CSG :: Volume #37

#3673: Rescues Demon Venerable ( 1 )

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The result does not have the suspense, everyone chooses to join completely, without exception. 结果毫无悬念,所有人全部选择加入,没有例外。 After all here, they are only the domestic animal of Giant Elephant Immortal Sect raising are also common, does not pull out to blood essence poaches the important organ, suffers suffering of miserable no this world, the final fate is difficult to escape dies. 毕竟在这里,他们也只是巨象仙宗饲养的牲畜一般,不是抽离精血就是挖走重要器官,遭受惨无人寰的折磨,最终的下场难逃一死。 Now has to have a new lease of life the opportunity, but the price actually joins sect merely, is the sect potency, reason how can there be the so simple condition rejects. 如今有重获新生的机会,而代价却仅仅是加入一个宗门,为宗门效力,如此简单的条件又岂有拒绝的理由。 Then, Jian Chen 11 opens more than ten prisons with the token of great wild goose likely, will imprison to be stranded in inside powerhouse emits completely. 接下来,剑尘用象鸿的令牌将十几个牢狱一一打开,将囚困在里面的强者全部放出。 But their cultivation level by the seal, is not the short time can untie, moreover is in the blood essence debt completely, condition that the vitality damages severely. 但他们所有人修为都被封印,不是短时间就能解开,而且全部都处于精血亏空,元气大伤的状态。 Even if unties their seals, battle strength ten do not save one. 哪怕是把他们身上的封印解开,战力也十不存一。 Therefore Jian Chen did not count on that these people can help, received in them a low-grade temple completely. 所以剑尘也不指望这些人能帮上忙,将他们全部都收入了一座下品神殿中。 Later Jian Chen stimulates to movement Heaven Escape Divine Armor, whole person quiet disappearance in the world, with the aid of Heaven Escape Divine Armor covered up to leave this underground cave. 之后剑尘催动遁天神甲,整个人悄无声息的消失在天地间,借助遁天神甲的遮掩离开了这处地底洞穴 With his departure, this underground cave immediately became peaceful, true soundless. 随着他的离去,这一处地底洞穴顿时变得安静了起来,真正的毫无声息。 In the underground cave lowest level, boundless Immortal Emperor Primordial Spirit also lost the trail. 地底洞穴最底层,无涯仙帝元神也失去了踪迹。 At this moment, in the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect ground, the rebellion of three day volcano had been suppressed, is gradually revolving toward the normal state, spiritual energy that three stopped Spirit Gathering Divine Mountain, as if also in the slow start, made Giant Elephant Immortal Sect that passes rapidly, start stability slowly. 此刻,巨象仙宗的地面上,三座天火山的暴动已经被镇压了下来,正在逐渐朝着正常状态运转,那三座已经停止的聚灵神山,似乎也在缓慢的启动,令的巨象仙宗那飞速流逝的灵气,慢慢的开始稳定。 In the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect upper air, some numerous powerhouse have flown, Immortal Monarch or Immortal Emperor are arriving to inspect a everywhere restricted area. 巨象仙宗的高空中,有众多强者飞过,一名名仙君或是仙帝正亲临检查一处处禁地。 Perhaps in Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, imprisons thousand soul Demon Venerable and Immortal Monarch Immortal Emperor restricted area continues these, but Jian Chen did not have the means 11 searches. 巨象仙宗内,囚禁千魂魔尊以及仙君仙帝的禁地或许不止这几处,但剑尘却没办法一一搜查了。 He by the Heaven Escape Divine Armor hidden whereabouts, quick returned in restricted area that imprisoned thousand soul Demon Venerable. 他以遁天神甲隐藏行踪,很快就重新回到了囚禁千魂魔尊的禁地中。 Here, three Immortal Emperor powerhouse have guarded personally, degenerated into mount except for the past years, had beside Immortal Emperor boundary 6-layer Xiang Chengzhu, in addition had 6-layer as well as 8-layer powerhouse. 