CSG :: Volume #31

#3031: Changyang Mingyue

In Small World of completely closed state, the boundless snow and ice of stretching to the horizon, become this world's only color. 在一个完全封闭状态的小世界中,一望无垠的茫茫冰雪,成为了这个世界唯一的色彩。 In this snow and ice world somewhere void, suddenly transmits a slight space fluctuation, sees only Jian Chen and Shui Yunlan two people of form towering emergence here. 在这处冰雪世界中的某处虚空,突然传来一阵细微的空间波动,只见剑尘水韵蓝二人的身影突兀的出现在这里。 Just arrived at this world, then the ice-cold cold current corrosion came, Jian Chen that made to fight a shiver immediately unrestrainedly, without energy under of protecting the body, his body then wrapped up a light ice crystal suddenly, glittering and translucent carving. 刚一来到这片世界,便立即是有一股冰冷的寒流侵蚀而来,令的剑尘情不自禁的打了个寒战,在没有能量护体的情况之下,他的身上眨眼间便裹上了一层薄薄的冰晶,晶莹剔透。 The coldness of this piece of Small World, wants distant in Ice Pole Province! 这片小世界的寒冷,更是要远远的强于冰极州 Jian Chen sized up eye side world, discovered that besides a snow white color, had no thing that was worth paying attention to again. 剑尘打量了眼这方世界,发现除了一片雪白的色彩外,就再也没有什么值得关注的东西了。 Compares in Ice Pole Province, this Small World obviously wanted monotonously. 相比于冰极州,这个小世界明显要单调了许多。 Walks, I lead you place that goes to your highness to be.” Shui Yunlan said to Jian Chen, as soon as she strips Jian Chen to be thorough toward the Small World end, finally arrived in a snow and ice palace. “走,我带你去殿下所在的地方。”水韵蓝剑尘说道,她一路带着剑尘朝着小世界尽头深入,最终来到了一座冰雪宫殿之中。 When to see this snow and ice palace, Jian Chen is mind entirely shakes, in the vision reveals look of shock. 在以看见这座冰雪宫殿时,剑尘便是心神俱震,目光中露出震惊之色 His eyes see this snow and ice palace, is not any Divine Item category, condensation of it world Grand Dao as if, is interwoven by the world order. 他一眼就看出这座冰雪宫殿,并不属于任何神器的范畴,它就仿佛的天地大道的凝聚,是由天地秩序交织而成。 Facing this palace, Jian Chen quite one type facing to the feeling of high Heavenly Dao. 面对这座宫殿,剑尘颇有一种面对至高天道的感觉。 It is similar to is the “Dao” incarnation, keeps aloof, dominates in all living things, dominates above the myriad things! 它就如同是“道”的化身,高高在上,凌驾于众生,凌驾于万物之上! This Small World, is great Ice God Your Majesty is Snow God your highness founds specially, great Ice God Your Majesty seems to have calculated today's scene, therefore her creation this place was used to give the your highness training specially. your highness in the palace, you comes with me.” Shui Yunlan said in a soft voice, her mood some fluctuating, resembling somewhat were also disturbed and worried. “这个小世界,是伟大的冰神陛下专程为雪神殿下开创出来的,伟大的冰神陛下似乎早已算到了今日的情景,因此她特意创造了这个地方用来给殿下修养。殿下就在宫殿中,你跟我来吧。”水韵蓝轻声说道,她的情绪有些起伏,似又有些忐忑和担忧。 Jian Chen follows, in Shui Yunlan behind entered this snow and ice palaces that are interwoven by the order becomes, discovers inside emptily, only has in the center has one group of very intense cold air encirclements to be one of them. 剑尘跟随在水韵蓝身后进入了这座由秩序交织而成的冰雪宫殿中,发现里面空荡荡,唯有在中心处有一团非常强烈的寒气环绕在其中。 Of there cold air, has formed boundless white fog, inside is flooding a chaotic cold ice energy as well as order Grand Dao, let alone is unable look through, even if Jian Chen present Spiritual Consciousness, is unable to approach there one step. 那里的寒气之强,已经形成了一片茫茫白雾,里面充斥着一股混乱的寒冰能量以及秩序大道,别说无法望穿,哪怕是剑尘如今的神识,都无法靠近那里一步。 The Jian Chen vision does flicker is staring at the front that group cold fog, expression gradually became dignified, because in inside, he felt incomparably familiar aura. 剑尘目光一瞬不瞬的盯着前方那团寒雾,神色逐渐变得凝重了起来,因为在里面,他感受到了一股无比熟悉的气息 This aura, came from Second Sister Changyang Mingyue impressively! 