CSG :: Volume #29

#2876: The bone of Supreme

Transaction?” Jian Chen reveals the color of surprise, his faint smile is staring at Dark Star Great Emperor, said: What do you want to make to trade with me?” “交易?”剑尘露出诧异之色,他似笑非笑的盯着暗星大帝,道:“你想与我做什么交易?” Great Emperor, why with his so many idle talk, although the unsurpassed big incantation of my clan cannot successfully write off him, but also brought the heavy injury to him, why not to have restored while his both legs, when the fight has not reached the peak, in one vigorous effort writes off him thoroughly. Although his strength, but here after all dozens Beginning Realm powerhouse, if pays some prices, has the successful possibility.” Seventh palace Palace Master Jadi to Dark Star Great Emperor saying with sound transmission, his vision is looking at Jian Chen that the both legs that restores unceasingly, in the heart was more and more anxious, only felt that cut to kill the Jian Chen golden opportunity, gradual going far away. 大帝,何必与他这么多废话,虽然我族的无上大咒没能成功抹杀他,但也给他带来了不轻的伤势,何不趁着他的双腿还未恢复,战斗未达到巅峰时,一鼓作气的将他彻底抹杀。虽然他实力强,但我们这里毕竟有数十位始境强者,若是付出一些代价,也不是没有成功的可能。”第七殿殿主佳迪暗星大帝传音道,他目光望着剑尘那正不断恢复的双腿,心中是越来越急切了起来,只感觉斩杀剑尘的大好机会,正在逐渐的远去。 Great Emperor, we condensed the entire clan will to display the unsurpassed big incantation, made him lose the both legs with great difficulty, if continued to give him the time to make him restore, the unsurpassed big incantation of my clan did not studiously, we cannot...... sixth palace Palace Master also to Dark Star Great Emperor send greetings to the time that he panted for breath. 大帝,我们凝聚了全族意志施展无上大咒,好不容易才让他失去了双腿,如果继续给他时间让他恢复,那我族的无上大咒岂不是就做了无用功,我们不能给他喘息的时间......”第六殿殿主也向暗星大帝传音。 Dark Star Great Emperor shaking the head of gently, he covers the people by the strength of Primordial Spirit, the dignified sound resounds in all human brains: You think was too simple, at present this Martial Artist you imagine is more formidabe , when his strength has not broken through, this Emperor must kill him is not an easy matter, now his strength rises suddenly, has reached to is not completely weak in the this Emperor degree. Although in the this Emperor heart is unwilling, but actually has to acknowledge, this Emperor has lost has cut to kill his ability.” 暗星大帝轻轻的摇了摇头,他以元神之力笼罩众人,威严的声音在所有人脑中响起:“你们想的太简单了,眼前这名外界武者比你们想象中的还要难对付,他实力未突破时,本帝要杀他都不是一件容易的事,如今他实力暴涨,已经臻至完全不弱于本帝的程度了。尽管本帝心中非常不甘,但却不得不承认,本帝已经失去了斩杀他的能力。” As for the both legs that his loses, you fully did not understand his flesh body is actually powerful, even if no both legs, will not form the too tremendous impact on his strength, has a plan for the present, we only then trade a strategy to deal.” “至于他那失去的双腿,你们是完全不了解他的肉身究竟有多么强大,哪怕是没有双腿,也不会对他的实力形成太大的影响,为今之计,我们只有换一个策略来应对。” Listened to passes message of Dark Star Great Emperor, all Palace Master and Vice- Palace Master silent, they think simultaneously Jian Chen in short time, broke them in Imperial City numerous formation under arrange/cloth when the strength that exposed, the innermost feelings had a powerless feeling. 听了暗星大帝的传音,所有殿主副殿主都沉默了下来,他们同时想到了剑尘在短短时间内,就破掉他们在皇城中布下的重重阵法时展露出的实力,内心都生出了一股无力感。 