The ancientmark before bluecolorful butterflybody, as ifhasinvisiblesuctionto result, Primordial Spiritimprisonments of stubbornlyhundrednights of Old Ancestor above, RenBaiyeOld Ancestoranycrazystruggling, cannot work loose.
蓝彩蝶身前的古老印记,就仿佛拥有一股无形的吸力似得,将百夜老祖的元神死死的禁锢在上面,任百夜老祖任何的疯狂挣扎,都始终挣脱不出。Inbluecolorful butterflythattinyeyeseamreveals the color of taunt: „Hundrednights of Old Ancestor, only the oldbodyheard that youmustteachin view ofourghostimmortal, everyourghostimmortalsteachdisciple, youareseeoneto killone, right?”
蓝彩蝶那细小的眼缝中露出嘲讽之色:“百夜老祖,刚刚老身可是听说你要针对我们鬼仙教,凡是我们鬼仙教弟子,你是见一个杀一个,对吗?”At this moment, hundrednights of Old Ancestorsurface, if the dying embers, the body of thatillusoryPrimordial Spiritis trembling, that is afraidabout the forthcomingdestiny.
此刻,百夜老祖面若死灰,那虚幻的元神之体都在瑟瑟发抖,那是对即将到来的命运而感到恐惧。Howeverinhisheartwas still having a ray of luckyhope, under holds backpanic-stricken of innermost feelingsforcefully, said with a smiledry/does: „That... that... thatis that muddledfor a while, the jokespoke, cannot take seriously, cannot take seriously......”
不过他心中仍抱着一丝侥幸的希望,强行按压下内心的惊恐,干笑道:“那个...那个...那个只是一时糊涂,说的玩笑话而已,当不得真,当不得真......”„Joke? gē gē gē gē, hundrednights of Old Ancestor, is it possible that do youreallywork as the oldbody is a three -year-old child?” The bluecolorful butterflysneersto say.
“玩笑话?咯咯咯咯,百夜老祖,莫非你真当老身是三岁小孩吗?”蓝彩蝶冷笑道。This timehundrednights of Old Ancestor, did not havethatarrogance before again, revealed an employing professional mournersface, submissivebegging for mercy: „fellow daoist, amongusthisdoes not have the bitter hatred, was inferior that youforgiveold mantime, has a goodreason, in the future the old manwill meetspringwells upto reportsurely.”
此时的百夜老祖,再也没有之前的那股傲气了,露出一张哭丧的脸,低声下气的求饶:“道友,我们之间本没有深仇大恨,不如你饶恕老夫这一次,结下一桩善缘,日后老夫定会泉涌相报。”„Youthought that byyoura wee bitstrength, has the qualificationsto discuss the goodreasonin front of the oldbody?”Taunt that the bluecolorful butterflynot minces, hertone: „Even ifbegs for mercy, youstillfound fault the person, becauseyourlife and deathis not the oldbodydecides.”
The bluecolorful butterflyturns the headto looktoJian Chen, exchanges an toneimmediately, becomingpolitelywas friendlier, inquired: „Fellow Daoist Yang Yutian, does not knowthisperson, howtreats asto handle?”
蓝彩蝶转头看向剑尘,立马换上一副语气,变得客气友善了许多,询问道:“羊羽天道友,不知此人,当作如何处置?”„Do youwantmeto decidehislife and death?”Jian Chenreveals the color of surprise, several monthsdoes not see, thisghostimmortaltaught the shift in attitude of Vice Cult Lord is also big.
“你要我来决定他的生死?”剑尘露出诧异之色,数月不见,这位鬼仙教副教主的态度变化也太大了吧。„Hislife and death, the nature you were decidedbyfellow daoist!”On the bluecolorful butterflyfaceshows the smile, butthatwas filled with the oldface of wrinkle, smiling is not really attractive.
