Aroundthisstone steps, manyImmortal Venerable Realm1-layer, butat this moment, whentheyseedaylacks the real personto act the power and influence, changedcomplexion.
在这石阶周围,还有不少仙尊境一重天,但此刻,当他们看见天缺真人出手时的威势时,一个个都变了脸色。Because the daylacks the real person is not forgiving, the Immortal Venerable Realm2-layerstrengthshowscompletely, causes of might his strikes, even if someImmortal Venerable Realm1-layerOld Ancestor near this, has not graspedresistsbelow.
The daylacks the real person, is notcommon2-layerpowerhouse, butfrom the YangDivine Swordsect, sensedSword DaoPrinciple, strength of incomparablyswift and fiercepowerfulImmortal Venerableattacking.
天缺真人,可不是寻常的二重天强者,而是来自阳神剑宗,一位感悟了剑道法则,攻伐之力无比凌厉的强大仙尊。Jian Chen'scomplexionbecomesdignified, thisacts, hesawOld Ancestor Qiyang that the strength that the daylacks the real personwithis2-layerwantsto be fiercer.剑尘的脸色变得凝重起来,这一出手,他就看出天缺真人的实力比同为二重天的七羊老祖要厉害许多。Nohesitates, heputs outUpright Heaven Swordimmediately, asChaos Forcefloods intocrazily, Upright Heaven Sworderuptsburning the eyessword lightimmediately, shortlywill then form a piece of crowdedswordnetbefore the body.
The swordshadowis overlapped, floodsthisvoid, just likeformedoneairtightsteelcity walls, preventslacks the swordrain of real personfrom the day.
The stone steps to summitregionresounds the deafeningbellow, fragmentarysword qispluttersall over the sky, the powerfulenergystormwreaks havoceverywhere.
通往山顶区域的石阶上响起震耳欲聋的轰鸣声,零碎的剑气满天溅射,强大的能量风暴更是四处肆虐。Instarts the sword qistorm that preventsthisto comeinstone steps more than tenImmortal Venerable, somepeoplecondense a thickenergybarrierbytheircultivation level, there is a human sacrificeto havevariousdefenseDivine Item, in order to avoidunder its influence.
驻留在石阶处的十余名仙尊纷纷开始阻挡这迎面而来的剑气风暴,有人以自身修为凝聚成一层厚厚的能量屏障,也有人祭出各种防御神器,以免受其影响。But the daylacks the real person, the whole bodyis coveredbyburning the eyesSword DaoPrinciple, hisleft handbackinbehind, right handto becomeJiangeemptiesaims atJian Chen, as ifoneselfchanged tosharpDivine Sword, will wreak havoc the energystorm that comesto teartwo halves.
After the moment, the swordrainstormgraduallysubsides, the daylacks the real personisaurasoars to the heavensas before, just likepeerlessDivine Swordto standis standing one's ground steadfastlysame place, thatsoaring sword intentmadewithwas2-layerImmortal Venerable RealmOld Ancestor, wasrevealswipes the color of deepdreading.
片刻后,剑雨风暴逐渐平息,天缺真人依旧是气息冲天,犹如一柄绝世神剑站在原地岿然不动,那股冲天剑意令的一些同为二重天的仙尊境老祖们,都是露出一抹深深的忌惮之色。Butopposite, Jian Chenhad backed upover a hundredstone steps, hehas not put onHeaven Escape Divine Armor, at this momentis the whole bodyis bathed in blood, the bodypresented the dense and numerousscars, but the ferociousname the terrifying, manyspotswere passed through, the fleshvanishes.
而对面,剑尘已经倒退了上百道石阶,他没有穿遁天神甲,此刻已是浑身浴血,身上出现了密密麻麻的伤痕,狞狰而恐怖,许多部位都被贯穿,血肉消失。HisChaos Bodyisverystrong, is known assame rankto be invincible, butlacks the disparity between honorable peoplewith the dayeventuallyisextremelyhuge, was separated byseveralsmallboundaryas well asin a bigboundarysituation, he can also maintain the standingstanceextremelyextraordinarilyalready.