这里,已经有三名仙帝强者亲自镇守,除了当年沦为坐骑,拥有仙帝六重天象承柱之外,另外还有一名六重天以及八重天强者 At this moment, their three people all are facial expression serious, the careful alert, resembles for fear that thousand soul Demon Venerable here to have problems. 此刻,他们三人皆是神情严肃,小心戒备,似生怕千魂魔尊这里出了问题。 „Were we too careful, since the opposite party played these small tricks, explained that the strength was not much, but restraint thousand soul Demon Venerable formation, at least also wanted the Immortal Venerable boundary to break, if the opposite party really had the Immortal Venerable boundary strength, he can definitely before we responded broke here formation, why also to move unnecessarily.” Be responsible for guarding thousand soul Demon Venerable Xiang Chengzhu to sigh one suddenly lightly, full is the complaint. “我们是不是太小心谨慎了,对方既然玩弄这些小手段,说明实力并不怎么样,而束缚千魂魔尊阵法,至少也要仙尊境才能打破,对方如果真有仙尊境实力,那他完全可以在我们反应过来之前就破掉这里的阵法,又何必多此一举。”负责看守千魂魔尊象承柱忽然轻叹一声,满是埋怨。 Drives ten thousand years of ship carefully, cannot be negligent.” Immortal Emperor boundary 8-layer looking like Zhiping is unemotional. “小心驶得万年船,不可大意。”仙帝八重天的象志平面无表情。 Curling the lip of Xiang Chengzhu thinks little, expression is lax, starts pouring liquor down the throat ruthlessly. 象承柱不以为意的撇了撇嘴,神色松懈下来,开始狠狠的灌酒。 At this moment, resembles like Zhiping receives what message suddenly, complexion suddenly changes, shouted lowly: „It is not good, Xiang Zhiru was missing, No. 3 restricted area had problems, walks, goes to No. 3 restricted area quickly!” 就在这时,象志平似忽然收到什么消息,脸色猛然一变,低喝道:“不好,象之如失踪了,三号禁地出问题了,走,快去三号禁地!” Finishes speaking, like remembering the flat belt another 6-layer powerhouse was leaving here hurriedly. 话音刚落,象志平带着另一名六重天强者急匆匆的离开了这里。 As for Xiang Chengzhu, then holds the post, keeps close, he has the responsibility in the body, only if Old Ancestor summoned, otherwise can not leave this place one step. 至于象承柱,则是坚守岗位,寸步不离,他有职责在身,除非老祖召见,否则不得离开此地一步。 But looks like Zhiping's that words, was makes Xiang Chengzhu be startled to be startled as before, mutters: „Was Xiang Zhiru missing? How possibly, only if Immortal Venerable acts, otherwise who can kill her silently. Moreover No. 3 restricted area, detained as if is also some insignificant unimportant people.” 但象志平的那番话,依旧是让象承柱怔了一怔,喃喃道:“象之如失踪了?怎么可能,除非仙尊出手,否则谁能无声无息的杀了她。而且三号禁地,关押的似乎也是一些无足轻重的小人物。” Actually this is, dares to run up to our Giant Elephant Immortal Sect to disturb unexpectedly, really lived not patiently?” “不过这究竟是谁啊,竟然敢跑到我们巨象仙宗来捣乱,真的活得不耐烦了吗?” Just spoke these words, Xiang Chengzhu as if detected that anything, subconscious turning around looked to behind. 刚说完这句话,象承柱似乎察觉到了什么,下意识的转身看向身后 Under this looks, his pupil contracts instantaneously. 这一看之下,他的瞳孔瞬间收缩。 Sees only huge monster different flowers, does not know when quietly presents in his behind, under the projection the huge jet black shadow has covered him. 只见一株庞大的妖异花朵,已不知什么时候悄然出现在他身后,投射下巨大的漆黑阴影已经将他笼罩。 The next quarter, a terrifying suction transmits, Xiang Chengzhu does not have the strength of resistance was swallowed into the abdomen by Devouring Immortal Monster Flower. 下一刻,一股恐怖的吸力传来,象承柱毫无反抗之力的就被噬仙妖花吞入了腹中。 