CSG :: Volume #27

#2649: Tong Tian Peak Lord fate

Cloud Province was tranquil, damage that but this war causes to Cloud Province, is not the short time can make up. 云州平静了,但这一次战争给云州造成的创伤,可不是短时间就能弥补的。 In addition, this war also makes the Cloud Province vitality damage severely, the overall strength drops rapidly, feared that becomes in Saint Realm 49 Great Provinces, weakest Great Province. 除此之外,这一次战争也使得云州元气大伤,整体实力飞速下降,怕是都成为圣界四十九大洲中,最弱的一个大洲了。 Because of current Cloud Province, Highest Beginning Realm powerhouse has dropped to four people, is only left over Tong Family Tong Wuming, Fire God Family Lieyan Wuji, Universe Sect Zhou Zhidao as well as Tongtian Peak Peak Lord. 因为当今的云州,太始境强者已经跌落至四人了,仅剩下嗵家嗵无名,火神家族烈焰无极,乾坤宗周之道以及通天峰峰主 In these four people, the front three people are seriously battered, is very in a short time difficult to restore to the heyday. Especially Lieyan Wuji, temper irritable he after Four-Divisions Alliance forces into the dead end, without hesitation burnt own source blood essence, after the war ends, he also injures source, eventually causes the strength to be damaged, the boundary breakthrough came under certain impact after day after day. 这四人中,前面三人身受重创,短时间内很难恢复到全盛时期。特别是烈焰无极,性子火爆的他在被四象联盟逼入绝路之后,毫不犹豫的燃烧了自己本源精血,大战落幕后,他也伤到了本源,最终导致实力受损,就连日后的境界突破都受到了一定的影响。 Lieyan Wuji is also not most miserable one, although he injured source, but consumed for day that some time and heavenly material treasure also made up hopefully, compared with Tongtian Peak Peak Lord, his was the small wound. 烈焰无极还不是最惨的一个,他虽然伤到了本源,但耗费一些时间与天材地宝也是有希望补足的一天,与通天峰峰主比起来,他这都算是小伤。 Tongtian Peak Peak Lord flesh body under the corrosion of strength of curse, has rotted completely, to the situation of extraordinary not discarding. 通天峰峰主肉身诅咒之力的侵蚀下,已经完全腐坏,到了不得不舍弃的地步。 Originally by Tongtian Peak Peak Lord cultivation level, can definitely suppress the strength of curse, slows down spreads its speed, although is unable to eliminate, but can actually insist that longer time, the time is longer, he has a bigger assurance to reduce and solve completely. 本来以通天峰峰主修为,完全可以压制诅咒之力,减缓蔓延它的速度,尽管无法消除,但是却可以坚持到更长的时间,时间越长,他就有越大的把握完全化解。 The Cloud Province situation changes suddenly, when he is sees Tong Wuming, Zhou Zhidao and Lieyan Wuji three people almost does not have strength to hit back that Four-Divisions Alliance hits, this decisively acts, no longer the strength of suppressed curse, acts full power with a Smoke Wind Old Ancestor war, constrained the Smoke Wind Old Ancestor footsteps. 只是云州局势骤变,他是见到嗵无名,周之道烈焰无极三人被四象联盟打的几乎没有还手之力时,这才果断出手,不再压制身上的诅咒之力,全力出手与熏风老祖一战,拖住了熏风老祖的脚步。 Without self-sacrifice that Tongtian Peak Peak Lord makes, Tong Wuming, Zhou Zhidao and Lieyan Wuji their three people are impossible to insist that the rescue of Martial Soul Lineage, wants falls/dies 1-2 at least. 没有通天峰峰主做出的自我牺牲,嗵无名,周之道烈焰无极他们三人绝不可能坚持到武魂一脉的救援,最起码也要陨落1-2。 Because their single body battle strength is not only in a weak position, the population is also in a weak position similarly, the disparity is really a little big. 因为他们不仅单体战力处于弱势,就连人数也同样处于弱势,差距实在是有点大。 On this day, Tong Wuming, Zhou Zhidao, the Lieyan Wuji three people cannot attend to healing, three people all drag the body of disability to get together in the summit of Tongtian Peak. 这一日,嗵无名,周之道,烈焰无极三人都顾不得疗伤,三人皆是拖着伤残之躯齐聚通天峰之巅。 Tianyuan Clan Jian Chen and Xu Ran also arrived here. 就连天元家族剑尘许然也来到了这里。 At this moment, almost can represent the entire Cloud Province four big top influences on get together in this. 