CSG :: Volume #37

#3671: Revering arrives

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Day symbol revering?” In the Jian Chen heart whispered, he arrived at the World of Immortals time is not long, regarding some top powerhouse understanding of World of Immortals were not many, but he then inquires Purple-Azure Sword Spirits at once. “天符尊者?”剑尘心中嘀咕,他来到仙界时间不长,对于仙界的一些顶尖强者了解的并不多,不过旋即他便询问紫青剑灵 Zi Ying, Qing Suo, do you know day of symbol revering?” 紫郢,青索,你们知道天符尊者吗?” Day symbol revering? Never expected that he is actually also living.” Zi Ying Qing Suo soon has the sound to spread, has a feeling generally: Day symbol revering in World of Immortals, is the qualifications is oldest, one of the rank biggest top powerhouse, in the past in the old master came out our casting, day symbol revering then had been detained for at least 100 million years in Immortal Venerable boundary 9-layer.” “天符尊者?没想到他竟然还活着。”紫郢青索很快就有声音传出,带着一丝感概:“天符尊者在仙界中,也是资历最老,辈分最大的顶尖强者之一,当年在老主人将我们铸造出来时,天符尊者便已经在仙尊九重天滞留了至少一亿年。” If pure calculates at the age, our old master day symbol revering Junior.” “如果单纯以年龄来算的话,就连我们的老主人都还是天符尊者的晚辈。” Listened to this saying, the Jian Chen mind to be vibrated greatly, has not thought that background unexpectedly such big of day of symbol revering, was not only Immortal Venerable boundary 9-layer top powerhouse, but also stayed over a hundred million years in this boundary. 听了这话,剑尘心神大受震动,没想到天符尊者的来头竟然如此之大,不仅是一位仙尊九重天至强者,而且更是在此境界停留了上亿年之久。 But what Yu, unexpectedly is disciple of the Immortal Venerable boundary 9-layer top powerhouse! 而何宇,竟然是一位仙尊九重天至强者之徒! Day symbol revering in World of Immortals is a person of noble character and high prestige, the manner is honest, once Guangjie the good reason, has helped many promising gentlemen, the old master in three points to the day symbol revering ritual, respected in the past, if this person is the apprentice of day of symbol revering, the master cannot bully him.” Qing Suo said. “天符尊者在仙界是一位德高望重之人,为人正直,曾广结善缘,帮助过许多有为之士,就连老主人当年都对天符尊者礼上三分,敬重有加,如果此人是天符尊者的徒弟,那主人可不能欺负了他。”青索说道。 The Purple-Azure Sword Spirits words, made attitude of Jian Chen toward what space have the subtle transformation immediately, after he thought slightly, opened the mouth saying: Since you are day of symbol revering disciple, that looks in the friendship of day symbol revering, I accept your condition.” 紫青剑灵的话,顿时让剑尘对何宇的态度发生了微妙的转变,他略微思索之后,开口道:“既然你是天符尊者的弟子,那看在天符尊者的情分上,我答应你的条件。” But, you can only stay in temple that in I carry along.” “不过,你只能呆在我随身携带的神殿中。” hearing that, what space Immortal Emperor expression one happy, as if the own big enmity must report results, bows hastily the expression of gratitude. 闻言,何宇仙帝神色一喜,仿佛自己的大仇得报似得,连忙鞠躬道谢。 what Yuxiong, can this be somewhat improper, if this Senior is not the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect opponent, we... that we do tie up the hands and feet?” Monarch by cautious passes message, in heart disturbed. “何宇兄,这会不会有些不妥,万一这位前辈不是巨象仙宗的对手,那我们...那我们岂不是自缚手脚?”君以名小心翼翼的传音,心中忐忑。 Does not need to be worried, since I dare to stay behind, then from has certain assurance, can leave badly calmly.” What space Immortal Emperor has not sent greetings, but is tone calm saying, obviously also knows that by own and the others the strengths, passes message very living that is difficult to conceal in front of Jian Chen. “不必担心,我既然敢留下,那自是有一定的把握,最不济也能从容走掉。”