CSG :: Volume #37

#3674: Rescues Demon Venerable ( 2 )

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In these Supreme Elder eyes of Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, if the beforehand turmoil is only small scale, difficulty-relief of that thousand soul Demon Venerable, then absolutely is a giant crisis. 巨象仙宗的这些太上长老眼中,如果说之前的动乱只是一场小打小闹的话,那千魂魔尊的脱困,则绝对是一件巨大的危机。 Because of the present this time, Giant Elephant Immortal Sect several Immortal Venerable boundary Old Ancestor are not, although Giant Elephant Immortal Sect also has the method of contending with the Immortal Venerable boundary, but by thousand soul Demon Venerable strengths, no one knows before can draw in several pad backs at the point of death. 因为眼下这个时期,巨象仙宗的几位仙尊老祖都不在,尽管巨象仙宗同样有抗衡仙尊境的手段,但以千魂魔尊的实力,谁也不知在临死之前会不会拉上几个垫背的。 In addition, can rescue the people of thousand soul Demon Venerable, inevitably is also Immortal Venerable boundary powerhouse. 除此之外,能够解救千魂魔尊之人,必然也是一位仙尊强者 That Giant Elephant Immortal Sect must face was not only thousand soul Demon Venerable one people, hidden in secret, until now unidentified Immortal Venerable. 如此说来,那巨象仙宗所要面临的就不仅仅是千魂魔尊一人了,还有一位隐藏在暗中,至今身份不明的仙尊 „It is not good, Xiang Zhiru went to that side thousand soul Demon Venerable, I have not contacted with on her now “不好,象之如去了千魂魔尊那边,我现在已经联系不上她了” At this time, Xiang Bai, cut the heads of these three lineage/vein to collect in like Zhiping and shape together, complexion were ugly. 这时,象白,象志平和象斩这三脉之首汇集在一起,一个个脸色难看。 In their three human brains, thought of a result perhaps simultaneously. 他们三人脑中,同时想到了一个恐怕的结局。 Is impossible, such as the remote antiquity is Immortal Emperor boundary 9-layer powerhouse, although is also not the Immortal Venerable boundary, but by it such as remote antiquity strength, even really to some on Immortal Venerable boundary 1-layer powerhouse, may still socialize 12.” Immortal Emperor of Xiang Zhiru that lineage/vein flew, is refuting vigorously, does not dare to accept such result. “不可能,之如太上乃是仙帝九重天强者,虽然还不是仙尊境,但是以之如太上的实力,即便是真的对上一些仙尊一重天强者,也可周旋一二。”象之如那一脉的一名仙帝飞了过来,在极力反驳,不敢接受这样的结果。 „But if, the opposite party is not Immortal Venerable boundary 1-layer, but stronger powerhouse?” Xiang Bai sinking sound said. “可如果,对方并不是一名仙尊一重天,而是更强的强者呢?”象白沉声道。 hearing that, in that Supreme Elder heart of Xiang Zhiru that lineage/vein sinks. 闻言,象之如那一脉的那名太上长老心中一沉。 If so, that today feared that has been our Giant Elephant Immortal Sect since these 3 million years, the most daunting challenge that faces.” Like Zhiping sinking sound said. “如果是这样的话,那今日怕是我们巨象仙宗在这三百万年以来,所面临的最严峻的一次挑战了。”象志平沉声道。 Since this, we can only use all cards in a hand. Otherwise, depending on our one crowd of Immortal Emperor and Immortal Monarch Realm, feared that is very difficult and two Immortal Venerable contends, especially thousand soul Demon Venerable, although its vitality damages severely, but after all is Demon Venerable boundary 4-layer powerhouse, therefore we ten thousand cannot be negligent.” Like cutting the sinking sound said. “既然这样,那我们就只能动用所有底牌了。否则,凭我们一群仙帝仙君境,怕是很难和两位仙尊抗衡,特别是千魂魔尊,虽然它元气大伤,但毕竟是一位魔尊四重天强者,所以我们万不可大意。”象斩沉声说道。 In Xiang Bai, cuts under the verbal commands of heads of these three lineage/vein like Zhiping and shape, Giant Elephant Immortal Sect all powerhouse collect rapidly together. 象白,象志平以及象斩这三脉之首的号令下,巨象仙宗的所有强者迅速汇集在一起。 Quick, sky over suppressing thousand soul Demon Venerable restricted areas, enough more than 200 powerhouse fly high suspended, cultivation level is completely Immortal Monarch Realm and Immortal Emperor boundary. 很快,在镇压千魂魔尊的禁地上空,足足两百多名强者凌空悬浮,修为全部都是仙君境以及仙帝境。 More than 200 powerhouse, quickly compose formation in the upper air, in the shortest time forms two might astonishing peerless great formation , from afar, two peerless great formation as if are two rounds hot suns that blooms trillion rays of light, shone upon entire Cang Qiong (vault of heaven). 