CSG :: Volume #36

#3511: Gai Zheng Immortal Emperor

After putting on Heaven Escape Divine Armor, Jian Chen controls void, entered in that lively big city instantaneously, arrived at outside that imposing mansion. 穿上遁天神甲之后,剑尘掌控虚空,瞬间进入了那座繁华大城中,来到了那座气势雄伟的府邸外面。 The next quarter, his body integrated in formation directly, has not provoked the slight response of formation. 下一刻,他的身躯直接融入了阵法之中,没有引起阵法的丝毫反应。 That feeling, was similar he to enter another void, passed through the powerful barrier that formation formed through the second independence void. 那种感觉,就仿佛他已经进入了另一片虚空,通过第二处独立虚空穿越阵法所形成的强大屏障。 Finally, this single layer prevents Immortal Emperor boundary middle-stage powerful formation sufficiently, described nominally in front of Jian Chen, was spanned by him easily. 最终,这一重足以阻挡仙帝中期的强大阵法,在剑尘面前就形容虚设,被他轻而易举的跨越了进去。 Suddenly, Jian Chen then arrived at the mansion, he has not taken off Heaven Escape Divine Armor, with the aid of Heaven Escape Divine Armor the effect of concealment, he meets no resistance, in this tightly guarded mansion round trip free. 眨眼间,剑尘便来到了府邸内部,他没有脱去遁天神甲,借助遁天神甲的隐匿之效,他如入无人之境,在这戒备森严的府邸内来去自如。 Finally, he arrived in mansion central imposing manner broad main hall. 最终,他来到了府邸中央一座气势恢宏的大殿中。 At this moment, sits one to wear the white long gown in the head of main hall, the body fills a books aura middle-aged man, in the hand is taking books careless watching. 此刻,在大殿之首坐着一名身穿白色长袍,身上弥漫出一股书卷气息的中年男子,手中正拿着一本书籍漫不经心的观看。 Under, Purple Night Sword Sect elder Nong Fugui is bending the waist slightly, maintains the stance that is making to bow to stand under. 下方,紫宵剑宗的长老农富贵则是略微弯着腰,保持着做鞠的姿态站在下方。 Gai Zheng Senior, you, if agrees to act, the assistance our Purple Night Sword Sect opens that secret space that Star Domain Old Ancestor leaves behind, then after the matter becomes, our Purple Night Sword Sect is willing to keep Star Domain Old Ancestor in the past, takes out 1/3 gift Senior.” Elder Nong stands under polite saying. 概正前辈,您若是同意出手,协助我们紫宵剑宗打开星寰老祖留下的那处秘密空间,那么事成之后,我们紫宵剑宗愿意将星寰老祖当年所留,取出三分之一赠予前辈。”农长老站在下方客客气气的说道。 That (Bai Yi) white clothes middle-aged man, is Gai Zheng Immortal Emperor, Immortal Emperor boundary 5-layer powerhouse! 那名白衣中年男子,正是概正仙帝,一位仙帝五重天强者 Moreover, Immortal Emperor that grasps Space Principle! 而且,还是一位掌握空间法则仙帝 Gai Zheng Immortal Emperor remains unmoved, his vision falls in the books in hand throughout, optional asking: „ Elder Nong, in Purple Night Sword Sect, is your qualifications to be oldest, therefore according to the this Emperor understanding, 概正仙帝不为所动,他目光始终落在手中的书籍上,随意的问道:“农长老啊,紫宵剑宗内,就属你资格最老,因此据本帝了解, Your this has seen entire life powerhouse also has many, therefore this Emperor is really very curious, the so heavy matter, why you do not look for others, but can seek this Emperor? ” 你这一生见过的强者也有不少,因此本帝实在是很好奇,如此重事,你为何不去寻找别人,而偏偏要来寻求本帝?” Gai Zheng Senior was serious, in these years that sect declines, obsolete has seen many Senior expert due to the sect reason, but obsolete does not have the least bit to happen together with these Senior expert, if wants to move them, almost does not have the least bit possibility.” 概正前辈严重了,在宗门衰落的这些年里,老朽的确因宗门的原因见过不少前辈高人,可老朽与这些前辈高人没有半点交集,要想请动他们,几乎是没有半点可能。” Moreover, the most important point, many Senior expert, obsolete are really untrustworthy, if told them this matter, feared that will let a wolf into the fold, causing our Purple Night Sword Sect ultimately anything unable to obtain.” Elder Nong said. “而且,还有最重要的一点,有许多前辈高人,老朽实在是信不过,若是将此事告诉了他们,怕是会引狼入室,导致我们紫宵剑宗最终什么都得不到。”农长老说道。 Then, Elder Nong trusts this Emperor?” The Gai Zheng Immortal Emperor vision puts aside from the books, on the face has the light smile to stare at Nong Fugui, looks very temperate, has not been the Immortal Emperor powerhouse rack. “这么说来,农长老是信任本帝?”