CSG :: Volume #37

#3696: Conception of Chaos Primordial Spirit

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Although Jian Chen purified entire Giant Elephant Immortal Sect by the Good Fortune Divine Jade fragment powder, enabling here world to have no trace and aura remains, even if were similar to time recollection secret skill is unable to find out by secret inquiry once past events. 剑尘虽然以造化神玉的齑粉净化了整个巨象仙宗,使得此处天地没有任何痕迹与气息残留,哪怕是类似于时光回溯的秘法都无法探知曾经的往事。 However, Jian Chen left out two eventually. 但是,剑尘终究是漏掉了两处。 And one, is the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect Sun-Moon wheel. 其中一处,是巨象仙宗日月轮。 Second, is some spiritual wisdom that dragonblood fish disperses. 第二处,是龙血鱼分散出去的部分灵智 If not there is assisting of mysterious person's shadow, Jian Chen will expose in the action of Giant Elephant Immortal Sect finally, Purple Azure Dual Swords cannot conceal. 若非有神秘人影的相助,剑尘巨象仙宗的行动终将暴露,紫青双剑也隐瞒不住。 But now, as a Sun-Moon round record was cancelled, and spiritual wisdom true dissipation of dragonblood fish, Jian Chen was ceasing the risk of exposition truly. 而如今,随着日月轮的记录被抹去,以及龙血鱼灵智真正消散,剑尘在真正的杜绝了暴露的风险。 But that mysterious person's shadow, when cancelling final hidden danger, then quiet vanishes does not see, just like it appears like that not only soundless, but also does not have the mark to seek completely. 而那神秘人影,在抹去了最后的隐患之后,便是悄无声息的消失不见,正如它出现时那般,不仅毫无声息,而且完全无迹可寻。 The things to do after death when Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, Jian Chen completely does not know, to be discrete, he is leaving Giant Elephant Immortal Sect protection great formation, then started Heaven Escape Divine Armor, whole person escaped completely void into, then has not done in Respectful Celebration Heaven stays slightly, flew to be void to beyond the heavens directly, left Respectful Celebration Heaven. 发生在巨象仙宗内的后事,剑尘是全然不知,为了谨慎期间,他在一离开巨象仙宗的守护大阵时,便发动了遁天神甲,整个人完全遁入了虚空中,然后没有在恭庆天做丝毫停留,直接飞向了天外虚空,离开了恭庆天界。 A year later, Giant Elephant Immortal Sect Old Ancestor will then return, Jian Chen has been able to imagine leaves, when they knew when sect destruction news, will fall into the what kind violent anger the condition. 一年之后,巨象仙宗老祖便会回归,剑尘已经能想象出当他们得知宗门覆灭的消息时,会陷入何种暴怒的状态。 By that time, perhaps entire Respectful Celebration Heaven will be turned by them upside down, if he continues to keep Respectful Celebration Heaven, only the meeting disciple increases the risk. 到那时,恐怕整个恭庆天界都会被他们翻个底朝天,他若是继续留在恭庆天界,只会徒增风险。 Therefore, Jian Chen left Respectful Celebration Heaven without hesitation. 所以,剑尘毫不犹豫的离开了恭庆天 In the vast starry sky, Jian Chen first hurries along by the Heaven Escape Divine Armor concealment whereabouts, when until leaving the Respectful Celebration Heaven very remote distance, he withdrew Heaven Escape Divine Armor, then camouflages Immortal Monarch the own strength with the Illusion Monster Clan mask, sought one in the nearby by the small meteorite of straight-line flight, then sat cross-legged to sit on the small meteorite. 浩瀚星空中,剑尘先是以遁天神甲隐匿行踪进行赶路,直至离开恭庆天十分遥远的距离时,他才撤去了遁天神甲,然后以幻妖族面具将自己的实力伪装成一名仙君,在附近寻到了一颗以直线飞行的小陨石,然后在小陨石上盘膝坐了下来。 