CSG :: Volume #34

#3341: Opposes the enemy jointly

Ha Ha Ha, Heavens Fighting, the blue sky, currently you are also capable of anything preventing this King.” 哈哈哈,斗天,碧落,现在你们还有什么能力阻挡本座。” Intended to repel the blue sky and Heavens Fighting two people merely one time, this made the Bloody Killer Ruler confidence rise suddenly immediately, exudes the insolent big laughter. 仅仅一次出手就击退了碧落与斗天二人,这顿时让血杀主宰信心暴涨,发出张狂的大笑声。 At once, he has not paid attention to Heavens Fighting and blue sky, in the hand Divine Sword rays of light soars to the heavens, a sword cuts the crack to be void, the powerful fluctuation of energy forms huge sword qi to shoot at Jian Chen like lightning. 旋即,他没有理会斗天与碧落,手中神剑光芒冲天,一剑斩裂虚空,强大的能量波动形成一道巨大的剑气闪电般射向剑尘 The Jian Chen vision is swift and fierce, is calm and calm, in the heart thought that gives birth to layer upon layer the ripples void immediately, but when the sword qi that Bloody Killer Ruler chops in flying to Jian Chen, seemed receives inexhaustible Space Force to cut along the way, making the sword qi energy reduce rapidly. 剑尘目光凌厉,从容而镇定,心中念头一起,虚空顿时生出层层涟漪,而血杀主宰劈出的这一道剑气在飞向剑尘时,沿途就好似受到了无穷无尽的空间之力在切割,使得剑气的能量在飞速削减。 And, the distance between both were as if also lengthened infinitely, eventually causes this sword qi when flying to shoot to look like Jian Chen, speed becomes more and more slow. 并且,两者间的距离似乎也被无限延长,最终导致这道剑气在飞射像剑尘时,速度变得越来越慢。 Before sword qi arrives in the Jian Chen body, its might has only had about 60% of heyday. 剑气抵达剑尘身前时,其威力已经只剩下全盛时期的60%左右了。 Finally, the Jian Chen finger and sword, Sword Dao Principle arrives, condensed sword qi to cut baseless. 最后,剑尘手指并剑,剑道法则降临,凭空凝聚剑气斩了下去。 Bang! 轰! Two sword qi bump into intensely, erupts a thundering sound, sword qi that the Jian Chen finger condenses makes into the smashing, the sword qi fragment splashes everywhere, left behind deep holes in the land. 两股剑气激烈相撞,爆发出一阵轰鸣之声,剑尘手指凝聚的剑气被打成粉碎,剑气碎片四处飞溅,在大地上留下了一个个深深的窟窿。 But his body backs up in void rapidly, the right arm sleeves change to the smashing, on the exposed arm outside, has covered entirely the close sword cut, has the bright red blood to flow. 而他的身躯则是在虚空中飞速倒退,右臂衣袖化作粉碎,裸露在外的手臂上,已经布满了细密的剑伤,有鲜红的血液流淌而出。 Even if is only left over the heyday 60% might strikes, Jian Chen meets hardly, is somewhat reluctantly. 纵然是只剩下全盛时期60%威力的一击,剑尘硬接起来,也是有些勉强。 Jian Chen, you are unable to escape even with wings today!” Opposite, Bloody Killer Ruler angrily roars, his energy, moves sideways to arrive in front of Jian Chen dreadfully, a sword cuts full power. 剑尘,今日你插翅难飞!”对面,血杀主宰一声怒吼,他身上能量滔天而起,一个闪身来到剑尘面前,全力一剑斩出。 Jian Chen is unemotional, has not dreaded, although falls leeward, but he is still very calm. 剑尘面无表情,没有丝毫畏惧,尽管落入下风,但他依旧镇定无比。 He disturbs Bloody Killer Ruler by Space Principle, then offers a sacrifice to second Profound Sword Qi. 他以空间法则干扰血杀主宰,然后祭出第二道玄剑气 Immediately, most powerful sword intent fills the air, smashing world smoke cloud. 顿时,一股至强剑意弥漫,粉碎天地烟云。 Unexpectedly!” “竟然还有!” Heavens Fighting Ruler and Blue Sky Ruler simultaneously in heart one startled, in the eye the expression rapid change, Profound Sword Qi of vision locking Jian Chen top of the head stubbornly, shows the inconceivable expression. 斗天主宰碧落主宰同时心中一惊,眼中神色飞速变化,目光死死的锁定剑尘头顶的玄剑气,露出不可思议的表情。 