这股气息,赫然是来自于二姐长阳明月 your highness in inside.” Shui Yunlan stands in the cold fog surrounding vision stared at the front, among expression was filling no use. 殿下就在里面。”水韵蓝站在寒雾外围目光怔怔的盯着前方,神色间充满了无助。 Jian Chen stepped the footsteps in the silence, slowly was close toward front cold fog, he slightly made the stop when the distance cold fog region only three chi (0.33 m) distances, then stepped into the cold fog domain resolutely. 剑尘在沉默中迈动了脚步,缓缓的朝着前方这片寒雾接近,他在距离寒雾区域仅有三尺距离时略作停顿,而后毅然踏入了寒雾领域中。 Immediately, Jian Chen encountered strong resistance, this resistance is seemed like by two force structures, a strength came from Changyang Mingyue, compared to small and weak. 顿时,剑尘遇到了一股强大的阻力,这阻力似乎是由两种力量构成,其中一股力量是来自于长阳明月,相对于弱小。 But another strength, is powerful to letting the Jian Chen scared situation, because of this strength, came from the world rule, the order Grand Dao strength. 可是另一股力量,却是强大到让剑尘都胆寒的地步,因为这股力量,是来自于天地规则,秩序大道的力量。 The strength of this Grand Dao, with Ancestor Lan, Ice Cloud Ancestral Master even more powerful were too many were too many, if really must compare, even can describe with the difference of Heaven and Earth. 这股大道之力,与蓝祖,冰云祖师还要强大太多太多了,若真要比较,甚至是可以用天与地的区别来形容。 This because of this/should came from Snow God the strength of Grand Dao!” In Jian Chen heart one cold, facing coming from Snow God the strength of Grand Dao, he knows own how , regardless of being unable to rush, if rushes forcefully hardly, will make he fall into the perdition. “这因该就是来自于雪神大道之力!”剑尘心中一凛,面对来自于雪神大道之力,他知道自己无论如何也无法闯进去,若是强行硬闯的话,甚至会让他自身陷入万劫不复之地。 Jian Chen sent out own aura on own initiative, that only his aura just sending out, that the cleanness that the resistance of coming from Changyang Mingyue then abated immediately, the Snow God regular strength has not actually made concessions as before, forms the scourge that is unable to overstep, brutal prevented Jian Chen outside. 剑尘主动散发出了自己气息,那只他的气息刚一散发,那股来自于长阳明月的阻力便立即消退的干干净净,不过雪神的规则之力却是依旧没有退让,形成了一道无法逾越的天谴,无情的将剑尘阻挡在外。 But the next quarter, the regular strength from Snow God then received one, although small and weak, but actually the unparalleled tenacity and firm will disturbance, cause this strong regular strength, under the heart unwilling sentiment does not hope the helpless retreat. 但下一刻,来自雪神的规则之力便受到了一股虽然弱小,但是却无比顽强和坚决的意志干扰,使得这股强大的规则之力,在心不甘情不愿之下无奈的退去。 Immediately, the Jian Chen resistance vanished, his body smooth entry to boundless cold fog, in this, Jian Chen Spiritual Consciousness was suppressed, at present sees is completely the white piece, pitch-dark. 顿时,剑尘的阻力消失了,他的身躯顺利的进入到茫茫寒雾中,不过在这里面,剑尘神识被压制,眼前所见尽是白茫茫一片,伸手不见五指。 Suddenly, a fearful cold air volume seat, in front of this cold air, Jian Chen this endures Great Primal Realm battle strength is more common than just like the newborn baby, the strength of no least bit resistance, will then be frozen lifelike freezing shortly, his expression, his movement solidified in this moment completely. 骤然间,一股可怕的寒气卷席而下,在这股寒气面前,剑尘这堪比混元境战力就宛若初生的婴孩一般,毫无半点反抗之力,顷刻间便被冻成了一座栩栩如生的冰冻,他的表情,他的动作全部在这一刻凝固了。 But in to become that moment of ice sculpture, the consciousness of Jian Chen was also taken away the body of own, appears in snow-bound space. 而在成为冰雕的那一刻,剑尘的意识也被带离了自己的身体,出现在一个白雪茫茫的空间中。 But in this space, the whole body snow white female is standing there quietly, grace and talent Peerless Generation, the makings had/left the dust, whole person integrated in this stretch of the world, with this side world unified whole. 