Now, left Respectful Celebration Heaven from him already over the past three months. 如今,距离他离开恭庆天已经过去三个月时间。 On the meteorite, in the Jian Chen hand presented a Bai Yu (white jade) bottle, when he twists off the jade bottle to be just about pours Divine Pill from inside, in the discovery is completely empty. 陨石上,剑尘手中出现了一个白玉瓶,他拧开玉瓶正要从里面倒出神丹时,却发现里面已经空空如也。 Elder Nong, goes to look to me cures Primordial Spirit Divine Pill!” Jian Chen is sending greetings to Highest Beginning Temple. 农长老,去给我找一些治愈元神神丹!”剑尘对着太初神殿内进行传音。 In Highest Beginning Temple, Elder Nong is leading several trustworthy core disciple, classifies various Medicine Pill in front of the Bai Yu (white jade) bottle of piling up, these Medicine Pill, are completely Giant Elephant Immortal Sect obtained. 太初神殿内,农长老正率领着几名信得过的核心弟子,在堆积如山的白玉瓶面前对各类丹药进行分类,这些丹药,全部都是巨象仙宗所得。 Inventory these Space Ring that not far away, mountains of Space Ring, two Purple Night Sword Sect core disciple are keeping, pull out each article goods to come out, conducts the reorganization plan to various resources. 不远处,还有堆积如山的空间戒指,两名紫霄剑宗的核心弟子正在不停的清点这些空间戒指,掏出一件件物品出来,对各类资源进行整理规划。 When the Jian Chen sound spreads to Highest Beginning Temple, Elder Nong immediately manner respectful receives an order, then screens in front of one pile of Bai Yu (white jade) bottles, will cure the Primordial Spirit class Divine Pill to give Jian Chen. 剑尘的声音传入太初神殿时,农长老立即神态恭敬的领命,然后在一堆白玉瓶面前筛选,将治愈元神类的神丹交给了剑尘 This is God level middle-grade Medicine Pill, each just like a gem, sparkling. 这是神级中品丹药,每一颗都宛若一颗宝石,闪闪发光。 Jian Chen swallows several Divine Pill one after another, is feeling on Primordial Spirit is weak gradually is restoring, his corners of the mouth revealing cannot help but wipes the light smile, said: According to this speed gets down, probably two months, my Primordial Spirit will restore such as beginning.” 剑尘接连吞噬数颗神丹,感受着元神上的虚弱正在逐渐恢复,他的嘴角不由自主的露出一抹淡淡的笑容,道:“照这个速度下去,大概还有两个月的时间,我的元神就会恢复如初。” Since these period of time, Jian Chen has never stopped taking heavenly material treasure and God level Medicine Pill, in consuming the situations of huge resource, his Primordial Spirit restores until now this situation. 这段时间以来,剑尘从未停止过服用天材地宝神级丹药,在消耗了大量资源的情况下,他的元神才恢复到如今这种地步。 If not for his destruction Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, harvested the huge resources, then Huan Zhen (really) from him cannot discover so many to cure Primordial Spirit Divine Pill as well as divine materials. 若不是他覆灭了巨象仙宗,收获了大量资源,那从他身上还真找不出那么多能够治愈元神神丹以及神材 Although his resources are numerous, but must act appropriately to the situation after all, precious heavenly material treasure and Divine Pill, cannot moisten Primordial Spirit. 虽然他身上的资源众多,但毕竟得对症下药,许多珍贵的天材地宝神丹,并不能滋润元神 Then, Jian Chen sits alone in boredom on the meteorite for a long time, often swallows Divine Pill as well as divine materials, restoration Primordial Spirit silently. 接下来,剑尘在陨石上长期枯坐,不时的吞服神丹以及神材,默默的恢复元神 Finally, passed for a year, after consuming number not poor Divine Pill and divine materials, Jian Chen Primordial Spirit is in finally saturated. 