CSG :: Volume #37

#3695: Mysterious person's shadow

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This dragonblood fish has given birth to spiritual wisdom, although the strength is not strong, but has actually witnessed all that here had completely, therefore, their spiritual wisdom cannot continue to survive.” Jian Chen continues saying that at once counts on the fingers, two radiant sword qi pierced the water surface, enters the lake situation. “不过这龙血鱼已经生出了灵智,尽管实力不强,但是却已经完整的见证了这里所发生的一切,所以,它们的灵智不能继续存活。”剑尘继续说道,旋即屈指一点,两道璀璨剑气刺穿了水面,直入湖泊地步。 ! ! 噗!噗! Two sword qi pricked the head of dragonblood fish, although has not cut to kill them, but has crushed their spiritual wisdom with remembering, lets them be at the ignorant condition. 道剑气刺入了龙血鱼的头颅,虽然没有斩杀它们,但是已经粉碎了他们的灵智与记忆,让它们处于浑浑噩噩的状态。 Thousand Souls Demon Venerable, you are powerhouse of this field of endeavor, you inspect personally, cannot make this pair of dragonblood fish stay behind any memory.” Jian Chen said to Thousand Souls Demon Venerable. 千魂魔尊,你是此道的强者,你亲自检查一番,不能让这一对龙血鱼留下任何记忆。”剑尘千魂魔尊说道。 The Thousand Souls Demon Venerable slight nod, then changes to one group of dark clouds to drill into dragonblood fish within the body at once, conducted final clear to kill to its residual memory. 千魂魔尊微微点头,旋即便化作一团黑云钻入了龙血鱼体内,对其残留的记忆进行最后的清杀。 After several breath, the state of mind return of Thousand Souls Demon Venerable, said: Ok, is absolutely safe, true body/this senior can guarantee, even if these Immortal Venerable boundary 9-layer powerhouse make a move, was still absolutely impossible to find from dragonblood fish, even if were a wee bit memory fragments.” 数个呼吸后,千魂魔尊的神魂回归,道:“好了,已经万无一失了,本尊敢保证即便是那些仙尊九重天强者出手,也绝无可能从龙血鱼身上找到哪怕是一丁点的记忆残片。” dragonblood fish, lost all memories and spiritual wisdom, such as a wild animal of savageness, the both eyes pollution, is surviving with the instinct. 龙血鱼,失去了所有的记忆与灵智,如一只未开化的野兽般,双目浑浊,一切凭着本能在生存。 „In this stretch of the world, still also remains Purple Azure Dual Swords combination terrifying aura that leaves behind, how these aura do Sect Master prepare to process?” Thousand Souls Demon Venerable said. “不过这片天地间,仍然还残留着紫青双剑合璧时留下的恐怖气息,这些气息宗主准备怎么处理?”千魂魔尊说道。 This point you do not need to worry, my own means. Thousand Souls Demon Venerable, here your matter, you have not returned to Highest Beginning Temple, needs what heavenly material treasure you to take although, restores to the heyday as soon as possible.” “这一点你不必担心,我自有办法。千魂魔尊,这里没你的事了,你还是回太初神殿吧,需要什么天材地宝你尽管服用,尽快恢复到全盛时期。” Then, Thousand Souls Demon Venerable returned to Highest Beginning Temple, starts to remould flesh body with the resources that Giant Elephant Immortal Sect obtains, restores Primordial Spirit. 接下来,千魂魔尊回到了太初神殿,开始用巨象仙宗得到的资源重塑肉身,恢复元神 Jian Chen put out that blew from Good Fortune Divine Jade to grind the powder, saw only each grain to grind the powder to send out the light halo, dazzled the posture multi- colors. 剑尘则拿出了从造化神玉上刮下的那一层碾粉,只见每一粒碾粉都散发出淡淡的光晕,炫姿多彩。 His Primordial Spirit differentiation ten million/countless, each wisp of Primordial Spirit controls grain of fragment powder to make them float, is separated ten zhang (3.33 m) distance mutually, making the fragment powder cover entirely ten million/countless void. 元神分化千万,每一缕元神都控制一粒齑粉让它们漂浮起来,然后相互间隔十丈距离,令千万齑粉布满虚空。 These fragment powders, are carrying Good Fortune Divine Jade some abilities, is disturbing all rules within surrounding area ten zhang (3.33 m) range quietly, enables to remain in all aura and traces of here range, is starting the slow purification. 这些齑粉,都携带着造化神玉的部分能力,在悄然的干扰着方圆十丈范围内的一切规则,使得残留在此处范围的一切气息与痕迹,在开始缓慢的净化。 