何宇仙帝没有传音,而是语气镇定的说道,显然也知道以自己等人的实力,在剑尘面前传音很难隐瞒的住。 Jian Chen vision deep looked at what space Immortal Emperor one, then stretched out the palm, exquisite and fine temple suspended in palms, this was one reduced innumerable time of middle-grade Divine Item. 剑尘目光深深的看了何宇仙帝一眼,而后伸出了手掌,一座小巧而精致的神殿悬浮在掌间,这是一个缩小了无数倍的中品神器 „In such being the case, your four people first go to stay.” Jian Chen said to what Yu as well as Monarch family/home three Immortal Emperor. “既然如此,那你们四人就先去里面呆着吧。”剑尘对着何宇以及君家三名仙帝说道。 Meanwhile, the front door of temple has opened, a suction spreads from inside, covers what space several people. 与此同时,神殿的大门已经打开,一股吸力从里面传出,将何宇几人笼罩。 This suction is not strong, by the strength of their Immortal Emperor boundary, the resistance can easily get rid slightly. 这股吸力并不强,以他们仙帝境的实力,稍微反抗便可轻易摆脱。 However in their four people will soon enter in the temple, the old man who wears the Daoist robe suddenly appears on the scene. 不过就在他们四人即将进入神殿中时,一名身穿道袍的老者突然出现在场中。 His Daoist robe was very worn-out, covered entirely folding, the appearance of old say/way also averagely not wonderful, did not have slightly the noteworthy feature. 他身上的道袍十分破旧,布满了皱褶,老道的长相也平平无奇,没有丝毫引人注目之处。 With the arrival of old say/way, the suction of temple was also interrupted instantaneously. 随着老道的到来,神殿的吸力也瞬间被中断。 The Jian Chen pupil contracts suddenly, the vision does flicker stares at the old man, in the heart is increasing at present vigilantly. 剑尘瞳孔猛然收缩,目光一瞬不瞬的盯着眼前老者,心中警惕大增。 Because by his strength, unexpectedly had not detected that slightly how this old man appears, he stands there obviously, actually seems air of one group of nihilities, if closes the eye, cannot feel existence of this person unexpectedly. 因为以他的实力,竟然都丝毫没有察觉到这名老者是如何出现的,他明明就站在那里,却又仿佛是一团虚无的空气,若是闭上眼睛,竟丝毫感受不到此人的存在。 Teacher, how you... did you come?” What space Immortal Emperor is looks pleasantly surprised, to be as if surprised. “师尊,您...您老人家怎么来了?”何宇仙帝则是面露惊喜,似乎大感意外。 What space Immortal Emperor to the name of old say/way, makes the Jian Chen mind shake immediately, immediately understands the status of this old man, holds the fist in the other hand to salute immediately: Junior ginseng/partake every day/sees the sky symbol revering!” 何宇仙帝对老道的称呼,顿时让剑尘心神一震,立即明白这名老者的身份,当下抱拳行礼:“晚辈参见天符尊者!” Day symbol revering vision deep looked at Jian Chen one, at once the corners of the mouth reveal wipe the light happy expression, genial nods to Jian Chen, at once a vision revolution, looks to behind what space Immortal Emperor, sighed lightly: You, really did not let be free from worry for the master, run away Giant Elephant Immortal Sect not saying that also wants to participate in Giant Elephant Immortal Sect unexpectedly extinguished in an action, you feared that did not know this matter's serious.” 天符尊者目光深深的看了剑尘一眼,旋即嘴角露出一抹淡淡的笑意,和善的对剑尘点了点头,旋即目光一转,看向身后的何宇仙帝,轻叹道:“你呀,真不让为师省心,偷跑到巨象仙宗不说,竟然还想参与到巨象仙宗的灭宗行动中去,你怕是不知道此事的严重。” Child that what Yu such as does the wrong thing immediately results, lowers the head low voice saying: What teacher teaches, is only the teacher, disciple had not planned that begins to Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, but wants to work as an observer.” 