终于,又过去了一年的时间,在消耗了数目不菲的神丹神材之后,剑尘元神终于处于饱和。 However, when Jian Chen opens the eyes, immediately felt a stabbing pain spreads from Primordial Spirit, thorough bone marrow, made his complexion one white at the scene. 不过,当剑尘睁开双眼时,顿时感觉一阵刺痛从元神中传出,深入骨髓,当场令他面色一白。 Sees only in his Primordial Spirit, appears fissure that thin cannot be checked. 只见在他元神中,出现了一道细不可查的裂痕。 Detected that this fissure exists, Jian Chen complexion sinks immediately, observed there for a long time, made the dignified sound: Has not thought that this Dual Sword Combination, injured source unexpectedly, these Divine Pill and divine materials that I took before, obviously was unfruitful to this injury.” 察觉到这一丝裂痕存在,剑尘面色当即一沉,在那里观察了许久,才发出凝重的声音:“没想到这一次双剑合璧,竟然伤到了本源,我之前服用的那些神丹神材,显然对这种伤势毫无效果。” It seems like, after this is the Dual Swords might is enhanced, future trouble that brings.” “看来,这是双剑威力增强之后,所带来的后患了。” Jian Chen Dual Sword Combination, presented the unignorable huge hidden danger finally, moreover his intense intuition, only if Purple Azure Dual Swords might large weakened, perhaps otherwise, every will display Dual Sword Combination from now on one time, will make on his Primordial Spirit many a wound. 剑尘双剑合璧,终于出现了不可忽视的巨大隐患,而且他有一种强烈的直觉,除非紫青双剑的威力大幅减弱,否则,恐怕今后每一次施展双剑合璧,都会让他的元神上多出一道伤口。 Merely middle-grade Divine Item combination already so, if high-grade Divine Item combination, that really does not dare to imagine. 仅仅中品神器合璧就已经如此了,若是上品神器合璧,那实在不敢想象。 Master, your Primordial Spirit was too weak, must continue to strengthen is good, only then more powerful Primordial Spirit, can withstand this degree of backlash.” The Zi Ying Qing Suo sound conveys, heavyhearted , is the Jian Chen worry. “主人,你的元神还是太弱了,得继续增强才行,只有更强大的元神,才能承受得了这种程度的反噬。”紫郢青索的声音传来,忧心忡忡,也在为剑尘担心。 Because their two Sword Spirit strengths also in restores continually, even Purple Azure Dual Swords sword body Rank is invariable, that combination might still meets a daily enhancement. 因为它们两道剑灵的实力也在持续恢复中,即便是紫青双剑的剑体等阶不变,那合璧的威力也会一日日的增强。 More powerful Primordial Spirit?” Hears here, Jian Chen as if thought of anything, looks the forced smile, said: Zi Ying, Qing Suo, your old master that powerful character, falls/dies got down in the strength of backlash in the past, even if my Primordial Spirit is continues to strengthen, where that can strong to go? At least in a short time, is absolutely impossible to catch up with your old master.” “更强大的元神?”一听到这里,剑尘似乎想到了什么,不禁面露苦笑,道:“紫郢,青索,当年连你们老主人那么强大的人物,都陨落反噬之力下了,我的元神纵然是继续增强,那又能强到哪里去呢?至少在短时间内,是绝对不可能追上你们老主人的。” Although Chaos Body can undergo present stage Dual Sword Combination backlash, but Dual Sword Combination backlash is the dual injuries of flesh body and Primordial Spirit, if Primordial Spirit cannot withstand, that all are in vain however.” “虽然混沌之体能经受住现阶段双剑合璧反噬,可双剑合璧反噬肉身元神的双重伤害,若是元神承受不住,那一切都是枉然。” Price that Dual Sword Combination needs to pay, we belittled it, according to currently speaking, even if my Chaos Body has reached to 18-layer, perhaps was still unbearable by the technique of combination the high-grade Divine Item might used.” 