Dark Star Great Emperor expression also gradually becomes tranquil, since decided that must trade a strategy to deal with the present matter, his state of mind also changed rapidly, the flashing eyes is staring at Jian Chen, said slowly: this Emperor, although has not gone to your Saint Realm, is regarding the Saint Realm dangerous will of the people, has had some understanding somewhat. In your Saint Realm, follows forever is taking the strength as to revere, by benefit supreme extreme survival Principle, when the benefit is attractive enough, even can readily let blood brother with mother turn into enemies with the father's, making the love companion massacre mutually.” 暗星大帝神色也逐渐变得平静下来,既然决定要换一个策略应对眼前之事,他的心境也是迅速发生了转变,目光炯炯的盯着剑尘,缓缓道:“本帝虽然没有去过你们圣界,可是对于圣界的险恶人心,却是多多少少有过一些了解。在你们圣界中,永远遵循着以实力为尊,以利益至上的极端生存法则,当利益足够诱人时,甚至是能轻易让同父同母的亲兄弟反目成仇,让恩恩爱爱的道侣互相残杀。” However this Emperor must with a transaction that you carry out, is puts out one to keep you from rejecting, even is the treasure that makes you not dare to reject, exchanges a thing in your hand.” “而本帝要与你进行的一场交易,就是拿出一件让你无法拒绝,甚至是让你不敢去拒绝的宝物,来交换你手中的一件东西。” Hears here, in Jian Chen eye vision one cold, he had guessed correctly actually faintly Dark Star Great Emperor wanted that thing that exchanged from his hand is anything. 听到这里,剑尘眼中目光一冷,他已经隐隐猜到暗星大帝想要从他手中交换的那件东西究竟是什么了。 However does not wait for him to have excessively the response, Dark Star Great Emperor then continues saying: „A bone of Wood Spirit Clan Supreme, exchanges Divine Beast in your hand. Martial Artist, you with that Divine Beast first did not say that does not have the least bit blood relationship, endures by you compared with Great Primal Realm battle strength merely, that only trivial God King Realm Divine Beast makes you so pay by far unqualified.” 不过不等他有过多反应,暗星大帝便继续道:“木灵族太尊的一根骨,来交换你手中的神兽。外界武者,你与那神兽先不说没有半点血缘关系,仅仅是以你堪比混元境战力,那只区区神王境神兽就远远不够资格让你这般去付出。” However actually a bone of Wood Spirit Clan Supreme has is rare and precious, in your heart is also clear, this Emperor buys you among bone of the Supreme the friendship with this only Divine Beast, you not only will not have suffering a loss of least bit, instead is a greatest opportunity.” “而木灵族太尊的一根骨究竟有多么的罕见与珍贵,想必你心中也非常清楚,本帝用一根太尊之骨来买你与这只神兽之间的交情,你非但不会有半点的吃亏,反而还是一种莫大的机遇。” Dark Star Great Emperor crosses the hands behind the back to stand, the vision does flicker stares at Jian Chen, in the chest has the giant energy. Just as he said that condition that he pledges regarding Saint Realm any Great Primal Beginning Realm, is a huge seduction that is hard to reject. 暗星大帝负手而立,目光一瞬不瞬的盯着剑尘,胸中有着巨大的底气。正如他所说,他所开出的条件对于圣界的任何一位混元始境来说,都是一个难以拒绝的巨大诱惑。 Let alone Great Primal Beginning Realm, even if some cultivation level reach to Highest Beginning Realm top powerhouse, should still make the matter that refuses to acknowledge family for this reason. 别说混元始境,即便是一些修为臻至太始境的顶尖强者,也会为此而做出六亲不认的事来。 After all that is the bone of Supreme, can be called absolutely is rare supreme treasure. 毕竟那可是太尊之骨,绝对称得上是稀世至宝 „The bone of Wood Spirit Clan Supreme? Your Dark Star Clan is really rich, has not thought that really even bone of type of thing Supreme has, to exchange the Sheng Yu life with the bone of Supreme, is actually by far insufficient.” Jian Chen said. 木灵族太尊之骨?你们暗星族果然富有,没想到竟然连太尊之骨这种东西都有,不过要想拿太尊之骨来交换圣羽的性命,却是远远不够。”剑尘说道。 A Dark Star Great Emperor brow wrinkle, said: Insufficiently? That this Emperor adds again......” 暗星大帝眉头一皱,道:“不够?