他的混沌之体是很强,号称同阶无敌,但与天缺真人之间的差距终究是太过巨大,相隔了数个小境界以及一个大境界的情况下,他还能保持站立姿态已经极其了不得。Althoughinjurylooksextremelyserious, butonJian Chenas beforeispowerful, without the least bitdispiritedandweakstance.
尽管身上的伤势看起来极其严重,但剑尘身上依旧是气势如虹,没有半点萎靡和虚弱的姿态。Sees onlyhimto lift up highUpright Heaven Sword, thatburning the eyessword lightjust like a round of hot sunis dazzling, thenseparatesto emptytoward the dayto lack the real personto cut.
只见他高举立天剑,那炽目的剑光就宛如是一轮烈日般耀眼,而后隔空朝着天缺真人斩去。„Alsodaresto wield a swordto the old manby your ability, overreaches oneselfsimply.”Seesthis, the daylacksreal personshaking the headgently, the ridicule of not mincing matter.
“以你这点能力也敢向老夫挥剑,简直是不自量力。”见此,天缺真人轻轻的摇头,毫不掩饰的讥讽。But the nextquarter, hiscomplexionbig change, the bodyshiverssuddenlyfiercely, being able not helpexudesonestuffily, at onceseesto wipe the bloodto flowfollowing the corners of the mouth.
可下一刻,他脸色猛然大变,身躯剧烈颤抖,情不自禁的发出一声闷哼,旋即就见一抹鲜血顺着嘴角流淌而出。„Never expected thatyougrasp the sostrangesecret techniqueunexpectedly, byyourtrivialImmortal Emperor Realmmiddle-stageboundary, canbreak through the numerousprotectionwound of old manto the old manunexpectedly.” The daylacks the real personto look that had the delicate changeto the Jian Chen'slook, bringsto wipe the color of facing, butthensends outto sneerat once: „Was a pity,yourboundaryeventuallywastoolow, even ifgrasps the sowrapped in a shroud of obscuritypowerfulsecret technique , can only makesomesuperficialsmalltroublesto the old man.”
“没想到你竟然掌握如此诡异的秘术,以你区区仙帝境中期的境界,竟然能突破老夫的重重防护伤到老夫。”天缺真人看向剑尘的眼神发生了微妙变化,带着一抹正视之色,但旋即便发出冷笑:“只是可惜,你的境界终究是太低了,哪怕是掌握如此神秘莫测的强大秘术,也只能给老夫造成一些不痛不痒的小麻烦。”„fellow daoist, but alsopleasesurroundthisplacefor the old man, today the old manmustcapture alivethissurely.”
“诸位道友,还请替老夫围堵此地,今日老夫定要生擒此子。”„Ha Ha Ha Ha, the daylacksfellow daoistto feel relieved,todaythispersonwill be unable to escape even with wingssurely!”Absolute Heaven PalaceProfound Spirit Monarchfirststands, the formflashesthenappearsunderJian Chen, blocked the Jian Chen'sescape route.
“哈哈哈哈,天缺道友放心,今日此人定会插翅难飞!”凌绝天宫的玄灵上人第一个站出来,身影一闪之间便出现在剑尘下方,挡住了剑尘的退路。Meanwhile, sat cross-leggedto standinnearbyImmortal Venerableone after another, made a soundYingtianto lackhonorable person'ssummonsin abundance, collectedblocked the Jian Chen'sescape routein the nearby.
与此同时,盘坐在附近的仙尊一个接一个的站了起来,纷纷响应天缺真人的号召,汇集在附近堵住了剑尘的退路。At this moment, calculates that the heavenlacks the real person, surrounds the Jian Chen'sImmortal Venerableenoughtenpeople, only thenfewseveralpeoplealsosit cross-leggedas in not far away, does not have anyaction.