Suppresses in thousand soul Demon Venerable the restricted area, year to year only then a Xiang Chengzhu person is guarding, now is missing the person of his guard, this restricted area becomes the free from obstacle immediately again. 镇压千魂魔尊的这处禁地中,常年只有象承柱一人在看守,如今连他这看守之人都失踪了,这处禁地顿时变得再无阻碍。 However lost Xiang Chengzhu, actually does not mean that thousand soul Demon Venerable can get out of trouble, restraint thousand soul Demon Venerable 18 golden iron chain, are the final single layer insurances. 不过失去了象承柱,却并不意味着千魂魔尊就能脱困出来,束缚千魂魔尊的十八根金色铁链,才是最后一重保险。 Because does not arrive at the attack intensity of Immortal Venerable boundary, could not destroy these iron chain. 因为不到仙尊境的攻击强度,根本就摧毁不了这些铁链 Jian Chen arrives in front of these golden iron chain, if by his own strength, without using Purple Azure Dual Swords, he also takes these golden iron chain to have no means. 剑尘来到这些金色铁链面前,如果是以他自己的实力,在不动用紫青双剑的情况下,他也拿这些金色铁链没有任何办法。 But what is lucky, Devouring Immortal Monster Flower has stepped into the Immortal Venerable boundary. 但万幸的是,噬仙妖花已经踏入了仙尊境。 Moreover is attack intensity far ultra same rank Immortal Venerable! 而且还是一位攻击强度远超同阶仙尊 Begins, ruins these iron chain to me!” Jian Chen issues the order to Devouring Immortal Monster Flower. “动手吧,给我毁掉这些铁链!”剑尘噬仙妖花下达命令。 Devouring Immortal Monster Flower began instantaneously, several giant vines air-splitting, long jab golden color iron chain. 噬仙妖花瞬间动手了,几根巨大的藤蔓破空而出,直击金色铁链 Immediately, the void distortion, the jet black crack appears one after another. 顿时,虚空扭曲,一道又一道漆黑的裂缝出现。 Devouring Immortal Monster Flower each vine has the destroying the heavens, extinguishing the earth strength, tearing this side was void, curled up energy raging tide, unexpectedly forcefully supported in a big way several points this underground cave. 噬仙妖花的每一根藤蔓都带着毁天灭地的力量,撕裂了这方虚空,卷起的能量狂潮,竟硬生生的将这处地底洞穴撑大了几分。 Bang! 轰! Devouring Immortal Monster Flower several giant vines, hit at the same time on golden iron chain, immediately erupts the startled day thundering sound. 噬仙妖花的几根巨大藤蔓,在同一时间击中了其中一根金色铁链上,顿时爆发出惊天轰鸣之声。 Golden iron chain is also rays of light rises, has the powerful energy to fill the air, as if with iron chain own firm and defense, in attack of resistance from Devouring Immortal Monster Flower. 金色铁链也是光芒大盛,有强大的能量弥漫而出,似乎在凭着铁链自身的坚固与防御,在抵御来自噬仙妖花的攻击。 However by golden iron chain defense, resists the time that half could not breathe merely, then splits in a clear sound interrupt. 然而以金色铁链的自身防御,也才仅仅抵抗了半个呼吸不到的时间,便在一声清脆的声音中断裂开来。 restraint thousand soul Demon Venerable 18 golden iron chain, were cut off its one. 束缚千魂魔尊的十八根金色铁链,断掉了其一。 Then, the Devouring Immortal Monster Flower movement non-stop, thick vine continuous ejecting, belongs to powerful energy of Immortal Venerable boundary to wreak havoc in the cavern, terrifying energy raging tide bombardment one after another around cavern. 接下来,噬仙妖花动作不停,粗大的藤蔓接连不断的击出,属于仙尊境的强大能量在洞穴中肆虐,恐怖的能量狂潮一波又一波的轰击在洞穴四周。 Immediately, on all around hole wall presented one after another huge fissure, is used to reinforce formation of hole wall unable to withstand so powerful energy storm, is one after another stave. 顿时,四周的洞壁上出现了一道又一道巨大的裂痕,用来加固洞壁的阵法也无法承受如此强大的能量风暴,接连破碎。 In Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, not all formation can resist Immortal Venerable boundary powerhouse. 