More than ten days later, void of the range the fragment powder stays ten million/countless, all trace and aura purified cleanness. 十余天后,千万齑粉所停留的这片范围的虚空,所有的痕迹与气息都被净化的干干净净。 Jian Chen started to control the fragment powder to move ten million/countless, rushed to the next region. 剑尘开始控制着千万齑粉移动,赶往了下一处区域。 Then, Jian Chen was busy at work one -and-a-half years of time, cleanness of entire Giant Elephant Immortal Sect residual aura finally purification. 就这样,剑尘足足忙活了一年半的时间,整个巨象仙宗残留的气息终于净化的干干净净。 At this moment, under Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, cannot feel Purple Azure Dual Swords combination again remains any trace. 此刻,在巨象仙宗内,再也感受不到紫青双剑合璧时残留下的任何痕迹。 Because order Grand Dao had been washed, even if the god melts the world, conducts the deep level cross coupling with world Grand Dao, is unable to understand clearly here passing. 因为秩序大道已经被洗涤,纵然是神融天地,与天地大道进行深层次交感,也无法洞悉这里的过往。 During this period, Jian Chen has also tried the common Giant Elephant Immortal Sect Supreme Divine Item Sun-Moon wheel, he knows that the Sun-Moon round was hidden in this piece void, however he exhausted various means even induces with Void Insect Emperor the strength of state of mind carefully, has not actually discovered the Sun-Moon wheel as before. 在此期间,剑尘也尝试过寻常巨象仙宗至尊神器日月轮,他知道日月轮被隐藏在这片虚空中,然而他用尽了各种办法,甚至用虚空虫帝的神魂之力仔细感应,却依旧没有发现日月轮。 Therefore, regarding this broken Supreme Divine Item, Jian Chen also can only give up. 所以,对于这件残破的至尊神器,剑尘也只能放弃了。 Departure that finally can feel relieved. A year, Giant Elephant Immortal Sect seven big Old Ancestor will then return, really wants to have a look at them at that time the response.” Jian Chen suspended in the upper air, the vision stared at eye piece of bleak sect finally, at once loudly takes out five to order, orders by the method activation that Heavenly Talisman Venerable informs, opened Giant Elephant Immortal Sect protection great formation, then departs calmly. “终于可以放心的离去了。还有一年的时间,巨象仙宗的七大老祖便会归来,真想看看他们那时候的反应啊。”剑尘悬浮在高空中,目光最后凝望了眼这片荒凉的宗门,旋即取出五大主令,以天符尊者告知的方法激活主令,打开了巨象仙宗的守护大阵,而后从容离去。 With departure of Jian Chen, Giant Elephant Immortal Sect turns into a deathly stillness thoroughly, does not have any life force / vitality. 随着剑尘的离去,巨象仙宗彻底变成一片死寂,没有任何生机 But the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect deathly stillness continued several time of breath then to be broken merely, sees only on Giant Elephant Immortal Sect Cang Qiong (vault of heaven), the fuzzy person's shadow quiet appearance, that empty pale shadow, could not see clearly the five senses together, is unable to distinguish the sex. 巨象仙宗的死寂仅仅持续了数个呼吸的时间便被打破,只见在巨象仙宗苍穹上,一道模糊的人影悄无声息的出现,那只是一道虚淡的影子,看不清五官,也无法分辨性别。 It as if coincides with the world, blends with Grand Dao , is carrying an inexhaustible strength. 它就仿佛与天地相合,与大道交融,举手投足间,都携带着一股无穷无尽之力。 Suddenly, that illusory person's shadow lifts the hand gently, saw only Giant Elephant Immortal Sect Cang Qiong (vault of heaven) to give birth to ripples, seemed a stone invests water surface to result, surges wave one after another. 忽然间,那虚幻的人影轻轻一抬手,只见巨象仙宗苍穹生出了一圈圈涟漪,就仿佛是一颗石头投入了水面似得,激荡起一圈又一圈的波浪。 Its palm as if searched into Space-Time, spanned infinite Heaven, the infinite distance, shuttled back and forth between the past and future, where disappeared without a trace. 它的手掌仿佛探入了时空之中,跨越了无穷天界,无穷距离,穿梭在过去与未来之间,不知去向了何方。 , In its palms, seems illusory goods to reappear gradually slowly, this goods do not seem to exist in the present age, will only exist in the future, at this moment is spanning the Space-Time river, was raised by a strength of reversal universe forcefully. 渐渐的,在它的手掌间,似有一个虚幻的物品缓缓浮现而出,这物品似乎不存在于当世,只存在于过于与未来,此刻正跨越时空长河,被一股逆转乾坤的力量硬生生的提了过来。 