此刻,算上天缺真人在内,包围剑尘的仙尊足足有十人,只有寥寥数人依旧还盘坐在不远处,没有任何举动。Mayevengets sucked intoso the difficult position, Jian Chenas beforeiscalm, does not haveslightly the flurriedcolor, hisinjuryinbyvisiblespeedto heal, thatmanyImmortal Venerable RealmOld Ancestor of nearbyrestoresspeedquicklyto make, isrevealsto envywith the blazingcolor that cannot bear.
可即便深陷如此困境,剑尘依旧是气定神闲,没有丝毫慌乱之色,他身上的伤势在以肉眼可见的速度愈合,那恢复速度之快令的附近的不少仙尊境老祖,都是忍不住的露出羡慕和炽热之色。Hisvisionpassed over gently and swiftly the dayto lack the real person, looked that lacksreal personbehindto the daysomewherevoid.
他目光掠过了天缺真人,看向天缺真人身后的某处虚空。Inthere, hefelt a powerfulfluctuation of energy, obviouslyhadsuch as the trapand so on thingwas hidden, waited forownto walk into a trap, even ifwereownputs onHeaven Escape Divine Armor, can unable to pass throughwith the aid of the concealment of Heaven Escape Divine Armor.
在那里,他感受到了一股强大的能量波动,显然有诸如陷阱之类的东西被隐藏了起来,就等着自己自投罗网,哪怕是自己穿上遁天神甲,借助遁天神甲的隐匿之能也无法穿越过去。Obviously, was experiencing of swordpondthat side, theseImmortal Venerablehave completed the countermeasure.
显然,在经历了剑池那边发生的事后,这些仙尊都已经做好了应对之策。„Yang Yutian, the old mangivesyoufor the last time the opportunity, hands overnurturing sword spirit fruit.” The daylacks the real personto get angryshouts.
“羊羽天,老夫给你最后一次机会,交不交出育剑灵果。”天缺真人怒喝道。SoundYingtianlacked the real personto summon that surroundedJian Chen'stheseImmortal Venerable RealmOld Ancestor, at this momentwas the lookis also sharp, expressionwas firm, stubbornlyis staring atJian Chen.
响应天缺真人号召而包围剑尘的那些仙尊境老祖,此刻也是眼神犀利,神色坚决,死死的盯着剑尘。Old Ancestor Qiyang, is also one of them impressively.七羊老祖,赫然也在其中。„Snort, even ifcannot obtainon the nurturing sword spirit fruitsocial climbingMyriad Swords Immortal Sect, but if canhave a goodreasonwith the YangDivine Swordsect, poursdoes not calculate that suffers a loss.”In the Old Ancestor Qiyangheartsecretly thought, found a consolationfinally.
“哼,就算得不到育剑灵果攀附上万剑仙宗,但若是能与阳神剑宗结下一桩善缘,倒也不算太吃亏。”七羊老祖心中暗道,总算找到了点慰藉。„Daylacks the real person, ifCrown Princessknewyoutoobtainnurturing sword spirit fruit, does not hesitateto bully the weakto rob a Immortal Emperor RealmJuniorthing, youthink that Crown Princesswill be happy? Can Crown Princessalsoreceivethissentiment?”
“天缺真人,倘若长公主知道了你为了得到一颗育剑灵果,不惜以大欺小去抢夺一位仙帝境晚辈的东西,你认为长公主会高兴吗?或者,长公主还会不会去承这个情?”At this moment, the roughsoundconveysfrom the rear areatogether.
就在这时,一道粗犷的声音从后方传来。heard the sound, the daylacksreal personcomplexionto sink, hehas turned the headto lookslowlyto a behindtall and powerfully builtmiddle agerobust man, saidwith the low and deeptone: „Heretical waysfellow daoist, do youwantto helpYang Yutian?”闻声,天缺真人脸色微沉,他缓缓转过头看向身后一名身材魁梧的中年壮汉,用低沉的语气说道:“左道道友,你这是要帮羊羽天吗?”
