CSG :: Volume #31

#3032: Supreme returns

My I do not know that” Changyang Mingyue sits in the boundless snowy area, both hands kneecap cast, is vacant and no use. “我我不知道”长阳明月坐在茫茫雪地上,双手抱膝,茫然又无助。 Jian Chen vision complex is looking at Changyang Mingyue, the mood becomes incomparably heavy, because in his brain, recollection of being able not help initially in Ice Pole Province met with He Qianchi for the first time, heard the deeds about Snow God from He Qianchi there. 剑尘目光复杂的望着长阳明月,心情变得无比沉重,因为在他脑中,情不自禁的回想起当初在冰极州第一次与鹤千尺见面时,从鹤千尺那里听到的一些关于雪神的事迹。 Not is only He Qianchi, in Heavenly Crane Family enjoys Ancestor Lan of supreme position, has spoken the similar words. 不仅仅是鹤千尺,就连天鹤家族内享有至高无上地位的蓝祖,也是说过同样的话语。 In fact, regarding Second Sister Changyang Mingyue from now on restoring the memory that might change, in the Jian Chen heart has the answer, and has been psychologically prepared. 实际上,对于二姐长阳明月今后在恢复记忆时有可能发生的变化,剑尘心中早已有了答案,并且也早已做好了心理准备。 But even so, when he faces this truly, his is still very sad, is not willing to accept. 可即便是如此,当他真正面对这一幕时,他的心情依然十分沉重,不愿意去接受。 Because he understands, such that if the situation really such as He Qianchi and Ancestor Lan said that Second Sister when restores the previous generation Snow God memory, by the time experience of Snow God that long years, will change to a mammoth time river, Changyang Mingyue this only that section of short memory, to torn to pieces of instantaneous impact. 因为他明白,如果情况真如鹤千尺蓝祖所说的那样,二姐一旦恢复上一世雪神的记忆时,以雪神那漫长岁月的时间经历,将会化作一条波澜壮阔的时间长河,将长阳明月这一世仅有的那一截短暂的记忆,给瞬间冲击的支离破碎。 By that time, Changyang Mingyue will be primarily the Snow God memory all that completely, experiences in Tian Yuan Continent as for her, only in Snow God heart middle accomplishment will be a small interlude. 到那时,长阳明月将会完全以雪神的记忆为主,至于她在天元大陆所经历的一切,也只会在雪神中成为一个小小的插曲。 And Jian Chen understands, by situation that Changyang Mingyue faces now, she feared that had arrived the final time of restoring the memory. 并且剑尘更是明白,以长阳明月如今所面临的情况来看,她怕是已经到了恢复记忆的最后时刻了。 This process, under Changyang Mingyue obsession, could the temporary suppression, temporary dragging a while, but is actually not able to prevent absolutely. 这一过程,在长阳明月执念之下,或许可以暂时性的压制,暂时性的拖延一阵子,但是却绝对无法阻止。 Because is the Grand Dao sensibility of Snow God to appear, here has the Cold Ice Principle strength of belonging to Snow God, is the Snow God memory, will return finally. 因为属于雪神大道感悟已经出现,这里已经拥有了属于雪神寒冰法则力量,属于雪神的记忆,终将会回归。 This is just like someone, because some reasons caused him to lose the memory, did not remember once matter. 这就好比某一个人,因为一些原因导致他失去了记忆,不记得曾经的事。 But when when future some day and in some moment, the memory that loses comes back suddenly, is placed in your front road, only has passively accepts, is unable to resist, is unpreventible. 可当在今后的某一天、某一刻里,那丢失的记忆忽然重新回来时,那么摆在你面前的路,也唯有十分被动的去接受,根本就无法抗拒,不可阻止。 