概正仙帝的目光从书籍上移开,脸上带着淡淡的笑容盯着农富贵,看起来十分温和,没有丝毫属于仙帝强者的架子。 Elder Nong nods, said: Frankly, after obsolete also passes through one thought that decides to come to seek the help of Gai Zheng Senior. Because in the middle of Immortal Emperor that in obsolete knows, only then Gai Zheng Senior one person is worth our Purple Night Sword Sect trusts completely.” 农长老点了点头,道:“实不相瞒,老朽也是经过了一番深思熟虑之后,才决定前来寻求概正前辈的帮助。因为在老朽所认识的仙帝当中,就只有概正前辈一人是值得我们紫宵剑宗去完全信任。” Because the world know the Gai Zheng Senior high character and integrity, the manner is friendly, has heart of the universal love, therefore Gai Zheng Senior the reputation outside, having been worth trusting.” “因为世人都知概正前辈高风亮节,为人和气,更是拥有一颗博爱之心,所以概正前辈早已声名在外,值得我们信任。” Naturally, the most important point, Gai Zheng Senior with our Purple Night Sword Sect Supreme Elder Taihang Immortal Emperor, had sworn brothers' relations in the past. Has such single layer status, if our Purple Night Sword Sect was unable to trust Gai Zheng Immortal Emperor, perhaps under that this day, no one was worth trusting......” “当然,还有最重要的一点,概正前辈当年与我们紫宵剑宗太上长老太行仙帝,更是拥有一层结拜兄弟的关系。有这样一重身份在,我们紫宵剑宗如果还不能信任概正仙帝,那这天底下,恐怕就再也没有人值得我们去信任了......” Gai Zheng Immortal Emperor slowly the books and on, he before both hands arrive at the Nong Fugui body, flashing eyes is staring at Nong Fugui, said: Elder Nong, since you so trust this Emperor, that this Emperor will not disappoint you, this you sought the help of this Emperor time, this Emperor comply.” 概正仙帝缓缓的将书籍和上,他背着双手走到农富贵身前,目光炯炯的盯着农富贵,道:“农长老,既然你如此信任本帝,那本帝自是不会让你失望,这一次你寻求本帝的帮助,本帝答应了。” hearing that, Elder Nong is overjoyed immediately, bows hastily does obeisance, said: That obsolete, replaces Purple Night Sword Sect all disciple, thanked assisting of Gai Zheng Senior.” 闻言,农长老顿时大喜过望,连忙躬身一拜,道:“那老朽,代替紫宵剑宗全体弟子,感谢概正前辈的相助。” This this Emperor helps you, is not the Star Domain Old Ancestor resources, is only friendship between this Emperor and Taihang. Elder Nong please return, when your sect prepares to open Star Domain Old Ancestor secret space, then crumb jade symbol.” Gai Zheng Immortal Emperor gives Elder Nong a jade symbol. “这一次本帝帮你,不为星寰老祖的资源,只为本帝与太行之间的交情。农长老请回吧,等你们宗派准备好开启星寰老祖的秘密空间时,便捏碎这块玉符。”概正仙帝将一块玉符递给农长老 After Elder Nong received the jade symbol, a whole face exciting expression of gratitude then left here again. 农长老接过玉符之后,再次满脸激动的一番道谢便离开了这里。 He declined hospitality of Gai Zheng Immortal Emperor, without the moment stays, the cautious hidden own whereabouts, hurries to toward Purple Heaven Sword Territory as before. 他谢绝了概正仙帝的款待,没有片刻停留,依旧小心翼翼的隐藏自己的行踪,朝着紫霄剑域赶去。 Elder Nong or Gai Zheng Immortal Emperor, does not know completely in this main hall, still has the third person besides their two people. 无论是农长老还是概正仙帝,都完全不知晓在这处大殿内,除了他们二人之外还存在着第三个人。 This person naturally is Jian Chen. 这个人自然便是剑尘 Jian Chen with the aid of the Heaven Escape Divine Armor concealment ability, continuously casual standing in main hall, hears clear their all talks. 剑尘借助遁天神甲的隐匿能力,一直都大大咧咧的站在大殿中,将他们二人的所有谈话都听得一清二楚。 Present person, really trustworthy?” The Jian Chen vision stares at Gai Zheng Immortal Emperor, in the heart is actually somewhat becoming doubtful. “眼前之人,真的值得信任吗?”剑尘目光盯着概正仙帝,心中却有些犯嘀咕。 He does not have anxiously departure, but stays in this main hall as before is staring at Gai Zheng Immortal Emperor, wants to have a look at Gai Zheng Immortal Emperor to have what action. 他没有急着离去,而是依旧呆在这处大殿内盯着概正仙帝,想看看概正仙帝有何举动。 Pitifully, he has no discovery, Gai Zheng Immortal Emperor after Elder Nong departs, then returns on the throne , to continue to look with the hand in books with great interest. 