This goods, are Giant Elephant Immortal Sect that broken Supreme Divine Item —— Sun-Moon wheel! 这件物品,正是巨象仙宗的那件残破至尊神器——日月轮! Sun-Moon round by fuzzy is been clear gradually, finally one was grasped by the illusory person's shadow in the hand. 日月轮由模糊渐清晰,最终被虚幻的人影一把抓在了手里。 The Sun-Moon wheel at this moment, rays of light is gloomy, the Supreme Divine Item pressure is thin, because it has not obtained the supplement of energy, belongs to Supreme Divine Item rays of light is not awakened. 此刻的日月轮,光芒暗淡,至尊神器的威压细不可闻,因为它没有得到能量的补充,属于至尊神器光芒也并未被唤醒。 But when Sun-Moon round was grasped by the illusory person's shadow when the hand, immediately the pictures appear from the Sun-Moon wheel on. 可当日月轮被虚幻的人影抓在手里时,顿时有一幅幅画面自日月轮上浮现而出。 The content in picture, records all that in Giant Elephant Immortal Sect had, it seems a camera, has hidden in the hidden place, records any deeds. 画面中的内容,记载了巨象仙宗内所发生的一切,它就仿佛是一个摄像机,一直都躲在暗处,记录任何事迹。 Not only there is a scene of Jian Chen here fight, meanwhile has before Jian Chen arrives, Giant Elephant Immortal Sect in the tips that these 1 million years in have. 不仅有剑尘在这里战斗的场面,同时还有在剑尘到来之前,巨象仙宗在这百万年时间内所发生的点点滴滴。 But this record, seems only Sun-Moon round one instinct function, without obtaining the sufficient energy supply, does not affect its logging function. 而这纪录,似乎只是日月轮的一种本能功能,即便是没有得到充足的能量供应,也丝毫不影响它的记录功能。 At this time, that illusory person's shadow palm shakes gently, under this shakes, in numerous pictures of Sun-Moon round of record, the part disrupts immediately. 此时,那虚幻的人影手掌轻轻一震,这一震之下,日月轮纪录的众多画面中,顿时有一部分碎裂开来。 Recently ten thousand years of all pictures, all experiences, like cancelled. 最近万年时间的所有画面,所有经历,如同被抹去。 The illusory person's shadow loosened the hand, Sun-Moon round as if shuttled back and forth between the past and future, hid again. 虚幻人影松开了手,日月轮仿佛穿梭在过去与未来间,再次隐藏起来。 Next quarter, illusory person's shadow quiet appearance above puddle of dragonblood fish life, to puddle one zhang (3.33 m) highly suspended. 下一刻,虚幻人影悄无声息的出现在龙血鱼生活的水潭上方,离水潭一丈高度悬浮 Its palm in void grasps gently, at once sees in the wave light clear lake surface, as well as around on lake shore, even is some of distant place has become on the bare mountain peak, immediately some innumerable luminous spot collections. 它的手掌在虚空轻轻一握,旋即就见波光粼粼的湖面上,以及湖泊周围的岸边上,甚至是更远处的一些已经变得光秃秃的山峰上,顿时有无数光点汇集而来。 Finally, this everywhere brilliant light condensed in front of the illusory person's shadow, changed to two illusory dragon fish. 最终,这漫天光华在虚幻人影面前凝聚,化作了两条虚幻的龙鱼。 This is dragonblood fish some spiritual wisdom, they are very intelligent, as if knows the own following destiny, therefore shears to leave ahead of time own some spiritual wisdom, disperses in the mountains and plains, evaded the search of Jian Chen and Thousand Souls Demon Venerable. 这是龙血鱼的部分灵智,它们很聪明,似乎知道自己接下来的命运,于是提前就将自己的部分灵智割离开来,分散于山野之间,避过了剑尘千魂魔尊的搜查。 But at this moment, this pair of illusory dragonblood fish eye of reveal panic-stricken color, the student is common, in kotowing that in front of the illusory person's shadow non-stop, extremely implored. 但此刻,这一对虚幻的龙血鱼却目露惊恐之色,学人一般,在虚幻人影面前不停的叩首,万分祈求。 Illusory person's shadow not unnecessary action, as if in static is looking at dragonblood fish spiritual wisdom, has not been cruel enough to start. 虚幻的人影没有多余的举动,似乎在静静的望着龙血鱼灵智,没忍心下手。 After several breath, the illusory person's shadow sighed gently, it lifted the palm eventually, wiped in void at will. 数个呼吸后,虚幻人影轻轻一叹,它终究还是抬起了手掌,在虚空中随意一抹。 Under this wipes, dragonblood fish spiritual wisdom collapses all of a sudden, dissipates in the world. 这一抹之下,龙血鱼灵智一下子崩溃开来,消散于天地间。 Three chapters of update, have the brothers generous support of vote! 三章更新,有票的兄弟们多多支持!
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