Although in Saint Realm, some cultivation level reaches to top powerhouse of boundary of reaching the pinnacle, can fall own part to remember by method cutting of forcefully exceedingly high penetrating place, is by the Changyang Mingyue strength, obviously was unable to achieve by far this step. 虽然在圣界中,一些修为臻至登峰造极之境的顶尖强者,能够以通天彻地的手段硬生生的斩掉自己的一部分记忆,可是以长阳明月的实力,显然还远远无法做到这一步。 In addition, the return of Snow God, not only brought the lifetime memory of belonging to Snow God, meanwhile has the Snow God boundary, is the sensibility of Snow God to world Grand Dao. 此外,雪神的回归,不仅仅带来了属于雪神的一生记忆,同时还有雪神的境界,也就是雪神对天地大道的感悟。 Jian Chen sat cross-legged to sit side Changyang Mingyue, his vision looked at this snow white snow and ice world to be lost in thought that fall in the blues, melancholy if however lost. 剑尘长阳明月身边盘膝坐了下来,他目光望着这片雪白的冰雪世界怔怔出神,情绪低落,惆然若失。 He silent a long time, finally starts talking, the sound is low and deep: Second Sister, it, if must come out, that makes it come out, does not need deliberately to prevent. Because, it is true you 他沉默了很长的一段时间,才终于开口说话,声音低沉:“二姐,它若是要出来,那就让它出来吧,无需刻意去阻止。因为,它才是真正的你” These words, seemed like Jian Chen to arouse very big courage to say result , said these words, his feeling like a knife twisting in the heart, was very uncomfortable, felt that constrained intermittently. 这番话,似乎是剑尘鼓足了很大的勇气才说出来似得,当说出这句话时,他的心如刀割,无比难受,更是感到阵阵压抑。 He is unable to imagine works as side lively open Second Sister, some day when turns into Snow God that is unfeeling the scene. 他无法想象当身边这位活泼开朗的二姐,有朝一日变成雪神那副冷酷无情时的场面。 But he on Ice Pole Province, many people are having the idea of Snow God clearly now in secret, the person who Snow Sect Bing Yan Ancestral Master surfaces, as for hiding in powerhouse in secret, only feared that will be more. 可他更明白如今在冰极州上,有许多人都在暗中打着雪神的主意,雪宗冰衍祖师只是浮出水面的人,至于隐藏在暗中的强者,只怕会更多。 To change such aspect, presently method only has one, is simplest, fastest. 要想改变这样的局面,当前的方法只有一个,同时也是最简单,最快速的一个。 Then is to make the Snow God memory realize! 便是让雪神记忆醒觉! This coming, he and Shui Yunlan brought the large amounts of resources from Ice Pole Province, once the Snow God memory awakens, with the help of these resources, her cultivation level will promote rapidly. 这次前来,他和水韵蓝冰极州上带来了大量的资源,一旦雪神记忆觉醒,在这些资源的帮助下,她的修为将会飞速提升。 To say the least, even Snow God cultivation level has not restored, but at least still had her past boundary, by her in the past to the world Grand Dao sensibility degree, even if were cultivation level has not restored, its strength did not allow to look down upon. 退一步说,即便雪神修为不曾恢复,可至少也具备她当年的境界,以她当年对天地大道的感悟程度,哪怕是自身修为没有恢复,其实力也不容小视。 The Changyang Mingyue body is trembling slightly, in the vision has deep fear: But but it really quite indifferent, is quite brutal, is good to be fearful my I to be able indistinct feeling 长阳明月的身躯微微颤栗着,目光中有着深深的畏惧:“可是可是可是它真的好冷漠,好无情,好可怕我我能隐隐约约的感觉得到” Fourth Brother, I is quite afraid, after I fear it comes out, I will come under its influence, throughly turned into another person, forgot Tian Yuan Continent, forgot Lore City Changyang Mansion, forgot you, forgot the parents, forgot the big brother and