Bloody Killer Ruler is subconscious complexion big change, in the heart warning omen greatly fresh, wants the conditioned reflex rapid escapes. 血杀主宰则是下意识的脸色大变,心中警兆大生,就要条件反射的飞速远遁。 But at once then awakens suddenly, eight First Ancestor Mark appear instantaneously. 但旋即便猛然醒悟过来,八道始祖印记瞬间浮现。 Whiz!” “嗖!” Suddenly, Profound Sword Qi air-splitting, departs by quick inconceivable speed, but actually by eight First Ancestor Mark of Bloody Killer Ruler top of the head preventing. 陡然,玄剑气破空,以快的不可思议速度飞出,不过却被血杀主宰头顶的八道始祖印记给阻挡了下来。 First Ancestor Mark sent out a dim brilliance to cover Bloody Killer Ruler, formerly has gone smoothly everywhere, was regarded as trump card Profound Sword Qi by Jian Chen, now when facing these eight First Ancestor Mark, cannot obtain slightly the achievements unexpectedly. 始祖印记散发出一层朦朦胧胧的光辉笼罩了血杀主宰,从前一直都无往不利,被剑尘视为杀手锏玄剑气,如今在面对这八道始祖印记时,竟然没能取得丝毫建树。 Sees only rays of light that First Ancestor Mark sends out, directly Profound Sword Qi preventing, eventually caused Profound Sword Qi that even high-grade Divine Item can disregard, in front of this seemingly weak mark rays of light, actually has no alternative. 只见始祖印记散发出的光芒,直接将玄剑气给阻挡了下来,最终导致连上品神器都可以无视的玄剑气,在这一层看似薄弱的印记光芒面前,竟然无可奈何。 However after blocking Profound Sword Qi, First Ancestor Mark rays of light also obviously became weak. 不过在挡住了玄剑气之后,始祖印记光芒也明显变得微弱了许多。 Jian Chen pupil micro, flickers is staring at Bloody Killer Ruler First Ancestor Mark, in the heart secretly thought: In this First Ancestor Mark, contains mental energy, this mental energy can resist Profound Sword Qi. Only if my Profound Sword Qi can eradicate these mental energy completely, otherwise, Profound Sword Qi is unable to threaten Bloody Killer Ruler.” 剑尘瞳孔微缩,一瞬不瞬的盯着血杀主宰始祖印记,心中暗道:“这始祖印记中,蕴藏着一丝精神能量,这种精神能量能够抵御玄剑气。除非是我的玄剑气能将这些精神能量全部破除,否则,玄剑气根本无法威胁到血杀主宰。” After understanding these, Jian Chen deeply frowns. Although these First Ancestor Mark are Supreme Divine Item aura congeals merely, but that after all is perfect Supreme Divine Item, even if only wisp of internal energy does not allow to look down upon, it regarding any Great Primal Realm powerhouse, can be the indestructible thing, is very difficult to obliterate. 明白了这些之后,剑尘深深皱起了眉头。虽然这些始祖印记仅仅是至尊神器气息凝结而成,但那毕竟是一件完好无损的至尊神器,纵然只是一缕气机也不容小视,它对于任何混元境强者来说,都算得上是坚不可摧之物,很难磨灭掉。 After all rises to the product of Supreme level, anything that and this domain is related is not very simple. 毕竟是上升到至尊层次的产物,凡是与这个领域相关的东西都很不简单。 At least takes four Profound Sword Qi, even is five Profound Sword Qi is uneven, may break First Ancestor Mark mental energy in the flash.” In the Jian Chen eye the rays of light twinkle, through First Ancestor Mark, he as if discovered the Wood Spirit Clan this Supreme Divine Item new ability. “至少要四道玄剑气,甚至是五道玄剑气齐出,才有可能在一瞬间破掉始祖印记精神能量。”剑尘眼中光芒闪烁,通过始祖印记,他似乎发现了木灵族这件至尊神器的新能力。 That can resist the Primordial Spirit attack. 那就是能抵挡元神攻击。 Even Supreme Divine Item with the aura condense into mark, attacks to Primordial Spirit has so powerful resistance effect, let alone Supreme Divine Item. 至尊神器气息凝结成的印记,对元神攻击都有如此强大的抵御效果,更别说至尊神器本身了。 Ha Ha Ha Ha, Jian Chen, even if there are many trump card, cannot do to this King.” Opposite, Bloody Killer Ruler laughs crazily, First Ancestor Mark blocked Profound Sword Qi one after another twice, this let his thorough reassurance. 