CSG :: Volume #37

#3670: Day symbol revering

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Xiang Zhiru body suddenly one stiff, when that vine pierced her body, she as if received some imprisonment, the entire body is unable to move. 象之如的身躯骤然一僵,在那根藤蔓刺穿了她的身躯时,她就仿佛是受到了某种禁锢,整个身躯都无法动弹。 Immortal... immortal... Immortal Venerable......” Xiang Zhiru vision stubbornly is staring at the front, the sound hoarse is also weak. “仙...仙...仙尊......”象之如目光死死的盯着前方,声音嘶哑又虚弱。 At this moment, her imposing manner is flowing, assumes to plummet, the fire of life is also rapid gloomy, within the body life force / vitality by the terrifying speed outflow. 此刻,她身上的气势一泻千里,呈直线下跌,生命之火也是飞速暗淡,体内生机正以恐怖的速度流失。 This vine, is swallowing her life force / vitality by very terrifying speed. 这一根藤蔓,正以一种十分恐怖的速度在吞噬她的生机 Behind Xiang Zhiru, that four Immortal Emperor are dumbfounded, the mind was vibrated greatly, obviously was also given startled heavy by this sudden accident. 象之如后方,那四名仙帝目瞪口呆,心神大受震动,显然也被这突如其来的变故给惊的不轻。 Until this time, in the Xiang Zhiru front, had form together to reappear from void. 直到这时,在象之如的前方,才有一道身影从虚空中浮现。 This is a look ordinary old man, wears the black long gown, body aura restrains completely, without tiny bit divulging, looks just like an ordinary old person. 这是一名相貌普通的老者,身穿黑色长袍,身上气息完全收敛,没有一丝一毫泄露,看上去就犹如一名普通老人。 In this old man wrist/skill place, is twining exquisite flowers, at this moment, in which root hair of this small flowers, has changed to the wrist-thick rattan, such as the sharp sharp sword pierced the Xiang Zhiru body. 在这名老者手腕处,缠绕着一朵小巧的花朵,此刻,这小花朵的其中一根须子,已经化作成手腕粗细的藤条,如锋利的利剑般刺穿了象之如的身躯。 When sees Xiang Zhiru unexpectedly by a little flower to the heavy losses, your family/home several Immortal Emperor feel panic-stricken in abundance. 当看到象之如竟然是被一朵小花给重创时,君家几名仙帝纷纷感到惊骇。 Who you... you are, daring... to dare with our Giant Elephant Immortal Sect... for the enemy..., even if you are Immortal Venerable... must die wickedly without doubt......” the Xiang Zhiru vision are staring at present this old man, makes the sound that clenches jaws with the weak tone. “你...你是谁,敢...敢和我们巨象仙宗...为敌...纵然你是仙尊...也必死无疑......”象之如目光恶狠狠的盯着眼前这名老者,用虚弱的语气发出咬牙切齿的声音。 She is indeed weak, because in this short time, Devouring Immortal Monster Flower then swallowed her within the body to surpass 70% life force / vitality. 她的确非常虚弱,因为在这短短时间内,噬仙妖花便吞噬了她体内超过70%的生机 This is the result that Devouring Immortal Monster Flower deliberately slows down. 这还是噬仙妖花刻意放缓的结果。 After the strength reaches to the Immortal Venerable boundary, Devouring Immortal Monster Flower swallows speed also to promote sharply, Immortal Emperor boundary 9-layer also only suffices the stops up gap between teeth. 实力臻至仙尊境之后,噬仙妖花的吞噬速度也大幅提升,仙帝九重天也只够塞牙缝。 At death's door also obstinate argumentative.” Jian Chen cold voice said, his fluttering slowly to Xiang Zhiru in front, is separated by three chi (0.33 m) distance with Xiang Zhiru hovering, then points at and sword, immediately has an intense sword glow turnover. “死到临头还嘴硬。”剑尘冷声说道,他缓缓的飘飞到象之如面前,与象之如相隔三尺距离悬停下来,然后手指并剑,立即有一道强烈的剑芒吞吐。 The next quarter, Jian Chen then in the sword glow thorn by hand to Xiang Zhiru, sharp sword glow such as cuts the tofu, no hindrance submerged Xiang Zhiru forehead, lets her body and soul completely eliminated at the scene. 