Third Brother, will even forget all that this life experiences “四弟,我好害怕,我怕它出来之后,我会受到它的影响,彻头彻尾的变成了另外一个人,忘记了天元大陆,忘记了洛尔城长阳府,忘记了你,忘记了爹娘,忘记了大哥和三弟,甚至甚至会忘记今生所经历的一切” The Jian Chen side is excessive, expression earnest is staring at Changyang Mingyue, comforts saying: Second Sister, do not worry, should not be afraid, opens the heart, goes to accept your own boldly, regardless of you later turned into what appearance, regardless of later you have how unfeelingly, you throughout my Second Sister, forever is.” 剑尘侧过头,表情认真的盯着长阳明月,安慰道:“二姐,你不要担心,更不要害怕,敞开心扉,去大胆的接受你自己吧,无论你以后变成了什么样子,无论以后你有多么的冷酷无情,你都始终的我的二姐,永远都是。” Even if you really forgot all that this life this life experiences, so long as I, me will still find the way to make you record “就算你真的忘记了今生今世所经历的一切,只要我还在,那我就会想办法让你重新记起来” The comfort of Jian Chen has not played any effect, worry and disturbed not slightly weakened that among the Changyang Mingyue facial expressions reveals, because she has an intuition faintly, matter perhaps is far from the Jian Chen imagination is so simple. 剑尘的安慰并没有起到任何效果,长阳明月神情间流露出的担忧和忐忑没有丝毫减弱,因为她隐隐有一种直觉,事情或许远没有剑尘想象中的那么简单。 Fourth Brother, you accompanies Second Sister to be dull to meet, Second Sister was worried, the worry was we meet finally “四弟,你陪二姐多呆一会好吗,二姐担心,担心是我们最后的见面了” Jian Chen is suppressing the sadness in heart, silently nod. 剑尘强忍着心中的悲伤,默默点头。 Saint Realm, Luo Tian Supreme the ritual of congratulation had ended, now, collects numerous Void Battleship outside Luo Tian continent has departed, causes Luotian Family, restored the past tranquility again. 圣界,罗天太尊的道贺之礼已经结束,如今,汇集在罗天洲外的众多虚空战船已经离去,使得罗天家族,再次恢复了往日的宁静。 But in the Luotian Family deep place, Luo Tian Supreme of new birth sits cross-legged in the nihilities, both eyes shut tightly, the god melts the world, with the world Grand Dao cross coupling, melts with the order rule. 而在罗天家族深处,新诞生的罗天太尊似盘坐在虚无间,双目紧闭,正神融天地,与天地大道交感,与秩序规则相融。 He at this moment, seems the incarnation results for world Grand Dao, he is representing to the high rule, oneself are representing this side vast universe. 此刻的他,就仿佛是化身为天地大道似得,他自身就代表着至高规则,自身就代表着这一方浩瀚宇宙。 „, Among this World really has so many mysteries, so many unsolved mysteries, if really does not arrive at this boundary, is unable truly understanding our livelihood side world.” At this time, Luo Tian Supreme opened the eye slowly, he seemed the universe void like that profound eye, passing is intermittently complex and surprised. “没想到,这天地间竟然有如此多的奥秘,还有如此多的未解之谜,果真是不到这一境界,就无法真正的了解我们赖以生存的这方世界。”这时,罗天太尊缓缓的睁开了眼睛,那他好似宇宙虚空那般深邃的眼睛,透着阵阵复杂和吃惊。 But got into this domain even if, melts when with world Grand Dao, understands clearly in the world the mystery of deepest level, as before is unable to know these answers, oh Luo Tian Supreme sighed lightly. “可哪怕是涉足了这一领域,与天地大道相融,洞悉天地间最深层次的奥秘时,也依旧无法知道那些答案,唉”罗天太尊一声轻叹。 However at this time, he resembled a sleep/felt to be common, the vision looked suddenly vastly to void, his vision as if pierced the vast entire world, passed through innumerable Space-Time, the innumerable world, looked to the unknown place of the world. 