CSG :: Volume #39

#3892: Unexpected

Hundred nights of Old Ancestor was made by the manner of skylark real person somewhat perplexed, the ghost immortal teaches him naturally to know, that indeed is the colossus that he cannot stir up, may appear at present merely is one with his same rank Vice Cult Lord, how even if to fear the ghost immortal to teach again, but facing Immortal Venerable Realm 2-layer Vice Cult Lord, is still insufficient to be frightened this to touch the type. 百夜老祖被云雀真人的举止弄得有些不明所以,鬼仙教他自然知晓,那的确是一个他惹不起的庞然大物,可出现在眼前的仅仅是一位与他同阶副教主而已,即便是再怎么惧怕鬼仙教,但面对一名仙尊境二重天副教主,也不至于被吓成这幅摸样吧。 Hundred nights of Old Ancestor face doubt is staring at opposite blue colorful butterfly, said: What handle did skylark real person have to fall in your hands?” 百夜老祖一脸狐疑的盯着对面的蓝彩蝶,道:“云雀真人是不是有什么把柄落在你手中了?” The blue colorful butterfly reveals wipes the meaningful smile, said: You, if the present departs, can be safe and uneventful.” 蓝彩蝶露出一抹意味深长的笑容,道:“你如果现在离去,可以安然无事。” Snort, the old man is not the skylark real person, the influence that your ghost immortal teaches is very powerful, but the old man is alone in the world, did not have the fetters, the life drifts in World of Immortals everywhere, will not look like the skylark real person to dread.” Hundred nights of Old Ancestor cold snort said that among expression does not have the half a point to dread, his vision passing over gently and swiftly blue colorful butterfly looked at Jian Chen of rearward, said: Yang Yutian heavenly material treasure, the old man must take 50%, if you did not agree, the old man has to accompany you to get, actually having a look at the old man to have this qualifications.” “哼,老夫可不是云雀真人,你鬼仙教的势力是很强大,但老夫孑然一身,了无羁绊,一生都在仙界四处漂泊,可不会像云雀真人那么忌惮。”百夜老祖冷哼道,神色间没有半分畏惧,他目光掠过蓝彩蝶看向后方的剑尘,道:“羊羽天身上的天材地宝,老夫要拿50%,你若是不同意,那老夫就只好陪你打上一场,看看老夫究竟有没有这个资格。” But the offensive talk said in front, the time delays too for a long time, perhaps that your my two people anything could not obtain.” “但丑话说在前头,时间耽搁太久,那或许你我两人什么都得不到了。” Hundred nights of Old Ancestor palms grasp void, at the same time the white flag appears in the hand, fills the prestige of high-grade Divine Item. 百夜老祖手掌虚空一抓,一面白色的旗帜出现在手中,弥漫出上品神器之威。 His both hands are grasping the flag, the body imposing manner ascends, vision cold is staring at the blue colorful butterfly: Blue Vice Cult Lord, can you consider?” 他双手握着旗帜,身上气势升腾,目光冷冽的盯着蓝彩蝶:“蓝副教主,你可考虑好了?” „The bead of grain of rice, dares to vie with Sun-Moon unexpectedly, since you want dead, that old body helps you!” On the blue colorful butterfly murderous intention reveals completely, the next quarter, a dreadful energy erupts from her on, shortly will then condense to have ten zhang (3.33 m) high blood-color form together fully, the vast pressure floods in the world, made void is shaking violently. “米粒之珠,竟也敢与日月争辉,既然你想死,那老身就成全你!”蓝彩蝶身上杀机毕露,下一刻,一股滔天能量自她身上爆发而出,顷刻间便凝聚成一道足有十丈高的血色身影,浩瀚的威压充斥在天地间,令的虚空都在猛烈震荡。 If not here is Skyscraping World, has layer on layer/heavily great formation stably, perhaps merely is the pressure that on the blue colorful butterfly erupts, collapses by pressure sufficiently side starry sky. 若非这里是摩天界,有重重大阵进行稳固,恐怕仅仅是蓝彩蝶身上爆发出的威压,就足以压塌一方星空。 