两百余名强者,迅速在高空中组成阵法,在最短的时间内结成两座威力惊人的绝世大阵,远远一看,两座绝世大阵就仿佛是两轮绽放出亿万光芒的烈日,映照了整个苍穹 Each great formation, can contend with the Immortal Venerable boundary, even can pose the fatal threat to Immortal Venerable. 每一座大阵,都能与仙尊境抗衡,甚至能对一些仙尊构成致命威胁。 In the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect rear area, huge formation suspended in the upper air, the formation center, is placing a zhang (3.33 m) permits tall jade bottle. 巨象仙宗的后方,有一座巨大的阵法悬浮在高空中,阵法的中心处,摆放着一个丈许高的玉瓶。 In Giant Elephant Immortal Sect all Immortal Monarch Realm following disciple, at this moment under the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect Sect Master command, already completely centralized in the same place, continuous injects in within the body the strength of cultivation level formation, after passing through quenching of formation, finally changes to an incomparably pure strength to flood into the jade bottle. 巨象仙宗内所有仙君境以下的弟子,此刻在巨象仙宗宗主的号令下,已经全部集中在一起,正源源不断的将自身体内修为之力注入阵法之中,在经过阵法的淬炼之后,最终化作一股无比精纯的力量涌入玉瓶中。 Immediately, a fearful pressure gradually fills the air from the jade bottle, is getting stronger and stronger. 顿时,一股可怕的威压逐渐从玉瓶内弥漫而出,越来越强。 Golden Immortal in Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, Great Luo Golden Immortal, Profound Immortal, disciple of Nine Heavens Profound Immortal boundary adds, finally has hundreds of thousands of, but at this moment, under the joint stimulation of movement of hundreds of thousands of disciple, is unable the jade bottle filling in a short time fully. 巨象仙宗内的金仙,大罗金仙,玄仙,九天玄仙境的弟子加起来,最终有数十万之多,而此刻,在数十万弟子的合力催动之下,短时间内都无法将玉瓶给充填满。 At this moment, the bottom deep place, Devouring Immortal Monster Flower weaves a prison by the vine, the place bottom deep place that crashed had haunched piece of space in this. 此刻,地底深处,噬仙妖花以藤蔓编织成一个囚牢,在这已经崩塌的地底深处撑起了一片空间 18 golden iron chain, have broken 15 at this moment, only remains final three to exist. 十八根金色铁链,此刻已经破去了十五根,仅剩最后的三根存在。 However Giant Elephant Immortal Sect powerhouse will not look at thousand soul Demon Venerable seals to be broken obviously helplessly, sees only in the upper air, two great formation that is condensed by numerous powerhouse, erupt a terrifying power and influence suddenly, saw only two giant energy light beams to penetrate the bottom, hit directly to Devouring Immortal Monster Flower. 不过巨象仙宗强者显然不会眼睁睁的望着千魂魔尊的封印被破开,只见在高空中,那由众多强者凝聚成的两座大阵,突然爆发出一股恐怖的威势,只见两道巨大的能量光柱击穿了地底,直接打向噬仙妖花 Devouring Immortal Monster Flower is critical situation, enough eight Shudo also ejects in swings, welcomed respectively to that two giant energy light beams. 噬仙妖花如临大敌,足足八根主藤在挥舞间同时击出,分别迎向那两道巨大的能量光柱。 Bang! 轰! The bottom deep place erupts the deafening bellow immediately, the energy that two great formation send out attacks is crushed, Devouring Immortal Monster Flower eight Shudo, six root by crushing. 地底深处顿时爆发出震耳欲聋的轰鸣声,两座大阵发出的能量攻击被粉碎,不过噬仙妖花的八根主藤,也有六根被击碎。 Attack that this it faces time, obviously millenniums ago, formation even more stronger that Giant Elephant Immortal Sect nine big Immortal Emperor, 81 Immortal Monarch comprised is fierce. 这一次它所面临的攻击,显然比千年前,由巨象仙宗九大仙帝,八十一名仙君所组成的阵法还要强烈。 Because opponent of this facing, not only the population are more, the strength is also simultaneously stronger. 因为这次面对的对手,不仅人数更多,同时实力也更强。 Again come!” In the upper air, there is Giant Elephant Immortal Sect Supreme Elder to send out to angrily roar. “再来!”高空中,有巨象仙宗太上长老发出怒吼。 Two great formation again thermal energy storages. 两座大阵再次蓄能。 Suddenly, a pressure that is the Immortal Venerable boundary fills the air, sees only two giant vines to emerge as the times require, just like two directly shoots horizons sharp swords, brings dreadful strength striking ruthlessly on two great formation. 