然而这时,他似有所觉一般,目光骤然望向浩瀚虚空,他的目光似乎洞穿了浩瀚寰宇,穿越了无数时空,无数世界,看向了世界的未知之处。 They came back “他们回来了” Luo Tian Supreme finishes speaking, suddenly, entire Saint Realm 3,000 Grand Dao vibrates suddenly, as if unapproachable strengths arrive at this side world suddenly, affected 3,000 Grand Dao, disturbed the order revolution of the whole world. 罗天太尊话音刚落,骤然间,整个圣界三千大道戛然震动,似乎有一股无可匹敌的力量忽然降临这一方世界,影响了三千大道,干扰了整个世界的秩序运转。 Under this 3,000 Grand Dao vibration, the trim vast starry sky, the endless entire world, was covered by thick blood-color suddenly, in this blood red color, contains one powerful to inconceivable the strength of dreadful vitality. 在这三千大道震动之下,整片浩瀚星空,无尽寰宇,突然被一股浓浓的血色所覆盖,这血红的色彩中,蕴含着一股强大到不可思议的滔天气血之力。 Is Weeping Blood, he was injured unexpectedly in Luotian Family, Luo Tian Supreme complexion immediately changes. “是泣血,他竟然受伤了”罗天家族内,罗天太尊脸色顿时一变。 After achievement world Supreme fruit position, Luo Tian Supreme also just like spanned another level, takes a broad view at the world, can cause the matter that his heart fluctuates rare. 成就天地至尊果位之后,罗天太尊也宛若是跨越了另一个层次,放眼天下,也少有能够引起他内心波动的事。 But at this moment, Luo Tian Supreme is really hard keeps calm, the state of mind fluctuates. 可是此时此刻,罗天太尊是真的难以保持镇定,心绪起伏。 Devouring Province, one of the Seven Big Saint Province, is Weeping Blood Supreme the place of diving cultivating. 噬州,七大圣州之一,同时也是泣血太尊的潜修之地。 At this moment, in the Devouring Province most sacred place, in a blood-color temple, is built in the unsurpassed throne of summit of temple, the vitality surges, seems the person's shadow that is condensed by the endless blood emerges out of thin air suddenly together here, he just a appearance, then the blood could not bear spurted. 此刻,在噬州最为神圣之地,一座血色神殿中,立于神殿之巅的无上王座上,突然间气血翻腾,一道仿佛是由无尽鲜血凝聚的人影凭空出现在这里,他刚一出现,便是有一道鲜血忍不住的喷了出来。 And, from this blood spouts after his mouth, condenses on him the strength of dreadful vitality, was collapsing in an instant the big piece. 且,自这道鲜血从他口中喷出后,凝聚在他身上的滔天气血之力,也是在刹那间崩溃了大片。 Teacher, your you were injured person's shadow to flash, wears Nine Flash Star Lord of stars robe to appear here, he looked is sitting that person's shadow on unsurpassed throne, revealed panic-stricken desire color certainly. “师尊,你你你受伤了”人影一闪,身穿星辰袍的九曜星君出现在这里,他望着坐在无上宝座上的那道人影,露出惊骇欲绝之色。 At the same time, Magnificent Province, Magnificent Heavenly Palace deep place, destruction that as intense to making void to tremble, divine fire as well as creation three big Principle appear, the fuzzy person's shadow emerges out of thin air together here, this person of power and influence is dreadful, was surrounded by endless Grand Dao runes, extreme terrifying. 同一时间,盛州,彼盛天宫深处,随着一股强烈到令得虚空都为之震颤的毁灭,神火以及创造三大法则出现,一道模糊的人影凭空出现在这里,此人身上威势滔天,被无尽的大道符文所环绕,极端的恐怖。 