那本帝再加......” Snort, even if makes contact with your Dark Star Clan entire clan, is still well below a Sheng Yu finger to be important. Laughable you are actually also thinking trades Sheng Yu from my hand , to continue to conduct your so-called big sacrifices.” Jian Chen sneers. “哼,就算搭上你们暗星族全族,也远远不及圣羽的一根手指头重要。可笑你们竟然还想着从我手中换走圣羽,来继续进行你们那所谓的大祭。”剑尘冷笑。 Martial Artist, don't be concerned about face, is it possible that you really think that my clan did take you to have no means? Heavenly Sage you because of should know, really must offend my clan, even if you return to Saint Realm, my clan still has the means to make you die without the burial ground, is not only you, your back family influence same is unable to escape by luck.” Jadi cannot bear sends out to shout angrily. “外界武者,你不要给脸不要脸,莫非你真以为我族就拿你没有任何办法了吗?天圣贤你因该知道了吧,真将我族得得罪死了,就算是你回到圣界,我族也有办法让你死无葬身之地,不仅是你,就连你背后的家族势力也一样无法幸免。”佳迪忍不住的发出怒喝。 The Jian Chen vision falls on Jadi, the corners of the mouth reveal wipe the ridicule: Jadi, seventh palace Palace Master, is the Kun Tian biggest enemy. I, since used the Kun Tian status for a long time, was the time does something for him. Sheng Yu, once that harmed your person truly, has not paid the price.” 剑尘目光落在佳迪身上,嘴角露出一抹讥笑:“佳迪,第七殿殿主,同时也是坤天最大的对头。罢了,我既然利用了坤天的身份这么长时间,也是时候为他做一些事情了。还有圣羽,曾经那真正伤害你的人,还没有付出代价呢。” Is listening to Jian Chen sound of talking, Dark Star Great Emperor complexion immediately changes, secretly thought is not good. 听着剑尘的自语声,暗星大帝脸色顿时微变,暗道一声不好。 However at this moment, Jian Chen has appeared in front of Jadi quietly, Jadi that whole face panic-stricken look, the body sends out soaring sword glow to cover Jadi in an instant. 然而就在这时,剑尘已经悄无声息的出现在佳迪面前,在佳迪那满脸惊恐的眼神中,身上刹那间散发出冲天剑芒佳迪笼罩在内。 Dark Star Great Emperor angrily roars, the direct fist ejects like lightning, brings to rush to the sound of thunder, how crushed space to go toward Jian Chen. 暗星大帝一声怒吼,直接一拳闪电般击出,带着奔雷之声,一路粉碎了空间朝着剑尘咋去。 In sword glow, the Jian Chen same fist counterattacks, on the fist the Chaos Force circulation, has swift and fierce sword qi in four to shoot, collides with the fist of Dark Star Great Emperor together. 剑芒之中,剑尘同样一拳还击,拳头上混沌之力流转,更有凌厉剑气在四射,与暗星大帝的拳头碰撞在一起。 Bang!” “砰!” A dull thumping sound, powerful energy repetitive retreat that the storm periphery all Beginning Realm powerhouse will attack completely. 一声闷响,强大的能量所化的风暴将周围的所有始境强者全部都冲击的连连后退。 This is the confrontation of Great Primal Realm level, is fallout has the energy of destroying the heavens, extinguishing the earth merely, Black Light City under 36 Lord cities, the strength of no least bit resistance was razed to the ground. 这是混元境层次的交锋,仅仅是余波就拥有毁天灭地之能,下方三十六主城之一的黑光城,毫无半点抵抗之力的就被夷为平地。 At this time, Jian Chen sword light restrained suddenly, revealed the seventh palace Palace Master Jadi form, in his forehead place, has together very tiny wound, had the blood to flow out from inside. 此时,剑尘身上的剑光忽然收敛,露出了第七殿殿主佳迪的身影,不过在他的眉心处,存在着一道非常细小的伤口,有鲜血从里面流出。 You... you killed Jadi.” Dark Star Great Emperor flies into a rage, the vision becomes very fearful, his eyes see seventh palace Palace Master Jadi, already body and soul completely eliminated. “你...你杀了佳迪。”暗星大帝勃然大怒,目光变得非常可怕,他一眼就看出第七殿殿主佳迪,已经形神俱灭 It is not weak by Jian Chen that in the Great Primal Beginning Realm powerful strength, must kill Everlasting Beginning Realm 6-layer, really moistens at fingertips. 剑尘那已经不弱于混元始境的强大实力,要杀一位无极始境六重天,真的只是信手沾来。
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