“他的生死,自然由道友您来决定!”蓝彩蝶脸上露出笑容来,不过那挤满了皱纹的苍老面庞,笑起来实在不怎么好看。Jian Chenreveals the color of hesitation, howas if the ponderin the brainshouldhandlehundrednights of Old Ancestor.剑尘露出沉吟之色,似乎在脑中思考应该如何处置百夜老祖。Inhundrednights of Old Ancestorhearts is also startledheavy, hethinks that the ghostimmortalteaches the Vice Cult Lordbluecolorful butterflyto hold the idea of keeping everything for oneself, butnowlooks like is completely notthat a matter, the especiallybluecolorful butterflytreatsJian Chen'sthatsubtleattitude, without doubtcauses the Jian Chen'sstatusinhundrednights of Old Ancestoreyes, becoming more wrapped in a shroud of obscurity.
百夜老祖心中也是惊的不轻,他本以为鬼仙教副教主蓝彩蝶是抱着吃独食的想法,可现在看来完全不是那么回事,特别是蓝彩蝶对待剑尘的那种微妙态度,无疑使得剑尘的身份在百夜老祖眼中,变得更加神秘莫测起来。„Fellow Daoist Yang Yutian, the beforehandmatterman old before his timeapologizestoyou, but alsolooks atSirfellow daoistto be massive, should not be calculatingwith the youngold man. Iffellow daoistcanforgiveslightlyoldfirst time, thenin the followingtime, the man old before his timewill do utmostto assistsurelyfellow daoist, all, whateverfellow daoistdispatches, until the Skyscraping Worldclosure.”Hundrednights of Old Ancestoropens the mouthto beg for mercytoJian Chenimmediately.
“羊羽天道友,之前的事小老头向你赔礼道歉,还望道友大人大量,不要与小老头子斤斤计较。倘若道友能饶恕小老头一次,那在接下来的时间里,小老头定会竭尽全力相助道友,一切任凭道友差遣,直至摩天界关闭。”百夜老祖立马向剑尘开口求饶。„Laughable, yourpresentflesh bodywas destroyed, onlyremainsbody of the Primordial Spirit, whatachievementcanhaveinthisSkyscraping World?” The bluecolorful butterflysatiresaid.
“可笑,你现在肉身被毁,仅剩一个元神之体,在这摩天界内又能有什么作为?”蓝彩蝶讽刺道。hearing that, hundrednights of Old Ancestorcomplexiononewhite, heas ifalsoknows that the ownpresentconditioninadequateburdenwas the luckymatter, after the shorthesitation, heas iffinallymadesomedifficultdecision, clenched teethfiercely: „So long asFellow Daoist Yang Yutiandoes not kill the man old before his time, the man old before his timecompliesto befellow daoistworks for ten thousandyears.”闻言,百夜老祖面色一白,他似乎也知道自己如今的状态不成累赘都是万幸的事了,在短暂的犹豫后,他似乎终于做出了某种艰难的决定般,猛地一咬牙:“只要羊羽天道友不杀小老头,小老头答应为道友效力万年。”Listened tothissaying, somebluecolorful butterflyheart movements, Immortal Venerable Realmpowerhousewherearrives, issideOld Ancestorexistence, the statusis prominent, canlet the potencyten thousandyears that thisgrade of powerhouseis willing, thisto the apexbiginfluence, has the extremelyprofoundsignificance.
听了这话,就连蓝彩蝶都有些心动了,仙尊境强者无论是走到哪里,都是一方老祖般的存在,身份显赫,能让这等强者心甘情愿的效力万年时间,这对许多顶尖大势力来说,都有着极其深远的意义。„SolemnImmortal Venerable, in order topreserves the lifeto make the sohugeconcession, has saying that youmade the oldbodyhold in high esteemtoyou.” The bluecolorful butterfly said that but this holds in high esteemto fallinhundrednights of Old Ancestorearsactuallyseemsexceptionallygrating, as ifhas an unusualflavor, makinghundrednights of Old Ancestorsomewhatshameful.
“堂堂仙尊,为了能够保住性命而做出如此巨大的让步,不得不说,你让老身都对你刮目相看了。”蓝彩蝶说道,只是她这刮目相看落在百夜老祖耳中却显得异常刺耳,似乎带着一股不同寻常的味道,让百夜老祖有些无地自容。InWorld of Immortals, manyImmortal Venerable RealmOld Ancestorareunyielding, is rather standingdying, is not willingto kneelliving, buthetosave the life, entrusts the bodyunexpectedlyin a Immortal Emperor Realmjunior, thisindeedis the matter of being able to amount to something.