This imposing manner... has almost gone beyond the 2-layer category, no wonder skylark person so dreaded to you, originally your strength, unexpectedly strong to this situation.” Opposite, hundred nights of Old Ancestor expression instantaneously become dignified, the ferocious name said: What's the big deal, the old man good and evil also strided in the person of boundary of 2-layer, even if not beat you, but can also constrain you, making many powerhouse arrive at this place.” “这股气势...几乎已经超出二重天的范畴了,怪不得云雀这人对你这般忌惮,原来你的实力,竟然已经强到这种地步了。”对面,百夜老祖神色瞬间变得凝重起来,狞狰道:“不过那又如何,老夫好歹也是跨入了二重天之境的人,纵然不敌你,但也能拖住你,让更多的强者来到此地。” Thing that old man cannot obtain, do not want easily to obtain.” “老夫得不到的东西,你也别想轻易得到。” Hundred nights of Old Ancestor both hands shake, the white flag in hand launches all of a sudden, sees only lifelike peerless Divine Sword to be inscribed above, among the sword light circulations, release swift and fierce and powerful sword qi. 百夜老祖双手一抖,手中的白色旗帜一下子展开,只见一柄栩栩如生的绝世神剑被铭刻在上面,剑光流转间,释放出一股凌厉而强大的剑气 Sees only hundred nights of Old Ancestor fingers to pinch finger joints with the thumb, inscribes peerless Divine Sword on flag as if to live to result in all of a sudden, becomes nimble and resourceful, then curled up dreadful sword qi to fly from the flag, bloomed just like hot sun radiant rays of light, killed toward the blue colorful butterfly like lightning. 只见百夜老祖手指掐诀,铭刻在旗帜上的绝世神剑就仿佛一下子活过来似得,变得灵动起来,而后卷起一股滔天剑气从旗帜内飞了出来,绽放出宛如烈日般的璀璨光芒,闪电般朝着蓝彩蝶杀了过去。 The blue colorful butterfly corners of the mouth reveal wipe the color of despising, she stretches out the finger toward a coming peerless Divine Sword gently point, with her movement, ten zhang (3.33 m) blood-color form that transforms is to also follow closely to move, similarly stretches out a finger facing forward point to go. 蓝彩蝶嘴角露出一抹轻蔑之色,她伸出手指朝着迎面而来的绝世神剑轻轻一点,随着她的动作,那幻化出的十丈血色身影也是紧随而动,同样伸出一根手指朝前点去。 The finger/refers of blue colorful butterfly, without containing any fluctuation of energy, as if for it, does not have any aggressivity at will. 蓝彩蝶的这一指,没有蕴含任何能量波动,似乎只是随意为之,不具备任何攻击性。 However, when that ten zhang (3.33 m) high blood-color form directs, immediately curls up dreadful energy storm, that astonishing pressure makes opposite hundred nights of Old Ancestor pupils contract suddenly. 然而,当那十丈高的血色身影一指点出时,顿时卷起一股滔天的能量风暴,那惊人的威压让对面的百夜老祖瞳孔急剧收缩。 Bang! 轰! Only hears a loud sound sound, Divine Sword that the finger of blood-color form and comes to collide loudly, Divine Sword rays of light all of a sudden becomes low-spirited, then changes to the light rain to dissipate in void, changes to a design to appear on the flags in hundred nights of Old Ancestor hands again. 只听得一声巨响声,血色身影的手指与迎面而来的神剑轰然碰撞,神剑光芒一下子变得黯然起来,而后化作点点光雨消散在虚空中,再次化作一个图案出现在百夜老祖手中的旗帜上。 But the finger/refers of remaining power of blood-color form does not reduce in the slightest, has a dreadful strength, goes toward hundred nights of Old Ancestor suppression. 而血色身影的这一指余势不减分毫,带着一股滔天之力,朝着百夜老祖镇压而去。 The white flags in hundred nights of Old Ancestor hands wave rapidly, turnover of swift and fierce sword qi from the flag, kill toward the blood-color form. 百夜老祖手中的白色旗帜急速舞动,一道道凌厉之极的剑气从旗帜内吞吐而出,朝着血色身影杀去。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! The void bellow is unceasing, the powerful energy storm is wreaking havoc everywhere, the finger of blood-color form by sword qi all destruction that with irresistible force will attack certainly, finally has a great strength bombardment ruthlessly on the flags in hundred nights of Old Ancestor hands. 虚空中轰鸣声不断,强大的能量风暴在四处肆虐,血色身影的手指以势如破竹之势将来袭的剑气尽数毁灭,最终带着一股伟岸的力量狠狠的轰击在百夜老祖手中的旗帜上。 !” “噗!” Immediately, high-grade Divine Item Rank white flag rays of light completely loses, hundred nights of Old Ancestor complexion become pale like snow instantaneously, the opens the mouth blowout everywhere blood fog, the footsteps stagger the retreat. 顿时,上品神器品阶的白色旗帜光芒尽失,百夜老祖脸色瞬间变得苍白如雪,张口喷出漫天血雾,脚步踉跄后退。 Is impossible, this is impossible, similarly is Immortal Venerable Realm 2-layer, you how powerful to this situation!” Hundred nights of Old Ancestor stares greatly the eye stubbornly is staring at opposite blue colorful butterfly, sends out hysteric roaring, seems unable to accept such failure. “不可能,这不可能,同样是仙尊境二重天,你怎么会强大到这种地步!”百夜老祖瞪大着眼睛死死的盯着对面的蓝彩蝶,发出歇斯底里的咆哮,似乎无法接受这样的失败。 Similarly is Immortal Venerable Realm 2-layer, he almost by complete steamroll! 同样是仙尊境二重天,他几乎被完全碾压! Blue colorful butterfly that narrows in slit old eyes to jump projects cold murderous intention, she did not say a word, moves sideways then to arrive in front of hundred nights of Old Ancestor, lifted the palm to depress toward hundred nights of Old Ancestor overheads. 蓝彩蝶那眯成一条缝隙的老眼中迸射出冷冽的杀机,她一言不发,闪身便来到百夜老祖面前,抬起手掌朝着百夜老祖当头压下。 Immediately, ten zhang (3.33 m) blood shadow that like the rush-leaf fan giant palm is also when under hood, resembles in extruding below void, making space present the solidification. 顿时,十丈血影那如蒲扇般巨大的手掌也是当头罩下,似在挤压下方的虚空,令空间都出现了凝固。 Hundred nights of Old Ancestor face upwards to send out to angrily roar, the within the body energy surges crazily, both hands wave the white flag, sword qi shoots up to the sky together, is counter-attacking full power. 百夜老祖仰天发出怒吼,体内能量疯狂涌动,双手舞动白色旗帜,一道道剑气冲天而起,在全力反击。 But, disparity of both sides was too big, when the blood-color palm falls, all sword qi were cranked up the smashing in abundance, dreadful pressure that fills, changed into strength of the invisible restraint, the surrounding the heavens seal place, on the spot body suppression of stubbornly hundred nights of Old Ancestor. 只是怎奈,双方的差距太大了,当血色手掌落下时,所有剑气纷纷被拍成粉碎,那弥漫出的滔天威压,更是化为了一股无形的束缚之力,封天困地,将百夜老祖的身躯死死的镇压在原地。 Bang! 轰! Finally, in a depressed bellow, hundred nights of Old Ancestor bodies by rush-leaf fan big hand suppression ruthlessly in the ground, the entire body was assumed a large character to be pressed in the ground cannot move, in the mouth the blood spurts to continue crazily. 最终,在一声沉闷的轰鸣声中,百夜老祖的身躯被蒲扇般的大手狠狠的镇压在地面上,整个身躯呈一个大字被压在地面上动弹不得,口中鲜血狂喷不止。 Is impossible, this is impossible, even bumps into the Immortal Venerable Realm 3-layer powerhouse old men to support the moment, rapidness of such not possible defeat, but you boundary of 2-layer...... hundred nights of Old Ancestor sends out to shout obviously, looked that changed to the vision of blue colorful butterfly finally, brings panic-stricken. “不可能,这不可能,即便是碰上仙尊境三重天强者老夫都能支撑片刻,不可能败的这么快,而你明明才二重天之境......”百夜老祖发出嘶吼,看向蓝彩蝶的目光终于发生了变化,带着一丝惊恐。 Because he discovered that facing the Vice Cult Lord that the ghost immortal teaches, own almost does not have the strength of resistance. 因为他发现面对鬼仙教的这位副教主,自己几乎是毫无反抗之力。 The blue colorful butterfly has not paid attention to hundred nights of Old Ancestor that shouts and wrangles, but has turned the head to look to behind Jian Chen, inquired: Fellow Daoist Yang Yutian, is this person to kill or puts?” 蓝彩蝶没有理会大呼小叫的百夜老祖,而是转过头看向身后剑尘,询问道:“羊羽天道友,此人是杀还是放?” In the Jian Chen eye the fine glow flashes, he stared at blue colorful butterfly that aged form to gaze at the moment, opened the mouth slowly: This person was seized by you, his life and death nature is decided by you.” 