何宇立即如做错事的小孩子似得,低着头小声的说道:“师尊教训的是,只是师尊,弟子也没打算对巨象仙宗动手,只是想当一个旁观者而已。” Observer? Ahem, this matter where has is so simple, you who you think really think that Giant Elephant Immortal Sect what matter can't check?” Day symbol revering is putting on a serious face to say. “旁观者?哼哼,此事哪有你想的那么简单,你真以为巨象仙宗什么事情都查不出来?”天符尊者板着脸说道。 What space Immortal Emperor deep lowering the head, does not dare to speak. 何宇仙帝深深的低下了头,不敢说话。 Looks that what space Immortal Emperor so touches the type, day symbol revering long sighs, said: Had said to you many times, do not think again looks for Giant Elephant Immortal Sect to revenge, you really must revenge, must wait for a golden opportunity, but at present, the time has not arrived by far. Finally you are booing, slid to kill Giant Elephant Immortal Sect Supreme Elder secretly.” 看着何宇仙帝如此摸样,天符尊者长长一叹,道:“给你说过多少次,不要再想着找巨象仙宗寻仇,你真要报仇,得等一个大好时机,但眼下,时机还远远未到。结果你倒好,偷偷溜进来杀了巨象仙宗一位太上长老。” Teacher, the millenniums ago, Giant Elephant Immortal Sect lost ten Supreme Elder as well as dozens Immortal Monarch Realm elders, didn't they swallow an insult in the same old way?” What space Immortal Emperor said. “师尊,在千年前,巨象仙宗损失了十位太上长老以及数十名仙君境长老,他们不是照样忍气吞声了吗?”何宇仙帝说道。 That matter is different, that is because of involving Purple Night Sword Sect, but Purple Night Sword Sect back karma relates the crisscrossed plate mixed......” day symbol revering is not willing in this topic to make the entanglement, the tone stops suddenly, then expression serious was saying to what Yu: In brief, the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect matter, do not involve, now also you revenge.” “那次事情不一样,那是因为牵扯到紫霄剑宗,而紫霄剑宗背后的因果关系错综盘杂......”天符尊者似不愿在这个话题上多做纠缠,语气忽然止住,而后神色严肃的对着何宇说道:“总之,巨象仙宗的事,你不要牵扯进去,现在还不到你报仇的时候。” A words saying ended, day symbol revering was the sleeve robe wields, what space Immortal Emperor vanished together with three Immortal Emperor of Monarch family/home in abundance does not see. 话一说完,天符尊者便是袖袍一挥,何宇仙帝连同君家的三名仙帝纷纷消失不见。 Afterward, day symbol revering looks to Jian Chen, the vision all of a sudden became profound, as if starry skies bred to live in his eyes, comprehensive. 随后,天符尊者看向剑尘,目光一下子变得深邃了起来,仿佛有一片星空在他眼中孕育而生,包罗万象。 „Do you really prepare to destroy completely Giant Elephant Immortal Sect these people?” Saying of day symbol revering complexion serious. “你真的准备灭掉巨象仙宗的这些人?”天符尊者脸色严肃的说道。 Jian Chen nods, said: Giant Elephant Immortal Sect and Bi Paichou the deep as sea, collects some interest today.” 剑尘点了点头,道:“巨象仙宗与鄙派仇深似海,今日只是收一些利息。” Since your intention has decided that the old man did not stop you, but you wanted homing that three Spirit Gathering Divine Mountain, was laid aside by Giant Elephant Immortal Sect in that high-grade temple in central place.” Day symbol revering said. “既然你心意已决,那老夫也就不阻拦你了,不过你要寻的那三座聚灵神山,被巨象仙宗放置在中央处的那座上品神殿中。”天符尊者说道。 However his these words fall into the Jian Chen ear, is no different than together the startling thunderclap in crack, making in the Jian Chen heart raise the difficult situation. 然而他这番话落入剑尘耳中,无异于一道惊雷在炸响,令剑尘心中掀起了惊涛骇浪。 Does day symbol revering, how know him to seek for Spirit Gathering Divine Mountain? 