Thatform, isJian Chen!
那道身影,正是剑尘!At this moment, Jian Chenboth handsshoulderinbehind, expressionis calm, just likestrollsreachesalong the longstepson, resemblesnot to noticeto sit well above numerousImmortal Venerablequite the same as.
此刻,剑尘双手背负于身后,神色从容,正如闲庭信步般沿着长长的阶梯登顶而上,似浑然没有注意到端坐在上方的众多仙尊。IntheseImmortal Venerable Realmpowerhouse, almostoverwhelming majoritiesarebecauseJian Chenholdsthisplace, at firsttheyare not many , because female of Xing Caijian that Heavenly Star PalaceHeavenly EmperorJian ChenunderstandsnoticesJian Chen, Xing Caijiandoes not knowJian Chenobviously, first meeting is so specialtoJian Chen, obviouslyinducesanything.
这些仙尊境强者中,几乎绝大多数都是因为剑尘才扼守此地,最初他们都对剑尘了解的不多,是因为天星宫天帝之女星彩间才注意到剑尘,星彩间明明不认识剑尘,却初次见面就对剑尘这般特殊,显然是感应到了什么。Therefore, manypeopleconcluded that onJian Chenfears the bigsecret, thenhas the thoughts of finding out, evenhad other thoughts.
因此,不少人都料定剑尘身上恐有大秘密,便生出了一探究竟的心思,甚至是动了一些别的念头。Tradingto doisformerly, whensaw when Jian Chentheymetfirstto jumpsurely.
换作是从前,当见到剑尘时他们必定会第一时间跳了出来。Butat this moment, whenknew that Jian Chencutto killImmortal Feather SectSupreme ElderTianchangJi, when hewas very likelybythatChangyang that Immortal Feather Sectchased down, thiscausedpowerhouse that intheseheartsgave birth tosomereadcrookedlyimmediately, fell into abundancesilentandhesitant.
但此刻,当得知剑尘斩杀了仙羽门太上长老天长姬,以及他极有可能就是被仙羽门追杀的那个长阳时,这顿时就使得原本那些心中生出了一些歪念的强者们,纷纷陷入了沉默和犹豫中。„Yang Yutian!”At this moment, the low and deepsoundresoundedtogether, sees only the day of YangDivine Swordsectto lack the real personto standfrom the sitting cross-leggedstance, heshoulderedboth handsto arrive at the middle of stone steps, kept offin the direction that Jian Chenwent forwardexactly, overlookedJian Chenwith a condescendingstance.
“羊羽天!”就在这时,一道低沉的声音响起,只见阳神剑宗的天缺真人从盘坐姿态站了起来,他背负着双手走到了石阶的中间,恰好挡在了剑尘前进的方向,以一种居高临下的姿态俯视剑尘。Jian Chenlacked the real personalsoto have several the distance of stone stepsto stop to the day, heraised headslightly, looksis standingin the ownabovedaylacks the real person, a browwrinkle, quitedisgruntledsay/way: „What matter?”剑尘在离天缺真人还有数道石阶的距离停了下来,他微微仰头,望着站在自己上方的天缺真人,眉头不禁一皱,颇为不悦的道:“何事?”RegardingJian Chenthisfaintattitude, the daylacks the real personalsodid not care at all, person who evenImmortal Feather Sectdaresto offend, hedoes not count onthisyoung manJuniorto be ableat presenttoownrespectful, thereforedirectly soars the subject, the facial expressionis severe: „In the paststole the person of nurturing sword spirit fruit, was actually you?”
对于剑尘这淡漠的态度,天缺真人也是毫不在意,连仙羽门都敢得罪的人,他也不指望眼前这后生晚辈能对自己有多恭敬,于是直奔主题,神情严厉:“当年盗走育剑灵果之人,究竟是不是你?”On the same day when lacked the real personaskedthese words, sits cross-legged above manyImmortal Venerablein abundanceis the visionconcentrates, reveals an amazed look.
当天缺真人问出这句话时,盘坐在上方的不少仙尊们纷纷是目光一凝,露出惊诧之色。Amongthem, perhapssomepeoplealreadyandstole the nurturing sword spirit fruitmysteriouspersonto associateJian Cheninitially, butsomepeopletwothingshave not linked, thereforeis hearingdayto lack the real personto ask that thiswords, will be surprised.