下一刻,剑尘便以手中的剑芒刺向象之如,锋利的剑芒如切豆腐般,毫无阻碍的没入了象之如眉心,当场让她形神俱灭 By the Xiang Zhiru Immortal Emperor boundary 9-layer strength, Jian Chen, if kills her, without using card in a hand, but must consume a hands and feet. 象之如仙帝九重天的实力,剑尘若要杀她,在不动用底牌的情况下,还得耗费一番手脚。 But has Devouring Immortal Monster Flower of Immortal Venerable boundary to assist, that all were simpler. 但有仙尊境的噬仙妖花相助,那一切就简单多了。 In Giant Elephant Immortal Sect only two big Immortal Emperor boundary 9-layer powerhouse, such falls/dies not making a sound in this underground cave. 巨象仙宗内仅有的两大仙帝九重天强者,其中一位就这么不声不响的陨落在这处地底洞穴中。 After Xiang Zhiru dies, her corpse was swallowed down by Devouring Immortal Monster Flower one, Space Ring that wears actually fell into the Jian Chen hand. 象之如死后,她的尸体被噬仙妖花一口吞了下去,不过佩戴的空间戒指却落入了剑尘手中。 Jian Chen has not examined Xiang Zhiru Space Ring, the vision looks to what space Immortal Emperor and Monarch of family/home three emperors not far away, finally the vision falls on what space Immortal Emperor that seven color talisman, in vision rare reveals one to dread, then said with the hoarse sound: Your that talisman, since has not thought using up from the beginning, that receives as early as possible.” 剑尘也没有查看象之如空间戒指,目光看向不远处的何宇仙帝以及君家三帝,最后目光落在何宇仙帝面前的那张七彩符箓上,目光中罕见的露出一丝忌惮,而后用沙哑的声音道:“你那符箓,既然一开始就没有想过用掉,那就趁早收起来吧。” hearing that, what space Immortal Emperor smiles embarrasedly, immediately received seven color broken Heavenly God symbols, this hierograph, he indeed has not planned so using up easily, but wants to frighten Xiang Zhiru with this talisman. 闻言,何宇仙帝讪讪一笑,当即收起了七彩破天神符,这张神符,他的确没打算这般轻易的就用掉,只是想用这符箓吓唬吓唬象之如而已。 Junior what Yujian Senior, many thanks Senior the graciousness of rescuing.” What space Immortal Emperor holds the Fist Dao to Jian Chen , said: Does not know how Junior should call Senior?” 晚辈何宇见过前辈,多谢前辈的搭救之恩。”何宇仙帝剑尘抱拳道,顿了顿,又说道:“不知晚辈该如何称呼前辈?” In what space behind, your family/home three big Immortal Emperor also hold the fist in the other hand respectfully the expression of gratitude, the manner also brings several points of disturbance. 在何宇身后,君家三大仙帝也是纷纷抱拳道谢,神态恭敬中又带着几分忐忑。 Does not need to inquire my origin, you only need to know that Giant Elephant Immortal Sect is my enemy then.” Jian Chen tone light saying, his vision looks to Monarch with the name, said: Will look like that token of great wild goose to stay behind.” “不用打探我的来历,你们只需要知道巨象仙宗是我的敌人即可。”剑尘语气淡淡的说道,他目光看向君以名,道:“将象鸿的那块令牌留下。” Monarch by not slightly hesitant, promptly will turn on the key of prison to give Jian Chen. 君以名没有丝毫犹豫,立即将打开牢狱的钥匙交给了剑尘 Jian Chen received the token, the vision looks to what Yu, said: That that you just displayed transmits secret skill, can break through the imprisonment of Giant Elephant Immortal Sect protection formation, escapes to outside?” 剑尘接过令牌,目光看向何宇,道:“你刚刚施展的那传送秘法,能突破巨象仙宗守护阵法的禁锢,逃到外面去?” Senior said well, my secret technique can indeed achieve, but can only the short distance transmission, appear near the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect entrance. If Senior needs, Junior is willing to bring Senior to leave together. Otherwise, Senior only then collects the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect five big branch veins five to order, then may open by corresponding secret skill protects.” what Yu said. 前辈所言不错,我那秘术的确可以做到,不过只可以短距离传送,会出现在巨象仙宗的山门附近。若是前辈有需,晚辈愿带着前辈一同离开。