而在这个空间中,有一名全身雪白的女子正悄然站在那里,风华绝代,气质出尘,整个人似融入了这片天地中,与这方世界浑然一体。 Second Sister!” When sees this female, Jian Chen immediately becomes incomparably excited, left from Tian Yuan Continent initially, this is the first time that he met with Changyang Mingyue. 二姐!”当看见这名女子时,剑尘顿时变得无比激动,自当初天元大陆一别,这还是他第一次与长阳明月相见。 „Is Fourth Brother, really you? Really is you? I, is my is having a dream? I really met you unexpectedly Changyang Mingyue am also pleasantly surprised looking, the excited tears flowed. “四弟,真的是你吗?真的是你吗?我,我这是在做梦吗?我竟然真的遇见你了”长阳明月也是惊喜过望,激动的泪水都流出来了。 Since left Tian Yuan Continent after initially, she then broke the relation with all family members, has practiced under the protection of Imperial Guardian Shui silently, is passing the secluded from the world day. 自当初离开天元大陆后,她便与所有的亲人都断了联系,一直在水侍卫的守护之下默默修炼,过着与世隔绝的日子。 In these years, besides Imperial Guardian Shui, she have not seen anybody again, let alone saw Saint Realm Martial Artist, she even on Saint Realm was what appearance does not know, only had is enduring alone several hundred-year lonely, all day passed in the arid dull cultivation. 这些年里,除了水侍卫之外,她就再也没有见过任何人,别说见到圣界武者了,她甚至就连圣界是什么样子的都不知道,唯有独自忍受着长达数百年的孤独,整日都在枯燥乏味的修炼中度过。 Changyang Mingyue psychology is not old, perhaps regarding other powerhouse, several hundred years closes up is only blinks, may regarding Changyang Mingyue, actually absolutely be a suffering. 长阳明月的心理年纪并不大,或许对于其余强者来说,数百年闭关只是眨眼之间,可对于长阳明月来说,却绝对是一种煎熬。 In addition, for a long time far away from the family member, in that thick missing that in the heart forms, is often suffering Changyang Mingyue. 除此之外,长久远离亲人,在心中形成的那股浓浓的思念,也是时常折磨着长阳明月 Therefore, at this moment when seeing Jian Chen, Changyang Mingyue naturally is the incomparable excitement. 因此,此刻在见到剑尘时,长阳明月自然是无比的激动。 Distinguishes for several hundred years, now the sister and brother two people meet finally, naturally has the finishing talking words, not matter. 分别数百年,如今姐弟二人终相见,自然是有谈不完的话,道不尽的事。 Then, Jian Chen as if forgot the own at this moment what kind position quite the same as, in his heart when that warmth with Second Sister reunion, sister and brother two people conducted had a lengthy conversation all night, forgot the time quite the same as. 接下来,剑尘仿佛浑然忘记了自己此时此刻所处何种境地,在他心中只有与二姐团聚时的那股温馨,姐弟两人进行了彻夜长谈,浑然忘记了时间。 But Jian Chen, as if forgot real motive that own this time comes, after looking like Second Sister was telling she departs, and situation that Tian Yuan Continent changes, as well as these year of own in some experiences of Saint Realm. 剑尘,也仿佛是忘记了自己此番前来的真实目的,在像二姐讲述着她离去之后,天元大陆所发生的变化与局势,以及这些年自己圣界的一些经历。 When hears the Jian Chen present strength already endures compared with Great Primal Beginning Realm, Changyang Mingyue immediately greatly is opening the mouth, on the face full is the color of inconceivable. 当听到剑尘现在的实力已经堪比混元始境时,长阳明月顿时大张着嘴巴,脸上满是不可思议之色。 When hears Tianyuan Clan that Jian Chen founds, already after Cloud Province becomes an aloof influence, Changyang Mingyue while feeling gratified, in the eye reveals to yearn that with curious color, seems like wishes one could to go to Tian Yuan Continent to have a look at now. 当听到剑尘所创建的天元家族,已然在云州成为了一种超然的势力之后,长阳明月在感到欣慰的同时,眼中又露出向往和好奇之色,似乎是恨不得现在就去天元大陆看一看 This long talk, how long also does not know to last, when all spoken languages said completely, Jian Chen as if remembered own this coming goal suddenly. 这一次长谈,也不知耗时多久,当所有的言语都道尽时,剑尘似乎才恍然想起自己这次前来的目的。 