者,长公主还会不会去承这个情?” At this moment, the rough sound conveys from the rear area together. 就在这时,一道粗犷的声音从后方传来。 heard the sound, the day lacks real person complexion to sink, he has turned the head to look slowly to a behind tall and powerfully built middle age robust man, said with the low and deep tone: Heretical ways fellow daoist, do you want to help Yang Yutian?” 闻声,天缺真人脸色微沉,他缓缓转过头看向身后一名身材魁梧的中年壮汉,用低沉的语气说道:“左道道友,你这是要帮羊羽天吗?” The heretical ways shake the head, said: My this is not helping him, but cannot get used to seeing your so many purely as a school of Old Ancestor character, joins up to rob a thing of Immortal Emperor Realm junior unexpectedly.” 左道摇了摇头,道:“我这不是在帮他,只是单纯的看不惯你们这么多身为一派老祖的人物,竟然联合起来去抢夺一位仙帝境小辈的东西。” The spoken language of heretical ways, making many Immortal Venerable complexion fluctuate in abundance erratically. Although the strength of heretical ways is not very strong, but behind Nine Heavenly Gods Valley, is actually the fearful influence that no one is able to neglect. 左道的一番言语,让不少仙尊脸色纷纷变幻不定。虽说左道的实力不算很强,但身后九天神谷,却是一个谁也无法忽视的可怕势力。 Also only has on the social climbing the Great Bright Heavenly Palace Yang Divine Sword sect not to dread the Nine Heavenly Gods Valley authority, only lacks the real person tone to be cold every day/sees the sky gradually, disregarding another's feelings saying: Heretical ways fellow daoist, said that what significance these also do have? If you cannot get used to seeing, can make a move to help Yang Yutian greatly. However heretical ways fellow daoist may be clear, this Yang Yutian killed Immortal Feather Sect Supreme Elder, plundered does not know that many big influence cultivation in the Skyscraping World medicine garden, he may be many outside enemy.” 也唯有攀附上大明天宫的阳神剑宗可以不畏惧九天神谷的权威,只见天缺真人语气渐冷,毫不留情面的说道:“左道道友,说这些又有什么意义?你倘若看不惯,大可以出手去帮羊羽天啊。不过左道道友可要明白,这羊羽天杀了仙羽门太上长老,掠夺了不知多少大势力培育在摩天界的药园,他在外面的敌人可不少。” Heretical ways complexion sank all of a sudden, the sound ice is cold: On social climbing Great Bright Heavenly Palace, didn't your Yang Divine Sword sects pay attention to our Nine Heavenly Gods Valley? Hopes your Yang Divine Sword sect can enclasp Great Bright Heavenly Palace this big tree.” 左道脸色一下子沉了下去,声音冰寒:“攀附上了大明天宫,你们阳神剑宗都不把我们九天神谷放在眼里了?希望你们阳神剑宗能一直抱紧大明天宫这棵大树。” This point also asked heretical ways fellow daoist to feel relieved, that descendant under old man knee, with Great Bright Heavenly Palace five Princess among sentiments, but was very good.” The day lacks the real person to be calm. “这一点还请左道道友放心,老夫膝下的那位后代,与大明天宫公主之间的感情可是好得很。”天缺真人淡定自若。 Master, All Heavens Divine Formation has prepared to finish, can begin momentarily!” “主人,诸天神阵早已准备完毕,随时都可以动手!” Meanwhile, Jian Chen also received passes message of Highest Beginning Item Spirit, in this space limited stone steps, he not only faces numerous Immortal Venerable Realm Old Ancestor, also has the unknown bad risk to aim at his Heaven Escape Divine Armor in the road ahead. 与此同时,剑尘也收到了太初器灵的传音,在这处空间有限的石阶上,他不仅面对众多仙尊境老祖,同时在前路还有未知凶险在针对他的遁天神甲 Facing the condition, Profound Sword Qi has so dealt insufficiently, he also can only use All Heavens Divine Formation. 面对如此境况,玄剑气已经不足以应对,他也只能动用诸天神阵了。 In Jian Chen will soon use All Heavens Divine Formation, terrifying aura erupts from the stone steps suddenly loudly. 就在剑尘即将动用诸天神阵时,一股恐怖的气息突然从石阶下方轰然爆发。 This aura, is all startled all Immortal Venerable Realm Old Ancestor in stone steps is the complexion great change, when they stare subconsciously, sees one group of billowing blood fog to speed along from under by inconceivable speed on, in the field that dreadful fluctuation of energy made all Immortal Venerable were the heart sends coldly. 这股气息之强,惊得石阶上的所有仙尊境老祖皆是脸色巨变,当他们下意识的凝望下去时,就见一团滚滚血雾正以不可思议速度从下方飞驰而上,那滔天能量波动令的场中所有仙尊都是心底发寒。 dengbidmxswqqxswyifan dengbidmxswqqxswyifan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan xs007zhuikereadw23zw xs007zhuikereadw23zw
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