哈哈哈哈,剑尘,就算有再多的杀手锏,也奈何不得本座。”对面,血杀主宰疯狂大笑,始祖印记接连两次挡住了玄剑气,这让他彻彻底底的放心了。 Then he charges into Jian Chen rapidly, Divine Sword in hand continuous chops, the powerful energy shakes in the world, causes the void drastic fluctuation, some numerous space crack unceasing appearances. 然后他飞速冲向剑尘,手中的神剑接连不断的劈出,强大的能量在天地间震荡,引得虚空剧烈波动,更有众多空间裂缝不断的出现。 Bloody Killer Ruler knew in the heart that own grasps Space Principle Jian Chen quickly, therefore when the attack, his energy leak, disturbs this void intentionally forcefully, wants to disturb Jian Chen Space Principle. 血杀主宰心知自己快不过掌握空间法则剑尘,因此在攻击时,他故意能量外泄,强力干扰这片虚空,想要干扰剑尘空间法则 Jian Chen Space Principle is not the pure comprehension must come, but through fusing Void Insect Emperor Beast Soul, destroyed the Void Insect Emperor ability to obtain. 只是剑尘空间法则并不是单纯的领悟得来的,而是通过融合虚空虫帝兽魂,剥夺了虚空虫帝的能力获得的。 Also because of this, causes achievement of Jian Chen on Space Principle, just like ordinary with body entirely to come, the utilization or the handling, must far exceed these dependence comprehension world Grand Dao powerhouse. 也正因为如此,使得剑尘空间法则上的成就,就宛如是与身俱来一般,无论是运用还是掌控能力,都要远远超出那些依靠领悟天地大道强者 Moreover, he in the peak, has exceeded the Bloody Killer Ruler current boundary to the sensibility of Space Principle, even if the present strength is damaged, but to the utilization and handling of Space Principle, is not any 3-layer can compare as before. 另外,他在巅峰时期,对空间法则的感悟已经超越了血杀主宰当前的境界,纵然是如今实力受损,但对空间法则的运用和掌控能力,依旧不是任何三重天所能比拟的。 Therefore, Bloody Killer Ruler this tries to disturb contains the Space Principle behavior void, if copes with other powerhouse, can indeed play certain effect, however is used to cope with Jian Chen, that is doomed wastes the time. 所以,血杀主宰这试图以干扰虚空来遏制空间法则的行为,若是对付其余强者,的确能起到一定的效果,然而用来对付剑尘,那注定是白费功夫。 How like this, this King will have destroyed this piece of space like this, does Jian Chen display Space Principle not affected unexpectedly also?” Quick, Bloody Killer Ruler discovered that own this is doing not studiously, in heart secretly surprise. “怎么会这样,本座已经将这片空间破坏成这样了,剑尘施展空间法则竟然还不受影响?”很快,血杀主宰就发现自己这是在做无用功,心中暗自诧异。 Blue Sky Ruler and Heavens Fighting Ruler two people have not been idling, in their top of the head, respective five First Ancestor Mark suspended, makes a move to cope with Bloody Killer Ruler full power. 碧落主宰斗天主宰二人也没有闲着,在他们头顶,各自有五道始祖印记悬浮,全力出手对付血杀主宰 They and Bloody Killer Ruler disparity is too big, Blue Sky Ruler hit repetitive withdrawing. 只是他们与血杀主宰差距太大,碧落主宰被打的连连退后。 Only then Great Primal Realm 1-layer Heavens Fighting Ruler, complexion is at this moment pale, the corners of the mouth are hanging a bloodstain, has been injured heavily. 只有混元境一重天斗天主宰,此刻已经脸色苍白,嘴角挂着一丝血迹,已经受伤不轻。 Suddenly, even if Jian Chen collaborates with two big Ruler , is hard to suppress Bloody Killer Ruler. 一时间,纵然是剑尘与两大主宰联手,也是难以压制血杀主宰 Saw clearly. the situation, the Jian Chen brow tight wrinkle, among expression brings little gloomy, his strength has not restored, now also can only take advantage of the Space Principle self-preservation, to cause heavy losses has eight First Ancestor Mark, the injury restored extremely astonishing Bloody Killer Ruler, it may be said that was difficult such as to ascend to heaven 看清了场中局势,剑尘眉头紧皱,神色间带着几许阴沉,他实力尚未恢复,如今也只能依仗空间法则自保而已,要想重创拥有八道始祖印记,伤势恢复极其惊人的血杀主宰,可谓是难如登天。 