巨象仙宗内,并不是所有的阵法都可以抵挡仙尊强者 Under the crazy attack of Devouring Immortal Monster Flower, 18 golden iron chain erect quick reductions, to the imprisonments of thousand soul Demon Venerable, rapid weakened. 噬仙妖花的疯狂攻击下,十八根金色铁链正飞快的减少,对千魂魔尊的禁锢,正飞速减弱 But even if these golden iron chain are only then exists, can form the suppression to thousand soul Demon Venerable, by thousand soul Demon Venerable current weak conditions, is very suspicious the own strength to work loose. 但这些金色铁链哪怕是只有一根存在,都能对千魂魔尊形成压制,以千魂魔尊目前的虚弱状态,很难凭着自己的力量挣脱开来。 Thousand soul Demon Venerable, Giant Elephant Immortal Sect Immortal Venerable boundary Old Ancestor is not at now, if you want to escape the birth day, this was your only opportunity.” Jian Chen stood in the Devouring Immortal Monster Flower body side, in the hand presented some heavenly material treasure, projected to thousand soul Demon Venerable Primordial Spirit in directly. “千魂魔尊,如今巨象仙宗仙尊老祖不在,你若想逃出生天,这可是你唯一的机会了。”剑尘站在噬仙妖花的身侧,手中出现了一些天材地宝,直接投射到千魂魔尊元神中。 These are completely God level middle-grade heavenly material treasure. 这些全部都是神级中品天材地宝 However Jian Chen seems to think also insufficient, puts out more than ten God level middle-grade Medicine Pill from the body, threw to thousand soul Demon Venerable flesh body. 不过剑尘似乎觉得还不够,又从身上拿出十几颗神级中品丹药,扔向了千魂魔尊肉身 When heavenly material treasure or God level Medicine Pill, approaches thousand soul Demon Venerable Primordial Spirit and flesh body on without a trace of disappearance, was given the absorption by thousand soul Demon Venerable completely. 无论是天材地宝还是神级丹药,一靠近千魂魔尊元神肉身时就消失的无影无踪,全部被千魂魔尊给吸收。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 砰!砰!砰! During this period, 18 golden iron chain 11 were given to destroy by Devouring Immortal Monster Flower, but thousand soul Demon Venerable pain shout also gradual disappearance, the strength of suppression is getting more and more weak. 在此期间,十八根金色铁链一一被噬仙妖花给摧毁,而千魂魔尊的痛苦嘶吼也逐渐的消失,镇压的力量已经越来越弱。 The place bottom space that however Jian Chen is, is also starting the avalanche. 不过剑尘所在的这处地底空间,也在开始大片大片的崩塌。 The strength of Immortal Venerable boundary was too terrifying, had really destroyed here geological structure, making this underground cave be also unsustainable again. 仙尊境的力量实在是太恐怖了,已经破坏了这里的地质结构,让这处地底洞穴再也难以维持。 Giant Elephant Immortal Sect also came under the enormous influence, at this moment, the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect trim land violent swaying, was having the crowded big crack. 巨象仙宗同样受到了巨大影响,此时此刻,巨象仙宗的整片大地都在猛烈的摇晃,出现了密集的大裂缝。 Also in this moment, distributes in Immortal Emperor boundary Supreme Elder of Giant Elephant Immortal Sect each key position, resembles to detect the difference, the vision shifts to thousand soul Demon Venerable positions in abundance. 也在这一刻,分布在巨象仙宗各个重要位置的仙帝太上长老,似察觉到异样,目光纷纷转向千魂魔尊的位置。 Under this looks, their complexion changed. 这一看之下,他们所有人的脸色都变了。 „It is not good, thousand soul Demon Venerable there had an accident, some people are trying to rescue thousand soul Demon Venerable “不好,千魂魔尊那里出事了,有人在试图解救千魂魔尊 Has the ability rescues thousand soul Demon Venerable surely is Immortal Venerable boundary powerhouse, quickly, takes clan's protecting Ancestral Item quickly “有能力救千魂魔尊的必定为仙尊强者,快,快去取镇族祖器
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