他们当中,或许有人已经将剑尘和当初盗走育剑灵果的神秘之人联想了起来,可也有人并未将两件事情联系在一起,因此在听到天缺真人问出此话,才会深感吃惊。Not onlyprovokesImmortal Feather Sect, finallygives to the Great Bright Heavenly PalaceCrown Princesstributeto dareto seizecontinually, the socrazyaction, theydo not know that shoulddescribewithwhatlanguage.
不仅招惹仙羽门,结果连献给大明天宫长公主的贡品都敢夺,这般疯狂的举动,他们已经不知道该用什么语言去形容了。„nurturing sword spirit fruit, stolen?” The Jian Chenvisionlooking straight aheaddaylacks the real person, during the spoken languagesis mixing with the lightsatire.
“育剑灵果,是被盗走的吗?”剑尘目光直视天缺真人,言语间夹杂着淡淡的讽刺。„Snort, thatnurturing sword spirit fruitafterperson of same belief'sconsultation, has assigneditownershipforold manall, considers the privatething of old man, resultpeelhiddeninpersonin secretseizes, isn't thisalso a robber?” The daylacks the real personto speak righteously, the lookis sharp.
“哼,那育剑灵果经过诸位同道的协商,早已指定其归属权为老夫所有,自当是老夫的私有之物,结果此果被隐藏在暗中的人夺走,这难道还不是盗?”天缺真人义正辞严,眼神犀利。„Laughable, is really laughable. The daylacks the real person, ifyousaidcompetesdirectlytransparentby the strength, those who are ableoccupyit, I can also look atyourseveralpointshigh. Butyouunexpectedlyimpudent and shamelessregards asnurturing sword spirit fruitis the ownprivatething, the cleanness that grabs the malignancy that coversownarbitrarily, the sofalseface, is really makesonedespise.”Ridicule that Jian Chennot minces.
“可笑,实在是可笑。天缺真人,你若直接明了的说以实力争夺,能者居之,那我还能高看你几分。可你竟然厚颜无耻的将育剑灵果视作为自己的私有之物,将自己蛮横劫掠的恶性掩盖的干干净净,如此虚伪的面孔,实在是令人不齿。”剑尘毫不掩饰的嘲笑。„Dissolute! Yang Yutian, can youknowyouto speaktowhom?” The daylacks the real personto be angry.
“放肆!羊羽天,你可知你这是在对谁说话?”天缺真人大怒。„Inaturallyknowthis am speakingtowhom, the daylacks the real person, from the YangDivine Swordsect, becauseowndescendantwas pickedbyGreat Bright Heavenly PalacefivePrincess, andmarries into the wife's householdGreat Bright Heavenly Palace, took the opportunityto climb upthisuntil now, except forlofty tree that besideSupremeno oneis ableto shake, caused the position of entireYangDivine Swordsectiswhen production costs rise, prices rise too.”Jian Chentonelightsaying. WhenmentioningGreat Bright Heavenly Palace, inhisheart is also onesobs, in the mindcan not helpappears a prettyform.
“我自然知晓这是在对谁说话,天缺真人,来自阳神剑宗,因为自己的一位后人被大明天宫的五公主相中,并入赘大明天宫,借机攀上了这颗迄今为止,除了太尊之外谁也无法撼动的参天大树,使得整个阳神剑宗的地位都是水涨船高。”剑尘语气平淡的说道。在提到大明天宫时,他心中也是一阵嘘唏,脑海里情不自禁的浮现出一道靓丽的身影来。„Sinceknows that myYangDivine Swordsect and Great Bright Heavenly Palaceoriginis quite deep, youshouldunderstand that ourYangDivine Swordsectis notexistence that youcanprovoke, regardless ofyourbehindiswhatbackground, even ifhasto endurecompared with the terrifying of Heavenly Courtlevelinfluenceexists, but once enragedCrown Princessyour highness, thatwill crawlfinallyunavoidablyin the fate of place.” The daylacksreal personcold voiceto say.