Blue sky, Heavens Fighting, you prepare God level battle skill, then listens to my password, releases.” Jian Chen in secret passes message to Heavens Fighting and blue sky two big Ruler. “碧落,斗天,你们二人准备神级战技,然后听我口令,同时释放。”剑尘暗中向斗天和碧落两大主宰传音。 The Jian Chen voice, lets Heavens Fighting and in the blue sky eye rays of light flashes, is slightly scruple, immediately nods assent. 剑尘的话音,让斗天和碧落眼中光芒一闪,略微迟疑,当即点头同意。 Begins!” Suddenly, Jian Chen shouted in a low voice, his voice falls, the intense world pressure arrives instantaneously, Heavens Fighting Ruler and Blue Sky Ruler all display God level battle skill at the same time, the powerful pressure locked Bloody Killer Ruler instantaneously. “动手!”骤然,剑尘一声低喝,他话音一落,瞬间就有一股强烈的天地威压降临,斗天主宰碧落主宰皆是在同一时间施展出神级战技,强大的威压瞬间锁定了血杀主宰 On Heavens Fighting Ruler, presented a giant green light beam, the Blue Sky Ruler top of the head, then Divine Sword illusory shadow condenses. 斗天主宰身上,出现了一道巨大的绿色光柱,碧落主宰头顶,则是有一柄神剑虚影凝聚而成。 Two people of God level battle skill hit simultaneously to Bloody Killer Ruler 二人的神级战技同时打向血杀主宰 Ha Ha Ha Ha, you think that uses God level battle skill, can injure to this King? God level battle skill, this King can also similarly.” Bloody Killer Ruler Ha Ha laughs, next one flickers, the prestige of third world fills the air, he also displays God level battle skill, shortly will then condense together the form of great tree in the top of the head. 哈哈哈哈,你们以为动用神级战技,就能伤到本座吗?神级战技,本座同样也会。”血杀主宰哈哈大笑,下一瞬,第三股天地之威弥漫,他同样施展神级战技,顷刻间便在头顶凝聚一道巨树的身影。 However, in Bloody Killer Ruler God level battle skill just displayed, Jian Chen used supreme will, condensed a illusory blade to cut Bloody Killer Ruler and relation of God level battle skill instantaneously. 不过,就在血杀主宰神级战技才刚刚施展出来时,剑尘就动用了无上意志,凝聚成一柄虚幻的刀刃瞬间斩去了血杀主宰神级战技的联系。 Immediately, God level battle skill that Bloody Killer Ruler displays, like discouraged rubber ball results, lost all heavenly power instantaneously, changed to one group of common energies. 顿时,血杀主宰施展的神级战技,如同泄了气的皮球似得,瞬间丧失了所有的天威,化作了一团寻常的能量。 The sudden change, making Bloody Killer Ruler both eyes stare, on the face full is astonished. 突如其来的变化,让血杀主宰双目一瞪,脸上满是惊愕。 Shadowless Life-Seizing Sword!” 无影夺命剑!” Meanwhile, the Jian Chen finger and sword, separate to empty toward Bloody Killer Ruler to cut, the union of Sword Dao Principle and Space Principle, crossed Bloody Killer Ruler all defense directly, powerful sword qi explodes directly in his within the body. 与此同时,剑尘手指并剑,隔空朝着血杀主宰斩去,剑道法则空间法则的结合,直接越过了血杀主宰的所有防御,强大的剑气直接在他体内爆开。 ! ” Bloody Killer Ruler spouts everywhere blood fog immediately, five main internal organs is cut the smashing by Jian Chen Shadowless Life-Seizing Sword. ”噗!”血杀主宰当即喷出漫天血雾,五脏六腑都被剑尘无影夺命剑斩成粉碎。 His eight First Ancestor Mark can resist Profound Sword Qi, because Profound Sword Qi is a Primordial Spirit attack method. 他的八道始祖印记能够抵挡玄剑气,因为玄剑气是一种元神攻击手段。 However Shadowless Life-Seizing Sword actually does not aim at the attack of Primordial Spirit, therefore his First Ancestor Mark naturally did not resist. 然而无影夺命剑却并不是针对元神的攻击,所以他的始祖印记自然抵御不了。 Unexpected under so caused heavy losses, the Bloody Killer Ruler protecting body energy appeared shivered fiercely, nearly collapsed directly, his whole person was also the aura disorder, as if discarded half life to result in the flash. 