只是可惜,他没有任何发现,概正仙帝农长老离去之后,便重新回到宝座上,继续拿着手中的书籍看的津津有味。 Jian Chen is stopping to stay over same place was very long, when to Elder Nong will soon leave his Spiritual Consciousness range, he has to leave this mansion. 剑尘在原地驻足停留了很久,一直到农长老即将离开他的神识范围时,他才不得不离开这座府邸。 Several days later, Elder Nong returned to Purple Night Sword Sect, his return direction, exactly is Three Suns Immortal Sect in position. 数天后,农长老神不知鬼不觉的返回了紫宵剑宗,他的返回方向,恰好是三阳仙宗的所在方位。 Although Elder Nong has hidden with every effort, and avoided the Three Suns Immortal Sect sphere of influence by far, but his return, as before inevitable by Three Suns Immortal Sect Old Ancestor, Supreme Sun Daoist was given the discovery. 尽管农长老一直都是尽力隐藏,并且远远避开了三阳仙宗的势力范围,可他的归来,依旧不可避免的被三阳仙宗老祖,上阳真人给发现了。 At this moment, in the Three Suns Immortal Sect back side of the mountain restricted area, Supreme Sun Daoist of man white hair opened the eye suddenly, expression became serious all of a sudden, said in a low voice: „Did the old fogy go back unexpectedly perfectly? Bai Ye and Chen Yan husband and wife? Why haven't they acted?” 此刻,三阳仙宗的后山禁地中,须眉白发的上阳真人猛然睁开了眼睛,神色一下子变得严肃了起来,低声道:“那老家伙竟然完好无损的回去了?白野陈烟夫妇呢?他们为何没有出手?” „, Bai Ye and Chen Yan did husband and wife have the accident/surprise?” “难道,白野陈烟夫妇发生了意外?” Thinks of here, Supreme Sun Daoist complexion changes again and again, at once stands all of a sudden, in secret room back and forth unique, on the face expression is even more ugly: Mentioned reasonably, their husband and wife because of this/should had returned, finally did not have the least bit news to the present, actually they met on the way troublesome, was already... falls/dies?” 一想到这里,上阳真人脸色一变再变,旋即一下子站了起来,在密室内来回独步,脸上神色愈发难看:“按理说来,他们夫妇因该早就归来了,结果到现在还没有半点消息,他们究竟是途中遇到了麻烦,还是已经...陨落了?” In the Supreme Sun Daoist heart sinks suddenly, the next quarter, he ran out of Three Suns Immortal Sect instantaneously, during several twinkles then arrived around the Scarlet Clouds Immortal Sect entrance of next door, then stepped into Scarlet Clouds Immortal Sect protection great formation directly. 上阳真人心中猛然一沉,下一刻,他瞬间冲出了三阳仙宗,几个闪烁间便来到了隔壁的赤霞仙宗山门附近,而后直接踏入了赤霞仙宗的守护大阵中。 Purple Night Sword Sect, in Purple Heaven Temple, at this moment, all core disciple collect again in together, the vision collects in Chen Shuzhi and Nong Fugui two people all. 紫宵剑宗,紫霄神殿内,此刻,所有的核心弟子再次汇集在一起,目光尽数汇集在陈树之农富贵二人身上。 Sees only Nong Fugui face serious slowly, the vision has swept from more than 20 core disciple, said: Then, the old man will teach your one set of formation, this set of formation, you must completely grasp in the shortest time. About this set of formation more news, anybody can not inquire.” 只见农富贵一脸严肃,目光缓缓的从二十余位核心弟子身上扫过,道:“接下来,老夫会传授你们一套阵法,这套阵法,你们一定要在最短的时间内完全掌握。关于这套阵法的更多消息,任何人都不得询问。” Moreover in following days, all of us must stay in Purple Heaven Temple, anybody can not depart.” “而且在接下来的一段日子,我们所有人都必须呆在紫霄神殿内,任何人都不得离去。” Purple Night Sword Sect core disciple, first time sees the Elder Nong such severe appearance, while feeling ill, in the heart also filled the surprise and curiosity. 紫宵剑宗的核心弟子们,还是头一次看见农长老这么严厉的样子,在感到不适的同时,心中也充满了诧异和好奇。 However Elder Nong gives forewarning, therefore although everyone is the full belly doubts, but actually tactful had not inquired. 不过农长老有言在先,所以尽管大家心里是满肚子疑惑,但却识趣的没有询问。 Then, all core disciple by the broad place of unified agreement in Purple Heaven Temple, besides Jian Chen, all of them were perceived through meditation special formation that Elder Nong hands down here silently. 接下来,所有核心弟子被统一安排在紫霄神殿内的一处宽阔之地,除了剑尘之外,他们所有人都在这里默默参悟农长老传下的特殊阵法
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