The heretical waysshake the head, said: „Mythisis not helpinghim, butcannot get used to seeingyourso manypurelyas a school of Old Ancestorcharacter, joins upto rob a thing of Immortal Emperor Realmjuniorunexpectedly.”
The spoken language of heretical ways, makingmanyImmortal Venerablecomplexionfluctuatein abundanceerratically. Although the strength of heretical ways is not very strong, butbehindNine Heavenly Gods Valley, is actually the fearfulinfluence that no oneis ableto neglect.
左道的一番言语,让不少仙尊脸色纷纷变幻不定。虽说左道的实力不算很强,但身后的九天神谷,却是一个谁也无法忽视的可怕势力。Alsoonlyhason the social climbing the Great Bright Heavenly PalaceYangDivine Swordsectnot to dread the Nine Heavenly Gods Valleyauthority, onlylacks the real persontoneto be coldevery day/sees the skygradually, disregarding another's feelingssaying: „Heretical waysfellow daoist, said that whatsignificancethesealsodo have? Ifyoucannot get used to seeing, canmake a moveto helpYang Yutiangreatly. Howeverheretical waysfellow daoistmaybe clear, thisYang YutiankilledImmortal Feather SectSupreme Elder, plundereddoes not know that manybiginfluencecultivationin the Skyscraping Worldmedicinegarden, hemaybe many outside enemy.”
也唯有攀附上大明天宫的阳神剑宗可以不畏惧九天神谷的权威,只见天缺真人语气渐冷,毫不留情面的说道:“左道道友,说这些又有什么意义?你倘若看不惯,大可以出手去帮羊羽天啊。不过左道道友可要明白,这羊羽天杀了仙羽门的太上长老,掠夺了不知多少大势力培育在摩天界的药园,他在外面的敌人可不少。”Heretical wayscomplexionsankall of a sudden, the soundiceis cold: „Onsocial climbingGreat Bright Heavenly Palace, didn't yourYangDivine Swordsectspay attention toourNine Heavenly Gods Valley? HopesyourYangDivine SwordsectcanenclaspGreat Bright Heavenly Palacethisbig tree.”
左道脸色一下子沉了下去,声音冰寒:“攀附上了大明天宫,你们阳神剑宗都不把我们九天神谷放在眼里了?希望你们阳神剑宗能一直抱紧大明天宫这棵大树。”„This pointalsoaskedheretical waysfellow daoistto feel relieved, thatdescendant under old manknee, withGreat Bright Heavenly PalacefivePrincessamongsentiments, but was very good.” The daylacks the real personto be calm.
“这一点还请左道道友放心,老夫膝下的那位后代,与大明天宫五公主之间的感情可是好得很。”天缺真人淡定自若。„Master, All Heavens Divine Formationhas preparedto finish, canbeginmomentarily!”
“主人,诸天神阵早已准备完毕,随时都可以动手!”Meanwhile, Jian Chenalsoreceivedpasses message of Highest Beginning Item Spirit, inthisspacelimitedstone steps, henot onlyfacesnumerousImmortal Venerable RealmOld Ancestor, alsohas the unknownbad riskto aim athisHeaven Escape Divine Armorin the road ahead.
与此同时,剑尘也收到了太初器灵的传音,在这处空间有限的石阶上,他不仅面对众多仙尊境老祖,同时在前路还有未知凶险在针对他的遁天神甲。Facing the condition, Profound Sword Qihas so dealtinsufficiently, healso can only useAll Heavens Divine Formation.
In Jian Chenwill soon useAll Heavens Divine Formation, terrifyingauraeruptsfrom the stone stepssuddenlyloudly.
This aura, is all startledallImmortal Venerable RealmOld Ancestor in stone stepsis the complexiongreat change, whentheystaresubconsciously, seesonegroup of billowingbloodfogto speed alongfromunderbyinconceivablespeedon, in the field that dreadfulfluctuation of energymadeallImmortal Venerablewere the heartsendscoldly.
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