猝不及防之下遭受如此重创,血杀主宰的护体能量出现了剧烈颤抖,险些直接崩溃,他整个人也是气息紊乱,仿佛在一瞬间丢掉了半条命似得。 Jian Chen this strikes, the might was really strong, after all his once boundary was placed there, now displays Shadowless Life-Seizing Sword to cope with merely Great Primal Realm 3-layer Bloody Killer Ruler, big of its injury, naturally was obvious. 剑尘这一击,威力实在是太强了,毕竟他曾经的境界摆在那里,如今施展无影夺命剑来对付仅仅混元境三重天血杀主宰,其伤害之大,自然是显而易见。 Insufficient that if not he restores now, move of Shadowless Life-Seizing Sword, the instantaneous second kills any Great Primal Realm 3-layer sufficiently! 若非他现在恢复的不够,一招无影夺命剑,足以瞬间秒杀任何混元境三重天 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” At this time, the prestige of intense world approaches, Bloody Killer Ruler just caused heavy losses to by Shadowless Life-Seizing Sword, when without slow the god has come, Heavens Fighting Ruler and Blue Sky Ruler two people of God level battle skill then follow closely, but, hitting of being relentless on Heaven Escape Divine Armor of Bloody Killer Ruler outside the body. 此时,强烈的天地之威临近,血杀主宰刚刚被无影夺命剑重创,还没有缓过神来时,斗天主宰碧落主宰二人的神级战技便紧随而至,毫不留情的打在血杀主宰体外的遁天神甲上。 The Heaven Escape Divine Armor high-grade Divine Item material quality, is naturally intact, but Heaven Escape Divine Armor puts in Bloody Killer Ruler, has not obtained injection of any energy, therefore the high-grade Divine Item protection capability has not displayed. 遁天神甲上品神器的材质,自然是丝毫无损,可遁天神甲穿在血杀主宰身上,并未得到任何能量的注入,因此上品神器的防护能力根本就没有发挥出来。 This also causes Heavens Fighting Ruler and Blue Sky Ruler two people of God level battle skill, seemingly hit on Heaven Escape Divine Armor, but in fact, God level battle skill all might changed to the strength of powerful counter- shaking through Heaven Escape Divine Armor, transmitted the body of Bloody Killer Ruler all. 这也就使得斗天主宰碧落主宰二人的神级战技,看似打在了遁天神甲上,可实际上,神级战技的所有威力都通过遁天神甲化作了强大的反震之力,尽数传递到血杀主宰的身上。 Immediately, in the Bloody Killer Ruler mouth the blood spits to keep, whole person hit distant flew upside down, the body aura dispirited, is injured heavily. 顿时,血杀主宰口中鲜血吐个不停,整个人被打的远远倒飞了出去,身上气息萎靡,受伤极重。 Looking from the semblance, he has the Heaven Escape Divine Armor guard, the whole person is perfect, flesh body that however in fact, was wrapped by Heaven Escape Divine Armor, now simply is quick one group of muddy fleshes, all skeletons were broken. 从外表看,他有遁天神甲护身,整个人完好无损,然而实际上,被遁天神甲所包裹的肉身,如今简直快成了一团肉泥,所有骸骨都被震碎。 , Bloody Killer Ruler withstands the blue sky and Heavens Fighting God level battle skill normally truthfully, is not possible so to cause heavy losses. 如实正常情况下,血杀主宰承受碧落和斗天神级战技,是绝不可能遭受如此重创。 But he under the unexpectedness, made into the severe wound by Shadowless Life-Seizing Sword from the interior directly, thus causes to be used to deal with the blue sky and Heavens Fighting all subsequent hands is eradicated, enabling his whole person almost to withstand two God level battle skill with the stance of completely not garrisoning. 可偏偏他在猝不及防之下,被无影夺命剑直接从内部打成重伤,从而导致用来应对碧落和斗天的所有后手都被破除,使得他整个人几乎是以完全不设防的姿态承受了两道神级战技 This naturally made him suffer the extremely serious injury. 这自然让他遭受了极其严重的伤势。 This injury serious degree, even if eight First Ancestor Mark, restore suddenly without enough time. 这伤势的严重程度,纵然是有八道始祖印记,一时间都来不及恢复。
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