The person's shadow flashes, the Magnificent Heavenly Palace First Your Highness form appears, her vision amazed is looking at the front that say/way by the person's shadow that Grand Dao runes surrounds, said surprised: disciple felt Six Paths of Samsara aura, the teacher, have you experienced the war?” 人影一闪,彼盛天宫大殿下的身影出现,她目光惊诧的望着前方那道被大道符文所环绕的人影,吃惊道:“弟子感受到了一丝六道轮回气息,师尊,你经历过大战?” Ran into the person of Immortal and Demon Two Worlds, to compete for wisp of Chaos Ancient Qi and Chaos Dao Fruit, this King and Weeping Blood and World of Immortals Six Paths of Samsara, Daowei/dao prestige, as well as Myriad Ghosts battle of Demon World, but was a pity that wisp of Chaos Ancient Qi fell into World of Immortals the hand of Daowei/dao prestige.” The Huan Zhen Supreme sound conveys. “遇到了仙魔两界之人,为了争夺一缕混沌古气混沌道果,本座泣血仙界六道轮回,道威,以及魔界万鬼交战,只是可惜,那一缕混沌古气落入了仙界道威之手。”还真太尊的声音传来。 World of Immortals Six Paths of Samsara Immortal Venerable and Demon World Myriad Ghosts Demon Venerable disciple knows actually, but this Daowei/dao prestige Yi Xin (wholeheartedly) complexion changes, in the heart has realized anything. 仙界六道轮回仙尊魔界万鬼魔尊弟子倒是知晓,只是这道威一心脸色微变,心中已经意识到了什么。 World of Immortals has the new Supreme birth, this personal name number Daowei Fatian, is one of the World of Immortals 12 Heavenly Courts, Daowei Family person.” Huan Zhen Supreme said. 仙界有新的至尊诞生,此人名号道威法天,是仙界十二天庭之一,道威家族的人。”还真太尊说道。 Unexpectedly is he? Has not thought that once defeated, did break through the final that together checkpoint unexpectedly?” In the Yi Xin (wholeheartedly) heart is not very tranquil, expression is complex. “竟然是他?没想到曾经的手下败将,竟然突破了最后的那一道关卡?”一心心中很不平静,神色复杂无比。 Yi Xin (wholeheartedly), although Daowei Fatian once was not your opponent, but now, you ten thousand are not taken lightly this person. Although he was new promote Supreme, but in the hand the rare treasure, this treasure had the wrapped in a shroud of obscurity prestige, took advantage of this rare treasure, he caused heavy losses to Weeping Blood.” Huan Zhen Supreme said. 一心,虽然道威法天曾经不是你的对手,可现在,你万不可小看此人。他虽然是新晋至尊,但手中却有一件异宝,此宝拥有神秘莫测之威,依仗此异宝,他重创了泣血。”还真太尊道。 What? Weeping Blood was Senior injured by Daowei Fatian?” This time, Yi Xin (wholeheartedly) really shocked, bountiful by her present state of mind, is hard keeps calm. “什么?泣血前辈是被道威法天所伤?”这一次,一心是真的震惊了,饶是以她如今的心境,都难以保持镇定。 She is not really able to imagine as once defeated, Daowei Fatian grew to unexpectedly Weeping Blood is not the degree of opponent. 她实在无法想象作为曾经的手下败将,道威法天竟然成长到连泣血都不是对手的程度了。 „The Daowei Fatian strength nothing to be worried, but the rare treasure in his hand, lets feel the threat for the masters unexpectedly. Yi Xin (wholeheartedly), you have collected the Ancient Principle last soul, then gives that last soul for the master, must make Ancient Principle return for the master as soon as possible. Perhaps that rare treasure in Daowei Fatian hand, needs Ancient Principle to refine just now that thing to contend.” 道威法天的实力不足为虑,但他手中的异宝,竟让为师都感受到威胁。一心,你既已收集到古道的最后一魂,便将那最后一魂交给为师吧,为师要尽快让古道回归。道威法天手中的那件异宝,恐怕需要古道将那件东西炼制出来方才能抗衡。”
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