在仙界中,许多仙尊境老祖都是铁骨铮铮,宁可站着死,也不愿跪着活,而他为了保住性命,竟然委身于一位仙帝境小辈,这的确是上不得台面的事。Has saying that the propositions of hundrednights of Old AncestormakeJian Chensomewhatexcited, after all is Immortal Venerable Realm2-layerpowerhouse, ifalsoparticipates in All Heavens Divine Formation, thatwill make the All Heavens Divine Formationmightincreasewithout doubt.
不得不说,百夜老祖的提议让剑尘都有些心动,毕竟是一位仙尊境二重天强者,若是也参与到诸天神阵中去,那无疑会使得诸天神阵的威力大增。„Fellow Daoist Yang Yutian, youmaythink how canhandlethisperson?” The bluecolorful butterflyinquiredJian Chenagain.
“羊羽天道友,您可想好了要如何处置此人?”蓝彩蝶再次询问剑尘。„Un, has thought.”In the Jian ChenhandgrabsSpirit Devouring Furnace of diminished versionto comeslowlyfrom the distance, hearrives in front of the ancientmark that the bluecolorful butterflyinscribes, looksis adsorbedinhundrednights of Old AncestorPrimordial Spirit that aboveis unable to work loose, in the eyeis glitteringstrangerays of light.
“嗯,已经想好了。”剑尘手中抓着缩小版的噬灵炉从远处缓缓走来,他来到蓝彩蝶铭刻出的古老印记面前,望着被吸附在上面无法挣脱的百夜老祖元神,眼中闪烁着诡异的光芒。Hundrednights of Old Ancestorfeels timidbyheartone that Jian Chenlooks, notoriginhad not a goodpremonition, a feeling of disaster is imminent.
百夜老祖被剑尘看的心底一阵发怵,莫由来的生出了一股不好的预感,一副大祸临头的感觉。„fellow daoist, forgivesslightlyoldfirst time, the nextten thousandyears, the man old before his timewill obeyyourdispatchingcompletely, youwill let the man old before his timetowardeast, the man old before his timecertainly nottoward the west.”In order tomaintain a livelihood, hundrednights of Old Ancestoris also making best effort, does not let off the tiny bithope.
“道友,饶恕小老头一次,今后万年,小老头完全听从你的差遣,你让小老头往东,小老头就绝不往西。”为了活命,百夜老祖也在尽最大的努力,不放过一丝一毫的希望。At this moment, a vastauratoweringappearance of completely not inferiorbluecolorful butterfly, sees onlysideJian Chen, had presented an exceptionallybigformquietly, hewears the black robe, the bodyfillsintenseDemon Qi.
就在这时,一股完全不逊色蓝彩蝶的浩瀚气息突兀出现,只见在剑尘身边,已经悄无声息的出现了一尊异常高大的身影,他身穿黑袍,身上弥漫出一股强烈的魔气。ThispersonThousand Souls Demon Venerable!
此人正是千魂魔尊!„Isyou?”Thousand Souls Demon Venerablejust a appearance, the visionfell, in the handleansin the bluecolorful butterfly of walking stick, is startledslightly, thenexudes the strangelaughter: „JieJieJieJie, bumped intoyouunexpectedly, previoustimemadeyougiveto escape, butthistime, true body/this seniormadeyoube unable to escape even with wingssurely.”
“是你?”千魂魔尊刚一出现,目光就落在手拄拐杖的蓝彩蝶身上,微微一怔之后,便发出古怪的笑声来:“桀桀桀桀,竟然又碰到你了,上次让你给逃了,不过这一次,本尊定让你插翅难飞。”With the voice, onThousand Souls Demon VenerableDemon Qisurgesimmediately, the vastpressure that belongs toImmortal Venerable Realm3-layerblots out the skyfills the air.
随着话音,千魂魔尊身上顿时魔气涌动,一股属于仙尊境三重天的浩瀚威压铺天盖地的弥漫开来。„Thousand Souls Demon Venerable, called the goal that youcame out, tonot fight.” The Jian Chen'ssoundconveys, makingThousand Souls Demon Venerableaurastagnate.