这一刻,几乎是能代表整个云州的四大顶尖势力齐聚于此。 Although Tianyuan Clan background is superficial, most battle strength in family also only then Xu Ran, but one fights after this, even if Tianyuan Clan does not depend upon Magnificent Heavenly Palace, no one dares to deny its position. 虽然天元家族底蕴浅薄,家族内的最战力也只有一个许然,但经此一战之后,哪怕是天元家族不依靠彼盛天宫,也没有人敢否定它的地位。 Current Tianyuan Clan, although the strength is not good, but actually stood and Tong Family, Universe Sect and Fire God Family similar altitude, even went beyond. 当今的天元家族,尽管实力还不行,但是却站到了和嗵家乾坤宗火神家族同样的高度了,甚至是有过之而无不及。 In the face of their five people, is body illusory Tongtian Peak Peak Lord. 在他们五人面前,则是身体虚幻的通天峰峰主 This is Tongtian Peak Peak Lord Primordial Spirit, he has discarded flesh body, exists in the Primordial Spirit form. 这是通天峰峰主元神,他已经舍弃了肉身,以元神的形式存在。 But for all this, Tongtian Peak Peak Lord totally still had not gotten out of the entanglement of strength of curse, sees only in his Primordial Spirit, the green silk threads spread from Dantian, since looks at the momentum, is actually quarrelling the head of Tongtian Peak Peak Lord to go long. 可尽管如此,通天峰峰主仍然没有完全摆脱诅咒之力的纠缠,只见在他的元神中,有一根绿色的丝线从丹田中蔓延而出,看起势头,竟然在吵通天峰峰主的脑袋长去。 This silk thread, is the strength of curse, is tenacious and powerful, such as maggot of tarsal bone results, cannot strip, once it really spreads to forehead of Tongtian Peak Peak Lord Primordial Spirit shape, that also means Tongtian Peak Peak Lord body and soul completely eliminated. 这根丝线,便是诅咒之力,顽强而强大,如跗骨之蛆似得,怎么也剥离不掉,一旦等它真的蔓延到通天峰峰主元神形态的眉心,那也就意味着通天峰峰主形神俱灭 Peak Lord, this is the net soul grass, can play certain purification to Primordial Spirit, although was unable to eliminate the strength of curse, but actually better than nothing 峰主,这是净魂草,对元神能起到一定的净化作用,虽然还不能消除诅咒之力,但却聊胜于无” Here also day soul pill, can strengthen Primordial Spirit to a certain extent, Peak Lord, you now by the strength of entanglement curse, Primordial Spirit are been more powerful are better “我这里还有一颗天魂丹,能在一定程度上增强元神,峰主,你现在被诅咒之力纠缠,元神越强大越好” Tong Wuming, Zhou Zhidao, the Lieyan Wuji three people put out come out to heavenly material treasure that Primordial Spirit is of great help, each type is very precious, is effective to Highest Beginning Realm powerhouse, belongs to have priceless treasure in the outside world. 嗵无名,周之道,烈焰无极三人纷纷拿出一些对元神大有裨益的天材地宝出来,每一种都很珍贵,对太始境强者都有效,在外界是属于有价无市的宝物 Jian Chen also put out heavenly material treasure that and other in Highest Beginning Realm Space Ring harvested from Luo Mantian to come out, hopes that can help Tongtian Peak Peak Lord. 剑尘也拿出了一些从落满天等几名太始境空间戒指里收获的天材地宝出来,希望能帮到通天峰峰主 Tongtian Peak Peak Lord is a respectable person, Jian Chen also hopes that Tongtian Peak Peak Lord can soon get rid of suffering of strength of curse. 通天峰峰主是一个可敬之人,剑尘也希望通天峰峰主能早日摆脱诅咒之力的折磨。 These things have the use to you greatly, does not need to waste on me, to me, even if there are these heavenly material treasure, can still strengthen I several hundred years of time limit, but if I suppress the strength of this curse full power, at least can also insist for over ten thousand years.” Tongtian Peak Peak Lord said, his appearance is auspicious, very tranquil, disregards the life and death, looks very light. “这些东西对你们也是大有用处,不必浪费在我身上,对于我来说,就算是有了这些天材地宝,也不过能增强我数百年的时限而已,而我若全力压制这一丝诅咒之力,至少还能坚持上万年时间。”通天峰峰主说道,他神态祥和,十分的平静,将生死置之度外,看得十分淡薄。 Peak Lord, you could rest assured that I will find the way to seek to sense Curse Principle powerhouse, reduces and solves your curse.” Jian Chen firm saying. 