剑尘眼中精芒一闪,他盯着蓝彩蝶那老迈的身影注视了片刻,才缓缓开口:“此人既是被你所擒,那他的生死自然由你说了算。” Old body understood!” This time blue colorful butterfly, treats the Jian Chen's attitude and before several months, sentences simply, if two people, her nod of slowly, when the vision falls on hundred nights of Old Ancestor bodies, gentle in eye vanishes does not see, was replaced by piece of dense/woods cold murderous intention. “老身明白了!”此时的蓝彩蝶,对待剑尘的态度与数月前简直是判若两人,她缓缓的点了点头,当目光落在百夜老祖身上时,眼中的平和消失不见,被一片森寒的杀机所取代。 Since offended Fellow Daoist Yang Yutian, that takes your short remaining life to make reparations.” Blue colorful butterfly cold voice said that her hand claw, being relentless grasps toward the heads of hundred nights of Old Ancestor. “既然得罪了羊羽天道友,那就拿你的这条老命来赎罪吧。”蓝彩蝶冷声道,她手掌成爪,毫不留情的朝着百夜老祖的头颅抓去。 Snort, the old man indeed is not your opponent, but if wants to kill the old man, wishful thinking.” When life and death moment, hundred nights of Old Ancestor discarded flesh body without hesitation, illusory Primordial Spirit sends out blinding rays of light suspended in the upper air, looks the ferocious name: Ghost immortal teaches, the old man remembered, after waiting to leave Skyscraping World, every ghost immortal teaches disciple, the old man sees one to kill one......” “哼,老夫的确不是你的对手,但要想杀老夫,痴心妄想。”生死一刻之际,百夜老祖毫不犹豫的舍弃了肉身,虚幻的元神散发出炽目的光芒悬浮在高空中,面露狞狰:“鬼仙教,老夫记住了,等离开摩天界之后,凡是鬼仙教弟子,老夫见一个杀一个......” The words have not said, hundred nights of Old Ancestor Primordial Spirit then vanish in the distant place instantaneously, is running away toward the distant place full power. 话还未说完,百夜老祖元神便瞬间消失在远方,正朝着远处全力逃窜。 You, if meets is others, even if Immortal Venerable Realm 3-layer, perhaps is hard to leave behind you, but you meet is the old body.” The blue colorful butterfly corners of the mouth reveal wipe the strange smile, sees only on her to have the rich blood-color mist to fill the air, swiftly condenses an ancient mark in chest front, has the most profound Grand Dao charm. “你倘若遇见的是别人,哪怕是一位仙尊境三重天,恐怕都难以将你留下,可偏偏你遇到的是老身。”蓝彩蝶嘴角露出一抹诡异的笑容,只见她身上有浓郁的血色雾气弥漫而出,迅速在胸前凝聚成一个古老的印记,带着一股玄之又玄的大道神韵。 When this ancient mark just appeared, the Jian Chen's pupil contracts immediately slightly, in this ancient mark the implication a mysterious strength, can form certain attraction to his Primordial Spirit, making his Primordial Spirit unable to bear spread one to palpitate. 当这古老的印记刚一出现时,剑尘的瞳孔顿时微微收缩,这古老的印记中似蕴含着一股神秘的力量,能对他的元神形成一定的吸引,令他元神都忍不住传出一阵悸动。 ——, this... this is what strength, lets loose the old man, lets loose the old man quickly......” next quarter, panic sound transmitting from far to near, sees only hundred nights of Old Ancestor Primordial Spirit as if to receive a mysterious strength absorption to result in together, from distant place pulling fast. “啊——,这...这是什么力量,放开老夫,快放开老夫......”下一刻,一道惊慌失措的声音由远而近的传来,只见百夜老祖元神就仿佛受到一股神秘力量的吸附似得,正从远处飞快的拉扯而来。 His Primordial Spirit struggling of keeping, the powerful Primordial Spirit strength is surging crazily, tries to get rid of this restraint. 他的元神在不停的挣扎,强大的元神力量疯狂涌动,试图摆脱这种束缚 But all do not help matters. 可一切都无济于事。 Finally, in his full is in the panic-stricken expression, hundred nights of Old Ancestor Primordial Spirit by absorption firmly in ancient mark before blue colorful butterfly body. 最终,在他那满是惊恐的表情中,百夜老祖元神被牢牢的吸附在蓝彩蝶身前的古老印记上。
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