“千魂魔尊,叫你出来的目的,不是为了打架。”剑尘的声音传来,令千魂魔尊的气息一滞。Hundrednights of Old Ancestoralsopeaceful, the body of his illusoryPrimordial Spirit, is staringgreatly an eyestubbornlyis staring atThousand Souls Demon Venerable, becauseinhismemory, entersin the Skyscraping World more than 300immortals, absolutelydoes not havethischaracter.
百夜老祖也安静了下来,他那虚幻的元神之体,正瞪大着一双眼睛死死的盯着千魂魔尊,因为在他的记忆中,进入摩天界的三百余名仙人中,根本就没有这号人物。„ThisPrimordial Spirit, enjoyedyou.”Jian Chenpointed atPrimordial Spirit that refers tohundrednights of Old Ancestor, was sayingtoThousand Souls Demon Venerable.
The Thousand Souls Demon Venerableattentionshifted the pastall of a sudden, immediatelyboth eyesshone, buthenoticesto absorb the Primordial Spiritancientmarkat once, the pupilwas a violentcontraction, expressionall of a suddenbecamedignified.千魂魔尊的注意力一下子转移过去,顿时双目放光,不过旋即他注意到吸附元神的古老印记,瞳孔又是一阵猛烈收缩,神色一下子变得凝重起来。„ThisPrimordial Spiritgaveyou, youmustreceive, do not lethimrun away.”Bluecolorful butterflyverycoordinationdiverged the ancientmark, she Primordial Spiritimprisonments of hundrednights of Old Ancestor, handsin front ofThousand Souls Demon Venerablesingle-handed.
“这元神就交给你了,你可得收好了,别让他逃走了。”蓝彩蝶非常配合的散去了古老印记,她单手将百夜老祖的元神禁锢,递到千魂魔尊面前。Thousand Souls Demon Venerablehas not goneto meet, butis the visiondeepstares at the bluecolorful butterfly, the eyegrounddeep placeis hidingis wipingto dread the meaning.千魂魔尊没有去接,而是目光深深的盯着蓝彩蝶,眼底深处隐藏着一抹忌惮之意。„Has no needto fearme, so long asyouareFellow Daoist Yang Yutianhereperson, wewill not become the enemy.”Bluecolorful butterflysawdreading of Thousand Souls Demon Venerabletoown, said with a smilelightly.
“用不着怕我,只要你还是羊羽天道友这边的人,那我们就不会成敌人。”蓝彩蝶似看出了千魂魔尊对自己的忌惮,不由轻笑道。Thousand Souls Demon Venerablehas not spoken, blackfog came from the within the bodyvolumeseat, receivedhundrednights of Old AncestorPrimordial Spiritall of a sudden.千魂魔尊没有说话,一股黑雾自体内卷席而来,一下子将百夜老祖的元神收了起来。„The many thanksSect Mastergracious gift, hadthisPrimordial Spirit, even ifthattrue body/this seniorcannotrestoreto the strength of peak, but can still reluctantstrides inImmortal Venerable Realm4-layer.”Thousand Souls Demon Venerableholds the fist in the other handtoJian Chen.
“多谢宗主恩赐,有了这个元神,那本尊即便不能恢复至巅峰时期的实力,但也能勉勉强强的跨入仙尊境四重天。”千魂魔尊对剑尘抱拳。„Youfirstgo back, waitsto needyourtimecalledyouagain.”Jian Chenexhortsone, thentook backinThousand Souls Demon VenerableHighest Beginning Temple.
“你先回去吧,等需要你的时候再叫你。”剑尘嘱咐一声,然后将千魂魔尊重新收回了太初神殿内。Highest Beginning Temple, isAll Heavens Divine Formation, the ghostimmortaltaught the bluecolorful butterflyto experienceto cross, thereforehas not continuedto hide the necessity that beforeher.
无论是太初神殿,还是诸天神阵,鬼仙教蓝彩蝶都已经见识过了,因此在她面前已经没有继续隐藏的必要。„Said that whycanhelpme?” The Jian Chenvisionfallson the bluecolorful butterfly, althoughhas experiencedto the bluecolorful butterflythatfarultrasame rankability, butJian Chendoes not have the half a pointto dreadas before.
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