否则的话,前辈就只有收集到巨象仙宗五大支脉的五块主令,然后以相应的秘法才可开启护阵。”何宇说道。 Perhaps I in Giant Elephant Immortal Sect stay several days, cannot depart with you.” The Jian Chen vision looks to the surface, as if penetrated hindered layer upon layer, saw outside sky suspended numerous Giant Elephant Immortal Sect powerhouse, muttered: Now Giant Elephant Immortal Sect Immortal Venerable boundary Old Ancestor is not, is destruction their golden opportunities.” “我会在巨象仙宗逗留几日,恐怕不能和你们一起离去了。”剑尘目光看向地表,似乎穿透了层层阻碍,看到了外面天空中悬浮的众多巨象仙宗强者,喃喃道:“如今巨象仙宗仙尊老祖不在,正是覆灭他们的大好时机。” Senior, do you want destruction Giant Elephant Immortal Sect?” When what space Immortal Emperor hears this words, immediately the spirit shakes. 前辈,你要覆灭巨象仙宗?”当何宇仙帝听到此话时,顿时精神一震。 But three Immortal Emperor of Monarch family/home, is the feeling has a dizzy spell, was frightened heavily. 而君家的三名仙帝,则是感觉头晕目眩,被吓得不轻。 After all kills Giant Elephant Immortal Sect several powerhouse, has the essential difference from destruction Giant Elephant Immortal Sect. 毕竟杀巨象仙宗的几名强者,与覆灭巨象仙宗之间可是有本质的区别。 Evidently, do you as if also think the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect destruction very much?” The Jian Chen vision shifts to what space Immortal Emperor. “看样子,你似乎也很想巨象仙宗覆灭?”剑尘目光转向何宇仙帝 In what space Immortal Emperor both eyes reveals the glow of hatred, the double fist grips tightly, saying of clenching jaws: 2 million years ago, the family that I am was extinguished by Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, all my family members, together with the birth parents, the clansman clan younger sister, die of the hand of Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, if not the teacher saved me, my perhaps also falls/dies in the past years.” 何宇仙帝双目中露出仇恨之芒,双拳紧握,咬牙切齿的说道:“两百万年前,我所在的家族就是被巨象仙宗所灭,我的所有亲人,连同亲生父母,族兄族妹,都是死于巨象仙宗之手,若非师尊救下了我,我恐怕也陨落在当年了。” Between I and Giant Elephant Immortal Sect have the blood sea deep enmity, in these 2 million years, I want to destroy completely Giant Elephant Immortal Sect frequently personally. The Giant Elephant Immortal Sect strength is too strong, moreover backs on Sacred Beast Clan, my teacher dreads incomparably, therefore I also can only this hatred, to deep burying at heart.” “我与巨象仙宗之间有血海深仇,这两百万年里,我时时刻刻都想亲手灭掉巨象仙宗。只是巨象仙宗实力太强,而且又背靠圣兽一族,就连我师尊都忌惮无比,所以我也只能将这份仇恨,给深深的埋藏在心里。” Even if must aim at Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, still only dares the small scale, does not dare really to handle the matter too certainly.” “就算是要针对巨象仙宗,也只敢小打小闹,不敢真的把事情做的太绝。” Among what space Immortal Emperor expressions brings deep being incapable, after saying, the vision that he hope for again looks to Jian Chen, said: Senior, can you really destroy completely Giant Elephant Immortal Sect?” 何宇仙帝的语气间带着一股深深的无力,说完之后,他再次将希冀的目光看向剑尘,道:“前辈,你真的要灭掉巨象仙宗吗?” That is natural, since you and Giant Elephant Immortal Sect have the bitter hatred, that this time, but dares to conduct genuine bright sword to Giant Elephant Immortal Sect a time?” On the Jian Chen face showed the light smile, he had seen that what space origin is not simple, the method is extremely also good, back also powerful teachers, if can get into the water, is a big boost. “那是自然,既然你与巨象仙宗同样有深仇大恨,那这一次,可敢对巨象仙宗进行一次真正的亮剑?”剑尘脸上露出了淡淡的笑容,他早已看出何宇来历不简单,手段也极其不俗,背后还有一位强大的师尊,若是能拖下水,也是一个不小的助力。 