峰主,你放心,我会想办法寻找感悟诅咒法则强者,化解你身上的诅咒。”剑尘坚定的说道。 Strength of the curse Peak Lord compels so the situation, Luo Mantian that the dagger to leave behind Curse Principle powerhouse not to stop Highest Beginning Realm 4-layer on, at least is also 5-layer. I know fellow daoist that exactly senses Curse Principle to 5-layer, the pricetag that but he opens is too high, our Cloud Province cannot put out.” A Lieyan Wuji face regrettable say/way. “一丝诅咒之力就将峰主逼到这般地步,落满天那把匕首上留下诅咒法则强者绝不止太始境四重天,至少也是五重天。我恰好知晓一位感悟诅咒法则五重天道友,只是他开的价码太高,我们云州根本就拿不出。”烈焰无极一脸遗憾的道。 How that can fellow daoist be willing to act?” Tong Wuming eye one bright. “那位道友要如何才肯出手?”嗵无名眼睛一亮。 He wants innate rare object.” A Lieyan Wuji sigh, cultivation level is this grade of level powerhouse, the common thing could not have had a liking, those can enter their discernment, is precious incomparable. “他要先天奇物。”烈焰无极一声叹息,修为达到这等层次的强者,寻常之物早已看不上了,凡是能入他们法眼的,无一不是珍贵无比。 One hear of innate rare object, took a ray of hope Tong Wuming and Zhou Zhidao, immediately expression one gloomy. 一听先天奇物,原本还要一丝希望的嗵无名周之道,顿时神色一黯。 Innate rare object was really precious, Water Clouds Divine Iron that for example Rain Monarch Innate Five Elements Flower, as well as Blue Sky Venerable needed, belongs to innate rare object. 先天奇物实在是太珍贵了,例如雨上人先天五行花,以及蓝天尊者所需的水云神铁,都是属于先天奇物 Although they might as well some God level 9-Rank treasures in grade, but is rarer than the God level 9-Rank treasure, usually grasps in some top powerhouse hands. 尽管它们在品级上还不如一些神级九品的珍宝,可却比神级九品珍宝都还要少见,通常都掌握在一些绝顶强者手中。 You do not use so, I am not also ten thousand years, perhaps these ten thousand years, I can discover to reduce and solve the method of strength of curse Tongtian Peak Peak Lord to say. “你们不用如此,我不是还有万年时间吗,这万年时间里,说不定我能找出化解诅咒之力的方法”通天峰峰主道。 After leaving Tongtian Peak, Jian Chen seems somewhat silent, how has considered in the brain because of should help Tongtian Peak Peak Lord. 离开通天峰之后,剑尘显得有些沉默,一直在脑中思量着因该如何帮通天峰峰主 Sensing Curse Principle at least is Highest Beginning Realm 5-layer powerhouse, only he can think person who only then Magnificent Heavenly Palace and Dao Family, in these two top influences had not perhaps been this level on Curse Principle, is with their prestige, can definitely please move such powerhouse. 感悟诅咒法则至少是太始境五重天强者,他唯一能想到的就只有彼盛天宫道氏家族了,这两个顶尖势力中或许没有在诅咒法则上达到这种层次的人,可是以他们的名望,完全可以请动这样的强者 And Dao Family, Jian Chen will not consider completely, then, was only left over Magnificent Heavenly Palace. 其中道氏家族,剑尘完全不会考虑,如此一来,就只剩下彼盛天宫了。 He also has massive merit in Magnificent Heavenly Palace, these merit because of this/should can make First Your Highness Yi Xin (wholeheartedly) go into action personally, but he has regarded as the Tianyuan Clan final single layer charm amulet Magnificent Heavenly Palace the merit, the preparation is used to deal with Nine Flash Star Lord, if using up now, that was also equivalent to cut the Tianyuan Clan final escape route. 他在彼盛天宫还有大量的功劳,这些功劳因该可以让大殿下一心亲自出马,只是他一直都将彼盛天宫的这一份功劳视为天元家族的最后一重护身符,准备用来应对九曜星君,如果现在就用掉,那也就相当于斩去了天元家族最后的退路。 My Curse Principle God King Realm, senses Principle Golden Core even completely, still can only arrive at Everlasting Beginning Realm. Ten thousand years, do not know that my ten thousand years can cultivation Highest Beginning Realm 5-layer Curse Principle.” In the Jian Chen heart sighed, deeply feels weak. “我的诅咒法则神王境,就算是将法则金丹完全感悟,也只能到无极始境而已。万年,不知我万年能不能将诅咒法则修炼到太始境五重天。”剑尘心中叹了口气,深感无力。
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