“既然知道我阳神剑宗与大明天宫渊源颇深,那你就应该明白我们阳神剑宗已经不是你所能招惹的存在,无论你身后是什么背景,哪怕是有堪比天庭级势力的恐怖存在,可一旦触怒了长公主殿下,那终将免不了匍匐在地的下场。”天缺真人冷声说道。„YourYangDivine Swordsectseizes by forcewith the aid of the deterrent of Crown Princessoutside, does not know that this mattermadeCrown Princessyour highnessknow, how will shetreat the YangDivine Swordsect?”Jian Chensaid.
The daylacks the real personpupilto shrinkslightly, cold voicesaid: „Yang Yutian, youkept on proclaimingslander the old manto seize by force, does not know that whatcertificateyoucanhave? Without the certificate, old mansolemnImmortal Venerable, the statusis prominent, may be unable to allow your Immortal Emperorjuniorto slanderrecklessly.”
天缺真人瞳孔微微一缩,冷声道:“羊羽天,你口口声声污蔑老夫强取豪夺,不知你可有什么凭证?若是没有凭证,老夫堂堂仙尊,身份显赫,可容不得你一个仙帝小辈肆意污蔑。”„Sinceyoudid not acknowledge,Icometo tell the storyaboutnurturing sword spirit fruitforyou.”Jian Chentone, hisvisionhas sweptfromabovethat more than tenImmortal Venerable, discoveredmanypeople who during nearby the growthnurturing sword spirit fruitswordpondhave been appearing.
“既然你不承认,那我就来为你讲一讲关于育剑灵果的故事。”剑尘语气一顿,他目光从上方的那十余名仙尊身上扫过,发现当中的许多人都在生长育剑灵果的剑池附近出现过。„ThatnurturesSword SpiritisremainsbySkyscraping Sword Venerableat first, afterwardwas discoveredbyMonarch Wendu of Quiet End Heaven, butnurturing sword spirit fruitRankwas not highat that time, butperhapsMonarch Wenduneeds a high-gradestepnurturing sword spirit fruit, thereforeoutsidecultivating the nurturing sword spirit fruitcavernarrangedRankextremelyhighconcealmentgreat formation, coversthoroughlynurturing sword spirit fruitinthismethod, causesthese years, no onediscovers the nurturing sword spirit fruittrail.”
“那颗育剑灵最初是由摩天剑尊所留,后来被端靖天界的文都上人发现,不过那个时候育剑灵果的等阶不高,而文都上人或许需要一颗高等阶的育剑灵果,于是就在培育育剑灵果的洞穴外布置了一个等阶极高的隐匿大阵,以此方法将育剑灵果彻底掩盖起来,使得这么多年来,都无人发现育剑灵果的踪迹。”„Until after Ienterthisplace, discoveredby chanceexistence of nurturing sword spirit fruit, andconsumes the tremendous strengthto reduce and solvethatgreat formation that Monarch Wenduarrangedin the past, thissoughtto hideininsidenurturing sword spirit fruit.”
“直到我进入此地后,才碰巧发现了育剑灵果的存在,并耗费九牛二虎之力化解了文都上人当年布置的那座大阵,这才寻到了隐藏在里面的育剑灵果。”„InitiallyIcantake offnurturing sword spirit fruitimmediately, actuallydiscovered that the nurturing sword spirit fruittransformationnears, thereforethen the thought that gives upselectingimmediately, andthrows downhuge quantityheavenly material treasureto feedit, thiscanmakenurturing sword spirit fruittake the finalroadwithin limited time, conducts transformationin the true sense.”
“当初我本可以立即摘下育剑灵果,却发现育剑灵果蜕变在即,于是便放弃立即摘取的念头,并投下海量天材地宝对其进行喂养,这才能在有限的时间内让育剑灵果走完最后的路,进行真正意义上的蜕变。”„Howeveryou, by the nurturing sword spirit fruittransformation the auraattraction that divulgescomes.”
The Jian Chen'svisionpassed over gently and swiftlydayto lack the real person, fallson its rearform, said: „Howeveryou, Old Ancestor Qiyang, is firstarrives there Immortal Venerable.”剑尘的目光掠过天缺真人,落在其后方的一道身影身上,道:“而你,七羊老祖,则是第一个抵达那里的仙尊。”Bythatform that Jian Chengazes, isOld Ancestor Qiyang.