What space Immortal Emperor opens mouth, the past countless blood debt reappeared the heart, making him nearly probably comply directly, but he as if thought of anything finally, in the eye revealed color of the pain, shakes the head, said: „It is not good, I have not been able to do that now, is only the small scale is good, but if extinguishes the action of sect, that will involve my teacher.” 何宇仙帝张了张嘴,当年的累累血债重现心头,让他险些就要直接答应下来,但最终他似乎想到了什么,眼中露出一丝痛苦之色,摇了摇头,道:“不行,我现在还不能这么做,只是小打小闹还好,可如果是灭宗之举,那会牵连到我的师尊。” „Without the teacher , there would be no present me, I cannot give the teacher to provoke troublesome because of the own enmity.” “若是没有师尊,就没有现在的我,我决不能因为自己的仇怨而给师尊招惹麻烦。” At this point, what space Immortal Emperor as if made some decision to result, said: Senior, although I cannot directly participate to extinguish in the action of sect, but I can actually assist Senior from side, all information that about Giant Elephant Immortal Sect I grasp, unretentive informing Senior.” 说到这里,何宇仙帝似乎作出了某种决定似得,道:“前辈,虽然我不能直接参与到灭宗的行动中去,但是我却可以从旁辅佐前辈,将我掌握的关于巨象仙宗的所有情报,毫无保留的告知前辈。” I only hope, Senior can allow me in the one side, witnesses the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect destruction.” “我只希望,前辈能准许我在一旁,亲眼目睹巨象仙宗的覆灭。” Asked Senior to believe me, without me assisted in the one side, even if Senior had the strength of Immortal Venerable boundary, so long as Immortal Venerable boundary middle-stage, were extremely still difficult the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect destruction, even was impossible.” “请前辈相信我,若是没有我在一旁辅佐,就算前辈仙尊境的实力,只要不到仙尊中期,也极难将巨象仙宗覆灭,甚至根本不可能。” Because the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect strength is far from the surface being so simple, even if their sect Old Ancestor are not, they still have to suppress Immortal Venerable boundary middle-stage, writes off the Immortal Venerable boundary initial-stage card in a hand.” “因为巨象仙宗的实力远没有表面上那么简单,即便他们的宗门老祖不在,他们也拥有镇压仙尊中期,抹杀仙尊初期的底牌。” These cards in a hand, Giant Elephant Immortal Sect does not stop one type.” “这些底牌,巨象仙宗绝不止一种。” hearing that, in the Jian Chen eye the fine glow flashes, vision fiery is staring at what space Immortal Emperor, said: „Is the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect card in a hand, your teacher tells you?” 闻言,剑尘眼中精芒一闪,目光炯炯有神的盯着何宇仙帝,道:“巨象仙宗的底牌,都是你师尊告诉你的?” Indeed is I from the teacher mouth knows that teacher to extinguish in my heart to the hatred of Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, to let me understands the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect strength, therefore told me Giant Elephant Immortal Sect many secrets, otherwise, relied on the Junior Immortal Emperor boundary 2-layer strength, how can also learn of the so secret news.” What space Immortal Emperor did not deny. “的确是我从师尊口中知道的,师尊为了熄灭我心中对巨象仙宗的仇恨,也为了让我更加的了解巨象仙宗的实力,因此将巨象仙宗的许多秘密都告诉了我,不然的话,凭晚辈仙帝二重天的实力,又如何能得知如此隐秘的消息。”何宇仙帝也不否认。 A Jian Chen silence, then said: Who is your teacher?” 剑尘一阵沉默,然后道:“你师尊又是何人?” In what space Immortal Emperor eye reveals wipes the strange color, said: Can bestow the next seven color broken Heavenly God symbols powerhouse, now entire World of Immortals, only has my teacher.” 何宇仙帝眼中露出一抹奇异之色,道:“能赐下七彩破天神符的强者,当今整个仙界,也唯有我师尊一人。” Teacher is called —— day symbol revering!” “师尊人称——天符尊者!”
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