双剑合璧所需要付出的代价,我们都太小觑它了,照目前来说,就算是我的混沌之体已经臻至第十八层,恐怕也难以承受以上品神器的威力施展的合璧之术。” flesh body is perhaps well, but Primordial Spirit cannot support.” 肉身或许无恙,可元神撑不下来。” Listened to this saying, Purple-Azure Sword Spirits to fall into silent, they remembered the own old master unrestrainedly, excelled by far the world by Supreme that the strength, finally in the Dual Sword Combination whereabouts body and soul completely eliminated fate. 听了这话,紫青剑灵陷入沉默,它们情不自禁的想起了自己的老主人,以太尊那冠绝天下的实力,结果都在双剑合璧下落的形神俱灭的下场。 Not is only flesh body, even Primordial Spirit also disappeared! 不仅仅是肉身,连元神也泯灭了! Solemn Supreme, flesh body could not support to become bankrupt, finally has not insisted including that powerful Primordial Spirit. 堂堂太尊,肉身撑不住倒罢了,结果连那么强大的元神都没有坚持住。 This was too fearful. 这实在太可怕了。 In Jian Chen starts to regard own Primordial Spirit, silently stares is having that together fissure on own Primordial Spirit, finally, his attention falls, in that integrated on Chaos Force in Primordial Spirit together, is lost in thought. 剑尘开始内视自己元神,默默的盯着存在于自己元神上的那一道裂痕,最后,他的注意力落在了那一道融入了元神中的混沌之力上面,陷入了沉思。 Partly after making a sound, Jian Chen sprouts up the fantasy the opens the mouth: Although my Primordial Spirit integrated wisp of Chaos Force accidentally/surprisingly, causes it to a certain extent, has become unusual, is more powerful than common powerhouse, is more tenacious.” 半响后,剑尘突发奇想的开口:“虽然我的元神意外的融入了一缕混沌之力,使得它从某种程度上来看,已经变得与众不同,比寻常强者更强大,更坚韧。” But I always felt that wisp of Chaos Force is insufficient, do I have the possibility, can continue to integrate the second wisp, the third wisp, even is many Chaos Force?” “可我总感觉一缕混沌之力还不够,我有没有可能,可以继续融入第二缕,第三缕,甚至是更多的混沌之力呢?” When I integrated enough many Chaos Force, when my Primordial Spirit real transformation is Chaos Primordial Spirit, when I can completely disregard displays Dual Sword Combination, to backlash that on Primordial Spirit creates?” “当我融入了足够多的混沌之力,将我的元神真正的蜕变为混沌元神时,那么我是不是就可以完全无视施展双剑合璧时,给元神上造成的反噬呢?” Master, this idea is somewhat crazy, looks over the past and present, no one has done this, even no one can think.” Purple-Azure Sword Spirits by the idea that Jian Chen this indulged in fantasy fearing. “主人,这个想法有些疯狂,纵观古今,没有人这样做过,甚至都没有人敢去想。”紫青剑灵都被剑尘这异想天开的想法给惊住了。 If continues to stay the ordinary Primordial Spirit condition, even if will become Supreme in the future, that cannot withstand Dual Sword Combination under limiting condition, perhaps, making Primordial Spirit integrate many Chaos Force, when is the transformation is Chaos Primordial Spirit, is the only outlet.” The Jian Chen eye is sparkling, perhaps Primordial Spirit integrates true Chaos Force, this act must die regarding others without doubt, does not have any possibility of returning alive. “若是继续保持普通元神的状态,即便是将来成为太尊,那也承受不住极限状态下的双剑合璧,或许,让元神融入更多的混沌之力,甚至是蜕变为混沌元神时,才是唯一的出路。”剑尘眼睛闪闪发光,元神融入真正的混沌之力,此举对于别人来说或许是必死无疑,没有任何生还的可能。 But to him, has life force / vitality. 但对他来说,却是有一线生机 Because he has stepped forward the first step, just like breaking some type of shackles, will be impossible to become the possibility. 因为他已经跨出了第一步,就宛如冲开了某种桎梏,将不可能变为了可能。
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