被剑尘所注视的那道身影,正是七羊老祖。Butat this moment, Old Ancestor Qiyangcomplexiongloomy, is staring atJian Chenwith a pair of wickedvision, clenches teeth saying: „OriginallyyouarethatImmortal Emperor that stops the old man!”
但此刻,七羊老祖面色阴沉,用一双恶狠狠的目光盯着剑尘,咬牙道:“原来你就是那位阻拦老夫的仙帝!”„Good, thatpersonisI, butIdo not stopyoueven, youcannot obtainnurturing sword spirit fruit, perhapswill also makesoworld rare objectsdestroyin your hands.” The Jian Chentoneis light.
“不错,那人正是我,不过就算我不阻拦你,你也得不到育剑灵果,或许还会让如此天地奇物毁在你手中。”剑尘语气平淡。Old Ancestor Qiyangcold snort, no longersaid a word, althoughhealsounderstoodthistruth, buttook to heartat heartas before.七羊老祖冷哼一声,不再言语,尽管他也明白这个道理,但心里依旧耿耿于怀。„Yang Yutian, Heavenly Flower that no matter whatyouspokefellrandomly, the old manonly had a request, handed overnurturing sword spirit fruit!” The daylacksreal personexpressionto be invariable, the wordsare categorical: „These that even ifyousaidreal, thatcannot change the finalresult, thatnurturing sword spirit fruitgives to the lord of Great Bright Heavenly PalaceCrown Princess, is notyoucanbribe.”
“羊羽天,任你讲的天花乱坠,老夫只有一个要求,交出育剑灵果!”天缺真人神色不变,话语斩钉截铁:“哪怕你说的这些都是真的,那也改变不了最终结局,那颗育剑灵果乃是献给大明天宫长公主之主,不是你能染指的。”„Nowdoes not say that Idid stealthisthing? Did the preparationseize by force?”Jian Chendespisesto say.
The daylacks the real personvisionto be indifferent: „Youalsounderstand the worldtreasure, hasthose who are ableoccupyingtruth. Ifyouhand overnurturing sword spirit fruit, the initialmatterwewrote off. Otherwiseif, maynot onlybeImmortal Feather Sect that youoffended, meanwhilehadourYangDivine SwordsectandGreat Bright Heavenly Palace.”
天缺真人目光冷漠:“你也明白天下宝物,有能者居之的道理。你若交出育剑灵果,当初之事我们一笔勾销。如若不然,那你得罪的可就不仅仅是仙羽门了,同时还有我们阳神剑宗及大明天宫。”„Can yourYangDivine Swordsectstake responsibilityforGreat Bright Heavenly Palace?”Jian Chensaid.
“你们阳神剑宗都能替大明天宫做主了?”剑尘道。„Snort, Great Bright Heavenly Palace, the Crown Princessauthorityis now supreme, at the appointed timeis obsolete only need raisethis matterin front ofCrown Princessslightly, even ifyouhavehugebackgroundthatnot to help matters.” The daylacks the real personto say.
“哼,当今大明天宫,长公主的权威至高无上,到时老朽只需在长公主面前稍微提起此事,就算你有天大的背景那也无济于事。”天缺真人说道。Jian Chensmiled, on the face the facial expressionis very relaxed, does not have the tiny bitpressure, said: „Good, actuallyIalso want to take a look atthat time, can Crown Princess that youtake advantage ofactuallyhelpyou.”剑尘笑了起来,脸上神情很是轻松,没有一丝一毫的压力,道:“好啊,其实我也想看看到了那个时候,你所依仗的长公主究竟会不会帮你。”„It seems likeyouwere besotted.” The daylackedreal personcomplexionall of a suddengloomy, the soundicewas cold: „Yang Yutian, the old manhas given you opportunity, sinceyoudo not know good from bad, the old man can only owntake.”Finishes speaking, hugeauralackson the real personto eruptfrom the dayloudly, piece of tranquilstone stepsinstantaneousstrong windserupts, the wildenergystormwreaked havocin the world.
The daylacks the real personto actdirectly, sees onlyhiswhole bodyto fillinfinitesword qiinstantaneously, ashand seal artpinches, immediatelybigpiece of crowdedsword qijust like the pouringrainstormto fall, coversthevoid that Jian Chenwas.
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