天符尊者,怎知他在寻找聚灵神山 Therefore, you , to bring back that three Spirit Gathering Divine Mountain, you must find the way to break open that temple. Existences of three Spirit Gathering Divine Mountain, were Giant Elephant Immortal Sect provided huge quantity spiritual energy, making them be able at the small price, can maintain the huge spiritual energy supply of entire sect.” “所以,你要想拿回那三座聚灵神山,你就得想办法破开那座神殿。三座聚灵神山的存在,为巨象仙宗提供了海量灵气,让他们能够以微小的代价,就能维持整个宗门的庞大灵气供应。” Giant Elephant Immortal Sect protection formation, Giant Elephant Immortal Sect Old Ancestor keeps here powerful background, needs the huge quantity energy to urge to send, therefore, you, if really wants to go all out in Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, that must be cut off the spiritual energy supply of Giant Elephant Immortal Sect.” “无论是巨象仙宗守护阵法,还是巨象仙宗老祖留在这里的强大底蕴,都需要海量的能量来催发,所以,你若真想在巨象仙宗内大干一场,那就必须断掉巨象仙宗灵气供应。” If cannot achieve, even if you have the Illusion Monster Clan mask as well as that can high-grade Divine Item Battle Armor of concealment trail in the body, feared that is still very difficult to escape from Giant Elephant Immortal Sect.” “若不能做到,即便你有幻妖族的面具以及那具能够隐匿踪迹的上品神器战甲在身,怕也很难逃出巨象仙宗。” Because in Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, there is Supreme Divine Item. This Supreme Divine Item is 1 million years ago, is granted Giant Elephant Immortal Sect by Sacred Beast Clan, although this Supreme Divine Item is the broken condition, but it, once stimulated to movement, can imprison all lives in Giant Elephant Immortal Sect instantaneously, even Immortal Venerable boundary middle-stage powerhouse, is very difficult to work loose.” “因为在巨象仙宗内,有一件至尊神器。这至尊神器是百万年前,由圣兽一族赐予巨象仙宗,尽管这至尊神器已经是残破状态,可它一旦被催动,便可瞬间禁锢巨象仙宗内的一切生灵,即便是仙尊中期强者,都很难挣脱出来。” Hears here, in the Jian Chen heart violent jumps, in Giant Elephant Immortal Sect really has broken Supreme Divine Item? 听到这里,剑尘心中猛烈一跳,巨象仙宗内竟然有一件残破的至尊神器 This indeed more than he expected. 这的确超出他预料。 However what makes the Jian Chen heart startled is, day symbol revering unexpectedly knows the Illusion Monster Clan mask and Heaven Escape Divine Armor. 不过更让剑尘心惊的是,天符尊者竟然连幻妖族面具和遁天神甲都知道。 This indicated that his all camouflages, exist in name only in front of day symbol revering. 这说明他的一切伪装,在天符尊者面前都形同虚设。 Power service of that Supreme Divine Item, all from three Spirit Gathering Divine Mountain, therefore, so long as three Spirit Gathering Divine Mountain stop revolving, that Supreme Divine Item then lost the function.” “那件至尊神器的能量供应,全是来自于三座聚灵神山,所以,只要三座聚灵神山停止运转,那件至尊神器便失去了作用。” As for that three Spirit Gathering Divine Mountain, because Giant Elephant Immortal Sect does not understand the law of complete utilization, therefore is unable to make Spirit Gathering Divine Mountain self-sufficient, depends upon spiritual energy that oneself absorb to satisfy itself to revolve to need, therefore can only stimulate to movement by the exterior energy.” “至于那三座聚灵神山,由于巨象仙宗并不懂得完整的运用之法,所以无法让聚灵神山自给自足,依靠自身吸纳的灵气满足自身运转所需,因此只能以外部的能源去进行催动。” However this exterior energy, is that three day volcano. So long as three day volcanos were destroyed, the revolution of Spirit Gathering Divine Mountain naturally stops.” “而这外部的能源,则是那三座天火山。只要三座天火山被毁,聚灵神山的运转自然停止。”
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