突然间,一股属于仙尊境的威压弥漫,只见两根巨大的藤蔓破土而出,就犹如两柄直射天际的利剑似地,带着滔天之力狠狠的击在两座大阵上。 This is Devouring Immortal Monster Flower two Shudo, might, must go far beyond other root hair. 这是噬仙妖花的两根主藤,威力之强,要远远超过其他的根须。 Two great formation present together transparent energy shield one after another, not only blocked the attack of Devouring Immortal Monster Flower, and strength of the strong rebound, this strikes the had strength Devouring Immortal Monster Flower, without the least bit reserved instead shakes to two Shudo. 两座大阵纷纷出现一道透明的能量护罩,不仅挡住了噬仙妖花的攻击,并且更是有一股强烈的反弹之力,将噬仙妖花这一击所具备的力量,毫无半点保留的反震给两根主藤。 Immediately, Devouring Immortal Monster Flower two Shudo presented massive fissures, such as the spider web is crowded, nearly must collapse. 顿时,噬仙妖花的两根主藤出现了大量的裂痕,如蜘蛛网般密集,险些就要崩溃开来。 The next quarter, the Devouring Immortal Monster Flower that nearly Undying and Inextinguishable strong resiliency showed that sees only all fissures on Shudo to vanish fast, all injuries that it receives, speed restoration of by inconceivable. 下一刻,噬仙妖花那近乎不死不灭的强大恢复力就展现了出来,只见主藤上的所有裂痕在快速消失,它所受到的一切伤势,都在以不可思议速度恢复。 That is Devouring Immortal Monster Flower, was past Purple Night Sword Sect that Devouring Immortal Monster Flower at this time, the screams transmitted together, Giant Elephant Immortal Sect Supreme Elder Xiang Yangtian is staring an eye unbelievable, the whole face is staring under. “那是噬仙妖花,是当年紫宵剑宗的那株噬仙妖花”这时,一道惊呼声传来,巨象仙宗太上长老象阳天正瞪着一双眼睛,满脸难以置信的盯着下方。 In the past he once arrived at Purple Night Sword Sect, was away from very far distance to see Devouring Immortal Monster Flower, therefore recognized. 当年他曾亲临紫宵剑宗,隔着很远的距离见过噬仙妖花,因此一眼就认出来了。 What? Is this that Devouring Immortal Monster Flower that Star Domain Old Ancestor raised in the past? It stepped into the Immortal Venerable boundary unexpectedly “什么?这是星寰老祖当年饲养的那株噬仙妖花?它竟然踏入了仙尊境” Damn, all these are the Purple Night Sword Sect person do “该死,难道这一切都是紫宵剑宗的人干的” Other Supreme Elder expression in great surprise, the vision starts to glitter, some people bring the dreadful hatred and ice-cold murderous intention, in some people of hearts filled anxiously, resembles is dreading anything. 其余的太上长老纷纷神色大惊,目光开始闪烁起来,有人带着滔天恨意和冰冷杀机,也有人心中充满了不安,似在忌惮着什么。 On Respectful Celebration Heaven, besides Celebration Heaven City, does not have any influence can make Giant Elephant Immortal Sect dread, only Purple Night Sword Sect. 恭庆天上,除了庆天城之外,没有任何势力能使巨象仙宗忌惮,唯独一个紫霄剑宗 Although Purple Night Sword Sect has deteriorated, but the back relations are intriguing, Supreme supports. 虽然紫宵剑宗早已衰败,可背后关系错综复杂,更是有一位太尊撑腰。 Therefore at handling the Purple Night Sword Sect matter, Giant Elephant Immortal Sect numerous powerhouse are in a very contradictory psychology. 所以在处理紫宵剑宗的事情上,巨象仙宗众多强者都处于一种非常矛盾的心理。 How the Purple Night Sword Sect person, intrudes our Giant Elephant Immortal Sect to come today, even if killed it, Supreme will not blame us.” Xiang Bai eye of reveal cold glow, tone ice cold saying. 紫宵剑宗的人又如何,今日都闯入我们巨象仙宗来了,就算杀了它,太尊也不会怪罪我们。”象白目露冷芒,语气冰寒的说道。 At this moment, three day volcano that confusion and cruel spiritual energy finally became gentle, day volcano completely stable , saw in Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, that has become light spiritual energy to start rise fast. 就在这时,三座天火山那混乱而暴戾的灵气终于变得平缓了下来,天火山被完全稳固,紧接着,就见巨象仙宗内,那已经变得非常淡薄的灵气开始飞快的回升。 Three day volcanos are stimulating to movement Spirit Gathering Divine Mountain, is gathering spiritual energy crazily. 三座天火山催动着聚灵神山,正在疯狂的聚集灵气 This change, makes Xiang Bai expression one happy, loudly shout immediately: spiritual energy recovered, the quick start day moon, imprisoned all invading enemies.” 这一变化,顿时让象白神色一喜,大喝道:“灵气复苏了,快启动日月轮,禁锢一切来犯之敌。”
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