Right, Second Sister, what condition you now are, why was stranded own in this place?” Jian Chen pointed at referred to this stretch of snow white world, made the puzzled sound. “对了,二姐,你现在是什么状况,为何将自己困在这个地方?”剑尘手指了指这片雪白的天地,发出不解的声音。 With his experience, there cannot see this is actually Changyang Mingyue consciousness space, but he, was dragged into this consciousness in space by Changyang Mingyue forcefully. 以他的见识,那里看不出这其实是长阳明月的意识空间,而他,则是被长阳明月强行拉入了这个意识空间中。 Talked about this topic, the smile on Changyang Mingyue face then vanishes instantaneously, among expression covered entirely color of deep worry and fear, she shakes the head, with full was incapable of also the helpless tone saying: I do not know, I do not know why own will appear here, these these these do not seem like my own to control 一谈到这个话题,长阳明月脸上的笑容便瞬间消失,神色间布满了一股深深的担忧和害怕之色,她摇了摇头,用满是无力又无助的语气说道:“我不知道,我也不知道自己为什么会出现在这里,这些这些这些好像不是我自己能控制的” Is it is right, is Changyang Mingyue that it is its all these seems certainly like it to create as if thinks what very fearful matter results, expression becomes panic-stricken extremely, deep anxiety. “是它对,是它一定是它这一切好像是它造成的”长阳明月似乎想到了什么十分可怕的事情似得,神色变得惊恐万分,深深的不安。 Suddenly, her both hands tight holds the shoulder of Jian Chen, the tender body uncontrolled is trembling slightly, trembling sound said: Fourth Brother, I felt that it wants to come out it to come out but, but it that ice-cold, that brutal, it seems ice-cold brutal giant beast is ordinary, cold makes me feel fearful, cold makes me desperate 猛然间,她双手紧紧的抓住剑尘的肩膀,娇躯在不受控制的轻微震颤着,颤声道:“四弟,我感觉到它了它它想出来它一直想出来可是可是它又是那么的冰冷,那么的无情,它就仿佛是一只冰冷无情的巨兽一般,冷的让我感到可怕,冷的让我绝望” Fourth Brother, my I is quite afraid “四弟,我我好害怕” Among the Changyang Mingyue manners reveals the deep anxiety, seems a delicate female received greatly frightens general, the fear of ten points. 长阳明月的神态间流露出深深的不安,就仿佛是一个柔弱女子受到了巨大的惊吓一般,十分的恐惧。 Jian Chen is silent, suddenly does not know unexpectedly should say anything, he naturally understands that in Changyang Mingyue mouth it, perhaps is the Snow God memory, was Changyang Mingyue previous life. 剑尘沉默,一时间竟不知该说些什么,他自然明白长阳明月口中的那个“它”,恐怕就是属于雪神的记忆了,也就是长阳明月前世 In his heart, he naturally hopes that Second Sister is getting stronger and stronger, naturally is hopes that Second Sister can become top powerhouse that deters Saint Realm, the present Ice Pole Province situation is complex, indeed needs Second Sister to reply as soon as possible, then assumes Ice Pole Province personally, quells all turmoils. 在他内心中,他自然希望二姐越来越强,自然是希望二姐能成为一名威慑圣界绝顶强者,况且如今的冰极州形势复杂,也的确需要二姐尽快回复,然后亲自坐镇冰极州,荡平一切动乱。 Looks that Changyang Mingyue so fears and appearance of fear, he has a mind in the heart not to endure. 只是看着长阳明月这般恐惧和害怕的样子,他又有心于心不忍。 Second Sister, do you know, if after it comes out, how can also?” Silent half sound, Jian Chen opened the mouth to ask. 二姐,那你知不知道,如果它出来之后,又会如何?”沉默了半响,剑尘又开口问道。 This class matter, he can be said as one's own is experiencing, because before his is maintaining , the memory of first. 这类的事情,他可以说是亲生经历着,因为他这一世就保持着前一世的记忆。 His situation somewhat is also different from Changyang Mingyue, he is maintaining the memories of two world simultaneously, is the experiences of two lives. But Changyang Mingyue, is only maintaining the experience of this and remembers, regarding her previous generation any deeds, only if the memory awakens, otherwise she is impossible to know a little bit. 只是他的情况又与长阳明月有些不同,他是同时保持着两个世界的记忆,也就是两个人生的经历。而长阳明月,只保持着这一世的经历与记忆,对于她上一世的任何事迹,除非记忆觉醒,否则她都不可能知道一星半点
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